HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-18, Page 1Goldsmith Hall! eiroR 2 0 TR• eer WATCHES, CLOCKS,- J''WELRY, - SILVERWA,RE,- -AND SPECTACLES. UNEQUALLED VALUE, tar Personal attention given to repairing .of watches, ,looks and jewelry: C. REICHENBACH, Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL. eamaiNeommifteleaw LEGAL. LH. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli - . otter cfSupreme Court,NotaryPublie Conyeyancax Co iOnr c. Money to Loan. Office in Tauson's Block, Exeter. R. H. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., P,X,Ert'Elt, - ONT. OfficegamwelPsBloek Hall's old oMoe.) ARMOUR W. FORD, Solicitor the Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyancer,Corammaionerianc. &o. Special attention United States'. Patents he tion claims in themoney to loan at lowest rates. Oaloe : Opera House Block, St, Marys, Ont. LLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. ,'Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT. DENTAL. ti L. BILLINGS, D ZTTSST, OFFICE: over O,.MEIE'SBank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. H K1NSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S Sanwell's Block, Main-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and. all other dental work the best possible. Goes to Zuaios onlaatThursday in each month: MEDICAL T W. BEOWNING MaD., M. 0 t e . P.5,JradnateVictoriaUniversity.Office andlresidence,DoecinionLaberatorv, Exe ter LR. EiYNDMAN, oorouer for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. . Caeling's store, Exeter. AND 0 H V RON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XVI. NO, 47. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 18th, 1889. TAR .J. A. ROLLIN c, M. 0. P. S O. Office, Main S..l0.1xeter,Ont.ltesiden nohouserecently oceupied by P. McPhillips, Earl. AUCTIONEERS. JOAN SVHITE do SONS, Publishers, and Proprietors. Por Sale! ENVY EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneer ter Ray, tophen, uc-tioneertorRay,Stophen, and MoGalli- rray,To*nsiiilis: "Saleseonductcdatmotlerate rates. off-ice--AtPost-ofnee,Crediton,Ont.' oHN GILL, -auctioneer for the ti Townships of Stephen, Hay ana yobs.,•„o and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office, VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, raduatesof the Ontario Veterinary College OFFICE : One floor South of Town Hall. �e_._�.�... MONEY TO LOAN.�-�� IN -- KIRKTON A large and well assorted stock of General Dry Goods, Millinary, Hats, Caps, Boots, Groceries, Crockery, Classwars, Wallpaper, Sta- tionary, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Nails, Books, Salt, Boot jacks, and everything kept in a first-class Store, The whole Stook will be sold in lots to suit yon. Come and get a lot, the price will suit you; it will make your wife and child- ren glad, your sons end daughters happy, and general contentment will prevail in the whole family. Highest prices for Butler and Eggs. Yours truly, DOUPE & CO. -STONEMAN'S-- Jewelry Store ONEI TO LOAN AT 6 AND B per cont, $25,000 Private Funds. B est Loaning Companies represented, L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INS UBANCEC0. HENSA.LL, ONT. IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, Stationery, School Books Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments. A full line of Spauldings. Bats and balls on hand We make a specialty of Watch and Jewelry repairing -All work guaranteed Our Motto -Neat, Prompt and re- liable aa-_ a. "0,Ysto • EENSALL, ONT LstabiIaliedin 1,863. HEAD' OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This comeanv has been ;over Eighteen yearsineucceseful operation hi Western On- tario,andsontinues to insure againstloss 0r damago be Tire,Builclings,Merehandfse,Man- ufactories,andall °thecdescriptionsoftinaur- able property, Intending tnether have the optionef inauring on the Premium Note or Gash S•ystom . • During the past ton years tlsis Company hasissued 57,056 Policies, covering property o theaniountof$40,872,038 ;and paid inloss- es a ioneeeeeele2,00 A sset5, $176,100.00, consisting c f Cash n dual.k,GovernsnentDeuosit,audthe unaas- esseriPremiwmNotesonhandandinforce, J', W Wnvnn.r t2 D. Preside t.t. C , tt. TAYLOB., Secretary. J. ti. 