HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-11, Page 613BT r -y
Wari the mouth
1783. The trtaty
at Versailles; the
over, but the air w
There were ovi
urOUnd 14,14413101 oho
inmates, young and
Moved In auct. Out,
a pre -occupied air
grave countdown° t
pose. Through the
+stead the winds Wail
every freali blASt to
foGM the rioh whit
wholly stripped t t
treasures. On the
piezzo thot shaded
cf the house two pr
abort hair head
over their temples,
huge dog that stoo
eet and wiped that
ores. It was eaey t
n progrees.
At the back of
strewn with househ
cases of a roug
onanship. Here a
two woe ocoupi
efforts of a cou
who were carrying
brewing and cook'
ing them handy tor
waggon that stood
the road.
Pots, pans'tubs
undergo Betby's str
were not immaoula
shot back to a reel
tion was being oarr
toned houeehold
logous to the devil
=Beret -maid. Fro
cry of the neat he
the homeward hallo
the milking yard w
driving shout when
road it was hard to
ly Betty found it,
quickly as the soun
after a moment's lie
her greot brown lb
a tear from her rine
Before Betty's ccj
attired, a young ma
preached. He can
was evidently on hi
"Tut, my wen
shouldait thou spoil
Ing ?''
"And why shout
when I hear the low
that they are being d
they have been bre
These are crying ti
" Not for thee, B
them leave housen
thou and me be not
"What dost tlao
cried the girl, turni
not our master's ros,
"Not this time,
it has ever been so 13
our road is our owr
master any more."
" Explain thyself,
in the rear of all thi
"1 mean, Batty,'
approaching her as
propriety, that to
to• morrow begins in
,t hanging until the spinal Cord snapped and PURE1T9 STRONCESTo &EST, •
ful in the Lord," would know them no more savages use thee worse than . death, if tha he was found dead." . CONTAINS NO CANNOT BE BEATEN. -
The boys had to be brought home from wilt hub listen to the man that loves thee. "Is it then so dangerous ?" . ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME,' PHOSPHATES, Try it and be convinced of its wondorfu
ich to put it n
P iplain school and the youths from college the g'rl Haat no pity for me wenchl or dost think "Very ,dangerous u .suspend yourself
if you , or any injurious material's. cu rative properties. Pries 25 ca.
:his wild goose chase to had to give up their gov n i ' d 1118 Ilia; and have folliowed thee through the ;it,
- without another person in the. TOOT11. NO111 TORONTO ON
rill serve the tyrannical babies their nurse Th er 'eta' an f t'he teat wilderness and bean • hun ry and . E. W. GILLETT, ' emo ' T.
iv away home and corn householl who had 'b 37.2BUTEIDM)741rEACTI1AX1311,
.. . . . . g . at all dangerous if you are accOmpanied by a , , AGO, irs.,.
born and. brought up thirsty, sleepless and web through; Just for ,
r -
I do not. I Ma he judicious and trastwortly frieno, 1 ,am al. San i t. eithe C
, Y - re• children, and the master who had rovided the sake of a whim ? ' ways hanged in the presecoe of my doctor,
been born and bred, and by his industry thrift and g d iPudg e t "Pity I have for thee, John Shaw; God who takes oars to lo ver me as. soon as the
ed, and having gob a bit for theelarge dim' ands upon lilomo, had iForagi?re, knows -how great. I hive i ed fo theer suspension has lasted twe minutes" i
ock and a right of own- d day,.*P in ,
013 their hopes and rest awl comfort, and night an for thy soul is in danger, and of ,
to sit down contented -"What is the sensation ?'' • do et • KE"
one and all had to turn eheir faces to the onee thy hopes. and mine teemed looked . ...
ch at my side and be wilderness if b th i ht h fi d• like th t • ' stems f th • hat t
so e ey on g • t ere n a e wining o e i eroiwee If :nT_IiInsrtaskateisonit not difficult to imagine, . - 4? rai .. . t• 111 -4
v by the chin and ba k
living, and keep their honor bright. yonder; but I go not with thee. Take the
rola joy, John Shaw, of Of thej neck and tides to pull your head off,
It is hardly to be supposed that 'John word once for all and leave me in peace Aco, '‘• ' 1 '
4 i- .,-..
little paddock and thy
e e.sui thee, who will Yankeewill b s -t 'th' • you oan form moms oonception of what Your mi• lio,' o e t -7 p,....d''
ed the girl with high Shaw gave up the hopes of years and the wife wafeelings are when the weight of your body . to- •
- 46' o, . oo •
eyes, „d mahieg him e girl he truly loved without another struggle; note cross thy ..1 „ will, nor mourn over thy lost hanging upon the spinal column. At the • .,%.,,,
he even appealed from the girl herself to "ono" sal "°' ' end of a minute you experience a sensation i •
, lass, donno be angry, her mistress, who, thinking that a maid. "Then by .the Evil,' One I will have thee of intense weariness, and when yon are cut
o...o. im .
le wench -the dear lass servant was sacrificing more than was called by foul meats, if fair ones ssrve naughty!' ,down,. or lowered rather, to your feet you , ..-\,
(Trade Merit)
re toiled to get all these uPon to do in the matter of loyalty, uaed all cried S 'taw. And throwing his. strong arms feel as if you had . walked to the MP of the -- T. ry Everest'8 LIVER- REGUL4101?
it °alma matter .to a her ability to . persuade Betty to stay in round Betty he lifted' her off her feet and Eiffel Tower without resting. You are
e lives ander kiog or Massaehasette as John Shaw's wile, prom- bore her shrieking. toyrards lois boat. The utterly exhausted, but that soon polities off - z,lotco.v-xazioniorm• I.2PM, Poi Diseases of the Liver,Eiduess &o, 4
she be's happy." iaing to release . her from her bond, Peer girl clutched at everything as she was and you experience an almost immediate Uurifyingbf the Blood.' Price SI. :, t
1 trow it Matters not if and to ere her the .' usual bonus, borne along, hut her captor'', strength was relief. When I went to the Salpetriere I a • . bottles, ea. For sale by all drug-
. .
It I am not thy little Pt cow and a featherated, to which too much for her fettered endeavours, ' and went with o young.AmeriOan who had been L gists. Manufactured only by
ive Stook Association' m . , ,, .
, 1,' that thou art mis. she added numeroue household matters that Shaw sueceeded ;to placing her, not without for three years helplessly paraltiid. He (Incorporated.) ' ...„
d man's little wench, a she must. herself leave behincl.or sell. Bet much dangerous struggling, in the bottom was driven to the door ' and carried ' iii a • -
- toms Sewintt-hrachlue
big, and faithful to his Betty was true to her principles; she said of his boat But. there he found himself m a chair np the steps into the operating room. Home Office -Boom V, Arcade; Toronto. ,----.7.-7:-:' •-r"'"-- - .. To at once establish
to this oath' -his oath she no longer loved John Shaw, he was not dilemma. .BettY though exhausted With her Be was dilly hanged, and . before 1 leftRER
In the life department this Association pro- 11 CI:itel_pe guiul
)1I trade 'in ali parts, by
• •"," ), , placing OS r machines
rvant and soldier of his the man she thought he was, he Might be struggles, had not fainted : he dare not use Polio he was able to walk. the whole way - / vides indemnity for sioknoss and accident, and 0 where the people ran lices.
j . ...., ,,•._,,_:.' them, we will send free to ono
o thy way, man ! Thou as rich as the Indies, but to her he would her eKronghly as he would a man and tie her. from his hotel to. Dr. Chatcor's. It was a 4 - ---- 04 in ca It localit • the ve
substantial assistance to the relatives of de- --, -7- - . - Pe" . ' )' • ri
ever be poor, because he was poor in prinoi- The boat rooked threateningly,' the light remarkable 'cure and there ,are many like ceased members at termeavailable to all. ....• . nest sot ing-machine made in
' , t: 1 tita world,with all the attachnlentS,
la wouldst thee hoe me Ple. - was departing. He solved . the difficulty by it o • • . In the live stook department two,thirds in-
. , Is will also sendfreen edisaplete
i have worked for these The cavalcade left] the Cradock homestead •
blindfelding his prisoner with his Cravat, deinn.ity for loss of love Stook of its member's. iv.,11 e Ilrie of our costly and valuable art
"How was the treatment found out ?" stimulus., In return .wo Iek Ilia t yoll
Applications for Agencies invited. Send for 1, ' •
eOld George is too silly early one ' dull Omtober morning, the red having first fastened her arms behind her "It was partly by accident. An American es eciuses, claims paid, See. . . e , . .,
N . , - shun- what we si tot. is those , who
'May Intl at your home. and atter 2
well, and has let them round sun stared mournfully as the waggons with. a short end of rope. The iv
fl-ol no doctor. was in . the habit of suspending his • ' WILLIAM JONES.. moony nu shall become yeur own
themselves, leastwise a and carts filed oub upon the rough road, and longer shrieked, but sobs broke ' from patients for the purpose of making a plaster
her Mpg at long intervals, and if truth coot in cases of curvature of the 'spine, From ' Managing Diregt r filik 4 nceverty. This annul machine' ia
made atter the $in trtir pnents.
