HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-4, Page 3RAILROADS IN INDIA,
-who Extent to trillion Englishmen *lave
Covered llindoenin MIA Net -Mtn
01 iron.
An American gentleman now in India,
writes ah±o11ow :^Indie has now 16,000
miles of relaroad. It is as far from Celoutta
to Bombay as it is from New York to Den-
ver and several trunk lines rim across llin.
dostan from one city to the other. There
are branches from thee which go up the
Himalaya mouttaine almost to the borders
of Thiltet, and others whichehoot off to the
Khyber pass 94 the entrance to Afghanietan
and not a great distance from the new
Russian reilway, which has been puehed on
pest Saniaroaud. The day will come when
we an travel from London to °Alma% by
rail, theugh this presupposes the °tatting of
tunne/ under the Eoglieh channel. South
India has many long miles of railroads and
the whole of Ifindostan, which le half the
size of the Dominion of Illanada, has a rail-
road net covering it. The construction of
these railroader has included engineering
works fully as granrl aa the railroad making
of Canada or the United State& and the
keeping of bhern in order is more difficult.
Otte of the great plagues of Indian railroad
makers is the white ant. Theta ineeeila eat
every dead thing in wood form above
ground. If a pile of wooden ties is left out
over night on attack of ants will have
carried it away by morning and there is no
possible storage of wooclee ties. Such ties
as are in the roads are savedirom elestrum
tion by the vibration caused by the running
trains, which
It is the same whh telegraph pries and fenowi
and the result is that the ties of most of bhe
railre ads are made of iron. I have traveled
about 3,900 utiles over all kinds of reilwaye
7,n India. The telegraph poles on many of
the lines are hollow tubes of galvanized iron,
about as big arouud as the average Melee
calf, so made that they fit into ode another
and form a pole about ten feet high. To
these poles the lines are strung, and many of
the roads use each poles throughoub their
entire length. On other lines the telegraph
poles are T. iron rails, the same as those on
which the oar travels. Two cf these rails
are fastened together by bars about a foot
wide and then thie iron lattice work is met
deep in the ground and the wire strung upon
It. About some of the stationsithe fences
were made of such iron rails, and through
hundrede of miles along one of the rajah's
railroads in western India I found fences of
barbed wire with sandstone pests. These
pests were a foot wide and four inches thick,
and they atood about three feet above the
ground. The wires ran through holes in them
and the railroad men tell me they are much
cheaper than wood. '
I am surprised at the magnificence of the
depots in India. Here at Bombay there is a
finer railroad station than any in the 'Crated
Stateaf It cost about $1,000,000, and archi-
tecturally it is the peer of any building in
Washington. At Celoutta there are fine de-
pots and even at the smallest of the tovene
you will find well made stone buildings sun
rounded by beautiful gardens in which
Nothing aocut these stations is made bf
woof. The platforms are of stone filled in
with cement, and the cars run into the eta -
lions on a plane about two feet below the
floor and so that the floor of the oars is jut
even with that of the depot, Each station
has its first, second, and third class waiting
room, and everything in India goes by classes.
The oars are first, second, third. and fourth
class and they are all on the English plan.
They are about two-thirds the length of our
oars and a trifle wider. They are not so
heavy as the American passenger coach and
they look more like wide, long boxes than
anything else. Each of these oars is divided
into compartments. In the first and second
oleos there are only two compartments in
the car, and the chief difference in these two
dames is in the number allowed in the com-
partment. If you will imagine a little room
about 10 feet long by /0 feet wide, with a
roof 7 feet high, in the centre of which there
is a glats globe for a light, you may have
some idea of the Indian first class car. You
must], however, puttwo long, leathenoover.
ed, cushioned benches along each side of this
rnein and iiiii the ends of, these have doors
. „
with glean; viindOws in them'opening In-
,I ward. dyer the cushioned backs of the
benches therearo windows which are let up
and downilike those of an ordinary street
oar. At the back of it there is a lavatory
without towels, soap, or brushes, and there
Is barely room enough for you to turn
around in it when you are washing. . The
second -oleos oars are much the &Me, and
there may be one eecond-olaes oar and one
first in the same coach.
Butthew about the bedding?
Evety 'man carries his own bedding with
him in India and these Indian oars give you
on which to spread a cotton comforter, a
shawl, or a rug. You oarry your own pill.
t lows and the bedding of half a dc Z311 passen.
ii, gers would fill a oar. Each traveler of the
afirst and second ohms brings the most of his
.ibliggege into the train with him and there
eis often as much as the contents of an Ameri.
it.telin baggage -par in one of these oompart.
ents. No one undresses, but all lie down
vith their clothes on, pull their shawls over
hem,and sleep the Nab they oan. There
ire no porters to wake yen at -the proper
dime and your boots remain unblaoh ed. Wo.
men traveling alone universally ge into corn
pattments reserved for wornele itieci men
• traveling with their whims hetet often trouble
In keeping together.
