HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-8-8, Page 6OU2 M POLES. 4 t1 JP aild Mary Axlli, Little Jo was a little man And hie litCle pal wan: Mary Ann ; It tinkled Mary Ann. %nil Jo' When they found a wilghbor"e wheelbarrow, Iia t he 1 be. 1 laughed the little man, Ho 1 ho 1 leo 1 laughed Mary Ann. e. Till my lady ride?" said courteous Jo all he's doing,, ani 1 don't think there's any o01 ee, whohas ebilliard.reolnin hiehouee, . lit ' Msk was one evening teaohing•a young' lady, oees whom be wee somewhat interacted, to Flay. Thenineil boy of the f amily went up to view' the game, but was evieently not greatly yotl h v pleased with itsprogreesmid saska t?n o own. Some one o t e family as . "I Ilene used Paiae'SCelery Compound audit how the Marie was going on, and he seiii; .rams has had asalutarf '+The game ie not going on et all,. Uncle effect. Itinvlgerat.. —is not playing at ail; he is just standing edtee syatem Made there holding Mise ----'s hand, That is el Thea hop right into the wheelbarrow, It's. not a gilded patankeen, fun in that sorb of a genie." lint ite got a cheerful mise en scene, Stage Frltrht. "Will nip lady ride ?" said the little man, t was at the last rehearsal for one of those *Ion bet yo h d Ann. I Mary A by hot smiling the "speak pieces," to the great delight of their didten years €ego. The wl Mary Ann climbed into the wheelbarrow, respective families. A lad of four had been Lue nerdy au fagged out. The helves Mita be Cheokful of Soy it made her feel pub upon a box and had delivered acme rhyme ,Aa the barrow waltzed round on its wheel. or other, and it was, desired to find out Right happy was the little man your life P' s nota sly n " direful entertainments where young children feel oke a new man, it improves ��lappetite t�ti �� �� tion" J. T. COPE* LAIVP, Primus, S. C, Baring medicinemeansmaronow-a-daysthanit utorof iss9-Ss hasleft strengthened, the blood purified, liver and bowels regulated. Pa1n03 CeleryyCompound— the Spring medicine of to -day --does all this, And ditto, whether the little fellow was frightened .or likewise, Mary Ann. not To avoid putting the idea of fear into I as nothing else pan. Preacnbed by Phy n s, But a las ! alas 1 for little Jo his head if it wag not there already, the lady etecoraaneeeke fry Dyu99fete,Enderece Ly 3f014tera, And, alas 1 for Mary Ann also, who was managing things asked him how he ga,•anteed by the Dfanntactursre ip be In the midst of all their merriment Over the barrow and contents went, Down on hienoae went the little man Out on her head went Mary Ann. His mamma came for little To, Far Mary Ann came her clad, Pedro. Now far apart, their tearlete flow ,4a they sit the stinging switch below. PRAOTIOAL JOKES. BY AUNT MARJORIE YREOEPT, A practical joke its a sorb of trick played by one person upon another, in the hope of making him uncomfortable and ridiculous. To put one's friend in an absurd situation, to interfere with hie rights, to do something which will hurt him in body or mind, not deeply perhaps, yet really, is the object felt when he got through. "T felt all aweaty," was the ingenuous reply. The e Somewrat Softened, Spring Medicine. A Maine youngster, beocming provoked «Ig the spring of 1$ST I was all run down. I With bio father, angrily exclaimed, "You're would get up in the morning with se tired a a naughty fool 1"feeling, and was so weak that Icould hardlyget The father charged it to the youngster's around, IboughtabottleotPaine'sCelerecom- account and bided his time. phone, and before I had taken it a week 1 telt That evening they had strawberries for' very iniiolt bettor. I can ebeefully recommend' napper, the first of the season, The head of it to all who need a' buildingupandstrengthen. the family served all around the board with ing medicine,", Mrs B.A. new, BurUngton, Vt. generosity but his precious eon. "Ain't yon going to give me comer papa i" • a• .