HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-25, Page 1f'""' C�kismith 4. Hall! "2-c:0171'a-ease- WA'I'CIIES,-- CLOCKS,- • .1 III WlilLRY, SILVERW- ARE,- -AND SPECTACLES. • UNEQUALLED VALUE. aairPe rso nal attention given to repairing of \vetches, clocks and jewelry: , 0. REICHENI3AOH, Opposite Post °Moe, PARKHILL. LEG.e.L • , 1 H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli - ..4 • cater ef Supreme Court,NotaryPublic Couveyancei Get:mita:dozier, . Money to, Chloe in Panson's Block, Exeter , P. COLLINS, AA) Barrister, &InciI ter Conveyancer, JAC. liXETER, - ONT. 0 faceRaniwell'aBlock 17tall'a old. office.) ARMOUR W. FOltll, Solieitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario, Co nye yaneer,Commi seioueri Sic. Special attention given to the collection of claims in the United States. Patents procured, money be loan et lowest rates. Otlioe Opera House Block,St,Marys Ont. ELLIOT & ELLIOT,. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. ta''Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE, -Mfl- STREET, EXETER. B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT. eiENTAL. Ta L. BILLING'S, . OFFICE: over 07.1rE1L'S Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. TA- KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L,.D.S • Samwell's Block, Main-st, Exeter, Extraets Teeth without paint by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Pilings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes to BIM= ON litet Thursday In •each month: " MEDICAL W. BitOWNING M. D. , M. (3 te • P. S ,Gradult te Vic toriaTtnivers ity.Office , diresideuce,'Dominio pia% borator v B xe ter T)R. SYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Huron. ()Moe, opposite Mr. id.7 Carling's store , Exeter. mintt B... J. A. ROLLIN n , M. 0 . P. S or ,, - . o . ulace, Main S.r.Bxetei3Ont .Besidon rn, lie houserecently occupied by P . McPhillips, arao Esq. re' AUCTIONEERS. ENIt/ EMBER, Licensed Auc- tioneer for Flay, S tophen, and McGilli- rr ay:Townships t SaleS eon ducted atmodera fa rates. Oilice-AtPost-offiee,Crediton,Ont. TORN GILL, Anationeer for the eJ Townships of Stephen, Ray and. Usborne and the Village of _Exeter. All saleaprometly attended, and satisfaetion guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VE-TBRINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, ratluates of the 0 tariO Veterinary College OFE/OE : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 64 - per cent, 825,003 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICESON, • Barrister,Exeter, •••••••••••••16616“•.••••••••••••• •INSURANCE . WATERLOO MUTUAL -A. FIRE INSURANCE CO . Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This corny -any has been over Eighteen mare insueoessfui operation in Western On- htt.rioontinues to insure againstloss or damage by Pire,Buildings,Merehandiste,Man- ufactortes,andeli otherdescriptionsoftinsur- abae property. . Intending insurers have the option of insurin g on the Premium Note or Cash System Eurirag the past ton years tbis Company has issue d 57,096 Policies, coverin g property o thes,mouut of '340,873,038 ;and paid inloss- es a toneea0e,152,00 •AssetS, $176,100.00, consisting o f Cash n. death, GoyerrimentDeposit,and the unties- essodPr emiurni Notesonhandandin force. J W WiinM D. Pr eside C . 51. TATrielt, seoretary. ,7.8 Htromasjusnector. CHAS: .N ELL Agentt or Exoterandvieinity. ,A.117ai OlgIeTSD31 Itt EDUCATION 25 A COURSE IN THE BUSINESS: Shorthand, English, Poamennhip, GON2all &EloOntion, or Methane:al Drewing Departmentt of' the !Detroit Business university. NirILLUSTAATED CATALOGUE FREL1R2 • CENTRAL Barber Sht)p, FANSON'S BLOCE. A. Hastings, Prop Saving and Hat cutting% the, latest etyles the art. •• • • Every attentiolapaid to cutting Ladies ana &en' s Hair. EXETEIL 'AND HTJRON & NCIDDUS)EX. 6-AZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET TEE.CHIPS FALL WHERE TEEY MAY 'VOL. XVI. NO: 47. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 25th, 1889. IN ---. 1 V KIRK TON A large and well 'assorted stock of General DryGoods, Millinary, Hats, Caps, Boots, Groceries, Crockery, Classware, Wallpaper, Sta- tionary, Paints, Oils, Grlass, Putty, Nails, Books, Salt, Boot jacks, and everything kept la a B.rst.class Store. The 'Whole Stook will be sold in lets to suit yon. Come and get a lot, the price will suit you; it will make your wife and child- ren glad, your sons end daughters happy, and general oontentment will. prevail in the whole fatnilY• Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. Yours truly, DOUPE & CO. --STONEMAN'S— Jewelry Store • HENSALL, ONT. IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY • Watches, Clocks, • Jewelery, Silverware Spectacles, Stationery, School Books • Fancy Goods, Musical Instruinents. 9. full line of Spauldings Bats and balls on hand We make a specialtjr of Watch ana ewelry repairing -All work guaranteed` Our Motto -Neat, Prompt and re- liable. • Storm:masa, HENSALL, ONT ilruLt STOL! YOUNG & KER Have their Hardware and Tinware Store full of the various staple . articles, You °mainly your Herdwate, Tinware., Paints, Oils. Machine Oils, Castor Oil, Wire, Glass, and. Baby Carriages cheaper from us than anywhere else in this section. • A call will convince you of this fact. NAILS at the low'est rates. • Sewing Machine Needles &cat the closest bargaing. We sell cheap and take. a pride in letting our .cus- tomers know of it. Lawrence's Spectacles, &e. TOUR gKEBL Crediton, June 171h, 1889. The Largest THE BEST, • TRE NICEST, THE SWEETEST —Assortment of - Confectionery IN TOWN. JUST IN, & FaffiSH. Away down in Price. FOLLICIK'S Bread, Bunts, Cakes, and all kin& Of Pa t ty, still take the lead, • Headquarters for Confection- ery at FOLLICE'S, MAIN -ST., EXETER , HIGH CI:I001.1 ENTRApOE EXAMINATIONS. The 'results of Entrance Exandnetions forte Inspectorate of West Huron are given , below. Tee total Dumber of marks for the Threat Subjects is 735, the number re- quired to pass is 367 and one-third in each aubject. 'Those ,rebbnimended have obtained over :367 marks but haye fallen below one-third in some sulaiepta The marks of those who have failed will be sent to the teachas by the-Inspeceor. „ - GODER;tf.ML OA3DXT)AES. frolieson, Ethel , .... Andrews Martha ..... Ball Winnie Pulord Lizzie Strang, Pearl Saunders, Alice.. Tiohborne, Maggie Cox, Benson Fritzley, Jonathan Horton, Joseph McCraw, John ..... . . Morton, Robert Price, Willie Pasmore, Char'es Reid, Wesley........ „ Robertson, Willie Robertson, Warner........ Williams'Graham. ...... . Humber, Charles-. ,Tohnston MARES -420.. _447. ..441.. _449.. _474. .408.. ..464.. ..423.. ..404.. ..436.. ..405.. ..459.. • .426.. ..415.. _450.. ..480.. ..394.. If 11061, ATTENDED, Godatich Model ft 41 Potter, Carrie -510.. • e .. ........ e CampbellAgnes J ....... _399_ S. S. No. 1. Colberne.... Miss Mary Jones .. .. . Johnston Thos j.... .. , . .. ..421.. Hawkins Alice....348950.... 3. S. Ng 1. Ashfield .... Miss .Annie Burrows McMurchy Jennie ..... ... „418, , S. S. No 3. 't .... Miss Jennie Cowan McKenzie, Donald A .... ..491.. S. S. No 15. " • • • . John McRae. .... McDonitld, Malcolrii.... .. ..49$..j ' " • • • • " • • • ... • • 'Matheson, Roderick.. .... ..446.. " r. Stephens, Willie ..... ..... 