'a a. president, Washing- John Shaw kepb him company as be gazed
must be told the painful sounds went to .the this they recteived great benefit, and his me- .k • d' r.:-.- which have run out L.berore olivine
rim out it sold fortis0.E, with the
Washington -worth a with dazmd eyes upon the procession from -
a ttnehmen is. and nov.• se11.4 for
heart of John Shaw.' .8ut he was desperate, thod was adopted in Russia by a doctor of the
FREE FR - ....Mat, strongest, moSt use -
the wornont people of the siimmit of a little hill, Not a glimpse
ful mhe achine in tworld. All is
free. No capital required. Plain,
:E PEOPLE, we are to be of Betty could he catch, nor a. word often- it was now or never with him, and, I
seiumg name of Motahowoffski. One day he found : • o
his oar he bent toihiei task with fierce en., that a patient of his whom.he hadsuspended
ncy that I Stich good well hod she left behind her among the brief instructions given. •
Those who,,writu to us ar once cap se-
cure free the bees sewing -manna In the world. and tho,
hen I No 'John Shaw neighbours, many of whom viewed the mat- erg', • for the purpose of putting , on ibis plaster finest line of works of WO art ever shown together in America.
TRIM' Az 41;04 Dos 74,0, Augusta. Maio°.
10 that,' but-" ter from John Shaw's standpointand thought He had put two or three hundred yards oast had broken the oast, so that the benefit , „, - ., , o
'prate, John Shaw, and Batty a foolish wench indeed. between boat and shore, and was revolving which manifestly reeulted . from hia treat-
u art a, greater traitor The May sun of the folloving year, found in his mind some speech thKENDALL'S
at should touch meat, could not be attributed to the cast, )THE LIGHT RUNNIN Cc
ine if I had not heard John Shaw in pursuit of .Betty's good graces the obdurate fair one's heart, when sudden- From this he inferred that the improventent CURE , i I I'
SPAVIN • • ?. il fcli
again. He had learned that the Cradocks ly she plunged into the water, the boat sway- was really due to the . suspension. A few .-------
to dares call John Shaw had settled in the neighbourhood of Niagara, ed and swung so violently that he could experiments • soon satisfied him that ,thie i
the man, kindling hot- and as the spring came on and his little hardly, keep • her right; and both' head was the case, and he took to hanging
i talking to thee about place grew Pratt', his fischs and herda. andheart helped to intensify. the . horrors his patients is a, regular method of treat' y
promising mous, and his hay looking of the moment , by their violent throb • ment. Dr. Charcot, hearing oftheresultathat
If, John Shaw. And well, the bright cheerful face of Betty Icing. At. length, after as it seemed had followed from a Dr. Raymond, who had 1,...._ .
u 1 Thou bast enjoyed Berner; surrounded by its brown curls tuck- to the, astonished man, a never. been on a medicalmissionto Russia, conduct- • ' ea__ _____------
23e; thou hast won his edueder a neat white cap rose before him, ending Period, though but a few seconds, ed a series of experiments in the Salpetriere ---------"---
red under his flag; thou f he saw her strong and beautiful figure, her John Shaw was able to look what had be- and found that the treatment worked mar- The Mot soeceisfol • Remedy over disco,
r of the loyalty, and shapely arnn, and her White feet dance be- come of his late captive. Unbound and no vela. It is now adopted as a regular method orod, aLipitsz.tatite land igoeofhlsoiV dose,
id- servant to a king's fore him, as many a, time he had watched longer blindfold, the .Courageous girl was of treatment at the Salpetriere, and nerv.ota ' . ' •
kind and good me,ster, at the brook at thatime of the greab family bravely breasting the' eurrent and had al patients have' experienced therefrom ' the KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL ' SEWINn MACHINE
.... '
make ,bottt and fare washing,' or of the sheen -shearing, when all reaohed the shore wheh the bewildered; gm greateet possible advanbage. In no ease has -
God help 'Mt that I hands were aloft on behalf of the valuable of her guodam lover fell upon her. At the any injury to the patients followed its adop omen 05? coroomie A.. SNYDUR, }
• Beaman OF
y own aountryraen by fleeces, same moment John Shaw beheld more than tion. When X left the Salpetriere I took over CLEVELAND BAT JiND TROTITN0 DEED Boma
l yet thou art nob a Choosing a Week when he could ilaiely one Indian canoe silently creeping opt from with me the complete set of suspensory atm- orocwooto lot, Nov.20,1888. H A S
hall I cell thee ? ' leave his two ewes and a cow and a calf in among the °oyes that fringe the Niagara paratus, and am now being hanged twice a Dj5et. a .asll L..!•C. L
3tsilfe t / ilafteUlways purchaSed your Zen- •-- -
)ttY, good and trne. the care of a neighbor, John set off to filid river at that point. Then he knew that the week regularly in my own remits. There is doll's Savin cure 1,37 the ball' dozen bottlos i T NO 1 . 141fiKlilw "iii.071,or
10 now no more high Betty and try his perecitsive powers once girl was safe, for his short sojourn on the no reason why you should' not have an op., Oriell.lilligett)srAgitiggrmrricliagY1 liiggyg 1g - -
y thing reasonably and more. By means of the help' premised to a Canadian side had informed him of• the great paratus erected in your office In vvhith you an iny stables for three yeas. ,
-the squlre-I mean little band of refugeee who had found' their eeteein in which the Cradock household was can streteh the epinel cords of all nervously ' Yours truly, . CuAs. A. Mona. EQUAL I, 2 4).......
