HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-04-04, Page 19• 1 `R 'WELL DRILLING BY WO HAVE (4011T PU*C BD AN �ITItNA .HIGRPIIR IRB 'ROTARY plum. TO PROV10111 'VIN PASTOR. *IR11MMO SOR OUR CUSTOMERS' I ii :Anyw. re n Ontario. Fein Service. Our Wells Exp 11Prtntinciol aovemme1t Modemi nt endl Percussion PrictAtm ta l Mr+ nn nta1 Regulations. DAVIDSONWELL womow.% DRILLING` .TD,,• SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SINCE 1,,00 THROUGH FOUR GENERATIONS BOWEN PRINTING1MITED 128 INKERMAN ST. E. LISTOWEL 291-3901 MOUNT FOREST WINGHAM ZENITH 26500 LISTOWEL, ONTARIO OUT OF TOWN CALL COLLECT 519.391.3901 •, PRINTERS • LITHOGRAPHERS • CREATIVE PRINTING • COLOR PRINTING • OFFICE FORMS • WEDDING INVITATIONS • RUBBER STAMPS • PHOTO COPY SERVICE COMPLETE OFFSET AND LETTERPRESS SERVICE DROP IN AND' TALK OVER YOUR: PRINTING REQUIREMENTS OR CALL US AND WE'LL VISIT YOU. NO ORDER TOO SMALL - NO JOB TOO' BIG. WE DELIVER Hundreds It Huldreds of .SUITS .BLAZERS SPORTCOATS Nearly 500 in stock and more are arriving daily. Regular, Shorts and Tails in Sizes 36-50. . A wide range of prices to 'SUIT' you. Most of the prices are the same as last year - only worsteds are up -and only a few dollars. SUM'S f69S0 - $150" SPORTCOATS 49:o .:7q:a See one of the largest selections in the area et: MOUNT FOREST TH1$ 1$ YOUR PROBLEM. TWERE. ARE SIX CITIES A$ DIAGRAMED Ar RIGHT, YOLI - KIST START AT ‘LIOMET,OWN AND TROWEL TO EACH CITY ONCE • AND THEN RETURN 140ME.- you MUST COMPL,ETE THIS ROUND TRIP WITHOUT RUNNING. OUT OF '4,c MONEY, ALONG we %low, strr cASI-1. AP.- FIGURES ON MAP ARE IN DOLLARS. THE FIGURES ALONG EACI4 ROOTS 'DENOTE" THE FARES TO, THOSE REPRESENT FORWARDED CASH WHICH. YOU *RECEIVE UPON. ARRIVAL TO TM* C1T,Y. vOuR TRIP CAN ONLY BE 61,)COESSFOLI:41 COMPLETED ONE WAY_ SO PICK UP YOUR 07. AT HoMEToWN AND 0000 LUCK * wan 6„vtliN) Mtn, RYAN oNAE comitoot (SOLUTION MAY BE FOUND ON, PAGE 6) YOUR HANDWRITING TELLS Infidelity is a blown fuse By DOROTHY ST. JOHN JACKSON Certified Master Grapheanalyst Dear Dorothy: I'm mixed up, 26, and searching. I have two pre- cious daughters, a wonderful husband, a lovely home, and Pin unhappy. I vfant to leave. I'm not out to hurt my hus- band, but I have met a man whom I see weekly. I don't even know if I love him, but I enjoy his company. What's the matter with me? What shall I do? Your "push-button" is stuck. The power within you refuses to generate action. You're in a rut, seen in the low t crossingi. You feel un- appreciated, incompetent, and sorry for yourself. So, you fight your fears with 'tears, seen ingthe drooping y strokes. You don't even like yourself. You've blown the fuse of self- esteem.. Without respect for yourself, anything goes. Through the pressure of your, vvriting, you keep your hus- band puzzled, and busy. You need constant attention and' affection. A thoughtful act yesterday has little meaning today. Seen in the long lower loops, you are restless and want a little variety. So, when your husband doesn't satisfy your . whims at home, you're out for • greener fields, only to find them barren and discolored. It's time now to grow up and settle down, Believe in your- self, and in your husband. Make your house a home, and become it's queen. You'll get all the attention you've ever wanted, plus interest. Just remember that any time you switch from the pow- er of loyalty and fidelity, you cut your "voltage," and fail in radiating the fire of love. Transform your hot line to a heart line. D.J. Dear Dorothy: Soine time ago, I applied for a position. A handwriting analysis was made. I used this type of writing (No. 2). I did NEW SPRING FABRICS NOW IN STOCK! Come in and see our large selection *Printed Polyester 60" wide *Plaid checks 60" wide, suiting Knits - $2.98 yd. weight for slacks, etc. - $4.98 yd. *Drapery Fabrics special continues at lower than whole- • *Vinyl Upholstery material with cloth back $2.98 and $3.98 yd. • LISTOWEL TEXTILES ENDS WALE ACE AVE S Ample Free Park ng Say If th Sewing not get the job. It was prob- ably just as well as found out later that the employer able assistant. This is p true story. Had I used the other would have happened ? - P. E. =10.4fiC li°14:41.436 Dear P. E.: You'd have been a shoo-in! From the evaluation of your slant and pressure (No. 1), he saw you as a friendly, fun-lOv- ,ing gal. With your bid out for all the attention you could get, seen in the final • upswing on. your words, you'd have been like a piece ortasty taffy. He could have pulled you in his direction. He saw, in the t loops, your need for approval and acceptance ... and, Oh, how he could have accepted. So your chances of being hired were better than good. But, you used No. 2: Your vertical writing told him that - you were in charge of your feelings. Mi. Prorniscuous. ness saw you as poised and dignified. He saw you. as the queenly type.... and this don't Make 'good miStresses.' The breaks in your words told him that you could see through his motives im- mediately, and you'd shrug him off from the start. So, you weren't even given a chance. . Many fainiliar faces and'some new' ones will be featured when the Stratford theatres open their doors this summer for their 22nd season of top dramatic, comedy and musical entertainment. Cast- ing is now completed and tickets are on sale; if you want tickets, my advice is to get them early as some of the productions will be Perhaps the most promising of all the productions, with a top cast, is "The Imaginary() In- valid", opening on June 3. This production has received the most pre -Festival publicity, mainly because bf its Australian tour and the fact that it again pairs that dynamic and winning duo, Wil- liam Hutt, star, and Jean Gascbn, director. Hutt is of course, thrill- ing Canadian television au- diences in his role as Sir John A. MacDonald on "The. National Dream" at the same time ap heis thrilling Australian audielices in 'Invalid'. A very talented fellow! Repeating their tour roles in the play will be Pat Galloway (also starring in 'National vyn Blake and Pamela Brook. Min& roles will be played by Richard Curnock, Dawn Green- halgh, Joel Kenyon and Nicholas Pennell. Opening on June 4, the Shakes- pearean romance, "Pericles", will feature Pennell in the star- ring role with Edward Atienza as Gower. Amelia Hall Vvill have one of the leading female roles with the husband and wife team of Douglas Rain and Martha Henry also returning to Stratford for roles in the production. Others featured, in this second Gascon production, will be Blake, Green- halgh, Kenyon, Needles, Kenneth Pogue and Powys Thomas. Pat Galloway stars as Rosaline in the Shakespearean comedy, "Love's Labour's Lost", 'opening at the Festival Theatre June 5. Her supporting cast will include VVilliam Hutt, Nicholas Pennell, Dawn Oreenhalgh, Edward Atienza, and Blake, Curnock, You have a two-way person- ality ... and it doesn't mean you're "split." You simply have your days when you feel more friendly add gay. Then, there are days when your serious side takes over and your judgment 'rules your ac- tions. Your No. 1 writing would have blended well with the so- called "atmosphere" of the job. But, when No. 2 was bound to take over ... what a surprised' Mr. Employer. - A free handwriting chart of some common basic person- ality traits may be obtained by writing to Dorothy St. John Jackson, Copley News Serv- ice, in care of this newspaper. Enclose long, sell -addressed, stamped envelope. Australian experts help- in Bangladesh rect aid program from Aus- tralia. . A team of 12 Australians led by a Baptist minister, Rev. Roger Ellern, is helping with postwar reconstruction in ' Bangladesh. The , team includes engi- neers, a hospital fitter, motor mechanics, a fitter arid turn- er, an electrician and a pho- cles, establishing 'elementary dental education programs and investigating the estab- lishment of a continuous di - 'Tis Show Biz by Vonni Lee Thomas, Lewis Gordon and Briain Petehey. That production is under the magic wand of Midi- ael Bawtree. Edward Atienza will play the title role in "King John", a role that Douglas Rain played several years ago. Rain is also in this year's production, playing. Philip the Bastard; Martha Henry is Constance_and Powys Thomas is Pandulph. Others in that produc- tion include Pamela Brook; Rich- ard Curnock, Amelia Hall, Joel Kenyon, William Needles, Briain Petchey and Kenneth Pogue. It is a Peter Dews production and will open July 23. It is one of Shakes- peare's tragedies. At the Avon Theatre, opening June 27, will be one for the music -lover, "La Vie Paris- ienne" (Life in Paris), a joyous tribute to life in that famous city of love and lights, Gay Paree. It will star Douglas Campbell and Jack Creley and will be directed by Jean Gascon. That one should be great! Stratfoi•d's newest theatre, The Third Stage, presentA contem- vorarv works that look promis- ing, especially "The Medium" with Maureen Forrester, famous Canadian contralto. She plays Madame Flora, a so-called 'med- ium' who with the hPlp of her daughter, deceives clients into seeing 'visions' of their dead children. That operatic play opens on July 11. Opening August 14, is "Ready Steady Go", a play for the kids written by Sandra Jones. This tells the story of a group of dolls who are besieged by a trio of packrats. But lo and behold, the Mounlies come to the rescue and since they always 'get are saved. That sounds like some excitement for the wee tadpoles in your family! Of course, many more things than this are available at Strat- ford. A brochure may be obtained by writing the Festival Box Of - flee, P.O. Box 520, Stratford, On- tario. Tickets may also be ob- tained from this address. • BETTER EINGLISH what is wroni with each of &file 1. My tither hieforhitimefrom buying tickets tor mother and ted bad you have been to the 3. The police. thOught 1 to behe. 4. g'here were oPwards to A. hundred persons in the hill when the meeting got going. 5. have no doubt but what he will come, and 1 know that we are'not going any place 6, He is..one of those men who . always his to reosmt to phy- sical violence in order to gain What ire the correct pronuncia- tions of these words? 7. Photogravure. 8. Placate. 9. Applicable. 10. Patronize. 11. Philanthropic. 12. Morale. Which six words in the following group are misspelled? 13. Insolvent, hpousiance, in -- soluble, insolvable, initan- Buccession, accession, ascen- sion, opulent, optomistic, ophthalmology, appendec- . tion, aptitude, appertain, pre- dicament, Predecessor, pre - do m inenc e, pre-eminent, prescience, malignant, male- volent, mailable, - malnutri- tion, malfeasance. ANSWERS 1. Say, "My father has FOR- BIDDEN (or, FORBADE) MY buying tickets for mother and HIM." 2. Omit the sec- ond "have," and say, "You would have been delighted had you been AT theparty." 3. Say, "The police thought ME to be HIM." 4. Say, "There were MORE THAN a, hundred PEOPLE in the hall when the meeting BE - doubt THAT he will come, and I know that we are not going ANYWHERE today." 6. Sly, "He is one of those men who always HAVE to resort to physical viglence In order to Eon, THEIR 7. Pronounce foe-toe-gra-vyur, principal accent on final syll- able. 8. Pronounce play-kate, accent first syllable. 9. Ac- cent FIRST syllable, not the second. 10. Pronounce pay- trun-ize; preferred to "patt- run-ize." 11. Pronounce rill - third syllable. 12. Accent is on second syllable. 13. Insouciance, secession, opti- mistic, appellation, pre- dominance, malleable. YOU CAN FIX -1j By Gene Von A iv • 'Pi 'WH;ELS..4"TfRICK.cAMPERS: oTRAVEL TRAILERS.,.•MOT01110 -Glendale, Shamrock, Terry/ 1.4 Salle and Titan. -Large selection, low pricesi'immediate delivery -Trades.welcome, experienced Service staff - 7 NIQIILIff'.:CENTRE No,8 Hwy. between 40i and Kitchener 653:57$ e.111bie In Pictures Clear illustrations in story form only The Coq) Bdoks Bibles Church Supplies Musical Instruments and Gifts STRATFORD 36 Ontario St., 271,9102 Glendale Marlette Avoid the high cost pf Visit DOERSAM HOMES Hwy. between Hanover and WO ton and see the full line mobile anti double -wide hom on display. .4"704€4 % "fad irevse Zegielef CALL COLLECT 36472080 MORIVAGES First,and Second Mortgages BOUGHT -SOLD -ARRANGED Available for: 4 • • • frir 411/111/11, Door Adjustment A minor misalignment of the latch bolt and the strike plate opening of a door can often be corrected simply by enlarging the, opening in the strike plate with- a file. If the strike plate and latch bolt are too much out of line, however, or if the door rattles too much, the only solutiOn is to remove the strike plate and re- locate it in a new mortise. FARMS. " RESIDENTIAL. IMPROVEMENTS. FAR•MOR Financial Consultants Limited BRANCH: 47 elora Street 113 Owon Sound Street 338-3037 925-3346 While in HANOVER Jack and Feenie Chantry cordially in- vite you to come in and see all that is new in lighting for spring. They're. on 10th Av- enue' just behind the Beamish Store. CHANTRY'S HOUSE OF LIGHT