1..423.. S. S. No 7, Colborne.... Miss F A Holmes... I O'Neil, lVfichael...... .... e .476.. S. S. No, 2. " Miss Kate Laudy. .... Ieeeciern:lt,' School. iliobert Park .. C4 CC 14 CC 4 c c It t 4 St Frank .. . .. . ... • • • ...... ..c .. .. . ..... •0•0 • • ... .. Bain, Kate Manson, Jennie........... Allan, George. Nicholson, Malcolm Morris, Archie Bell Maggie... ..... Curry, Mary Ann .. Hauch, Rosa • e, Jeckal, Addie 17 Jeckell, Blatche .. Ilorto'James Reddy, Nelson.... Reddy, Norman Matchell Frank ....... Swan John. Tipp, John. . Robinson-, Mary...-. Teald Cassie. .. Bagshaw, .... Shopton Edmond.... Douglas, Johu Manson, Donald Kestle, .Asa j •Russell, Thos A.- • • • 413.. ..389.. .368.. _370- ..424.. .483.. .381e. -413.. •485. 508. 403.. _369.. ..396.. • 386.. 370.. ..392.. -396.. 551.. . .412.. ..455.. ..500.. necountxxnen. Goderich • Model School Ronert Park • 44 C4 Ct 4i • 3 S No. 6 Colborne.... lHavelock Beacham.... EXETER. S. 8 No 1. Tuckersmith S. S No 3. Hay ........ S. S No 7. " 5. 8 No 1 Usborne Ben Srnilie .........•.. Geo Brown ..... r'a Sam J Latta Wm McKay ........ 41 CC 41 I S No 3 tcp1ien: ..a.'101-inle1urner " El 8 No 5. McGillivray.. Alex Todd 5 8 No 3. Stephen A W Hotham S 5 No 9. Hay& Stanley R R Ross 44• 14 • • • S S No 2. Colborne Thos Elliott_ ... S 8 No 5 • Ueborne Alex. Fowlie • ..... • • • " RECOMMENDED. Tienme Love, 386, S, S. No, 8 Stephen, Fea,nte Turner teacher ; Edith Steinbach, No. 7, Hay, 403, S. J. Latta, teacher ;' John A. Curry, No. 3,ellay, 370, Geo Brown, •teacher ; • a6616116110.661. Hensel!, (Too late for. last 2veolc.) • BUTErs.--Miss 'Phillip of Bayfield, who has been visiting at Mrs. R. Morrison's, re turned to her home on 'Friday last. -Bey. Mr. Craig, of Clinton, exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr: •Bridgeman of this place, last Sundt:T.-Trade is quiet here just now • owing to the &moors being busy haying. -- Raspberries appear to be plentiful if we may judge by the quantities being brought M daily. -Mr. A. Johnston took filet money with the mare, "Bella Roe," in the three minutetrot at St. Marys Friday last and third in the 2.45 olass with “Tom Burke." •Mr. T. McLean shipped two carloads of • fine cattle from this station on Seturclay last. --The funeral of the hie Wm. Wood, • sr., of ITsb,orne took place on Tuesday last to the Etodgerville cemetery and •was at- tended by a large concourse of ft lends and relatives. Biers. -Rev Mr, Wilson of" Exeter preached both afternoon and evening in the Methodist church here last Sabbath. and was well liked by all who heard hint. -Mr Diehl, a student, of Huron College, officiated in St Paul's church hero last un ay morning. --Mr: E R Evans went to Riucardine on Saturday last. We hope he sojourn by the lake will improve his health, whigh has not been very good late - I. Ever 0, who has been visiting friends in St Marys returned home on Monday last -Miss Davis, of Aylmer,who has been visiting her brother, W C Davis of this place returned on Monday last.- ' Miss Kate floclos of Kincardine. who hes been visitiqtfriends here returned home on Saturday. -Miss B. Hedging of Kincardine is visiting fiends here at present. Mr Fred Smallacombe is visiting at home hero. --Mrs Charles Stacey and -family left here on Tuesday to join her husband at Carberry, Manitoba. ---Our path -masters this, year are doing a grand work in putting down sidewalks and arose nage. Corbett. Buntes.-Mr. John Grieve has had another well bored. He got water about eight inches in the rock which rose to within a few feet of the surface. --Mr. jag. Gardner got a, long piece of gravelling done on the 22nd Considering the anal amount of money &anted by that council. They should nOblesitate , granting about $100 more 4iich %Veda complete that leng. dreaded piece. of road in the muddy times of the year, -Quite a number of farmers have` been drawing salt from Exeter for their stook and hay. Theygot gooa alarm holt for $1.50 per ton• A FAMILY A.FPAIR. Wo have Ivied Fowierar Extract of Wild Strawberry ih our fantily of six Pentane dierirtg ttectIve years, and,iu all eased of diarrhoea, Sunithor rnnplaints, etc.,, it never /trite to cure. ThitiValbrible Medicine should be on hand in oVility' 'lb:Attie, Mrs. Anuit ilailear Orris OHISELEURST BRIEPS.