HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-18, Page 10peLL occyr• 11,p1fiA�L g%%4 Absolutely Pure,! This a.marveiofpur- ity,ebre.ngth and wholes onianess• Moreeoon- ,omice:l,thanthe ordinary lomat end cannot she eo4dzucomp eMimi with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate, rRowders,Soldonly in cans. -ROYAL BAK- .1 G POWDEROC..106 Wallstreet INSURANCE. ERNST ErLLIOT,AGENTFOIR t THE WESTERN ASSuRANOE COM. PANT. of Toronto;, also for the PHrENIK FIRE INSURANCE COMMIPANY, or London, Bngland,the BOYAR CANADIAN, of Mon- treat, ar d the BRITISH EMPIRE LIFE AS aURANCE C OMPANY, of f,ondon, England, established 1847. Ascots over $5,000,000; claims and bonuses said, over 510,000,000. LOCAL NEWS. -lyes hall beheppy to re- ceive atall times, front any part of the 'County ,items of local news, such as ar:- cidents,or any interestiog incident sohat- ever,frova any of our subseribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of public a tion. Messrs. j. White & San. '68E4 `!s C Ling `terx3 Vtv serer Mom THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 1889 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. aF2OPENED,--Boots and shoes at and be- low east at C. Eacrett's. Harness making In all its breaches still carried on as usual, :opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. for goods. Life Given - St. Leon Mineral Water. Geo. Sanders has received a fresh aup- lsiy of this justly famed water, direct from rime springs. Now is your chance to build :a. sound, strong constitution. Elixir Vita for dispepsia and piles, pos- e,tive cure, -Geo. Sanders. . Base Ball, On Friday last the return match of the Goderich and Exeter ball clubs was played on the grounds of the latter. The game was called at eleven o'clock with Mr. Swanson, of Goderieh, to um- pire. In the commencement the Goder- ich boys led, but the score was soon increasing on the side of Exeter. The playing was not of the best as will be ,seen by the score. The Goderich team had the advantage, the umpire being most conspicuously biased to his own t eam, some of the most bare -faced decisions being given in their favor while the Exeter boys good naturedly :acquiesced in his outrageous claims against thein. The visiting team evidently came to win the game, abeam consisting of their very best players and picked nen from Clinton and other clubs, together with a win -at -all -hazard's- umpire, having been carefully gathered. The visiting team, we are pleased tosay, was most courteously treated at the hands of the Exeter club. The visiting teann, we night say, forgot to bring the =challenge cup which our team won at Goderich on July let. The Exeter club still hold their own by always winning, and we believe they will retain their .,present enviable reputation until the 'end of the season. Following is the wore ;- .t ODERIOII.` 12345078 'Turnbull..... 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Whitely 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1-3 Straiten.........................:.......1 0 1 1 0 0-3 Cooke. 0 0 1 1 0 0 0-2 8 1 D -3 Campion.. OD11 0 0 ..a roc a 0 1 0 —3 Robertson... .................. 0 1 1, 0 0 or on Williams 0 0 01 1 0 0 0-2 lalcolina,n0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0--2 Donough.,.....,......0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1, Total 19 Base en balls 0 ; has( on hit by pitched ball 1; passed bats 3 •' wild pitohos 2; left onbases fir ;,struck out by 1'ai t 8. BXETIIR. 1'234567* "rx"torett 1 2 1 - 4. Astrderson F.,, 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 -5 34e1)onald.0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0- 4i Ucling., ............ .. i0df of ........ .........0 1 0 1 1 01 --4 1 xxitwsett , .. 