HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-04-11, Page 18• Page 4—Crossroads—April. 'il, 1974 WINGING fT Results of NASA flight tests of a supercritical wing on an F4 aircraft showedthat use of this wing design permitted the test aircraft to fly 15 per Cent farther without using any additional fuel. They soy - An apple a day keeps the Doctor away- If way If it doesn't work try Health Foods and Vitamins R. 01. Rk /I MUSIC, KODAK & HOBBY SUPPLIES HEALTH SUPPLIES 291.4202 LISTOWEL QUESTIONS WOMEN ASK Is prickly feeling sign of menopause? By ELEANOR Bs .RODGERSON, M.D. Q. I am 44 years old, My menstrual periods are coming along about the same as al- ways acid 1 feel fine except I have more trouble sleeping at night and I getprickly, crawly feelings in my arms and shoulders. Sometimes 1 thin* I'm getting a chill. Does this mean I'm going though the change? Will these feelings get worse? A. You are in an age groin where menopausal changes' are tg be expected. They af- fect women in different ways, and symptoms are often noted before the menstrual flow stops altogether. Prickly feel - 't • We're pleased to offer MEDIUM LENGTH SHAGS 100% n Ylon'facin9 Reg. . $11.95. NOW .8.95 TONE ON TONE SCULPTURED NYLON Reg. $9.95 NOW 7.95 ON B14ki ENDS SAVE 40% to 60% Dial 364-209,0 lOfh St. HANOVER eatures flee very best in vacuum cleaners ts have big bags. The big bag is the first thing you. see when, you look at a Eureka upright. The outer bag is bigger because the inner paper bag is bigger, too. Goes longer between changes. Eureka's: bigger inner paper bag fills from the top; The dirt falls free of the airstream; so the suction always pulls clear. The niotor doesn't get all overworked pushing the air up"into a skinny bag through a • blockade of dirt. You thought bags were insignificant? Not Eureka's! AUTHORIZED SALES AND - SERVICE CENTRE 488.10thAve. HANOVER 3+4679 '111 mgs and sleeplessness can be some of them and no one jtn. ows: exactly why. However, the hormone, estrogen, re- heves these problems • and must be connected in sone way. You should be examined by your doctor and have a Pap shear made, If there are no reasons againat, your AdOctoir may give you estrogen'for rek lief, or a mild sedative to soothe your nerves, or both. Will these symptom get worse? They may, or. they May not. Every woman is an individual. There are no blanket rules that apply and, consequently, there ate • no ftsed regulations , for treat. ment. Some women seem ,to have their estrogen supply cut off suddenly and completely, lout, in most, it happens gradually. A few seem to have enough estrogen of their own for comfort all their lives. These last are thought to get their supply'in different forms from the ovarian tissue and other glands, such as the adrenals. The important thing for you to do is to see your doctor at regular intervals and be treated as symptoms arise, or disappear. Q. Is it true that a baby can stay in its mother's womb for a year before it is born? A. It is very unlikely a baby will be carried in its .mother's womb for a year before itis born although we have all had patients who insist they .are weeks overdue. r_ However, there are postma- ture babies and the old say- ing, "When an apple is ripe, it will fall" is not being 'applied to these anymore. No one sure why a pregnancy goes over the usual 9 months, but when it does, the baby, may suffer. The placenta (after- birth) is not as efficient as in the, early `months and thein- fant receives less' nourish- , ment. ourish-,meet. The fluid surrounding it decreases in amount and the skin becomes wrinkled, I re-. setnblesna lite old Man,' ke+ep 06 hien' a pteri b • od records. When a patient comes for prenatal care, the doctor hopes the record is right, but often there is doubt because of the waythe preg- nancy progresses. There are tests, though, that canbe made of the amniotic fluid' • around the baby and testa of the mother's blood and urine that can help decide the ma- turity. No doctor wants to de- liver a baby too soots and get a premature, and to determine, whether or not labor should be induced requires a nicety of judgement. The doctor who has been followingthe mother is in the best position to make this .judgement. A postmature woman, left alone, would probably go into labor before a year was up, but the condition of her baby would be doubtful. RUSSIAN OIL The Soviet Union has an- nounced that oil production is expected to rise to 450 million tons this year, an increase of 30 million tons over 1973. 11111 11111111111111.111111111111.11111111111111 .1111 4 • DIE D Iuua° PENTHOUSE ANNOUNCES THEIR GREAT RIDA.L GOWN 1 /1 - Beautiful Chan SUMMER and FALL GOWNS & ACCESSORIES - SIZES 5 to 19....REG. to $175 ' r NOWS5000 Si5° ®pots Evenings Till 9 Sot. fill 6 Park fro* in cher** lot mkt door 162 King East at Stirling, Kitchener, 745.61x1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .11.110 .1101. COOKI Retired has own ER By SUSAN DELI Retirement was not la the genie for* via who her ism Wetness..+°. reti�at0as food➢and' equilrut editor Or Wornan'tl have been too bur my life -1 just had. to hovea daily shams," said MTs.. MOM*. She espleined her new. bust,. am as "Many Kali bud, nooses, in one." Ileadquerters for Mrs, *01s►nis' organize. tion the McGinnis f lame in the foothills of the Berkshires near Litchfield, Conn. "M husband and I de - and built the house," abe said "We love our .borne. ---itis so peaceful and besutt ful. And we're only 100 Mike keen New York where much of my work tomes from." The work,she said, includes developing recipes and label* for food corporations, ,doing � publicity and. planning Mver Whig, testing projected and new products and judging recipe contents. . "You name it -- we do it," she said. Mrs. McGinnis said that her husband, a retired Air.Force colonel, is her pig when she -. recipes. "But he. doesn't do any of the cooking. I don't like any- one in mykitchen," she aid. Mrs. McGinnis, who hos au- . thored many cookbooks, in- cluding the ''Mi ian's.Day En- . cyclopedia of Cookery, , says that, afyone' cr#. cooks if ehe realy wants W. A. product which McGinnis has assisted in researching is a packaged seasoning mix for chicken. 'Among tedpes fes tiring the, mix is his.one for Saucy Sesame Chicken. SAUCY SESAME CHICKEN 1 egg ditor business VISIT US fOrartQeiginal 011 PcaN+tin{yrr0 estautifui Ore ethSt+' asp. WOO G'1ak , . ONTARIO'S IO' LARGEST CLOCK GA i DAVE AUSMA FINE ru,ry* 6,.Milo .North of GuelPh lA 1M..1."rllr NEW CAREER Mrs. Glenna McGinnis started a new business after retiring ,as food and ,equipment editor for. Woman's Day. She develops.' recipes' and labels for food com- panies, plans advertising and publicity, tests • new products. 1 tablespoon soy Sauce 2 or 3a whole chicken breasts. split 'Ya LW: 'sesame aied 3 tablespoons buttes or rgatine �4ecup� orange Mee 3 tablespoons. Ikon juice 1 envelope (2-0&) sauce mix for sweet and aour`chicken ice► beat together egg and soy sauce in shaitinv bowl or pie .pan. Dip chicken breasts in egg mijcture, then roll in sesame Beadle coat well. Meitbutte' in large skil- let; add fiddles and cools, un- covered, over medium hestt. for 15 .to .20 mutes, turning once until golden brown ail thoroughly cooked. Remove dlidcen to platter and keep warm. Add orange juice, lem- on juice, and conte itsof sauce milt envelope to pan. Cook and stir over medium heat until sauce : homes to ,a boil and thickens: Serve over dllcken: Four to six servings. MAKING ANIMALS—Ail you need Is walnut shell to make a turtle and an appropriate nut to make a duck. • CHILD'S PLAY Nuts and bread make animals By SMOKER & HUNTSINGER Sometimes the strangest in- gredients can go into an art project, and one good exam- ple is half a piece of fresh bread. The figuerines in the ac- companying illustration may look like sculptured work which, for some people, is hard to do. But these crea- tures don't require clay or plasticine, nor do they involve any special talent. Along with the bread — light or dark willdo -- you will need white glue, a toothpick, paint and a small brush, and the kind of plastic eyes such as sold In novelty Or craft stores. One other gredient is nec- essary but it is a seasonal item in plentiful supply right now, namely, nuts. A very realistic turtle can be made from just half of a walnut shell, especially once it is painted green. Before painting, however, make four tiny feet, a head and a tail. Do this by breaking off little bits of bread. Mold these with your fingers after first mixing Romania cuts dowo on lowish emigration The emigration of Ro- manian Jews to Israel has be- come more difficult and is be- ing restricted to elderly and ill people with family ties in Is- rael. Romaniap officials con- firmed that the few being al- lowed to emigrate are going under a "joining of families" arrangement thein with white glue, You will have a workable dough that easily is fashioned into any shape you desire. Use an added drop of glue to press each foot into place. Shape the other parts in the same way and attach them. ' Wait 24 hours to be sure the turtle is hard and dry. Then paint' the entire surface and glue on the eyes. Since a duck has a tapered body which can be described as rather almond shaped, this is another easy creature to make once you have the ap- propriate nut. Make his head the same way, but in this case, break off the tip of a toothpick and it will become a 1 1,4 Jo -Ann 1, ,.adios' Wctnr .Complete PLAYTEX line of bras and girdles .Spring Dresses .Pont Suits .Gay -lure lingerie *special care for all Hilo • GIVE US A TRY CLIFFOR 327.8041 realistic duck's bill: The eyes can be the same as the turtles or these can be painted in- stead. Realistic touches can be added such as white brush strokes to suggest body mark- ings such as feathers. Choose other nutsnd ex- periment with bread bits to see if you can turn them into other animals, birds or fish. You can create make-believe figures too. The ingredients are few and inexpensive, so all that's needed in addition are patience and imagination. IT ALL BE INS_HERE` LETTEALU'S .of Teeswater Upstairs . in our store you will find the largest selection of , rz BRIDA , H1 Simi ea. Your entirewedding party can beoutfitted by us. Our styles are the latest in bridal fashions, and our cordial. service makes you feel at ease as you make that important decision. For the groom and his attendants, we suggest you let us do thefittings for FORMAL RENTALS by', "Syd Silver". LETTEAU'S Teeswater 3'92-6821 1 NEW SPRING FABRICS NOW IN STOCK! Come in and see our large selection *Printed Polyesf'er 60" wide Knits $2.98 yd. *Drapery Fabrics special continues at lower than whole- sale prices - $1.49 yd. *Plaid checks 60" wide, suiting weight for slacks, etc. - $4.98 yd. *Vinyl Upholstery material with cloth back - $2.98 and $3.98 yd. ', Ot'I4 . X44.4 4 •