go whir him but with hopes of a restoration of British role dashed held both by red hien and white Ltio with 0, irritable persons.'
and had suffered much from the persecution sigh as deep tie Niagara, the baffled Shaw
a Shaw; 1 oleo am a of neighbors who 'prided them themselves resumed his labotirs ; and made with ell Cute Business Man.. _ B000nuro, IT. Y., November SOUS.lirZil11
DR. I3. tr. KENDALL CO. fr D , t . • - ii,
in hOneSt1 indenture in loyalty to "the people,". meaning their spat for his own Shore, ' never again to i
Mosenthet -"Now ve got der arrange. Door Biro :I desire to EivO YOU te8tIMOUIE1.0t nee
nted heart end hand, own aggrandisement, Shaw reaohed the steep leave it. • n nionof , or 1 i , " - ' ' '
mark, and think ye shore of Niagara at the old Indian landing- Great was the surprise of Mistress Mize,
. nee mon-enema it to all nerseineie ,__
aimeness. Stiff' Joints_ need eeleireeee-e---"se---- ewe-ea-
rn:nabs macle, it vas only mediums, to make ragg °I•ileeeee J 0 . - gen la I esemen Cure, 1 intva
minds vot ve vill call 'der firm," suaNitig, Ittlil 1 liaVd10,(111(1 It a sure auto, IsOtta• 'C-
o thy way, John.Shavv, place, now called towiiiton and there he b th ti t ' h ' b L'd ' B tt 11' our
"- -
. e la eyel11/1V ev en er M9.1 e Y Einstein -"How vouid it do e 11 It • oat 2-4.- THE ,
i, -0 Oa.. — • Your truly, A. EL Glatte1114...,'
• tarried until he found .where the Cradocke rushed into her little bedreom, Wet and w'id ei aun y a s.
Jan . & M th 11" ' meager TrotL ' "dr • et hid- ' - -
. . . 1 i • nstem offeti a '
sttt entered the bouriti had aettled. It was further down the river,. and insiontinently foliated away., With loir- Mosenthatoo"Ilitnmel do you vont to
,er astonished suitor, riot fathom the future site of Newark. ing care she tended the poor maiden until ruin der bu bless et d r 'start ?7. V
e van o
t wooden bolt: as if to Sending Betty, a carefully worded Ines. the colour came book to her cheek and the t' d - g d 41sj 43 York S • .. . . . ee. FAVORITE.
..,, ea li er rm or 'New cluare•Dealing , smt.wnrrou coulter, OnloiDee.10,1 ..
de agents the strength sage, which betrayed' him to neither side, l'''' h ' d ' ' ' ' • - ' -
ig t to her eye; aii most indignantly did ii Pr'oe od n • ' e ' De
, _ O 07 1 01. i g Rolls . n deg von't • • - ., Dr/.11..7. KENDALL CO. , t • 'eP4ro
anlinaterl her, Half he awaited leavei to visit her.. It • d h i th'extraordinary' -
came, an a e repo ve e story betty sueptOlort hoding," Gantt i I febl lt my duty to es; What I have doste . ..._, .
' , , -With y0,13i* IECIRItill'il BriftViri , (AIM 0 haVe carol ,
Mistress Elizabeth John Shaw Wda conducted i by a messenger poured into her care when Buffieiently rei. - twenty-nve liortdi that had Spayllati, ten tft 4
1THE ONLY sEVatkiftigHttiE
aughter of the house, to '5 rough log hut, where a friend of Betty's covered to talk. --- 'Wink Roue into atilleted with Big mend DNA ' ' ' : - - • -
Seven or rtia anw,, Since I Mee lied cite ef your , . . . T
,ing away the hot lived. She was already at the meeting ' "My poor Betty," said Motives Elizabeth, The Lord Provost of Edinburgh refusee to hooks end follewed tho directions, I have iteStE '
irrepressibly from her bplace, and, save that ahe had grown thin with the tome in her soft eyee, "thon haat, -, officiate at the conferring of the freedom of
. .. . „ lost a oats Of litil.kInd,
. null trulyi ANDinant 'roman, eddi - • - • ° - - - - . • ° - - -
ci up tag, tos. was as beautiful as ever. The winter &se indeed, beet roughly foreedupenthy choice I that oity on IVI.e. Parnell. Horse Doetot phy
the whidow t ' 1, I, h . • • * ' ' ' 1 `4 i'' /'
. o ...0 been a hard one to all, ooto high and loW,, Thou shalt not regret it if kind aots and way Goui... le Very carelees AS to —OW —11 . .
G .
y the street? mai& of ptiertititthe had been eevere, and the ohange true hearts ran make it up to thee " draws his Oheimkil, While trawling on e '
ited the towels Wel otit trete th ' ' ' . 2 ' ' ' ' d . ' . ' ' . ' ' '
.., LL ., . . . e oommodklousnees and oceiromilenoee . "What else haVe I ever received " cried western trip he onee drew up a cheek for prim- ytt tor bOttle, Or six bottleo for 05,,A11 Wok. 0140,4300 SUN SQUAREJNX., %. DAI.lirk
amity on the long and of bylined life to the straitxtese d uncleared Betty, "What other choice Wall before Mil several Millions on the bank Of an entrelope gists havolt °roan ot.i 11 rot YOU. Or it. 11,lli 14,0‘ .1.2.044.
ay before them. forest had told upon ,even the most but Where duty la 1Shaw - Th 11 I • 1 h" ' ' ... ,. ...., ..,.. 4
00 1011.3' address on rcoetpt Of wide! by the Ott r - ul171.01.4b md., .. SANVO 1161241614 .
y John WV may go e w o e waS n ni men nanaWriung att tors, nu, D. .I., ICEINDA4 CO, PIDSINDighFETS.. G. •
hg mon and maids of hopeful and patient. John Shaw's hang I" . .., S. A. CULZ015, i'hill 110nOrea OW Sightlo ' SOLD
"And yet I do n
"Well, well, we
words I go not on
Canada. Lev who
old Ring, and thro
fort for a fancy.
Here where I have
have saved and. serv
• cottage and a tmadd
mons, I am minded
with my little wen
happy, let who will
"1 wish thee m
thy bit cotty and
little wench," rept
colour and flashing
low courtesy.
"Nay but, Betty
Art not thou my litt
for whose sake I ha
things ? Sewerly
woman whether a
president so long as
" Happy I 0 no
she be happy. B
wench, John Shaw
taken. I am a goo
man faitful to his k
master, and faithful
of allegiance as a se
king, J4 h a Shaw.
art no man o' mine"
"Well but, Bet
give up everything
ten year, just becalm
to treat his colonist
choose a king for
president, And enc
Von; and yet not
dozen old kings of
the Emet-but us, 2,
the governors. Fa
times as will come t
do this, John Shaw
"Shut np thy sill
take thyself off, th
then I could imag
"Traitor 1 1 1 W
'traitor,' lies ?" cried
ly. "Who has bee
me, Bessie Barnes ?"
"None but thys
yet what else art tile
of the king's substa
badge; thou hest ser
every boasted bravel
then art a true bo
officer and thine own
andnow bhou wilt fo
with their enemies-
ehould have to call m
so hard a name -an
traitor? What then a
"Thy husband, B
Thab I will ever be :
words, but look at th
let me tell the master
that thou wilt not
" Not for gold, lob
bond-eervarit, hound
to which I have cense
and hEoye alio:, set on
I Sin a traitor? No 1 g
I am no mate for thee
With a firm step B
shutting the door in
sod shooting the grea
express by mond
of the eentiment that
an hour afterwatds,
C1radOok, the eldest d
found Betty mop
tears that welled
eyes, while she rile
sed quilts out of
shaken and folded h
the kitchen, and ood
for the use of the
painful journey that
Between the seri'
's 0 aoiQE,
of feetoleee la the year
the Geadeole houeehold encl the inembere of
the family 0 xleted that oordially reciprocate
ed ooneideration and repoot LO 40AUtifU1 to
pick eye had ' informel. him of mu* the t
wee eecetith tihd trytog ineehe new, life, and
for A monieht leis hest') Stuete WM for for'
to house.
EANtilgiri .8 8 A 017B.B.
intethods. Described toy One, -olio is Hanged
, wimiumna,mtionenaniimimmiieunimos
. „.,...,....... Tr—.
mf pone, hod be" Biped
Revolutionary War was
ei full uf. unreet,
s of tual iiiir
setts, form. .hoose. The
oldservin, g and aervt 4
7 (leer and poroh, with
• eaoh wearing upon a
ho imprint of set pur-
forest behind the home..
3d mournfully, aud with
leafy honours
see, sa seie to ender, end teo helpful
bollato soul lied body in any time of troable
or dietreeti. In a .few minutes Miatreso
Hire sheth had drawn from poor Betty, who,
bearing her own Christian name, was Mee
her °vim meta, the grief that bad thrown her
into 110 unusuol Watote of agitation: Loud
with that quick item called tact, had wine
to the conclusion that the beet salve ishe
could apply to or Betty's wounds whioh,
notwithetandiog her fortitude at the nio.
moot, were deep and wide! wait te exhibit
(edging hie good old neeeter, whine.
held he 'had beeh berh and brought up, But
heeengratelated himsali onhie own Pam-
forts, clung the more closely to them, end.
theuoht, by. meomi of them, to win Betty
over to him ogoirt. But he reckoned with.
ma his host 13atty we not to be Moved;
nay, whorl she, found that MB viewe of hie
duty to his king hal remained ea disloyal Re
before, ehe geve him a 000l good-bye and
went home. .
Twice a Week,
• ,
"B° You hare never heard of the hanging
Pure?' seid a well,kuowo member of the
never herd of it? Really -I, thought every
elle .knew About the hanging QM,' "What
diplomatic. corps to us the other elay. "YouCAI
do you mean ?" we inked in all innoeence,
"Hanging ie a cure, certainly,. hut pre some
whet to Effective to be recommeeded to the
ordieary .patient." "Nonsense 1" was elm
re131Y, "I Mean the hanging (Are ae *rerri-
•V,'W\\ s \\ \\ANNUV- \S\ \\\‘`\ \ - . ' . '''''''''' '
, . Ne e- ee, Nes. , .a. eekeeee, , eeeeeeneeeeeee a ,e.
o 4,
oo •o:
gee/ en, e .1. ..,- •
i i '\- o , oo o ao,o,'N.,.',.\\:-\..o.x.o,‘'''k• '•o' No' Nas' 4:"?... Neeeeeee \"e,-, ie'eeseeeee•aae•el,
n' their
et treat even then one
her own. This she did no a few words,
telling Bette, that oar laver, the
Ner.way disconcerted, Shaw lath tied tht
Betty would be at one of the numerous
e' -'Y for nervous diaemes "Pedant).* and1 for Infants a ndChildren.
ataxia," "No, I have waver heard of it tell
heir ruddy and golden
covest step of the wide
the southern entrance
one little ineirle with
r parted and b'rushed
alternately oareesed a
I En, sentinel at their
, eyes upon . their pina
I see thet partings were
the house the yard wag.
who was
younger ism of her father's old friend before
the war, Governor eyerdrepe, renutined
true to the British fiAg, blvjugh all the
younger members of the same family Weide
him had. espoueed the revolution, but
that hie elder brother who ab that date, as
head of the family, had plenary powers of
control o.yer the younger 'branches, had for
bidden him on pain of forfeiture of his for-
tune which oonaisted in rights of tuersbae•
die° with the Indians and foreign to
creeks that dram into Leke Ontario in a day
or two, doing theiamily washing, acCording
o old custom bile in accordance with the
' ' • '
new eireurneteneee ef the family, almost un'
assisted. Here he determined to sleek ber
and. to earry her offs To this end he hired
a boat from ah. aequeintanoe on the other
sida of the river, and 'mooring it . in a little
raheltered nook, he awaited his opportunity.
But the next day it rained; the creeks
were swollen beyond usefulness, and the
. ;
ine what you , mean." And thereupon our
/leiter' eettorth hie explanation of the new
method ot treatmetat which is becomi
exceedinglY, PePular :1 , rigt°,
.nt"IaRnhusitsiliayntihnrroeungthioptarb. uothiatroieolcoomf the
-° vogue ' -
Salpetriere. Its secret is this, that in
certain inaladiee of the nervous syetem, ea
peoially those whteh bring about eithersemi-
paralysis or incapacity to move the limbs,
the misoloief isdneto thefact that your spine.'
' l'easterlaissovesela. dapted,.toehlldre. n' that
L re.eemmead.it 461511p040 r to any prescription
ieinal oull'ora• a's'At.:Iroonnn'klyn-3L.D, N. Y.,
-4, •
Castoria corn' Cloll'o' , Coast' tpation, t•
Sour stomach Diarrtiosa Eructation
wKilitgisiWtsiOinjrmsn, tai' 40tuiviesm.:diee0402.°: endPrpuu;tes di.
Tag Onumiou Comp.orr, 77 hfurray Street N •
, . Y.
old gear and Packin
4 but strong work-
Dney.maiden of twenty.
d in directing the
ole of loutish lade
trom the kitchehyarious
og utensils, and bestow.
