HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-8-8, Page 8p. Foal. �yW slay?,
'4 uTFLV PUN -+
13solutely Fecal
This powder never varies A marvel otpur-
lty,strength and wholesomeness. More econ.
mama than the ordinary kinds :and cannot
be eoldivaoinpetition withthe multitudes of
lots test, short weight, alum or phosphate,
Powders,Solclonly in ecus, --ROYAL, BAK-
NGr POWDER CC. .106 Wallstreet N, Y.
.nsM..�.u. INN- : ��.W ... ,. • ASM M-. d,M •, OA, .J Us, A
PANT, of Toronto ; also for the P13cENIS
England, the ROFAL CANADIAN, of Mon-
treal, ar d the BRITISH EMPIRE LIF AS
SURANCE COMPANY, of r,ondon, England,
established 1817. Assets over $5000.000;
claims and bonuses acid, over 510;000.000,
Wrappings, Combs,
Wholesale and Retail
;Our traveller will be en route first
week in August.
Main-st., Exeter,
LOCAL NE WS.-llresha3l behappy to re-
•sive at all times, from any part of the
County, items of local news, such ,is ac-
cidents,or any interesting incident what-
ever,from any of our subscribers or read-
ers feneraZlyfor the purpose of public
'REOP1,1TEO.-Boots and shoes at end be-
Iow cost et C. Eacrett's. Harness making
in all its branches still carried on as usual,
opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for
Life Given. - St Leon Mineral
Geo. Sanders has received a fresh sup-
ply of this justly famed water, direct from
the spiings. Now i your chance to build
a sound, strong constitution.
Elixir Vita for dispepsia and piles, pos.
etive cure. -Geo. Sanders.
ence Now.
We 'e will take great pleasure in for-
a• ling the TIMES to any address in
-C a e or the United States, from now
until Jan. 1890, for f ty cents. Sub-
scribe at once.
On Friday last the Parkhill cricket
club visited town and hacl a game with
the home team. \Vickets were pitched
shortly after 11 o'clock, when the visit,
ore took the Willow, Exeter having won
tho toss, and elected to take the field,
J. Elliot and C. McDonell did the bowl-
ing for Exeter, which proved very ef-
fective, no one of the batters obtaining
more than 3 runs, Parkhill's scorefor
the inning only amounting to 15 runs.
W. E. Harding and I. R. Carling then
faced the Parkhill trundlers, Begg and
Ross, and ran up 15, when Carling was
'deem bowled by I3egg, having ran up
his nine very nicely. Batter after bat-
ter then joined the old stand-by, Mr.
Harding, who wasplaying good cricket,
and having his form greatly admired' by
the visitors. Re was unfortunately run
out after making the score of the day,
viz : 31. With this exception and J.
Elliot's 14, no one .obtained double -fig-
ures. The inning closed with the good
score of 83 runs. Parkhill's 2nd inning
showed greater want of practice than
even ,:the 1st, they being all disposed
of for 13 runs ; thus leaving the home
team 54 runs ahead, with an inning to
spare. Below is the score :-
first Inning. ISeesn d Inning.
5W Green,b J Elliot 0 b J Elliot 0
Large, b J Elliot 2 ' 4
1 ri1 Heel}', h McDonell 3 o Harding b Elliot,0
J W Growl, 0 not out 1
J Munro o Bissett, b
mobone11. 0 b McDonell
,1 Appleton,b Mcl7onell 2, 5
deednian e & h J Elliot 1 0
W Ross, o Bissett, b J
Elliot 1' b J Elliot
0Carty, bllobonoll 3 b ivioDontell 0
314 Butt, b Elliot 1 run out 0
Tudor, not out 0 b McDonell o
Extras 3 ,Extras 2
Total 16 13
raters R.
