HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-04-11, Page 2Advance -Times, Thursday, April 11, 1975 Wingham A �Y iMtf1�A Page 2 -The u1g Nut Federation opposed to �dditional power plants The Huron County Federation of Agriculture decided at its re- gular meeting held in the Kingsbridge public school, to oppose the constuction of power plants anywhere in Huron County. In an unanimous decision the meeting agreed that this kind of construction is too damaging to our farm land and social life. Concern was also expressed about cable television in our towns and the effect, this could have on the local - T.V. pro- gramming, leaving the rural comitiunity possibly with a much decreased service or no service at all. It was decided to in- vestigate this more fully before taking any action. John Gaunt, who won a Nuf- field scholarship in 1973, showed slides from his 6 -month stay in the United Kingdom. It showed to every one how many breeds of cattle originated in Scotland. Mr. Gaunt explained that the scholarship will be discontinued in about two years time and the countries involved are expected to take over the program so the WOOL Reaiize thehighest returns for your wool by patronizing your own organization. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 10, Carleton Place, Ont. Obtain sacks and twine ' without charge from NORMAN McDOWELL & SON Auburn or by writing to CANADIAN CO.OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED CARYETON PLACE, ONTARIO D Al STOCK Removal Service We are noW paying up to $20.00 for dead or disabled » cows. $25.00 for dead or disabled Horses &nailer .animals from , 500-1b., to 1,000-1b. $1.00 per cwt. CASH ON THE SPOT Asa service to you we pick up • 'pigs and calves Free. . Power. Equipped Trucks CALL. COLLECT 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies Lie. »309-C-73 • tf Nuffield fouiiation can go on to some new program. George Underwoos, of Wingham explained' that the Bruce -Huron Hydro Negotiating Committee is still actively in- volved in trying to change the routing of the proposed lines through less productive land. There is still a ray of hope left that something will be done. Bill Crawford, the fieldman, reported that up till now about 2,200 farmers have joined the organization in Huron as In- dividual Service Members. He said that the goal now is to have 2,400 members before the spring work gets underway. The president of the Huron Federation presented a brief to the development committee of the county mainly concerning land -use. Philip Durant of Zurich stated that a new power plant in South Huron will mean three add- itional transmission lines through Seaforth to Wingham. This week Minister of Educa- tion Tom Wells announced that the 7.9 per cent spending ceilings applicable for 1974 have been raised a further 2.6 per cent mak- ing the total increase in 1974 ceil- ings over 1973 approximately 18.5 BELGRAVE II The Belgrave II 4-H girls got together on March 25 for their first meeting. Fifteen answered the roll call by stating name, address and age. The meeting continued with an outline on the new topic, "Taking a Look at Yourself". Officers were appointed as fol- lows: President. Donelda La- mont; vice president, Doreen Taylor and press reporter, Janie Sanders. The two adult leaders Mrs. Bert Campbell and Mrs. James Hunter helped throughout the meeting. Turnberry council passes bylaw 7..74 The council of the Township of Turnberry gave third reading to by law no. 7-74 at their regular monthly council meeting on April 1. The bylaw was passed to close a portion of road. between lots 40 and 41, Concession 1 from Hwy. 86 to Hwy. 87. The township decided to issue building permits requested by Alex Corrigan, . Russel paird, George Schiestal and Rae Lewis. However council moved that more information should be gathered on the Roy Schneller property at RR 2, Holyrood. The clerk was instructed to write the council of the town of Wingham informing them 'that the township is willing to build up the portion of the boundary road on the B-line between Winghamd and Turnberry. However before proceeding the township wants to know if Wingham would be mill- ing to pay their share of the pho- ject. Council passed a motion calling for the adoption of the O.M.E.R. , .Fension, plan ,for. Len Baird, and •G r e- .: +ear e:G allavla ) of lam. fad{xd g y , :paPtment.