'Eivoans,iisSpecter. CHAS: ,HELL Agontfor Exeterandvlcinity, mown mmomme........nmserwommooemvano** Atari srrsZ IN EDUCATION r5 A COURSE rN iiia BUSYNESS. Shorthand, inglfsh, Penmanahip, Gorman b Elocution," or Mechanical Drawing Dopartmeati of the Detroit grnginess University. . ILLUSTRATED CATALOGING FREs.G1 CENTRAL BaShop, rb�r `E'ANSON'S 13L0 OK. Pro _. A. .Hastings, p Saving and hair enttfrre in the letest etlie the art. Every attentionpaid io cutting Ladies and Children's Hair. EX TTi1R 6 fn6t STOK! JULY 12th Its Celebration in Exeter and St. Marys, PA TR'OTIC SPEEU'HES Both Celebrations Fitting- ly Commemorative. 15,000 PEOPLErnEXETER a a foot from the floor alive,sto the decoration of thea streets. The British and Canadian flags gaily petered in the breezes, from th,t towers and -roofs of public and private buildings, and various places of.13118' nese, while appropriate ban- ne;`ra and beautiful bunting of red, white a nd blue, stretched across the etreete-all combining to form a view attractive and pleasing and fully indicative cf patriotic sent in enb. wo'Cii i, tinburgh or Qaeen"Victoria, quite agrees with she drat named lady the fineness of the linen and the tight. of the drawing of sheets, but her rial majesty has an odd fanny to have bed so low as to give a visitor to the eriai bedchamber the impression that the pw of Cxiar is almost nleeping on the ,. It is indeed hardly elevated more , as all who have ted the private apartments at St. Cloud, upeiegne and the Tuileries will remember. The Towns' Beautifully and Aber curious bed is that of Sara Bern• Decorated, dt. It is nearly fifteen feet broad, and :Appropriately an the great comedienne is indisposed 1 receives her intimate friends reposing J. L. HUGHES, of TORONTO,ORATESher couch, she looks like a little golden - ed bird lora in a reat sea of white satin, The Jesuit Question Furnishes Material for Speech -making. The celebration of the 199th ani vereary of the crossing of the Boyne spars. One day, however, when he was was celebrated throughout Ontario is pacht in New Y ark harbour, a tug ran on Friday last with much greater ;glide and a detective threw a copy of zeal and interest than has character- summons at Mr. Bennett. The document ized the celebratingof this notable the latter, fell to the deck at his feet was thrown overboard by a servant. event for many years past. In al;dgmeut by default was eubscquently en - moot every section a demonstra"t"oared, and Mr. Bennett's counsel moved to was held, and the people in g6 t have it set aside on the ground that there r, x� been no service. The court refused the no doubt being agitated or,4t c ication, and the Court of Appeals has Jesuit Estates Bill, turned �'`Oui ,.ai confirmed its judgment. This leads the mases to hear that issue,/disnuided, falo Courier to euggesb that some day an and the reports go to show MO, as a ,sr of the law will serve papers by using rule, the gathering, were most sue- ki in ag+un as wadding and firing them lust the defendant who endeavours to oefleful, not alone in point of awn".�le service. By thus going gunning for dance, but in the matter of speech )pert/ defendants the sheriff's offerer of the making. The number of orange -lure may be able to combine sport with men too, who "turned out" to help performance of his duties, and also quail the memoryof Bin himself £or promotion by the display of perpetuate gs abilities as a marksman. William and do honor to glorious f victory of the Battle of ,the Boyne, Quadruple Murder During a Heavy was this year far in excess of any Thunderstorm. previous gathering of this kind ; or • we might add, eclipsed anything inl3eavy storms continue to be reported the history of Orangemen in Card om different parts of France; In some .Barts of the Department of the Charente the ada. ,, t'fieryhash n flooded, and the fall of hail - The Jesuit question received m M Y�"""""�" - q Toulouse and -`the nef h• -w....,..a.--.,=-�-_.ri.3: ..,,7 iT,•dv.n3, , t5e.:b�;•..:bt��4nta remarked. .�, angues were long very little 1i 9tbouring districts have also been visited by a information was elicited. • anied by veri • liable hurricaer its of nes. At Vill nouv le, while epeak`a, a simply claimed that ne of these storms was at its height a horri- coneessions given the Jesuits rVtb°lo drama was enacted, A farm•eervant ill-timed and unjustifiable ; and'thetho had vainly asked for the hand of his the Bill should not become ' lav, taster'a'daughter, and had been. dismissed, returned to the house in the midst' of a ter - Mercier the Premier of Quebec, theoo. tempest and murdered the farmer, his person by whom the Bill was framed 4e, and daughter, and a servant one after and passed through the Quebec Leg-) other. Strange Libel Suit. suit was entered against James snnert some time ago, but some culty was experienced in serving him with A YOUNG & KERR Have their Hardware and Tinware Store full of -the' various staple • articles, You can buy your Hardware, Tinware. Paints, Oils. Machine Oils, Castor Oil, Wire, Glass, and Baby Carriages cheaper from us than anywhere else' in this section. A call will convince you of this fact. NAILS at thelowest rates. Sewing Machine Needles &c, at the closest'"bargains. We sell cheap and tale a pride in letting our ; cus- tomers know of it. Lawrence's Spectacles,i&c, Crediton, June 17th, 1889. The Largs THE BEST,, TRE NICEST, THE SWEETEST •-Assortment of Confectionery IN TOWN. ;1..s,,.,,, seemed to escape with slight no re t 01eau e cele ,tiles o the a were the.Federal Parliament ;Dame in For J. L. Hughes, of Toronto W. W. an abundance of abuse, because, in Fitzgerald, of London, Grand Mas their careful Legislation, they could ter of Ontario West Rural. Dean not oonscientiouely vote for the dis- Cooper, of Invermay, Chaplaiu of allowance of the Bill. Supreme (',rand Lodge ; F. W. The encroachments of the French Johnston, Goderich and the local people on the educational system of `clergy. The following is a correct this Province, received considerable liet of the lodges in attention, and the exposures of the Order of Procession mai-administration of the Ontario Carriage containing Grand Master of On - Legislature, and the misdoings of, tario west, W. W. Fitzgerald ; J. L. Hon. G. w. Ross, no'doubt stir -Hughes, Grand Seo'y of Supreme prised, and awakened many of their G L of B N A ; R, A. Cooper slumbering friends to the foot that Grand Chaplain Supreme G L of B N. g A. • Bro F, W. Johnston, Goder- Lrurier and Mowab have been pan- ioh ;and Bro li. Eilber, of daring to the French of this country Crediton. for a period altogether'' too lengthy - Forest City True Blue T3and. censure, while the 786 members of Th lb o f �1 day JUST IN, 8c FRESH. Awaer down in Price. FOLLIO1'S Bread, Buns, Cakes, and all kinds of Past ry, sti11 take the lead. Headquarters for Confection- ery at ,E. A,. 'FOLLIC1'S, MAIN -SZ EXETER Fife an drum band. Biddulph lodge 4g3, Wm. Turner, master -40 strong. Fife and drum baud. Lueau lodge, 662, Coursey, • 30 strong; Fife and drum hand. Centralia lodge, 610, George Easory, master -35 strong. Clinton Fife and Drum Band -25 strong Clinton lodge, 710, Wm Smith, master-` 40 strong. Clinton Brass Band. Jubilee Preceptory, 161, Clinton, A• M. Todd, master., Fife and Drum Band. Grand Bend lodge, 826, Wm Haggart, mas- ' ter -29 strong. Fife and drum band. Goshen; line lodge, 833, Robt. Nicholson master -28 strong, Garrett's Band. Garrett Lodge, Biddulph, 890, iRobert Langford, master -34 strong., Fife and drum baud. Chiselhnrst lodge, 825, John Brinlnell, master -20 strong. Fife and drum band• Varna lodge, 1,035, Wm Rathwell, master,. -30 strong. Exeter Brass Band. Exeter -lodge, 924, H Lambrooke acti master -258t matter •; rong. Fife and drum band. Parkhilllodge, 297, Jas Carrothere, msster -25 strong. Parlth•ll lo e, 1.097, Jas Gathers, master, .-28-strong. d`and dram band. gif;12 0, W Portico, master -30 strong, o \ ' e, a 3 dram band. r 2p e. 334, win Wasonage, mss - ter -35 strong. Fife and dram band. Bayfield Young Britons, 11 Howard, master -28 strong. Bayfield lodge 24, John Pollocle noting mss ter -30 strong. Kirkton lodge, 591, in part ender G. L. - Moneys Fife and drumband. - Auburn lodge; 153, A Millan, master -26 strong, Fife and dram, band. elodge, 11, John Laine, mister -20 strong. The Speeches. on arriving at the groncd-- tbe, asters of the respective, J;> " and other prominent men were til seated: upon the platform. .,-County ,Master, ltd. Floody rose and et- :pressed his pleasure at seeing an s many who had some 4o celebrate the - glorious 12*. After 'extending a welcome to the lodges and .•visitors . he introduced Bro. W: W. .Fitz - g n d The Molsons Bank f COARTEDEII BY kA LU tAMKNT,1S55) !'aid up Capital t `d.000,00 ktoatFautt ... 1,000,00 head Office, Montreal, F. WOMPERSTAN TIHOi11AS. Esq., tli % U I Moutons 20 branch ofaoesintea eimminiee. Agengio in the Dominion, U. S.A and Surope: