HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-04-04, Page 9•
No hordware
fittings needed
to set.up.
Two adjusishie
ntioUrAft *IN
20" to
*ORA LONG $4i71
41" tO 00"'
•P •
secretary and press
be rotated.
'The girls discussed their *it
for Achievement Day and !sfrs.
Watcher discussed "Our
Images". Roll call was
with pansy 8g and
home assignment
were fined in.
The meeting was adrurnDoW
Mrs ; Clark acting as pivoident.
ilThem* meeting will be held
Alli) AND.
lmmediately Adjacent to the Town Hall
TELEPHONE: Office 881-1211
iesident Partner ,
F. Thonroson4 C.A. Residence 881.0048
HURON IN 187—The Huron. taunt), delegation Other
Ontario Plowmen's AssoclAtion annual meeting, in 'Tok,nto
successfully lobbied to have the - International Plowing
Match In Huron County in 1978 Members of the Huron
grouposith some,of the ;members of the Seaforth:„District
. Only three out o every 10
•„people in Britain are In favor
of °British linerilberehlft in the
Common Market, according
to a regent Opinion, • poll
carried out at the request of
the EEC P011101.1130011.
High School Oiris' Trumpet Band posed for the photograph
er atthe Royal York. Seaforth hosted the last International
match which was held in Huron in 1966.
iOntarlo Ministry of Agriulture and Emil Photo)
4 t
Providing nutritious food for school
children and pre-schoolers, health ser -
vides for the -sick and' handicapped,
facilities and equipment for basic
schooling and technical training, tools
and equipment for community endeav-
ours. Your support of CARE makes such
things possible for millions of individ-
uals around the world.
One dollar per person each year would
do itl
CENTRAL IN THE aceompanying picture, grouped around the big banner are: Marilyn
Robertson, 1972-73 Queen of the Furrow; Jack Riddell, MPP, Huron; Bill Elston, warden
of Huron County; Howard Datars, director, Huron County Plowmen's Assoc., Mrs. James
Armitrong, RR 4, Wingham; Robert 'McKinley, MP, Huron; Murray0Gaunt, MPP,
Huron.- Bruce, aritl C.ollaen Cardiff, 1973-74 Queen of the Furrow.
• •, a
•-ti7.'• • '
_psit se441
ist o
nominated osafieod
of Pres. assembly
Rev. Robert H: Armstrong of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church is one of eight candidates
• nominated to the position of mod-
erator of the 100th general as-
sembly of the Presbyterian
Chureh of Canada, openink June
• 2 in Kitchener.
Mr.,, Armstrong joins seven
other candidates, Rev. Everett
Bean of Sydney, Nova Scotia;
Rev. Arthur Curlie, Ottawa;
Rev. Hugh Davidson, Toronto;
Rev. Allan Farris, Toronto; Rev.
James Marnock, Winnipeg; Rev: .
W. Stanford Reid, Guelph, and
Rev. Edwin White of Edmonton.
The moderator will be selected
this weekend.
Mr. Armstrong has been the
minister at St. Andrew's for five
years. He is presently recuperat-
ing from injuries he received in
an auto accident near Guelph
about a month ago.
I ts-6 bort its fa \
Wingham and District Hospital
reiiorts that six people were
treated in hospital over the last
week kr injuries suffered -in falls
and several others were treated
for injuries suffered while play-
• ing hockey.
On March 25, Mrs. Marie Hig-
gins of Wroxeter, was 'injured
• when she fell on the ice at the
Wingham Curling Club. She
suffered a fractured left wrist
and was treated and released.
Thirty -three-year-old Tom
Robinson of Wingham, received
treatment for a cut on his left
eyelid and was released. Mr.
Robinson was injured during a
hockey game at Wingham Arena
March 2,5.
Mrs. Pieternella Jouwsma of
RR 2, Wingham, was admitted to
hospital on March 25, with pulled
ligments in her right knee. She
sustained the injury in a fall at
her -home. Her condition is satis- .
factory. -
Wayne Ten Pas, 11, of RR 2,
Wingham was admitted to
readers weekly
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Photos ottil
fetitoro by
Deo, McCann
CROSSROADS the every -week news and feature section in
three influential community newspapers --- with every -page
CROSSROADS direct line access to 8,650 homes in the heart of
Western Ontario's rich agro.industrial market. Published by
Wenger Brost Ltd.
COLLECT (519) 357
hospital after he suffered a 'frac-
- •
tured left arm at Turnberry
Central School March 27. He is
listed in satisfactory condition.
On March 29, Mrs: Ethel Mc -
Ewan of Wingham, was admitted
to hospital with a fractured right
hip suffered in a fall. She is listed
in faii condition.