X 1i, Carling, h Gogg,
P1 331 Harding, run out
le Elliot, bHem
dl o of Green, b gaodman
MoDoneli,b Goodman
G ;arson. b Bogg
W13. ntlman 1 b r:ii'Goodman
it 3' , w
J0a ling, 0 Goodman, 1113ogg
Byeduian, run out
A Misting,:, b Bess
Ed Bissett, not oa
The baud serenaded Mr, and Mrs, J. ,A,
Stewart on Friday evil, last.
The eoanmissioner will shortly commence
the pavement of the water courses on each
side of Main.st.
Tuesday evg„ August 20th is the date
decided on for the Cayen Church Garden,
Party, to be hold ou l'fr Samwell's lawn,
We learn that lipwarda of twenty-five
applications have beeu received for the
position of Prioeipal of the Exeter public
school, A selection will be made this
A meeting of the: Board of Trade was
held in the town hall last evg The t t-
teudance was not as good as it should
have, been, though themeeting was an
animated one: •
While gettiug out of a buggy the other
day lJis. iiem.p's dress caught on the seat
and she was tluown face downward to the
grouod, but fortunately escaped with a
black. eye.
Mr. Caleb Heywood is improving the
Luxton property, by erecting a new fence
around the promises. The style is ' now
and of his own idea and makes a substan-
tial and attractive fence.
Word has been received from the Edu-
cational Department that all those who
were passed provisionally at the recent
entrance examinations, have been allowed
by the Department.
Do we grow atter 'death ?-liingston
Whig. 'We do, Read the obituary not-
ices in the newspapers and discover that
many a man who, while alive, is a very
ordinary sort of fellow, becomes a trem-
endously big maxi immediately after death
We have often heard of the meanest
man in the world, but we think he resides
in Exeter. He owns a large orchard of
choice fruit, and in order to prevent his
neighbors and others from obtaining any
of the apples vhi h,tacbeen
from branches extending over the line
fence, he destroys the tree by cutting off
all over hanging branches.
Messrs. Wood & fiallentyne shipped two
loads of export cattle from Exeter to
Montreal on Monday. Judges pronounce
the shipment one of the hest Trade for
some time .-14Fr, John Willis shipped a
load of prime cattle on Monday ; and Mr.
Jas. Oke a load on Thursday last.
The Sabbath school of the James-st
Methodist church picniced in Pickard's
grove yesterday afternoon. They formed
into classes at the church and marched to
the grounds, where all kinds of games and
amusemeuts were indulged in.
At a meeting of the Board of Health on
Monday evening a motion to have •the
owners of premises which are in a poor
sanitary state, as reported by the inspec-
tor, served with notices, to compel such
persons to fill up cesspools and remove
outhouses, and have all night sod proper-
ly attended to in future, was uuanimously
A Dunlop Correspondent writes :-G-
A. Hyndman, one of the rising merchants
of Canada's Devonshire coming City of
Exeter, gave relatives here a visit last
week. G. A's pretty Texan pony, which
he drove about with, was the cause of
much admiration amongst all who saw it
From a field of 20 acres, Mr. Jacob
Ruby, of the 13th concession, Hay, thresh-
ed 524 bushels of wheat. The wheat' is of
the white variety and will make excellent.
seed. The idea that the wheat crop in
this section was going to be short this
year will now be entirely expelled.
Miss Tillie White and Mrs JP Ross and
child, who were on their way to St. John,
INT. B., were aboard the train whose ex-
press coach was totally destroyed and one
of its occupants killed, by an explosion,
when a short distance from Quebec. They
sustained no injury, neither was any of
their baggage destroyed. They arrived at
St. John Monday evg. after experiencing
several annoying delays, and speak in
poor terms of the G. T. R. by which route
Some idea of the loss the county will
sustain this year by the destruction of the
fruit crop may be gathered from the ex-
tensive business'tiansacted last year by
two persons alone, Messrs. Cantelon and
Steep, of Clinton, who shipped 33,000.
barrels of fruit from Huron alone and paid
out altogether, for barrels, fruit, &c., some
$55,000. As there were other buyers be-
sides these persons, it will show that the
loss is enormous. Messrs. Cantelon &
Steep left for Lambton county on Monday,
where the apple crop is good, and will
immediately proceed to buy and ship.