-Mr. B. Dalrymple was badly hurt the other day by a scantling falling • on him while working in the barn. It struck him a glancing blow on the arm otherwise it would have broken ia-Hay- ing is again a thing of the past and the farmers are busy preparing for tile harvest which is coming on fast. -Tee 3 -months. old child of Mrs Bell died suddenty on Friday night, after a few hours' illness. - Mr J Fitzgerald has been almost crippled with rheumatism ever since his trip to the • lake, where he got wet. --Two young ladies while going to ohurch the other Sunday were met by a youth, who, after a short conversation persuaded them to go home a,gain. After going a short distance the trio was met by a matronly lady of consid. erable experience. She advised the young- •er lady to •accompany her to church and allow the other twu to spend the afternoon by themselves. Mount Oarr• ael. Farmers in this vicinity are about through with hay -making and have begun cutting their wheat and barlev.--Scholars who lave been attending High School in the neighboring towns have returnedj to spend their holidaya.-Hr. Dan Regan held hie barn raising on Thursday last. The crowd was small, but they worked bravely and succeeded in getting the build- ing up before the rain commenced. Mr. P. McLachlan and J. Doyle called sides for a race, and although the latter had all the big duffers, strange to say he was beaten. -Mr, Patrick Hall is (pith a mechanist, he almost eucceeded in getting up a binding truck the other day. -We are glad to re- port that Mr. Cornenus O'Brien has re. covered from a severe fit of sickness, and is nowable to work. -Mr • Joseph a laviii has just completecl hie new barn. It con- tains many of the modern improvements and may be oonsidered a model for parties who intend building, Tee next step 36 take Joe, is to get: the woman and -settle down,. --On Friday last Mr. A. t,Lettry's team, while hitched to a plough. ran tianly, They soon freed, theineelvea from it and rat againet a tree, seriously injuring one hones. W. R. Anderson, of the firm of Auder. goy et Anderson, of London, With wheat the Dominion Goverement has entered it. to the new Mail ecestraoi for the Atlantic fast service, left for New York this after- noon. He expects to be ready to dem- mance operations in two years but will perform partially the weekly service in eighteen menthe. The firm' will begirt at onoe to buila four steadiers. A little eleven ye/wet:11cl datigeter of Mr, :An Atkinson; who lives On the l'atterson farm, York road, Geelteb, Met with a aerierIS aceident Saturday Morning, She was standing neer yoting colt when it kicked her in the forehead, denting a double frac. tut Joe= WHITE & SONS Publishers wed Proprietors Kippen. -- ROBBERY. -011 the llth bust a well, dressed tramp went into Mr Geo lair's, at RiPpen, and stole a watch '• he went fur- ther down end Stole atiother from Mr. Thompson, near Elensall, He then (took one to Henson, and got a glass put into it, since which time he hie not been seen. Bniere.--Thetuany friends of Mr, Hugh McGregor, who Ilea been dangerously ill for some time, wilt be glad to learn that he is on the road to reeuvery.-Mrs R. Coats and Miss Dinsley, of C/inton, guests of Miss Annie McMordie, have returned hotne.---Ur L. M. Plewee is 130W enjoyiug vacation, after having attended a term at Stratford 13118113e52 Oollege.