Tom Robinson was injured
while playing hockey at Wing -
ham Arena on March 29, He
suffered several fractured ribs.
He was treated and then re-
Fourteen -year-old Alexander
Fitzgerald of Teeswater, frac-
tured a bone in his right hand
while playing at school on March
29. He was treated'and released.
On March 30, Harry Vollmer of
RR 2,' Teeswater, suffered a cut
over his right eye while playing
hockey in Belmore Arena. He
was treated in hospital and then
Mts. Anne Weisser of Lucknow,
was treated and released from
hospital March 31 after she fell on
some ice and fractured her right
On March 31, Douglas Leitch,
19, of Wingham was treated for a
cut nose suffered during a hockey
game at Wingham Arena. He was
treated and released.
Mrs. Harold Robinson spent a
few days with Mrs. James
Graham of Toronto. Harold Rob-
inson attended the insurance con-
vention in Toronto on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fer-
guson spent the weekend with
their respective families.
Rick Alcorn of Orangeville
spent the weekencrwith Mr. and
Mrs. James Alcorn. On Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. James Alcorn are
attending the 35th wedding anni-
versary, reception and dinner of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Penrice of
Georgetown, held in the Drift-
wood Inn at Norval.
The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to the be-
reaved families.
FORDWICH — Fifteen tables
of progressive euchre were in
play Thursday night in the com-
munity hall, sponsored by the
Fordwich Women's Institute.
Winners were: high lady, Mrs.
Carl Geiger; high gent, Stan
Bude; low gent, Mr. Freeman;
special prize, Mrs. Carl Shoe-
This will be the last card party
till early next fall.
In 11"faschoduleI3 " ladles* the
theund. soosbor. 0("1"001
Any owner sof Isaile iu respect ,of which so** Is glue* who
detires an Inquiry Into whottot ***Wog of *nth loud le
sound 'and reasonably nettessery in the schilessinsiat
cdou o(
kauon o( ib.
TPlarplutulitibia°14.11,f0;1111.111°T114;AA.2sx°P.0:4:41111milptol'ild:nono:istion-114"ristila:° A: 1 11"iti":0'n$111,44` providesSarils)r*TDire'ct"PONthat4300704t°0' ittolli:Yeabfontwooa Av*****,
M5G XX6 •
with the ort when be
thin,: after the
co) izthtaractisethirtrotandvizownartetwhotuis not*
notice. •
Minister of the Environment, •
(u) where en inquiryis requested, it shall be conducted by
• an inquiry o&er appointed by the Minister of Jug*,
and Attorney Geneva; -
(b) the inquiry officer,
(i) shall giveevo7 party to the inquiryanopportunjty
bt:f bresentis Cisinseti-----'eli0;71k$044$1*11d*‘:0441"34C1 argument
cross-examine witnesses, either person*Ily ot
may reeommend to the approving authority that
Party to the inquiry be paid * fted,*mount kr
his costs orale inquiry not to exceed $200 sunl the
. • . approving authOritynisy in its discretion orders "
- ' exploPristingisuthorifytoposuclicostsforthudth.,
2. "owner" and i'registeretrownet" are defined in the Act as
u In
ii°f°0111,:rtrae°rdso vt1che;fi,$'elliterns3,4E:ti. ht:caer:n. ,ped-arb:i.vem,ane ireiri:frsw'e't7rs'gh:lostryt:01114r 4;:onitrillisigniniVedhist,itseeSid:saffes:1114140Wrob:dobstorsillaafinitd,
"registered oWner meansan owner of land Whoseintereat
'owner" includes* mortgagee, tenant, exerutiOn creditor,
, • a person entitled to 2 /irked estate intereit In Undo.*
• comnutteeof the estate of* mentally incompetent person or -
office, and includes* person' shown *s *comfit of land on
the bast revised assessment roll;
ThaPPe:roelf"107P.Iiroithatoinrfa_64:41.1hetY4'etil:icrObi°.7hnetriwn.')i narluitii;>,:settheof:
tiladedeldenol.dss..a.inpteartyndedby to ebracieu?ryrooPrsicestr.ed,aratutrid 10.40ciesy prowntre
4 inquiry. • , •
1. Subject to qualification, oil right, title and interest in the
following lands: _ ••• _
(a) In the Township of GreenOtk• in the County of Bruce. • . •
1. THAT PORTION of Lot 7, Concession 7, tftvdte Tovriuthiti
of Greenock', .in theCounty of Bruce, andithe Province of
Ontario, designatedies Part 700* reference plan deposited
in the Land Registry Office for -the Registry Division 01
,Bruce as Plan 3R-336.
