HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-02-28, Page 20page 6-- Crossroads—February 28, 1974. QUESTIONS WOMEN ASK Women face many choices By ELEANOR B. RODGERSON, M.D. Q. Isn't female physiology harder to contend with than male? A. I can't say for sure. I know females have enough — several identities to master and all the future generations to carry. My knowledge of how males contend with their physiology is hearsay and not very well researched. Females have childhood, then puberty and adoles- cence, then maturity and child-bearing, and; finally, menopause and post -meno- pause identities to develop. They have long lives to 'live and almost half of life goe§ on , for them after menstrua on ceases,. Through all of this a woman has choices to make, Will she, take on a career, will she have 'children, will she -do both,;will she do them together, will she do one after the other, what? A letter was reported re- cently. in the .U.S. press as • having been written by a young Russian mother. She • had sentit'to her newspaper awl pointed out that all the .. ;Yitphasis' for young tian girls was now tin `careers. Alley were. asked' to -become ballerinas, teachers' doctors,., cvi h , and babies. were inci- dental.. She.:, wondered if it were not .mist' , . e tai'be. p - pressing ,these 'Maternal' in- stincts and noted that it was hard on both, themothers and the balies;when there was no reparation 'ahead . At the moment; women ac ;ovists;in the:' United States are vocating just'what. the Rus- shin. woman.'is :decrying from experience, getting away from emphasis on baby rais- ing. Female physiology renders women more complicated than men,1 Oink, and makes it harder for them to know themselves, let alone' be un- derstood by men. Q. I am 60 years old and re- cently fractured my hip. The doctor told me that my bones had become weakened due to the lack of estrogen in my sys- tem. I have avoided hormones even .thoulgh I suffered a lot with hot flashes when I went through the change. I thought they would rause cancer. What do you think? A. Your doctor is probably right in that a drop-in estrogen does cause demineralization of the bones. Menopausal women have developed "dowager hump," shrinkage in height, low backaches, fractured hips, etc. Estrogen contributes a lot to the sense of well-being as it does to .con- trolling hot flashes and keep- ing the eep-ing,the bones strong in women who have stopped menstruat- ing. It Is true that estrogens sometimes make a woman bleed and bleeding makes her vola ' about cancer. Rowev- y er, any gynecologist can easily eheck:°her and reassure her, A recent study. conducted over a 20 -year period showed no higher incidence of uterine, -or ,. breast, cancer In patients receiving. estrogen :treatment an th in .the generalpopula- tion. NP . ula- tion. , On balance, Heel it is better to be getting the • estrogens . and to be examined regularly:' by•the doctor than to put up ` withthe hot flashes, malaise, backaches andbroken bones. Q. Is it the male, or ferrhale, hormone that .makes` rely bons strong? ? ' .: � . A. At the . present '• ,femstate. of • �� le 1VAIIone , use, noslL irp o., r ,ant:The male -hormone tends to build up.. the muscles and the "body -generally,. Inn also ° causes hair' growth and deepensthe voice, and is, con- �sequently, not popular with -women. It is fortunate that.the, female hormone is the one most; involved. n , ourknowledge, 'tha DANGEROUS DRIVERS Drivers under 25 years of age hold e18.7 per cent of the driver licenses in the ettry, according to The Tra lora, . Insurance Companies,' but • were involved in 29.5 Per cent of 1972's highway. fatalities. LIGHT AS A CLOUD --Frozen Vanilla Souffle, light" as a'cloud and richly flavored with vanilla is an elegant dessert for a special occasion. COOKING CORNER New souffles. have � gelatin base ` By OPAL elIANDALL. Souffle comesfrom f m the French word "souffler,". which means to' blow or puff .. • up. It can be:either an entree or a dessert, both receiving their puffed-up• appearance from egg whites. And now there_ is a'newcom- .er to the souffle food scene, a • dessert .. receives which i i eves its .. , fluffiness from, . gelatin, as well as from egg: whites... Representatives of this type are Brandy Alexander Sod- • fle, a delicate gelatin -based souffle which is flavored with creme' de cacao ,and. brandy, and: frozen Vanilla Souffle The :latter receives 'its good • flavor from the vanilla :bean. .iceOZEN . • ua 1 I 5 llll "• r ,- .3 eggs, 'separated 3/4 cup sugar,.divided 41,1 4 -inch vanilla bean, split • One -sixteenth teaspoon salt 2 packages unflavored gela- tin cup cold water ' 1, cup heavy cream, whipped • FURS FOR ANY OCCASION * HANDCRAFTED ON PREMISES. ' * SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM DESIGN. , * REPAIRS & RESTYLING. * COLD STORAGE & CLEANING RELIABLE FURRIER FOR OVER 32 YEARS QUALITY COLD STORAGE VAULTS IN GUELPH For Free Pickup & Delivery Call ... 824-8010 20, MACDONNELL in t9Ladle() ' Wear • In the top part of a double boiler Milk, combine b egg yolks, '/Z' cup" of the sugar, vanilla bean and'sal t. Cook over boiling, water, stirring • constantly, until mixture coats a metal spoors,., about 10 to 15 minutes. Meanwhile, . sprinkle gelatin over veld wa- ter; `let stand five minutes to soften. Stirg gelatin into milk mixture. Chill until soft peaks form +' gradually 'beat inc,- raining` 1/4 cup sugar.. ;'Beat until .' Stiff but not dry Fold egg whites and whipped; creamjntomilk mixture, • Cut::' a 20 -inch length of Waxed pa- per and fold :into Virds, lengthwise, Place* .arounda oiie;quart souffle dish to Perm a collar; secure ends with a ' paper clip Spoon souffle mix- tur ouf fle,mix- tur into. -letting 'letti co it t��t r w Chill unfil ss t. 'Whenrheady o, serve, remove paper strip: Garnish. with semi -sweet • chocolate curls, if desired. Yield: Eight portions: • BRANDY ALEXANDER • SOUFFLE 2 envelopes.' unflavored gelatin. 2 cups cold water �w-g • CHILD'S PLAY Lion and Iamb symbolize March By BUROKER & HUNTSINGER Many persons know the month of March °was named for Mars, god of war. Less known, perhaps, is that Julius Caesar revised the calendar and made Janulary the first month.of the year, but before that, ancient Romans had given that honor to March: Since the gods provided their names for several calen- dar months,' it is more 'of a coincidence that the present third one in the year appears to be "war -like and bel- ligerent." Actually, the beginnings of spring also happen this time of year and the venial equinox — that is, the time when day and night are equal in length — occurs March 21. So it can be , a blustery period or 'a balmy one in almost any part of the U.S.A. That accounts for the pop- ular saying "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." Since these two ani- mals don't get along very well in normal circumstances, it is an appropriate saying. It is also a good theme for a dif- ferent type of three-dimen- sional art project. Make a 'standup lion by fold- ing a piece of 9 by 6 inch con- struction paper in half, lengthwise. A semi -circle cutout of the open middle part leaves four legs to give the beast' sturdy footing. Next, cut a contrasting colored 4 by 5 inch piece of Paper into a circle. Then, make the edges. pointed and jagged to become the lion's Mane. Paste this at one end; and at the other, glue on a narrow strip, widened and fringed at the tip so it be- . comes the animal's tail. Add a face and two circles for the ears, some felt pen features and whiskers, and there's Meting of'the jungle. He'll be all ready 'to stand up and decorate a table or dresser. A meek and mild lamb re- sults from a 5 by 6 inch piece of white construction paper made the same way. Paste on a head •and stubby tail. Then, to give his body a realistic look, use dabs of cosmetic or surgical cotton. Roll these in- to -tiny balls, then puts a touch of glue on with a toothpick and stick each bit of fluff into place, using the other end of the stick to guide you. Cover the whole surface so the ani- mal has a warm, woolly cost. These 3-D creatures can take 'an appealing stand: And they may very well long out-, last the month they were made to represent, as far as this year's calendar is con- cerned. 1 cup 'sugar 4e�s+ separated 1 8 -oz. pkg. cream cheese 3 tablespoons creme , de cacao 3 tablespoons brandy - 1 cup,heavy'cream + whipped Soften "gelatin in one cup ',water; stir .over low heat until dissolved, Add remaining wa- ter.,Remove from heat; blend in .% cup p sugar and beaten.e yolks:' Return to heat; cook two to three °minutes or until • slightly thickened. Gradually add tosoftened dream cheese, mixing until well blended. Stir, •in ,•creme de cacao and brandy: Chill until slightly thickened. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Grade a. lllyy add remaining sugar, µeating + stiff �•• cream,. -into - creamcheese mixture. Wrap-, a 3-nch . collar of aluminum foil. aroundtop of as 11 quart souffle dish; secure with tape. ' Pour mixture into dish; chill'nntil.firm. Remove Mil collar : before serving: Sprinkle with nutmeg and garnish with candied violets, if desired. Eight to 10 sere' oEcoR Color chemes mcJchi.d Ity' BARBARA NAMING D 44, We are binlding and , 1 need help in implement% color schemes. Haw 'Can f combine the colors of asters rs !pink through' blue to purple) in the master bedroom With a connecting bath ' and • study whichmy husband and . f share? My husband lik,es, massive furnishings so f want nothing too feminine. Also I would like to use yellows and white for the living and dining rooms. We will;haVea a field- stone fireplace, beamed cell. ins, possibly .a wall:' ofpanel,- • ing and possibly textured wallpaper in a niche fol' the maple baby grand piano. As have a fireside chair in a brown print and ° a brown "fur" upholstered chair, I. need to have a large couch and two loveseats uphol- stered, What• might l do .with carpets, draperies (three large picture windows) and upholstery? My husband likes touches of orange, — A. 1 suggest you visit a large o wail -covering store and ask to see the papers that have sev- eral coordinated patterns and also ones with matching fab- rics: These are often slightly 'more expensive than the bulk of wallpapers printed today. Howe�er, the coordinated types are so .m uc h more excit- ing xe t-ing when used to tie a suite of rooms together without hav- ing a monotonous look, For example, you might •; find a floral print on. a white back- ground, with splashes ofpink, red, purple, blue and green. There might be a coordinated paper thatwO ld repeat the same colors only in .a stripe pattern or a geometric. An- other possibility might be the selection of a paisley print which basically, gives you a • floral and a stripe in one and often appears heavier thani% a plain. floraland therefore more - masculine. Whatever the pattern you could vary two' in a manner '• like this: Wallpaper your bedroom weillt the:floYr'm,.id0 the 'bath . in tiestripe With the floral on the ceiling, do the study in the stripe on three walls 'and one wall of wood paneling with the ceiling plain. You could do the, carpet in an off-white andllue twist, the bedspread in off- white with colorful pillows re- peating the shades in the wall- paper, and do the windows in • the bedroom, bathroom and Studi y Yngs n matching or coordi- n ETHIOPIAN MOTHER at famine relief station at Alamata with three-year•old child she can no longer breastfeed. World Vision International is providing initial $150,000 in ''i etief funds to Sudan Interior Mission and other Christian organizations working. in Ethiopia and Sub-SaI ara area of Africa affected by famine, Additional funds are presently being raised. QUICKLY MADE—Anlmais;sut"h as the lnnlb and'llon associated with March- Can be quickly bade so they will stand '00 and be noticed. • •ly you t replace another chair with en *Pricot coli: fabric Q I have a bead. bra done on got. The out- side size ie e% „ :gid With a picture of + by 4 inches. What or ,picture could .f use lin ` frame which done?'` f have some beaded flowers '1 .eou rte, but thought t *a 1 too . f A. I think the' headed,flow. ers might 'wit nicer in a plain ' ;frame hung * grouping with„ the beaded'frame. Howmut anold photograph, of grand- mother or grandfather that's particularly app? You could haveEit:.+ied and Made exactly the right Site., Or you. might treat die, frame like a shadow box covering the back with a pale colored fabric and " attaching. sem' rtlem rabil a' such as rings, buttons or tiny' pictures. 01d 'wii of'e IS: Tales et dogs'how , birds leaving .and en t•. anhnalf unrest, a. few' ,hours'. 'before earthquakes have' a° scientific . basiswith:promise of an early w means, according.to John . ' , 'engineer:, and Andrew, Yeiser, pbys caet., • What disturbs 'the .^animals "acoustic!ei on'' .a b. ... pitched chis or'groa'from: rocks, °stressed',tear ,'the breaking -.point) :,above ;the pitch human ears cau:'deteet 'but within the:hearing- range of many. ,aniilulls, .and they have'built ultrasonic: recorrd- ing instruments with hopes of predicting earthquakes:. . Dust light bulbs and : washy glass or plastic fiXtures repo- larly'.to get moreti light froOm. each bulb. For the .po-it. yourself craftsman., -we 'stock Q` broad 'range of. up- ial I'Mt�Is�tolc IlT1►QIt+L r .1 S r' Vin Is, . Velv`ets 'Nye. Ions a wide rangeof color's -and -patterns as a.\ r c a tete welll `�+a m selection of Cotton Padding, ,Foam Springs, Wolfing : Card �. Blurt ... ,,'Etc. ' --CALLIHfAT- cross from the now Canadian Tiro: Store- Highwai 23 North LiSTOWEL %Phone 291-1320 i 1 VISIT US For on original Oil Pointing ,or a Beautiful Grandfather Clock or Wali Clock ONTARIO'S LARGEST C,LOCK GALLERY. DAVE AUSMA FINE CLOCKS Hwy. 6, 'A Mile North of Guelph Phone 822.2485 ' • 1 Decorative WOODEN SHADES Custom Draperies Carpets Wall Coverings Domestic and Imported Osborne FABRICS & INTERIORS 359 - l,Oth St., Box 188, Hanover Tel. 364-2000 ,o 4