HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-11, Page 5DISTRICT DOINQ'S.
Luoknow is going to have a sl stem
of water -works,
The Af as Crig Post Office is now
-coated just west of Angus Munro's
Mrs. J. 13. hunter, of Lucknow, an
estimable lady, has lost her reason,
and will be removed to the. Asylum as
soon as there is room.
r:; A by-law will be voted on in Wing -
ham on Monday, 22nd inst., for grant-
ing a sum of $5,000 for the, erection of
anew town ball.
],'he furniture factory of Mr. Thos.
J Bell, Wingham, Was destroyed by fire
1 Friday morning. The machinery con-
tained therein was ot a valuable class.
1 SAVED the lite of a poor gipsy with
one bottle of Everest's Extract of
Wild Blackberry -sure cure tor diar-
rhoea, dysestery, km -Christopher
Wall, Foreat P. 0.
Max. Stoddart, a Nissourr farmer,
has been summoned by Wal. Near for
refusing to pay $23 wages which the
latter claimed. •
Wm, Walker and his father, two
farmers, have had a row over the
ownership of a horse, and the tormer
has been arrested on a charge of steal-
ing the animal.
The other evening the pupils under
Mr. Rogers in the Parkhill High
School gathered at that gentleman's
residence and presented bine with a
gold -headed cane.'
The charter for the formation of a
Board of Trade for the Town of St.
Mary's has arrived from Ottawa. A
general meeting will soon be held for
election of officers and other necessary
Messrs. Gilmore and Wilson, of
Nilestown, while fishing in thatvicireity
the other day, succeeded, atter a great
deal of manoeuvring, in landing a
black bass, which weighed et lbs.
The hose race at Mt. Clemens, Mich.,
on the 4th, resulted as follows: -Sea.
forth, 1st; Ridgetown, 2nd, Sarnia,
3rd. The hook and ladder race was
won by Marine City, Sarnia being
The collections at the Goderich
Customs House for the year ending
June 30, 1889, were $10.533.02, against
$8,468.45 " for the preceding year,
showing an increase of $2,064.57.
J. J. Sloan, of Leamington, was pois-
oned on Saturday. He went to a drug
store and the druggist gave him salt
pe'tre inatead of salts. He died in
great agony.
The Dominion Government have de-
cided to have built a warehouse at the
Windsor ferry dock so that goods.
brought over too late to pass the cus-
toms may be put in a place of safety.
Governor Kitchen, ot the Brantford
jail, says that the female sex have
quite deserted him, and that at pres-
ent he has no women in jail. There
are, however, thirteen males at present
visiting his castle.
I sex testify that Everest's Cough
Syrup is good it having cured me of a
very bad cough and cold.- Eliza
Sproul, Lteut. S. A. Army, Antrim
P. 0.
A new; Post Office has been opened
in Fuliarton, near Bethel church. It
is to be known as Munroe Post Offiice,
with Mr. William Munroe as post -mas-
The ladies of Goderich have pre•
seated that town with a couple of
drinking fountains, which are to be
erected on the Court House square for
the convenience and benefit of tile
The by-law to empower the Mitchell
Council to borrow the sum of $4,000
for the purchase of a new engine and
boiler for the water -works and con-
neat the:electric light plant therewith,
was carried on Wednesday by a major-
ity of 122.
At the last meeting of the St. Mary's
Collegiate Institute board, the applica-
tions for the position of fifth master•
rendered vacant by the resignation of
Mr. Shine, were considereci. That of
Mr. Rice, of Hibbert, formerly a teach-
er in S. S. No. 7.; Blansbard, was
accepted. The,. salary ` is $500 per
The pupils of Principal Callander, of
the Amherstburg Public School, re-
cently presented him with a handsome
gold signet ring with cameo setting
and a gold watch pendant, accompani-
ed by an address, the occasion beirag
the severance of Mr. Callander'a con-
nection with the school to enter into
business at Kingsville.
A very large bank barn was raised
on the farm of Mr. John S. Brown, on
the 9th concession ot' McKillop, which
he recently purchased from Mr. J.
McDowell, on Thursday of last week.
The barn is 54x70 feet„ with 24 posts.
and when completed will bo one of
the finest in the township.
Mr. .James. Bogue, lot 18, con. 3,
London tp., lost e valuable horse on
Thursday night. The barn yard was
enclosed with a fence with a picket
gate. 'fie horse attempted to ,lump
over the gate and landed on the pick-
ets, disemboweling himself'. He was
valued at $150.
ELeIN,-The last stronghold of the
Seott Act was taken by stormon Wed-
nesday, being defeated in Elgin by a
large majority, 'Three years have
sufficed to make it intolerable from
one end of the Province to the other,
and that it has now been swept out, is
proof that it was altogether unsuitable
to the genius of the people.
During the recent tht]nder-storm
the lightning struck and killed a cow
for l4r. James Congo in Orford '!'own•
ship, It also struck a milk house for
Giltanders, Ridgeroad, Orford. It
partly demolished the building, a
wooden structure on a stone founda-
tion, and wrecked some fruit cans and
othertliing8. It also struck at drive
house belonging to Mr. Geo, Gosnell,
It is understood that ,Dliss Clench,
who recentlyarrived in St. Marys from
Germany, is aceoinpanied'by a young
German Count, who Will claim her
hand in marriage shortly Altai, 'their
arrival in her native town. No doubt
Cupids dart pierced her youthful
heart during her st+jeUrn in the Father.
land, but it was Counter[ desirable to
Gaines tothe Itfotherland befo^e Clench.
ing it. Bee f
. ;utr: t yi 1t tri' Pit tar's CastCllfa
Flaxen t spent Ed. l a in, of Forest,
spa Sunday
last with us.
James Wilson has again returned to
the bakwg business,
Billy Bell has again settled ,down in
our midst..
'Wid anyone find the fire shovel ?"
Kr. Joseph Hall, of Chicago, is at
present rusticating here
George Kett, of Toronto, spent Sun-
day with his parents here.
Geo. A. Stanley, Clerk of the mune
cipality of Liman has completed the
Voters' List for the year.
Mr. Wm. Mao.11airmaid represents
Lucan Lodge, No. 70, I. 0.0. F. at the
Grand Lodge, No. St, Catharines.
Several contractors oa reading
Lucan items in last week's Tures have
sent in their tenders for the erection
(Atha High School.
Mr. Elliott, thearyanston poet and
botanist, was here in the capacity as
examiner for the high School en-
Thos. Oliver,' of Ilderton, was in
town Thursday last and purchased of
the firm of B, Stanley, five tons of.
binding twine,
Mr. ' Weld, Barrister,` of London,
Was in our village last week attending
Division Court and was kind enough
to give our new lawn tennis club some
valuable pointers.
Mr. Pownas, of Aberdeen Lodge,
Scotland, is at present sojourning
and contemplates purchasing land in
immediate vicinity of Lucan. He is
charmed with the "blooming" col-
J. R. Collins, merchant taylor, pur-
poses going to Scriber, near Port
Arthur. We are sorry to lose Mr.
Collins. who has always been an
estimable citizen, from our midst.
Miss' Ida Porte has returned from
the Sacred. Heart convent,' London,
where s he succeeded in carrying off the
Governor General's 'medal" for gen-
eral proficiency. ` Miss. Porte is to be
complimented upon her success.
Our village tonsorial artist has re
turned•from Rochester much to 'the
joy of nota few of the young men of
Lucan. Geo says the bunco game was
tried upon him, but it was not a go as
he always carries a razor when abroad.
There is m.ich dispute among our
city fathers as to who shall be honored
with the privilege of laying the corner
stone of the new IiIigh School. Your
correspondent would nominate Alder-
man Jonathan Hodgins as the most
dignified man and most fitted for the
arduous dutiea of such an honorable
Miss Bax, teacher ot our Kinder-
garten school had a public examin-
ation last Friday which. was ' well at-
tended by the parents and many
visitors. The school house contained
many beautiful decorations which
were the handiwork of her
pupils and was a reflection of good
Mr_ Dowd, of Dowd & Smeed
Beating Co. was in town last week
and succeeded in obtaining the con-
tract for heating the new proposed
high school which the trustees con-
template •making second to none in
the province. We understand that
the windows of the said school are to
to be of stained glass.
The lawn social held ou the rectory
grounds last Thursday evening was
the event of the season ; being very
largely attended. In the absence of
the Ilderton brass band which failed
to put in an appearance, the musi c
wss furnished by the Lucan Quartette
Club. The grounds were beautifully
embellished with Chinese lanterns
and fire- balls swung from stretched
wires running across the grounds at
different elevations and the many
colored tints reflected from the lights
shone out in grand relief from the
dark green foliage of the trees encir-
cling the lawn, and the immense con-
course of people who;had gathered to
enliven the evening with their pres-
ence were more than rewarded.
St. Marys.
BatErs,-Mr. Alexander Patterson,
an old and respected resident of the
west ward died suddenly on Saturday
at his son-in-law's, 'Wm. Atkinson,
Kirkton, lie was buried on Monday
at Xtrkton.-'Che juvenile lacrosse
team ot Stratford played our juvenile
team on Friday last and were beaten
by a score of 1 to 3. --Mr. John Mo-
Eldownie, Bloora, 111,, isat present
the guest of Mr. W. H. Graham. -
The brickwork of Dir. J. C. Gilpin's
housesia completed, This is one of
the Iargest houses, in town and will,
when completed add .greatly to the
appearance of north ward. -Owing to
Wm. Weir having received the con-
tract for supplying the power for the
Electric.Liaht company he has torn
down his old engine room and the.
new building is being rapidly pushed
forward. Extensive preparattons for
the Orange celebration to -morrow are
going on.. '!'racy Bros. have secured
the contract for erecting four arches'
under which the boys of the Boyne
will pass as they celebrate their one-
hundred and ninetynintn anniversary,
-The driving park association will
hold their annual races 'on the twelfth,
The track, which is one of the best in
Western Ontario is in fine condition
and as the classes
are well filled,
they are expected to be the most
successful races ever held in town.-
The prompt manner in whioh the
Board of Health officers acted in trick-
ing up the placards on those houses
rn which were found daces of diphth-
eria, shows the inter'eet that that very
useful body aro taking in the good of
the community sanitsi•y condition.
-The re.'itat;ons given in the Opera
house on 'Tuesday evening in honor of
Mrs. Clench nod daughters w'sr'e at
brilliant success. The hall was tilled
to the 'door's and all enjoYed the
et5terteining aiidresaea of aoveral
prominent citizens,
The ouatoms colloctadrtt Stratford
during June amounted to $3,609.91.
I ttAVII used Dyerest's'Cough' Syrup
in my family for four years, rind alway9
found it an tercellent remedy, for
cough, colds, sac, 11. J', i'ettypiece,.
PERSONAL.. iso Snider, of Mildmay
is visiting frfencte in this eternity, -
Mrs S. wood is busily engaged calling
on her many friends before leaving
for Washington Terri tory.--Mr Walter
Clarks has returned from the North-
west and apparently had a Very
pleasant trip, lie likes the N. W.
but thinks he would prefer being zn
"Wen. --One evening last week a
number of the members of the Meth-
odist church called onMrs o and
made her the recipient of some band
some presents in token of herservioes.
to the choir, during the pass number
of years; The gifts were well merited
and the choir sustain a severe loss by
her departure. -The fishing party
which passed through here on Monday
evening celebrated the event in good
style, We are sorry to learn that one
of them required the services of an
M. D. but we hope it is not serious.
On Saturday lastaa very interesting
gams of base -ball was played here
between the Zur,oh team and a team
picked up here forth° occasion. The
boys here have no grounds and most
of them had no practice, but mustered
a good team. The game turned out
different than was expected by anyone,
and the boys feel proud over their
victory. The game throughout was
interesting and the best of feeling on
both sides was exhibited. The home
team led the score untiltbe end of the
fifth innings when they were tied by
the visitors in the sixth. However
the home club put eight men over the
plate and secured for themselves the
victory. The batteries for both teams
did good work and outside ofa few
muffs were well supported in the field
The only place where our team got
the advantage of the visitors was at
bat as our boys all wielded •the ?stick
in good style. The score stood 11-19.