Division Court Inspector, J, Dickey;
Esq., of Toronto, paid the 5th division,
here a visit on Wednesday last. This was
is first visit in fifteen years ; and after
carefully examining the books of the clerk,
Thos. Trivitt, Esq,, and those of the
bailiff, Johu Gill, Esq., he made expres-
sions of being pleased with the manner in
which all books and papers had been
kept, and complemented these officers in
the highest terms, He went so far as to
say that cleaner or betterkept record, files
and books could not be found anywhere.
This speaks well for the'eflioiency of the
officers cf the 5th division court and we
join their many friends in extending com
In this balmy month of roses, of soda
water and typhoid baccili, the average
young lady ariseth after supper andsaitb
"What, lo, where shall I get me a youth
who will buy the ice cream ?" And lo, on
the corner she seeth one of the foolish, a
gilded -haired blond. of the tribe of Blow -
it -in, with ,seventy-five kopecks m bis
pocket and azi intellectual look set in his
forehead. And straightway' they hie; to
the place of the frozen cream and the
vanilla flavoring. And they devour not
only one plate of each but many. And
that yonng man goeth home sad, with a
heavy heart, and standeth off his evaslier-
woman fora season, and that young lady
betaketh herself to a room and the cramps
tie her in large, wavy bow -knots for the
space of six hours, and her parents sigh as
they make her engulf herself with brandy
and fusel oil to untangle the kinks in her
larnyx and cause the machinery of her in-
terior to move' with a less irritatidg " and
malice aforethought motion. •
Brussels vs. Exeter,
The game at ,Seaforth yesterday be-
tween the Brussels and Exeter baseball
teams, for $100 a side and the cham-
pionship of Huron, was well attended,
the quota from Exeter being very large.
The day was all that could be desired,
and a good game web witnessed, some
sharp playing being dens by both teams
The grounds being rather small a few
balls wereknocked over the fence by
the Brussels playera. Nine innings were
played, the score resulting in favor of
'f3russeis by 10 to 14, 'I`hs utmost good
feeling prevailed, and tho boys speak
Well of the impartiality of the umpire,
Mt,', Alex Murdoch, Of Goderieh, as also
of the treatment accorded thein by the
citizens of ;S'saforth, Both teams did
their best) 'Brussels in the 8r'd inning mak
leg Ave.
Where wail tire )Polios?
The Parkhill Review says :-",41.
brutal exhibition of unmanly wrath took
place on King. St,, near Mainz St. on
Saturday evening; John Baxter, ai1d.
a young man named Mointosh, h,}d an,
alercation which led to blows ; first one
and then the other armed himself with
a stone from the new supply recently
put on the street, and each took to
pounding his adversary on the head.
The result was that both were far
worse battered than either Sullivan or
Eilrain was in the recent brutal prize
fight in the southern states, Both are
badly cut' about the head and. face. One
of our town doctors had to pat thirteen
stitches iii Baxters wounds.
Post Dines 1'tules.
We publish the following rules for' the
guidance of the public : 1, If you ask
for mail, and are told there is none, say
there ought to be ; then go, home, and
Send the rest of the family ab different
tunes during the day, 2. Don't bring
your letters to the office until the mail
closes, then curse the 'postmaster' for
not opening the bag and putting your
letters in it: 3. When you want a
stamp on your letter, tell the postmaster
to pub it an. If he don't do it, thrash
him ' ; in case you put it' on yourself,
hold it in your mouth enough to remove
the mucilage;' it will then stop ou until
it is dry, '4. If you have a box, staid
and drum ou it until the postmaster
hands out your nitlil ; it makes hit. feel
good, especially when he is waiting on
'somebody else. 5. Start for your mail
when you hear the train whistle; you
will then have a pod time waiting for
it, and can say : c How slow that post-
master is."
masonic :Excursion.
