HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-04-04, Page 201. PtiPreil: m 1 All Types of Insurarice 3354525 • 357.2636 GORRIE WINGHAM Apri1 4, 1974— Bill Smiley Ws my second trip in, 30 years W*10111' LOOS If you are pint to btv, large portiOn0 of moat such as a quarter orhalf of beef, keeP in mind that there is substantial Loss in trimming so ° that a quarter of beef weighing 125 Pounds could trim out to about 87 pounds. traffic desthe,. according to the TraVelera sumo, Commis*, killing nearly 4,000 and injuring Mere than 67400 pedestrians last year. The Arktika, Russia's sec, end atomic was recently, te a Moscow announcement. The vessel, bull& in Lenin- grad' is larger and more pow- erful than Russia's fir*, ice- breaker, the Lenin, which is 16,000 tons. Canadians, weary of winter, • are taking advantage of the iminter break in ever -in- , creasing numbers to Rt away . from the true north, strong and freezing. Colleagues casually mention that they're off to the Caribbean or Mexico or the Canary Lslands or some such exotica. It's con- sidered passe these days to go merely to Florida. ' . Students will be descending in throngs on places like Athens, .Rome, Paris, London. Chief reason is that air travel is no longer for the rich only. Package deals and charter flights put a mid -winter break within reach of us ordinary Joes. A friend of mine, for example, is going with his wife for a week in the Channel Islands, those tiny bits between England and France. fare is only $209 each, return And do you know what they're. paying for a hotel room with bath, and three meals a day? Twenty-eight lousy pounds a week, because it's the off season. That is about 60 bucks. They couldn't stay home for much less. Well, I'm not one for skulking ' off to the south and leaving other Canadians to suffer. I had a choice. I could go over to see Grandad, or fly 'to 'Germany for a wwiewwwwwwww BARRY W. REID CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 218 Josephine Street 357- 1 522 few days. Free. It's not that I don't respect and admire my father-in-law, but for some reason I chose Germany. I hope I get a better reception than I did last time I visited that country. . Last time I ventured into Ger- many was almost thirty years ago. There was a fairly large and _assorted company in the group I travelled with: privates, cor- porals, sergeants and one Flying Officer—me. We had no trouble getting into Germany, even though we had no passports. Perhaps it was be- cause of the efficiency of our tour guides. There were eight of them, and they were extremely at- tentive. They would even accom- pany one when one had to relieve No wonder kids today can't spell If your kids can't spell as well as you think they should, part of the fault may lie' with widespread disagreement among leading dictionaries. A study published by the National Council of Teachers of English in Urbana, M., lists variant spellings of 2,400 words in five widely used school dictionaries.. CISz TRAVEL To cAcw CITY IN T1419 ORDER: 01972 RYAN CAME COINMP4v Retail Sales Person . To work part time in" Listowel Store, related to Home Furnishings and Interiors. . Hours and Days are flexible to suit individual. (Can become full time) . Good starting salary with regular increases according to ability. - -. Person must kie very neat in appearance. . Enjoy meeting public and be dependable. . Be good at figures and willing to work. PERSONS WITH RETAIL EXPERIENCE PREFERRED BUT WILL TRAIN IF YOU HAVE THE DESIRE • Write to Box 1483, Listowel Banner_ For Personal Interview Stating: Age, Marital Stattis, Education, Past Employment, Hours Available, Address and Phone Number ALL REPLIES STRICLY CONFIDENTIAL The lawn sweepin' snow removin' wood cuttin' lawn mower. oneself. The guides were tastefully ar- rayed in field -gray, and hatl simi- lar accessories—guns. I can't kick, however. I'll bet I was the only POW who rode across the German border on a bicycle. I couldn't walk because of a well -aimed kick on the knee- cap, and they were sure as hell not going to carry me, so they let me ride one of their bikes. I'll never forget the first place we stayed at, in Germany. It was my first taste of that old-world charm. It lacked a few of the amenities we spoiled North Americans are accustomed to, but it had a quaintness all its own. It was a barn. There was nobody there but us chickens, the cattle, and the tour guides. At that, it was practically cosy after a couple of weeks living in a box -car, in Holland. It was a mite chilly, being November; but we paired off and curled up in the hay, like so many sets4af spoons. I \ drew a big, ugly Canadian ' private from St. Catharines with a bullet wound in his neck which stank a bit. But he was warm. One of our next stops was the delightful old city of Brunswick. where we spent an enchantieig three hours in the air raid she/ter, during a raid. It was worth it: The German equivalent of Red Cross ladies gave us coffee, ersatz k?ut hot, the first hot drink we'd had for days. Some other highlights of my visit were: the interrogation centre and "solitary"' near Frankfort; rolling on a train through a night attack on 4eipzig; windows shattering, flares and bombs falling ; a look from a train at the appalling rubble of Ham- burg; hitch -hiking back from deep inside the Russian lines to Rostock; a visit to the concentra- tion camp at Celle. This visit couldn't be more interesting, but it should be more comfortable. I'm not going by bi- cycle, but by jet: And my kid brother, the Colonel, is over there. He didn't know enough to get out of the air force„ and has nothing to look forward to but a big, fat pension any day now. tut he'd better have the band out, the red carpet down, and the lieb- fraumilch laid on, or he's in deep trouble. Ceossroads Classifieds Copy for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 6 p.m., Wednesday of week prior to pub- lication. Wanted GOOD LOVING FARM HOME— for two small Spaniel -Border Collies, mother 5 years and son 3 years. Phone 416-964-6299 collect. For Sale SEWING MACHINES New and Used — Service to all makes. Agent for White, Ehia, Universal, Bernina; Omega. BAYLEY SEWING MACHINES 364-3606 4-11-18-25 BERG builds everything better for barns,.barn cleaners, manure stocking equipment, feed han- dling equipment (10. year war- ranty), stanchions, stalls, pens, steel columns, hogs, pen ventila- tion, water bowls. H. STEPHENS, Box 467, Palm- erston, 343-2736. GLENDALE MOBILE HOMES and Travel Trailers for sale; also large fully serviced and land- scaped mobile home lots for rent. First sideroad west of Stratford on Highway 8, 1/2 mile north. Crystal Lake Mobile Homes, Court Ltd., RR 5, Stratford. Phone 393-6121. tf CAMPING AND TRAILERS JEWELL TRAILER SALES— Starcraft, Jayco, Prowler, Glen- dale. Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Closed Wednesdays. Highway 86 east, Listowel. Phone 291-1158. My 9 SCOTTISH TERRIER Puppies for sale. Registered, Champion sired. Phone 291-4817 after 6 p.m. John Visser, Listowel. Lawn sweeper Snow thrower Electric chain saw There's never been any- thing like it before. A sin- gle garden tractor that does nearly 3 dozen oth- er jobs around the house — in addition to mowing the lawn! Fall and Winter jobs are done in a jiffy—because here's one tractor that's ready to go instantly, even in zero temperatures, works for hours, recharges for pennies. IT Van Ey1 Bros. .20 ft. feed racks $375.00 bola rocks .1 b, 18, 20 ft. $20.00 per ft. .zero grazing harvesters .wheel discs reconditioned with new blades whili stock lasts. .corn planters. .cultivators - now and used -Coming events PANCAKE HOUSE opened in Belrpore Community Centre, Monday, March 25. Open seven days a -week from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. until festival day, April 13. Adults $2.25, children 12*and under 91.00. Hot pancakes with .fariper's sau- sage, apple sauce and Behnore maple syrup, plus tea, coffee and milk. Call Mrs. Jim Chambers at 327-8918 for reservations for group visits. , Wanted To Buy CARS, trucks and tractors for wrecking. See us for any parts, towing or good used yres. Bill's Auto,,F'arts, phone 338-2021, RR 3, Harriston. 14-21-28-4 WE BUY 'AND SELL antique furniture, pottery, glass, china, etc. Single pieees, collections and estates. Immediate cash avail- able. Phone 291-4214, 190 Main St. East, Listowel, HICK'S AN- TIQUES. 21-28-4-11 FARMERS, inquire about your J. and M. wagons, gravity bins and hydraulic augers while stock is available. Your complete Lawn & Garden Centre, LLOYD'S SMALL ENGINES, RR 1, At- wood, phone 356-2639. We even have Sekine first quality 10 -speed bicycles at $119.95 and also 'CUSTOM PLOUGHING AND CORN PLANTING. Prime time still available. Phone 335-6109 GUNS BOUGHT, sold and re- paired. Reloading components at reduced prices. ABC Sporting Goods, B. Jenkins, Minnie Street, 94aue 9ou e,vett tnide a quret Cmon in and try trailer dealer DON McPHAIL MOTORS BRUSSELS MOTORS LTD. "Huron County's Foremost Car & Truck Dealer" Avg.11:78 70 over 36 mos. for new -and used cars 28 Successful Years In The' Same Town OPEN Weekdays till 10 Saturdays till 6 CARS and TRUCKS 887 6173 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL, CLINTON We are now paying $5-$15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you. License No. 237-C17 Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 24 -Hour Service 7 Days a, Week CALL COLLECT 482-9811 office,,trayel and tent TRAILERS truck campers truck \caps - trailer parts and accessories Open 6 days:, clos•d Wed; 21/2 miles west of Hanover on No. 4 Hwy. Ph. 364-3748 TRAILIER SALES RENTALS • PLAN YOUR MOTORING FUTURE NOW! Increase the resale value of your car or truck with COMPLETE PROTECTION Witai HOUGHTON RUST PROOF1M, Annus Hanover Call Les at 364-2832 "A aytusi TO PREVENT RUST" CROSSROADS SERVICE DIRECTORY REACHES 30,000 READERS NEW ROOF? Contact Ralph PHEASANT RESTAURANT 1.1stowel 291-3931 Milverton Heating 16 Sheet Metal SALES 0 INSTALLATION FURNACES EAVESTROLIGHING SHEET METAL WORK SOX 309 • 11195•41719 W. D. 'BILL' MAY STATE FARM INSURANCE Auto- Life- Fire WINGHAM 357-3280 Nosimen 1614 Ulm OUR Phone 356-2802 A.H. BOWMAN MFG. LTD. METAL FABRICATIN ATWOOD - ONTARIO Also Metered Concrete Mobile Service ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLIES LTD. - Due to the increase in meat prices we are able to give you toP prices for fresh, dead, or disabled cows and horses. We will pick up your calves and pigs free. Radio equipped trucks for the fastest service. CASH ON THE SPOT local Calls Atwood 356-2257 Long Distance Zenith 70650 7 Days a Week 24 Hours a Day 1,7 fertilizer spreaders 3 point hitch list $316.00 new $266.00 .Schultz 200 bushel manure spreaders save $300.00 now $1,582.00 $175.00 .now post hole augers -scraper blades 6 ft. $120.00 .sprayors 100-500 U.S. gallons .wcfgons with used 070.00 tiros .ploughs 3 - 6 ft. furrow Electric Tractors The electric tractor backed by dependable NEW IDEA DEALER SERVICE Battery power is better HARVEY MUM LIMITED TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT DIVISION Clifford i27-804 5 DURHAM FARM EQUIPMENT White and New Idea .good variety now trotters in stock .good clean used tractors .1555 Cockshutt 92 hours .1265 Cockshutt 320 hours .1265 Cockshutt 322 hours .4 wheel drive with loader .etc. .Glonner Combine .Groin Head .Pick-up Head with pick-up .4 row corn head used ono season .manure spreaders priced to sell .503 Cockshun SiNcithoir with 12' header and hay Conditioner - PRICED TO SELL MAKE US A PRICE UP or DOWN USE YOUR.HEAb WHEN SHOPPING FOR YOUR FEET - SPECIAL care in fitting for all ages:- • attention to groups, clubs sport teams and institutions CUYLER SHOES Palmerston HONDA N, LARRY'S CYCLE WORLD orec You C9n't Beat SALIGEEN VALLEY MEAT Wholesale and Retail Service Beef end Pork. by th• SIDE AND QUARTER CLIFFORD . Phone 327-8401 FACTORY anion OUTLET In Their Original OLD MILL W001. ard LEATHER PRODUCTS MURTON. LTD. Blyth 5234373 SMALL ENGINE SERVICE & REPAIR M. C. SMITH SPORTS DIVISION M. C. SMITH APPLIANCES Aiithorized factory service for: TORO JOHN DEERE BRIGGS & STRATTON AND KAWASAKI Licensed mechanic on premises for service and major . repairs to most 'other makes. RR 2, Listowel - 291-3810 WHERE OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY YAMAHA Lawn & Sports LISTOWEL 291-2441 Licensed Mechanic Visit Us Soon See the EXPERT on Small Engine Equipment Bolens A GOOD YARD AHEAD Toro STEVE MEW Power Lawn Mower Confro 011itfontia 'Products in 1972 and a, *Ilion dollars' worth in WO, according to (LB' nn„ director of the California Department of,, FoOd CRT and Retail PASSENGER - FARM TRUCK On the form service Phone 291-2521 LISTOWEL CARSON'S AUCTION SERVICE Available for All Types of AUCTION SALES Choice Dairy aide Bought and Sold Facilities Available for Herd DispiRrsals Call DAVID CARSON . R.R. 3, Listowel, 291-2049 Where Satisfied Customers Send Their Friends' . INCOME TAX PREPARED - Farmers - Businessmen Reasonable Rates CALL NOW Monkton anytime 347-2241 Brussels Tues. and Fri. 887-6663 Ronnenberg Insurance Agency " *Avoid the Rush HUNTER MOVING STOAliDAGE Local and Long Distrince Class D P.C.V. Licence For delivery or shipping needs CALL THE EXPERTS HANOVER Collect 364-1560 Bus. 338-3616 Rios. 338-2717 M. C. Smith Now offering complete service for TV, radio, re- frigeration, ranges and other appliances. Backed by factory -trained service- men, a huge parts inves- tor'', sophisticated repair equipment and one of Mid- western Ontario's largest stocks of major applianr•it. Listowel 291-3810 "Our location saves you money." • • fr- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Good Quality Holstein or Beef Calves, 1 to 3 weeks old. Rea- sonable Prices, We Deliver. OSINGA BROS. 519 RI. 1 MAUS Listening Al's Coilision Service PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT 14arriston 338-3422 large stock used soles and SERVICE Walkerton 881-0984 LORENZ Dead Stock Removal 520.00 for Horses 1Fc AG rarunsdEfRovr CicowEs Ohone Collect • 369-2410 DURHAM LINC RUSSWURM LICENSED sum:once No Sale Too Big or Too Small Form Property &\ Chattels Only 1% Household Sales at 5% R.I. 5, fAilimey, Out. 367-2123 Phone 357.2206 Cone,. 2, Morris Twp. Repair and Refinishing Enamekand Laquer Rust Repair Frame & Body Work ON CARS & TRUCKS If Repairable We Do It