HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-18, Page 6Established 1877 si BANKER, QNrI': EXETER, - Tait twgeneralbnnking bluenose. Receives the excoriate of. merobailta and others on favorable terms, Offers every accommodation consistent with a to endoauservative bankin geeineiples. Five per cent interest allowed on deposits.. Drafts twine mishit) at any office of the Merbbents Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, et MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AN]) MORTGAGES eNttitT THURSDAY, JULY 18th, I889. glrante also and to atop- this you; must Make up yopx mtar7e that your politicians shall give no (tee.; tartan grants in future. If you con - thane the on•tinne.the church of Rome wilt get the lions share and wiii sacrifice party in favor of their church. The grlestion arises, are the Jesuits out- laws ? If eo they should be tested by the courts of law as to whether they are outlaws or not. I. may very well to refer to laws that have been passed in England io regard to the confiscation of their prop. erty ; but we must see that secta- rian grouts are stopped in future. I sympathize with' the "Thirteen." T was one of the committee of the Synod who declared that we trulydiaappreve of their notion. There is one man, Mr. Charlton, who has been goiug arouud the country bemoaning his hard fats and telling how the Reformers had been douped by Sir John, whom I pity so much that I feel like carry•_ ing au onion around with me that I might show him my sympathy with my tears. He requires lots of sympathy but I fear it will have to come from his own heart. I be- lieve in British fair play, If we Here, ae our frjentle advise, to give up Sir Jhon, to whoa. could we look ? Not to Laurier, for he would shoot us all with his little musket aa he said he would have killed our volunteers in the North- west Rebellion, had he been there. Not to the third party for they would be without a fiscal policy. Our last resort then would seem to be to the ladies. If you extend to them the franchise you will soon have to put them in the House of Commoua, the old ladies occupying seats in the Senate. Then you will have a third party --a prudent, watchful and careful third party. But then they are nut independent and would not suffice. The better thing to do is to choose the least of the three evils and retain the pres- ent administration. The question is whether Jesuitism or Protestant- ism is going to rule. Whether weare going to be French- men or Euglishmeu? I like the French language and' like French- men too ; but I want to see thein fighting side by side with ne ehould ever the Americans try to take our country by force of arms. I say fighting for the good old flag under which we were born and uuder which we hope to die. The Men who voted against Orange incorpor- ation were Protestant Reformers, nearly every Conservative voted for it. I no a next time we come be - 12TH JULY. Dame down heavily upon me. They have visited the schools to which objection has been offered and I am told by private commissions that the books have been brought into the echools but do not appear to have been studied very muoh nor in fact touched very much which is clear by the absence of thumb marks which would have soiled the pages, Or perhaps it was that they Were so carefully watched over in their study of the English language, This m a very critical time, not only in the history of d'anada bat the United States as well. We could not gain anything as some people imagine by annexing ourselves to the United States. Some say we would be free from political Roman• ism by being annexed. At the commanoement it was said that there were 52 Protestants to one Roman Catholic and now there is one Roman Catholic to eight Prot. estants in that country. In Roan- oke College, Vir., it is said 7 Roman Catholics were voted on the High School Board in 1863. Some time ago '$70,000 of public funds was given for the support of Roman Catholic schools in New York and the house of the Sisters of Mercy and other institutions are support- ed by the State Treasury. The Roman Catholic church is the very first to take anything within its grasp and is the very first to ory out when it does not get what it considers its proper share. They put aside their politics when a question comes uppertaining to church affairs, and Roman enthusiasm comes first Whet' there comes a question of Catholicism and Protestantism, --- Then we find Catholics united and Protestants divided, and until we as Protestants lay aside political differ- e�$ � itetG R� `i 1-^t1me. lir_ nh'81c; 1�'&ru�a�ilT Romau Catholic church is united and we are divided they will prevail and gain power. To frustrate their desires and intentions we must unite as one man. When a politician is in power be will try to keep there and will sacrifice his own and our principles in order to keep office. There is a very good story told of a certain man who wished to ascertain the beat pro- fession for his son to follow. He shut him up in a room and gave him adollar bill,an apple and a bible If he opened the door and found him reading the bible they would make a parson of him, if he was fingering the dollar bill they would make a lewyer of him and if he was eating the apple they would make a farmer of him. When they opened the door he was sitting on the Bible eating the apple and had the dollar bill in his poket.—And what did they make of him ? They made a lawyer of him, they made a poli- tician of him. That is the great trouble. It is your duty to see that wbeu you give your vote you give it to one good common purpose and not try to grasp everything and please everybody. Be united and help to elevate the Protestant stand- ard f othis country. If I do not say a little about Jesuits I will not be doing my duty. The Jesuits are a persevering society. They have one common aim. Manyhave ha given up their vows and loved things that are in the world, many would not allow anything to stand in the way of elevating and increasing the power of the Church of Rome. It haws been said that they serve God with the help of the devil, that is, they advance what they claim to be the kingdom of God byanymeans that lie in their power: They are bound to see the Roman C.Ltholio Church in power.The Roman Catholic Church endorses the Jesuit society today and I think that afillrclt is as unscrupulous to -day as it oa:n possibly be, and a writer to a Cath- olic paper in London, Eng., says: "Religious liberty if intolertl.bio and a violation of true principles, mid should be banished from the earth. No man has a right to choose his own religion." Do you think that, if the Romanists get illtoower the ip y will .iv l give you. all the privileges you are giving them, They bays succeeded in obtaining grant rant after rr. it great deal of perseverance. 'tv e find his . 1 this wag done in Lower armada tuft the Liberal party there made the grant while the Liberal Party here say that Sie Moist] shnuid .,I, disallowed,' this grant. The 'eta, Presbyterians tied and daring to interfere with ill,E' public school system of the coup- try. He is even daring to close God's Bible. I say the devil could not tell me the country of which. this is not true, Some say the Roman Catholics Are becoming more liberal, Cardinal Manning says it is impossible for the Roman Catholic church to be tolerent. The Pope recently said: "If I had the power I would tura out every Protestant church and school in the world." and he will do it here in Canada if he can. He has been gaining power pretty freely, as I will show you presently. That which came over ingland and Ire land nearly coo years ago was one of the grandest events record in the history of the world. When William IIT defeated the Irish who adhered to the standard of King James he struck the final blow by which the supremacy of Protestantism and religious liberty were established, and throughout the ciyilized world to day we cele brate the great victory, not only in an intolerant spirit but because we have been students of history a,,d we never would have establish- ed it we bad rept toad that victory. There are many places where it is not regarded as an honor to be an Orangeman, I ani glad that I am an Orangeman and have been one for years and when a child my mother sang me to sleep with "Boyne waters" and "Rise sons of William rise." I am glad to see so many young ladies here. 1 have daughters growing up and I want every one to marry an Orangeman and one who is not ashamed to march iu processions on the 12th of July. And I look forward to the tine when that sou of nine will 1,,,,,, 1 am going to support