HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-04-04, Page 10411111111MINIMINMEINew WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEEil GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus Ph. 351-1918 Rea. Ph. 3574313 Arimimmararmimiinumminmaiimemommi. Atha** APflI 4 1974 1. For Sale WINE -MAKING icCessories available., at Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham, 357-3631. rrh PAINTING? Special on Kem paint.'Buy a gallon and receive free a PAINT TRAY AND ROLLER. Buy a quart and receive a two.inch paint brush, at CHAMBERS DOMINION HARD- WARE, Wroxeter. rrb May 9 REGISTERED FEMALE Ger- man Shepherd, 16 months old.' 3125. Phone 395-5145. USED APPLIANCES, excellent, like new condition. One Woods freezer, seven cubit foot; one Kelvinator dishwasher; one Sim- plicity wringer washer; two Sim- , plIcity Supertwin 'washer -spin- ners. Stainton's Hardware, Wing - ham. AltABIAN SADDLE. New Red Ranger, western saddle. Silver Combas and name plate a bar- gain at 3252. Western shirts and boots, Farnam horse dare pro- ducts and books. THE TACK SHACK, Luclmow, 528-2018. 4 -SHIFT forward Ferguson trac- tor in good shape. 335-3194. ONE, THREE furrow, three point hitch, International ace , bottom plow; one, 81/2 foot, three point hitch, International heavy- duty cultiVator; .Sunbeam elec- tric dippers with grooming head. Russell McGuire, 357-3858. • 1,000 BALES mixed hay, 60 cents per bale. Alan Dunbar, Belgrave, 357-2758. AFRICAN VIOLETS in all colors. Mrs.L; McDougall, 3574726. . GOOD. USED large tricycle. Phone 357-1098. Cars 81 Trucks 1968 CHEVROLET 1/2 -ton truck, long wide box. John Brown Motors, Gorrie 335-3325. 1969 CHEV half -ton with box top- per. Motor excellent. Body and tires good. Can be seen at Wing - ham Advance -Times. rrb 1971 INTERNATIONAL 1/2 -ton truck, heavy wheel base, good condition. Stanley Brown, RR 3, Monkton, 347-2373. ' 28-4 1972 TOYOTA 1600 coupe, stereo tape player, radial tires with mag wheels, low mileage, excellent condition. Priced to sell. Phone after 5 p.m. 357-2937. 1965 PONTIAC, two -door hard- top, bucket seats, floor shift, power steering and brakes. Good condition. Also 'square -top G.E. fridge. Call Wilbur Beninger, 357- 2159. McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS" RR 2, WROXETER on Highway 88 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS SED ,CARS & TRUCKS Phone LISTOWEL 2914159 ciORRIE 335-3314 Wanted BELGRAVE AREA mother • of one -year-old and three -and -a: half -year-old would like to ex- change babysitting one day a, ,week with another mother, 4iaving children .of similar Oies. • Apply to 314,Mingham Advance - Times. 4-11 MOBILE HOME, 8 x 30, complete.. utilities. Phone 357-3531. GOOD USED bicycle for nine- rrb year-old girl.. Phone 357-1098. BROCK BARLEY,' registered No. 1, 30bushel, 1973 price. Harry Christie, RR 2, •Teedwater, 392-6556., Immitinmeminloommenur % PRICED yard goods: Many different fabrics. Good choice. Stedman's, Teeswater. 4-11 USED 15 fobt Grumman alu- minum canoe. 9175. Like new. John Byler, RR 1, Wroxeter. C.K.C. registered St. Bernard puppies. Available for Easter. Excellent marking, sensibly. priced."Phone Listowel 291-2763. 4-11 TWO CHROME reverse wheels and tires, 1,500 miles. Phone 335-3545 after 6 p.m. WOULD YOU be interested in proVidingroom and board for a student this summer? The Minis- - try of Natural Resources will be hiring several students at Point Farms Park near Goderich, Hul- lett Wildlife Management area near Clinton and at the Wingham District office. We wotdd like to help them get located. Please contact District Manager, Box 490, Wingham, NOG 2W0 or call 519-357-3131. MAIN STREET office, 200 square feet needed immediately. Phone 338-3843 or 343-7783, Earl Gro- shaw. 20 - 25 HORSE POWER outboard motor. Phone 335-3545 after 6 p.m. BALED OAT straw. Mel Ritchie, 529-7246. 