HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-02-28, Page 74
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assir on this ottnids
m shown at
ann or another UCW apseting
/MAORI The Mebtteels
United Caw& Women mot in the
church hasement; Irobruary 2.,
erith Upton*, Mrs. Walter Reek
was in'charge. of.
andgave* brief reeding t,cty
the Lonely Heart", Reiii.„
Lake played .the: .pismo 'for three r
- hymns, oln Christ There. Is 'no
East or Weer', oBlest Sell* Tie.
',of Peace". Mrs, William
Lake read the rv $011)t Ore. DeVofi -
The **Otos were read and;
'Preyed( Rev', loake r OSP in; 4410
•.the offlOrt _for 1974: President,
,Mrs, Robert liarkneSs; /St :vice
D.. :president* Mrs, Pveritt DUs.tow;
Renwiek;, treasurer., )‘OE.' Alan
01;4410(0,1y Except .Stmciay Until 9:00 p.m.
40t Ecih or.
T.V. DINNERS 4 VarloktiOs .57c
$UNSPUNPARCHMENt 100% Vegotahle 011
DETEROENT • 4, 4 4- ',44 2/24 Oz. /79C
'TURNIPS • • • • . • • . • .10c lb
• is 4, • • • • o • 110 39C
OXYD01. or BLUE CHEER $1:79
JELLY POWDERS . . .3/17c
Black Chervii, Orange, Strawberry or Raspberry
:9 ' ' ' ,
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SPR*' - 9 OZ. Family,Size
'' , r '''UipiillX.IrliAiiii,,,c,44-..„,,,,..„ . . 1
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WILKI SON 5's /Reg. 75c
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SHAMPOO -1N :;.gi, ,s1.49
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Open 9 a.m. 9 p.m. Weekdays • Sundays Noon to Six
A Alm, "The Visitor" Was
shown, dealing with the question,
"Is the Canadian Church a form
lively discussiori period followe&
with opinkons, both Iwo and con,
An interesting Bible quiz Was
conducted by Mrs. David Harper.
Several • thank you ' cards` for
cheer boxes were. read by the
corresponding Seeretary, Mrs.
Elmer Haskins.
The bills were presented, and-,
the treasurer;Mrs, Alan Darling,
gave a financial report. Mrs. Jun
Busby repOrted fOr the program
cominittee. During the business
period the ladies were reminded
that the Presbyterial will be held
in Southampton, Monday, March
11. Luncli was served by Dirs.
Bruce Harkness and Mrs. Alan
Miss Majorette
attends' local
twirlers' session
u-tons and their teacher Patti
Robertson hosted' a two hour
'training session at '-Winigham
Public Sehool with a very special
guest teacher.
Lynn Kirkpatrick of Bramalea,
who is Miss Majorette or Ontario
and Canada, was that guest
teacher. Miss Kirkpatrick is an
assistant teacher with the
Bramalea Lionairs Majorette
miss Majorette taught the peb-
theni in handling tosses and
_ twirls. She also demonstrated
several new dance steps and new
ideas for baton tricks.
The highlight of the afternoon
was a T -strut and twirling
demonstration by miss Kirk-
patrick. After her demonstration
she conducted a question period
and gave the girls soUle tips on
how to be better majorettes.
—Mrs. Gershom Johnston and,
George Grigg of Catherine' Street
visited Friday with the former's
sOn, Jim Johnston, Mrs. Johnston
and family of Listowel.
—Weekend guests of Mrs.
George Fisher, Patrick Street,
were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher
and family of Guelph, Mr. and
Mrs. Carman Machan of Water
loo, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson and
family of Whitechurch. They also
visited with Mr. Fisher, a patient
in the Wingham and District Hos-
Let us assist you with your
plans for that all important
wedding day.
choice of various paper stock type
styles and sizeg.
ocal sidents to share
in world prayer service
Members nf the local churches
commuifity wal gather at
Sacred Ikea Boman Catholic
Murat on Friday at p.m, to
commemorate the annual World
Deyefreayer.Thethesne for this
year is "Make Us Builders ef
Peace. ream is moce than hav-.
Mg no war, but the chime to live
a full lifejn one ae0ord with -God
and people around MC
The service will tie di.vilied tnto
five ports; prayer or invitation,
prayer asking for guidance,
coneiliatien,. prayers of victory
and praise, prayers of dedication,
Mrs, J. McConnell of Seaforth
will he the gueat Sneaker.
The offerings from the *rid
Day of Prayer are used for a
variety of purposest in Canada,
to provide support to native
people; a Magazine fOr the iris.'
ualkhandicapped; chaplains for
provfncial family aod criminal
courts; for a ,natal clinic
Guyana; tolaunch a home for the
leadership training course for
girls in Thailand; ir0C4tienal
training for girl's in Tonga. °
In this union of prayer the local
residentS join all nations of tbe
world in praying for peace, Last
. year in Tonga the first service
SENIOR OINALISTS In the Howick Lions' Public speaking competition were Brenda
Wears', third; Karen Fitch first; Sandra Carson, second; and Karen Underwood, fourth.
The centest was held last lc, (Staff Photo)
teuernol vow
ged at Gorne
St, Stephen's AngWan Minh,
Gorrie, was .the setting for the
wedding ceremony Saturday
&ening, 'January' 26, at seven
o'cloCk, *hen Susan Lorraine
. Stetierpol of RR 2, Gorrie, and
Marvin Bruce McLean of 11R
Wroxeter, were united in mark .
riage by Rev. P. Dodd of Gorrie.
Nrs, Murray Neibitt of Auburn,
the organist, provided 'the wed4 •
The bride is the daughter of Mr_.
and Mrs, Archie Steuernol of RR
2, Gorrie and the groom's parentS,'
are Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLeari.Of
RR Wroxeter. 4
Given in Marriage *.by her,_
father and mother, the • bride'
chose a floor -length gown OU
white polyester crepe:trimmed
with •white frosted organziv:
daisies to the waistline. The drew.,
featured a low neckline, enipir
waistline and long puffed sleeVea''
with white. daisy trim along' the
sleeves and the hemline. Her Vek •
was held in place by a beadeir
Iteadpiece. made of the same ,
white frosted organza daisieS.
over white polyester crepe. Slie,k
carried a white prayer book cOv."
ered with white lace, yellow aniii4
yellow stre.anulisiand
miss Nancy Steuernol, sistdiof
the bride, was maid . 'Wier,
gowned. in floor -length ' yellow
floral organza over taffeta. The
dress featured an empire waist-
line, long buttoned cuffed
sleeves, a wide. hemline ruffle
and a yellow velvet ribbon sash.
She wore yellow rosettes in her
miss Diane McLean, sister of
the groom, was bridesmaid and
wore a dress similar to that Of the
maid of honor. Her dress fea-
tured a deep pink velvet sash and
she wore matching rosettes in her
hair. They carried white baskets
of yellow, pink and white mums
and carnations.
Douglas McLean of London
was his brother's best man and
Mark Ireland of Teeswater,
brother-in-law of the bride', was
usher. They wore navy blazers,
grey trousers and white pat-
terned shirts with navy cut velvet
bow ties.
The reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents. The
bridal table was decorated with a
three -tiered wedding cake, yel-
gave * rack. message to all tbe
women Oa that day.
are illiterateAboY hove to atarlin
jon000 to
pra• thyertho. happeoft010,:r toworldso Days** of
..47lay on which the
for prayers ef
the Sudan, In .anawle retreat is'
held two weeks 'before' the day
serViee is preceded hy a week of
prayer, With services each day at
\ Even in .,,Our Comfortable nom-
munity, are troubled, by ten-
sions, ' 'uncertainties, fears and
misunderstanding*. Let vs come -
together tobelp awl pray for each.
edtenti.,Aaleflotrip ho*:1;11-0411be-Pr°f011owIdd
in tlie 'pariah hall.
Asuccetisful Year in all areaS of
the auirell'S wOrk was recorded
by the congregation of the
Wingham liaptist Church when
members. met tor their annual
'business. Meeting recently. .Rev.
Bruce,renny presided over the.
meeting. -
The nOrninating report Was
. given hy Eric Cleave and Glenn .
'Scheifele • gave the financial
• report. Mrs. R. Kilpatrick re-
Vorted on the work of the Mission .
Circle. Mrs. P. Collar for the
CoRmists, and Mrs. B. 'MacLean
for the Pilgrims, reported on the
past year's activities with the
Pioneer Girls.
Eric Cleave was appointed
deacon for a four-year term; ap-
pointed for a three-year term -as
deacon is John Melton. Bruce
Lean is entering his new
• and Prank Collar has a one-year
term to serve as deacon. Trustees
are Mr. MacLean, Richard Kil-
patrick, William Stapleton, C.
Kinnee, John Melton and Alfred
Other officeri are: clerk, Mrs.
R. Kilpatrick; treasurer, Mr.
Scheifele; assistant, Mrs.
law candles and yelloW and white
Receiving the guests, the
bride's mother was dressed in a
pink crimplene floor -length gown
trimmed with silver. She wore a
corsage of white carnations and
mums. Assisting, the groom's
mother chose a red doublelmit
floor -length gown with silver trim
and a eorsage of white carnations
Wingham couple
Prank and Marlene Spence of
Hanover, Distributors of Amway
Products, announced last week
the awarding of a personal sales
award plaque to Mr. and- Mrs.
Frank Collar of Wingham. The
plaque is earned annually by any
of the 150,000 distributors in the
United States' and Canada, by
and muma. They
For travelling to Ottawa and
Quebec, the bride chose a black
and white pantsuit and a plaid
cape with brown accessories and -
a corsage of white carnations and
Mr. and Mrs. McLean will be
residing on the groom's farm at
RR 1, Wroxeter.
Shore; Junior superintendent
paDouTas; 7Th:::$1107as:S.Photantoi:
superintendent, Prank Collar;
senior superintendent, Tom
Mora MaeLeaO; 'organist,
Sclison;e4ele,,?Wir- nar, Ur- 'rho
Mrs. WilliaM Stapleton, Mr.
1VIrs. B. MacLean; Vial
committee, Mr. aad Mra-
eoMmittee, Mrs. Sale'
Neill;' communion stewardess,
Mrs. MacLean;' owship
`' Mrs. Alvin Procter; a lora,
Sylvia MacLean; nursery super-
visor, Mrs. N. Mason; assistant;
Mrs. Procter. -
The annual meeting of the
Bluewater Associations of
Baptists will be held in *Singh
this year, at the Baptisl Chural
awarded plaque
achieving a high personal sales.
In presenting the award, Mr.
and Mrs. Spence pettonally con-
gratulated Mr. and WIrs. Collar
on the peiformance of their dis-
tributorship, giving special
Tecognition to their outstanding
sales achievement recoid.
Seitct your wedding invitations, announcements
an& aieessories with complete confidence as to
qualay and correctnese of form,
Mit AND MRS. BERT HEIBEIN of Brussels celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary Feb. 20. They recalled that
fortthe NO days previous to their wedding in 1924 it stormed
so harid that there were pitch holes three fedt deep in the
roads oh their wedding day. (Staff Photo)
Brussels couple
married SO years
BRUSSELS — A Brussels
couple, Mr. and Mrs.. Bert Hei-
their 50th wedding anniversary.
Mr. Heibein, a son of the late
John and Julenia Heibein, and his
wife, a daughter of the late Wil-
liam and Annie Ward, were mar-
ried Wednesday, February 20,
1924, in the Listowel United
Church parsonage by Rev. E. W.
Edwards. They recall that two
days prior to the 20th, it stormed
so hard that there were pitch -
holes three feet deep.
Following their marriage, Mr.
and Mrs. Heibein resided on the
second concession of Grey Town-
ship, later moving to the sixth
concession where they lived most
of their married -life. .Following
this they resided on the county
road between Molesworth and
Ethel until they retired to Brus-
sels in November of 1969, living in
that village 'Since that date.
They have five children, twd
sons, Brtice Heibein of RR 1, Lis-
towel, and Clayton Heibein of
Thamesford; and three daugh-
ters, Mrs. Murial Ward of Lis-
towel, Mrs. Nellie Hammel of RR
2, London, and Mrs. Jean Coulter,
of RR 2, Listowel. Thei, have 26
grandchildren and 12 great-
grandchildren •
Respect for life
stressed by group
Alliance for Life is a national
federation of those who believe
that all hwan life — before and
after birth — has a right to care
and protection. It insists on .oiir
special obligation to the weak and
helpless, including the unborn.
Alliance for Life is concerned
with such problems as abortion,
adoption procedures, improved
social services, and other aspects
of child and maternal welfare.
An educational body, one of its
main concern's is to promote res
pect for unborn human life.
Among its members are men
and women of many occupations,
diverse 'religious backgrounds
and political views. All subscribe
to the following declaration: that
the right to life is the basic
human right on which all others
depend; that all human beings
have the right to life, before and
after birth; that society has a
duty to uphold and protect that
Albert Schweitzer said, "We
cannot respect any human life
unless we respect all human
Dr. Heather Morris, a Jewess
and one of Canada's outstanding
women gynecologists, is presi-
dent of Alliance for Life-.
In Canada, other groups be-
sides Alliance for Life work for
the unborn. Coalition for Life is
made up of polifical people.
Friends of Hippocrates is a group
of Aoctors working for the un-
born. Birthright is ano interna-
tional organization which is des-.
igned to give 'counselling and
practical aid to any woman mar-
ried orsingle who is pregnantand
distressed. In 'our area there are
Birthright offices in Owen SoUnd,
Kitchener, London, and one being
formed in Goderich.
In the United States there are
many similar groups working for
'similar goals such as: United for
Life (San Francisco), Minnesota
Citizens Concerned for Life, The
Value of Life Committee (New
England), and many others.
at the
Main Corner Clinton
Open 2-6 Closed Weds.
Alliance for Life, with head-
quarters in Toronto, co-ordinates
many pro-life groups 'across
Canada. "Voice of the Unborn",
recently established in Wingham,
is one such pro-life group which is
affiliated with Alliance for Life.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston;
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnston, Miss
Ruth Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Warrell, John, Winter and Mr.
and IVirs. John Caeser were
among those from here attending
the dinner Saturday in honor of
Harvey Sparling's 90th birthday
which was held in the Sunday
School rooms of the Gorrie
United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tudan and
Terry of Mississauga spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hans
medically recognized pain relthvet
effectively soothes the sorest
throat. And it's so easy, to take,
children like it too. For soothing
relief from a sore throat,
chew Aspergum Cherry or
Aspergum Orange It helps