-Ye pedagogues of Itippen and thereabouts are home en- joying vocation ankinay be seen promen. ading gaily homeward from church moon- • evenings. Fullartort. Mr, James Rogers, of Bond Head, is spending his holidays at home. Our new Physician, Dr. Armstrong, is becoming very popular, and the village is to be congratulated on having so worthy a. successor to Dr. Day. Mr. H. Coditice and Mr. J. W. Woodley have both returned frora their trip to Eng - •land. • The former contented himself with viewing the sights of London aud returned via Quebec, Mr. Woodley, however, in addition to doing London and visiting relatives in the west of England, took m the Paris exhibition and returned by way of New York and Niagara. At the entrance examination, St. Marys, High School, the &Bowing candiaates from Fullerton passed : Wm. Brooke, S. S., No. 1. 518; Harry Detwiller, S. S. No. 1, 517; Willie McMaster, S: 5. No. 1, 468. The maximun number of marls was 735, and each candidata was required to make 367, in order to pass. • Credrton. (Crowded out last week) OBIT. --On Sunday morning last Mr G. Geiser, after several months of su mg and pain, wee released by the hand of death. She had been suffe intensely from a species of blood poise and everything was done for her w human aid could do a but to no avail. lady with her husband wee one of the nears of this section and together they seen their hard labor of the backer° days richly rewarded. She leaves a band and eleven children most of w are married to inouri their loss. funeral whioh on:Wednesday was lafgery attended: Mons Amen nese BLL. -On Tuesday the school base ball team from here wen Zurich to play a friendly game with school olub there. The little fellows h ever, were not sucoesseful in downing t opponents but it was no fault of the Tbe grounds were rough%whioh favored Zurich boys somewhat to having been u them. On the whole the boys did well a especially at the bat. After the ga kbey were given their sappers and elm as much attention as if they were prof eionals and are now loud in praise of "Cornstalks." They hope to be able return the compliment shortly. Score, to 18, in favor of Zurich. Ben Eilb umpire. Bantre.---leriseEwald of London, is pa Ing her brother a short vitit.-Mt. Jo Switzer who has been spending a few wee at home left for Exeter North to ooramen the season work:in the flax mill there. - Monday avg. last a number of the you men interested in base ball met in 1311 hall and organized a club to be known a "The Crediton Stars," they elected ttte fo lowing Officers :-Pres. Dr. T. o Com. Wm, H Wenzel, C. Kibler, H. Eilb and Aug, Switzer; Treas. Sena E. Amo Seciy. Ben Either. The boys are now fully organized and have ordered a complete out- fit, the only drawback being a field to prac- tice in. They are however, negotiating for a field handy to the village belonging to Mr S. Hill on which they intend to put a track and also use it as a perraaneut ball ground. -Mr. Atig. Rill of the Central has been rather unforinnate in losing twelve oanariee seven of which were singers. -Berry pick- ing has commenced and jaciging by the quantity offered for sale they must be very plentiful. s. A. ffer- oold ring ning hi& The pio- have ods' us- hom The very hist t to the ow - heir ire. the sed nd Die 2211 88. the to 20 er, Y- hn ks oe On ug l's s, et 13mers.--Mr. Geo. Smith has returned from Fonthill, where'he has been working since Feb. last. He leaves on Friday for Sebeivaing, Mich., to work for Mr. John Brown. -Mr Win, Hoffman spent a week at home. We are glad to see him well again. --Messrs. Chas. and Chris. Zwiker left on Tuesday -on a trip to Detroit. -Mr. and Mrs. ,Tno Zuefie'of Clandeboye, spent Sunday with friends here. -Messrs. Brown and Reider are putting up a new front in their store, which when completed will greatly improve it. -Mr. 13; Brown ig erecting a verandah in front of hie dwelling. -The brickwork of Mr. F. Efiber's hose is oompletecl and makes a fine looking struotare.