HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-25, Page 5DISTRuCT DoiNes,. A eon or Mr. John Steeper, of MCQiiltvray, fell from a cherry -tree, and eu. stained a concussion of the opine, A t last account he was doing well.. This is to certify that 1 have used Everest's Liver Regulator and Blood, Purifier and I find it does all it guar- antees to. -D A. Fraser, Pt. Huron, Mich, U. S. Mrs. John Baxter, of Parkhill, who became deranged in her mind some months ago, was taken to the asylum at London on Thursday last. The physicians in attendance atthe asylum have strong ,hopea of her speedy re- 'ecovery. • Mr. Donald Mo Donald, pathmaster with the assistange of the neighbors on his beat, drew and spread 186 loads of gravel on the IOth con. W. Williams, in a day and a half ; some of the gravel was hauled 11 miles. , shat is good work, who can beat it. The many friends of Miss A. Mead, of the 7th con. of McGillivray, will be pleased to learn that she passed a highly creditable examination in music at the college yin London, which she has been recently attending. She has been awarded a first class diploma. Last. week Lwo oases of sunstroke oo• purred in West Williams. On Wed- nesday Miss McDonald, daughter of Mr. Allan McDonald, postmaster, of Sable, received a sunstroke, and. medical aid had to be summoned. She is recovering. Mrs Lacey,of the 3 concession, West Williams, is reported to have been sunstruck on the same day. A young man named James Arthur'', employed as a farm hand by a West- minster farmer, was probably fatally kicked by a horse on Wednesday. He was engaged in cleaning out the. animal's stall, when one of the prongs` of the tork touohed its boot. The horse threw back its foot and caught Arthurs on the forehead, knocking him unoonsaious and leaving a terrible gashin his forehead. The injured man was taken into the' house and medical aid sent for, but slight hopes are entertained of his recovery. The following four, West Middlesex teachers have received appointments on the staff of the. Toronto city schools: Miss Bertha Shoults, of Parkhill, who recently graduated with first class honors from the Toronto Normal school Miss Annie Murray,' of Lemon, both are ex -pupils of the Parkhill High School, Miss Minnie Cameron, of Sylvan, and Mies Bella Anderson of Fernhill. This fact is not only credit- able to those four young ladies, but also speaks volumes of praise for the standing of the Weat Middlesex teachers in their profession. An old man named Whealy, living at Woodstock, made a mistake on Saturday evening that very nearly cost him his life. He was feeling unwell and concluded to take some paregoric which is a standard remedy with him. He swallowed a dessert spoonful of a mixture which he thought was pare- goric, but noticed that it tasted rather hot in the mouth, and when in less than a minute his whole inside seemed afire he was convinced something was wrong. Examination revealed the fact that he had swallowed carbolic acid, He is slowly recovering. A milk bath is a rarity. As one of Mr. W W. Kenny's milk delivery wagons was being driven to. Guelph the other morning the driver in trying to turn a short corner drove one side of thewagon, over a log on the road, the result being the capsizing of the wagon, and about twenty-five gallons of milk, besides the tinware, was soon floating in the air. The driver was thrown out, and before he could ex- tricate himself about five gallons of milk, it is said. was freely flowing over his form as he lay embracing Mother Earth. What may prove to be a fatal acci- dent/occurred atSt. 'Marys on Tuesday at the new house which is being con- structed by Mr. J. C. Gilpin, on Well- ington street north. One of the workmen slipped and fell from the roof, a distance ofthirty-five feet, but managed to grab bold of a cross piece while descending, which saved his life. The hatchet -hammer, which fell frorn his hand on his way down, struck another workman below on the back and seriously injured him. His life is despaired of. A sad drowning accident occurred at Mitchell on Saturday evening. Two young men, Thos. Roney, and Dan Bohn, aged i0 years, blacksmiths, were' out in 'a boat on Stewart's pond, when the boat filleu with water within a few yards of the ' chore and sank with both young men, and