This luggage being brought into the cars
• and the trouble about getting and holding
seats leads to the neoeseitY, which exists in
;India, of traveling With a eervant. All
•'English and American bravelers oarry one or
more servante along with them, and in deur.
ing up your railroad fame yen must add to
the fare of the class by which you ' travel a
third-clase fare for your native servant.
This servant speaks Englieh. ' He man-
age* your baggage, sees J to the hiring
and paying of the cabs to and from the
etations and the hotels, and waits upon you
at the hotels. In many of the hotels you
get nothing to eat if you have no seeveait.
Your room is not made up, your boots are
not blitoked, there is no bell in the room,
and yen get no attendance whatever. If
you have a aervano he eleepe on the floor
outside your door and fights for the beat of
everybhing for you. He wants but little
wages, and on the whole it le cheaper for
you to take him with you than to get along
without hitn. I have tried kith Ways and I
can testify to the facia At Calcutta I hada
black -skinned, turbaned ,Ifindoo who pre-
tended to speak both Frenoh and English,
and who altogether did no knoW morethan
a &ten words of either, Still he nerved his
purpose, and on leaning Calcutta ib seemed
an extravagance to take hint With me. The
result Was / went te Benettee Without him.
At the hotel there I had very poor attend.
lune and had to pay three time hie wages
in fees arid gelato. I got another man at
Agra, Who le dill with me and Who le now
At the hotel tables here. He ill 0. tall. fine
looking Aryan with a ooebly turban, a Aeree
blaok mustaehe, and three theme art molt
style as nitwit, He watches my interests
closely for, ;35 tants a day, beards] teed
eleeps hiinself, and considers himself well
Only rioh natives travel seoond-olass in
India. The bulk of the first and second
•class brevet is made up of Euglish and
Americans. The natives,as a ride, go by
the intermediate or third-olass, and the
thirdolass fares here are the oheapeet in
the world, They are, by ordinary trains,
less than 12 oent per mile and by mail
trains only 9.16 of a cent. Still the third.
class paesengers at thie low rate pay more
to the roads' than either the first or second
olass, and railroad managere tell me they
believe it will pay to reduce this rate much
lower than it is now, Mr, Ellsworth, of the
Denver & Rio Grande railroad, is travelling
with me, and he tells me that we have not
begun to touch bottom in our American
railroad fares. He thinks the roads would
make twioe as much If their rates were re-
duced one-half, and says that the reduction
is sure to come.
well appreciate this, as the thirdelass fares
In England 9.re the fares that fill the pockets
of the stockholders.
Here in India there is v. vast difference be-
tween the prices of the various dame&
First olass is on the great Indian peninsula
railroad, which Li a fair type of the whole,
2i cents per mile. Second olass is just one-
half this rate and intermediate one half of
second olass. Third olass is one.half the
intermediate and the thirdclass pays. The
third-olass oars oarty thirty-two patimengers.
They are divided into compartments with_
benches uncushioned, running so across the
oar that theepaesengers face each other, and.
the passengers are packed in as close as
sardines. They are always full and these
East Indians travel as much as do the
citizens of Canada or the United States.
I have yet to find a train in whioh
the third-olass oars were nob packed
and many of those upon which I rode bad
three times, as many third-class-earas first
and second class. Each native carries a
bundle with him containing his brass pot,
out of which hp drinks, and often the pans
with which he woke his food. Accustomed
to the poorest of beds ,at home a cotton
blanket suffices for his traveling, rug and
in waiting for the tieing at the stations
he often puts his shoe under his head foe a
pillow, and Wrapping up his turbaned head
in the cotton oloth which covers his bare
shoulders steeps upon the ground until the
train is celled.
The Hindoo women travel as lightly as
the men, but the two sexes are never put
nto the same ears. There are closed oars
on all of the trains for high caste Elate°
women and thee have windows of blue
glass in the firstiand second classes which
but which -prevent the men from looking in:
These woinewoome to the depot in dolled
chairs and as they go to the train they pull
their shaerla °lobe about their feces, itheugh
their ankles and calves, covered With gold
and silver brattelete eften IthoW, in eocrie
of the care the •witidergra of the women
compartments are so fixed with shutters
that there can be no looking out andi an the
train which carried me to Darjeeling there
was one hear covered entirely wibh canvas
as thick as that of a circus -tent. This con-
tained Hindoo women, who, as they rode up
the Himalaya mountains through the finest
scenery in the world, were thus shut in the
stuffy darkness of this tent -like oar and saw
no more of the grandeur of the nature about
them than they would have seen had they
been tied up in so many leather bags and
sent along as mail.
One of the greatest roads in India is the
East Indian railway. This railway has a
curious method of investing a percentage of
the wages which it pays its hands which is
found to work both to the advantage of the
railway and the employes. Wages are very
low in India, but through this method many
of the employes have. betoome rich. All of
the hands who receive over 30 rupees or $10
a month have to pay 2 per cent of their eatn-
lugs into a oertam fund. They oan pay as
much more than 2 per cent as they please.
The road receives the money, pays interest
on it, and upon their leaving the service
honorably gives them back
they have paid in with interesb. This
seemineredible, but Iasi assured it is so. An
English clergyman told me that he knew a
railroad employe who went in at $10 a. month
and who will soon take out 85,000. This
method was entered into at the time the
railmad was bath. The managers were hard
up for capital and they wished to bind their
hancla to them. The company is now pros.
perous and it keeps up the same system.
Speaking of railroad wages in India I find
ti.at section men work here for from 3 to 5
cents a day and that the roads can get all
the men they want ab these prices. Engin-
eers work on time and distance and they
are about the'highest paid of the railroad
employes. They get about $70 a month
while running regularly, but they can In -
Orem this by extra running to $85 and $100
a month. • The Indian railways have no
oonductore in our sense of the word. The
tickets are collected and examined by men
at the various stations and the guard who
manages the train • in other respeets has
teething to do with the tickets. Such
guards get about $25 a month and on the
smaller railroads they receive from $7 to $20
a month. The most of the guards are
natives or half.breedea while a majority of
the engineers are Rnglish.
.--44-4.4.!910•4?-4.48°.•° °
• The Alaskan Alps.
Though by no means the highest mountain i
In the world by actual measurement, yet
Mt. St. Elkin probably appears as large as,
if nob larger than, any other, for it is plainly
visible from the sea throughout its entire
height of eighteen or nineteen thousand feet,
though situated from forty th fifty miles
inland. The Swiss mountains, which are
all under. sixteen thousand feet, are generally
seen intent elevations varying from four to Dt'
eight thousand feet, while in the Himalaya
s,tthe plane of observation is oonsiderably high-
er, It is certainly true that, with the pos.
sible exception of Mt. Wrangel, about which
little is known, Mt. St. Elias presents the
greatest snow climb of all the mountains in
the world, on account of the low point to
Which the line of perpetual enOW detteads in
henortherly regions. Besides+ Sb, kilos
such mountains as Cook and 'Vencouver
sank Into insignifieance. -1Proin climbing
"Mt, St. Klieg," by William Williamet in
A veterinary surgeon recommends that
those who have Outage of norises, eapeoially
farm horses, be taught that 'the stomach of
a horse le not like the rumen et a cow, a
Mere receptacle for food, but an month'
organ of digestion of limited capacity, which
does not need to be °rammed in order to
perform •its proper functions, and thet it
cannot be so treated without deuger to the
animal • that the teeth of the home are pro-
vided for the purpose of maetleating the
food, and that food whioh does not ri quire
mestioatton should be sPariagitri if ever
need. He further recommends that n
horse be put to work immediately after
full meal, and where a home has done
heavy day's work it should be allowed to
stand in the stable until it is Wel and cum.
fortable before being fed. A little water
may be given, and if a little good hay be
put into the raok it will occupy hie atten-
tion, and besides requiring proper malice.
Mon, will further have the effect to stimulate
the etotnaoh to secretion and prepare it for
the reception of the feed which is to follow.
Should& horse rl quire More food than ueual
to supply the extra wade of tissues calmed
by hard work, give it by all means, but let
It be in excess in its albuminoids or nutri-
tious constituents, and let the horse be fed
oftener and nob increased quantities at a
time. •
the formation of fibrin in the milk, 4 eao
'7* to 8 inches in diameter,' hot Meer 20 limbos
in depth, filled With udlk.dereotlY trout the
cow, and set in a tusk of water at about 42
is as perfect gestalt), creaming as is known.
A water box with a close fitting cover, deep
enough to readily set cens 29 inehee deep,
and filled with water with lee enough to
maintain 420, into which the cans of warm
milk Oen be pet, and the oover shut down
to prevent contact with the air of the teem,
melees a very good and cheep oreamer. If a
slow current of fresh water oan be maintain
ed, all the better. The water abeorhe all
that is evaporated from the milk ao needs
to be either changed occasionally or supplied
from a continual source and "waste' provid.
ed for. Cream to ripen well should be kept
a at as near as possible the ohurning temperat-
e are, say at 60 ° .
I have had one of my own but two years,
and I oan see many good results from its
use. If a piece of sowing put la with a
drill is at once firmed with a good heavy
roller it will start much quitoker, and the
'land well be left smooth to run the harvester
over. If the lot is near the barn, you need
not shut up the hens, as the seed is quite
secure from them. I dislike to shut the hens
eapeoially so early in the season. I con-
sider the nailer also the best implement to
use on a piece of sod after lowing;pit puts
all the furrows right down where they be-
long. I used the roller to -day on a piece of
sod plowed for potatoes, and then put .on
the same a disc harrow, and a more perfect
job could not be done. The roller ie also a
capital thing to ran over the meadows in the
spring, pushing back the grass roots tient
have been heaved bn the frost, and also the
small stones which have 'been raked up by
the horse rake. I have a sowing attaohment
on my roller which is quite an advantage, zee
I can while rolling sow plaster, &o., on my
young Glover or meadows, or even grass seed
on the meadows that are frozen out. My
roller is made in two seetions, each '3 feat
lorg and 28 inches in diameter, of solid log,
and bored from end to end. It has a
ettationary shaft I inches in diameter on
which the sections revolve. The • bearings
are of as pipe 5 inches long, driven snugly
in each end of tne sections. It is more sub-
etentlat than a etave roller, and I colander
It by all odds much better and cheaper to
make. Every farmer should have one.- [J.
E. Sharon Centre, N. Y., My 3.
INSECT Poisons,
Is there a bug poison that does the work
that peroxide of silicates does for killing
potato, cabbage and any bugs or vvorms
which fermers are troubled with? If so,
please give me name of same and the enema-
facturer. Is there seine kind of pohon you
tan reconamend as good besides Paris green
and peroxide of silicates? J. B. C., Port-
land, Me, [Phe rule which we endeavor to
follow is not to recommend any nostrum,
medioine or !poison of which we are not in-
formed as to the composition. It would be
unsafe to do so, and its use might result in
serious accidents. The name "peroxide of
silicates" means nothing, and appears to
have been chosen to conceal its real nature.
We know of no insect poison more tffioient
than Paris green, London purple or other
compounds of arsemo ; but these should al-
ways be used with caution and genially in
a more diluted -state than is often the case.
If sufficiently diluted, and if as thoroughly
intermixed as possible, bhese poisons may be
obtained at a lower price than nostrums
made from them and sold under concealed
Mime Co. meg AND OTHER PoINTs,
ing out plane for a dairy house in whioh I
wish to apply the principles of cold storage,
if I understand them rightly. Would like
to know whether milk set in deep cans,
placed in a refrilierator or °old cohamber in
which the air is kept at say 38 °, will do as
well and yield as much cream in the 12
hours as if set in a water tank with water
at same temperature, for satin length of
time. My idea of the requirements for a
good dairy.house for deep setting of milk
are, first, a tank, bcx or refrigerator in
which to set the milk and raise the cream
temperature to from 38 ° to 40 0 ; them a.
chamber for keeping cream to ripen, to churn
and make up the butter, and keep the butter
temperature at from 58 ° to 600 ; and last-
ly another room with a stove or boiler in it,
to heat water for vvashing utensils, &o., and
in water to warm the dairy proper. To
keep the tank and dairy -room dovvn to the
proper temperature in summer, an icehouse
or chamber would be needed, either along-
side or over them. Can you or any of your
readers MAO me with plans or suggestions,
or if any of my ideas are incorrect, pub me
right? I propose to • build in the fall, to be
ready for making my winter butter next
season. I keep from 20 to 25 cows, and try
an nearly as possible to have a steady pro.
duction of butter the Year round, though I
find it Impossible to get as many COWS to
come in in the fall as in the spring. This
week, vvith 21 cows out on grass, and fed a
laic clover hay night and morning, we
made164 pound° of butter.' The cows are
Guernseys and Guernsey and Jersey grades.
I hope for some assistance through your
olumne from which I have often obtained
moat vanable information. - S. A. F.
Knowlton, P, Q. • • •
Cream will not rise nearly so well in cold
ir as in water of like temperature. When
he " element of cold" is used as ren ageet in
ream separation, the nearer the process can
be made to approach the instantaneous
the better. Water le several times better
as aoonductor of heat and cold air, that, e.,
It ainsorbe the heat more readily, and this
holds good in the rapid cooling of milk ; the
water quickly absorbs the heat and even
then • h diffioulb to geb all of the oream
from the milk in twelve hours. The `degree
indicated by Mr. F„ 380, is at least 4 too
cold to get the best aeparation. The sinaphe
action of cold is not to make milk Cream
better by the, rapid falling temperatdre, bub
the rapid cooling immure changes in the prop.
erties of the Milk, ottueing certain bffitienoes
to be retarded and giving the fate more
freedom toe rise, islet as it proved that delay
in milk setting, allowing the temperature
to tall before It goes into the cane, precludes
a change in properties or aonditione that
causes part of the at to refuse to rise.
It te now thottght by Prof. Babcock that
the Vane di rapid Cdoling of milk down to 42*
*-the mete rapid the better—is In retarding
What They Had to Do With It.
Bertie—" Who made the match ?"
Ethel*" Mamma." tertie—" Who broke
it off 1" Kthel—" Papa:" Bertieg°
What did you and the young gentleman halve
to do with It, any way 1" Ethel--" Oh, we
sympathized with eildh other Whetit was
made and dongrattilated esioh other When It
WM broken off"
Colorado is raid to have 1,000 women
The moat useful implement on the farm is
a level head.
If you have plenty of weed ashes you will
not be compelled to buy fertilizers rich in
A light harrow iun over the corn ground
three or four times, the first three weeke af.
ter planting, means a heavy corn crop.
The farmer who is content with less than
twe tons of hay from any aore of good mead-
ow land has not familiar acquaintance with
his resources.
The annual production of maple sugar in
the state of Vermont is between ten million.
and twelve million pouads. A large part of
the crop is sent to outaide markets, much of
the sugar exported going to Western buyers.
Cleanliness is the best preventive of poul-
try diseases. Rooms should be frequently
cleaned in the summer and eprinkled maga
sionally with a disinfectant. Pub a quarter
of a pound of eulphuric aoid in fi three gallon
pail of water and sprinkle the roosts, walls
and floor.
The safest and beet way to grow blaok
raspberries and blackberries for fruit is to
plant thick and out back thoroughly, making
a perfect hedge of oanee that are strong and
stopley•. Of course, in growing two crops to.
gether as desoribed above, compost or manure
must be used freely, also mulch.
When setting out trees never put man.
ure of any kind in the hole made to receive
the roots of the tree. Lay the top soil aside,
and when the tree is in position throw the
top soil on the roots and pack closely, then
filling in with the soil taken lower down.
The only fertilizer neceseary the first year is
ashes. •
A rich, rnoisb, but not web soil, and cool
atmosphere are essential for good oaulifiew-
er. • Where these oondibions, or at least
'wale of them are nob found, it is almost
useless to try to raise a crop, eapecially for
market], as it is shipped largely from it:ma-
th:nee Where it succeeds weU to every market
mr.por tame.
White olover is one of the best pasture
grasses for sheep, and as ib Is hardy, as well
as beingadapted to nearlyiall kinde of soils,
it should receive more attention than is usu.
ally given it. Sheep are close croppers and
dislike long grass. White •olover is rich in
lime and other mineral matter, whioh plaoes
it among the most valuable kinds for ewes,
and especially for young stook.
According to Matthew Crawford, in the
"Ohio Farmer," an extensive apple grower
of Illinois is said to plant only half as far
apart as the trees should stand permanently,
and then he brings three-fourths of them
into bearing as soon as possible by girdling,
letting HIM produce all they will until the
permanent ones need the room. The girdled
trees are then out oub and the others have
all needed apace for growth and productive -
nem. •
London Without Enci.i
London never fails to impress the tourist
with its peculiar place among the cities of
the world. There are many presenting far
finer groups of buildings; its main thorough-
faresc such as Regent -street and Oxford -
street, are not to be tampered with those in
Paris or Philadelphia; but there is a solidity
in its pavement, a steady progress in its
vehicles, a sense of continuity in the endless
succession of its ebreets, an air of unpretench
ing confidence in its crowds, an unabashed,
monotonous uglinessin its lines of suburban
villas, whioh is unique. London is the
place where incidents and gatherings which
would move many a metropolis "to its
oentre" are wholly unnoticed exceet by
such as happen to come across them.
Even the moat popular events whioh may
attrad &nue hundred thousand people,
do not make a sign or ripple in the sur-
face of the great brick and mortar sea
which surrounds, the city proper. • He must
be a very big man indeed who oan draw dir-
ect personal notice in London. Metropoli-
tan news is oonveged, not by convereation or
verbal rumor, but by journals. The "talk
of the •°labs" (exalted by sonata "society'
papers) is an L fieitesimally small fraction of
that whioh engages the metropolis. There is
really no "talk' of the town" ae distinct
from that of tlae nation. It is sheer siz
which distinguishes London. Not long ago
I stood by.the castle in Edinburgh and no.
tieed that I could discern men at work in
the fields all around me. There were indi-
oetions of separate outside life. It is •so,
moreover, in the large transatlantic., cities,
Down the straight streets of New York you
oan °atoll glimpses of white sails on the
hudson or East river ; but when you look at
London from any tquare or open space with-
in ita borders theft appears no proof that it
has any borders ab all, or that it ends any-
where. It might oover the whole earth for
all you oan see.
Marriage by Surprise.
An extraordinary cmourrenoe has • taken
place in one of the principal ahurclues of
Madrid, in the parish ot Santa Cruz. A
priest had nearly finished his maga, and was
in the aob ot pronouncing the sacamental
Words "Ite, miseaeeen! when a young man,
,aged 21, and a beautiful glrl of 20 suddenly
approached the altar -railing • with three
middle aged menand the young couple
cried alond :--"We wish to be husband and
wife. Here are our three witnesses." Now,
it none that under the oanoeioal Ia we still
regulating montages in Spain, Rotnan
Catholiee win thus eltsim to be considered
married by eurpritie if they . are skillful
°dough to do 80 jnet after ' the priest hat
uttered the benediction at the Gloat) of the
mails. Formerly this stratagem Wee as in
the preient OeSe, resorted to by young people
whoose parents opposed their union. When
this oedirred in the church of Santa Cita a
scene of eonfusion ensued, The ptiest
retired to the Merit by, and sent for the police,
who oenducted the offenders and witneasee
into the pretence of the muniploat judge,
Ile declared the matriage vaiid, ranch to the
delight of the yoting couple, ,and to the
ititenhe disgust of the parents ot both sides,
Who had resisted the union.—[tondon
The rerently ineremeed longevity or Nan,
iiind 1uM�tmu Times*
Dr.• Todd, preeidenie a the Georgia Slate
•Medical Society, read at the annual meeting
of that body, bold at Atlanta, recently, a
paper on" L mgevieyen which poesesores great
intrinsic its terest, and at the same time is
gretifying air showing how ranch medical
and eatitiary eelenca and a' more teething
smroadnei ot4tidihmna
fehoeveducellte tboetptreerloinnv
g ever
are the conditions of today than ot those
"good old times " for the return of which
sentimentaliste vainly sigh. The doctor is
modeet in his claims, leaking iao effort to
monopolize in the narne of the medical etro
fession oredit for betterment ia which so
many agenoiea play parte; but he does
claim, and with reason, that the intelligent
physioian has had much to do whit the re.
suit, and that the death rates of the vat•lous
peoples of the globe bear a ratio very near.
ly hyena to the number of qualified phy-
siciens among them. The highest death
rate in Europa is that of Reseda, ranging
from 20 per 1,000 in Qturland and 22 per
1,000 I the BAIR° province, there be -
mg many physioians in both districts,
to 49 in places where there are but few.
But one-half of the children born in
some tarts of Rassia rettoh the 7.1 year,
and of 1,000 male children only from 430 to
490 reach the age of 21 years and of theft
only 375 are able bodied.• Russia, with all
its teeming population, has only 15 414
regular physicians, one surgeon to every
100,000 population. The United States,
having a dootor of mediotne tor avatar 600
populadon, shows the lowest death rate in
Che -world, England following. The average
life expectancy in the United States is now
55 years; in England among the urben poem.
lotion it is 50, and among the ruraliets 54
years plus, Riiiiiiians,haire.a life expectancy
of but 28 years, appyoximately, and Ceilians
of the same, while hi Ellobed, in the Sander',
23 years is a generation. The average life
n the Rome of the Cream was 18 years;
now it is 40 year& Within 50 years the
average in Francehas inoreined from 28 to 45a
years and in the days of Qaeen Elie ibeth the
Euglish average was but 20 years. Dr. Todd
soribee the great and progressive change for
he better to advanced meclhal knowledge,
otter drainage and diet, greater cleanliness,
tid to vaccination and the use of alma-
hetios, quinine, and the like. He thiaks
hat quinine alone has added two years to
he avetage life of civilized man. To these
genders should be added the decrease of
ar, the more lenient lams, and the greater
emperanhe of our day.
The' Development of Advertising.
It is very interesting to watch the devel-
opment of: advertisingas ib appears in the
columns of the newspapers. Departments
of trade which formerly neglected that
_ egree (lees tit contribute to any one's
means of attracting i attention,
ere more comfort and pleasure to sea a sour and
and more leerning Ito 'profit by its advan- dour face constantly about one, to meet a
tagese Adverbisers aee also becoming ail..
morose manner, reticent or brooding, or to be
ful in the literary construction. of their an called upon to be the perpetual assuager of
nounctements, po that noWlhe. adveetising
ean undying grief, the bearer of confidential
dehleelif t° enliven communications of sorrow, or to be the wh-
its Pages' aild 1143' 1'1'38°0& Inaga of varied ness of tears, if any other member of the
information of great value to the reader. houteholci has'wrong or
been subjected to The repreaentations of the advertisements, loss or injustice? This it is as evident as
boo, may be taken generally as hpnest and the firab law of mathematics that a part of
truthful, for no wise dealer seeks to draw thenduty of each individual in a family le to
customers by false pretences He must have keep an even balance of good temper, and
on his - counters exactly what he advertites not to let those things which disturb ones
to sell, and he must sell it at exactly the ad- serenity in any way, but in which the fami-
vertised prices. Otherwise his advertise-
menb doss him more harm than good. It ly have no direct share, come into the house
and make an atmotphere of unpleasanbuess
may' bring, him in ephemeral trade, but the
larger the trade is the worse will it be for there. Even if the disturbing cause is some-
thing in the family itself, the duty holds in
him in the end. His deceived customers will the same manner; the matter if ib is serious
make for him an evil reputationfor dishonesty. enough, should be attended to at once, and
Therefore ordinary sagacity prompts the composed and settled so that good temper
dealer to tell the truth abut his goods when
he advertises them in the newspapers. and eerenity may be restored. Thus also, if
Now a common grief has entered and come to sev-
and again a scoundrel and a sharper may eral, it is best borne, after the first, by tacit
attempt to impose on the pablio by publish- understanding and sympathy in a trouble
ing swindling announcements, but the num- belonging to all, and by gentle and unfailing
ber of such is few, and it' is growing fewer. kindness to each other, and not by continual
Moreover, the papers which such men use reference to ito outpourion over it, keeping
as a. decoy are soon recognized. The swindl. the sight of its shadow ever before the eyes,
ing advertisers are af ter fools end gudgeons, and repressing any inclination in others to a
and they are shrewd enough to advertise forgetful if temporary gayety. And if the
in the p tpers patronized by pee& of f th
sort. . grief has come to one alone, then one alone
should roeive ill, and reserve it, keep it as a
personal possession, and as somebhing too
sacred even for the traces of its tears to be
evident when their concealment is possible.
A good-tempered open countenance is the
one for family use, and as sunny a one as
the spirit will allow otherwise, kind words
always, smiles and ready laughter if possible,
an iireereet in all mutual ehitigs the one
thing to be avoided being the overshadowing
of the whole family of a private gloom.
Whether happiness is t he law of the universe
or not, it certainly ought to be; and inasmuch
as we contribute to the happiness of those
in our circle as fah as our radius extends, if
by no other means than by a constantly
cheerful demeanor, we do something toward
bringing about tee millennial condition of
The•Price disked, for pitskeve's house, near
&lobes ter, is 47,000,
Mary Andereon can be pen every mornin
walking about Hempstead Heath, And hitter
to be seen wending her wey. to the little
Cetholie church for her Inerup,Ig cievotiont
She is said to look muoh better. '
The two peat fizt-ure ironclad% of the
Eraglish navy will be named the Hood and
rho Hawk. The hood will be of 20,000 horae
power and 14,603 tons. The Elawk will be
also 0120,0)0 norse power Auld 7,00 tons.
Sir Williaon Thornpsonl, whose compass
almost every mariner corriee, has lately sue.
ceeded in a dais for letringem.se t against a
nautical instrement maker named Moore, of
Dublin. The case will go to the House of
The care a fox takes of her oulcts can he
seen from a a list 9f provisions found to
gether about an "earth." It comprised 10'
rabbits, 20 rata 2 pheasants, I wild duck,
2 fowle' 1 snipe, 2 woodcocks, 32 molev:
total 70heed. •
A jockey wee baken to court by an Lupe°.
bor for the ScietyfprPree'ao,00ua of Creel ty
to Animate for ocuelty, ho • ha ving flogged
and sparred a mare in a race Although she
was hopeless ly beaten. Tee j ookeywas
heed £23 and oosts or two weets in prison.
EaPeeineeets %pia made in Londoner th
coriendynarniee, one of the lateat explolv es,
would seem to show thet it poeseesee aome
itriportant advantages o ver ordinary dyna-
mite, among others that of considerably
greater power, and the generation of much
lent noxious vapor whenexploded in confined
places. Is is composed of nitro glycerine
absorbed by ten perm of, a variety of carbon,
wR nadt e is °meitobeffe
aentirely unacted. by
e Ciarohes of Ltnden "
sheen the DA18 number of metro p tan ehurehe
ohm have increased betweau 1883 and 1889
from 928 to 1,016. Altar vestments are now
the rule in 59 churches as against 37 in
1883. altar lights Li 119 as against 61
in 1883, and the "eastward position"
in 306 as ag %bast 304 in 1883. In the
same period the number of churches in
which the 000amunion is celebrated in the
evening has deoreesed from 289 to 272.
Be of' Good Cheer.
There are some things which seem at drab
glance to he matters of temperament, but
which longer contemplation assures us are
matters of duty. Amon& tbeee is the habie
of cheerfulness in a family. Ifwe are placed.
in families for each other's protection and.
comfort and pleasure, each member of a fatal.
let has a put to perform in relation to every
°Weer one, which pat becomes a duty as a,
thing aestgued for performance, and am
oepted, is always a. duty. But in what
The cheapening of the processes of manu-
facture daring recent years has lowered
prices greatly. The advertiser accordingly
oan appeal to the great body of purchasers,
who must be careful of their money. The
reputable houses which advertise bargains
for their customers, declare no more than the
fact. At auctions or by paying cash down
for a large supply whi
ere cash is mperative,
ly r creired and of the first neoessity, they
frequently secure great quantites of goods
at less than the current prices at the &ober.
ies, perhaps less than cost; and selling for
oash, they can afford to make their own
profit proporbionetely small. Henoe when
a large house advertises bargains, it may be
assunaed that bargains they are. The quick-
er their sales, the more rapidly they turn
over their money, the more successful such
dealers are, and Co get speedy sales they
inusb tempt purchasers with as low prices
as they can effer. •
The Pavorite Times for Suicide.
Sbatistios show that the months in which
the fewest suicides occur are October and
Local NeNovember, while the greetesb number occur
wsapers. • in April May, and June. jaly and Septette.
Local or pnuntry newspapers are tavorite leer also have a goodly share, the latter
media for those who wish to make sales in poseessing a peculiar fasnination for women.
particular localities, because ,the circulation This refutes the old idea flat muicides occur
of a village newspaper is confined to a radius most he quentlyindamp and gloomy weather,
e few miles around the offi)e of public- for the monbhs just meutioned as • being the
ation,' most prolific are certainly those in which the
The letcal newspaper is taken by the best skies look brightest and the earth is fairest
people in every.:looality. It is the only Another remarkable faint in this connection
adverthing medium that is boughb and paid is that the progressive inetease and decrease
foriby the , persona whose attention the ad- in the number of suieides coincide with the
vertiser is desirous of attracting. The at. lengthening and shortening of the days,
tendon. of the subscriber to a regular news- and, as M. Cherry has shown, nob only the
paper rs invited to an announcement in it seasons of the year, but the day a of the znonth
witheut any t fficious eolioitation, almost and of the week, and °gen the hours of the
without his knowing it. Ats advertisemenb day exerb an influence, the constancy of
In hie own paper attraote his attention and wiaoh oan not be mistaken. As a result of
secures (bo some extent) his confidence, while his elaborate research he found thab bhe
tho same notice ithder other oireuinstancea greatest number of suicides among men
would be more likely to pabs unheeded. occurred during the fireb ten days of the
The rpent point, the strong reason why the month, and from Monday to Thursdny of
newspaper is the best advertising medium the week, This iet accounted for by reneem-
is bet:team° it is "paid" for by the recipient. boring thab the majority of workingmen
The subscriber :pays the actual cost of receive their wages abbot' on the flint Of the
inanufecture and distelbutation. The publitlit month or the laet of the week, and "pay-
er c.mi thereloreafforti publicity be an advert 93 day" is often followed by dissipation,
ment at a much lower price per hundred or deloauchery, and remorse. Gottingen corn.
per , thousand than could be afforded Jander pleted this interesting observation by show.
ther circumstances, This is the remota why ing that the larger number of eutoides among
no other can conpete successfully with the women bake place during the last half of
newepaper as a general advertising medium, the week, when they aro most apt to feel
the effectd man's prodigality and wrong.
It Is said that the Qaelsee Local Govern. doing. In regard to the hours of the day,
hunt have decided to oubsoribe $10,000 to. we know, from 11rierre de noiertiont's exam -
war& the relief of the sufferers by the St, inetiori of 1993,cans of suicide in Paris;
Sealvatir fire. • that the maximith number ocourred between
The Psnrulylvanis, Railroad company has 6 a, in, and noon, and there sifter regularly
just mettneted its baggage agents on all its deelinedi rcaahuig the minimum at he he"
lima to accept] and °any free of charge before aunri",
bicycle, tandem Wartime or trioyoles when
accompanied by their owners.
Sir William Gull comes to the defence of
higher etineation tor wornen with the ;state.
manta that a uniVereity education, snob as
irlerle get at NeVnhairl and Girton, makes
them and their ohildren healthier; and that
the percentage of childless marriages is loss
with edooated women,
. . ,
New England Climate,
"Change of dliniate le what you need,"'said
the high.priced physittlent after he had lis.
tinted to all the detaiiii of the PetiertOia CASS.
"Chahge of elimate 1" exeleineed the pen.
eiit in surprise. "Why, hams alive I've
never had anything gee, I've lived right;
hem to New England all my