-Thnreday August 8th has been declared Civic Holiday for Crediton. menacepionie to the lake will be the order of the &rye -Flax pulling him started and the gang leaves every morning. --On Satur- day last the Orediton Stars visited Zurioh to play a return game of hese ball, but through a series of miehape to some of the nine while in Zurieh. were ptit in a poor position for a twitch, however, they aia the best they could under the circumstances, Mit were defeated by a sore of 17 to 13, jut before the game started Mr. Matt Ginter, °anther for our team, was Struck in the fete with the ball, vvhieh prevented him from playing his position and in the latter part of the tome Dr, T. A. Amos had hie finger completely torn out of joint and the flesh torn open with the bone protrude beg. The boys are not eatisfied and aro anxious for another game. They spear leiphly of the way they were treated in Zurich and Will return the compliment. D'inpire W. H. Kerr, The Globe should forever keep Mum oil its illustrated editions. Its history of Mitehell was a slur on the (3 r anon, anclin Iteepirig With its ban ging ptoressitlebs—ziltdiaoll Advcoate., The Moisons Bank (OlIARTERED BY PA RLIAMEN T, 1355) Paid up Capital ... 3'4000,00 Rost rand 1,000,43 Efead Office, Montreal, 7. WQr4P114.TAN GrreCirMica'AeBr,'11,Efeseqe..'oes go branch offices ie the seominfon. Aeepoie in the Dominion, U,S.A,aed Bemire. Exeter Brarieb., Open evere lawf ni day, from 10 a. in, to 3 p.m' SATURDAYS, 10 a. 122, 20 ip. 3 Per Dent.per ennum allowed/or money on Deposit Receipts and &Wings Bank. H. H. AHOHEA !!._..•••••••••=•••••••..,.•••••,••••••••••.•,,.••••=• Ilion Selmer., Egeneerre.--The examixtere have completed, the examination .of the candidates for entrance to the Parkhill High School. Following is a complete list 2,01141stbt;0141RBI:i4Coub":8:3f:IbliVIPTIIIVI:ocim1113upztiornetpe;Hby'Pw*halptpsoenn: Frenk Watson, „Reel:lel Keliey, --- Moe Kinnon, Hattie Ruasel, L01.118e W5t501O, Nellie Watson, Parkhill; john -.Clarke;" 9 East ; John Donaldeon, '7 Mc- Gillivray ; AndreweMorton, McGillivray lvriohaI Hogen, 6 Stephen; Robert E Lees, Judson Teeple, J'ennie Watson, 12 West Williams; Arthur Marshall, John. E Stewatt, I C Phillips, 1 1asb Williams; Robert Morgan; 6 McGillivray e R Me - Donald, John Thompson, Maigaret Hord, 3 East Williams; Hugh McKenzie, Jennie McKenzie, 5 East Williatne ; L McPhee,' 5 West Williams; Oliver Stewart, 0 West Williams; A W Stewart, Ansa Craig; Albert Wilson,- 14 MeGillivray, ; Jessie .Anderson, Bertha Cowie, Annie McNeil, 6 East Williams; Carrie Dealer, 12 Mc- Gillivray; Janet Glendenning, Lizzie Tweddle, 10 McGillivray; Annie Gray, 7 East Williams; Lena Knight. 16 West Wiilianis; - MoLachlan, 10 Stephen. Zianch. Burars.-The weather' continuee fine, haying about done.--Pionio is the order of the day. Hardly a day passim but what one passes through our village to the lake shore. -Miss Min Rowe has gone to the Band for a few weeks to recruit up for fall work. ---Mies Chapman, of Listowel, is the guest of our genial good-natured shoe- maker, Mr. Fred Kibler: --Miss EchtheDier and friend are visiting Edith Steinbach. - Mr. Chris. Sahelter, formetly an employee of Mr. Fred Signer has been in the village on a visit. ,alisit Zettie Zeller and Miss Annie Wurm have returned from their trip to Tilsonbarg looking well. -16. Belzer, tinsmith with Mr. Zeller dt Spa, returned home on Tuesday taking with him a fine lot of cherries. Cherries' are very plentiful in this section this enmmer.