, the peeking of a great
by, evidently ready for
and benches all had to
lat) scrutiny, and if bhey.
tely clean, she at once
in when their purifias,
led on by that old f ah
Adel -somewhat one
of a printing offi3e-the
m the fields comes the
el, but whether it was,
) when the next scene is
th pail and stool, or the
a herd is put upon the
:ell. And so apparent.
for she lifted her head
follow the old flag. There were many at
that time who clung to the hope that in spite
• . .
of the Constitution, in spite of the wonder.
ful irfiaence of Washington over the People,
and in spite of tbs. treaty, the rights of
Britain over her recreant colony would be
re-established, and of these young WardriVe
was one. Thus he cherished the idea that a
very few years would see the change he
honed to take place, and himself enabled to
take his bride to a home already planned
where they would ewe more enjoy the pre-
sped*, of which British subjects had been
so rudely robbed, and that without the bias,
' inevitable should. he j An the brave, loyal,
but hopeless band, now about; to forsake
their beautiful homes, their prosperous pea-
sessions, and enter upon a, contest with the.
wolf and rattle -snake, 'the donee forest, and
the swamp .of which. tb.ey .had. heard their
great-grandfathers ball on winter evenings,
but had no conception of save through their
Poor . Mistress
banks of the became sticky and difdoula
to olimb. Of oourse no Betty appeared, 1,04
Shaw spent the night under the shelter of
his boat hungry, and eentewhat in alarm of
the Indians, who were in force about the
eke fiehing. A fish broiled on bot etiuks
made Stiew's breakfast-, and as the molting
rose clear and 'brighb he looked for Betty
and the bEiskete. Noon came and no Betty ;
the evening fell, and yet tbe boat lay moor-
ed just within the oreek. Shaw bed found
means to satiety the cravings of his hunger
but the craving of his heart was as mantis.
fied as ever,: and he nad to bear the ohidings
of an outraged conscience too, for he was too
well wel
1 tEinght in. his duty to God and his
neighbour not be aware that he was contain.
plating' a. sin. That an. abduction was
also a crime in Vie ' eyee of civil law
did not occur to him 'until long after.
A •love song in tones that he readily-
recognized broke on his ear just as the moon
rose above the trees. IR was Betty come to
reconnoitre in view of her day's washing.
oord gets torinkle.d up,' ' and In order to
remedy the evil you must stretch your spinal
cord " .
. r , .
"That is ceder said then done; how can
l'nu sbr.etell a man's 61)1739.1"rd ?"
» <,
. "13y hanging him, was the answer, by
hanging him in such a way as to? °awn the
whole Weight of the body to fall upon the
Vine as a means of strengthening the spinal'
marrow. ' It is very siniple. I am hanged
regularly twioe a week, and the result in
my case has been quite extritordinay. I do
not suffer from ataxia, but Thave a very in.
veterate, eervous oemapalablivnet, *wahrkiehfehrassamine
capacitated me for
thne pest . I am now almost completely
well -at least, after a Course of treatment
it some baths in France 1 hope to be Qom.
pletely restored to my former health. • For
years 1 have miffered many things from many
PhYdoialley and ail that they could do for moClitfnE
was to slightly alleviate the active irritation'
that was caused by over exciting the nervous
4 .
,sr,i' •
, FITS .
whe • . ' . '
n I say Cram / do not mean merely to
ea:A tagileainln!of •14a tigiAmNe,AandBlDeawhAveothue=ril re.
I here roude the dIseate of
FALL. IN'G szczE.Nwress,
A Ilf° long (deft... i wwusa mg remedy to
the worst Cates., Seca% others liooe
fatledis no reasen f or not now reoeivinta dure.
sr4.4kOriceiQr a treatise and allinoto oommt
0 MY, onootoranon DEMIADT. Give Express
Is weblisaed eery Thursday morn ng,at
, . .
..in.street,nearly opposite Fitton's Jeweler
ereae,Exetexe Onteby Soho' White & ,sons,Pro
81,rst inser bnioszas or aientv°ni.rts.rrsrkret :
A Oh lgatiSbilai ejliuneitilisineur,e't ai Tv 'ePietriselimueen' t'1s08s c°h :annul::
a eentin notlater than NVeclue'sdity morning
f the largest ancl best equipped in the County
1 Huron, An Work entrusted- to us will receiv
'or prompt attention;
Decisions ardiu g Ne Ors-
Its .1iitegpers.
Any person whotakes a paperregularlytrore
oe post-ottice, whether directed in his name 03
another's, or whether helms subecribed or nol
ts responsible for payment. ' • '
l fell upon her ear, and
tening. she, too, took up
3en pinafore and wiped
Blizebeth had her own
troubles, in no degree lighter than those of
Betty, save that sh.e was spared the
"Now or never thought Show, bat
heart gave a great bound, both from love
andfeer of oonseguencesifhewereunsuccess-
system." - . .
"Hut I thought hanging was. not a
remedV for that, but fox -Mails ?" ' • •
and Post °Mee. It costs you notht it for to
Web:audit ivIll cure you. Addreeria- , -
PAIL, G. ROOT. 37 Yonge St., .Toronto, Ont.
2'. If a person orders his paper discontinued
de:of:lust nfay all atrears or the publisher may
Bend t until the payment is made
Ittilien :0%n:tithe'
rund 'amount,
grey. eyes,
humiliation of finding the man she had
ful, that unmanned him for a moment
"Quite true ; and when I went to the Sal-
whole whethei
die iitiper is taken from tne office or not..