800 BALES of choice hay. Phone 887-9067. TENT TRAILER, sleeps six, stove, sink, water tank, ice -boa, etc. Phone 335-325/ after six. 4-11 YOU ARE WELCOME to browse in Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham where they have a large display of gifts for all occa- sions. rrb BERG STABLE cleaners and stabling. Bunk feeders and water bowls. Lloyd Joluiston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb Livestock For Sale 11 HOLSTEIN steers, averaging 400 pounds; 21 white-faced cattle avevaging 400 pounds. Phone 3574890 or 337-2319 after 9 p.m. 1 INCOME TAX '— PREPARED bY Caroline McDonald at Elliott Insurance Winoham WED., THURS„ FM. Other Days by Appointment GOOD USED fibreglass canoe, 14 or 16 feet. Phone R. A. Orr, 357- 2000 after 6 p.m. BOOTilop Complete Collision Repairs and Painting Towing Service SID ADAMS Proprietor WINGHAM, ONT. Res: 357-1171, B s. 357-1102 Help Wanted MARCH INTO APRIL with a wonderful opportunity! Full or part-time Beauty Counsellor rep- resentative. Immediate earn- ings. For further information phone 357-3322. 28-4 DRIVING INSTRUCTORS want- ed for this area, full or part-time. Must be 21 and over and have a good driving record. Will train. Apply to Box 315, The Wingham Advance -Times. 4-11-18 ONE CARPENTER. Full-time labor. Apply Bill Stapleton, Wing - ham. RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED. Typing ability essential - short- hand' preferred. Call 357-1344 or 357-2497 to arrange an interview, or write W. Mclntee and Co. Ltd., Box 608, Wingham. • DIRECT SALES OPPORTUNITY If you enjoy door4o-door sell- ing and big•profits too, be inde- pendent, own your own business. World-famous Rawleigh products • since 1889 will help you get start- ed. Write today to Department 767, 4005 'Richelieu Street, Mont- real, H4C 1A2, P.Q. ' 44148-25 Work Wanted CUSTODIAN WORK wanted, public offices, stores. Apply to Box 312, Wingham Advance - Times. 284 Wanted To Rent . 100 ACRES, of grassland with -shade and, WM& or will -pasture out 65 yearling steers by the month. Phone 335-3754. GENTLEMAN REQUIRES bed - sitting room in respectable home in Wingham area effective April 14, 1974. References supplied. Write • to Box 313, Witigham Advance -Times. • PASTURE OR cropland. Gary Thacker, 887-6196. rrb April 4 For Rent ARTICLES' FOR RENT. Dustless floor sanders and rug shampoo- ers. Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham. rrb MODERN, unfurnished, two -bed room apartment located on the main street f6r your shopping convenience. Broadloom, three- piece colored bathroom, exhaust fan, electric heat thermostati- cally controlled, automatic laun- dry facilities, front and rear en- trances, colored fridge and stove, free parking. Available May 1. Phone 357-1015 or 357-2870. rrb ONE BEDROOM apartment suit- able for two working girls. Pri- vate entrance, fridge, stove and drapes provided. Available May 1. Call 357-2914 before 12 a.m. or after 9:30 p.m. APARTMENT for rent in Wing - ham, two bedrooms, unfurnished or partly furnished. Call 392-6658. OFFICE SPACE for rent in Wingham. Phone 392-6658. HELP WANTED Machine Mechanic Welding Experience preferred. Days 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Competitive starting wage rate. Apply in Person: SPINRITE YARNS LIMITED Listowel, Ontario - For Rent A .LOWER duplex suitable for couple, heated, all convenience$ and well located. Call 357-2174. rrb SMALL HOUSE, suit one or two quiet adults. Available May 1. Apply Mrs. H. Bateman, 357-2777. Real Estate BRICK DWELLING. Two storey, six room house, broadloom,, en- closed porch, stone pillars, breezeway, attached garage, one-third acre in Gorrie. Phone 335-3945. 21-284 VILLAGE HOME, two storey older home on one acre, five bed- rooms, large kitchen, basement, oil heated, Vvell treed lot with good garden, low taxes, closing of an estate, open for offers. For in- formation call 335-3537 or 357- 1326. .