On Thursday, Aug. 15th, the annual
1.ansonio Excursion, along the line of
the L. H.&B., will he run from Clin-
ton to Sarnia` by rail, thence down the
St. Clair river to the Oakland park, via
the beautiful steamer, "0. D. Conger"
which has been chartered for the occas•
sloe. Train will arrive a Sarnia at 10.30
and boat will reach the Oakland about
12 o'clock, noon. Boat will 'return to
Sarnia about 2 o'clock, while the train
for home will not leave until 6.45 ; thus.
riving the excursionists ample time to
visit Pt. Huron. The fare to Sarnia
and return, from the respective points,
is as follows :-
Train leaves Clinton 6.00 a.m
Brucefield 6.24
Kippers 6.32
Heneall 6.40
Exeter 7.00
Centralia 7.15
Cland'boye 7.30
Denfield 7.43
Ilderton 7.55
HydePark 8.15
Children under 12, half rates.
trip from Sarnia to the Oakland and re-
turn, will cost 25c extra children 15c.
Mr. Wm. Dunseith, of St. Marys,
was in town on Monday. -Mrs. Gunn,
of London is the guest of Mrs. John
Spackman.- Mr. and Mrs E. H. Speck -
man and family of Blenheim :are spend-
ing a few day in town with relatives and
friends. ' E. H. looks well and reports
things tri his vicinity as progressing fav-
orably. -Mr. ' and Mrs. W. H, May,
have returned to Parkhill. -Messrs. L.
H. Dickson and T. W. Hawkshaw have
returned from a tew days' camping at
Grand Bend. They bare a somewhat
tanned complexion but look as "though
the lake breezes had agreed with them.
-The Messrs. Acheson, Leathorn, and
Ross and several others aro at present
enjoying the festivities incident to a
short sojourn at the lake. -The Revs.
Wilson and Clement (Methodist) are at
present enjoying a few weeks' well
earned holidays, the former among the
friends of old charges, while the hitter
is enjoying a trip up the lakes.• -Messrs
W..1. Carling and C. McDonald, spent
Sunday at Bayfield. -Mr. Fred McDon-
ell, left on Thursday for Sioux City,
Manitoba. -Mrs. Dever of Detroit re-
turned on Thursday after a short visit
in Exeter. -Mr. Egnander leaves in a
few days to spend his vacation in Monte
treal. Upon his return we ` may expect
the usual eclipse of the moon. -Mr.
James Green, of the Parkhill Gazette
was in town on Friday last as one of the
visiting cricketers.: Mr. Green speaks
Highly of the Exeter team and says
they are good players. -We are pleased
to note the improvement iii health of
Mrs. Caleb Heywood, who has been
ailing for the past 'six months. She
was not expected to recover; but, the
hour for e change came a few days ago,
anti she has been raining strength since.
-Weare sorry to report the serious
illness of Mr. Chas. Snell, the genial
and obliging express agent, here. On
Wednesday week he was taken sick,
which has since, proved to be inflamma-
tion of the bowels. -We hope to an-
nounce his recovery in next week's.
Thins. -Mr:. B. S. O'Neil, spent Sun-
day in Lucan.-Miss Raise is spending
vacation in St. John and Halifax. -Mr. I
W. Nugent, who, has been rusticating i
in the vicinity of Hamilton has returned.
-Mr. W. J. Walrond, of Almonte is
spending vacation with his father, Mr.
Walrond of Stephen. It is nearby Ave
years since Mr, Walrond last visited
Exeter, and he notes many, changes. -
On Sunday last the Cavell Presbyterian
church pulpit was occupied by strangers,
in the morning, the Rev. Mr. Turnbull
of St. Marys, and evening, the Rev.
Mr Henderson of Hensall. Both ser-
mons were of a high order, eloquent
and impressive.- Mrs. Wm. Case, who
has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W
F. Hooper, of Alma Mich. for the past
two weeks has returned home. -Mrs
Thos. Batman of Usborne, has been
very ill for some days, but we are pleas-
ed to report that is convalescing. -Mr.
