HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-02-14, Page 18w '+yMII100414 R --February 14, 1874- I/• Bill Smiley "A rose by any other name . " ory EU1E R ENGLISH D. . C'. Williams Whit is wrong .with each of tbeit.sentences? 1. Upon arriving to the of - ace. 1 found that both men were not there. ,2. He opened up the meeting with a prayer. then pro- ceeded on with the bud- nesar: 3: As he went to leave the room. he slipped and fell down. 4. Robert, who is going on forty, is over six foot tall. 5. The latest applicant is de- sirable of obtaining the appointment. 6. From henceforth, I will have no hopes of him succeeding. What are the correct pronun- ciations of these words? 7. Acclimate. 8. Pretense. 9. Antipathy. 10. Chapeau. 11. Orgy. 12. Pousse-cafe (a drink). Which six words in the follow- ing group are misspelled? ' 13. Heritable, heredetary, her- mitage, hesitancy, heretic, impugn, impugnity, im- putation, impracticability, immunity, redundance, vengeance, obeisance, • constancy, consistency, peraphenalia, parenthe- sis, paradoxical, parvenu, constitution, parachute, ir- resolute, marchino, resus- citation, quadrate, qualifi- cation, quaranteer, quadrangle, quixotic What's in a name? Quite a bit, if you're going to be stuck with it for the rest of your life. When the young people were trying to think of a name for my new grandson, I started ponder- ing on this whole business of :Christian monikers. Naming of children seems to go in cycles. And the names in one generation seem either ugly or affected to the people of the next generation. There was a time when girls were quite happy to be called Pearl or Ruby, Mabel or Myrtle or Elsie. If a girl were given a name like that tody, she'd run away from home atthe age of five. The same period produced boys' names like Elmer „Horace, Marvin, not to mention those two great poets, one Greek, one Latin: Homer and Virgil. That was known as the bad E, ANSWERS 1. Say, "Upon arriving AT the office, I. found that NEITHER 'MAN WAS there. 2. Omit the words "up" and "on." 3. Say, "JUST AS he left the. room," and omit"down." 4. Say, "Robert, who ` is APPROACHING. forty, is MORE THAN six FEET tall:" 5. Stay, "is- DESIR- OUS oC"`i. Omit"frons," and say, "Henceforth, .I SHALL . have no HOPE of'HIS succeeding:" T oPrekrc , p ,►1041 tion is @, a wa ne-at, with accent on SECOND syllable,; not the Ira E: Masi on second syllable, preferred. 9. Pro - name aa4ip-a . hi, accent second syllable. 10. c+o nounce Sha-poe, accent se- cond syllable. .11. Pro- nounce or +, accent drat syllable. 12. Pronounce poos-kat-fay, principal 'accent on last syllable. 19. Hereditary, Impunity, consistency, parapherna- lia, maraschino, qutaran- tine; Crossroads Classifieds ForwSa le GLENDALE MOBILE HOMES and Travel Trailers for sale; also large fully serviced and land- scaped mobile home lots for rent. First sideroad west of Stratford on Highway 8, 1/2 mile north. Crystal Lake Mobile Homes, Court Ltd., RR 5, Stratford. Phone 393-6121 tf WE HAVE one of the widest gift selections in the area. Visit J. J. .Hammer Ltd., Neustadt. • 7-14-21-18 CAMPERS - Y ° ar end clear- ance of rental Skamper hard- top campers. Moore's Trailer Mart Ltd., 377 Huron St., Strat- ford- call 273-1850. rrb • VERY GOOD prices' now on Cdlumbia and Ski -Whiz snowmo- biles, all snowmobile accesso- ries, Homelite and Husquarna chain saws, good reliable service you can depend ion, also your complete lawn and garden cen- tre LLOYD'S , SMALL EN- GINES, RR 1, ATWOOD, 356- 2639. We even have Sekine first quality bicycles. 31-7-14 • CAMPING ° " AND TRAILERS . JEWELL TRAILER SALES- Starcraft, Jayco, Prowler, Glen- dale. Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Closed Wednesdays. Highway 86 east, Listowel: Phone 291-1158. ° My9 The Living Bible, buy ten get one free. Bell's Book & Bible Shop, 5051 Wallace South, Listowel. \ 14-21-28-7 Wanted To Buy Copy for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 6 p.m., Wednesday of week prior to pub- lication. Notice THE MODERN way to milk cows is with a pipeline. Hinman Distributor for all Hinman parts and service to equipment. Con-` tact Michael Gutscher, RR 5, Mildmay, phone 367-2525. 31-7-14-21 Miscellaneous period to be tagged. Before that was the romantic period. In nay mother's family, the boys were dubbed things like Drayton, Emerson, Lionel, Ivan, On Fri wife's side, her mother was Sophia, and her mother's sisters were Charlotte and Esther. Those ladies would up as' Sophie, Lottie and Acey, but the damage was done. My wife's mother named her Ivy and her sister Iris, but they didn't turn. out to be a couple of clinging. vines. My wife hates her name so I call her Suse, which seems to suit her. . My own mother was on the ebb - tide of the romantic period, but she did name her daughters Flor- ence and Norma. They wound up as Floss and The Brat, so it wasn't too bad. With the boys' names, my ma wasn't too bad, but my brothers are Byron Arnott Keith and Donald Allan Blake, and I'm Wil- liam Bryant Thomson. Not too awful, really, but my brothers emerged as Blake and Arnott. I have been called Billy, Bill, Willie and Will, among other things, but have never been known as William, except in legal documents. I was the lucky one. I grew up in an age of Jacks and Bob's and t- Bills and Joes and Toms. A Gordon was suspect, and a Homer was hooted out of the gang, unless he could find a nick- name like Stink or Piggy or Greaseball or some such affec-° tionate nomenclature. In my group, there was a " Harold, an Arnold; and a Clayton. They were tolerated because they became Smokey Oakes, Goon Imeson and Pappy Warren. Aftermy generation, a new wave of snobbery set i, as' women started calling their kids after heroes in the 'Ladies Home Journal and British novels. There sprouted a whole crop of Peters_ and Stevens and Michaels and Jeffreys and Christophers and Marks and Matthews and Nicholases and Davids and Ians. There wasn't a George or a John in the lot. And the girls got it .too. There were Samanthas ;and Natalles and Sonyas and Patrices' and Lises and Pamelas and Elizabeth Help Wanted SKILLED and SEMI -SKILLED -Cabinet Makers =Assemblers -Sub-Assemblers -Sanders CARS, trucks and tractors for wrecking. See us fora any parts, towing or good used tires. Bill's Auto Parts, phone 338-2021, RR 3, Harriston. 14-21-28-7 GOOD WAGES and GOOD BENEFITS Apply in person to:- ROXTON FURNITURE LTD. 17 Erb Street ELMIRA ONTARIO BARRY W. REID CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 218 Josephine Street Wingham 357-1522 FOR ALL" YOUR power needs, Moto Ski snowmobiles, complete line of mowers, tillers and garden tractors, quality Bolen's and, Toro equipment, see POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE, Har- riston. 14-21-28-? GUNS BOUGHT, sold 'and re- paired. Reloading components at reduced prices. ABC Sporting Goods, B. Jenkins, Minnie Street, Wingham. rrpMar COMPLETE home remodelling service big or small. Call B. TOMADINI, Harriston, 338-5528. 7-14-21-28 DON'T BE disapPe.i►ated, ,;?pok now for'spring=and summer; wed ding receptions, club dinners or dances, business meetings or pri- vate parties. Accommodation to 330 people. Bar if required. COMPLETE CATERING SERV- ICE. Ranton Place. Call Palmer- ston•343-3906 or 343-3116. 7-14-21-28 ATTENTION SKIERS MINTO GLEN open this season Saturday, Sunday and. School Holidays 10:30 a.m. to ' :00 p.m., flood -lit for night skiing Wednes- day, Friday and Saturday 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. New Lodge facilities, rental and runs. Downhill and Cross Country Skiing, Snbwmo- biling and Tobogganing. Special Rates on season tickets for fami- lies or clubs. MINTO GLEN'SKI CLUB,, Harriston, dial 338-2067 or 338-2722. rr Mar. 'WANTED SALES PERSON FOR LOCAL BUSINESS Duties also include delivering and installing major appliances, stereos and televisions. Ability in repair fieicd an asset. Benefits include group hospitalization, good working conditions, company pension plan, salary according to ability. Commence March 1, 1974 Apply to Box 1470 Listowel Banner 11 Corning" Events. INCOME T71X Mark this date on your cal- endar. .Monday, Feb. 18, 8:30 p.m.. United Breeders Board- room. The Education Committee of the Wellington Federation of - Agriculture has arranged for Bell MlcEachern, District Taxation Office, Kitchener,' to speak on "Farmers and The Income Tax". Refreshments. Janes and Rhondas and Debor- *hs. My God, were there Deborabal ii have five of them this year in a class with twelve girls in it, . Finding a 'girl called Mary these days is just as tough as finding a boy called' Joh�ni:. p Oh, I'm not blaming the par- ents all that rnueh. It's no joke, choosing a name. We were going. to call our first-born Judy,, be- cause it was to be a girl. It didn't have the right plumbing, so we named it Hugh, after a Sir Hugh Smiley •in Ireland. And 'do you know, the old skinflint didn't even put our boy in his will? Second time around, we took no chances. The kid was to be called Kim, which would suit either sex. We though it was different. The only Kim around was Kim Novak. A dozen,years later, there was a Kim on every street - corner. 4 Well, like all grandparents, not wanting to interfere, just trying to be helpful,, we tried to ram a name down my daughter's throat for her infant. But most of the good ones were gone, In her own family con- nection, there are already: a Peter and a Paul; a David and a Hugh; a Steven and a Patrick; a Matthew and a Darcy. All the good ones were gobbled up. We suggested Geoffrey and .Mark and Michael and others, and at each, she'd say, "Echhhh, that reminds me of ..." The' kid was a week old. I was getting desperate. I asked my students to help me. They really tried. They came up with Charley and Cool -hand Luke and Jim and Oscar. Big help. Well, I know the suspense is killing you, so I'll tell. They named the poor little kid Nicove Chen. Nicov (pronounced Knee -cove) is a character in a Dostoievski novel. Chen (pronounced Shen) Means in Chinese "first-born". Her mother's face didn't fall more than a foot. My bloodpres- sure went up only twenty points. However, he said smilingly, it's kind cute when you get used to it. Russian, Chinese, and• his last name is Sieber, which is German. , A realocong orne3'gt,� cx, I As soon as he, s up to mine, I'm going to call hire. Kneecap. of fir TELEVISION AND STEREO. ANTENNA SERVICE - Colour T.V. Towers. Our specialty. ' --4Year-round service. -Free estimates. CALL COLLECT 3644313 Doug Harker HANOVER RUSSELS MOTORSLTD. -°'Huron. County's foremost Car &Truck Dealer" TANK k;;' Avg. 11,78 °A over 36 mos, for new and used cars r' 28 Sbccessf ul bears ; In The Same Town • OPEN Weekdays tiff 10 Saturdays•till b CARS and TRUCKS 81374173 You Can't haat SAUGEEN VALLEY MEMT Wholesale anal Retail Service k Neustadt Phone 3274401 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE. . Calves - Calves- Calves - Good Quality Holstein or Beef Calves, 1 to 3 weeks old, Rea-. sonable Prices, We Deliver. . OSINGA BROS. • 519 R.R. 1 2914138 Listowel HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL, CLINTON We are now paying $5-$15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you. License No. 237-C-7 Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 24 -Hour Service 7 Days a Week •CALL COLLECT 482-9811 LORENZ Dead Steck Removal • , 420,00 for Horses lc a pound for Cows FAST SERVICE , Phone Collect - 369-2410 DURHAM LESLIE MOTORS FORD MERCURY Sales and Service Used Cars and Trucks Bus. 338-2310 After H rs, 338.3133 HARRISTON W. D. `BILL' MAY STATE FARM INSURAN4E cx% an FACTORY OUTLET In Their Original OLD- MILL .f HN nilw.y frock IN BLYTH WOOL and LunnP110o1ICTS Kart lift Auto Life- Fire .„b WINGHAM 357-3280 BAINTON LTD. Blyth 523-937; '* Agricultural Tidbits with Adrian Vos It is my fond hope that our doc- tors will read this' item I am about to write. At. the •University of Georgia research has indi- cated that saturated fatty acid, which raises blood cholesterol, is not even present in meat fat. The primary fatty acid that is in meat fat (caproic) actually lowers blood cholesterol and blood pres- sure. On top of this comes the state- ment froni.Dr. Michael DeBakey, the famous heart transplant sur- geon, that only about 30, per cent`" of heart patients' have any c. holes- terol 'abnormality. He said that diet is sant a specific),cau§e of heart disease, stating: 'We don't know the cause and we need, to take a much saner. attitude to- ward . diet in relation . to the disease, since it is. obvious, that diet, as -far as.69'per cent or 70 per cent of the patients are con- cerned, -has not been related or associated with thellisease in our experience." Then frcim Dr.Raymond Reiser, Texas'A & M. University that saturated fats do net, by any criterion, elevate cholesterol to - office, travel and tent TRAILERS - truck campers - truck caps - trailer part;; and" - accessories Open 6 days, closed Wed. 212 miles westof Hanover on No. 4 Hwy. Ph. 364-3748 high risk levels, "if indeedthey raise it at all, Dr: Shermanof the. Meat Board thought it more likely that we eat insufficient crude fiber than that we eat too much saturated fat. He said that there is- considerable evidence that dietary fiber - whole cereal grains, roughage of -fruits, vegetables -lowers blood cholesterol. 0 0 0 ., , 'Just saw in the daily press that the • agricultural outlook con- ference doesn't expect food costs to,go down. We, as farmers have known this all along. 0 can't go down at the farm level since production would decrease and the price increase, It can't gd down at the transportation level, for fuelprices went up as well -as truck prices, and wages won't come down. Restaurant prices can't come down because wages and other. inputs went up: Retail prices won't go down for the same reasons. It appears to me that low income people must have some help to pay for the higher food cost. I'm afraid that high income people, professional people, some high paid union members, will not be willing to sacrifice anything. Then if the food costs go up, they'll demand more income, which in turn will result in higher food cost. ACCIDENT REPORT The National Safety Council reports; "Accidents are the leading cause of crippling and disabling injuries in all age groups and the sixth leading cause of death in senior cid-. zens." TRA/LES' SALES 5 RENTALS SMALL ENGINE SERVICE & REPAIR M. C. SMITH SPORTS DIVISION M. C. SMITH APPLIANCES Authorized factory service for: TORO , JOHN DEERE BRIGGS & STRATTON' +a AND,- AWAAA I11 -IT ' Licensed mechanic on premises for. service and major repairs to most other makes. RR 2, Listowel - 291-3810 Mon. Thru Fri. • 8 to 6 WHERE OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY, INCOME TAX PREPARED - Formers - Businessmen - Individuals. Reasonable ‘ Rates ' MIAOW n411111mi, Monkton anytime 347-2241 Brussels Tues. and Fri. 117-6663 Ronnenberg Insurance Agency "Avoid the Ruh ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLIES -LTD. Due to the increase in meat prices •we are able to give you top prices for fresh, dead, or disabled cows and horses. ' We will pick up your • calves and pigs free. Radio equipped trucks ' for the fastest service. CASH ON THE SPOT Local Calls Atwood 356-2257 Long Distance Zenith 70650 7 Days a Week 24 Hours a Day Lic. No. 427-C-73 PLAN YOUR MOTORING FUTURE NOWT Increase the resale value of your car or truck with °'erCOMPLETE PROTECTION ATWOOD - ONTARIO 517 1 1 th Ave., b Hanover Ca 1 I Le -2832 "A MUST O PREVENT R ST" 411 HUNTER MOVING' STORAGE AG NT, YA AHA Local and Long Distance Class D P.C.V. Licence For delivery or shipping needs CALL THE EXPERTS HANOVER Collect 364.1560 HELP WANTED FARM COUPLE WANTED Must be experienced with cow'.herd and gen- eral farming. For modern equipped 1200 acres- with cres-with purebredCharolais. Good house on high- way, steady employment, Good conditions. Apply: Wat-Cha Farms Highway 6, Mount Forest or phone: Bampton 416-457-4587 Von Eyl Bros. AND Incor Farm Equipment CLIFFORD Take this opportunity to let you know that we have a good supply at low prices on Snow - Mobiles, Cultivators, Double Discs, Corn Planters, Bale Throwers, Racks, Fertilizers, Spreaders, Post Hole Augers, Wagons. 4111116. Phone 327-8045 P&F Lawn & Sports LISTOWEL 291-2441 Licensed Mechanic Visit Us Soon CROSSROADS SERVICE DIRECTORY REACHES 38,000 READERS M. C. Smith Home Service Division Now offering complete service for TV, radio, re- frigeration, ranges and other Appliances. Backed by factory -trained service-`' men, a huge parts inven- tory, sophisticated repair equipment and one of Mid- western Ontario's largest stocks of major appliances. RR 2, Listowel 291.3810 "Our location saves you money." mei/ N$URANC• All Types of Insurance 335.3525 357.2636 GORRIE WINGHAM We Tell You Sell 357-2320 CARSON'S AUCTION SERVICE Available for All Types of AUCTION SALES Choice Dairy Cattle Bought and Sold Facilities Available for Herd Dispersals Call DAVID CARSON R.R. 3. Listowel, 291-2049 Where Satisfied Customers Send Their Friends 1 .r • •