--It is with pleasure we announce the Marriage of Mr. Frank Boesenberry and Miss Lou Wagner, which took place last Thuraday evening. Wank is well known by every body and has won for his bride one of our most revected young ladies. We join with their many friends in wishing them prosperity and happiness. -Quite an interesting game of base ball was played here on Saturday afternoon between our boys and the Crediton boys, which resulted in a viothry for Zureelo. The game stood 13 to 17 - The string band had a eall for the Baohelers" porde uncler'Unitiliaremitent of Mr. H. Willert, of Dashwood, the same being held at the Bend last Friday. ---The A.. O. Fed Zariola held their first picnic) last Thursday at Bayfield. The day was all that could be desired and everything passed off pleasantly. Some took the advantage of the sail boat, but the wind was strong and Doan --t yer know some one lest their hat. All returned well pleased with the day's enjoyment and ready to go again. -Mrs. August Ehnes returned on Monday from her trip to Mailmen. - The many friends of Rev. Ortwine were pleased to see his sinning face the fore part of the week. FAL• L FAIR DATES South Perth, at St Marys Provincial, at London Blanshard, ab Kirleton Mitchell, at Mitchell Hibbert, at Staffa. . - North Perth, at St:pi/Ord Industrial, at Toronto Biddulph. at Granton .. Sept 21 and 25 • Sept 9 th 24 . .0ot 3 and 4 .. Sept 26 and. 27 Sept 30 to Oot 1 ..... Oct 3 and 4 ..Sept 9 to 21 .. Sept 18 and 19 ANOTHER CHINESE HORROR. -- San Francisco, July 23. -Advices just received from China state that a reoent fire at Lu -Chow loaned twenty-three hours. destroying 8,000 dwellings. Over 1,200 persons perished in the flames, and 400 others were killed. Nearly 170,000 people were obliged to camp oat without • shelter, and were dying at the rate of 100 •a day from want and exposnee. The authorities are providing for their necessities. The Dominion Government has bad one of -the victims afflicted with leprosy in In- verness County, C. B., removed to the lazaretto at Traoadie, X B. It is undertsbod that there is some doubt about the other two oases reported, but they are .being in- vestigated and action on them will be taken at Gmle. ulph, Ont., July 22.-Isaao Dyson, a Prominent farmer in Guelph Township, and. a director of the Guelph Eat Stook Club, committed suicide early this morning by hangiug himself in his barn. Deceased moved to Manitoba in the epring, but re. turned dissatisfied, and went back to hia old farm. Disappointment in his move to Manitoba, and financial dculties aro eup- posed to luxe been the causes which lel to his haeging himself. A CONFIRMED GRUMBLER is generally cto brumes° of oonfirmed dys- pepsia or indigestion, ceased by eating too rapidly, bolting food withont, ohewing it sufficiently, over loading the stomach etc. Burdock Blood Bitters aurae dyspepsia and ell kindred disease. . At Boston on Saturday in a fit of jealousy Dr. Virrn. B: White; aged 75, shot his wife Ellen, a woman of 25, and then committed suicide. The couple had Hyatt unhappily together. The woman may recover. One 25o, bottle of Everest's Liver Regu- lator has done me a great dee' of good, and you will please (tend me a dollar bottle.- - Mrs. Rosa Wilson, 041h. The Board of Trade for the town of St. filitryithae at last been torttod anil the following officers duly elected: P Sharp, preS. ; 8. S. Meyers, won. pres W 1, MeLeod, seoy.•-tretid. The Council demists of the president, sec - treasurer, vice -pretty Johnt Moore, Lino, toselto, Whit6, T. D. %Miley' .atnee Chalmers. J Reedy', Dixon, S. FM- leigh, IL L. Ride, Jrie. MrixWell, W. Andrews and T, F, HerriOeM