• 4-11-18 WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dlal 4357-2174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO COMMISSION RATE — 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM • eitrimaTtim Attractive family home featuring fireplace in living room, dining room, kitchen with cupboards, laundry room, four bedrooms, closed -in veranda, oil furnace, garage, choice'location. Three bedroom, one storey home reesoital - PENSIONERS • 20 PEK CENT 'Discount 90 .rechargeable_hear- ing aids, made in 'Canada) 40-IlaY money bar*. Free' hearing tests. City and Country b0Ukui Davidson Hearing Aid Service, 334 Queens Ave., phone 432-9951 London. Notice To -Creditors ' . • r NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH ARTHUR ROBERT VIENNEAU Late of the Village of Bluevale in the County of Huron, Truck Driver, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustee ACt that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Joseph Arthur Robert ,Vien- neau are required to send parti- culars of their claims, duly veri- fied to GOODALL & CAMP- BELL, Solicitors, for the Execu- trix of the said Estate, on or be- fore April 5th, 1974, and that after such date the Executrix will pro- ceed t� distribute the assets of the said Estate, haVing regardonly to the clams of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 14th day of March, A.D. 1974. • Sharon Ann Vienneau Executrix of the Estate By hersolicitors GOODALL & CAMPBELL • Box 730 Wingham, Ontario Solicit= for the Estate. 21-28-4 with two baths, full basement, oil • furnace, sun room, attached, garage, situated dosto sehOols. • . Two storey brick Mine wle-th hy- ing room, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, two baths, sun room, oil furnace, situated close to main street. Miscellaneous RIDING LESSONS. Beginner or experienced, showing or pleasure riding. We have a .course designed for you.Our profession- al instructor is qualified to teach all types of ridiog including En- glish and Wedtern equitation, jumping and dressage. Now booking lessons starting mid April. Reasonable rates. Phone for details, THE TACK SHACK, Equestrian Centre, Lucknow, 528-2018 or 395-5443. MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Miss Mary Scott, 357-2365 • or Mrs It. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. • rr FOR YOUR Inserance Needs hi Automobile. Farm Liability, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection Call Your CO -Op Agent— LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 ANYONE.wishing to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, etc., sharpened, call 357-3644. rrb IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon • Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the ,problem. Please contact Post Of- fice Box 1135, Wingham. rrb „ DOG GROOMING . CUPPING—STRIPPING Call John Visser, 227 John Rosa St., Listowel, 291-4817 after 6 p.m. tf PIANO AND ORGAN. SALES. Piano tuning And repairing. Low- rey and Thomas organs. Call Hap Swatridge, Wingham, 357-2785. ilbpresenting Garnet Farrier, rrb GIBSON UPHOLSTERY Furniture, car and truck seatti recovered, rebuilt. Phone 357- 1217. . • rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND-OPIERS 11.11* 'EMST4rTE "ICH • i t), GORDON BARY GUY Late of the Village of Bluevale in the Coonty, of Huron, Labourer, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Gordon Bary Guy are re- quired to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to GOOD - ALL & CAMPBELL, Solicitork, for the Administratrix of the said Estate, on or before April 5th, 1974 and that after such date the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she- shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham i Ontario, this 14th day of March, A.D. 1974. Dianne Guy Administratrix of the Estate By her Solicitors GOODALL & CAMPBELL Box 730 Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate. 2-284 Jackson's Sales Register JACKSON'S SALES REGISTER MON. APRIL 8 'aucdon sale fdr Robert Itreller, Lot 12,_ Con. i, Howick Township, 31/2 miles north and two miles east of Gorrie. 35 half Charolais cows and 25 cross -bred beef cows, 30 Charolais heifers (first calf). These cows and heiferi are due May 1st and later. All are bred Charolais. Two Charolais bulls. Swine including five sows due in one month, 85 chunks; 2,000 bales mixed hay, 1,000 bales straw. Two 530 Case tractors, power steering, 430 Case tractor power steering and loader. Case 600 combine, cab and 10 ft. header. Two New Idea manure spread- ers, 175 bu. (new) and modern line of farm machinery. Some household effects. Booth on grounds. No reserve as farm is sold. Time 11 a.M. Jackson and Jackson, Auctioneers, Listowel. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED All work guaranteed. Twenty r years of experience. Write LAWS Blake, RR 2, Brussel, Ontario. Phone 887-6800. rrp Sept .12 CROSSROADS 4 Notice NOTICEFOR LANE CLOSING 111E CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF VIIINGIIAM TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of '111 CorPoration of the Town of Wingham proposes to • pass a by-law pursuant to lbe previsions of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1970, Chapter 284, Section 443, for stopping up and Closing up that part of a lane in the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, more particularly described as follows: That portion of the Lane being situate lying and being between Lot 406, 407, 441 and 442, Govern- ment Survey for the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, lying north of Victoria Street and lying south of a line produced easterly which line is the northerly limit of the south half of Lot 406 produced easterly. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Mayor and the Clerk will be authorized to sign and execute the hecessaq docu- ments in order to effect the closing thereof. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council shall hear in person or by his Council, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially, affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard at the regular meeting of Council on May 6, 1974. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the proposed by-law may be examined by all persons interested at the office of the Clerk of the Town of Wingham, during business hours, at any time, before the same is finally passed. DATED this 18th day of March, A.D. 1974. De Witt Miller, Mayor. William Renwick, . Clerk. .28441-18 Auction Sale CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVESTOCK AND MACHINERY - MIX BE HELD FOR ' ROY HUBER, 11.0 28, Con. 6, Kinloss Township, 311ocks north and 3 blocks east of Lucknow or 1/2 block east of • Lapsside Church ON TUESDAY, APRIL 9 AT 1:30P,M. LIVESTOCK: 16 beef cows and heifers, due spring and summer; pasture bred to Hereford x Charolais bull; 22 yearling, calves; donkey. MACHINERY: Nuffield 10-60 tractor; 600 Allied loader (1 yr. 'old); Massey Ferguson 32 plate wheel disc ; Massey Ferguson roll bar rake; Massey Ferguson, P.T.O. manure spreader; Case 96 spreader for parts; George White 36' bale elevator with 11/2 h.p. motor; George White No. 6 thresher on rubber; Kongskilde 3 pt. hitch; farm trailer with 16 ft. rack; stock trailer with racks and lights; -old bus for tool shed; cal feeder; cattle oiler; 18 in. barn fan; wagon rack (like new); Gehl hammer mill with belt; 2 late Model chain saws; large manure pile; half tracks for chains. TERMS CASH—FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not respon- sible for accidents BRIAN RINTOUL, Auctioneer Whitechurch, phone 357-2349 28-4 BARRY -W. REID CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 2111 Josspilai Street Wireless 357-1522 Asir: ANDY'S REFRIGERATION LTD. PHONE 35744$4 • WINGHAM 24 Hour irnargency Stevie* Radio Dispatched YOUR TYLER DEALER Sulk Tanks, Walk•ins Air Conditioning, Prailars REPAIRS TO Alit 'MAKES OP APPLIANCIS A4iion Sale CLEA1111k1G AUCTION SALE OF 1,1VESTOCK,101,ACHINERY AND SOA1E HOUSEHOLD , EFFECTS WILLBEHELDFOR GEORGE WEBSTER Lot 20, Con. 10, West %mensal' Twp, 2 blocks south and 41/4 blocks east of Lucknow or 21/4 blocks east of St. Helens on SATURDAY, APRIL AT 1 :GO O'CLOCK LIVESTOCK: SWFheifer, bred Hereford; BWF cow