when res- cued it was impossible to restore Dan. Bohn to life, but, after great •exeriion. by several medical men, Thos. Roney. was , restored. Roney's parents are residents of Hibbert Township. Bohn's mother is a widow woman, living in Logan Township, ,whose hus- band was killed by a falling tree a few years ago. On Thursday Last Daniel Hicks, of Usborne, had six r.: putable farmers of the the same township brought before justices Snell and. Buchanan, charged with damaging and Injuring his (flicks) sheep ,and pigs. Hicks claimed that on Sunday, the 7th inst., his sheep were on the public highway, and that the defendants comingupon tbetn, abased and caught hold of several ot them and caused' them eerioas injury. The prosecution failed to satisfy their worships that any of the defendants had been guilty of any such Sabbath desecration or of the alleged rmproli• riety, and the air 'cases against the defendants were summarily' dismissed with the costs against .hicks. His worship Buchanan administered a soupd lecture to the parties regarding. the very ttnneighbofly condition of. affairs, in the locality, Mr, Henry Grob, Health Inspector for flay township, blade his first otii• pial round on Saturday and Monday, the 6th and 8th inst. In Zurich', he found six whose premises are not in a sanitary condition, and who were or- dered to clean up, while in Ilensall he found twenty delinquents, who were Ordered to purge their promisee, Wr. W. McLean, a well.knewn cattle dealer, purcnased as many tee 1300 animals la one month, The lawyers and bankers of filt,. Marys and eleven "All Comer'," play, - ed a match of cricket Last Week result- ing m it victory for the latter by a score of 43 31, A by-law is to be submitted to the ratepayer* of St. Marys to raise a loan of $2,500 for the purpose of erecting a bridge across the Thames river at Park street, oae h ite, f bt. 1 0 Marys a MrJ p Wh y successful and well-known importer of Clydesdales, left list week for Scot. land on a purchasing tour. I firmly believe Everest's Cough Syrup saved the life of my wife. -Jas. A. Fisher, Comlachie P. 0. Mr, Seines Anderson, River Road Fullerton, received a telegram on Monday trona Delhi .Minnesota. ; in- forming him of the death of bis son James, at that place, tie had been there about twenty years. Miss Annie Thompson, has secured an important' position as teacher in one of the public schools in • the city of , Toronto. Mr. R. A, Thompson, B. A., has been appointed vice-principal of the Collegiate Institute_ Hamilton, Snore again for Biddulph• While returning home from church in Hensel! on Sunday evening, rigs driven by Ed. Bossenberry and ayoung man from Rod"gerville, collided. The young man and a young lady were thrown from the rig, as was Mr. Bossenberry, both rigs were slightly broken. Two weeks ago the Clinton New Era said, Mr. A. McD. Allen occupied the Leeburn Presbyterian pulpit with great acceptance, and last Tuesday's Empire spoke of the . "Rev." W. F. Jobntson, of Goderich, as one of the Orange orators at Exeter. The mis- take in each case is quite natural in View of the wide reputation of both gentlemen for Christian learning ;and piety. Bro. Allen probably preached about the fruit In the Garden of Eden. Goderioh Star. I:can also recommend Evereat's Liver Regulator and Blood Purifier, it having proved very, affective on a friend of mine. -Eliza Sproul, Lieut. S. A. Antrim P. 0. Carrie McKenzie, alias McDonald, a school teacher, Vivian, Ontario county, went:to Toronto to spend tier holt. days, and hiring out as a domestic to a number of families, remaining for a few days at each place, she stole a quantity of clothes and jewelry. The police arrested the girl Saturday and recovered the stolen goods at her lodging house. "Save me, save me, for God's sake save me," the cried, don't put my name in the papers. I dont want my friends to „know about this affair, let me go back' and teach my school after the holidays, and I will be a good girl the rest of my life.' She sobbed, as the matron led her to the cells to await her trail before .the police magistrate, who sentenced her tosix months in the Mercer Reform- atory. ' She is a good looking young lady, and says that her father and mother died young and that she was reared and educated by her uncle, a farmer, named Tate, living. at Brus- sels, where she has a large number of friends. On Tuesday afternoon Mr Morrison, of the 18th con. of Hullett, was driv- ing with an old gentleman named Martin down the slope on the Base Line, near the slaugeter houses, the snap on the breeching strap gave way, and the horse ran away. Morrison did his best to pull the horse up. and might have succeeded had not the front axile broken, and the speed o the horse threw the buggy and its occupants over against the fence, Mr. Martin being somewhat injured about the chest. The horse being free from the bug€y, ran along the road to where it is crossed by the railroad, and jump- ed the east cattle guard, ran along the track. Near the tank is a long bridge, and the horse galloped along the tieson the bridge until it was nearly over when one of its legs dropped through one of the openings, and snapped like a pipe stem. While the horse was lying on the bridge the southbound express came whizzing around the curve, but the sharp ete of the engineer noticed the obstruct- ion, and he brought the train to a stand within a few feet of the beast, which was edged off of the bridge and shot to - It was worth end its suffering- about $1175. ro 1 he regular meeting of the Huron Medical Association was held:in the Mechanics' Institute, Seaforth, on 'Tuesday July llth.' There were pres- ent Drs. Campbell,, Scott, Smith, Irv- ing, vice-pres.; Sloan, Elliott,: Seca ; (cordon, . Gunn i' • pres. ; ` Honover, Young, Graham, Armstrong, Nichol. Bethune, and Mr. Ewing, student. Dr. Campbell presented a case of heart disease and also a case of em, pyeema. Dr.. Graham showed a case of cystic, and Dr Sloan a case regard- ing the diagnosis of which there was some doubt. Dr. Nichol read a paper on gun -shot wounds. The secretary read a letter from Dr. Washington ex- pressing regret at not being able to attend.. He sent a paper but the reading and discussion of it was de- ferred to the next meeting owing to want of time. Committees were ate pointed on Ethics, Credentials and publications_ Dr. Ston was appoint- ed representative to the Canadian Medical Association which meets at Banff, N. W. T., next month. Alto- gether the meeting was one of ` the most successful - ever held in the county, the discourses tieing unusually animated and profitable. The next meeting will be hold in Clinion in t tee months. .ssmis•ww. WHAT BAKING POWDER SHALL WE USE. Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder is Made from pure 99 percent. OrystaI Cream Tartar and English Soda hence is the beat that cap be made, London Electric Soap ie only made by Richard Woodstock, (Trade Mark Regis. tered.) IN MOMOIR Of J. C. McINTOSIT. (Blessed are tho dead who die in the Lord) (BY RzQVssT] Deer Father's sono to Heaven, For ever to be at rest ; Iris toil on earth is o'er, Ho leans on Jusus' b -east. His presence on email we'll miss--• A sad trial, inCeed, for us But God seen fit to call him Homo, To be with Him in Heaven.' His hands; wore o'.asped like a Saint -at rest, Then closed Ills oyes with a parting smite; He had bid ad -+ea to earthly things, And soared to Wo -Ids on high. Ile lived a religious life, Ilow blessed . or us to know ; ' And it we do our Master's will, We saall be saved also. Farewell. Farewell, dear father ! On earthlnoroom we'll meet ; The parting to us was oozy sad,, To him it was so sweet. Ilow happy is eve -y child of grace, Who kaows his sins are forgiven ; This earth. heoried, is not myhome I seek my place, in }leaven. Composed by his daughter, Wha]en,Julv2U MARTHA.. "FIRST • CLASS FARM FOR UborSeA, L. N-10b0arnorgsad inrtnke hotownship rgoo part of purchase money to remain on Mortgage if desired. Applyat once to ELLIOT it ELLIOT, Vendor's. Solioitors, Exeter. rpHE LONDON MUTUAL J- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Head Omoe, London, Ont, After 30 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or contents ,tho 'most favorable protection in case or loss cr damage by fire orlightning, at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- able company eau afford to write.. 42,243 poli: oies in force lst Jan.,1889. Assets $378,209.54 in cash in bank. Government deport, Deben tures and Premium Notes• JAuss GRANT, President ; D. 0.1doDONALD, Manager. DAVID Agent for Exeter and vicinity. JAQvss, r XTOTERS' LIST 1889, MUNICI- PALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Hay. county of Hann. Notice is hereby given the,' I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sec- tions 5 and 6 of the voters list act. the copies required by said sections, to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the said Act,; of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roller thesaidmunioipality to be untitled to vote in the aid munioipality at elections tor members of . the Legislative assembly and atmunioipal elections ; and that said chat was posted up at my otrioe (at my residence) on the 19th day of July, 1889, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omission or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors oorreoted according to law. SAMUEL, POSTER, Clerk July 19th,1889. Zurioh P.' 0. Mail Contract. EALED TENDERS, addres- sed to the Post Master General will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday. the 16th August, 1889, for the .conveyance of bet' Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Ccntraot for four years, six times per week each way, be- tween Dashwood and Exeter Railway Station, from 1st September next. The' conveyance to be made in a' vehicle. Printed notices contain- ing further information as to conditions of, proposed contract may be seenandblank forms of Tender may be obtained at the P081Ofoes of Dashwood, Exeter. Sarepta and Hay and at this office,` Tido won (Iry of to day is London Electric Sono. All first class grocers soli London Elec- tric Soap. 1usi5o on your grocer giving you :London Electric Soup,,it ]s the beet, Four bare of London Eleettio Soap for 2iets, Don't fail to try Londou Electric Sohp once, and you Will use no other, ioi fi'�chefs Castaria H. G. ROl'KIRK, Post Office Inspector. Post Cffoe Inspector's Office, Stratford., 12July, 1889. MARK$T RZPORTB. aairTita fi'orrootedat5o'otopkp.m, Wsduesday ' Rod tvlo a spring Wt1e.Ft.., .» 80 Barley r. Oat ... , CloverSred «. -, 560to600 Timothy .,,, 2 60 to 8.00 Peas .e..: 0 46 10 0 50 Corn .-. 0 40 to 0 60 Eggs .., « 0 121581 Ott 0 11 Snttei to 0. 13 Ploarperbbi,, • 0000555 Potatoes per bushel to 35 Appplos,per bag CO to 0 60 DriedAppleapr b ... 0 $to 004 ,, 0 06 to 0 0 00 G ese per b. i Turkey perib . 0 07 to 08 Pucks pe rep'. pr ,. 0 50 10 0 86 Chickensperpr ... 0 25 to 0 S0 R'ogs,dressedperl0 ▪ G 00 to 6 25 Beef . 4 00 10 5 00 gidesrough, ... ... 3 50 to 46560 OC dressed s no to 6 00 8heepekitts eaob , 06510 > 90 Goatskins 0 5e to 0 70 Wool perib ... „ 0 18 to 0 10 13ayperton .:. 0800 to 08 00 Onionsnerbusb 0 50 to 0 75 wogdper cord ... ... 2 5 to 3 00 aT: hr AIiYB Pall. Wheat...... ........... ... $0 80 0 88 Spring Wheat 0 80 0 88 Barley . 00250 58 0 40 Oats 2 0 26 Clover Seed.,. „ : •• 60 000 TimothyE50 8 00 Peas 48050 Butter 12 0 12 s Potatoes per bag 25 0 80 11 0 11 Apples per bush 0 65 Wool perib 17 0 18. Haypertou 8 f0 8 00 $ran per fou ..14 00 14 00 Shorts " "-7%00%275 20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl 0 00 7 00 LONDON Wheat, 90o to .93 per bus Oats, 814' to 32 c per bushel. Peas, 480 to 48o per. bushel. Barley,malting, 43o to145to per bus Barley, feed, 384o to 4540 per bushel. TORONTO ToaoNTo.July 9—Wirnae-fall, No. 2, $0 to $L03; spring. No.2. $1.03 to $1.04; red win- ter, No 2, •$1.03 to $1.04; No 1, Manitoba hard, $1 13 to 51.14 Rummy. No. 1 56o to 57o No.2, 520 to 53e; No. 3, 42o to 45o; No 3, extra 47o to 48e. Picas, No 2, 60e to 64o. OATS, No.' 2, 30 0. to 33e. Froue extra, $4,10 to- $4.20; strong bakers. $4.50 to $4.80. Manitoba. $1 15 ando 51firm, 5 andNo 2 do. at 112 No. 3 barley, outside, at 004o oats, on track, at 31o. 1VOTICE. LI My wife, Catherine GAlvin,having left my home, bed and hoard, without any just' cause or provocation, I' hereby forbid persons harboring her or giving her credit on my account, for I will not be responsible for her board and lodgings or any debts she may con- .. tract. PATRICE GLAViN, South Boundary, Stephen July lith 1859. l month. TANTED GOOD, reliable men can find perma- nent employment. Good SALARY and ex- penses paid weekly. Liberal inducements to beginneOrs.free. required. istbihePrevious years. as.Al geoods ms arran sd first -clues. Write at once for tJ. W.111ACSAlt, St. Thomas, Ont:, Gen. Manager for Maple Grove Nurseries. (Mention this paper.) FA'B I1 FOR SALE OR RENT L The undersigned offers for sale or rent his premises containing 100 acres, being lot 17, con 1st, 1} miles scut of Centralis and 5; miles from Exeter, on the London road, the very best situation, Thera are 84 acres cleared, remainder principally of beach and maple. The soil is of a rich clay loom, well under drained and in a first class state of cultivation. There are on he premises a large brick house, two splendid barns . one a bank barn 72x34, Good orchard 'and l.wonever •tailing wells. The property is well fenced, is planted well with shade trees, and one of the best appointed and most desirable farms in the `district. For further particulars apply on the premises er to JAS . D.•. GLA VIN, July 18th, 1869 Centralia, P. 0,1 month, 80 to 0 8$ to 0 88 35 to 40 26 to 26 CONSUMPTION CURED An old physician, ,retired from practice, having had placedin his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure ?of Consumption. Bronchitis, ll throat and lung Ca- tarrh, Asthma and a affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debilityandall Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofeases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows.Actuated by Ibis motive and a desire to relieve hum an sufferint, I wr.isend free of oharge,to all who desire's, this reoipe,in German,Frenoh or English, with full directions fcr preparing and using. Sent. mail by addressing w ith stami naming this nap er.W. A , NoYEl 149 Power s Blool, 9c tester t \T0't'.ERS LIST 1889, MUNICI PALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Stopbon, county of Huron. Notice is being kiven that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sec- tions 5 and 6 of the voters list act, the copies required by said sections, to be so -transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the said Act, ot'all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of tho said municipality to bo entitled to vote in tho said municipality at election for members of the Legislat Are assembly and at municipal oleetions and t'.iat said list was posted up et my office (at my residence) on the 25th day of July, 1880, and remains there for inspection. 1j]ledtors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omission or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corroded according to law. CitilOTitn PuouTv,'Clerlt, July 25th, 1889. Play P. 0. ADVICE TO MoTxEas.-Are you disturbed ao. nightand broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying, with pain of Cuttine Teeth? If so send at onoe and get a bottle of"Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willrolieve the poor little sufferer im mediately Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake abont it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrbora, regulates the Stomach and )3owels,cures Wiud°olio, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, awl gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by al] druggists throughout the world. Piioe twenty -live cents a bottle. Be sure and askfor"Mae. Wrxenow's 5"oTHINo s"HDD ".Ind no other Ind. 61110211210. i1 OOD ofANOE FOR A BLACK S14II'CFI, Good paying Blacksmith business and prom- isor, comprising shop, dwelling and stable, for sale or to rent, in the th.ivingvillage of ];lim- viIbe, t0wnYhip of TJsberne, on corner opposite liodt;ins' Hotel and Smith's store anct100 p081 °thee, Possession at once. Apply to John Pt White, Centralia P. 0.. or to Lewis 13, bickson, barrister. dm., Exeter, Ont.--3mos. ILLAGE PROPERTY. FOR Salo, Sho residonee of the late 1B re. Simpson, consisting of 2 Villattelot$,. There is on the lots a good house and barn t.lso good well,. Will be sold chose. For farther particulars a >ply to, ,. iittAITND, or to IVSr, sllrl'gnry Pared DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORM S Or. ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND igAl blOT'HARM THE most., r DELICATE CHILD •c-• G. A. llyndman --KEEPS-- G-roceries and Confectionery OF THE REST QUALITY. Also best Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars PETTY'S HAMS BACON and LARD Thorley's Improved Horse end Cattle Food Dashwood Roller Flour. G. A. HYNDMAN. rashiodoloStylo:1 37° TBEDEAF,- .A person shred 91 Deafness end noises it} . the bead of 23 years' standing bye simple'remedy, will Bond a description of It lrnies to any persona who applies to Ntetier4SON, 177 McDougal street, New 3Cork CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To .rax ED3`Toit: Please inform your readers that Phare a positive remedy for the above named diet ease. By its timely use thousands of hope- less oases bave been permanently cured. fi shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy Viten to any of your readers who baveconsumptiou if they will send mo their Express and 1?. 0. address, Respeotfully, DR. T. A. SLOCUM Toronto, Out. 3'7 Yonge street THE BEST YET I THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST 'YET 1 DR. FOWLERS LERS "EXT:OF• TRAWBEIIRY CURES HOLERA ho1era•Narbus CLr1��55C,��- pS�- Ft �M 1'S IARRH: YSE%ITERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE. BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. A FORTUNE FOR A1.II.1. It is said that every person has a chance once in this life time to ! _ make a fortune and if they allow T A that time to ass ma never have l? v �._ T TU BITS the opportunity again. FIRST-CLASS THIS TEAR'S yrtic t CUT And PLUG Smoking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See & B. IN BRONZE, . On each PLUCF and PAC$AG E JOHN BRAN UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER t Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO OOFr'INs OF EVERY DESONTETIOi4. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED Co6' x- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. rGIVE ME A CALL DO YOU. That time has come. You can depend upon it that every person purchasing their goods at PARK- INSON'S saves money by doingso thereby will make their fortunes. Ris prices are down. You are not asked high prices to make up losses for debts contract- ed by bad customers. Don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's stock is new and consists of Dry Goode, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually kept in a first class general store. See his black and colored. Cashmeres at 25 cents and up. You can get the cheapest all -wool suit in Exeter made to order at Parkinson's. Make no mistake- Consult your own interests andexamine his stock before making your purchase elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do better at the . Cheap Cash Store than any other place in Exeter, Highest market price allowed for farm produce at Parkinson's. First Door North of the Town Overeoatings at any price ; Suit- ings at any price ; Pant Ings at any price. es t Ordered Clothingp i 9dnced in Exeter o Gentlemen f' lotf'vo your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Trimmings, rind the hest (Jutting in Town, you are guru of satiated. tion. J. PARKINSON. FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD` —TAENCALLAT- I L ' ' -ONLY FIRM -CLASS- lia. GoodsR.e Lble At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Hooses can give Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to 0. & S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCS lit IRE Iffall116 1111 OUR SPRING STOCK Spades andShovels, .. Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND; OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the -- Very Finest Prices for Cash -We have also on band a full line of - SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition. Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds. Eave-troughing a Specialty. A. call solicited. BISSETT BROS. Ji1ES PICKARD Every Department in the Old Established is now most complete, and full of the fates novelties. The French, English and American Millinery 'cant be excelled. The stock of Dress Goods is larger ab cheaper than ever shown. All the best makes of rich Bl. colored and sho'a silks, Cheap. Parasols and Sun shack of every design (both long and short stenos. Fine fancy zephers, plain zephers. Sateens and Prints in endless 'vat: ]et5 . A special lot of Swiss Embroideries for Dresser' (.lovely goods.) Every lady should see our Dress Trig wings (which contain all the latest novelties. Colne e and inspect our stock. F N, 73. ---Tho attention to of Dress -makers is spei;lal!1 called to the Dress Goods department. JAMES P1CKARD, Exeter