- "No, A boy who oasis his papa a'naughty Q�� �% r `om Comp un d he li btuefellow asked� Paine's t. fool! doesn't deserve any strawberries. "Oh, you ain't a naughty fool," the young- Is a -unique ionto and appetizer: Pleasant to ved fool the taste quick tuns action, and without any ofte practical joker. I have never in my life been able to eve the least good, the leant 'k butIh stet ogled in distress—"you're a goo , „ 1ni uriotls effect, it suras .that rugged health papa, dysp ps akaeneverything idtaste so d s00 Physic sures prescribe it saw, Six fort 5,00. Druggists. , Wells. IttatARDS0N 8i Co„ . Moueranax. innaoenb fun, in practice' Io es, have .seJohnnie Suggests. a Topic. en a great deal of evil and mischief resulting i lean them. I cannot think of a person as dieted to practical joking as anything but mean and contemptible. For how can we honor the disposition which takes pleasure in cruelty ? Some years ago, just at dusk, a maid -ser. vent in a certain beautiful home took it into her head that it would be rare fun to 'dress herself in a sheet and frighten another of the servants. So she slipped into the grounds, hid herself behind a tree, and waited her opportunity. Dancing merrily along, singing with a voice like a bird, Dame a sweet little daughter of the hone', who had been sent on an'err'and to the lodge at the end of the green avenue. The merry child, sensitive to her. finger-tips, caught a glimpse of the straight, stark figure skulking behind the oaks, and was so frightened that a few months after- ward she died—of nervous shook, the physi- cians said, whioh then began its fatal work. In one of our New England colleges a youth who had been studying hard that he might enter the Freshman Class was startled; from his sleep at midnight by a party of fel- lows in masks, who proceeded to make sport er themselves Gy, the stupid process called "hazing " their companion. They had their silly fan, but it is to be hoped that none of the number engai*ed in it can ever think of that night without a pang, for it made the youth insane. I dont like to believe that any of my rsaders engage in this wretched kind of .jest- •ing If they 'do, it is because they. have never looked at ib from the right point of view'. There isn't among my friends one, I am sure, who would be happy in making sag one eerie miserable. I saw Fred the other day perched in a nook, 'way, 'way up in a tall tree, and I thought, "What a splendid climber you are, Fred, and how nimbly you'd run to the miz• nen-top if you were a sailor -boy 1" I knew thatFred was as sure-footed as a cat, and be 'eyes like a squirrel, and the grip of a monkey, so I was nut alarmed on his account.. Not so his mother. She came to the door, called "Fred !Fred 1" and finally descries' bine in his airy nest, from which "his voice fell like a falling star." Then she was great- ly distressed and frightened, and 1 was die• appointed in Fred, because instead of re - Ravin her fears at once, he said " Oh, pouf, mamma 1 there's no danger. Why are you so exulted? I've been here doz. one of times. He did descend ab lash, but a true gentle- man—and Fred means to be a gentleman would not have allowed a woman to be fright- ' ened even for an instant, especially` when the woman was his own mother. Thespiritwhich leads onenot to care when a friend is suffering terrors on one's account is the same which makes the practical jest possible. Aunt ,Marjorie's ohildren must banish this if they would make their little world happy.