Parkinson, High School teacher of
Strathroy and wife, spent a few days of
last Week with Mr. Parkinson's parents,
Exeter. -The Misses Annie and Ida
Hills, of London, are the guests of the
Misses Weekes. -Mr. Chas. 'verity left
three 'weeks til to
Yesterday for a li
Sarnia Detroit, Toronto and Montreal,
14tr 1' Olarke has returned from his
viae to St,. Paul,
The Hon. Jelin Carding, minister" of
agretllture, bpentlast evening with his
btothet, here, teem Catling,' Eoci.
Dress Goods, ;Millinery, Cottons, Gloves, H os ery.
Parasols, Embroideries, Prints, Laces, Shoes,
Etc. Eto, at your own prices, during
this sale. Every lady should come
and secure a bargain..
Base Ball Tips,
.A. game of base ball was played here
on Saturday last between the "Irish
Nine" of Lucan and the "Exeter Base
Ball Team." The game was called at
3 o'clock. Exeter won easily by a score
of 21 to 7, with one inning to spare.
The playing on the part of Exeter was
excep tionally good, while Lucan handled
themselves creditably.' The difference
in the score is accounted for by the excel-
lence of the Exeter team. The double
plays from Elliot to Eacrebt, thence to
Anderson; and from.B+lliot to Eacrett,
thence to McDonald were brilliant and
brought forth rounds of applause. The
fly catch of McDonell was the play of
the day, being a difficult one, and his
agility was admired by all. -Geo. An-
derson while playing first 'base, had his
hand badly cut in trying to capture a
low and difficult ball. He was placed
in the field, Carling taking first base,
which the lattercreditablyfilled, Thos.
Oke made the best hit of the season but
being a foul availed but little. Bissett
of the Lucan team handled the stick
with much' force; there being to his
creditahome run and two"two-baggers."
The Lucan team played a good. "all
round" game, but were unable to become
acquainted with Tait's curves. The
Lucan boys are a friendly lot of fellows,
and it gives the Exeter team pleasure to
meet them, -We were pleased to see
the familiar face and bright counten-
ance of Mr. A. Stanley again on the
diamond. -We are informed that the
Ailsa Craig team has challenged or is
about to issue a challenge to the Exeter
team for a game in the near future. -
Some weeks ago the Brussels team chal-
lenged Exeter to play for the champion-
ship of Huron and • $100. Exeter
although not wishing to play for money,
and yet having a desire to meet Brussels,
the champions of Huron, accepted the
challenge, the snatch taking place at
Seaforth yesterday. Result will be
found elsewhere. -It is expected that a
match will take place shortly between
the members of the Exeter and Credi-
ton bands, in Exeter. The game will
be a good one, and the contest exciting,
as some good players being to either
organization. -The Mitchell team will
soon pl'iy the return match at Exeter.
Mitchell team although beaten by
Exeter in the earlier part of the meson
has not lost a game in the Perth league
this season. -Mr. Jos. Davis, Exeter's
authority on base ball umpired the game
Saturday last to the entire e ac-
s f
tion, of both temps, not a single dispute
arising. What Joe don't know about
base ball there are few who are wiser in
this repect.-Mr. Alex. Murdock of
Goclericlr formerly of Lucan umpired
the game between -Brussels and Exeter
at Seaforth yestezday, he being
Brussels' 'choice.
My wife, Catherine Glavin, having left
my home, bed and board, without any just
cause or provocation, I hereby forbid persons
harboring ber or giving her credit on my
account, for Twill not be responsible for her
board and lodgings or any debts she may con-
South Boundary, Stephen
July lith 1852. I month.
/ Came into the premises of the under-
signed on lot 1, eon. 3, Stephen, on or about
the 14th inst.. one aged bay horse. White
stripe on face, the owner is requested to
prove property, pay expenses and take the
animal away '
IIIDs tv iyILBtIN,"
Centralia P. 0.