0 0 0 1 0 1 -- 3 'Ga€t 0 0 0.1 1 0,1 --3 Anactson (3 .............0 0 1 1 1 0'0 -- 3 knight.........., 0 01 2 0 0 0 -3 `;lac'taI 80 Rase on balls 2baso on Mit ev eitehed.bell 5;'Lrb+rsedhalls' 0;;' wild pitohos 2; ;left on &tales 5striislt out by' Robertson 2. We are mindobt�'d to Mr. Jos, Davis for the abeve anwabre. averag. Cr' for Pitcher's Cartons lease etiax> The Exeter cl>.ib go to Ailsa Craig to- day to participatein thebase ball toterna- Went, We wish; them their usual success. -Mr. Ted Collins, one of the players of the old "Irish Nine" of Lucta<n, witnessed the gene here on the 12th, land was pleased with the manner in which. the Exeter boys handled. them- selves on the field -The oiie-hu1 catch of Knight, in centre field, was the play of the day on the 12th. -The decisions of the Goderich umpire on the 12th gave Tait the razzle-dazzles, consequently his. pitching was somewhat wild. Others of the club also suffered from the same,. The batting of IVIoDonell and Eacrett was exceptionally good -Anderson did good work behind the bat and allowed very few balls to pass. -A. return match is being arranged with Clinton, to take place at an early date. -The boys bad a deservingly successful day on the 12th. Death of Two Aged Citizens, There died on Sunday last at his resi- dence, William-st,, Mr. James Caleb McIntosh, at the age of 80 years. His death wits sudden and quite unexpected, he having been quite well the evening previous, During Sunday the deceased was seized with violent pains which proved to bo inflammation of the bowls, and towards evening expired. lVlr. McIntosh was well-known in this section of country having lived in Bayfield for many years previous to his coning to this neighborhood. He has at different timers published books on the end of the world as well es written other propheti- cal works. When in Bayfield in his earlier days, he followed farming ; after which he spent a few years hotel -keep- ing. Since coming to Exeter he has given his sole time to the study of Bible history and working out lines on which he based his prophetic ideas. The funeral took place on Tuesday morning his remains being conveyed to the Bay- field cemetery for interment. Mr. George Vosper died on Monday at his residence, Huron st. He had reached the age of 72 years, 5 mos., and had been ailing for years past, during the last few months he having been confined to the house, He was anative of England and eameto this neighbor- hood when it was a comparative wilder- ness. He followed the avocation" of carpenter and was considered one of the best. Re was highly respected as :was attested by the large attendance at the funeral yesterday. Personals. Miss Danagh, of Goderich, is the guest of the Misses Gould. -Mr. and;Mrs, W. T. Acheson, accompanied by Miss Lilly Oke, spent the forepart of the week in London. -Mr. W, Wamsley, of London, is visiting friends in town. -Rev. R. S. Cooper, Rural Dean, of Huron, preach- ed two able and impressive sermons in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday last. -Mr. Fred Carr, of Sarnia, spent several days of this week in town, the guest of his girl. -Mr John McCrae, of Detroit, is the guest of Mr. John Gilles- pie this week. -Mr. W. T. Hawkshaw is at present confined to his bed with an attack of congestion of the lungs. - Several Exeterites spent Sunday at the lake. The day being cold and wet, they returned, each with a severe cold, --Mr. E. Billings, of Oshawa, who has been in town for some weeks assisting his brother, H. L. returned hone on Fri- day last. -Mr. J. A. Stewart left for Toronto on Friday. The purpose of his visit to the Queen City will be learned by reading a paragraph else- where. -Miss Clarke, of Butte city, California, who has been spending a few weeks with friends in town, left on Saturday for a visit to friends in Clinton, Goderich and Seaforth. After spending several weeks north she will visit Niagara Falls, after which she will re- turn to her home in California, -Mr. Walt Ed'ar, a former resident of Exeter, but now of Michigan, is visiting friends here at present. -Miss Sheere, of Park- hill, spent Sunday with Miss Oke. -Mr. J. P. Clarke, left yesterday for St. Paul. -Mr, W. J. Clarke, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks ` in town. -Mrs, Wm. Muir, of Clinton, was the guest of Mrs. W. J. Clarke last week. Mrs. T. M. White, of Windsor, is at present visiting friends here. -Mr. Herb Elliot is improving and expects before long to resume his duties as mail clerk on the L. H. & B. -Mr. G. W. Dennis, who has for some time been. employed in this office, left town Tuesday morning last to take a situation. in Beeton.--Mr. Samuel Gidley has recovered from his recent illness and is again attending to his duties. --Mrs. Thos. Carder and son Thomas, of Portland, Maine, arespende ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Buckingham, of Exeter. It will be remembered that- Mr. Carder, the elder, spent several months here last summer.- Mrs. Dever, of Detroit; is visiting her relatives at the " Com- mercial•" -The Rev. Ramsay and wife of Londesboro spent a few days of last and this week with relatives here. - Miss Inman left on Saturday for her vacation. -Mrs. Pol lick, of Goderich, formerly of Exeter, is visiting Mrs. R. Crocker, --Miss Annie Stacey, daughter of Mr. Thos. Stacey, Hardware merchant St. Thomas, is visiting her cousin, . W. D. Weeks. -H. Spackman and wife and Miss Annie Weeks and Geo. McLeod left on Monday for Own Sound. Mr. Spackman represents : Exeter at the Grand Lodge or Masons now in session at that place, -Miss Senior, of Blenheim, is visiting her brother here at present. 1Vlr. Jas, Oke shipped "a" ear load of cattle to Toronto on Mceiday. The purest and freshest Paris Green and Hellebore for sale' at 0, Lutz's Central Drug Store. On Monday a horse belonging to a farmer, which was tied at the market atom, broke loose its mooringe and tan away. The buggy was considerably damaged. The town on the 126 was so het of drunks that not a tingle ees0 was report- ed to the magistrates, The standard of morehey in this taped ie Year.y be omr n g more elevated. A wealthy Eft lieh syndicate are negot- Eating far the plc chase of the salt wells in Huta; county. The wells in this (entity are the best in Canada,, and are at present paying a good flividend It is doubtful Whether the Trust, without >x oty 1e . can ntchase the considerallle rye tett gp Exeter Council. The council inet pursuant to adourn, .!lent at the town hal', 10th July, 1889, Present .--Aiessi•s. Pickard, McCallum and Carling, Mr. Pickard was chosen chair- elan, Tho ntiiiutes of the previous meet - lug were read and confirtmd. Moved by T. H. McCallum, seconded by T. 13,. Carling, that orders be granted foe the following elms,' viz: --Jas, Creech, $1.40, for sum ; do. $6, charity to J. Piper ; Jim Keyes, $2 labor ; D. Taylor, $7.12 do ; J. Moreshead, $6.18 do ; Geo. Hodgins, 87.25 do ; 11, Williams, $16.150 do; M. McInnis, $2.50 do ; 'Zrni Webster, $4.50 clo; Thos: Hartnell, $11.62 do ; Walter Westcott, $8.28 do ; James Balsden, $100.50 - do; Albert Bissett, 54 do ; ` Wal. Carley, 5l 1. do ; John Gillespie, 515 clo ; l'S'ui:, Down, $15 do ; Chas, Durward, 516 50 do ; Silas Handford, 59.90 do ; John Thompson, $15.60 do; Wes: J. Bissett, 527.67 do, - Carried. The clerk reported demand for $488 : o 8ed$b for B.Carlin .secondedn� y T. 1T. McCallum, that this ' council adjourn until l\reduesday the 24th inet,, at 8 p in. -Carried. M. ;GAaat:'XT, Clerk, Public School Board Proceed- ings, July 3.5th, 1889. MORNING SESSION. --General inspec- tion of school house and grounds by the entire Board. -.Adaption of minutes of last meeting with exception of assess- ment clause ordered to be cancelled. - Adjournmetit to evening session. EVENING SESSION, -Held in the town hall at 8.30, all the members being present. Items Passed :-Adoption of morning session minutes. -To give due consideration to claim- made by Miss Williams, Clinton, substitute for Miss Gill during last six months of 1888, for excess time taught beyond the half year, said claim being based on the proportion taught to the teaching days of the year. -To secure informationfrom secretaries of surrounding villages re -salaries, No. of departments and qualification of principals. -To advertise in the "Mail" for principal, qualification not lower than second grade certificate. -Examin- ation of analomical chart exhibited by Mr. 13. Nash of Crediton, said chart meeting with strong approvah-Grant- ing the use of school hall to the Trivitt Memorial church on payment of a rental of one dollar per month.- Making the amount to he asked for school purposes $2,500, on motion of E. Follick and seconding of T. Fitton, in place of $2,- 300 as per motion of D. Millandsecond- ing of W. Hoskin. --J. GRIGG, Secy. Brevities W. Trevethick's advt., announcing the addition of a pump department to his busi- ness, has been crowded out of this issue. The purest and freshest Paris Green and Hellebore for sale at C. Lutz's Central Drug Store. The two Methodist churches and the church of England opened dining brills on July 12th, The Methodist cburches realized 580 each while the church of England cleared upwards of $150. The barn of Mr. Thos. Bowman, on the 4th concession, of 'Osborne, was destroyed by fire on Friday night last. .A few imple- ments burned the crops not bavie}g been housed. Supposed to be the work of tramps. The Salvation Army people make regular evening parades, though with a small corps. The officers -who' were re- cently dismissed remain at- the head- quarters, possibly awaiting an investiga- tion of the charges on the grounds of which they were discharged. While descending the cellar steps on Tuesday evg., Miss Davie slipped, and it fatlina grasped a chain, whieb was hanging near by, the hook of which tore the palm of her hand together with the cords and flesh from between her thumb and fore- finger. The laceration was most painful and might have resulted in lock-jaw. We, this week, orave the indulgenne of the generality of our readers for so much space being given Orange matters, to the exclusion of local and other news. Cele brations of the Battle of the Boyne come but once a year and we fell that we are not doing injustice to any by according extra space to the proceedings of the cele- bration on Friday last. A stranger visited Stoneman's jewelry stere last week to have a watch repaired. Attached to the watch was a steel chain, Which the supposed owner did not appreci- ate, and wanted'a, new gold one. A gold chain was selected and as the stranger said he had not sufficient money to pay' for it at present, but would leave the watch and call and pay for all in a few days, Mr. Stoneman, being in possession of the watch, at the moment thought himself safe and allowed the stranrer to depart with the new chain. After examining the watch Mr. Stoneman recognized it as be- longing to a farmer near Kippen, and upon enquiry found his supposition to be cor- rect. He of course returned the watch to its rightful owner and is out the price of the chain. The authorities are on. the water for the sharper. To the .Editor of the Exeter Times, DEAR SIR. -Permit me to reply to an articlein your last week's issue purporting to be from your tJlendeboye correspondent in reference to me, and I must. say that for malicious alandor it cannotl be equalled. The facts of the ease are, the week before Mr, Sellery left Luean he drove out to my place to sell his buggy. T was motet home, but he met me in Liman the same day. He said he would sell sulky and boggy for 550. Z said they were certainly cheap, but I was not prepared to buy this year. He said, if yon have not the money it will do next winter: Isaid I had the (honey now, but I had :a heavy payment to make on my farm in September and would ueedit then, I said I would take them. I caned for them some days after and paid him .$20, and be drew aoote for $30 in eigbt months. atins noteforto you 311c h rent w He std ifw H .. dollars you eau. 1 got the money from Charlie Stanley and cashed it. I never said I weld not get the money: ,I gave him all ho asked for the buggy. He offered the time on them before I asked it and I fail to sec any cause for this rnalieious artielo. 