HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-02-28, Page 10Ace -Times, Thursday, Februark 4, 1974 For Sale 1972 SNOWMOBILE "Raider", twin track, rear engine, enclosed cockpit, extra stable, low center gravity., sports performance. Cost' $1,300, two years old, only used six times. Can be' viewed at Chris Gosling ¶;hev Olds, Wing - ham. 21-28 YQU ARE WELCOME to browse in Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham where they have a large display of gifts for all occa- sions. rrb MOBILE HOIVIE, two years old, 12 by 60 with carport on good sized lot with trees. Apply to Box 301, Wingham Advance -Times. 14-21-28 1963. VALIANT, four -door sedan, automatic, exce.11ent running condition. Best offer. Phone - 392-6540. "CLEARANCE SALE" of the "Esquire" Furniture Warehouse, Highway 4, one mile west of ' Hanover. Furniture and furnish- ings.....to be sold at drastically reduced prices until everything has gone! Chesterfield sets, davenports, rockers, lamps, oil paintings, leather goods, occa- sional chairs, kitchen sets, bed- room sets. EVERYTHING. must go as the property is for sale! Cash and carry,' first come.basis, all sales final; entire stock to be cleared. 21-28 SET . OF .1974 Corvette wheels. Dual Harriston 338-2415 after 6 BALED HAY and straw for sale. Phone 335-3754. - ' 1973 POLARIS snowmobile, 25 h.p., 15 inch track, approximate- ly 300 miles, Phone 523-9377 after 5p,na; • 'FRESH IVIAPLE\ SYRUP. Write , Percy Adam, : Blyth, Ontario. 28-7 • WINGHAM :FRUIT MARKET is open daily except Sunday. until 9 p.m. . ,Manyy specials each:.week, for toltaIngeoPne84 tbi.t WeeK4 specials - Weston or, Lewis white bread :10 cents each, or 3 for 99 cents,. Cotvenence shopping with ,competitive :prices. 30 INCH ELECTRIC Enterprise range - in excellent condition. Phone 357'2087. Livestock,For Sale TWO YOUNG cows ready to freshen. Phone 335-3785. Miscellaneous 1970. SKI-DOO TNT. Best offer: , Phone 357-1303. - TROPICAL FISH from around the world. Fancy guppies, cardi- nats,ringels,.plecostomus, sharks and many, many more. New shipments every. week. 10 gallon aquarium kit complete with - heater $32.95. THE FISH BOWL; Lucknow, 528-2018. 2,000' BALES of straw for sale. Phone R. Bieman, 357-2957. • MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Miss Mary Scott, 357-2365 or Mrs H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. rr 1971 •SKI-ROULE, S-300, single cylinder snowmobile, new track. Phone 335-6207. • ROULET western boots have ar- rived-. Anthon horse wormer $3.10.. English and Western tack in stock. Save a •bit on a bit at THE TACK. SHACK, Lucknow, . 528.2018. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection Call Your Co -Op Agent— LLOYD gentLLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 ANYONE wishing to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, etc., sharpened, call 357-3644. rrb IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Of- fice Box 1135, Wingham. rrb DOG GROOMING , CLIPPING -STRIPPING Call' John Visser, 227 John Rosa St., Listowel, 291-4817 after 6 p.m. tf PIANO AND ORGAN SALES. Piano tuningand repairing. Low- rey and Thomas organs. Call Hap .Swatridge, Wingham, 357-2785. Representing Garnet Farrier. rrb GIBSiON UPHOLSTERY Furniture, car and truck seats • recovered, rebuilt. Phone 357- 1217. rrb BERG STABLE cleaners- and stabling. Bunk feeders and water bowls. Lloyd 'Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb WINE -MAKING accessories available at Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham, 357-3631. rrb Cars & Trucks GORRIE AUTO WRECKERS Fairly -Priced Cars and Parts Phone 335-3495-Gorrie rrb 1969 CHEV half -ton with box top- per. Motor excellent. Body and tires good. Can be seen at Wing - ham Advance -Times. rrb Wanted Help Wanted TWO PERSONS td ,help with syrup. Wages $2,00 per hour. Room and board. Write Percy Adam, Blyth, Ontario. 28-7 DEPENDABLE PERSON who can work without supervision. Earn $14,000 in a year plus bonus. Contact customers in Wingham area. Limited auto travel. We train. Air mail J. J. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Box 789, Ft. Worth, Tex. Real Estate . MODERN, THREE bedroom,. one and a half storey brick home for sale in quiet residential area. Walk -out sun deck from dining room. A patio is found below the sun. deck. There are one and a half bathrooms, a recreation room and walk -out basement. The house is situated on a large treed lot and the carport converts into a garage for the winter. For further ,.information phone 357- 2433. rrb THREE BEDROOM -mobile home on lot in Wingham. Phone 665-2295. 