due April; 3 Hereford cows, bred Simmental; 2 Hereford cows -due April; IMF cow bred Simmental; Hereford cow with calf at side; Hereford cow bred Simmental in Dec.; Hereford cow with 1/2Simmental calf; Hereford cow bred Sim - mental; BWF cow with call at side; black cow with calf at side; Holstein due in July bred Sbn- mental; 1/4 Simmental bulltborn June 73; black (100 lb.). steers; black (700 lb.) heifers; 4 BWF (650 lb.) heifers; black (800 lb.) Steer; Hereford (850 lb.) steer; 3 Hereford calves; 4 calves Sin - mental x Hereford; 4 yearling heifers; 3 yearling steers. MACHINERY: International 624 diesel tractor with chains; W4 McCormick tractor, good tires; Ford NNA tractor with loader, new motor, chains; 3 point, hitch weight; 3 point hitch rear blade; 2 wheel stock trailer; Interna- tional 3 point hitch, 3-14 plow; 1967 International truck with rack and certificate; Inter- national 8 ft. disc; 81/2 ft. whe•3I cultivator; chain and diamond harrows; 3 point hitch corn scuf. fler; New Idea 90 ,bu; manure spreader; New Idea 7 ft. mower; bale stooker; New .Idea 4 bar rake; New Holland 30 ft, ..014. vator; (like new) 44 electric motor; John Deere hay Condi- tioner; john Deere 8 ft, biades1 Oliver PTO 7 ft. combine; wagon with.16 ft. rack; 2 wagon* with I25 bu, grain bins; weed *prayer; Dion thresher with belt; Haznmer mill with belt,. Smith snoW•bloWer yr.ield); land roller; extensiOn ladder; chain saw; cattle dip- pers; -water trough; 8 iheets wood;(4 Universal milker units; cream separator, pipeline, bags seed grain; 3,000-ba1es hay; 5 toil corn; 20 ton mixed grain; 500 bales straw; grain aerator; genterator light plant; cattle oilet; 3 fridges; dishes; chrome table and 6 chairs; numerous smaller articles. Owner or auctioneer not res- • ponsible for accident" TERMSCAf311---FARM SOW BRIAN RINTOUL. Auctioneer Whitechurch, phone 357-2349 284 StirmsportVLat*orimiantiorut V/ Ank.. east Tomislo .$15, Ontaito- Denture wearers smile. Ansorient is the denture cleanser that leis you smile with confidence. Special whiteners end brighteners clean dentUrOS fest—in minutes . . . without brushinifor overnight soaking. ' One cupful removes stubborn mins... helps keep your mouth fresher. , .. longer. (ins() . iegives you a lot to smile about. Teach your 'Rave more cents at the . AORTH HUR6NCREDIT UNION Life ° insured savings' up to $2,000.00. Life insured loans at no ex!ra cost. There are two offices to serve you better; BELGRAVE - Tuesday 2:00 • 4:00 P.M. WINGHAM, WEDNESDAY 3:00 6:00 P.M. at Ted Elliot's Insurance; or by appointment, Phon, George,MIchle, Brussels, 887-6340 • 'IMPORTANT AUCTIOhl SALE EVERY FRIDAY AT MOO P.M. BALL AUCTIONS LTD., Broods, Ontario liems of Intereat: New Leonard Refrigerator with 30" Electric Stove (Green Or Gold), Leonard Aut Waaher and Dryer, Eleetrophonic Morse Quality COmpon- ent Set with 8 Track Tape Deck, 0 Lovely Styles of Morse Stereos, Morse Sewing Machine, Large Selection of" Bed- room and Chesterfield Suites in styles of Spanish, Colonial, French \Provincial and Modern, New Single and Double Beds, Levey Table and Swag an 4 Styles of Coffee Et End Table Sets, Kitchen Suites in a variety of styles and (*kora, Lazyboys, Sets of Dishes, 'Radios, Seta oi Silverware, and Gift Items and many more items too numerous to mention. This is a large sale consisting' of quality furniture and ap- pliances which will be sold to the highest bidder. • NOTE: Terms of sale are cads and our handy TKM Budget. Plan. There is plenty of parking and seating. A refresh - meet booth and wathrom, facilities aro available. Sale Conducted by: Ball Auctions Ltik, Bruesels Auctioneer, G. Jr. -Ball Phone: 11117431111 • Business and Professional Directory • CHIROPRACTOR R. BRAY, D.C. 197 JOSEPHINE ST. Phone 357.4224 Wingham JAMES A. PETERSON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Ross Strait Lucknow Phone 528-2016 loommommor Frederick F. Hornuth R.O. Carol 1!. Hornuth, RO Mrs, Viola H. 14oniuth, 110 OPTOMETRISTS Phone 3334711 tfarriston • Ontario