—EHarper's Young People. The g49i Q fbe Family. A rich Chinese lady had a foolish son, for whom she had taken a wife from a cultured family. When he wad about to pay the. first visit to his bride's parents, hie mother heat/nate& him how to behave and What to Little Johnnie approached his mother as she was laying away a pan of freeh•laid doughnuts. "Mother, I say, mother 1" "What is it, my son?" "Why don't yon talk some, mother ?" "What do yeu want me to say, Johnnie ?" "Well, you might say, 'Johnnie, don't you want a doughnut?' " i 1 THE COLVERWELL MEDICAL CO -say, Mine ramily. Dimpled eoheeks mit eyes of pine, Mont like id vas moieed mit dew. Und leedle teeth ahueb peekin' droo-- Dot•e der baby. Curley head, and full of glee, Drowsers all oudt at der knee— He vas peen blaying horse, yon see— Dot's leedle Yawoob. Von hnndcrd.s esbv in der shade, Der oder day ven she v.s veighed— She beat -r no soon, I vas a'raid— rot's mine Katrina, Bared, *ted hed and pooty atondts BIidt &looked lege dot viii bend oudiii Fond of me beer and Sauer kraut-. 1ot•a me, himself, Von sohmali young laby,-fn11 of'fun; Von leedle prite-eyes, . ogaisb son, Von frau to greet vhen vo. k iS done-! Dot's mine family, CHARLES F. LLEIr ADAb1S; FOREIGN 17EWd. Braila, the Austrian centre of textile in. duatry, is suffering under a general strike of 15,000 operatives. Christine Nilson may never sing in public again. Daring a recent illness in Paris she was troubled with deafness and loss of mem• ory, from which she has not yet recovered. The furniture of her house in London has been moved, to Paris, where she and her husband will in the future make their resi- dence. The news comes from the Univerafty of Padua that Prof. Gravenigo has succeeded in grafting the cornea of a barndoor fowl on the eye of a human Babied. The operation is apoken of as most successful, the trans. planted cornea being transparent, glossy and. convex. If it be as is said there is a new hope for many blind people. The Egyptians have always been recognize ed for their ability in the manufacture of perfumes, but the credit was never given them before a vase containing; some Egyp• tian ointment was opened at the museum at Ainwiok. The perfume it contained. still had a'pungent odor, although ib' was more than three thousand years old. The French are taking to ,thewater for amusement. Rowing. on the, Seine is re• oeiving considerable and not unsuccessful attention. Yeohbing is trimming very fash. ionabie. Jules Verne has been for many years a vory enthusiaatio yachtsman. Guy de Malipablent cruises about the Mediter. ranean frequently. Henri Menler, a Son of he famous1 wealthy ex -chocolate manta Cofer anything any color, DIAMOND DYES Now Fail ` Always sure} LACTATED FOOD The phyius 1favoori plea' THE BEST BEM NM POWDER KAREN'S GENUINE Ct's_Piiou6 No Alum. Nothing Injurious. RETAIMEU EVERYWHERE, GARTH & CO., FACTORY SUPPLIES. Vaives, Iron dt Lead Pipe, Loose Pulley Oilers,Steam Jet Pumps,.: Farm Pumps, Wind Mills, Cream Separ- ators, Dairy and Laundry Utensils. 536 CRAiG STREET, MONTREAL. CHADWICK'S SPOOL COTTON For Sand and Machine Use. HAS NO SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. saiiwa: t,. LEATHERDIDI JOHN LABATT'S Indian Pale Ale and XXX Brown Stout Highest awarns and Medals for Purity and Excel- lone at Centennial Elxhibitiou, Philadelphia, 1870; Canada, 1870 ; Australia, 1877 ; and Paris, France, 1878. T1lSTIMONIALS SELEO!L'IID : Prof, 13 11 Croft, Pubiio Analyst, Toronto says:—"Z find 3 to be perfectly !mond eontaininan.o impurities or adniter- atiet.a, and can stcoggly r000mn endit as perfectly pure and a very superior malt liquor," John 13 Atd'waras, Proteeeor of Chemistry, Montreal, gays: findthem to be remarkably noun t hies, brewed from pure m alt and hops Rev P.,T. Ea. nage,Proteseor of Chelniatry Laval tin .ver any, Quebec. says :—"i hevo analysed the iu'dian 1'a15'Ale Manufactured bvJohnLabatt, Tiondou,Ontario, and hale found it a lightale, containing but little alcohol, of a deli- cioue flavor. and of a very agreeable taste' and superior quality, and compares witb the best imported ales. I have also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the same brewery, which is of excellent finality; its flavor is very agreeable; it fa a tome more energetic than the above ale, for it is a little richer in alcohol, and can bo compared advantage - Misty with any imported article. ASK YOUK GROCER ' FOR IT. MANUFACTURERS OF 0 Grand, Square � Upright PIANOFORTES. The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion. Seven Thousand Pianos Now in Erse. The Heintzman Pianos are noted for 'heir Full, Rich, Pure Singing Tone, Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch, Their Perfectly Even Well Balanced Scale. The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workmanship Send For Illustrated Catalogue. Warerooms and ; ,icegt.. Factory: -West Toronto Julloti 11 117 8 iii �-D'- '�a est ,,1.,� CIOTO1 MARVELOUS TRUNKEMORS STEEL -LIMED TR In Sample, Ladies' and. DISCOVERY. all other kinds. ; Only Genuine System of Memory 'Training. 1,1Irtlte,*t aIle Snag Four Books Learned in one reading. Every child and adult greatly benefitted. Great inducement. to Correepoa once Chases. TRUNKS Mad wanderings cured. d Cl In the World. cine, with opinions of Dr. Wm..A. Ham. in Mind D I;YEL&ILII & C0e Dnntel Gr enleaf The on, the greet Ay= a J. M. okle . D• editor of the Ofyrriie fe :MONTREAL, dvoeate 4Y• , lYloyha d Proctor, the $oi.ntiat ons, stor Judge (#tba n, Judah P: N as o ors urn o . b.'LOIBETd'13e S l 811th ATe., N, Y. J. Solelifrs, for the DOlIl1Il1e11 , Pty ' a t fie gr lianna ,the world•temed Specialist HOTEL BALMORAL• MONTREAL. Notre Dame St., one of the most central and elegantly furnishednoteis inthe City. Accommodation for 400 guests. Retest WOODRUFF, $2 to $8 per day. S,Vt r. S' DOMINION LEATHER BOARD Sole AQ'tti for Canada, COMPANY, J. PALMER & SON Wholesale Imp'tre of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, 1743 ETRE BAIIB IT., MONTREAL SOAP. • Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD means of which every sufferer, no matter.wbat steam paokh$W, condition dmay. be. may cure Himself cheaply, psi. How Lost, How Restored Just published,.a new edition of Dr. Culver. weirs Celebrated Essay on the radical cure of sr,lu ATORRHalA or incapacity induced by excess or early indiscretion. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' aucceesful practice, that the alarming consequences of self. abuse may radically cured; pointing out a mode of pure at' once simple, certain and effectual, by vately an rtt zco y. ,a,�b O i `b 4 t' yea �� Cie ° , � �,�G� �` -gee tt "� O• ti 4 , 4 O O �, �e v4� �.'�wtio1�51;.. p4, dj4t„e„ e9 6� of .0 ,y4' b. syr Go` � 4 9 V ° e 0�'9 ¢i �Vo w to os a� i�oS ew, w a �' tea fit° o2 �a ; 4S' ,po $baa#::�' Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, i8, New Oxford Street, late 588, Oxford Street, Lendon. .. Rat Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots' If the address is not 538,. Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. 1 A Reward for the Conviction to This lecture should be in the hands of every (I`i DEALERS WHO OFFER youth an every mann e land. ,...INFERIOROIL• OF OTNF. d i th 1 nd AND SELU M C's011 MANUFACTURh, FOR I{ plain envelope, to any ad J o ofd on recei t of four dregs post p p 27tu isaPer}eat PULLEY BOARD,sant under seal, in a Frietioa postage stamps. Samples of Medicine free.' Address cents or two for she was very anxious that h s menta _ d fi ieno should not be discovered. Elio faoturer, has one of the finest elite •0 l 41 Alin Street New 'York �irtT ee tried to ore°ast the questions that would and various repreeentatione of Frail° no - take their vaoatian on answersueebioner, erranean that would Rade y the q , the Medit , the Atlanta be pub to him, and to rovide him with bility and wealth s { and et the Sallie time forestall further clues. various European imago,111 a' or on the tinning. As he carried a costly fan on which The business of Pole has risen to a point ehabbefor a landscape was painted, she thaughb t guests, disposed to be affable, would ask what scene was thereon represented, and so she taughthim to respondto that question by saying, "Oh. that is only a fancy ek�btch. Teo, as he was to ride a Pint mule she thought the gentlemen s'dtild be sure to comment Upon its 'hoelient condition, and to inquire its puce ; so she drilled her son in replying, with courteous humility," The good beast of than a more nothing alfa anim not orth w and bnrden,rearad on our farm,y your attention." When the young man arrived at the door of his host, the find to greet him was his prospective mother-in.law, who politely in- quired after the health of his mother. Ile promptly responded, Saying, "The animal is nothing more than a good beast of burden, reared on our farm, and nob worthy of your attention." The horrified mother'in-law drew back, half unconsciously exclaiming, "1 was told that yours was'a very'well- ordered fatleill+ 1"` The fool, having be. thongbt himself thab he ought to have first need the answer whioh his mother first taught him, hastened to reply, "Oh, that is only a fancy sketch," o the Exhibition would not have btleh considered possible. According to some Meounta it is only limited by the quantity of merchandise for gale. One of the great Par- isian jewellers 'Bald recently ; "Never have i we sold as we have during the Exposition. There seems to be no bounds to the wealth of the foreigners who are now in Paris, The objects that sell most readily are those that cost the dearest: Pearl necklaces at 800,000 francs are snapped P e dup now ada swith ea ge r- assn. There are more purchasers than neck- laces. 1. 'Net absolumenb fou.' " A greab dressmaker of the Rue de la Paid bells a spend tale. Women say . I wish to p 100,000 or 200,1100 francs in your establibh= ment. HoW'Many dream* and mantles can I have for that amou'nb ?" Like the jeweller, the dressmaker says : "•'C'est abeolument fou., .. France is now as much of a militaryna- tion as Germany. Not only is the armed to the teeth, but her Legislature has, at Its repent session, enacted an army law which will make every able-bodied Frenchman a soldier. This law, in the And place, does away with the volunteer system, under Which any young man of means could es- cape his three years' sert'doe by volnnteer- s otitfib. Instead of this, every Frenchman ing for a year and ayin17 all expenses of n e s rvl ilitar , personal m y e to liable is neve including three years' active dna), at for- eign poets,,Sepen yearn in the reserve, and six years in the territorial army, a force which will have charge of store defense, forts eto, in ease the aotivee and the re•1 serves are otherwise engaged. trhie maw will bo -unpopular, alar s and it i ust necessarily 1y int nationindustries interfere with the ndu s lea of the , but i ranee is evidently prepared to pub up withi inconvelliellee order to be revenged at roat deal of logend sonie time upon drertnany, Mamma's l zaot`Words, Wfillie re ebfutly ) --.Id like just awfully 'spat ouldn t it w de hiss you, know your lmmma said you db. Yon know ; mnatn'b never MSS the boys. Gracie--'St'es, that's what she Said. That 's about what She said. '1'member is, it's -She says to me,. she says: josh a�weo;' yOu ever .�oukisain' "GFracle, don't you ever lob me se y ,r to shee One over Mamma, gone list boys, , t y Firs. Bilby's. glory' Progress of the Game, A young MO well known in defy TUE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS Wrapping, manilla, �� ALL 4,D SIZES AND WEIGHTS Si/ To ORDER . 21DeBresolesSt, MILts i 1'D TNAM',,'P.Q. w= 44 u OH aunts 'PRAMS THE eREA1 StREN6TH SI 4 PERFECT F000 '!'tWoR THEsiGK ARMING St UTRIT1oUS i EVERABE POWERFUL Ef3Etlt 1NVIGbRATOR Qs�� I e b7� The Most Delightful SUMMER TOUR 'Palace 9toamore. Lbw hates. /roar Trips per Week Between Dr.TROlr AND MACKINAO And Every Week Day Dot:Wenn AND I.. DETROIT �EliFl_AND :rift foal out .. ".:' , Y ,.r'' . e r Ci S il9 bti �h a . 