Protestantisman open Bible and stand, side by side his father, I am glad that 1 ata'"a church member and hare been one for thirty years. :4o man can be an Orange. man without being a truly noble loan. Some object to Orangeismon the ground that it is au Irish institution and say that it should have been kept in 'reload and not bring their Irish quarrels to Canada. Sunday schoofi# started in England and Temperance societies in the United States. You might as well say they should have remained there and not have been brought into Canada. I am not ashamed of it be- cause it started in Ireland—for where could it have been started to better ad• vantaee ? I would be ashamed of it had it been left in Ireland, There are as many absolute Englishmen in the Orauge ranks as Irishmen. We are a loyal and Prot. estant society and we are not going to stand by and see our religion supplanted by Romanism. The Queen is a truly ehristian lady and in the name of my Queen and country I say God save our Queen and keep her there. (here, here) We want Protestant British kings and queens. The day will never come when the Pope will be re:ognized in our coun- try. A great change has come upou this country within the past few months. I Y •N lJ...- and giye ne incorporation. If we want to have law-abiding people we must have the whole Bible taught m our schools and homes. I bad the word of God placed in my hands when, a child and I have one with me to -day and it has never hurt me. Let us go to our homes and with the open Bible teach our children the word of God. 1 hope that (sod's blessing will rest and abide with you and help you to do your duty. The time has come when England expects every man to do his duty to God. Mr. Jas. L. Hughes, Inspector of Public Schools Tor- onto, was the next speaker, and upun arising was received with rounds of applause. He said:— "Ladies and Gentlemen, I was go- ing to ask if you would like a little music before beginning but I will tell you a stbry instead. It is about a man who was a very bad man. It was said Satan was going to take him away, but the man begged so hard to stay till at last Satan consented to wait three years and then if he could not ans werthree questions on being ap• pealed he would be set free. So Satan appeared as soon as the three years had expired,—You know Sa,.an always comes on time. The man asked hint a very difficult question in theology and Satan � re an-sve d at once. Chen one in metaphysics equally as difficult and Satan answered as readily as before and there was only one more chance, and while he was thinking what else he could ask his wife came in and seeing he was troubled she asked him what was wrong. He told her satan had given' him three chances of escape. He had answered two and hecould not think of another queszon to ask. She said, ask him a question he cannot answer. He replied, that. is just what I have been trying to think of. Well said his wife, who had just been b4ing a new bonnet,' ask him which is *the back and which is the front of this bonnet because I don't believe Satan him- self could tell me, He asked the question, Satan failed, and he was set tree, I think I could puzzle Satan. I would ask him where there was better country than this adjoining Exeter and where there. wete better looking your; ladies than those in this part of the conn. tryand 1 am sore satan conic' not tell me, I' would' ask satan to tell me where there was a country in which Rom .nisei was not trying to make itself supreme in religious affairs in destroying freedon of last speaker- I do not believe in establish. ing a thud party. 1 believe in elevating present politics. We hare to teach our politicians a lesson and to do so we mast assert our independence. The Roman Catholics have commenced a most vigor- ous warfare against every Protestant in the country. At Boston recently a pub- lic School teacher was dismissed for teach- ing that the selling of indulgencies had once been in practice, which we all know to be a historical fact. Tbis was done through Roman Catholic influence. In- dulgencies can be bought in Toronto to- day if you go to the richt place for them, It is a solemn fact that every day $16,000 of public funds go to the Roman Catholics I am going to try to help stop this. (Loud applause,) I do not take Romanism as a political institution. I believe the people of Ontario are going to, treat the 18S in the same way as they treated them, and I do not believe Sir John Macdonald, Edward 131ake nor the 188 will receive the nomination in their present con. stituencies at the next election. We want men who know as much about commerce as politics and are sound on the Jesuit Question and will not bind them- selves to blindly support any political leader. You will have no trouble to pet thein and you will not need to change. your politics either. I have more faith in Grits than rabid Tories have and I have more faith in Tories than rabid Grits have. There are thousands in both parties who are honest enough to stand out for principle rather than for party. If you haye been a Grit or Tory for 100 years it wilt be difficult io go back on your party ; hut better to do that than sacri- fice our ciyil and religious liberty. If you are so thoroughly hidebound to petty - ism that you cannot guard your votes, then there is no redemption for you. There are a few. Grits who would vote party for ever and the sante with Tories. The storyistold an I isl m of r i an ellen there was a great fire. On going to the dcor he forted it was berried so he had to jump froni.tlee window. In Pat's harry to dress be put his pants on wrong side to the front -it is not often an trishinan makes a mistake. Pat was the first to jump and Mike was anxious to know how Pat was gettiug along so he called Pat. are yon kilt. No Moike, said Pat, I'm not kilt but I'm fatally twisted. because he had his pants on wrong side to the front. I have come to the conclusion that Grits and Tories of the present clay are fatally. twisted. I would advise them all 10 be men, like the little boy who in climbing the clothes horse, fell and injured hitre Self seriously, and when he had sufficient- ly recovered he called for Bridget. i3rieget came and he cried, raising his little fi tin her face: "Bridget, if ever you hang my shirt next to my mother's again I'll kill yen. 1 want to be a man and I want my shirt hung next to, my' fathers. That boy was possessed of a.teaii- ly spirit but I do not say it is right for a boy to *leave his mother's side. I am very thankful to Cord for the inftueuct of the mother's of the country and I want my boy to love his mother and be influenced her it b and get her purity y g e p ty dawn deep into his ,young.heeet and. When the time mime to stand side by side with his fi><tliet, not to be a mere voting machine, end bow.rinwe before Ittomauistn anis notsamitiee himself .and lifs cotfutey in order to °atoll the Ciente Io Vote. Orangemen aro united, se a' o Oatholies. In the recent Meteierdemou. stration in Quebec they'past ell a resolu- tion they would make a French nation of Canada A d that they would teach Orange. thee T, Orange - Men fiat the I're � lis ., o .e nob wan the Ruling A 1'T+AIN STATE Ax 11 T. All poisonous waste, and worn oat mat- ter ought to escape from the system tlrreugh the secretions of lila bowels, kidneys and skin, ` In D. B. cleanses, opens and regu," laces these natural outlets for the removal of disease CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED 13y proper, healthful exercise, and the judicious use Of Scott's Emulsion of Cad Liver Oil llypopboephites, which contains healing and Ftreogthgivinp virtues of these twq valuable specifies in their fullest form, Mr. 1). D. McDonald, Petitoodiee, says: "I have been prescribing Scott's Emulsion with good results. It is espec- ially useful in persons of consumptive tendeuois," Sold by all druggist, 50 eta. tied $1,00. SPeoiaf AiinoUneement We have made arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise ou the horse and his Diseases" which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that yalnable work free by sending their address (enclosing a two - cent stamp for mailing same). to Dr. B. J. Kendall, Co., Luosburgli Falls, Vt. This boo;. is now recognized as standard authority upon alt diseases of the horse, as its phenomenal sale at tests, over lour million copies. Having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by auy publication in the same period of nee. We feel confident that our patrons will appreciate the worts, ani be glad to a ail themselves of this opportunity ut obtain- ing a valuable book . It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short time. rrutdattrl have received speech and lthet`Ey Yyf' c?o.54,0„c,<, pome••ln 1ir orlriiin, thie;y tnottld� ee. (Corrt”lnnc 1 nr,n paL+e r.) When Baby r.:ns sirs:. rue have her Castorta When sho,.