HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-4, Page 6EA,RTRUIAKS'each ° anria p ther d ethe tertipg ti tt the Q,. , other extremity can not be eeen, eo htbe' entering a horn inns to be blown sign.al for seine little time iteiore attemptine the peesege, H no maewering reepense is hearci, the treveiler goes on, med hi the event of meeting anether horseman one or other of the berms has to be thrown down the cliff, Which is thoesands PE feet high. Upon reaching Meudoza, a bettuefel tete of 10,000 inhebitente wee found, eituated in a vale who apparently bed beea the site of an old ()rater that had gradually been filled in. /gaily of the inhabitantwere pure Oastilliens, vvithout e taint of Moorish or 'adieu blood, well featured. with Mite eyes, light hair and complexion. Being arisoh- credo and exclusive, they never intermix with an inferior rem, In 1852 this city and ab f ja inbabitaute, exeept a very few, were mellowed up by an opening in the earths cruet, caused by an eartequeke. The narrator perotiased in IYIendoze a band of 100 horses, making his selection from, 1000 head, at $1 each, and returned, losing meny of thein in the pad% above desoribed, where some orowdea others off the trail, Upon reaohing Santiago he dispmed of the remainder of his stook at $8 per head. 1TeeTien0es Trayelee out1). elineriea, The Entire People or a Cite on Their Knees --.1.TOWn that Sonic tottivoly out 01 taiteht, The reoeut earthgeake slime hes recalled to the mired of a geatlemeas who has traveled exteneively hiopuntriers where shocks are not infrequent, some a hie experieeeee, which he relates as follovre : In earthqualee counts:lea, per bioularly izi portions o South Amerios where destrucctee earthquakes are not of rare occarrenee, as a rule the first shook is corneettitively light and harmlees, It is consideree as a. warning algael to look out, and is preaeeed by a rumbling sound not unlike distant thunder, gradually approaching and increasing in strength until the crash and full tome of the shook is felt. The eecond ahock of the same character soon follows. It is, as e rule, seldom dangerous. The third is looked for with anxiety and dread, and the coesequen- ces are feared. Should it occur its effecte are alnaost invariably disastrous. The re- later had seven years' xperience in the several republics of South interlope and premed througla many shaky scenes at first, with no fear or dread, and was disposed to ridicule the evident alarm of the inhabitants on the ocourrence ot an mire quake; but soon he became a veriteble ovward, end would out- tiered Herod in hunting a safe place at the first premonitory symptoms of a shake. His first experience was in Santiago, Chili, in 1812. It occurred during the forty days a Lent. Religious processions were of daily ocourrence, attracting the attention of the sight• seeing citizens 'wherever they paned One day he was seated at a feaully dinner table in the reeidence of Don Santiago Valencia. The several (mums had been served and partaken of, and chocolate for the gentlemen and matte (the national tea of the country) for dee Mita% had been ordered. Each had his or her tiny porcelain cup in hand, sipping the frothy contents of the rich ch000late or allotting the fragrant tea through the silver tube, when, as if by one impulse, the oups fell either to the table or the floor and were. shattered. Tb.e crv of "Temb/or 1 Temblor 1" wee railed, and the guests, both male and female, rushed for the, door without standing. on the order of their going. The writer simply looked on with astonishment. The eartr quake was light and lee had not felt it, and he quietly set his cup down, either thinking thee his companions were crszy or that something unusual in the way of a procession was pass- ing. Going to the door he found the centre of the street filled with men, women and children on their knees, hands upturned in the attitude of fervent prayer. The second shock did not occur, and these devotees soon arose and re entered their several domiciles and our party returned to the dining room and ordered more chocolate and matte as if it were an ordinary occurrence and a part of the programme. A DESTIPIPTINTE SHAER. His next eptiode in the " tetablor" line was more enlivening and was decidedly in- atructive. It occurred several months after he had muttered sufficient Spanish to know the meaning of the word. He had been making a night of it with =me of his °ann. trYmen and Europesalis who were on a visit from Valparaiso, and, returned about 2 a. in. His sleeping apartment was on the ground floor and was a large, equate room. Oa re- tiring for the night it is custornery in all earthquake countries to use a brace set against the door in place of turniug the key In the lock, as in the event of an eartequeke the bolt gets jammed and can not be thrown back. But he locked the door and was soon In bed and sound asleep. He dreamed that he had been bodily token up by a man of gi patio stature and thrown on the floor, and awoke to become painfully conscious that such was the fact, or at least that he was on the floor. The frame -work of the building aud the earthen (severing of tiles and cane rafters were groaning and creaking with a fearful din. The crash of fallirg builiings, the screeches of men, women and obildren, and howling of dogs, the braying of asses and the snorting of hors= and mules pro- duced a Walesa of Unearthly sounds. He recognized the fact that he was experiencing the effects of the muchelreaded third shook of an earthquake. He at once arose, but reeled and etaggered from the effects of the unusual movement of the earth's cruet, and reaching the door found no brace. It was securely looked and bolted. He tried to turn the key, but did not Butt used. He was a prisoner expecting every moment that the roof would fall in. He readea erantic movement, and the boltr flew back and he was free and soon in the steeet. When ns looked around he saw ruins in every direction. Clouds of dust obscured the coming dawit ; and men, women, and children were in the main thoroughfare and adjacent plaze praying with fervor to the Virgin for succor. The roof of the Cathe- dral had fallen in, and hundreds who had rushed to it as a place of safety from the coming wrath were either crushed or killed outriget. The frantic groans, screams, curses and prayees of the wounded were heard even above the din of t he f ailing buildings, andraade so lasting an impression on his memory that even now he often bee agines thau he hears them repeated. This experience had the effect to make him a veritable earthquake coward. A CITY ENGULF:RD: Shortly after he had occasion to visit the City of DiIendeze, in the Argentine R apublic, situated in a beautiful and fertile valley that lay east of the Cordillera range of mouns tams. En rout frotn Santiago he had to prose a plain of forty melee. About midway his hoarse autideniy came to abate and spread out hie legs so thee his feet covered altt much apace :Es possible. Astonished the rider plied ne spurs, but the home was a. fixture and refused to move. The narrator soon heard a low rambling, sound, the premoni- tory symptom of an earthquake, vrhich in - °reseed in strength and was followed by a crash and a shock that nearly threw him from hie horse, which trembled, snorted, and ahowed every symptom of fear; the groand cracked and opened in many places from a few inches to several feet, from which mil- plat:trona vapor and water Issued. Hie first impulse was to gat off his home end seek safety in flight, but on a sober second thought he came to the sage conclusion that thtt horse had four lege and covered more grottnel than he possibly could With his two eta derided to stay, Fortunately the dia! turbauce did not last more than three or foiar Minutiae, though it eeetried an age when it was over and an Vvata quiet, with the excep. teen bf the usual trainees that follow an earthquake shook. His horse gathered Mess self togebher and molted on as if nothing had hatperied. The journey was teemed and the Cordil- loree were crossed throtigh a doult must- s a tan peas that Ong be travelee caily during the eetinette Months. At one place a Wail bad been out in the bond:tack for a lieigth out Mile hi dearly& nereibal elffe The path Wee net *id° enengh for eeto hence to pars A VOLCANIC/ HROTTION, • . Shortly after he bad occasion to visit Taloa, a well built oity of 10,000 inhabitants, eituated on the beaks of the River Monte Ile arrived at the time of aaeismio arida that hod occurred it was eaid each seventh year for canturnia, and invariably within a few weeks of this period. A violent earthquake occurred generally, resulting in damage to the buildings and atteeded by more or less loss of life. The day of the traveler's arrival was sultry almost ,to suffocation; the air was sureharged with electricity, and it WM with diffioulty that he could breathe. The crisis had arrived and the periodical earthquake was in order. His previous experience, had not tnecle hint brave, and he awaiterl the re- sult with fear and trembling, particularly as nearly all of the wealthier portion of the community had already left or were rapidly leaving the city for their country mate, as had been customary pending these pariodioal disturbanoes for many years. The remaining inhabitanet were gethered in knots and groups discussing the state of affairs and the anticipated shmk. At e p. m. a. demo cloud of smoke was seen to arise from a oonioal-ehaped mountain about ten miles distant. This immediately attracted the attention of the citizens. Soon after twilight, at 8 p. m., this Rinke disappeared and a column of fire took its place, illuminating the surrounding country and the city with a light so bright that the finest print could be read. Immense Encases of redhot stones, resembling meteors, were thrown high in the air, exploding with a deafening report, and the fragments were scattered in every direction. Glowis of ashes were blown toward the city and the stars were ohm:tired. Torrents of Lava flowed from the volcanic vent, covering large tracts of cotuttry where were situated valuable farms. The molten mass even turned the course of the River Mottli, a large and torrential stream. Fire and water, the two antago- nistio elements, were at war, and each was striving for the mastery, spreading disaster and ruin on every side. But the vent open danger passed and no earthquake mourred, This experience gave to the narrator all that he wished to know concert:deg earth quakes and earthquake countries. A Thrilling Adventure Mr. Turpin, a well-known inspector of the London, B:ighton, and South Coast Railway, tells a very good story concerning the sudden blanching of his hair. Some years ago he was travelling down to Brighton. In the same carriage rode the brother of a member of Parliament with his little son. The boy, acoording to his kind, waspersistent in leaning out of the carriage window, and at length, in a moment of carelessness, he opened the door and fell aut. The father sprang to the door in a state of frenzy, and would have jumped after him in the agony of the moment. Turpin, however, was too gel& for him. Grasping him by the Collar with both hands, and exerting all his strength, he threw the afflicted man on the floor of the carriage and held him there until he had partially recovered from the retook, On arriving at the next sta,time they jumped on a free =ghee and returned to the scene of the accident. Here they could find no trace of the boy, bub on enquiring of a party of navies who were working on the line, they heard that a boy answering the deseription had passed along the road, close by, seated on a mineral water van, on the way to Brighton. The two gentlemen re- turned to Brighton, but oould hear nothing of the boy there. Lsaving the distracted father, who was now at his wit's end, on the pavement outside, Mr. Turpin entered the refreshment bar at the station. Looking in a mirror now for the first time, he waa shoeked to find that his hair had become quite gray. Soarcely had he recovered irom hir surprise when he heard a small voice saying, "Aren't you the gentleman who was in the carriage when I fell out ?" "You young villian, are you hurt ?" "Oh," said the boy, rubbing his forehead, "it hurts It little here; where's dad ?" Turpin says the meeting between the father and his son was the most affecting sight he ever witnessed. The Influence of Tobaco. The arse impression made by the smoke of tobacco is through the blooe, and inas• much as the whole volume of blood courses through the body in from three to five se - muds, the indications of its effect', from the many compounds of which it is composed, are felt universally in the voting smoker. After a short tirae, aa the blood becomes charged with the poisont4, theorgartionervous chain and the organa ib eupplies are power• ully imprearied. For the young and adolement the habit of moking causes impairthent of growils, pre- mature manhood, and phyaieal prostration. I do net believe it possible that any 1100 cam constantly smoke a foul pipe with- out being constantly a, martyr to tlymepsia, C a (l igars, if they etre g‘ good", produce dye pepsia vety quickly, for in gawking them nicotine is more rapidly absorbed. Smoking, as every one know, destroys ppetite and enfeebles digestion. Consume), Lon does the game, and one of the Most emma presages a oehmeiptiork indigue time For these remons have made it a tile for yeare past to insist that every oon- sumptive patient ehotalld abandon the pipe and oigar, and 1 hatie fotind a rigid obedient* to this rule Worth many a formal preecrip- s tiolL Jenkine to Henkina (after vainly trying to understand a metakkge over the telephone)--- ' That% right I Get mad I X oat hear you ail right now. " The "Saurian' de St. Petersburg Makes an emphatic) denial of the alarmist teports attributing warlike intentions to guide. Preeh barber iishaeing custemett—Who be that Oki hen going along the other side of the sareetwith alatititle on Warlike a boxing glove? Customer frising deliberately and looking)— hat? PI; elle'e my Wife, LUCK COIUS TO LOSE1S. lithleatalkable lestaniccs tu Which Loss tamps c.*y of Volute itas stela 1N:teas:red. The careleetnets whiea many men display in the houdliag of large GUM Of =MY memo somewhat surprising, but thif4t a Opeoial pro videnee often guards the earelese man la shown in the following authentio anecaotett The peyntstar of a large railroad pompom-, eaving its headquarters in Restou, went out on one oaea-ion with $30,,000 top.ay off tin employes. The money was °soled under his arm, wrapped up in an old newepapsr. Ile stopped at a little wayside eating houvse for dinner, and on going away, in a, fit of absent miptii edaeas tett tb,e money lying on a °heir. Re had not gone many miles from the place before he rnieaed it, and his dismay on diecovering iM loss oats well be imagined. &latest deepeiring of reacovering the paole• age left in so pablic a place, he hurried back, and, with trembling vole°, asked the women in charge if she bad seea the peroel, "There's a bib of peper on the chair be - pant,' said be, "perhope that's it," which It proved to be and the gentleman returned a happier and a wiser man. Another Mall In tee same city lost a roll of bills amount, ing to $10,000 thoueend, which, also was wrapped up in a newspaper. He told a, friend his loss, and the friend made him describe all the ground he had been over singe he had the money. The last place mentioned was the Post Offioe. The night was wet overhead and slushy under foot, They visited the Peat Offise and, ping to the spot where the man had been standing, they found two or three torn bibs t f news. paper. It was the sane, They 'milted fur- ther, and at lase found the lost treasure. It had been kicked in turn by every one who came into the tia, and when foutsdvvas un- tied and completely soaked with water. It was all there, ttowever, and the friends re- turned to 'their hotel and spent several boars in cleaning ani levying ib. The gentleman was BO grateful for the senaible adviee whioh had saved him from severe lass that he took out his friend and bought hien the hand- somest gold wetoh chain that he could find in the city, A VICKY ARIStAtT. A still more remarkable incident is related of the finding of $130,O00, lose by M. Pages in the Northern Rsilway Station in Paris some ten years ago. As one Ezslot, a French soldier, was walking with two oorarades through the station, they noticed on the floor a smell package wrapped in a news- paper. They kicked it along before them for some distance, and when Ez (lot was getting into the train, going home on a short leave, one of his comrades picking up the package, thrust it into the vulvae forage -bag slung at his side, Ezelot going on hie way without having perceived the little pleasantry. Arriving at Xeuilly, where his parents lived, Essolot's mother, emptying the forage -bag, discovered the bundle, but thinking it a roll old newspapers put it on a table in thtt kittirn. Tntre it remained for four or five days till a married sister, cell ing in and seeine the package, was moved by an unwonted curiosity. Open- ing it she discovered documents repre- senting the £26.000, the lose of which 114. Pages had advertised throughout Europe The soldier and his parents, however, had not seen the advertisement, and nob know - leg what else to dot had recourse to the Maire. That functionary coranaunicating with Paris speedily broughe down M. Pages, who, gladly paying the promised reward of moo, went off with his oddly recovered treasure. It would be an interesting supple. ment to the narrative if we could have a record of the feelings of the soldier who thrust this unexpected good fortune upon &dot, when he heard the aqua to his little joke. A 00MTLI0ATSD FIND. The following account of the discovery of a hidden treasure is someivhae curious from timi strange manner in which the veritable owner recovered his property. In a field near Lsndon, some laborers, digging up the roots of a tree, found two jers contain- ing nearly four hundred sovereigns. They divided the money among theraselvee and were then taken aback by the lord of the manor claiming ib. Before this claim could be laves tigeted a tredesmert game forward and stated the ohe night, undet a tem potary delusion, he had gone out and buried the money; bet when he awoke, and for some time afterward, he tried, in vain. to re. collect the locality he had selected. lt was not until he heard a rumor of the finding of 400 sovereigns tnat he obtained a clew and the entire eransacticin was recalled to his memory. He was able to bring forward sufficient evidence in support of his singular story, and, to his greet relief, the money was eventually restored to him. A DOLLAR WITS A HISTORY. An interesting story is told of a long search for and final recory of a gold dollar, which may be appropriatelyquoted in thia i connection. A young le.dy n Lambertville, Is(. J., had a gold dollar with a monogram inscribed upon it, which had been the sub. jean of a good, deal of attention. It was at- tached to a bracelet by a chain. One even- ing in February, after a sleigh ride, she miss- ed it, and the broken chain showed plainly how it had disappeared. Search was at once taade, but without avail. Finally an adver- tisement met the eye of an habitual loafer about town. He went to the houee and said thee he had found the dollar below the steps of the sleigh the morning after the ride, and had spent le for whisky at a aloon. The friends of the young lady determined to find the keepsake for her, if possible. The bar- tender remembered receiving the coin but had paid it over to a butcher. The fatter recollected paying it to a drover in Trenton, The address of the drover was secured and a letter written hitn, requesting a reply at once. It soon came, and contained the informetion that he had purehased a ticket to Philadei• phis. wich the money on the very gay the butcher had given it to him, and that the ticket agent had then remarked about the monogram. The search was coutinued. The agent re. munbered the dollar, and said that he laid it elide for a few hour, but it la forwarded to Philadelphia with the daily immune?, The receiver d the New Jersey receipts at Philadelphia was tient corresponded with. The beautiful monogram had been noticed, but the money had been deposited in the bank. The ambler eras communieated with, His attention had been called to the initiels on the back of the dollar by one of the Clarke, and he had instruetitd him to piece it aside for a few weeks. 'Unfortunate. ly, in the absence of the clerk, a gentleman desiring several hundred &Marti in gold, preparatory to a California trip, had been furnished with the atribrint, and the little piece had ie mane Way hen mixed with thee mina and gond Weetward, Tha gentleman's name wee (0=1014 and a letter Wag OM to Mtn. The retneinder of the spring and atwitter riatised with no tidings Of the lost bauble. Pthally, however, a letter Was received trom the gentlemen stating that the better had beta dilaired owing to a Mistaite in the addreee, and had just reached him boo that he Mill liad the( dellar In hie pomeielOn. The Initials were the eame as those ef a. youtag friend of hie, and he had kept the own en that account. Oa receiving tbe proper direction he promptly returned the gold dollar so persistently =arch id for, the curteus history of Whose wanderings affords an exoelient example of how tacit money trevele. FINMICO HIS OWN RING. Among siugular recoveries ot lost valu- ables one ef the oddest marred in Provi- dence, R. I„ some years age. Oae day a gentleman in ene of the largest stores of that oiry tried on a pair of fleece -lined glevea which did nob suit him, so he bought another pair. Afew days after he missed a gold ring from the third finger of the left hand, but hed no idea how long it had been gone. He rtearehed the home, and weal, in- to the store where he had purchased the gloves, and other places, to see if anything had been seen of it, but in Paha. Months rolled on, until another winter came, and the gentleman onoe more visited the cloth- ing store in seereh of fleece lined gloves. The fine pair he tried on he found too short at the wrists. In baking off the lefeband glove he found a ring la one of the engers. While slowly disentangling it from the flattop lining, he said to the salesman : "Here is e, ring ; whose hal1 it be --mine, as have found in your establishineat 7' The weighty question was decided in the gentle - mares favor, when suddenly his lest ring mune into his mind, and he said: "Who knows but that is the very ring 1 lost a year ago ?" Tloe answer was " That can nob be, act 1 do not think we have a pair of gloves on hand that we had last year at this time.'Slowly the ring was drawn out, and, indeed, it wise the same, with the own- er's initiate engraved up= ie. The wonder was that the gloves had not beea sent to some emiiller store in the country, as was a frequent practice, if not sold the previous &won on the spot. • Brazils FreedoM Day. The empire of Brazil has added to her holidays one which will be oelebrated, dur- ing the present generation at least, with re- joicing as hearty and gratitude as profound as have marked the 7th of Septeraber, the anniversary of the nation's declaration of independence. It was on the 13th of Kay, 1888, that the Princess Imperial Regent, in the mine of Dom Pedro IL, sanctioned and signed Law No. 3353, passed by the Gener al Assembly for the abolition of slavery throughout the empire. In all the legisla- tive annals ot emancipation the world over there la scarcely anything more drantatio than the action taken at that time. For, although the stronghold of human bondage had been vigorously attacked by the Rio Branoo law as early as 1811, and although the siege had been going on steadily ever eince, vet at the last the whole fabric top- pled with a orash bewildering in its sudden- ness. It was on the 8th of May, 1888, that tb,e emancipation bill was introduced into the Assembly, and only five days later Secretary Rodrigo Augusto de Silva. took from the palace the Prineese Regent's signature to the shortest emancipation statute ever passed: ARTIOLR I. From the date of this law lavery in Brazil is declared extinct. Aim= II. The dispositions to the con- trary are revolted. . When the anniversary of this inemorabl event came round, it was determined to make it a national holiday throughout the empire. The capital was alive for three days with processions and illuminations, and perhaps the most striking and sag. gestive of the parades was one compoeed of men and women who had been freed by the legislation of twelve months before. There are reasons why Brazil is always likely to make more of her emancipation an- niversary than our country does of its anal- ogous evenr. The proclamation of Pre sident Lincoln freed a far larger number of slaves, but it came in the midst of a &mkt- ing civil war, whose exciting events, continu- ing for mere than two years afterward, absorbed a great' share) of public interest. The ultimate force of the proclamation was aim felt to be dependent on the resale Of the war, which had not yet been half fought out. Unlike the case of Brazil, slavery did not inetamely perish in our country, but ochtinued wherever the military power of the Government did not overthrow is. Reza may be congratulated thee during the first year of liberty for all her people the foreboding of those who shrank from instant emancipetion have not been realcztd. The financial and agricultural difficalties which eurrounded the,experiment have not yet been wholly removed, but the future is promising. Farm -Life inChiurt, A farmer may be hired by the year for from eight to fourteen dollars, with food, clothing, heed &saving, and tobacco. Those who work by the ,day receive from eight to ten cents, with a noonday ram.). At the planting and harvesting of rice, wages are from ten to twenty cents a dey, , with five meale ; or thirty ciente a day without food. Few land -owners hire hends, except for a few days during the planting and harvest- ing of rice. Those who have more landeha,n they and their sons can till, lease it to their neighbor. Much. land is held on leases given by an- cient proprietors to clansmen whose des- cendants now till it, payingfrom seven to fourteen dollars' worth of rice annually for its use. Food averages little more than a dollar a month for each member of a farmer's family. One who buys, cook, and eats his meala alone, spends from one and a half to two dollars a, month upon the raw material and fuel. Two pounds of rice, costing three and a half cents, with relishes of oak fish, pickled cabbage, cheap vegetables and fruite, modem a eent and a half, is the ordinary allowiteme to each laborer for each day, Abernethy's advice to a luxurious patient, " Live on siscpenoe a day and earn it," is followed by nearly every Chips. man. One or two dependent relative+ friquently share with him the sixpence, The Wreck at :ehteatotn What a remarkable exemplification of the etriisle force of the thud at Johnstown le ernithed by the settimaty of the striae of a single pert of that gorge Whieh wae foroee opd)li by dynamite yeeterdey I A railroad bridge at the loottotte On top �f that a /tete', ahOVii that ti section of the Gutter Steel Werke, Mullion that foundation a ,Miper- strnoture of houees end.sinall buildingel This minenso pile Was hurls d together' in an almost eleptegthebits Masi by that terrible rush of Watete. When Eitel* btlek, and ton are toed about liko ehipe and feathete Old wonderie heightened that any fieeh and blood 'has survived to toll of the terrible etent. The le= of RIO, OCO at one nightle dui,* t cards is reperted. One grand business' is nob to tiee what lice Indy lie tt diettinees but to do Whet' Oa eo somt bond. - • 2.111111111.11E11111111NIENISE , neteekteesteereee \ for I n fa nts and Children. I , "Casserole is so well adepted to children tbM elastorte. cure* Collo Ceanstinatleta I recommend It es superior to any prescription Sour Stemech, pianliosa, 1.1.uctation. Imovarto me." ' EL A, Auarrna, MD., 41112,.eWts rovnInal gives aleeSo and PrcmAte8 di- m So. Oxford St.. Smitten, le. T. Witfieet Qurioes medication. TEE CENTAUR Cours.ny, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. •eeltetteeettentre telletereeteettereeet riiilassumatinamssom E FIT Nihon I say CORR l do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have theMrn• turn again. I 'SABAN A lia.DIO.A.L CURE. ihave made the disease or MS, ElPrixpaiir or ,irAlariATG SICILICESS„ dlife long study. 1NorannArr my remedy to Dunn the Worst cases. ‘Because others have failed s no reaSon fornot neW recelvin :ea cure, fiend at once tor a treatise and. &PER m Boma ray Ixrelmusts R8gat2o1f. Give Express and Post (Mee. It costs you nothing Km at Dr. H. ROOT. 87 'rouge Sts, Toronto, Ont. trial, and It will titre you. Address eis • -es e cf,e PURgST9 87i*ONOEST9 BEST, CONTAtNS NO ALUM, AMMON IA; LIM E, PHOSPHATES, Or any iniurious materials. E. VC Giu.Err, "Rgf,y,1?,17- Itisert of the OSLEBRATED ansALnaT 11 • ttEn. Nat OV'XI)33.11•TT LIVE Live Stock Association (Incorporated-) Home Office -Room D, Aroade, Toronto. - --- in the life department this Association pro- vides indemnity for sieknoss and accident, and anhstantial assistance to the relatives of de- ceased inemeers at terms available to all. In the live stook department two-thirds in- demnity for loss �f Live Stook of its. members. Applications for Agencies invited. Send for os ectuses, claims paid. dm. 11/111.1AM JONES, Managing Director The wrest successful Remedy ever discov ered. as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. 'Bead Proof beloW., KENDALL'S SPAYIN . OUSE* „ CLEVELAND BATAND TROTTING TGOLG somas. oraten'olt driantee A'. agnates Brannan Os: : mane oto, Itt., Nov. 24 Usk Dti B..S.ICreaDELLCo.' Pear Stre.t.1.1itivis always purthwied your Rent. 'dell% Stearin Cdr.& bY tbs 'half derbli 'MUMS, g •wolild like Otiede 10 lp"an_tt qt‘tuitify,1 think it ill • one of the best On earth: Boo esteem niyetabieseneteteneyeittee e • e. Yours tritly: auk Ii. seeseee, KENDALL'S' :.SPAillit CURL NAN; November teat Dri. 3.161SDALL,Co. , 'Dear Sire deektititigtve,Vpii testtnieniel Of int toed opinten. ,eotte eregeomet,eteentt ciare.,1440 gegAl'vrriSo;Ituffillittlgra,471Mrstitigitritte auti..,00mmendu to tellatareensee. ' Ydni* 11'001 : 0E04.. Seta . asaneger aroy reiuttory Omens. . . SPAVIN . KENDALL'S 'CURL Bssrwiermitzeinzter,Onio,nee..fialase. mat. S. iselfDet4 . , 061110 t rteellCmy'dnsy t410: elik.trbari barb GI with apstin Vora nave, • tsi.oatr•rive Beretta 'that 'bud Itli rg shiedfgstive... t Steve ODO Of Vr Ott RIDE RfJfolloWed tlfe:nine tienetetiviith • tit RefiAll Apron of hicks tItt. the dtreettOtia, I have gefett l�ssa ease or any kind, IrOttril SIVA lemurs: Ttratetni:, HOrte'DOSIOS KENDALLIS 'SPAVIN ,OURE, Priedatiatibetttiaorahebeitteireesettlq: 000411144 filer Y6tli 00 0,1=-00 SOLD lir ALL DittItailtOrit TETE EXETElt TIMES. 18 nobitened eVerY Thursday mokt ng,at TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE: 80.0-street,aearly opposite l'itton's Jewelery itote.1Ixoter,0 at„ by John White 4.1 SontrPro. or ietors. us.was OF ADVERTIST110 : ?int iusertiou, per liae-- .. ,, . , .. ,, .... AO Gents. Ca oh su bse quad tins ertion iper line „A (lents. To insuie insertion, advertisements should ise Santis not later than Wednesday morning -- Oura'013 PIIINTIbIG DEPAISTMENT is ODD fthe largest ani best equipped in the 0 ounty 1 litwon, All work entrusted to us ivill receiv ar prompt attention, • _ leteeiSiolis lt eg air d in g News- papers. Any 13 ereon who takes a paperre eula.rlyfrom, he post-ofiloo,whether directed in his usxne or another's ,or whether he has subscribed or not, ts rel1)ouliblefor - 1 2. If a person orders his ),‘)aper disconiinued% te roust pay all airears or the publisher may sontinue to send it until the nay= oat is made,. .and then collect the whole amount, -whether the papor is• taken from the ()Vice or not. 8 In •sui ts for subscriptions, the suttinay be netltuted in the place where the paper is pub. 'shed, 'eltbough the subscriber may reside EnanciredS of Iiiiies away. 4 The courtS las.ve decided that refusing to off‘akicen, oerwlePitrv it ogre.Puedliees.avicgil: ftrhOmm tibinetipal018etri or is prima facie evidence of inteutionaltramt ,Exeter Butcher Shbp. R. DAVIS, Butcher Gaiera,1 Dealer —IN OA ZIi01)SOP— MEAT.. thistomer stt p plied TUE SD AY S THURS- DAYS Awn SATUBDAYS at -their residence OBDEBS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL BE 0E11713) nIQMPT ATTENTION, Everest's Cough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be eouvineea of its wonderful curative properties, Price 25 cts• (Trade Mattle) T ry Everest' 4 LIVER REGULAWIt FOr Zieee gee Of the Liver, Kidneys &O- 4 VOTIfying of the Slood • Price ig.t. 4% c. bottles, SO. I'm* sale by all drug- gists. Manufactured only by, M. V0i3TCthernI9, 893 Seiving..aliathineFRER 'fa at once eat b /Jab il(FREplaclng our machines , Vthe°04;tt N'YeTiltlft.end(Fees.we"r* o :nee treble in all parts, by ' person in each locality,the eery beet' sewing-tnechine made in 'the wobla, with all tbe attachments. I We will also *end ceneli complete line of our costly and valuable art . samples. In Oettl211 WO ask that yot show whbt we send, 1 thew who may call 1,0 year home, and after i. months .11 ,10611 beeonnt your own property. This prang machine la made after the Sits mer patents, • Wittclt havu run out: before placate rancor it Nola tbr $93, with the attitehtnaitts, an& nail/ sells for tat% nEcic'int !li"re000. tggrtlilm, 001 ree„ io eaplial, required. Plain, brief instructions glOO,U }IWO. who 16r10e-10 at atvnea can 0- 6110 (Owe' the beet seWing-machina in the world, tend the finest line of works of high art ever shown at:4'11116On Asnerlea, ' 'KRUM aft CO., 13osc /40, ' .THE LIGHT RUN-NING& ,SEWING MACH NE THE LADIES* otaysEvilimittOliitik. = THAT CIINIES MIMI" SEISFICTION liettolgY Ageatserpwhtr