After the game the visitors weregiven
a supper at the Central and were ser-
enaded by the band, They left for
home about 9 o'clock, (having been
delayed by a broken wheel) feeling
quite well pleased with the way they
were used. On Thursday last Mr.
Wm Chambers passed away to eternal
rest after a few days illness, which was
not a fever as reported last week,
but Brigitte disease of the kidneys. The
young man was highly respected by all
who knew him and his death has cast a
gloom over the vicinity; He was connect-
ed with the Sunday school ontho Oth con.
and at the funeral which took place on
Saturday the scholars marched in the
cortege and showed their respect by drop-
ping handsome bouquets i,t the grave
The funeral was largely attended and
about 100 vehicles were in line, After
two years of married life `he leaves a
mourning wife. We extend to her the
heartfelt sympathy of the community.
-1r. Chambers carried $2,000 life n
Dlr. Wm. Mann of Ottawa, Ont., ca'ri'es
I have used Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry in my family with the very
best results. I recommend it to my friends
and think it is the best medicine in u- a for
all summer complaints, diarrhoea, dysen-
tery, etc.
A cable says:-Purchashes by Canadian
stockmen at the Windsor Royal show are
not as extensive as usual.Messrs. Main,
Snell, -Miller, Beitli and Jaffrey have how-
ever, bought prize ai,imals, and a number
of choice animals are being bought privately
for Canada.
AFTER suffering for three weeks from
Cholera Infantum so that I' was not ex-
pected to live, and, at the time, would even
have been glad had d ath called me, so
great was my suffering, a friend recom-
mended Dr. Fowler's Extract ' of Wild
Strawberry, which acted like magic on my
system. But for this medicine I would not
be alive now. -John W. Bradshaw,
393 St, Paul St., Mont'l P. Q.
Jordan, Ont., July 5.- -Geo. Graub,
living in this village, committed suicide
yosterdrry by taking Paris green, Before
Lia death he remarked that had he known
it was going to give him so much pain he
would:not have taken it, but he expected he
would fall over just like a potato bug.
About a year ago Graub endeavored to kill
himself by getting onto the house -top and
rolling from the roof, That time he only
succeeded in slightly hurting; himself.
A. iyriclman
-KEEPS--Groceries and
Also best Pipes, Toba,acos and Cigars
Thorley'slmproved Horse and Cattle Food
Dashwood Roller Flour.
-=TIi7 POPULAR ---
fools Shoo
Corr eted t5o
( e a alookp.in.VPerinesday
Red Wite
Sprang 'Wheat,.. -.. 90 to 0 95
Harley 35 to
08,05 „. 20 to 26
()lover Sto30e
6 60
" .. 20
Peas ,. 0 4g to 0 50
Dorn 0 40 to 0 00
Eggs 0 11 to 0 11
Butter .., 12 to 0 13
Flourperbbl . 00 to 5 6$
Potatoes,por bushel 25 to 35
Apples,per bag .. CO to 0 50
11 ledApplesp,r b 0 '4 to 004
Geese per ib. ... 0 00 to 0 06.