1 never took a spread out of the Mrs. tl ler. rf nedmeb ? S1 e ttsasha d stab. , y Y ,He speak& of ray poetical writings. It is well its not every man has the ability or the desire to slander that ho has. 1 try to mind my own business and if he could be induced to mind hist t Would be better for him,It le Et pay if am n, having the ability he thinks he hare oan make no better use of it than slandering his nt igti- bers, and if he, was not a mean, sneaking, lying scoundrel, he would not try to father his lying effusions on the Clandeboye correspondent (And its not his flet time to do so) when he is a well known t Lean dude 3foonasvtrt;n Conitusrortxuax, 'Plowom"."0"*".".""1"1ATasiimimilwousiomminsm IC r ARD PICKARI]'S LVTTI1ING VWST GO. We want the money and you want THE GOODS. Dress Goods, Millinery, Cottons, Gloves, Hosiery Parasols, Embroideries, Prints, Laces, Shoes, Etc., Etc., at your own prices, during this sale Every ladyshould come and secure a bargain. RICH, ,RD PICKARD Mooresville. Bnrxrs.-As Mr. James Hodgins drove up to Lacers (Meese factory ou Wednesday last, the escaping steam from the boiler frightened his horses, upsetting his load and spilling some eight cans of milk. No one was hurt, but Mr McFall's team had a narrow escape from the runaway team. - The extreme !teat of the past few days is bringing the wheat to a change and hay harvest is progressing fast. St. Marys. ge The St. Mary's faces, under the manage- ment of the Driving Parlc Association, were trotted July 12th. The weather was fine and the attendance very large. No leas than 16 heats were trotted in three races. Horses from all parts of Western Ontario were present, Messrs. R. P. Mc- Kellar, of Glencoe; James Clark and Donald McLarty, of St: Mary's, were the judges and gave eminent satisfaction. Following is the liat of races :--Three- minute class, six entries, einem heats trotted -1st, Bella Roe ; 2nd, Daybreak ; 3rd, Little Wonder. Best time, 2,38 2.40 class, five entries, six heats trotted -let, Volatile ; 2nd, Billy E ; 3rd, Tom. Burke. Best time, 2.37. 2.30 class, four entries, three heats trotted -let, Mollie B; 2nd, Deadwood; Srd, Donaldson. Best time, 2.29. KiriEtam, Barsrs.-The new buildings for the Blausbard Agricultural Society, will be commenced in a few days. The contract for the building bus been awarded to Wm. Brown, of this place. -Mr. V. H. Vickers, who has been indisposed since July 12th is gradually improving. -The resentment of the Holy Eucharist was administered in St Pauls Episcopal church on Sunday last. - The wife of Mr. Robt. Robinson (black- smith of this place) gave birth to a son, on 1 Seturday last. -Farmers in this vicinity nave been busy haying the past week and report the crop to be heavy and of a good quality. -The families of Messrs. Brown and Roadhouse left ou Tuesday last with a full equipment of necessaries for a camping expedition. They intend locatiug in the region of Grand Bend for two weeks. -The Misses King of Detroit who have been the guests of Mrs. D. W. Dnlmage, left cu Friday last for a visit to friends in Blyth.- girkton "Equal Rights Men," both Con- servative and Reform, predict and look for ward to a grand success for Mr. J. L. Hughes of Toronto, at the next election for West Middlesex. --:-Mrs. Wier, of Nis- • sonri is paying a visit to friends in Kirkton. -114r. 0. Callander V. S. formerly of •lbiirkton now a resident of Parkersburg, Vir., is now thoroughly established in busi- ness at the latter place. He reports busi- ness as being brisk, -Mrs. T. Roadhouse, of this place was visiting friends in Exeter', last week. -Mr. Irving, of Toronto, is the guest bfbis brother, Dr. Irving, of this.. place.- N. Doupe Esq., intends leaving on Friday, for a trip to Chathm, Detroit and Rondeau Harbor. -John Hall, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr, John McCurdy, P. • Stephen Council. • A.11 members •present. Minutes of last meeting read and signed. Council agrees to comply with corporation' .of Exeter's suggestion regarding S. Ford. Certain communications read and exposed. After passing the following orders the council adjourned to meet again on the first Mon- day in August :-T Sweet, coma L. R., $3.13 ; J. Pickard, blasting materia), 51.10; J Beaman, $12.50 ; C I3 Wilson, coni. S B, $21.50 ; J Roster, culverts 6 con $8; I