HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-8-8, Page 4r, .b. �t the treasures in vrIxteh the deputations are it A n: interested. But with the azt,lxetion; of my advisers 1 axil disposed to let. the depeta tion knew what has been the aspect of the ease as it presented itself to nte, There is RA ,�.R, no disrespect ttt those 1 o have sa ably, TERr. ONT, Transacts a generalbanl,ing busiziese- It,eeeives the aeeounts of merchants riud ethers onfavorableternts,- o xsi tan#with Offers every tkccotnxnodat.ion 4 t a reaudoonservative bankingnrinoiples. Five per tont interest allowed on deposits. Draftsissuedpayable et any efliao of the Merebants 13ank. * '1 1)18001/NUM, rS A'ION1Y'TO l\c�'iL8 l',4si� ONI�QTES AND 11iORTGA.GES t,,.�`''4. ,', ,9 it I t`t,"a , – ' OUS C 8th, 1889. THURSDAY, TIII GLOBE AND TFI.E JE- SUIT ACT. The Globe in its issue of last Saturday, reviews Lord Stanley's reply to the disallowance deputa- stated their view if 1 express neither^, concurrence nor dissent. last I should diift into what night be construed as argument, however 1. tniutentionally, Previously to my arrival in the country, or abont that date, the Legislature of Quebec had pass. ed the Act in question. The history of the Jesuits' estates is so well known that I need not refer to it' in detail. Large amour>ts of property heel lain virtually' idle because, when the i r of moral Gov ern- input had endeavored to sell, protests had' been made by the claimants, and in fret no one would acee t so doubtful a title: I cermet:aeree, with the view expressed in your second paragraph, 'There were two sets of olaimante, at least to the Jeeuits' estatee, It was necessary to ':arrange to whom compensation should be paid, and to ensure a drvrsou which would be accepted. by all. It is true that the Pope as en au- thority..recognized by both sets of Oahe - ants, was to be called upon to approve or. disapprove the proposed division so far _as Roman Catholic claimants were concerned, bet this appears to me to relate not to. the tion. And its review is its incon- action of the Legislature of the province, t t as anything' it has ever pub but to the division of the funds after they bl that the was justified in vo - the Pape s15 en z, had been paid crier, It fs arguable xa hsbed. It first acknowledges that as a matter of fact tliero'is no ra£erenee to parliament t 's authority at fall in ,the exeeu- ingagaiust O'Brien's motion, be- tiveportionofttheAct. It is undoubtedly cause to have carried it, would the case that the preamble to the Act (an probably have disrupted Con ieaital of snore fedre unusua y long,one by the way) contains a events which led to the introduc- tion. Then it throws the tion of the sin, and that in rho ogres• whole blame for the Government pondence so set out authority hats been claimed an behalf of the holy See,, to which, however, the First A2inister :did ran t assent. The introduction of the name Act will now last as long as the oft 1 1 d Act. Tl it 1'k 1 facts which had previously occurred (stn course legislation could not oblit- 1 crate or annul), and there being i'noreover left out ; giving as a reason, that (as I have before stated) no buclx' reference it would be more acceptable. in thehtody of the Act, I did not consider That is, the Globe does not object that Hwea6en d 1 i, that I to the not disallowing it,on the shoulders of the Orangemen. It says the no h5 Pope Fury ae ailurus , an very British N. Amex ice c . len r e y unpalatable to same US Proteatanta winds up by calling on Mr. and pass which of but as it'appears in course of a recital'of d 1tlercier to repealthe Act, t next session, with the preamble armsy's authority was in any e or Assai et nor money being granted, brit was compelled iu the exercis has objections to the Bill as e of my duty it as her representative to' disallow the Act stands. It concludes : "By wtp• on that account. ing out that obnoxious preamble TZE QUESTION OF POLICY. he (Mercier) can serve the general As to the question of policy that is not interest well, and conciliate many one on which I feel at liberty to pronounce h have telt it a duty to pall an opinion. 1 believe, and ani confirmed consult, with great diforonce ta'1lltosa present; that• excepting in the provinces of Ontario and; Queoeo,; tlteredoes not appear to. have been any geeoral feeling: in this matter snob, as would warrent the Governor- General to use this remedy. T xecegnizs the iofluenee of the twoprovinces, but 1 cannot leave the rest of the Dominion, oral: of sight, and 1 may express the personal hope that this parliament may exercise for some time tc come a wise constitutional inflate -lee over the affairs of this country, 7'think my answer.iuls been shade sub• stentially to the other petitions which have been presented to rne.. For the reasons which T have given I am uneb1e to Bold out to you any hope that x shall disallow the Aot. You cannot suppose that the course taken by my advisers and approved by me was taken'without due consideration. Nothing leas taken place to alter the views then entertained, nor eonid- the Government reccanmeud the reversal of an allowance already 'inti:- maters. for fn my belief, by the best authorities whom that the Act was intra vires, my power of interference is limited, bl theGlobe and its friends for the Act does not appear to do more n' the petitions for is- years gone y eprrve v mpensa- allowanze with alt the energy it tion, and it rrofessesto give a ompensa. possessed, If thegrant of alone tion therefore in thetnoney of the province y that had become possessed of the property is all right, why disallow ? The and was profiting by it. . Globe knew that the Governor. As to the recognition (spoken of in para - General could not yield to the graph i) of the rights of the Jesuit Society to make further demands, it seems to me petition. Then why did it urge that this Act leaves so-called "rights" Such a useless course ? it is, exactly where they were It is by no evidently, going to flop over on menus uncommon for the Crown to recog- this question, as it has on the Reil nize such a moral &aim, and I can speak and numerous other questions. from my personal experience when secre- tary of the treasury (tau or twelve years The only possible, consistent ago) and when it constantly happened that course was the one adopted by the iu cases of intestacy, escheats and other Government. The Globe knew forfeitures tos the Crown, the moral claims that from the first, but it hoped to of other persons were admitted and re. dama e the Government. It now missions were made, not as a matter of g legal right, for the right of the Craven was finds it cannot do so, without also undisputed, but as a matter of grace. damaging its own party ; hence There are also many parliamentary prece- the flop. :lents to the same effect. Such cases, it In this connection we would -calf seems to me, must in each instance be decided on their own merits. attention to the wise, manly, As to paragraphs five and six, you will patriotic and statesmanlike worts pardon my saying that I am not concerned of the Governor-General, in his re- either to ashen or to deny your statement. ply, which we print below. �Ve By fence that in this Dominion ondo ot andnd in thisy would ask the, public to carefully 19th century the Society of. Jesus have . pause and think over it. These been less law abiding or less loyal citizens words are uttered by a disinterest- than others. t arah> ed party, above the reach o party the legal status of W u the disallowance of his measure."I can That means that by wiping out the There pream e, o than to seek to restore to a certain socie y can Honestly support the measure. not iu kind, but in money, a portion of And yet the Globe has been the property of which that' society was in hounding o dis- d ' d. without co e ocnier101)10 0' woitns. Gentlemen, I cannot yin -meal from 'you the personal regret with which 1 feel my- self addressing a deputation and returning suck atr answer as it has been my ditty to do to the petitions which have been presented to me, but I have endeavored to make my statement colorless, I have en- deavored to avoid argument,' and I have only' to hope that I have done something towards dissipating alarm. I will close by making an 'earnest appeal—an appeal which by anticipation has already, I am eel tain, found weight with you, and that is that in this question we should as far as possible act up to that which we find to be for the welfare of the Dominion. During late years we have hoped that animosities, which unfortunately prevailed in former years, had disappeared, and that the Dominion as a united country' Was on the path of prosperity and pease. I earnestly call upon all the best friends of the Dominion as far as possible, while holding their own opinions. to ,he tolerant of those of others, and like our great neighbor, to live and let live, that we may in time to come feel that we have the one subject of promoting the prosperity and welfare' of the Dominion and the maintenance of loyalty and devotion of the sovereign. f', 31789,81has beeli refielye4 fi i e b d en s e e A' t v I , t¢ date by the Geuerat Gernnrittoe to Aid of $t, $aayeitt re suferexs. N'ot'^'ieh, Ont., August 5,- Melvin Step. henson, youngest sou of the late Geo, 'B," $tepbonsop, a young mau about 19 years of: age; comm need work this, uternfng in Welker, harper Co.'s roller mills, While. dusting the machinery be Wee 'caAgirt tile bevelled marina and severely crushed, He remains in that position ttntil his. assistant randown two flights of stairs to have the gine stepped, it was then found impossible to release him until ,the nmehiuezy wee reversed. the to 1 f As o par g p 6, it appears to me that society was settled votes, with no possible motive for by the Act of 1887 (to which little or ed no stifling his honest convictions ; and ohjectiou was taken). I cannot see any - as such, should command a respect thing unconstitutional in that respect in and confidence not accorded to the payment of the money ins. u question to. a society duly incorporated by law. ordinary political utterances. The The Governor•Genorttil, both by the great points in his reply are his in• written law and by the spirit of the con- sistance on the unity of interests stitution, is to be guided by the ad and toleration of opinions. ['rue, his responsible Ministers. If he disagreviceeof s patriotism and toleration are ser with them on questions of high policy as beine contrary to the intetesta of her mons that should never be preach Majesty's Empire, or if he believes that ed in vain. And we cannot help they do not represent the feeling of parka- noticing the fact, that the leaders meat it is const teutionalip his duty to in this crusade of intolerance made summon other advisers if he is satisfied that those so summoned can carry on the no protost when Mr. Mercier, the Pre CONSUMPTION CAN 1351 CURED By proper, besltbfnl 'exereise, and the judicious use of 800tt's Emulsion of Oect Liver Oil Hypophosphites, which contains healing and streugthgiving virtues of these two ,valuable specifies lu their fullest form, Sir. D, D. IeDonaid,'' Petitcodiac, N. B., says:' "I have been proscribing Scott's Emulsion with good' results, Itis espee- ia11y useful in parsons of consumptive teneencis," Sold by all druggist, 50 eta. and $1,00. EDITORIAL NOTES. Manitoba's Minister of Public Works, Mr. Smart, is credited with the remark that the Goyernment will abolish Separare schools in that Province. How will this suit the party that champions,provinci- al rights ? The war cloud continues to hang oyer the Balkans, the English cor• respondents say in their weekly letters to American journals. But it is suspected that the correspo: - dents are working the war scarce more to cover space than with any hope of convincing anyone. While out among the farmers in the township during the, past week we met with political arguments that struck us rather peculiar. Mr Trow, we were told, is likely to lose some votes because he voted confidence in the Government in its refusal to disallow the Jesuit Estate Act, and that Mr. Sharpe will gain because he has no such rote to account for. -Mitchell Re- corder. 'The Globe has summed up the amount of property exempt from taxes in Toronto at $7o,000,eoo ; and it deals with'the question in a pointed manner. This large suns includes $16,000,000 of property - real es,.ate and buildings, ---Domin- ion Government official's salaries, (while those of the province are as'essed,) those of the Judges, the corporation of Toronto University and Upper Canada College, and of course, the churches of the city. The progress of settlement in Manitoba and the Northwest is. well indicated by the land sales of the Canadian Pacific Railway company. In the month of June` 28 000 acres were sold for $gg,000, or an average ot $3:54 per acre, as against sales of 11,759 acres for 38,324, or an average $3,25 in the corresponding period last year. In' the six months of this year the company has'disposed of, 134,967' Queen's Government and the affairs of the, mier of Quebec, In 1887, intro- Domnn ion, As to the first, I cannot say duced and passed the Act incor• that 1 disagree with the course which, poratiugthe Jesuit bodyin the under the circumstances, ministers have recommended, believing it from the best province of Quebec. The Gover authorities to which I have access to be nor-General,it will be noticed, says constitutional. The Parliament of the Do- that the Act gave the Order a minion, by 188 to 13, has expressed the le al standingin that province, same view. I decline to go behindrecold- g erg votes. Members of Parliament are and little or no objection was taken elected, not as the delegates, but as the to it then. Now, in our opinion, representatives of the people, and ft is d din accor lve.. mss g nide the t to that %Vase. the time the agitation their duty g should have commenced, and pro- to that which they believe to be the best interests of the high functions which they tests made against the Reform party in the Plovinte; and not THE QUESTIole OF REPREs0xTAtION. have to discharge, at this late period, when it Happens Again I would ask do the dissentients that the Federal Government has represent the majority ? 1 find that the been calls upon A 'ton to disallow a 1S8 represent 916,717 voters, whereas , re Jesuits' thirteen members represent 77,291 ;incl' measure, the fruits Theof the, Jein irioreover the body of the constitutional incorporation. Dominion opposition appears to have voted for the l 'I r wince of the bill. 't the rune of h -all m vel flat which ro Governm nt, app , of censure has been directed. has have been asked, though not by you, to had neither part nor lot in passing allow the Act, though otherwise advised either the Act of incorporation or by ministers, and though contrary consti- ry to the p the Jesuit Estates i1ct, and cannot tutfsense of Parliament: Would Itonal for a moment that 1 shows do se therefore be held, in the least, ac- if it were a question of commerceor' of &p coitntable for any " wrong, the muse, or of reform or of constitution i public mayinn n ins as an outcome There would be some risk of the Governor - of g + General being held up as a court of appeal Quebec's Reform Premier's legis on uestfons of constitutional government q lation. Sures the great found• and againstthe Parliament with which it Y tit Th er OYt. o 'work in sone • gat t ` 1i d a4•ions of Protestantism are in no is i s Y danger, because a Catholic provin- has green sari, Wbv not facilitate a refer ecce to the Priyy.Canuoil 7 1 believe that east good cis do anger, passes a lawthatis Wifhfn their nty,idvisera lirtve a, perfectly ?sol •urisdiction to liasu e d 1 d f tt correctness of i When Beby vow sick, we Gave lien Criteria When she was a Chill, else cillo, for Custeria, When she because Miss, site clung to Caetoria, Wbon she had Children, she gave them. Castorie, CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL —AND— Agricultural Epos cion ".888 TOR SEPT 9th to 27st• oney Made. Goods, Goods! Good Value ! New Prices., NewGotao,s? N w � c SMILES, EVER SYBODY MILES, Oar spring and siuiitner stock is now complete, every department beteg replete with goods, purchased at the best houses - selected. tith care. Everything fresh, Til dress•goods our array is Neel to any in town -all the heiress shades and colors -end are sold at prices positively •lower than any. Please examine them andbe c.,nvinced. in every other department we offer as geed value for es little money. i rodace taken at the highest n11(111et Pric Roller Flour. always on hand, for sale. A Oall Soliciied, J. P. Ross, Market Store, EXETER. Increased Prizes, Greater Attractions and a Grander Display than ever before. - Newest and 13est Special. Features that Money can procure. The Greatest Annual Entertainment on the American Continent. Cheap Excursions ox ALL Reitways• Over 250,000 visitors attended this Exhibi- tion last year. Entries close August 17th. For Prize Lists and Forms, Programmes, etc,, drop a post card to JI. J. WILL, J. 3, W1TUROW. Pres, Manager, Toronto. 0.111•1101MIMMINIIMII=.1 0,9 FIRST - CLASS FARM FOR -d•' SALE -100 acres, in the township ot Usborne. New barn, good brick house. Large part of purchase money to remain on Mortgage if desired. Apply at once to IiIT,LIOT & ELLIOT, Vendor's Solicitors, Exeter. r1 OOD CHANCE FOR A \ BLACKSBIITII. Good paying Blacksmith business and prem- ises comprising shop, dwelling and stable, for sale or to re tit, in theth ivingvillageof Elim - villa, township of Osborne, on corner opposite lledgins' IIS tel and Smith's store and ttte post orgiee, Possession at once. Apply to John P: White, Centralia P. 0.. or to Lewis il, Dickson, barrister. &c., Exeter. Ont. -3m es. to vert a mittirig ti'rat having no < on it o gal, y their ieir ie C S base been asked to dissolve the House I. that the Acts are idle b h their view they have 8 gceci tenon for not conflicting icon with old British A t doing so. We have more faith in our religion 'bf commons in ono of the petitions to than that Following is the Gov- which I am replying, A dissolution of f exce arnor•General's reply 1- Parliament in the first instance, ,p under She .ravestuiroumstances and with Iiis'l+lxeellenoy,-the Governgr-Ueneral great vatiorl, even then should. not be re )lied as follows : Itis trot usual to re- pi moots except upon the advice of the eeiye.gach P. d.eptttati011 9,5 this, ': bat in Tea onsible ministers, it causes the dig- view of the importance of the;subject 1 turbmica of the various buslstesees of the am willing to create a ek it sent. ',At the ' country tend considerable efcpense to the o often followed, I dod, net think it shculcl ce too country and to all eobeerned. It is a Move foltaivotl, 'sic dIlIloulty in receiving which should be exorcised olni,y as a last deputations Is that one may lay oneself resort, 51d1 must say, tboutlt 1 do so open to the charge of arguing for as against r it i'rt +z r g . C i n .l �! it re i r i for itches fS GrgSldt`i2 tkti.lrelt Iry fol loners, ,,as:, rm W. ii. T' OTT Boot Shoo Maker MkBr FOB SALE OR TO RENT That desirable property of the late John Link, eitu,ted on the Lake read, Exeter North west, of theflax mill. Tt cont, ins throe acres ,;fgood land, thrre is a good dwelling house and stable, hard and eot t water, a boungorchard of first olars fruit and a num- . r of currant hushes and grape vines; will be sold on easy terms. Peeseeston given Nov. 1, 1888. Samuel Lick 160 Columbiast. East, Detroit, and Thomas Russell. box 83, Exeter P.O., Ont., Execstore: 2mos. Eyes Tested FRET,, A.. S NITTRR A.�'• Practical Optician, Graduate Otic School N'.Y. Eyes tested ; defective sight restorodby the aid of fine glass's. Large assortment of the finest glasses on hand. A call solicited. A. 8. M 'II'RRA London. 1G0 27'�1�TIa.AS-S'S o A. full stock of a,ll kinds Ai Dye- stuffs . arra package constantly on hairDyes, i Ila s d W lT U d ondlti It Powd- ers the lest "n' the mark- et U' D �tnd always , fresh. Farnily recip- es carefully prepared at 1 Dru � Store Exeter. C 7.11113T Centra g TM' Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones. Sewed Work aSpecial ty Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done. A' CALL SOLICITED W. x. TROTT. BRICK AND TILE FOR SALE. 11110130E3 RUE'S TO ALL POINTS 1N MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA -AND THE — NORTH WESTERN STA d ES, -VIA- BEATTY'S SARNIA LINE STEAA2ERS. "UNITED EMPIRE", "ONTARIO" and"C,tarr.tx)." Any quantity of brink and tile of all sizes for sale at the Il90ATZ BRICK YARD, Crediton. r iret-class `brick, $4 per Thou - acres for $487,219, as compared sand. Tile correspondingly with sales of 42,737 acres for $r5o, 681 in the first half of last year, trebled. having the business Another attempt cf the railway monopolists of the United States to cripple the Canadian lines has proved abortive.' The administra- tion, refuses to impose : duty on Canadian cars entering the United States, as it would be an unwar- rantable interference with recognized pie of interchange og ed for twenty'' years past. Secretary Windom, writing to the ' Customs officers at Detroit, says ; " In view of the long settled rule and practice on the subject,• the Department does not deem it conformable to the public interest to' disturb the decision deliberately reached and repeatedly affirmed, and must hold that question is no lotig,er a open n to - administrative t•i v e construe GEORGE MOAT Z. a 15th, 1880. unary Crediton,J REMOVED 1 Leaving Sarnia every TirESDAv and PRIeAv night during navigation, (weather permitting) and palling every, WEDNESDAY and SATIMDAY at Goderich and I ineardi..o where they con- nect with the G.T,1L. train leaving Exeter at 9.76 a. m. for St. Joe's lsland,Garden Riv- er, The Soo, Port Arthur and Dul uth. connect- ing at Port Arthur with the C P. R.. and at. Duluth with the lied River Valley R'y, LowEST RATES, BEST AcCOMMODATxON ExjnEss. TIME AND CROWWE or ROUTES Ask: your nearest. Grand Trunk R'y agent. for freight and passenger rates. JAS. BEATTY, General Manager, Sarnia. DAVIDSON BILOS.,'Bititders end Oontrao- orshave removed to Swallow's old stand, 'coi- ner Main and Gidley streets and ate prepared: to sell Doors, Sash and Blinds and Moulding cheaper e r then anyother firm t in. town Build- ings ntractodfor, Plana. Specifications and Estimates furnished if required; Al! work : done with .neatness and despatch and satisfao tion• given. Seasoned Lumber always on hand Davidson libios W112.DAVIDSOi`t. : JOHN DAVIDSON O�'-yyA�^.d.�.1? DOMINION Ii/NE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSIiIPS. Liverpool Service. SAILING DATES. 3 4.,J� � S, WAGGONS and TBJUOIKS. Special bariainsare being offered at tion." Under this decision matters LL BRAwill remain as they are, and the . T { D traffic on Canadian lines through ' Canada interrupted by vexatious restric- a�r�,ir�, ,c�4g, e or an d the States will not t be �Y , tie, s unposed, not for the general For the next Month. r good, but to benefit rival railway �Ti�ro companies that have long preyed reaOcM. CtaidLIS £Q'4 tda5 h tapoi shippers and passengers and 'VVighiro. T .rt vrries that see with alarm the growth of Those 11d lit all WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE: OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, oC disordernd ed LIVER, es of KIDNEYS, STOMACH, jjS Tri�fnn BOWELS OR WELSS O! BLOOD, « Fi1 106.101.1Ci rrtf., ProprtTOROMTA, coo*. azsim One. Door South of Post Office —HE HAS— A NEW AND COMPLETE ---STOCKOF-- Shoeso Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. G -EO. MA.NSON, YOU CAN GET Prom Montreal, Front Quebec. Toronto.. Thur. June 40 Montreal Thur. Tune 25 ' July my 3 Thur. July 4 Sarnia Syed. July 30.... ..... Thur. July 11 Oregon Wed Ju1y17 Thur. July 18. BRISTOL SERVICE FOR AVONMOUT a DOCK. Texas, from Montreal, about 201,11 June Dominion 4th July Dates of yiassao front 1tfontreat or Quebec to.Iituerpool. Cabin, 550 to :380, according to steamer and position ofstateroom with eanal sale oupriv- lieges. Second Cabin, 530 to Liverpool or Glasgow. Steerage, $20 to Liverpool, L'on- donderry,London Queenstown, Glasgow or Belfast. *These steamers have Saloon, Stateroom, Music Boom and bathroom amidships. where but little motion is felt, and carry neither cattle nor sheep. , For freight or passage, apply lin LiYerpoo1, to Finn Aar&Mo nt � o ry, 24J1m0ss street; r nd • raises tviac h siren a ebee tow. M. , in u p Q Trunk Railway Offices, or to DAVID'DOI/RANCE & CO„ General Agent. Exchange Court, Montreal. CAPT. GEO. HEMP. Arent, ExxlTER. b "bb competition, which threatens to.ciLG. will 0 we 0 c put ati end to the monopoly they leave sd long abusers. THE INTERCOLONIAL ILWAY OF CANADA; 20 20 PO"OT 1 Raw The royal mail, passenger and freight route between Canada and Great Britain. —and - -0E--- Raw OF- Sugar FOR $1, 00. 12 Lbs. White Sugar FO R$1.00 s J. MATHEOL POST OFFICE STORE, Exeter North. D nin Libratrg Direct route between the West and all the points on the Lower St, Lawrence and Baia de Ch aonr els o New Br unsw. ic k, Nova tiva Scotia �L1 rtenCdwhrd Island,d' Cape Becton ctualeWfoaridlan tI. New and elegant Intact sleeping and day ears run on through. exP Yoes train H. ‘MIS oagors for Great Britain or the conti- ,1mit' bS'loavir,,;Toronto by8 p,,m train on Thursday Will rein outward m'aii steamer at a iedifax Saturday• eta° d tto= Supierior,elevator ,warobeta nn dook conxpodation at Italifas for shipment of grain anti gonoral merchandise, Fears of oxporioneo have proved tb O Inter- oolonial,5(1 connection with stenmshfplinee to anc'lfrom London, Liverpool and Glee - govt to T3alifaic, to bo the quiolceet freight route betweenCan add and Gret;tBrltain, Information as to passenger and freight rates can be had on application to N. WE.+t 5.t:TEdBSTON, Westet»8 roight&Paseengor Agent D. 9 081tossinlxonsetloelx,•3tork at.To onto D. BA.:i3,TTl`T ti rnrtsrr�rraTt, t rNor(.1 dhfot'snperintonabrit t 'a e D aifwa °Zee,Xetiototi ti, l3„Nov, 20, 83. � y HEALQUAR.T,ER:S FOR— Pure g, ure Dru s Patent Medi- cines Dye -stuffs, . Toilet and r Perfumery Articles. School Books and Stationary, Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, and T'obacc Also a lar_e assortment g Toilet Bath and of Sponges always rid on ha n carefully Prescriptions re, pre- pared from the purest Drags. Remember the place, Sign, . GOLD]IN MORTAR i Main St., J. W. Dtvning