0urkoy per 11) .., 0 07 to 08
Dunks perpr
.. 050to0Bar
Chickens per pr . 0 25 to 0 30
Froga,drossedper10 .,. 6 00 to 0 29
Ifoof „ (00 to 500
liidesrough, ,,, ... 3 50 to 4 00
dressed , ..6 00 to, 0 00
Sheepskins each , 0 65 to 90
Calfskine " , 0 50 to 0 70
Wool per lb -, ... 013to010
ffayper ton ,.. 0800 to 08 00
Ouiousoerbnsii0 50 to 0 75
Woodper cord .. 2 5 to 3 00
Fall Wheat $0 01 0 95
Spring Wheat—. ............ ..... ,0 90 0 55
Bar,ey..., 0 35 0 4a
Oats 0 26 0 26
Clover Seod •..... ... 5 50 5 00
Timothy, , 2 50 3 09
Peas 0 48 0 50
Bgg —..... ,. ,. n 0 le
Butter 12 012
Potatoes per hag25 0 30
Apples per bush 0 55
Woolperlb 17 0 18
Ray per tou 8 CO 8 On
Bran per ton 14 00 14 00
Shorts " " „20 00 2000
Oatmeal per bbl 6 00 7 00
Wheat, 030 to 1.00 per bus
Oats. 251 to 261e per bushel, Peas, 48c to 48c
Per bushel. Barley malting,43c to 48c per bus
Barley, feed, 3811e to 451e per bushel.
Toaoa'ro, July 9—Wt, AT—fall, No . 2, i3O
to $1.04; spring, No.2, 51,00 to 81.07: red win-
ter, Not, 51,06 to 51.07; No 1, Manitoba
hard. $1 14 to 41.15 BARLEY'. No. 1 56o to 57c
No. 2.52c to 53c; No. 3, 43o to 45c; No 0r extra
47c to 48e. Ps,ts, No 2,53o to 580. Oars, No.
2, Se a to 33c. FLoua extra, 54.10 to 54.20;
strong bakers. ,$4.50 to $4.80.
Market quiet and firm. Sales No.l. hard
'Manitoba. $1 15 to 81.15,andNo. 2 do. at 81.12
No. 3 barley, outside, at 001e oats, on track, at
The receipt of cattle fto-day at the local
market was large and feelings much easier.
The demand for shippers has slackened ow-
ing to weaker advioes from from Great
Britain, and butchers are pretty well supplied
Choice steers aro nominal al 4A cents per lb.
Bulls sold at31 to 4c, and witch cows Rrm at
from $30 to 850 a head. Butchers cattle in
moderate demand, prices lower; the best
at 3 to 4 ordinary at 21c to 5x and common at
limit1. edeOoffering scarce
bestisel at 50 to $6,
per head; inferior to medium at 54.00 to $4.50
and rams 3e to 31c per pound. Lambs in fair
demand and 'Arm. choice bringing$300 to 85,
and inferior to medium 5300 to -5500 Calves
dull and steady, Choice beams, of 125 to 150
lbs., sell at 7e to 9c dressed weight; rough
calves, $3 to $5. a bead. Dings are steady
choice light fat sold at 5; to 5}c, store hogs at
411e to 5c. and stags at 30 to 31e.
London Electric Soap is only made by
Richard Woodstock, (Trade Mark Regis-
Don't fail to by Louden Electric Soap
once, and von will t1H-, ,.o .ether.
The wuiidrr of t., day i, London Electric
All first class grocers sell London Elec-
tric Soap.
Insist on your grocer ,riving you .London
Electric Soap, it is the he: t.
Four bars of London Electric Soap for
An old physician, retired from practice,
having had placedin his hands oy an Rost
Indian missionary the formula of a simple
vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma-
nent cure 'of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca-
tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung
affections, also apositive and radical cure
for Nervous Debility audall Nervous Com-
plaints, after havong tested its wonderful
curative powers in thousaade carcases, has
felt it his duty to make it known to his
suffering fellows. Actuatedby OAR rrotive
and a desire to relieve num an suffering, I
w:,Isend free of oh ergo, to all who desireit,
this reoine,in German,hrench or English,
with tulldirectionsfor preparing and using.
Sentmail byadd ross:ng with stamp,
naming this paper. W. A . NOYES 149 Power's
Btooi Rcohester- N 9
ADVICE To MO TREES.—Are you disturbed s4
night and broken of your rest by e. sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cuttine
Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle
of"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil-
dren Teething. Its value is incalculable.
It wilirelieve the poor little sufferer im
mediateIy Depend upon 11, mothers; there
is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery
and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and
Bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums.
reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and
energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription
of one of the oldest- and best female
physicians and nurses in the United
States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price twenty-five
Dents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mus.