Baxter, returned S L, 532.25; 1'. Link, brickbats, 54; 11 Link, B 8 $4; 0 Wilson, 22nd con, $2 ; T Mollard, ditch across road 22nd con, 52 ; R. Armstrong, rep. bridge, lot S 11 56 ; J Lawson, culverts 10 con, 86 ; W i3 Wentzel, hammer handle, $8 ; R 11 Interest, 5525 ; T Lamport, grading Exeter 8 R $45 ; M Geuter, shovel hammer, 51 ; T Raritan, ditch 2nd S 11, 52 ; N Herat, Exoter s 13, 53 ; MWiner, brick hats, stone and cora., $64.10 ; 13 Wiliest, ditch 12th con., 58'; Itt Link, B: stones $3 ; South boundary expenditure by 0 Prouty, 5125; part official Salary, $32.50 M Hertzel, blasting stone, $8.25; Burry and Slc- Cornuek, gravel contract, 5238.90; Barry hauling gravel S B. 534,60 ; Chris Elber, coin 0 R, 511.25 ; r hall, handle for stone 1 McCormick 151375; o. AC hammer,3, $ ,1a W Anderson, gravel, stone breaking and culvert, 5125.60 ; C Wolper, cone expendi turn, 11 13, $88.42 ; graft and Martin un- expended statute labor, 59.75 ; ,J Nestle, culvert Exeter side road, 52 ; 17 Bang, gravel coutreet. S 13,$11,60'; W Sims, gravel contract 9 13 515.20; 3. McKeover, 5 13 tom, 58.12; J Doyle, gravel contract 4 13,517.60 ; J Wilson, eontraot 6 con, 57 J Smith, gravel conttaot, $15 ; J Martine, eon 58.75 ; 1! Heist, brick bats, 510 ; ,7 Steeper, gravel and work, 541.87; W Me -- Cann, damages and wittering gap, 84; M O'Brien culvert 30; C KrauseB. Stones 59.25 ;, A Ewald, 13. Stones, 57.25 ; 3 Atliater, Culvert, 82 ; I Sanders, repairing Trobeer bridge, 80.75; J Walker,. Monet, $95.25; M Kleimp, rep. bridge 3 S B, 86 ; C ,ICuha, tile for Centralia, '$14.88 ; J 'Vernon, 0 R, 85.75 ; 14 Emory, eontraot;' 56.75 ; Mrs Raceme, relief, 9$5 ; Vir Down, rep. bridge, L R, $$11; J Grain, blasting stone, 414.25 ;; 3 liollitra, Work id piton 8 $, 48,00, -CA rad nem; Olen TRADE ir7ANK The Sole Reason Critical, competitors and cautious customers are ask- ing the reason for the success Carling Bros are having it selling those neat ."Maple Leaf" :broad $3.75 and $4.00 shoes. Everybody Likes Them WHA" ? Everybody body says who tries them, praises them. Why ? Every - they are so cheap. 'Why ? For the sole answer LOOK AT THE SOLE. Look at the shape of it, the thickness, the quality of the work, and the grade of leather. Anyone who knows what leather is, or what the make of a shoe should be, will read- ily see, after examining the "'Maple Leaf' shoes, TRAT THEY ARE THE VERY BEST SHOES ever offered for the money. They are selling, they are bound to sell People of judgement will have the best, We solicit a call. CARLING EROS. :xETER PHOTO STUDIO Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak so highly of the Photographs that are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so many Phot's sent into the different cities of Ontario, from the Exeter Photo Gallery WHY? Because Senior's work is as good it not better: than any of the leading Galleries is the city ; and their` prices are $4' and $5 per doz., while they get them at Senior's for $3. AGENT: Hay Township Farmers' Mut- ual Fire Insurance Co. A PURELY FARMERS' COMPANY. Live Stock else insured, when in the :fields or on the roach in chargo of owner, or servant, alsonanufacturor of the Improved Surprise Washer >and Wringer Machines. Agent for Tomb Stones and .the Watson Implements, Uudertaking promp]y attended to. • G. HOLTZMAN, Zurich, Onto xater Ltirtiber Yard 'r - toinform the eblie in general that ho keeps The Undersigned wishes 1 g p -constantly in stock - RI i�f 'B�JIL G AL AI'I Kinds DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. A. large stook of lomlock always on hand at millprises. Flooring, Siding, gra sed-ineh i ch- nd- - ua or inth-aid- half and two inch. Sash ash Do ors Blinds, Mouldin s and all Finishing Material, Lath, e,tc. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.--eoinpetibion challenged. The best and the largest stock, and at lowest prices. "Shingles A l.. All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and read. for use, No Shrinkage assured. A Y 8 call l bear out the above. THE OLD ESTABLISHED l D Bars. Willis, Main.st'