HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-4, Page 2'.:FERNLP.911
CHAPTER IL I Wise you haye made up your mind to stay.
If I let you heve the eelace here with the
By dint of long moreing lounges in the
house I am buying, don't you think you
County Club, of which, select inetitution hemight cut the aemy, and eettle down in the
was member, Colonel Sendburet am:Needed
le killing the three days width divided him 1181141 fatihi°11?
"By whioh you mean metrimony, of
front his son's company. Not that he was course.—To tell you the eruth, I have never
altogetl3er a martyr to 13oredom, for there given the matter anything but the most
wereernany delicate plans to be finally setvague consideration, Naturally, I Shall
tied ; last, but not least, the MS8teratroke marry some day that is, if I can fiad some
' fair impossible the' who i rash enough to
Pare for me."
The Colonel etole a side -glance a.t the
.epeaker' r mealy figure and handsome
bronzed features, and thought that such a
contingency was by no means ece remote as
the modestyouth would imply. "You have
not seen one up to now, then?"
" Well, n -no," Frank returned doubtfully,
"I was never much of a equire of dames.
There was one girl' met out yonder; I very
nearly forgot her, Yea, perhaps if I had
bad. more opportuniby, I might-- Gad,
she Was the nicest girl I ever came across—
one • of the nursed yo e know."
"An hospital nurse I ' said the Colonel
coldly. " Not precisely the wife a Send-
hurst would generally choose."
"More fool the Sandhurst, then," Frank
replied as coolly. " And as a matter of fact
I may mention that if it hadn't been for that
same lady—and she was a lady, too—you and
I would not be sitting here to day."
"That is always the way withsou roman-
tic boys—every little service rendered end
paid fey in the unal way is magnified into a
great dept of gratitude.
"If life is worth living, then I owe mine to
"And probably would lay it at her feet,
after the good old-fashioned lines laid down
in ancient comedy," returned the father,
pulling his long mustache in some irritation.
"And regret it ever afterwards."
Miss Cramer, the aunt in qeestion, wart a "She had a beautiful face, Frank con -
gentle, placid,nobodydwho was only too glad
of the opportunity to effece hereelt on every
occasion, the sort of easy.going old lady
who, if properly olad and regularly fed,
asked nothing more from her fellow.orea-
tures. If asked what she lived for, she
would have shaken her head smilingly, and
declined the solution of so solemn and tinned
essary a problem.
Over his soup and glass of brown sherry,
the colonel succeeded in recovering his lost
equanimity. The dinner was well served,
tne Wye trout and ducklings delicately
cooked, and the colonel was but mortal.
By the time the peaches had arrived, his
, brown face beamed with hospitable smiles.
"Beautiful neighborhood," he observed
patronisingly, "and salmon fishing excel•
lent.—Now, if there was only a house on
the Bartonsham property, we might make a
pleasant summer here.
"I suppose the people are civilised 7"
Mips Ethel returned, helping herself to some
grapes. Miss 'Cramer had long since drop-
ped Into one of her waking trances. "Let
us go and sib out on that pretty balcony
among the flowers, and study the Castle-
fordian in his native lair, as we used to do
at San -Remo. Besides, I know you want a
They took their chairs out on to the bal.
coty in the factinci light, looking north to an
old church with tall grey spire; and im-
mediately before them, beyond the elms
where the noisy rooks were swirg'ng, rose
the Equare cathedral tower. The Colonel
1a3 back and smoked his tobacco with a
feeling of perfect tranquillity and contend
" Yes," he continued, "ib is a great pity
there is no house at Bartonsham. In that
case we might stay herd till the autumn,
and learn something of the ocounby. They
say the Wye tour is as beautiful as the
" Why not build a house?' asked the
listener, tcying with a rosebud.
" Ah, but you see I have a better plan
than that. It is so long since you were here
before that you probably forget Fernleigh."
"Indeed, I do not; that is, if you mean
that beautiful place on the Lugwardine
.Road. I believe I coveted that house more
than any one I ever saw. When I get
old and careworn, I shall like to have just
such another place to call my own."
"Perhaps there are more unlikely things
than that, beat use, you see, I am in nego-
tiation for the -purchase of bhat very house."
"Indeed I—Do you mean to say the owner
is aotually selling it?"