2. THAT PORTION of Lot concession 1; North 01
Durham Road in the Township .of 'Greenock, in the
County of Bruce and the Province of Ontario, ,designated
as ,Part Lon a reference plan depositedin thel.iiid Registry
Office forthe•RegiStrY Division of Bruce as 'Plan 3RT5403.,
3. THAT PORTION of Lot 8, Concession 2; the Town,.
ship of Greenock, in the CotintY of Bruce and the Province
• of Ontairioi, designated as ,Part 1 on a. reference , plan
.deposited in :the Land Registry 'Office' for the Reguntry
Division 01 Bruce as Phitt3R-324
Hiri'-"wat7-8 Culross, Inffie-CeuntY of Bruce.
T •PO N toif` Concession
• ship of Culross, in, the Cbtanry of Bruce and the Province
of Ontario, designated as Part 3 on a reference 'plan
deposited in the Land •Registry oma for the Registry
Division of Bruce as Plan 3R-361.
(c) In the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron. -
5. THAT PORTION of Lot 9, concesOon 11, in the %wit.-
-ship of Turnberry, in the County of `Huron and the Prov-
ince of Ontario, having an area of 12.814 acres, more or
less, and more particularly described aslollows:
Commencing at the Southeast corner of the .said 1.0t 9;
THENCE North 11 degrees, . to miriotes. and ,,te seconds
• West along the Eastern limit of the said Lot 9 a distant* of •
2292.32 feet;
THENCE North 11 degrees, 30 minutes and 50 seconds
West still along the said'Eastern limit 1023,92 feet to the
Northeast corner of the' said lilt 9; '
THENCE South 78 degrees, 23 minutes and 10 seconds
West along the Northern limit of Lot 9 stfokesaid 146.81
THENCE South 10 degrees, 40 minutes ,and 40 seconds
East 3323.15 feet to the Southern limit bUthe said Lot 9:
THENCE North 76 degrees,23 minutes and 40 seconds
East along the said Southern imit 187.03 feet to the point
of commencement;
Bearings herein are astronomic, derived from observations
on Polaris and referred to the meridian through the.
Southwest corner of Lot 8, Concession 7,Township of
Turnberry (Longitude 81 degrees, 13 minutes and 20
seconds West)
1. A Limited estate, right or interest in the following lands:
(a) In the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron.
1. That portion ofLot22, Concession 3, in the Township of
Morris, in the County of Huron and the, Province of
• Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a reference plan deposited
in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of
Huron as Plan 22R -D 1124 (1).
(b) In the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron.
2. That portion of Lot 20, Concession 1, in the Township of
McKillop, in the County of Huron and the Province of
Ontario, designated as Part 1 on a reference plan deposited
in the Land Registry Office for he Registry Division of
Huron as Plan 22R -D #131 (1).
• A limited estate, right -or interest is required in the land (herein
called "the star) as set forth in the description hereunto
attached as Schedule "B" and made part hereof, namely, the
right' privilege and easement in perpetuity.
1. To construct, repair rebuild, replace, maintain and operate
an electrical transmission line (herein called "the line")
including towers, and all necessary or convenient guys,
anchors, wires, cross -arms, apparatus, accessories and
appurtenances belonging thereto, in, over, along and upon
the strip.
2. To dear the strip and keep it clear of all buildings, struc-
tures or other obstructions of any nature whatever and of
all brush and trees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in all
cases where in the sole discretion of Ontario Hydro the
safe operation and maintenance of the line is not endan-
gered or interfered with the landowner from time to time
or the person or persons entitled thereto may with prior
written approval of Ontario Hydro at his or their own
expense construct and maintain roads, lanes, walks, drains,
sewers, water pipes and fences on or under the strip or
any portion thereof, provided that prior to commencing
any Such installation the landowner shall give to Ontario
Hydro 30 days' notice in writing so as to enable Ontario
Hydro to have a representative inspect the site and be
present during the performance of the work and that the
• landowner complies with any instructions that may be
given by any such representative in order that such work
may be carried out in such a manner as not to endanger,
damage or interfere with the line.
3. To erect, maintain and use bridges and such gates in all
fences which are now or may hereafter be on the strip as
Ontario Hydro may from time to time consider necessary..
4. To install, maintain, and use an underground conductor
for grounding purposes when and where required within
the strip, such conductor 0) be at a minimum depth of 12
•'inches below the surface of the land.
5. To enter on and to pass and repass tit any and all times in,
over, along and upon the strip for the servants, agents,
, contractors and sub -contractors of Ontario Hydro with or
without vehicles, supplies, machinery and equipment for
a11. purposes necessary or convenient to the exercise and
enjoyment of the right, privilege and easement hereby
expropriated subject to payment by Ontario Hydro of
compensation foe any crop or other damage to the person
entitled thereto caused by the exercise of this right of
entry and passageway.
This Notice first published on the 3rd day of April, 1974.