28-7 WILLIAM S. REED Real `Ussstaf r Brok.r aed. Oenaral Insurance Dial 357-2174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO • COMMISSION RATE _= 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM A lovely eight -room house in an excellent location. Living room with . fireplace, dining .room, kit- chen with'. ' built=in cupboards, utility room, closed -in veranda, oil furnace and garage. For Rent THREE BEDROOM house, ' oil furpace, carpet on downstairs floo' �� �'� , uriser Vililking,op, 357-2189. is THREE BEDROOM house, close to Wingham. Available Jan. 15. Apply to Box 282, The Wingham Advance -Times. rrb WfrAJJ BALED- HAY and straw. Mark Rohrer, RR 3, Wingham, 357=2868 before 8'e.m. or after 7 p.m. rrb McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, WROXiTER an Rllgbw*/ IS Midway bet*een Win n and Lf towet USED AUTO PAS °U8ED CARS & TRUCKS PIMA. USTOIVEL 2214151 G0112i1 335-3214 USED . FILING CABINET, pre- ferably with" four drawers, in good condition. Phone 528-2346. 2f-28 SAP .PAILS and spiles. Phone 335-3603. SIX BREEDING EWES; two breeding geese 12 heavy cluck= ing hens, 'Write Percy Adam, Blyth: Ontario. 2a-7 I fpyWanted SARAH, COVENTRY 'needs de- monstrators. Earn while you learn. No investment. Call 392-6076. , 14-21-28' PERSON WANTED for parts de- partment for local dealership. Apply to Box 807, Wingham Post Office. . rrb DIRECT SALES OPPORTUNITY If you enjoy door-to-door selling and big profits too, be indepen- dent, run your own business. World famous Rawleigh Pro- ducts since 1889 will help you to get started. Write today to De- partment 767, DMG, 4005 Riche- lieu St., Montreal, H4C 1A2, Que. 7-14-21-28 ORGANIST and choir leader or just choir leader wanted for St. Paul's Church.. Apply P.O. Box 297 Wingham. rrb PERSON EXPERIENCED in all phases of construction of modu- lar homes. Phone 526-7269 or 526- .092 or write Bruce Tinney, RR 1, Penetaftg, Ontario. 21-28 HELP WANTED for outside work. Phone 528-2346. 21-28 +HREE BEDROOM, heated du- plex, centrally located, close to school. Phone 357-2045 or call at 104 Diagonal Road, Wingham: , TWO BEDROOM house. Apply to Box 304, Wingham • Advance - Times. - ARTICLES FOR RENT. Dustless floor, sanders and rug shampoo- ers. Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham. rrb Wanted To Rent Tenders Wanted GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH CALLING for tenders to supply crush and deliver to Township roads approximately 12,°000 c►bie yards of % gravel to be complet ed by July 15, 1974. Contractor to comply with satisfaction' of the Road Superintendent and ap- proval of the MTC. A certified cheque in the amount of $700 must accompany each tender, LOWEST or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. CLOSING date March 4th at 5 p.m. Notice To Creditors C. W. Hanna, Road Superintendent, Belgrave, Ontario. Notice LAND FOR pasturing cattle. Ad- vise acreage, price desired and if water available. Apply to Box 305; The Wingham Advance - Times �. • 28-7 Tenders Wanted NOTICE FOR ROAD CLOSING THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY TAKE NOTICE. that the Coun- cil of the • Corporation, of the Township of Turnberry proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1970, Chapter 284," Section 443, for stopping up and closing that part of the road allowance, between Lots 40 and 41 in ' the First Concessiop of the Township of Turnberry, lying between :the Kings Highway 86 and Kings Highway 87 in the Township of Turnberry in the County -- of. Huron, being moreparticularly described as follows That part of the road allowance between Lots 40 and 41, First Concession, Township of Turn - 'berry, in the County of Huron, . lying between Kings Highway 86 and Kings Highway 87 in the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron. AND FURTHER TAKE NO- . TICE that the Reeve and the Clerk will be authorized to' sign and execute the necessary docu- ments in order. to effect the dos- ing thereof . ' AND FURTHER TAKE NO, - Tipp than the CoUnC11sbaU he :,$ brsiin or by his .. Cot ncil Bo- b licitor or Agent, any persons who claims that his land will be preju- dicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard at the regular . meeting of Council on April 1, 1974 at 3 p.m. AND FURTHER TAKE NO- TICE that the proposed by-law may be examined by all persons interested at the office of the Clerk • of the Township of Turnberry,• during business hours, at any time before the same is finally passed'. DATED this first day of Febru- ary, A.D., 1974. Harry Mulvey, Reeve. John V: Fischer, Clerk. GOODALL & CAMPBELL, Barristers, Solicitors, . WINGHAM, Ontario. 14-21-28-7-14-21 TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT TENDERS POR GRAVEL FOR THE SUPPLYING, haul- ing and crushing of approximate- ly 17,000 cu: yds. of 518" gravel and must be capable of 1,000 cu. yds. or more a day. Work is to be done to the satisfaction of the Road Supt. and to be delivered before June 15, 1974. Apply to the Road Supt. for contract forms. Tenders to be in the hands of the Road Supt. by Monday, March 4, 1974 at 1 p.m. and accompanied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent of the enclosed bid. LOWEST or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. The accepted tender must be approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. ' George Hoggart, . Road Supt., Londesboro, Ont. 21-28 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ALE XANIIER.ILLINGSWORTH4 CAMPBELL . • ALL PERSONS having clainis against the Estate' of the above mentioned, late of- the Township of Tudkersmith:, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on January 16th, . 1974, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of March, 1974. AFTER THAT DATE the Exe- cutor will proceed to di tribute the Estate having regard only to 'the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at -Wingham, Ontario this 19th day of February, .A.D. 1974. CRAWFORD MILL & DAVIES, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 28-7-14 prommirIMMAMMIZI 'SHOBBROOK : In loving memory of Rae Shobbrook who passed away March 5, 1969. -Always remembered by his family. • LICENSED SERVICEMAN Huron County's John Deere dealers have an opening for an experienced serviceman at our new Iacadon in Blyth. Farm equipment experience preferred, but not essential. Please apply to: Earl Lang. HURON. TRACTOR Ltd. 523.4244 BY-LAW NO. 7,1974. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY A By -Law to stop up and -close that part of the road allowance between Lots 40 and 41 in the 1st Concession of the Township of Turnberry and lying between the Kings Highway 86 and Kings Highway 87 in the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron. WHEREAS pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1970, Chapter 284, Section 443, the Council of the" Municipality may pass by-laws for stopping up any . highway or part of a highway. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to\close a portion of the road allowance between Lots 40 and 41 in the 1st Concession of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron. NOW THEREFORE the Cor- poration of the Township of Turn - berry, hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That part of road allowance between Lots 40 -and 41, in the First Concession, Township of Turnberry, County of Huron, ly- ing between the'Kings Highway 86 and Kings Highway 87 in the said Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, be stopped up and closed. 2. That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and execute the necessary documents in order to effect the closing thereof. READ A FIRST and SECOND TIME this first day of February, 1974. u CRUICKSHANK: In memory of W T. (Doc,) Cruickshank who passed away three years ago February 28.. I think of him in silence, His name I oft recall, There is nothing left to answer But his picture on the wall. —Ever remembered by wife and family. • The: family, of the late Oarnard King wish to express .their sin- sere thanks and appreciation to relatWes, friends and neights for - their expressions , of sy pathy, floral . tributes and dona- tions to the Heart Fund and Bible Society. Special thanks to the Fordwich Village Nursing Home, , Rev. Dodd, Trinity ACW, Moir Funeral Home and all those who sent food and flowers to our homes. Yourthoughtfulnesswas greatly appreciated. Mrs. John Hannah, Mrs. Raymond Baylor, Jas. Bernald, John and Donald King We wish to express our sincere appreciation to relatives, friends -and neighbors for the. beautiful floral tributes, donations, cards and acts of kindness shown us on the loss of a dear husband and father. Special ,thanks to the Bluevale and District neighbors • and the 'Bluevale Neighbours on the Hill' for the beautiful floral tributes and donations. Thanks also to the Bluevale UCW for their kind offer of help. Your thoughtfulness will always be re- membered. • . Dianne, Jordan and Steven Guy DAW—At the Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 19, to- Mr. and Mrs. Wil- son Daw, Wingham, a son. HOGAN—At the Wingham and District Hospital on Friday, February 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ,Hogan, RR a Goder-.e ich; .a son. , r ° •-• r BARFOOT—At the Wingham and District Hospital on Saturday, February 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barfoot, RR 4, Wing - ham, a daughter. DAWSON—At the Wingham and District Hospital on Saturday, February 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Dawson, RR '5, Luck - now, a son. FALCONER—At the Wingham and District Hospital on Sun- day, February 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer, RR 2, Wingham, a son. IRWIN—At the . Wingham and District Hospital on Monday, February 25, to Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin, -RR 7, Lucknow, a son. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our relatives, friends.and neigh- bors for the many expressions of sympathy, acts of kindness and cards we received during the re- cent bereavement of our dear son-in-law. Special thanks to Mt. arid Mrs. Howard Bernard who helped us on the night of the acci- dent and all the staff of the Wing - ham and District Hospital for tll'eir thoughtfulness. Words alone can never express the apprecia- tion we feel. Albert and Betty Kitchen BARRY W. REID CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 218 Josephine Street Wiegkow 357-'1522 Harry Mulvey, Reeve. John V. Fischer, Clerk. 14-21-28-7-14-21 INCOMETAX PREPARED C1 McDonald at Ted Elliott Insurance Wingham rrb Brussels Horticultural Society who served lunch at the Brussels Pudic Library. Lewis Frain I would like to say thank -you to my relatives, neighbors and friends for their visits, cards, gifts and flowers ' and also to my roommates Linda and Christine while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Thanks to the nurses and student nurses on second floor for their excellent care. Also to Dr: L. Clarke for all his kindness, and to Father Nolan. Agnes Caskanette I would like to express my ap- preciation. and sincere thanks to D Waat»o •-,theent s Anel staffTi of rd C of Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, Rev. Eric LeDrew of Brussels United Church; • friends, -neighbors and relatives for the beautiful flowers, and those who gave money to the Brussels Burial Chapel Fund. Also to those who sent 'cards and visited Vera in hospital and to.ine • since her passing, the pallbear- ers, flowerbearers - and my gratefulness to the Watts Funeral Home and the ladies of the DIED SCOTT—At the Wingham and District Hospital on Monday, February 25, 'Walter H. Scott of RR 1, Belgrave, beloved "hus- band of the former Alice Shackleton_ , in his 68th, year. Mr. Scott was Right Worship. Grand Master of the Royal Black Chapter of Ontario West. R.B.P. akf Ontario West service will be held at the R. A. Currie and Son Funeral Home, Wing - ham, Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock. Puneral-service will be held at Knox United Church, Belgr•ave, on Thursday at 2 p.m. with Rev. John G. Rob- erts in charge. Temporary en- tombment will take place in Wingham Mausoleum with spring burial in Brandon Ceme- tery, Belgrave. As expressions of sympathy, donations are being accepted to the Bene- volent Fund of Royal Black Knights of Ontario West, or the Canadian Cancer Society.' IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE EVERY FRIDAY AT 8:00 P.M: BALL AUCTIONS LTD., Brussel:, . Ontario Items of Interest: New Leonard Refrigerator with matchirtg 30" Electric Stove (Green or Gold), Leonard Automatic Washer and Dryer, Elecctrophonic More Quality Compon- ent Set with 8 Track Tape Deck, 6, Lovely Styles of Morse Stereos, Morse Sewing Machine, Large Selection of Bed- room and Chesterfield Suites in styles of Spanish, Colonial, French Provincial, and 'Modern,New Single area Double Beds, Lovely Table and Swag aam�ps, 4 Styles of Coffee & End Table Setsl, Kitchen Suites in a variety of styles and colours, Lazyboys, Sets of Dishes, Radios, Sets of Silverware, and Gift Items and many more items too numerous to mention G This is a large sale consisting of quality furniture and ap- pliances which will be sold to the highest bidder. NATE: Terms of sale are cash and our handy -1'KM Budget Plan. There is plenty of parking and seating. A refresh- ment booth and washroom facilities are available. . Sale Conducted byt Bali Auction LtL,, Brunets Ane_ f lopeer, O. J'.Ball 8W9112 I would like to say `thank -you' to all my friends and relatives for their visits, cards and gifts while I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Ping and the nurses on the Pediatric floor. For the many kindnesses, flow- ers, letters and cards sent during our ° recent bereavement, our heartfelt thanks. Ken and Shirley Hawthorn I wish to thank friends, relatives and neighbors for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Leahy, Dr. Wilkins and Dr. Ping and the nursing staff of In- tensive Care Unit. Mrs. Jean Stokes The .'family.. of. the late Eunice Gillespie of Whitechurch wish to express .to all their relatives, friends and neighbors their most. sincere appreciation of the floral tributes, "In Memoriam" chari- table donations, cards and many kindnesses shown us at the time of our mother's passing. Thanks als ► to Rev,. Ure Stewart of. Sea - forth and Mr. Lawrence King,. Whitechurch United Church pas- tor, for conducting the funeral service, the pallbearers and flowerbearers, the R. A. Currie & Son Funeral Home, Dr. McGreg- or and the nurses on first and second floor of Witnkluun costieral Hospital. Also, a very site thanks to those who SO kY re* membered „our. mother with visits, treats,` flowers ,and e. OO during her latter shut -1n years, Jack and Agivoo *ad families The family of the late Milan ' Cameron wish to express their . thanks to everyone for the many acts of kindness during our re- cent sad ,bereavement, Many thanks to Rev. C. F. Johnston. We would also like to mention the ambulance drivers who came so ' often and so ries and nurses to help in � ad, and the o de Wing. Annie Cameron, Leone, Rod, Dotig and Joanne Norman, Zora and Bradley I wouldlike to thank my friends and neighbors who sent cards and ' visited me while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospi- tal. Special thanks to the nurses on second floor and Dr. Leahy. . Wes Underwood I would like to say thank -you to friends, neighbors and relatives for the flowers, gifts, cards and letters while 1 was a patient in University Hospital, London. Also to those who helped my. family and for :iii,; visits and phone calls. It wan very much appreciated. Alma Jamieson RHEUMATICnAIN & ARTHRITIO Do you logg for rdisf from your point Sloop end work U comfort, rsiissnd of your sufficing. OFFER:. G't'65C Pack T."at special' intradndaty price of 250 from Tsmppl�etont. 86 Richmond St.. E.. Toronto, Ont. M5C "IPI.. Tsmpiston's T-R•C. 81.75 at drug stores. WINGHAM BODY SHOP Complete Collision Repairs and Painting Towing Service �r+c? iWADAMS' Proprietor WINGHAM, ONT. Res. 357.1171, Bus. 357.1102 P ANDY'S REFRIGERATION LTD. PHONE 357-3414 - • ;WINGHAM . 24 Hour Emergency Service Radio Dispatched YOUR TYLER DEALER Bulk Tanks, Walk-ins, Air Conditioning, Freezers REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF APPLIANCES LARGE CONSIGNMENT , AUCTION SALE 200 PIECES FARM MACHINERY AND SO TRACTORS. AT " Lakeview Sales&-Servjce- 1 1/4 miles north and 1/2 mile east. of Carlow OR 7 miles northeast of Goderich SATURDAY, MARCH 9 1:00 A.M. FULL USTING IN NEXT WEEK'S PAPER Please note this sale will be held the SECOND SATURDAY of every month To place donsignments call 6RINDLEY AUCTION SERVICE S24-6451 TERMS CASH Business and !rofessionaL Directory CHIROPRACTOR R. BRAY, D.C. 197 JOSEPHINE ST. Phone 357.1224 Wi`hgham JAMES A. PETERSON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Ross Street Lucknow Phone 528.2016 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus Pb. 357.1910 Res. Ph. 857.1010 amorommiummanommummemommioNovotoe Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol F. Homuth, RO Mrs, Viola H. Homuth,' RO OPTOMETRIgTg Phone 33.2712 Harriston • Ontario • t 1 B