Luantmity Was quite re
and trusted a traitor to his King.
, "Bitty, my ,dear wench," he , cried, in petnere they were in •very grave doubt as
8 to suits for subscriptions, the suit ratty be
u about her own age op.
Oa a stable backet, and
1 way for water.
h," he cried, "why
thy fine eyes with cry.
This she knew was a sharp sting to her
loyal hearted maid, herself the daughter DI
a Britian soldier who had fought at Bien
heim and MolPlaquet, under John Churchill,
the great Dake of Marlborough.
But the exigencies of the time admitted
tender aceoente, and he gently placed him.
self between his quarry and the road home,
"1am hereto ask you once again to ',return
with me and he my wife."
S turtle& for the MOment, Betty replied in
a firm time "I have pub theIt t' . b
a erne me. e-
to,whether they would subject me to the
treatinent; as my maladY w.ao at once de-
,olared to be over etoitement of the nerves.
Nevertheless, they strung me' np, and 1 ex.•
perienoed very great relief." , .
"Pray tell me how they string you up."
i E I
nebttuted in the place where the paper is pub,
tahed, although .the .subsoriber may reside
hundreds of miles away.
tike newspapers or peihedioals from the poet.
eiceT,hoeroreo:rot: ihu agvaenadeleeiati:idn gthtahterme f uu snionalg 1 et do
or is prima facie evidence of intentionalfran4
l I not ory, John Shaw,
of the herd and know
riven oat of the pastures
no indulgence of grief, a great household
was. to be moved. The family mansion, s
gable house of good dimensions, with its
fore you, john Shaw, if you are ready to re-
turn to your king and prove it , Is • serving
„.u .
Tine way, said the gentleman inter.
viewed, proiuoing a diagram cf the hanging
apparatus by which the
Exeter 13,..a.tcher . Shop.
1 in, for the last time? second floor and dormer 'windows bathe roof,
les I think." its roses and honey -suckles now thrown
stty, not for thee 1 Let rudely • hither and thither by the keen
and land as likes, but 03tober gale, its pleasant parterres with
so foolish." Dutch fiower-beds and shrubbery, its Or
a mean, John Shaw I' chard full of russets, blenheims,
the master'm
fro -whose claims' u pen 7e, a
false government only released tou, I tell
think•again of your offer, otherwise not. o 1
"But really, Betty, tha' cannot wish me
to throw up my hard-oarned .property and
becienie a,bond-aervant again, post for a mere
patients are ans.
pended in mid-air for the purpose ofistretch-
mg their .spinal cords. , One part of • this
_s underthe chin, the - other under the
Vaal ofthehead. The patient Is then hoist.
ed off his feet and. allowed to hang."
"How long do you hang I"
cc ,
' , ox a-. ..„,-••
2 -.711.n.r.
if n
I Ilri
Butcher ii, General Deiler
-..---ill Ala. RIND s F
mg full upon him. ,, Is and medlars, the delight of the thrifty house
sentlmenu A fooah sorb un,
h toe, twixt
"At first than
•-•.. _.,..1.4,o.o....'„ ---,!---•
d our road' keeper, as of he youngsters; the wide and
ietty ; though fiithfully luscious meadows where the kine lowed in
efore. TMs -time, Betty the sweet June grass, and the fruitful corn
o and no man call we fields where the gleaner was always weloorae
according to the Scriptures, had to be left
for ever. The ancient church thee crowned
man? What hash thouhas
s fine talk I" the burial hill where lay the dust of the
' Baia the young mao pious and loyal ancestors, not only of the
oearly as he could with Cradeelts themselves, but of all their wide
man and man, for what is a king or proof
dent else ?"
' Do not start the story again, John
Shaw, it is useless , I marry no traitor."
"Th art a bold wench to use that word
to me again, Betty; but I love thee too
well to hit thee as I would a man. I have
a boat here and will row you across the river
and make thee my little wife in a few hours
not more one minute.
, Afterward it it possible. ky practice to ex
tend the Period of suspension to as much as
three or four minute& I have never been
able to hang more than two minutes at a
time. Four minutes is the oubeide-no one
been known to. hang longer than that
and I do not advise any one to try the ex-
periment. One wretch who made an invol-
untary trial hanged himself in earnest
a ,
1 .
l e
' ' - •
. 4
. 1
Oustoinerssupplied . TUESDAYS,
, eesidenee
night ends service, and feudal household, and where the beautiful
dependence." bells each Sabbath pleaded out in loveliest
harmony their call to the lands to "Bo joy
understand thee, John
if tha' wilt say yea; and tha', Shalt never
regret the day tha's leaved'at the wild wood
where wolves may tear thee in pieces or the
He was alone and found he could not lower
himself at the right time. He remained,E'veret,!s
• . ,
o , .
oo .
'.. .
:Cough Syrup