1 L t O i i 8° {I E Ut 1$ 1 t�, fit , wne. ti /tailed thee. d„lett. I . ... nt 0{r”, ti,lcl Mti:onril 1 '3:r. 000 D. W;l t ri;•7i u, Yost Office Box 450 4688 -Ty $SE la width Cold watch, tlol4 fee 100. until lately. iL{ nae 5lwidthb, 150 world, RRTTry'i Palest timekeeper. War -1W ranted. Berry el 'gold. Radius Cates. Seth Who` lad goats'stses,wlthwetks and tun of egad taloa One Portion it steh lo- wily eta wean oat trea 1a�etiter wick oar tatpe andfeb.. tabu Rae of SIon•elioid samples. Shoes samples, as wen u tae watch we tend Wren, sad after yon bate thea in you Ilonalir ill moaftkWe and ebowa then, to b who 1507 Save nonce, Our Nowa you own prosody._ Tho,, who write at ones fen be ears of,aeddn the Watch Wray and Samples. ay all . erostt.t,etc, Addreea Stinson die' Co., lost 5 ortland. Maine. WEAK MEN and WOIVIEXIS' can selvelokiy cure them• selves of Waatlag Vitality, Lost Manhood, frons youthiti errors, etc., quietly at habit!). Zook on all private diseases sent free (settled). Perfectly reliable. Over 80 years' experience. Address— .047LD13D PILL CO., TORONTO,, Canada, LADIES our"Reliattorwomon"iesa1obad01waye ieltablo ; hotter than Ergot, °lido, Taney or Pennyroyal Eine. Inearee regularity. Pend for particulate. Addrene GILDED ML CO., TORONTO, Canada. BEARDS FORCED onbmbotho,tfaces, hair on tug est heads, in 80 to 00 dope, 51aglc.:Latest and 5a44801est odblevomont of modern edlence 1 Moet Won. donut discovery of the age. Like no other preparation! Magical, ante, almost inetaateneous in action Buys with whiskers I Bald heads 'haired 3: Curious apeatad ee, but button truths. Only genuine article in market, and certain ' to siva absolulo eattstaotion. Guaranteed. Price 51 a bottle, or three bonito for 82. Each battle lasts ono mouth. address A. DIION, Box 805, TORONTO, l,3ASADA. �p p!M�yIPINqt� 6eI9,RNNANY9 PREPWIIRIS. 51505pa.55 *0.4aA511 filum A preparationflintwill a7t9PIGrEi r YaN11 YYb!!l1 porme0otloyq at wI soporlluous hair wltliaat injury to the skin: warranted. Prlo 1, oS rIAPLes AND BLACKHEADS p amnatlg em le to uodayo. Warranted. Price for CO dope treatment, el. A4'11.0011PULEHGE PILLS �° I's a e°i;bo'.° point is amount ,) eollolttide whether bemuse itis"p�dom" fortablo or nniaa tee n leen 8440 n. a int am Noo, oaminces•oa sinno5108 1a1be. aMonth. frho1arose , ac s{1; es { oauta rC nopie—orY and haver fall. nice ter one 5onth5f aroatmoat, eat. Or throb moa1Tie' tried{ciao. 00. Warranted. D ilI OVANNANI9 y�,�+g� .w AR RN10AI.-- p p�pgo 1�q�� 'UY'��1.1l� s bga..0 the AAI t3laadh the split, damn 'rho intra, iiarmlbas, Permanent In 01801. wttranted. 5r10851556X. or six boles ic0 e6. liTI1`eas 1NIl :11, yid G'IO'il`.1VIllla.iI'I, 11e6) ing "F3ttoot'klreet •'Toronto, at, Ln� MACHINf OIL. Eureka Cylinder, BoltMcOoli `Bros. & 0o.',• Cutting& Wood Oils..I For sale by all leadilg dealers.: I Toronto. BISSETT BROS.,Sole Agents, Exeter.� QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS ._ �`RILLESS Toronto. Beer. Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was need on all machinery duringthe Exhibition. It bas been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three year f Seaet-hat you e get Peerless. � It is only mode by shai FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD. /folds Ink enon h•townt0 Oelioetapapor. et ono Nllng Pets. Penholder and soot/mid all fit One. r ,• _ „tent1•,�• F� mei anypen or lied dick; final yuidhutonitttio endue of India-ru1B r reserb0lre { *ode ritelf by the 1040 Aute Of Writing; tartlee inthe yy,oghet8atoly{ will not leek; toot anad6arid an' ,1,edinniake--plate; aupenorto 412 stylog r aphiepen1 tiarush, safiplesr Uohaid, en$e 85115 �d. drr0 5 pens $1 bill. P.O, StSm 8 takeS. slut sliver prof a thi seri' FREE. Mention D t ispapa.. oro ok A r60 Pict e h VV. * ry� -. 111 ,AXXYYi i�'�rGL'.F�... �CTW�y�y,� r �. .4��,M 1M d,ei�M �� r E slllz cunt A too F11LIOUSNE'3S, CONBTIPATIOS; 1NDinentiON, ; DIZZINESS, SICK ACHE AND tnetastS Op' 'ring HEADACHE, _. .i STOl5ACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THSY ARE Mtl.0,•rllOilOUGH ANO tROMP1I.4 D 1 IN ACTION, AND roam A vats/etc A YHfi a.00iei TT`Sla£1 tr oQK eo TO tis Ro TREATMENT AND cunt or cienoielti 4.ltil0 0C';y4l deTE 0I9%.'•3M