•as a Chili, she cried for Castorto, When. she l,ecume '.,itis, she clung to uastoria, Thou she had Chiidrou, she;,*avo thew Castoria, t, STRAY Came into the premises of the under- signed on lot 1, eon. 3, Stophou, on or about the 14thinst.. one aged bay•horso. White stripe on face. the owner is requested to Drove property, pay expenses and take the animal away• HENRY WILSON, Centralia P.O. LOCK. staying done business in C,tr.ada for years, our reputation and remit sibility is to estab- lish. We want three men in your vicinity to represent us,:to whom exclusive territory will be given, Iiandsowe outfit free. Salary and expenses paid weekly, previousexperience not. required • Write at °nee for terms. Hardy Stock for Canada:>a specialty. Mel- BROTHERS, Nurserymen. ROCHESTER. N• Y. FOR SALE OR TO RENT That desirable property of the late John, Link, situ ,ted on the Lake road, Exeter North west, of the flax mill. It mitt ins three acres r:f good 1nnd, there is a good dwelling house and stable, hard and sett water, a Dung orch,crd of first las fruit and a num- ber of currant bushes and grape vines; will be sold on easy terms. Pes sersion given Nov. 1, 1889. Samuel Lick, 160 Columbia st. East, Detroit, and Thomas Russell, bot: S3, Exeter P.O., Ont., Executors.-2mos• AttLSI . Lett etre1V`1" tL' 100 acres, The undersigned is desirous of renting his premises, which are composed of lot 7 eonoessi on 10, township of 81cGillivi ay` There are ninety acres cleared, of good soil in first class condition. There are on the premi- ses agood brick house, splendid barns; two good wolls,goodyoung orchard and all irn- provements and conveniences- This farm is one of the best in the township, the river Saubte passing through it. convenient to schools, churches and. markets. Will be rowed far a term of years suitable to lessee. For further particulars apply to Gr1O ROE Bemire, Centralia. 1 month July 3rd, 1880. Eyes Tested —331-- A. S VITTRR A Z , Practical Optician, Graduate Optic School N.T Eyes tested ; defective sight restored by the aid of fine glass's. Large assortment of the finest glasses on hand. A call solicited. A S. 1VVCrR1.1A-X, x19 1'�MCI+S1VL01V3]-ST London, BRICK AND TILE FOR SALE. Any quantity of brick andtile of ail sizes for sale at the 4IOATZ BRICK YARD, Crediton. First-class brick, $4 per Thou- sand. Tile Correspondingly C -,Lease.. The creditors have e tepowered Mr. Mentz to look after the sale of th e brick andtile, and he will be found in the yam Besse...times. Nett year the yard will be ran by Mr. Moritz asusual. ii an 5t 16 Craditon,J uaryl h, 89. REMOVED ! one . -.Saved IS Mone Macle. Goods, Goods! Good Value ! New Goods, New Prices. � EVERYBODY SMILES. Oiir spring and summer stock is now complete, every department being replete with goods:pnrohased at he best homes— Selected with care. Everything fresh. In dress -goods our array is equal to auy in town—all the newest shades awl colors —and are sold at prices positively lower than any. Please examine them and be c.nvinced. In every other department we offer as good value for as little money. Produce taken at the highest market Prix Roller Flour always on hand, for sale. A Call Solicited, DAVIDSON BIROS., Builders and Contrite - ors have removed togwallow's old stand, cor- ner Main and Gidley streatsand are prepared to sell Doors, Sash and Blinds and Moulding cheaper than any other Grin in town. 'Build- ings contraated for, Plans. Speeiflcatione and Estimates furnished if required_ All work done with neatness and despatch and satisfac- tion given. Seasoned Lumber atwaye on hand riamidoon Wil[. DAVIDSONTOF:1N DAVIDSON CARRIAGE S, , WAGGONS and TRUCKS, Special bargains are being offered at D. BE'At'NI S is ..e Works ��A� Wads For Il or the next xzlan1;11 w w e thio o..s. G� a � � � � � �'o� dash Those wishing Buggies &c., will do well to call. D.13AR6J.LVDr j eterl',7Ortil, 1#tlilwlLCbief8upiirieterrttent ti of loo, I4fouetou,lV, tt„Nov ."tl, 98. J. P. Ross, Market Store, EXETER. HM TROTT —TRE POPULAR— Boat! 5ie Makcr Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones. Sewed Work aS peoiaf ty Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITI;:D W. H. TROTT. REUVORD RITIS TO ALL POINTS 1N MANITOBA, BRITISH COLOMBIA --AND THE - NORTH WESTERN STATES, BEATTY'S SARNIA LINE STEA&IERS. "UNITED EMPIRE", "ONTARIO" and"CAMPANA" Leaving Sarnia every TUESDAY and FRIDAY night during navigation, (weather permitting) and calling every WEDNESDAY and SATUnDAY at Goderich and Kineardii.e where they con- nect with the G. T,R. train leaving Exeter at 9.16 a. m. for St. Joe's Island.Garden Riv- er, The Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth. connect- ing at Port Arthur with the C. P. R,. and at Duluth with the Red River Valley R'y. LOWEST RA/ES, .BEST. ACCOMMODATION EXPRESS TIME AND CHOICE Or ROUTES Ask your nearest Grand Trunk R'y agent for freight and passenger rates. JAS. BEATTY, General Manager, Sarnia. DOMINION LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool Service. SAILING DATES. From Montreal, From Quebec Toronto,..... Thur. June 20 blontreal ,,,.Thur. June 25 .............. . .. Vancouver ...Wed., July 3 Thur. July 4 Sarnia Wed. July 10 'Thur. July 11 Oregon...... Wed July17 Thur. July 18 BRISTOL SERVICE FOR AVONMOUTa. DOCK. Texas, from Mon treal, about 20111 June Dominion " ” 4th July Bates of passape from, Montreal or Quebec to Daverpoot. Cabin, $50 to $80, according to steamer and position of stateroom with oval saloon priv- $108es. Second Cabin, $30 to Liverpool or Glasgow, Steerage, 620 to Liverpool, Lon- donderry, London on-donderry,London "Queenstown, Glasgow or lselfast. These steamers have Saloon, Stateroom, Music Room and bathroom amidships, where but little motion is felt, and carry neither cattle nor sheep. For freight orpassage, apply tin Livefpool, to Finn Main & Ivlontgamery,24James street; iu nebee to W Oiae cher o ellGrand Q W. 1 s n,atG a d Trunk Railway Offices, or to DAVID 'TORRANCE & 00„ General al Agent. Exchange Court, Montreal, CAV.0. GEO, i{EMP, A8ent,-Exumnn. THE INIWERCCOLONIAL RA1LW 4 Y OF CANADA., Tho royal mail, paasooger and freight route between Canada and Croat Britain, —and -- Direct route netwoen the 'West and all the points on the Lewin; St., etewtence enci338ie. do ellialour, also New Brunswick, Nova Scala, Prince Ed\vard Isinn<i, CapeBreton and Nowfoundian ri, 11owv and elegant buffet sleeping and day cars run an through oxturo's trains, P5 son gars for Groat II ritain or tiro Conti, hent b3 loavi,ig Toronto by 8 p, m, train On 'l1lursdaywill join outworel mail steamer at; Halifax Saturday. bttperiorolovator, wnreh°titoOld dock au- eorninoclotion at Teelifax for sliipm'ant of grain rind geirorrti nierchendine. Ye ere of experience bee() proved the Inters eelotial,i11 anirlrcetion with steamship/ince to end fromLoruion, .Liverpool cad Glee - goer to flailfet, to be the quickest freight routebotweon Canada and nrostltrit .din. Information es to passenger ,aid' rretght rotes eau be had OD0riplioatiOn to N. wuu.A TmtnRs'rON Western Pi:eight&Prinsaitger Ageet 03It',ode Howie tiloolr,'Yo It 13t,ononto 11 L$OT'TeleGtet, rug Ste "e fu11 stock; of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand, Winants Condition Powd- ers the best .n the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter, CZit WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA,' DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN,; DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKiN, And every species of disease arising fro disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH BOWELS oft; BLOOD, ,fi, IVIILBURN & LSO., pr°iORONIT\a. alit(0*0446,04% One Door South of Pogt Office —HE HAS --- A NEW AND COMP) ETT --STOCK Boots �K Shoes, Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, YO 0' CAN GET 20 POUNDS —OF— Raw -: Sugar FOR X1.00. 12 Lbsig White Sugar FOR $1.00. J.:���T9ES0�. POST OFFICE STORE, Exeter North. Dominion Labralcry HEADQUARTERS ----FOR ---- Pure -Pure Drugs Patent Medi- cines � Cines Dye -stuffs, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. School Books'arld Stationary,. Photo FIAMOs, Albums, Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco. Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always onhand Prescl+i tions carefullypre- paredpp arecl from the purest p p rr D1'll s. Remember thedSign, place, r g y GOLDEN MORTAR Main St.,. J. W. ErEinQ