- They also, deckled that rather than paying the Federa- tion of Agriculture a .4 mill levy they would instead give the Federation a $500 grant for 1974. It was decided that the. town- ship would undertake the instal- lation of three , mercury vapor lights in Lower Wingham within the next year. WANTED Five Homes That Need Siding Five local homeowners will have the opportunity to eliminate outside painting' permanently and beautify their property at a sub- `stontial reduction with the new 1974 a SOLID VINYL SIDING PIONEERED BY B. F. GOODRICH, COMPANY Engineered to eliminate denting and noisy defects of old style metal siding, this new product is laboratory tested twice, strong as any other metal siding and provides excellent wigter insulation. Reinforced by a color thickness 30 times of spray aluminum finishes, it renders a beautiful textured appearance, restoring the home to thetraditional colonial style. . As an introductoryoffer, the authorized dealer will renovate 5 homes at a reduction of 15% of nationally advertised price as advertised in Better Homes- and Gardens, Life Magazine. This offer is being made to familiarize property owners with new advances in exterior building products, 100% Finan°► ing. No Down Payment. Trained Dealer Mechanics install the panels right over out- side walls, with nothing to remove. The completed work dup- licates the natural beauty of wood without its defects, while eliminating the cracking, peeling effects which have disappoint- ed owners ,with wood, asbestos and aluminum siding. Qualified home owners desiring to take advantage of this special offer should call Larry Kyle, 1-8'10-265-4630, No Toll Charge. R• If Product Or Performance Defective GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Guarantees Replacement Or Refund To Consulter BEVLEN BUILDNG PRODUCTS 90 BESSMER RD., LONDON 52, ONTARIO OR WRITE - WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Box 390 Wingham, Ontario Name Address Tem The road superintendent has been given permission to adver- tise for tenders for pit run gravel to be delivered on William Ross' sideroad. The contractor must supply and deliver the gravelto the satisfaction of the road super- intendent. Tenders will be ac- cepted until 5 p.m., May 3. 'The lowest or any other tender will not necessarily be accepted. The council passed and made a motion for payment of $6,494.86 worth of road and general ac- counts. per cent. The revised 1974 ceilings are $704 per elementary school pupil) up 11.75 per cent over 1973 and $1,231 per secondary pupil, up 8.94 per cent over 1973. There was debate this week in the Legislature concerning the price increases to be charged'by the oil companies in response to the increase in the well head price of oil from $4 to $6.50 per barrel. The provincial government was charged with allowing the oil companies to take unwarranted increases. The federal government has estimated that the well head price increase will mean a con- sumer price increase of about 8 cents a gallon. Ontario »e on- omists figure the increase would be more like 71/2 cents. The federal estimates` indicate the companies would be entitled to an extra cent to cover other cost increases. Ontario Solicitor General George Kerr admitted this week that money from U.S. criminal organizations is being sent or brought to Ontario then returned to the U.S. in a "Laundered" con- dition because its sources 'is then either unknown or respectable. Mr. Kerr said that in addition to money from criminal. ac- tivities, agents in the province, particularly, Toronto, receive large amounts from legitimate companies as a means of avoid- ing U.S. income tax. The money is held here long enough to qualify as an investment, then re- turned after the agent has taken his cut, usually 5 or 10 per cent. W. Wawanosh • rnsurance...is under review, West Wawanosh Township council reviewed their township's insurance coverage at the coun- cil's meeting °April,, 1. , Frank Thompson of then West Wawanosh Fire Insurance .Company and 'Icatimi,Rettliffiforativowan Co. #Ltd: kiVefenreseni at ihe'ineeting .` to suggest some changes in the i t coverage. However : the council only approved. one 'change which called for the purchase of a blan- ket bond *cover allethployees of the township. ' The council moved that James Errington be named livestock evaluator for the township. James Devereaux, who has been serving a probationary term as waste disposal •superintendent, was hired as permanent sperin- tendent. After . accepting a petition for drainage submitted by Harold Gaunt, 'the township clerk was in- structed to • contact engineer James Howes regarding a survey and report on the matter, after the Maitland Valley Conserve trion Authority has been notified. Joe Kerr Ltd: of Wingham was granted the contract for the crushing, and hauling of about 12,000 cubic yards of 'A' gravel for the township. The contract price will be $1.25 a cubic yard plus 80 cents a cubic yard for the stockpiling of about 500' cubic yards. After the yearly audit was dis- cussed council °passed a motion that a letter be sent to A. M. Har- per asking him what the cost would be to audit the township's books in April, May or June. The council accepted $14,495.92 worth of road and general ac- counts and instructed that they be paid. BELMORE BEAUTIES The second meeting of the Bel - more III club was opened with the motto and roll call was an- swered by all the girls present. The minutes were read and ap- proved. It was decided to name the club the Belmore Beauties. The next meeting will be held at the home of Angela Detzler on April 15, at 7:38. This was fol- lowed by the discussion and demonstration. The meeting was closed with lunch. Denture wearers smile. Ansodent is the denture Cleanser that lets you smile with confidence. Special whiteners and brighteners clean dentures fast -in tninutes .. . without brushing or overnight soaking. One capful removes stubborn stains . . helps keep your mouth fresher, dhsodeflt it gives you a lot to smile about. Lay people will play a substan- tial role in governing doctors, dentists and other health profes- sionals under tie%legislation in- tro,dueed by Health Minister Frank Miller. The proposed Health Dues lines Act would set up a board of 5-7 lay people t.o review' cont• plaintsby the public. or 'freln members of the professional! who feel themselves treated, ulna justly. It also provides for lay people to sit on the Councilof the colleges governing the profes- *as. Ilia first six over Theas t .wow legislation such as the pet. Still with health servIe, Health Minister. Frank Mme. tabled theMustard recommends the setting RAW POL YMUL$ ON•CHILDREN'S. MULTIVITAMIN LIQUID# a O_ MfN. LIST PRICE 3.39 WITH COUPON 4 edam. formula espaciafly de eloped to help pique., ..t am,n deficiency at wimple nutrd»Onol anemia .n infants and chrldr an • OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 19th. 1974 • FAST PERMANENT Gentle, Regular, Super curl, For tinted and bleached hoer WITH COUPON MFC. HSI PRICE 2.49 The 1.01 wormg Iona. Watts natural hart oil, 10 co,drtron horn and scalp and make. ,oflar curls for more beautiful bort styles • OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 19th. 1974 • FAST �JT uatirlyul jar %tsar nyw AU PAYAU NNW PECONOTAtir COO affatifices. MFA 1t$T eta t,St for symptgteotic relief of *Of. hpyfeter and sinusitis Fefmltletetl 1019 toy pellets IP rehouse esediea' tion over P 124'our 9094. • 0011* EX1HIkif JWP' 1104 1!'74 • Raw av SAF PAN/YRRfE to BEIGE OR TAUPE ... • ONE -SIZE FITS ALL • OFFER EkPIRES JUNE Mk. 1914 • w,TM COUPON CLIP THESE COUPONS - REDEEM. AT OUR STORE Lee Vance Ltd. Ontario Wingham GET GROWING WITH LAWN AMID GARDEN PRODUCTS AT THE CO.OP STORE art Ifast 10-6-4 TURF F TLIZERy 1aQ6I vvtlSNon-bing designed ed KIS, R to release rnftrogen Contcfhs"tavtin food. aver (bhg periods of Controls chickweed, time. clover, weeds, etc. 33%3 Ib., 50 lb. bogs. 331/3 lb., 33'/3 Ib.. , 4.79 331/3 Ib, 6.95 Baa TURF FERTILIZER The greatest value in fertilizer you'll find this season! Not only is it priced well, it will also help to grow a lawn you can be proud of. 7-7-7 is a free flowing, homo- genized granular product, available in 331/3 Ib. and 50 Ib. bags. 331/2 Ib. bag Complete selection of seed mixtures for beautiful lawns! 1. 10.6,4 WITH • 10lit.A6+4 WITH.RAE- � a' notrsx,,r irdgEeeruGs b tns,t tw1r1b1ewnLTo tirmt I sis.v. pg ereodsss rI Y 4 n0 I,b .i ru.i rb b- 331/3 Ib., 33%3 Ib. bag. . 33/3 Ib bag... 10.49 9 5-10-10 TI Yr a, fi Ewe ent: homeigenizedl free-flowing fertilizer. 33'/3 Ib,, 33%3 Ib. bag..... 3.25 22" 31/2 I.p., SUPER CLIPPER LAWN MOWER Boasts rugged one -pull start engine. New deck for easy discharge and cutting. Many more convenient fea- tures. No. 545-231 In Sunshine Yellow 129.88 on LUXURY LAWN SEED MIXTURE Grows beautifully in almost all soil, Light conditions. 40% Merion Blue- grass. 1 -Ib. box, 5 -Ib: bag. 1 -Ib. box . . No. 545-247 20"model, (Not shown) in red and white enamel. 0 ATCH For 76.88 Standard LAWN SEED MIXTURE Grows well over wide tong* of roll growing; conditions. 60% Kentucky Iluegrosr. 1 -Ib. box, 5.lb. bag. 1 -Ib. box..., THRIFTY LAWN •SRED MIXTURE (Not Shown) Grows to o hard wearing cover under very rough conditions 5.Ib. bag.. SHADED LAWN SEED MIXTURE Ideal fol dry, less fertile areas. 50% Creeping Red Fescue. 1.Ib. box, 5.1b. bog. 1.Ib. box LARGE 21/2 U.S. GALLON SPRAYER ..Easy Carrying tank with 21/ U.S. gallon capacity, safety Cork, durable brats pump, No. 591.448 $10.49 No. 591.422 2 gol. stainless steel $21.99 Spring Support LAWN RAKE Spring support stiffens flirt action Steel teeth angled for efficient raking No. . $3.99 GARDEN NOSE Top quality nylon rein• forced rubber vinyl Vs' '.iometer, 50 ft length. No 591.425 $6.59 50 ft, nylon reinforced No. 591.247 $4.88 50 ft. plastic No 591.219 $1.42 k VALUES APRIL 18 -APRIL 27 BELGRAVE BRANCH WINGHAM 357.2711 BRUSSELS 887-6453 • M • M 4 4y ti