In spite of his 3nbilatien at this outburst
on Miss Ethel's part, the gallant Colonel's
conscience gave him a sharp twinge. It
seemed very strange that he could npt help
being conscious of a certain guilty feeling of
remorse for the parb he was playing. "Zea;
but nob from choice. It appears that there
is some law business pending in which the
owner is interested. I never had any head "I might have anticipated something like
for that kind of thing, consequently I did this"he replied in much/perturbation. 'That
not pay muoh attention to Heath's explan- is the worst of having girls to deal with."
ation," So sayieg, Colonel Sandhurst rose from his
"It seems very hard,' - mid Mies E Heel sym- seat and strolled to wnwards. Nob that this
pathetically, as ehe watched the golden unexpected oontretempe affected his opinion
points of Beane. "Having a pet lawsuit of respecting the purchaee of Fernleigh ;
my own, I can feel for the luoklegs owner. though he felt somewhat sore, and not a
But then men do not feel the same send- libtle inclined to be quarrellsome even
meat in these things OA women do." with hi much -loved who walked alongside
"But you see the owner happens to be—a with a grave face time observing a discreet
lady. 'L silence.
"And you are actually going to turn her "So the Morten scheme is postponed sine
out 7—Colonel Sandhurst, I am ashamed of die 2" he asked, as the Colonel made a pause
you. I Really, you should"— at length on the olub a taps. —"No, thank you;
Bub any further scolding for the Colonel I am not going into the club this morning,
was interrupted at this moment by the rattle If you don't mina, I will look up Ethel,
of wheels below and the sound of a well- and give her my aseistance in the proposed
known voice giving orders to an hotel ser- raid upon the /wed tradesmen."
vent. In less time than it takes to tell, Frank Sandhurst stood for some momenta
Colonel Sandhurst was grasping his soldier- before his hotel door, idly =thing, and
son's left hand, the right being supported contemplating the passers-by. In a smell
ecrose his breast by a silk bandage. Tbe country the contemplatiou of hUnlAn nature
Colonel's Hp quivered slighbly, his eyes is apt to pall, even with the most
lieteneci as he looked into his boy's face, enthusiastic student of his fellow -men ;
les Ethel gave a rapid sign to Miss Cramer, and Sandhurst, after a few momenta, felt
fortunately awake, and together they left his interest in Castleford affairs to be rapid.
the room, closing the doodbehind them; and ly fading. A native of the sunny South
a full hour had elapsed before they were grinding popular tunes upon an ear pieroing
missed by the serenely happy father. organ, and the gyration e of tonne merry
The next morning being perfectly fine and children were not calculated to riveb atten•
breakfast over, the Colonel proposed a vvalk, tion ; but presently, when a slight, elegant
a proposition declined by Miss Morton on figure in deep mourning emerged from a
thegroand that she had a yard =Mint of chemist's shop opposite, and walked rapidly
business in the way of shopping to do. So towards All Saints' Church, the young
the Colonel, nothihg loth, started off with genbleman's languid intereet gaiokened into
Free& Sandhurat to explore the lions of the something like emotion. " If that isn'e
town, They paseed through the (Rorie, under Gladys'my eyes greatly deceive me."
the ancleat elme shading a smooth haven Seyingthese womb, to the exteerne astonish.
'awe, into the Castle Gleams, where erstwhile ment of a passing stranger he dropped hie
a border fortrese stood, with the silver Wye oigareete and started in pursuit of the rapid,
at ita feet and the smiling landecepe beyond, ly vanishing figure.Taming aiong High
A pleasant spot to pass an hour in the leafy Street, she proceeded in the direction of
shade with a glimpse eif bliss old moatand High Towel, where Frank arrived just in
White oW4/1B filoatieg on the water, and the time to see her dieappear into a pasedge
air laden with the fragrance of the hawthorn. between two shopson the liiitel of one being
For si time they sat in silence, title old war, A brass plate bearing the legend, " Heath
worn Warrior an I his pliant' eon, watehing and Sterling, Soliettore," :
the flowing weter ae it hutried downwarde " Welle-I'm in luck so far," murmured the
to the ees. diecornfitect youoh, aa he gazed blankly ab
"Th Is good to be in England again," reeek the dim portala beyond tehich the pert had
obriereed at length. "Atter that broiling flown. "Mem To cultivate my eld /Helsel
elimete oub thee, the eight of it green field Heath'e acquaintance without further aelaY.
and deal etream Inakee ib OM like home." It wouldn't be 4 b.cl, dodge.to leave my card
"No place hitt Eaglets& after ail" rejoin- and reek hir.i to oall roared at The Dragon,'
eti the Colonel. a Awl, 0,11tiog About home, after dinned"
of inviting hie ward, Miss Ethel .Morton,
and her aunt to be his guests for a few days,
and thue bring the heiress in immediate and
431oee contact: with 0tptain Frank Sandhurst,
hie reputation and his 'Victoria Cross. This
letter coveted trophy had been won some
twelve months before in one of the recent
South African wars.
The diplomatic old Soldier stood in the
elegant private eliding room devoted to his
use, oonsulting his watch impatiently, for it
was approaching the hour of seven, and the
expected travellets were due : it having
been so arranged that they might: travel
down from London together, and thus cem-
ent the friendship. It was therefore a con-
siderable 'disappointmeub to the Colonel
when the ladies arrived by theneeelves, the
reortioitrent swain having failed them at the
last moment.
"He will be here by the mail," Miss Mor-
ton explained, when the preliminary greet-
ings were over. "It was some tiresome busi-
nees at the War Officio, I believe he aid.
Perhaps the Contenander-in-ohief required
opinion upon some important matter, But
really I am so hungry that I can't sympre
thise with you over the terrible affliction."
Colonel Sandhurst pulled the bell with
more than necessary violence, while his fair
visitor looked out on the bread streetr below
with languid interest. See was a pleasant,
merry looking blonde, with fair hair, and
kindly blue eyes full of mischief; but withal
sympathetic and true as steel to her friends.
Untied, speaking as if to himself; "a perfect
face; fair, with glorious violet eyes. Fancy
her corning all the way !rem England to
nurse a brother who was wounded I Be died
you see; and she stayed on to do all the
good she mighb. Then she found me uncon
Bohm, and at death's door, and nursed me
to life, God bless her! because I was some-
thing like her lost one. Under Providence,
I owe my health and strength to her."
"It was nobly done," oried the Colonel,
catching some of his son's.enthusiasm. "I
should like to hear the name of thicangel of
That is precisely what I can't tell you
I did ask her more than onoe. when I was
getting better; but she never would disclose
her identity. Call me Gladys,' she
would say; 'ib reminds me of my dear
brother and Gladys I always oalled her
"Um You seem to have done consider-
ably well for an invalid," said tbe Colonel
grimly; " fortunately, that kind of ro-
mance soon wears itself out. And besides,
I have formed obher plans for you."
"That's uncommonly kind of you," re-
turned the younger man as grimly. "Let
us be candid.—Who is the lady you have
"What do you say to Ethel Morton 7"
Frank burst into a laugh so spontaneous
and full of merriment, that the Colonel wag
compelled to stroke his moustache le hide a
half -smile, though his face preserved the
same look of judicial gravity.
"My dear father, you met be serious?
Consider how long we have known each
other, and how well we understand the
weaknesses of each other's disposition. Be-
sides whioh there is another Riot mend in
the field."
"Oa, indeed," cried the Colonel ruefully.
"That's the first I've heard of it."
"It didn'b take me long to find it out.
'You don't suppose that a really nice gild like
Ethel can go through the best part of two
London seasons without admirers ?—Cress.
well told me."
oh, it's Cresswell, is it? Now I oome
to remember, he has been uncommonly civil
to me the hat month or twee.'
"That's the gay Lothario. We had a
talk about Castleford a few days ago, more
particularly touching the salmon -fishing.
He seemed to be very much inclined to run
down here for a week or two. I shouldn't
be at all surprised if he turned up at any.
When a man hes been nursing a pet solieme
for some years, till it becomes almost a part
end pdrcel of his existence, the sense of de-
feat is very humiliating. And so the
Colonelefound it at this moment. Not that
he altogether despaired; but then Sir Edwin
Creswell was a gentleman of fortune aud
irreproachable social position such as no
guardian would have the right dismiss on
politic: grounds.
It Was nob until seme time after the meal
In question that the lawyer made hie ap
peerauce. He found 4andhu.rap and Mise
Ethel mated on the baloonyi the Cokinel
being engaged to take a hand at whist with
a trio of old military acquaintances, a class
of gentlemen who Abetted in the majority
of (cathedral towns. At this apparently dee p
atroke of diplomacy to engender confidence
and hasten the pouriummation of love's young
an Mr. Heath smiled to himself, but
what he said was that it waa a beautiful
evening and delightful after the hob after-
"Why haven't you been to see me be-
fore?" Beetel demanded. "1 can't coroe to
you pow, tor I used to in the old days, and
upset the inkpot over your cleanly engroesed
"Do you remember that ?" the lawyer
asked. "What a memory, to be mire !
The trouble we used to have with you two.
It makes me feel quite old when, I see the
3aptain here, who was only a toy yea ter.
"I was nearly calling upon you this
afternoon, only I did not like to disturb
you," Frank replied.—"Mid, I am not
asking out of an importinent curiosity, but
I should like to know who the young lady
in bleak is—the one who paid you a visib
this morning ?"
"Thie is a chapter out ot an unwritten
romance," E diel explained, "The wounded
hero present before you ; the gentle nutured
girl who braves a foreign clime to nurse the
proetrate warrior. The brave soldier re-
covers, and seeks his nurse ; hut she has
disappeared. In plain :English, Frank
thinka in the fair visitor of yours he has
disoovered the girl who, he manbaine, saved
hie life."
"There is not a doubb ef ib," said Frank,
with a warm flush upon his oheek.—"Have
you any objection to tell me her named"
"Not in the least, my dear fellow. That
wee Mies Charlesworth, the only daughter
of my very, dear friend and client, Mrs.
Charlesworth, ef Fernleigh."
"And her name is Gladys?'
Per feotey right. Gladays Violet, to be
"Then it is a romance," Ethel cried en-
thusiastioally.—" Is it a fact] thet she went
to Africa to nurse a wounded brother?"
"Perfectly true, my dear ? ' Mr. Heath
replied more gravely, "It was impossible
tor Mrs. Charlesworth to go, so she went
almost alone. Conventionally speaking,
perhaps it w is not quite"—
" Oh, bother conventionality 1" was the
abrupt reply. "Ib was a noble thing to do.
How many girls would have dared to do the
same ?"—The name seems familiar to me. I
fancy Colonel Sandhurst told me something"
"That he had bought Fernleigh, per-
" Oh yes • I remember now.'—Mrd.
Charlesworth" has got into diffi ,ulties over
some wretched law business, and ie compell-
ed to sell her house. What a pity it seems,
and such nice people, I hear l'
"It is a very old story," Mr. Heath
observed bitterly. "There is a large
sum of money in dispute. which is
claimed on a youpg lady's behalf by
her friends. You see, Mrs. Charles.
worth's grandfather, Martin Hos"--
A sudden exclamaticn from Miss Morton
out short the conolusion. "Why, you are
talking aboub my very own case. 11 I am
right, then Mrs. Charlesworth and myself
must be related."
"Von are the Miss Morton plaintiff in
this action r' asked Heath helplessly. "Why
did I not guess SS much before ?" Of course,
Martin Hay W9.8 your greet grandfather,
and but for the missing assignment"--
, " Oh, I am tired ef hearing about that
wretched document ; in fact, reprehensible
as it seems, I have not taken the slighteat
interest in the prooeedings. Do you think
there was any Euch paper ?''
" Certainl?, because I once had it in my
own hands.'
"11 it can be found, 1 have no right to
any of this money?"
"Not a penny of it. But as it can'b be
found, and there seems to be no prospect
allits turning up, you are legally entitled to
"Legally ? But what about morally? And
I have more than enough now." •
Fields, who had been listening in lost
antra ment to this, to him, inscrutable
mystery, at this point asked for explanation.
In a few words efr Heath told the whole
story, touohing briefly hub clearly upon the
strong attachment Mrs. Charlesworth had
for her old home. For a time there was a
dead silence between them.
"Ethel, what do you think of it?" Sand:
hurso asked presently.
It wag too dark by this time to see the
girl's face. She did not reply for a moment,
and when she spoke there was a strange catch
in her voice, as if she enunciated her words
with difficulty. "I think," she add slowly
— "I think that, if I have a voles in matter,
Fernleigh will not (Mange hands just yet."
The Devil Cast Out By Beience.
Conscientione men still linger on who find
comfort in holding fast to some shred of the
old belief in diabolio possession. The sturdy
declaration in the last century by JohnWes-
ley, that "giving up wittheraft is giving up
the Bible," is eohoed feebly in the latter half
of this century by the eminent Catholic ec-
clesiastic in France'who declares that " to
deny possession bydevile is to charge Jesus
and his apostles with imposture," and asks,
"How can the testimony of apostles, fathers
of the ohuroh, and saints who saw the pos
messed and rer declared, be denied 7" And a
still fainter echo lingers in Protestent Eng-
land. But, despite bilie otheelentiouir op
position, selence has in thee° latter da,ye
steadily wrought hand in hand with Christian
charley in thie field, to envolve & better fu.
fire for humanity. The thoughtful physi.
oian and the devoted clergyman are now 00n.
stantly men working together; and it is not
too much to except that Satan, having been
meet out of the insane asylum, will ere long
disappear from monasteries and camp meet-
ings, even in the most unenlightened regione
of Christendom.--fDr. Andre* D. White, in
the Popular Science 1VIonth1y,
Most men are honest as far down as their
underclothes, but you only meet one,oncie in
a while Who is bonen clear through.
°melte, parent—"Well, my eon, how are
you getting on at oollege?" Omaha youth --
"just splendid. I've ohly made one error
in the last three games of ball we have play-
ed" --Omaha World.
Down in Clark county, Gs" is an old negro
woman who every night prepares for death.
According to a local .neWepapind "titer a
short prayer, she clotheherself in a long,
dower•bedecked gown, plaits her hair care-
fully, crosses her hand e ort her breast, ahd
falle waken. Two ooppere are placed on the
tahle beside her to pub upon her °palish,.
Sheshas dirrected Chet she be buried on the
Welke of the Cloomit River, and believes she
is golbg directly to hansom: Sho it&Ivey
beyond sxpreeeion as she mikes emit morn,
ing and Slade hereelf alive," •
TL o Rev Dr, Nobtee chteago, etrousee the
Drilltuftlasm of ins Dearer*.
The Rev. Dr. F. A. Noble of the 'Union
Park Congregational Church delivered a
moot stirring sermon at the thumb heit
evening on some facts in " oonneotion with
the Cronin oath," For the first time in the
history of the church the lerge congregation
which listened to the sermon broke wet in
demonstrative and enthusiastic applause.
The pastor's forcible leineuage and eateio-
tie denuadations of societies in which ass.
assinatious are deliberately planned, and
his sharp comments of thoee leaders who
would use these societies for their, own
personal ends won for him the ()engrave
tion's warmes't approbation.
The sermon oreeted a profound sensation.
At the close the pastor was eongratulated
and commended for his effort, many crowd-
ing around to shaleeihand with him. Many
lingered about the chute% corridors after the
services were over to delouse the sermon they
bad just heard.
The subject was: "Some Aspects of the
Cronin Coate" the epeaker taking for his
text :
For there is no faithfulness in theirmouth ;
their inward part is very wieltechiese ; their
throat is an open sepulchre; they fletter with
their tongue. Hold them guilty, 0 God; let
them fall by their own minced ; thrust thein
out in the multitude of thole transgressions,
for *hey have rebelled,against Thee. • Pealing:
9 and 10.
The epeaker said :
Since the Anarchist outbreak, in vehlob
so many of the appointed guardians of law
and order were smitten to their death, or
wounded ancl disabled for life, nothing has
occurred in thie city which is at once 80
&limning as the horrible murder of Dr.
Cronin. So long as the case me involved in
complete mystery and there was nothing but
cord ecture on whiah to base suspicions and
inferenoe it seemedwiser to eaylittle about it;
butnow so much having been laid, bare that
while we do not know beyond oonjecture the
admes of the persons who dealt the fatal
blow, we do know that the foul taking off was
theresult of a satenic plot, formed and execut-
ed tor the purpose of concealing other iniqui-
ties and crimes, it becomes everybody who
has anyhonesb j
conviction or sense of ustice,
or any nfluence in moulding public) opinion,
to speek out, not only in tones of righteous
but of warning as well. Mind.
ca with her fres institutions has no room for
organizations and. methods which would
have disgraced Venice in the Worst days of
the Council of Ten or Naples when she was
ruled by unscrupulous Bourbons.
There ie one thing lying on the surface of
this monstrous exhibition of depravity which
it will be well for us not to overlook. It is
the awful depths of degradation and oruelby
oinentowne.hith human nature is capable of des.
What was it but an impulse right out of
the pit to allure a physician from hie home
under cover of night on pretense that his
aerobes were in immediate demand by one
who has been seriously hurt, and then to fall
wtoasne7dslay bun 7 Could devils in hell do
The speaker then spoke of the sympathy
so universally shown for the Johnstown suf.
ferers, bu b in contrast to it was the fact
that there were thieves ready to steal from
the living and to rob the mutilated bodies
Of the dead. Continuing, he said:
There is another thing which needs to be
said now and which I fear will have be be
repeated many times before the ill effects of
the monstrous crime shall have disappeared
from public thought. It is this : We muet
not allow ourselves to become blind and in.
different to the hither wrongs of Ireland nor
lose sympathy with tho honored representa.
lives of her people in their efforts to rightr
binewrongs and Advance her int° a larger
measure of itelf government. •
NOthing does so much to prejudice a geed
cause as its advoosey by unscrupulous parti-
sans. All good oanses•have to bear more or
lees of this sterna burden. Christianity leas
had to bear it, Liberby has had to bear it.
Temperance hat( had to bear ib. The little
collate of the Apostles had its Judas; the
American Revolution its Arnold. What
marvel if the cause of human rights in Ire-
land has its-- We need not be in a hurry
to speak the names. Let us hope that the
courts in due time will speak them ' for us,
and with an accent of authority vellioh all
the world may understand.
No people of which we have knowledge
have done so muesli in the cowrie of their
struggles for freedom to justify or at least
to excuse the honest measures of their op
pressers and to check the flow of eympathy
which would naturally go out to them as the
Irish people. The Irish have in them splen
did traits, they have in them magnificent
possibilities. They can show royal sped -
mons of manhood and womanhood. It
would be neibher just to ourselves nor just
to them to deny to the Irish people our
moral support in their efforts to aohieve a
larger measure of independence.
This country is large, but it is nob large
enough to hold citizens who claim the right
to lift the banner of any other country above
the Stars and Stripes! This country is
large, but it is not large enough to hold citi-
zens who have the impudence toe dulit funds
to promote the sacred cause of liberty in
their native land by perpetrating outragee
on other Governments with whom the United
States is at peace, and thenwhen they have
used the funds 80 gathered for their private
ends have the fiendish malignity to employ
the methods of the assassin to oover up their
frame@ end. theft, Isjn, this Country 19 X19t
large enough for this kind of citizeire htti• for
this kind of operations,
As the clergyman delivered these words
the imrnenee congregation buret into cheers.
The applause lasted several minutes. After
it had Entbsided Dr. Noble continued:
The doers 01 00 other nation ou the globe
are so wide open ire ours. The laws of no
other nation are as liberal as ours; in no
other nation is there so little interest and so
little prying into the private effeirs of indi-
viduals. But when men from abroad set
their feet on our shorea and take oub nature,-
lizetion papers and bind themeelvers by
solemn oath to sole allegiance to the Repub-
lic it is only in keeping with the ordinary
notions of men that they should be expected
to be Americans, good ahci true.Unitise the
temper of the timed has been misinterpeeted
in my, thoughts there is a deep and groWing
conviotion that they meat be Ail -Orleans.
If there isn't any other Way of making them
American citizens except by larialging them
with Amerios,n ,hemp and burying them
under Ameriean Aoilthen they Will have to
be made A.merican oltizster in that way.
Ager.t the oeugregation burst forth with
cheers, olapping of hands, ani other demon-
stratioes of epprovel of the minietetes sent.
ments. The tuaittle 'exceeded thee which
bed followed the deelitretion of petriotism,
and Was Meru' Ultra that at a public.' Meeting
than a church serviee. ,Dr. Noble rldded
• For ono I haleferatho, tr,ethed of elle
school,the, chureb • thii eP141te, pea,Jthd
open discussion, and the ameliorating in•
fluence of Christian civilieet190. But if
atenliiewutieorttrheesposonmdettoirtlideosenolotter isea
eta to -turn them over for treetedent te the
tender meroiee of courts ape/hangmen. Toe
Nation whose foundation was laid in the
prayers and amid= of the Pilgrims and
whose independence weer achieved by Wash-
ington and his copatrioto, and whose unity
waspreserved under Lencoln has no uail
for men whose arguments ere bludgeons and
dynamite and whose methods are assassina
aeronaut /cense or coughs.
The patriotism of the congregation ocruld
not let this sentiment pass unindorsed, and
for a third time cheering and applause are
sured the speaker that he had touched the
sympathies of his hearers. Dr. Noble con.
untied :
These are startling words which come to
us in the verdict of the Coroner's jury. The
six men who composed that jury say that
the evidence thews conclusively to their
mind, thab a plot or conspiracy was formed
by a number ofpersons for the purpose of
murdering Cronin and the plot wee deliber-
ately contrived and cruelly executed. These
six men say still further and in this para•
graph their moot language is given: "It is
our judgment that n•o other pendia or per-
sons except eome of thoee who are or have
been members of a certain secret sooiety
known as the United Brotherhood or Clan -
cm Gael had any cause to be the instigators
of such a plot or conspiracy to murder the
Paid Cronin." They furthers tray "We
turther state their in our judgment all email
eocieiles whose oljots are such se the evi-
dente shows those ot the °lawns, Gael or
United Brotherhood to be are not in har-
mony with but injurious to American in-
s Itutions."
Now it is no part of my purpose to use
bhe 'element 000asion to denounce secret
societies in general and to protest against
their exietence. Bub this I s'ay without
hesitation, that any society whose leading
men. can WM its machinery to plot and ad
oomplieh murder, and whose method of re.
form is the method of the incendiary, the
bomb thrower, and the assassin, ought to be
swept from the face of the earth 7 [Long
continued applause.] At any rate such a
!moiety can afar no justification tor its ex-
istence under the American flag or within
the jurisdiction of American lew. Every
inetinob of liberty, every instinct of right
ease out for its utter extermination, and
that at once I [Repeated applause.] It is
un-American in its spirit and aim, and at
heart it is evidently disloyal to the Amer-
ican Government. Already its fatal influ.
ewe has taken effect on a pare of our police
force, rendering the menunfib to be trusted,
and the question is being asked with signifi.
cant frequency whether other persons who
are o inflected with the administration of law.
and the preservation of order may nob have
been pub under obligations to the same or
In a published interview with one of the
prominent members of the brotherhood—I
say brotherhood, for that is what they ball
themselves, though ib seems a dismal mis.
nom& to designate a set of men who steal
upon each other, plot murder, and betray
one another bo the death by such a grand
word as brotherhood—but in a published in-
terview with one of the prominent members
of the "brotherhood" he is reported as hav-
ing said that the Clan -Da -Gael might at one
time or other•—might, that is'when the
leaders should think the opportunity suffi-
ciently invited—"break the neutrality
laws.'' In either words this prominent
members or the brotherhood thinks the
time may come when the organization to
whioh he belongs may take the law into its
own hands and snap its fingers at our legally
constituted anthorites and involve thi8 Na.
tion in war with other nations with whom
we may be at puce. And all this, t00,
With011t gang through the formiliation of an
expressed grievance or diplonAtio interview,
but the behest of a secret society oomposed
of patriots for revenue only. Have we
room in America tor thie sorb of bhing
Can a man be loyal to this sorb of an organ-
ization or Olio sort of a purpose and at the
same time be loyal to the Republic 7 Deny
it who will the prerient indicationa are that
in dealing with the Clan-ne, Gael we are
dealing with -what another has called "a
pernicious dynamite league, whioh arrogates
to itself powers inconsistent with loyalty to
the United States Government."
Take my word ferric; that if it is nob check.
ed in its operation by the proper punishment
of those who have used its shelter for the
instigation and commission of all sorts of
iniquities it will continue "to show the seeds of
secret aseassinatione, treaeonable plots, and
infamous orimes."
Do We want this ? Are we going to tolerate
this? Are the method and the spirit of the
inquisition and the Nihilists both in one to
be brought over here and set up under the
flag of the Republic? It has fallen to
the lob of Chicago to ;stand the etrain
and meet the issue of the severest trials
to yvhich any community in our country has
been subjected in recent years. Anarchism
gathered up all its strength and =mewed all
its cunning for a deadly'assault on public order
and the right of each man to work and hold
seourely the products of his toil and thrift,
Never did any city cense out of a struggle
to the death with more honor. Never did
a, city render a more marked and effective
service to the general welfare of the civilized
world that did Chicago in convicting and
hanging pestilent Anerehiete. Throughout
Abaerica and thrcughout the World men
epeak the name of Chicago in the mounts of
profouuder respect after the greattriumph
A similar eervioe to the majeety of the
State, to our republican institutions, to
human righte, to justice, to the present
generation and the generation yet to come,
ternainEJ tO be rendered. This is a more
difficult task, for the officere of the law are
involveda.nd there is a powerful and un-
sotupulone organization to deal with; money
will be poured out like water to defeat the
ends of justice. But, no matter who it
striked no matter how muoh intimidation
may be attempted, if it take e years of
prosecution and the last dollar in the city
treasury, the foul inurderera of tide man
must be soue,ht oub, tried, prosecuted, and
isaged I And the organization to which this
breiteon to man and treason to the State has
been accompliehecl made SO abhorrent in
the estimation of all good °Rims that no
unIo8 he be a confirmed thiel or.
cutthroat, will darken the doors 0, One
of its esanim I use the lenguege of
another When 1 Say: ''The time has
oome for milling a halt on all treasonable
and It defying combinetione and annealed
tioini under whatever guise they may have
been formed." ,
14av te(lk with eclat the
eite3hebteditet Poveri0 While the puleh 1iti
'Aga' ttAii ist
on itie Mee to keep silent
"1 hold heah in my hand," said Brother
Gerdner as the meeting opened in due form,
lettah from de cffioe of de Mayor of Ohs-
oinnati axing me if I will be a oanciydate fur
President in 1802, an' eddin' dat I am called
by six millyon oull'd people, De seckretary
of die ledge veal. write him a letter in reply.
He will write de word 'Chestnuts eign my
name below, an' direct it to die SnXi0118 in-
quirer. Dat word exactly expreases my
"In de fusb place. I ar' no mo' fit to be
President of dis 'United States den et
'possum ar' to teach Greek. In de next place,
1 hey l'arned from sad experience dab Sidi
honeyed words conceal an object, Eight
yeti's ago a man in Chicago announced dab
was de ohoioe of twenty atates fur Preeident.
Ile cum on yore ten days arterwards an'
borrowed $20 of me an' I bey neblaer seen
Mos since. y'ars ago a /meson ineBuffelo
predicted chit I would be nominated On boaf
tickets, and a week later he showed up heah
an' boarded on me two weeks an' skipped
oub wid my best suit. It Was suggested last
y'ar dat I be nominated fur Gov'nor of die
state. D t suggestion cost me $15. Dia
yere individual in Cincinnati will be slosh-
ing around die way next week, if he dean'
git dat letter, oalkerlatiii 10 hib me for $10
an' a week's board.
"I say to you, my friende, de wus befooled
man in the kenbry am de man who wants
office. He's everybody's game. Da men who
thinks he's got a political call has made a
mistake, What hettakes fur de voice of
de nashort am simply de voice of de fool -
killer. Fit or unfit, I want no elfin, nor will
I accept of any nomination. If die yere Lime
Kiln Club kin lead die kentry on to fame ard
glory dat's ,honor 'nuff fur any of us. I say
yer an' now to de people at large dat it will
be mikes to waste any postage on me, an' de
man•whe sofiesoaps me agin has got to do it
while I ar' asleep."
Brother Seepbrick Smith wanted to in-
quire if Brother Gardner would not :change
his mind in case his nomination' was von-
"No, sah,1" was vigorous reply. "Dar -
am no sioh thing, to begin with. De people
of this kentry dean' git up an' howl fur any
pertioular man. Der's too much good tim-
ber. Whar' tiny howlin' is dun, it is paid
ar at so much per howl. Sot down, Brud.
der Smith—sot down an' feel mo' dan eber
determined to wash yer hands of peados an'
what it leads to."
Samuel Shin called for the quarterly re-
port of the committee on agriculture, whioh
he alleged had been due for some time past,
and which he understood wassof unusual im-
portence. The president asked the °hare
man to submit ib if ready, and the same was
submitted as follows:
"It could hey rained ebry day fur de las'
two months, but it Inisn'b—not quite. Why,
Ib hasn't is a queshun dis committee ar' now
seeking to answer. ce,
"De moas' reliable report from de/ water-
inellyon districts allow as to fieger on
thirteen mellyons apiece fur de email. We
recommend dolt de oull'd folks hold off an',
let de white folks buy de Nat in market,
which ar' earth' to be only half dun.
"While der has bin too much rain for
corn.growine dar' hasn't bin quite 'nuff to
turn de co'n-fields into fish ponds, an' we
dean' blame de tarmac fur feelin3 blumober
de outlook. .
"De 'tater °rola hasn't bin quite drowned
out yet, acaordin' to reports, but fo'by days
mo' of rain will go a long ways tolrde mom-
plishin! drit remit."
A communication was received from Bowl.
ing Green, Ky., risking if any arrests had
yet been made in connection with the recent)
attempb to despoil Paradise Hall, and adding
that a suspicious character was in limbo
there who was believed to be one of 'the
vandals. He admitted that he had just
come Linn Detroit, and spoke very bitterly
against the Lime -Kiln Club.
The secretary was instructed to answer to
the effect that if the man turned out to be
one of the parties wanted a, liberal reward
I would be paid for his aPprehention.
A letter from the seorebary of the No. 13
Club, located ab Terre Haute, Ind., stated
that he had been authoriz id to ask the Lime
Kiln to affiliate, and asked what was re
quired of a candidate for membership in the
"113 rules an' regulashens hav bin pub-
lished seteral times,' mid Brother Gardner
in answer, " but I will state 'em agin fur de
benefit of public. Day are:
" 1. If de applicant has eber bin in jell he
mure be able to prove by three reputable
withesees dat he was arreated by mistake.
"2. If he has run away from his wife he
mute make oath dat it was impossible to lib
wid her an' injoy religiun at de same tin3e.
'alate.emus' be induetrious, honest an
"4, If he has ober bin publicly chit' rged
wid liftin' chickens de fact should be stated,
not dat ib will be counted agin him but dab
we may keep Out of fuoher temptashum
"5. He mus' be able to make his mark
wid pen or pencil, an' de harder he kin spell
an' cipher de better it will be fur him.
"6, While we lean a little to de Beptiet
religun, we shan't keep no good man out
bekaawhe trains wil de Methodists.
"7. Pollytioks does not enter into die
eolith. We dean' ask how a man wote3 wher
he makes itpplicashun. D may be lime
When de few Democrats among us ar' madc
to feel read at heart, hub we doan' do so as r
reg'lar thing. ,
" 8. Da applicant mus' be entirely ol'er of .
debt, own $200 wnth of property, an' hey'
gineral reputaehun as a respectable citizena.
Giveadam J07: A:f e to °D ask sk tor informa-
tion. He had been asked several times if the
LimeKiln Club was to be represented at the
Perla Exposition, but nob being posted w as
enable to reply.
s' et will nob be represented as a body,"
replied ther Gardner. "Any of our
meintere who drap ober ddr will take deir
coeds of memberiehip, of 00130g but deydwill
not offishually represent de olub. It air now
blme tur dis meetin' to disperse an' go linene.
Iogenious love.—Johnny,—"Dear
I love you so much 1" Papa—"I love you,
too, Johnny' when yon are good."
papa, I lotre you even when you ain't good,"
--[ reams Sifting%
From the latit report of Krepper establish-
ment ab Essen it appears thab in 1833 there
were Maly 9 evorkinee, and in 1818, 74. In
July, 1888, the establiehment employed
•men of Whom 13,626 Ware at Essen.
InOluding the families oP the workmen,
they supported a population of 73,900 souls,
of .whorn 24,103 lived in houses provided
by the firm. There are at Essen. 1,105 fur-
ritteestfValoild construction. 286 boilers,
92 steam hem:lore of from 100 to 50,060
kilo, 'n0 atom enginee With a total of
27,000 hoYlle poWer, 1,724 different ma -
bines, antl, 36d' cranes. Of coat and coke,
2;735 tOrir aid daily 040(1, eta 11 high fur.
bases of ',till htset oonetritatione rroduce
000 toneof ithet ter day.