GOOD, reliable men can find "perma-
nent employment. Good SALAAM: and ex-
penses paid weekly. Liberal inducements to
beginners. Outfit fro°. Previous experience
not required. rlstablished over20 years, All
goods warranted first -ole so. Write at once for
terms. Address
S. W.1VIA(1aAY,
St. Thomas, ' Ont., Gen. Manager for 'Maple
Grove Nurseries '(Mention this paper.)
n the matter of John Brawn, of the
villageof Exeter, in the county of
Huron, Cabinet Manufacturer,' an
Tho above uamodInsolvent has made an
assignment of all his estate and effects to
1ertio Widgery Grigg, of the village of Exetor
in the county of &ttlon, agent intrust for the
benedt,of his creditors.
A meeting of said creditors will b e held in
the ofliee of the said assignee in Saniwell's
block, the village of Exeter, on the 14t1t
clay of August, A, ,1889, at 11 o'clock, a, m.,
for the ap»ointru'nt of inspectors, end for
giving directions as to the disposal of the
Oreditors'awe reriuired to Pao their 'Maims
duly proven With Mao said assignee go* his
solicitor on er before the day o3 su eh meet-
lifter October ist.1859r the said assign °o
will proceed to distribute the said estate
having regard only to such claims as hebheli.
then have notice of, ;end he will not be so-.
sl onsible.ler the Assets of the said estate, or
11�, b .
'sit ei�son rpersons'
aiky part thereof, tc} r y p
*hese elalm of olaund shallnot then have
been til 1 -11 NV Genoa Assignee.
• ,
Nobody Has Vat Said that of Our Goods
They are cheap --look at them in every light ; weigh
there ; measure them ; try then. and way you will they
are indisputably cheap goods, so cheap are they that a
great many who hear about our prices, say a once the
goods can't be good
Can't they be good because no other merchant has yet
made such prices on good goods. Again, why can't they ?
Must we follow the old 'cdollar squeezing" method in*
prices. Must we tag after those who sandwich their
goods between two prices, and call on the public to eat
the sandwich and give thanks ? Not much. We don't
follow anybody,
Why these goods are good, You should :Lear the in-
fliction with which the skeptical buyer says these words.
He did not believe us, but he is bound to believe his ;gown
senses. There is no going back on the evidence of sight
and touch. You can't deny as to our cheapness, and one
pm chase of our goods must make you admit that.good
and cheap go together with us. Have you made the trial ?
When are you going to make it ? Its about time you
learned the truth by your own practical test.
Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country
they speak so highly of the Photographs that are taken in
Exeter„ And how is it that there are so many Phot's sent
into the different cities ' of Ontario, from the Exeter Photo
Gallery ?'
WHY ? Because Senior's work is as good if not better
than any of the leading Galleries is the city and their
prices are $4 and : 5 per doz., while they get them at
Senior's for �$3.
1 AJI Slit a, I v1
Hay Township Formers' Mut-
ual F fre Insurance _Co.
Live Stock also insured, when in the :fields
or on the road in charge of owner, or.servant,
alsomanufaoturer of tho Improved Surprise
Washer and Wringer Machines. Agent for
Tomb Stones and tho Watson Implements,
Uudertaking prompiy attended to.
Zurich , Onto
the public ingeneral that he keeps
The ,Unclorsigned wishes to inform h p1 b1 p
-constantly in stock-
in . Siding)
large stack of .Elemloelc alwayson hand at mill prices. ir'loor gr
dressed-inch,,inch-and-a uartr . inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors,
Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, Sr,c. •
«and the
SHINGLES A. SPECIALTY,--Corapetition thallen ed, The host
11. a
largest stock, and atlowost prices. Shingles A 1.
gp g .
shrinka .,e
All . dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready .for .use. No t;
assured. .A call will boar out the above
ec. 11 I3'0tlxtiNs
Solicits G
tie for AA5 si neo,
IalaetEr July h .IE3{STHEr
OLD L'S Te1E1,1S11DD