WINSLOw'S p^OTHIN6 s?nnD "iEd no
other ind.
Has opened business in the
premises of R. SPIOTIE, op-
posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio
where he is prepared to meet
his cid customer, :lttcl its
many new nidCS.
'aepairiug promptly and sat-
1sfactorily done.
W. H TtiO'.lt2',•
TEE i� lir Sr YET'
OVercoatilxgs at any price ; Slut -
fries at any pries ,• Patntiing's'
at ttisy Pries.
est Ordered p
Clothing ioduoed in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 -?lave your orders early. for
with the best stait of 'Tailors ; ?the best
stock of Pine Trimmings, and the bast
Cutting in Town, you are mire of melded.
T0 Ti E DEAF,- -A person eared of
i Deafness and noises ig the head of
23 years' etandi
ng by a siinehr remedy, will
Bond a delictiption
it rano ito any person
who applies to I3ictroLsoN, 1,77 McDougal
atteet, New York.
To TIM rmlrol:
Please inform your readers that I have a
positive remedy for the above named dis
ease. By its timely use thousands of hope-
less oases have been permanently cured.
I shall be glad to send two bottles of my
remedyany your -F TREE, to of y readers who
have consumption if they will send me
their Express and P. 0. address.
Respectfully,' DR. T. A. SLOCUM
Toronto, Out. 37 Yonge street
holera Morhu.S
OLtI C'a�4a•'
It is said that every person has
a chance once in this lite time to
mi:e ioi•d if hey allow
thalat tianii totuno passen1Ylaytnever )lave
the opportunity again.
That time has come, You can
depend upon it that every person
purchasing their goods at PARK-
INSON'S saves money by doing so
thereby will make their fortunes.
His prices are away down.
You are not asked high prices to
make up losses for debts contract-
ed by bad customers. Don't you
see there is thousands in it.
Parkinson's a tock is new and
consists of Dry Goods, Groceries,
Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds,
Boots and Shoes, in fact everything
usually kept in a first class general
store. See his black and colored
Cashmeres at 25 cents and up.
You can get the cheapest all -wool
suit in Exeter made to order at
Parkin son's.
Make no mistake- Consult your
own interests and examine hist
stock before making your purchase
elsewhere and you will son save
enough for a fortune. You can do
better at the Cheap Cash Store
than any other place in Exeter,
Highest market price allowed
for farm produce at Parkinson's.
First Door North of the Town
Smoking Tobacco
& B
On each PLUG and, PACKAGE
Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
A•Lso Corrins OF Evoas Dxsciuryioa,
A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings
Always on band.
My stock of Furniture is un-
r•—TeN a ILL AT—
Reliable Goods
At Prices Lower that so-cal-
led Cheap Houses can 'give
Undertaking in all its
(Successor to C. & S. Gridley)
Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires
—Which we are in aposition to offer to the Public at the --
Very Finest Pricey for Cash
—We have also on hand a full line of
Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices.
Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition.
Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds. Eave-troughing a
Specialty. A call solicited.
.I've ,,i � r= .''���
r De - �� tri erzt it �l
.� r z z� Oki Established is
now most complete, and full of the Za.Les'
nooel les.
The French, English and American 11Iiliiflery cls
be excelled. Ti; stook cam
The to , t of bless Goods is larger n„
cheaper than ever shown. All the lest l ls,i;.Es of rich
colored and sliau silky,, Cheap. Parasols .and Sitll s
of every ?design (both long and short
• stems. File fancy
zelhcaSi plain z;hors, Stf�is and Prints
ilaendless var-
iety. A special lot of Swiss Embroideries lO1rlei'1GS Hal' Dresses
(lovely c oods.) Every lady ghotlld see out' Dress Trim
rningy (which contain all the latest novelties, Corrie al
and inspect our stook.
N. B. The attention of Dress -makers a
TIIl1�'e1S 1S Sl}t.el?lllY
called to tie bless Goods department,: