HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-11, Page 4Established 1877.
Beeses.-The heat of the pastfew days;
here ha e been inteese, as high its 97
degrees M the shade being registered ori
Tueeday,-Theechoels are ell closed for
ONT. the holidays and the youth of the village
t are greatly rejoiced, and are anticipating
1 heaps of fuo for the next six weeks.--
Traneao ts a general bulking busbies th
I:teem:Yes the ammunte or merchauts and
°there on favorable terms.
°dere every amminmodation consistent wit/a
ea fe anthems ervative baukingprinciplee.
Five trete :mat interest Allowed on depoeita.
Draftsissuur Pawebte at any oilitte of the
L[erbens Bank..
entu Maw.
THURSDAY, JULY llth, 1889.
.A.nother Western eity has been sadly
devastated by fire. This time it is Du-
rango, Col., that has been visited by a
disastrous ccaellagration. The principal
part of the business portion and niteoir
dwellings have bee ti consume joe At
legst one hundred families hetyli beon.
rendered homeless and desyfute, but
they will have assistance fro/1i surround-
ing cities. It is a terriblepalamity, but
there are some thinge w14611 it te beyond
human agency tocontrol, hnd this seems
to have been one of tit*.
— 4
Mr. Stanley in his last book estim-
ated the population of the Congo basin
at 43,000,000. This estimate was
thought to be excessive, and there is
Still no doubt that it is too large ; but
every new discovery justifies the belief
that the total population is enormous.
And in all directions where explorers
have pushed away from the main river,
striking through the country or travel-
ling on the tributaries, they have found
the villages more numerous and the
population denser than along the Congo
itself, except in one or two districts 'like
Bangala, where about 125,000 natives
live along thirty miles of the Congo
banks. Every new map of the Congo
basin adds villages by the hundred to
those already *discovered. Very re-
cently, for instance, only a dozen or so
of native settlements were known along
the plateau south of the Congo in the
cataract region. But in the year and a
half that engineers have given to sur-
veying for the proposed railroad they
have found settlements all over the
plateau. The narrow region, about 260
miles lie»g, which has been a blank in
the atlases, they have dotted with 163
villages. Many of these places arenyery
small, but some of them contain Inaba;
reds of people, and they are evenlYa
spread over the entire plateau showing
quite a dense population in a region
that was thought to be sparsely peo-
The late advance in the price ofMani-
toba "No. 1 hard" from 98c and $1 per
bushel to Si -17j to $1.20 has been a sur-
prise to nenaiy, in view of the previous
geoeral supposition that the coming
crop was one of great abundance. It is
now explained that it is due rather to
an expected scarcity, as a result of the
prolonged drought in those regions.
The lack of rain has been felt as a ser-
ious drawback all over the North-West,
on both sides of the bound try. In Da-
kota the rain of last week was said to be
very much needed by the crops in that
State. But in neither Dakota nor
Manitoba is the outlook so hopeful as
the early part of the season rave prom-
ise of. A letter from Mr. Jno. Living-
ston, of Broadview, dated June 26. to
David Robertson ere Co., of Montreal,
was read on the Corn Exchange in that
city on Friday, and it serves to confinu
the unpleasant rumors that have been
in circulation as to the shortness of the
present crop. Mr. Livingston states
that while the early spring and mild
winter enabled farmers to get their
spring work clone fully three weeks
earlier than last year, the long-contin-
ed drought since seeding, extreme hot
weather and very hot winds have paroh-
ed the land and dwelled the growth.
Where this only applies there is a feel-
ing that rain even yet will recover part
of the crop, but, unfortunately, the
great drought has caused the gophers
in countless numbers to attack the
wheat near the earth where they bite it
off near the roots to suck the moisture
from the skin. Thousands of acres are
destroyed in this way by gophers, and
thousands of acres are so stunted in
growth that the reapers will never be
put into the field, for the plants are so
short they could not cut or bind the
Additional Locals
The postponed beautiful cantata of the
flowers entitled "The Flower Queen" or
•".Che Coronation of the Bose" will be given
under the auspices of the Guild of the
Trivitt Memorial church in Drew's opera
ball on Thursday evg next, the 18th inst.
All the best local talent has been secured
fur the ocdasion, and this with the large
chorus'pretty dresses, rich floral decora-
tions, handsome scenery and. beautiful
tableaux, will furnish an entertainment of
the highest order.
Wedding nells.
A larae and interested assemblage of
people attended the Trivitt Memorial
church at 1.30 o'clock p. m., yesterday,
to witness the union with holy bonds of
matrimony, of -Priscella, youngest daughter
of Mr. Thome Dearing, merchant of this
village with Mr. Samuel L. Wisler, of
Mancelona, Mich. The ceeemony was
performed by the Rev. S. F. Robinson,
reetor of the church. The bride, who
looked remerkablv well, was eligantly but
tastefully attired i o eaam satin with e rls
end wore the useal white veil and wreath
of orange blessoms , The bricleemaids
were Miss M. Dearing. of Stephen, Mies
Way andefise Ida Clark, of Loe don, They
wore beautiful dresses of cream striped
setin with heamtiful floral deeorations.
The groom was supported Metiers. John
Goold and Samuel Sanders, °flit/miter, and
D. Donaldeon, London. The musical part
Of the ceremony was perfortned by the
church choir with Miss L Carling presid-
big at the organ. At the conclusion of the
ceremony the happy couple and their
friends proeeded to the residertem of the
bride's father, where an elegant Much wes
partaken of and the naiad felicitations and
eongratulatioes wero perticipated in. The
bride and groom left On the 650 tvain fov
a Weddieg tette in the eaeterri State,
carrying with there the best wisime of their
munerous friends. We exteot our eon:
1alesere. b. Thomsen), Colin Moir and JitS.
Berne have returned 'front their trip
through the prairie province. They re-
port et:ops as not looking well there on
accouut of the drought, -Mr. NY, Webster
and wife, of Florence 'parents of Mr. Jeo,
Webeter, so well and favorably kuown
here eome years ago, wee visiting at Mr,
R, Morrisons last week. -Mr. John
Murray, s011 of Mr. George Murray, is this
week writing at the examination for
teachers' certificate, held in Clinton. We
wish him suceees.-elalr. R, Morrison and
eon attended the funeral of the late Major
W. W. Connor, of Bay .fie' CI, on Wednes-
day last, -Mr, A. Johnson goes with
three of his horses to the races at St,
Marys on the 12th (Friday.) We wish
him • sa ' of our villagers have
oliac new potatoes an '''greeneepatte out of
their own gardens this week.---Thmnic
in connection with Heiman Methodists
ehureh will be held this (Thursday.)
Usbonne Council.
The council met on the Gth inst. Ail
membeis preseut. Tbe minutes of the pre.
eious meeting were read and approved.
Moved by T Cameron seconded by J.
Shier, that Messrs W Kydd and J Balls be
a committee to examine :what is usually
known es Wilson's bridge and take such
actions is necessary fox the public safety.
Moved by W Kydd, seconded by j Halls,
that G Ferguson be paid $9 for heep of T
Bennett, T Brinicombe $4 for keep of A
Carmiohael and A Carmichael $3 for cloth-
ing -Coarried•
eloved by J Shier, seconded by T Cam-
eron, and resolved that the following orders
be granted viz ;--3. Fletcher It4 ; S Carr V ;
R Gunning $5; Geo Squires $15; W Snell
$2,50; A. Carmichael $8 ; T Brinnombe $1;
W Campbell 39; W Stewart 34; W Bray,
$20 ; A Robertson 32,50; E Hewitt 34;
Dunkin $5,75 ; P Kehoe 32; G Ferguson,
39; 11 Bell 33; W Balmau $4; L Hunter,
33; M &unwell 313; J Loath/tan $50, grad-
ing London road; G T Railway, freight
316,80; W Milne for mho $186,89.
On motion of 3 Halls seconded by W
Kydd, the council adjourned to meet again
Saturday the 7th day of September at 11
a ru.
Schools trustees are requested to send to
the clerk their requisition for school moneys
during mouth of July as per public salsool
Pathmasters hats are to be returned to
elm k before Sept. lat. G W. Hemmer.
BRIBPs.--011tylatag, est a
number of willing hands turned out and
helped to move the stable of Mr. George
Hazlewood, who intends building a new one
in its place.-Str. Wm. Paterson, of Bt.
Marys, who was up on a visit to his.
daughter, Mre. Atkinsou, was sudden-
ly taken ill on Friday last and •expired on
Saturday evening. Deceased has attaine1
the age of 72 years and was respected by all
who knew him. The eorrowing family have
the heattfelt sympathy of the comraunity
in their sudden bereavement. -Ur. G. L.
Money has received the contract of painting
and decorating the interior of the Methodist
church at Elimville.-Kirkton L. 0, L.,
No. 591, intend celebrating the conaing i2th
in St. Marys, a nnmber from here, however,
have decided upon going to Exeter on
Friday next. ---Mrs. J. McCurdy and her
niece, Miss Wray, left here ou Saturday
last. They intend taking a trip to the old
land for a few monthe. Your correspond-
ent wishes them a good time and successful
day evening last the members of the Ladies
Foreign Mission Auxiliary met at the resi-
dence of Dr Irving, NI D., and after doing
justice to a bountiful supply of eatibles the
following address was presented to Mrs
Johu McCurdy on the occasion of her leav-
ing for a few month's visit to:Ireland.
Dam, MRS. McCtranv.-As yon are about
to take a long journey, the ladies of this
Auxiliary desire to express their heartiest
wishes for yonr safety and happiness. We
pray that the God edict rules over the sea
as well as the land, will bring you safely
home again, ready to Teatime your home
You have taken so much interest in this
society, and as president, had us in charge
for such a length of time that we would
like in this friendly way to wish you all
manner of happiness the least possible
amount of sea sickness, the kindest friends
and a happy home coming.
h 1889. MRS D • W. DDIALLGE, See.
Kirkten .1,11RS C. FLETODER, Pres.
July 5t
Arch. Campbell, marble dealer, has just
completed a handsome granite monument
which is to mark the resting place of the
members of the Donnelly family who were
eo ruthlessly murdered in Biddulph nine
years ago last February. On the front of
the monument is the following inscription:
Born Mareh 7,1816 -murdered Feb. 4,1880.
Born Sept. 22. 1823 -murdered Fob. 4,1880
Farewell, we meet no more
On this side of Heaven:
The heartfelt remains scene is o'er.
The last sad look is given.
Emoted by the remaining members of the
family -
And on one side the following :-
Born Sept. 16 -murdered Feb, 4,1880.
Born Aug. 30, 1854 -murdered Feb, 4 1880;
I3orn May 1 1858 -murdered Feb. 41850,
naIvs oir TIpPERARY, meraeno
The name and date ana birth and death
of Michael another member of the family
who wae stabbed to death some thee before
the noted tragedy, will also be pieced on
the montiment, At prment a eeparate
etone marks. Ida grave The monnment
was shipped. to Liman on Tuesday ot hist
week and Was et.eoted in the Biddulph cem-
etery. It stands 11 feet 2 Thelma bigh and
ie a voty handeotne affair,
Mr. Wanamaker, 17. 5, Postmaster -
General, proposes to reduee the eiee of
the Ametietin stamps, :Flo evidently in-
tends to eonform to the Engliehlailtion,,
A smaller etatnp than ,either the Amer.
MEM or Canadian evenicl ettrYM
Zesemaa-llersma-At the aesidence
Geo. Shoenettom, gag., Parkhill. on
Meeaday, july lst, by the Rev, M. G.
Freeman, Mr John Zieflee, beet and wee°
merabant, Clendehoye, to Alias Frarteee
Keyser, of Exeter.
ALE/LANDER-WILKIE-Ai Trinity church
rectory, on the 3r1 insteby the ,Rev. W,
J. Taylor, Mr, John Alexander, to Miss
Mary Wilkie, both of 14un.
MoIseosn--Aarman-At the resideuoe of
the bride's mother, Parkhill, ou Wednes-
day, July 3rd, by the Bev. W J. Ford,
Mr. John T. McIutosh, of Point Edward
to Miss Lena Arnold, of Parkhill,
WIRLER-DEdunia--In the Trivitt Mem-
orial Chereh Exeter, on the 10th Met.,
by the rector, Rev. S. F. Robinson, Mr.
L. Wilder of Mancelona Mich., te Miss.
Priecella youngest dauether of Mr.
Thomas Dearlue, of Exeter.
ZIDNEY complaint and bad stomach
troubled me for years, but I was cured by
taking less than one bottle of Burdock
Blood Bitters. For um preseutgood health
I owe my thanks to B. B. 13., writes, James
Gorman, Sen.
The water level in the lakes is agein
.`e: Mg. The register kept by Mr. Turner
attbp Sarnia waterworks shows a rise of
five in es iu the level of the St, , Clair
this eette n, The water is now eight inches
higher than the average of last summer
and eleven inehes higher them the lowest
record mark, which Was on the 18th of
Jane last year. The rise in tbe leyel of
the lakes is good for vessels owners, and
bad for the advocates of the theory of a
subterranean outlet from Lake Superior.
Queesc. I have been troubled with in-
digestion for the past ttvo years and have
tried many medicines without avail. I
tried Bur:leek Blood Bitters and can say
there is nothing equal to it. Thomas
'O'Brien. .13 13, B. cures dyspepsia, bilious-
ness and conetipation.
The marriage of the Princess Louise of
Wales and the Earl of Fife will take place
July 27 in t e Chapel of 13ucitinglaam Pal-
ace. The Queen, and probably the Shah
will be present.
By proper, heslthful exercise, and the
judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil Hypophosphites, which contains
healing and strengthgiving virtues of these
two valuable specifics in their fullest forne.
Mr. 1). D. McDonald, Petitcodiac, N. B. ,
says: "I have been prescribing Scott's
Emulsion with good results. It is espem
ially useful in persons of consumptive
tendenois." Sold by all druggist, 50 ets.
aud $1,00,
Chicago, Id., July 3. -The. mystery of
the murder of Druggist Frank C. Clake (a
former resident of Sarnia, Ont„) is said to
have been solved: Clark was shot and
killed February 21st in his store, at the
"eller of West Harrison street and Her-
einitage avenue. The police have learned
that Foy, known as "Dirty Eddie," the
horse thief, now in Penitentiary, was the
man who killed Clark. Foy, with others -
the story goes -went into Clark's store to
rob him, and the druggist resisting was
sbot dead. Foy will probably be brought
back from prison. One of his pals has
THE season of green fruits and summer
drinka is the thue when the worst forms
of cholera morbus and bowel complaints
prevail. As a safeguard, Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract cf Wild Strawberry should be kept on
hand. For 30 years it has been:the most
reliable medicine.
In Dakota the dronght has done a great
deal of damage.. A letter from Frederick,
Brown Co., July 1, says :-"The crops are
almost a failure from the continued
droughts. 411 the fall crop is entirely
burned up; farmers are ploughing it
under, We have had eome good mina this
week, which will help out the fax crop
THREE years ago 1 hsd liver complaint
and indigestion. Nothing did me any good
until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters, three
bottles of which cured me. I shall use
13. B. B. as my medicine. John Floyd,
Barnesville, N B. B B B. regulates the
When Baby was sick, 'we gave hor Caatoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave thorn Castoria,
A Came into the premises of the under-
signed on lot 1, con. 3, Stepben, on or about
the leth inst., one aged bay ,horse. White
stripe on face. The owner is requested to
prove property, pay expenses and take the
animal away.
1.1 mum Witsox,
I will not pay any accounts unless personally
contracted or undermy signet:are. j NEELY,
Woodharn, Ont.
. 300 acres. The undereigned is desirous
of renting his premises, which are composed
of lot 7 eoncession10.tewnshio of MeGilliv,
There are ninety acres cleared, of good soil in
first cla,ss condition. There are on the premi-
ses a good briek house, splendid barns; two
good wells,good young orchard and all im-
provements and conventences. 'This farm is
ono of the best in the townahip, the river
Sauble passing through it. „
Convenient to schoolS. churches and
• Will be rented for a term of years suitable to
For fttrther particulars apply to
Georgie Buows,
°mitre.] ia.
Ju 1 y Sra . 1889. 1 month
to the undersigeed, tend endorsed "Ten der
for Port ()Mee. Stro throve On t." wi 1 I be
reeeived ex this ottice until Friday, 19th July,
1880, for the :several works remetred in the
ereetiori of Post Office, Ste., Fitvethroy, Ont.
Specific/Wong can be eeen at tho Depart -
Meat ef Public Works, %Mama and at the
Mike of 0. Grist, Esq Strethroy, on and after
Friday, trittImIrtne, 188e, end tendere will bet
be considered mien made on feral supplied
end eigned with lethal signatures of tender -
An eccepted bank cheque, tellable to the
order of the Ilfinieter Of Public \Yorks, want to
five oar cent of amount of tender, meat moven-
pithy each tenders Tit's eliequo will be forfoit-
ad if the peaty (iodine the Contract, oe fa it to
co in pl et o the Work cot tree tea for, end will be
returned in ease of nonetteeptimee cf tender.
Th eDepartre en does tette nd itself to rteeept
the 'meet or any tender'.
A. GOBEtle
SPeeitta Aanonneenaent
We have Made arrengements with Dr.
B. J. Kendall Co., pobliehers of "A
Treatise ou the Horse and his Diseases"
which will enabte ali our aebscribers to
obtain a copy of that yaluable work five
by sending their address (enclosing a two -
cent Stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B,
Kendall 00., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. This
hook is now recognized as standard.
authority upon elt diseapes cif the horse,
as ib e phenomenal sele at testa, over our
million copies having been sold in the past
ten years, a sale never before reached by
any publication in the same period of time.
We feel confident that our patrons will
appreciate the work, and be glad to avail
themselves of this opportunity ut obtain-
ing a valuable book. It is necessary that
you mention this paper in sending for the
"Treatise." This offer will rernam open
for only a short time.
Mr. John MoMann, of Brussels,
shipped sixteen very line horses to
Detroit a few days since. lie has
since then sold it span of greys, weigh.
ing 3,000 pounds, to it gentleman 10
Sarnia. One of these horees was pur-
chased on the London road, near Gran-
ton, and the other in Ashfield. Be
also sold a span of bays, weighing
800 pounds, to a gentleman in God
erich township.
Bothwell. -"They had rather au
exciting time at Geary Bros." stock
farm on Friday night. A thorough-
bred Polled Angus oow walked onto
the platform of a well, which gave
way, precipitating her to the bottom,
when she stood on her hind legs,
pawing with her fore feet against the
curbing, her nose just above the
water. A Iter unsuccessful efforts to
pull her up the crowd dug away the
earth at the side of the curb, which
was partly broken away, and the Qui-
neal walked up the slope.
Biddulpb. Council.
The council met pursuant to adjournment
in the court rootn, Mandel:eve, ,Tuly and,
1889. Present -S H. Hodgins, F. Davis,
A Beaton and W McGee.
A communication from Mr Rieke, Presi-
dent of the Clettarvale taheete Co. re -Dignan
ditch was read and referred to the Town-
ship engineer. '
Auother communication from Ur. Blake,
objecting to the °being up of a eulvert was
read and referred to W McGee.
Accounte to the amount of $125 were
granted in payment for road work gravel
and other expenses.
The council adjourned to meet in the
Temperance Hall, Granton. on Monday the •
bth of August next as 10 it m.
To Advertisers.
A list of 1000 newspapers divided into
STATES AND SUIQTIONS will be sent 00
applicg tion—FREE.
To thoso who waut their advertisine to pay
we can offer no better medium for thorough
and effective work than the various sections
of our Select Local List
GEO. P ROWELL & 00.,
Newspaper A.dverti sing Bureau
10 Spruce street. Now York
Having dont business in Cdmads. for years,
our reputation and respot.sibility is to estab-
lish. We want three men in Your vioinity to
represent us,!to whotu exclusive territory will
be given, Handsome outfit free. Salary and
expenses paid weekly, previous experience not
required. Write at one for terms.
Hardy Stock for Canada a specialty.
Nursery= en •
That desirable property of the late John
Link, situ ited on the Lake road. Exeter
Northwest, of thefiaxmill. Itcontfinsthree
acmes of good land, there is a good dwelling
house and stable, hard and soft water, a
ioung orchard of first elate fruit and a num-
ber of currant bushes and grapevines; will be
sold on easy terms. Peeseesion given Nov. 1,
1889. Samuel Link, 160 Columbia st. East,
Detroit, and Thomas Russell. box 83, Exeter
P.0, Ont., Execittois.-2mos•
Eyes Tested
—BY ---
Practical Optician,
Graduate Otic School ITT.
Eyes tested; defective sight restored by the
aid of fine glass's. Large assortment of the
finest glasses on hand. A call solicited.
419 EI.EC3EETZECasTilk–ST London.
Any quantity of brick and tile of all sizes
for sale at the
Pirst-class brick, $4 per Thou-
sand. Tile Correspondingly
-- -
The creditors have e nnowered Mr. Moate to
look after the sale of th e brick and tile, and he
will be found in the yam at ell -times.
Next year the yard will be run by Mr.
Moatz as usual.
Crediton .January 15th ,1889.
DAVIDSON BROS., Builders and Contrae-
ors have removed to Swallow's old stand, cor-
ner Main and Gidl ey streets and aro prepared
to sell Doors, Sash and Blinds and Moulding
cheaper than any other firm in town, Build -
legs °entreated for, Phials. Snocifications and
Estimates furnithed if required. All work
done with meanest; and despatch and satisfac-
tion given. Seasoned Lumber always On hand
Davidson, .Bros.,
Special bargains are being
offered at
Carriage Works
For the next mouth.
Those wishing Buggies
Sze., will do well to call,
Goods, Goods! Good Value!
New Goods, New Prices.
Oar spring and summer stoele is now
complete, every department being replete
with goods purchased at the best houses --
selected with care. Everytbiug fresh,
fo dress.goods our array is equal to any
in town -all the lieWeSt shades and colors
-and are sold at prices positively lower
than any, Please examine them and be
es nvinced.
In every other department we offer as
good value for as little money.
Produce taken the highest market
Pric .
Roller Flour always on hand, for sale.
A Call Solici‘ed,
j. P. Ross,
Market Store, EXETER.
By mail to any lady seedleg us her oost office
address: Wells, flichardsse & Co., Montreal,
Drug Store
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on ,
hand, Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
c x.usurz.
The llrost Delightful
Palace Steamers. Low Rates.
Pour Trips per Week Between
And Every Week raw Eetween
7A/rite fo' our
"Picluresque Mackinac," Illustrated.
Contains Full Partioulars. Nailed Prep.
Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co.
Leaving Sarnia every TUESDAY and FRIDAY
night during navigation, (weather permitting))
and calling every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY
at Goderiett and Kineardiao where they con-
nect with the G. T,R. train leaving Exeter
at 9.16 a. m. for St. Joe's Island, Garden Riv-
er, The Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth. connect-
ing at.Port Arthur with the C. P. It.. and at
Duluth with the Red River Valley R'Y,
Asa your nearest Grand Trunk Itry agent
for freight and passenger rates.
General Manager. Sarnia.
Liverpool Service.
Front Montreal. .Front Quebec.
Toronto Thur. June 20
Montreal Thur. June 25
Vancouyer,...Wed, July ........Thur. July
Sarnia Wed. July 10, ..... ...Thur. July 11
Oregon Wed juls•17 Thur. July.18
Texas, from Montreal, about 20611 June
Dominion " 4th July
Dates of passaoe from Montreal, OP Quebec
to Ltverpoob.
Cabin , $50 to 880, according to steamer and
position of stateroom with eetuta Baleen priv-
ileges. Second Cabin, $3010 Liverpool or
Glasgow. Steerage, $20 to Liverpool, Lon-
donderry,London Queensto•wn, Glasgow or
*These steamers have Saloon, Stateroom,
Music Room and bathroom amidships. where
but little motion is felr, and carry neither
cattle nor sheep.
For freight or passage, apply tin Liverpool,
to Finn Main dc Montgoinery,24-James street;
in Quebec, to W. M. Macpbersom at all Grand
Trunk Railway ()feces, or to
General Agent.
Exchange Court, Montreal,
Agent, Exit TED.
The royal mail, passenger and froight route
'between (lambda and (Iroat Britain.
Divoct xeute bete:toot the West and all the
Obits on tho Lower St. Lawrence and 13aie
tte Chi:Jour, elect Now Brunswiek, ' Nova
Scotia,Prinee ahl ward Isleutt, Cape Beton
and Nowfoun diem cl.
Now d elegant huiret Mooring mid clay
ears run on thrall gli onpress trains,
P asso agars for Groat Britain or th e conta.
nent by leavine Toronto By 8 p. In, train on
TJatiraday will 301 n outward mail %toile:lee at
rittlifax Saturday.
Superior ale vat or , wareb one mid dock am-
commeclatiou at Halifax tor shipment of
grain and general motehandiee,
Yattrtt 09 exporlell ce haVe proved the Inter-
, in commotion with Oen Mahn) Hams
to and from rioutIcte, Liverpool end Glas-
gow to Halifax, to be the emieltost freight
route between Can ado. mitt Gre et Theettin
Ieformatioe tte to passenger end freight
rntee eau be hue On application to
Wale TiaiDEST014.
We etern lereiget t Biteseng e Agent
081.1mseletteuseillitek,Verk St, Toronto
-01 15 41
a.1., 'Chief Simetintee dent
s .
Sue' .1-`i ULI, 11,111WaTORIOS MOnoten, Ar NOV gel '88.
'Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry-
ing off gradually without weakening the
system, all the impurities and. foul
humors of the secretions; at the same
time Correcting Acidity of the
Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys.
pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness,
Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness
of the Ski -i, Dropsy, Dimness of
Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas, Scrofhla, Fluttering of
the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen- '
eral Debility; all these and many „
other similar Complaints yield to the
happy influence of BURDOCK
T. EILLISURN Mr Proprietors. Toronto.
One Door South
of Post Office
--HE HAS --
:--STOCK OF ---
Boots &
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Raw Sugar
FOR $1.00.
12 Lbs.
White Sugar
11,, MATEESQ11
Exeter North.
Dominion tal)ratory
Pure Drugs; Patent Medi-
cines Dye -stuffs,
Perfumery and Toilet
School Books anti Stationary,
Photo Franaes, Albums,'
Purses, et.e.
Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco.
Also a large assortment
of Toilet and Bath
Sponges al WLINS
on hand
Prescriptions carefully pre.
pared from the purest
Remember the place, Sign,
Main St.)
Jr L Browaint