HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-7-4, Page 1CIO 'TQ .Goldsmith ;� Hall! WATCHES,- CLOCKS, - .1E WE'LRY, ATCHES,-CLOCKS,JEWELRY, - • SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES. UNEQUALLED VALUE. tar Personal atton tion given torepairingof watches, clocks andiowelry: C. R.EICE:ENBACH, Opposite the Market, PARKI'IILL. maamaolaulamomme LEGAL. x• B. DICKSON Barrister, Soli- •. alter of Supreme Qourt,NataryPublic Conveyancer Commissioner ,arc . Money to Loan, OtlioonlwnsUn'a Block, Exeter, R H. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor,Conveyancer, y , Etc. t Th ETEIt, ONT. OfHoe'amwell'slllock Hall's old office.) ARIEQUlI W. FORA, Solicitor it: tho•Supreme Court of Ontario. Conveyancer,Ctitnmfssionerm&o., 3:c. Special attention given to the coheotion of claims in. the United States; Patents:proonred,. znonoy to loan at lowest rates. 01ioe ,Opera House Block,St.Marys, Ont. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, , Public, • Notaries Pub Nota: Solicitors, Barristers Conveyancers &C, &c. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT. DENTAL. Ti L. BILLINGS, • EESTTIST, OFFICE: over 0,.N'E1fL'SHafpk Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. 111NSMAI`T,DF NTIST.L.D.S H. Samwell's Biock• Main•st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain). by giving Vegetable: Vapor. Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible.Goes to ZUBIOH on last Thursdwyin each month: MEDICAL W. BROWNING M. D., M - (3 i e T st c V •,P:S GraduateViatoriaUnivet y,Ofil ►nd}residence,DorrinionLabor&torv• Exeter R. ELYNDMAN, 'coroner for the County of Huron. Office, oppositeMr. • , Carling's store, Exeter. D R. J. A.ROL7IN3, M.O. Y. S 0.Office ,Main'S..1xeter,Ont.Residers aehoueereoently occupied by'1'. McPhliips, Esq. AUCTIONEERS. : , ENRY EILBLR, Licensed Apo= - hen and 11fcGn111, • a Ste �W;• r for H p J..1 'o ee 9, tm n 7ray;Townehihs: 6ereso.onduoted atmoderate" rates. 0 tfce-At Post-oiUoe,Orediton, Ont. JOHN GILL, Auotioneer for -the, Cl Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly' attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Bales arranged at this office. • VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, raduatesof•the Ontario Veterinary Colloge- OaFsoE : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6} percent, esrOesi ate Funds- Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Ex ate r, INSURANCE . pall WATERLOO MUTUAL T 1 FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This corny -Any has been over Eighteen yearsin,uceessful operation in Western On- tarfo,asidsontinues to insure againstloss or damage by F'iro,Buildings,Meroifaudise,Mau- ufactories,andall otherdescriptionsoflinsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the, Premium Note or O ash System . During the past ten years this Qompany has issued 57,096 Policies. ooverin g property o theamountofA40,872,036 and paid inloss- ,,es alone$700,752,00 Assets, $176,100.00, consisting o f . Cash nr3auk, GovernmentDepositandthe unass-'' essedP emiurallotesonhandnndznforce. , W.VirALvnNM D.Preside r,t. C..M. TAYrion, Secretary: J.B. HUoavts,tnspector• ORAS: Agontfor txoterandviciuity, NELh POD CHANCE FOR A BLACKSMITH. Good paying Blaoksmith business and prem- ises, comprising shop, dwelling and stablo, for sale or rent, in the thriving Village of Elim- villo, township of Usborne, on corner opposite Hodgins' Hotel and Smith's store and the post office. Possession at once. Apply to John P, White,' Centralia P. 0., or to Lewis ll Dickson, barrister &c•, Exeter, Ont.-3mos: BarberC£NTR;AL Shop, 7. . I+ANSONt S BLOC, A. Hastings,' asIngs t _ Prop Pr p ranomularmamarssamownewiem Saving and Hair (inking in the latest styles the art. Every attention paid to cifttiti g Ladies ana Children s Hair. air EXETER J AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HMV To THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEEE THEY MAY:" VOL. XV.I. NO, 45. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 4th, 1889. JOHN WIIITF xr. s:e,?d,: robin ehgrsandProprtetors. Foy S.-1 IN -- KIRKTO '.A, large and well.'a'ssorted• stock of General Dry � Goods, • Millinal'y, Hats, Caps, Boots, Groceries, Crockery, C1asswar, , Wallpaper, Sta- tionary, Paints Oils, Glass Putty, Halls ; Books,,. ,Salt;. Boot -Tasks and everything kept 1;a a;first-class Store. The whole Stock will be sold, in fats to suit' you. Come me nudger a lot, the prioewil> suit you; it will make your wife and child- ren glad, your sons incl daughters )happy; and gee oral contentment: will'' P revail in. the whole family. Highest prices for.Batter'and Eggs. Yours truly, DOUPE & CO. -STONEMAN'S__ Je elr: Y wStore V HENSALL, ONT. IS THEBEST PLACE TO BUY Watches, Clock , Jeweler y, Silverware, Spectacles, Stationery, School Books Fanc 'G�o` y ods, Musical Instruments. A. full line of Spauldings P Bats and balls on hand , . We make a specialty of Watch and Jewelryrepairing-Allwork guaranteed Our Motto -Neat, Prompt and, re- liable. J. 0, fa*o=coatt HENSALL, ONT A PULL -T�CE! YOUNG & KERR Have their Hardware and Tinware.. Store - full of . the various staple articles, You can.buy your Hardware, Tinware. Paints, Oils. Machine, Oils,Castor Oil,. Vire, Glass, and Baby Carriages cheaper. from ns thou anywhere else' in this section. A call will convince you of this -fact. NAILS at the lowest rates. Sewing Machine Needles &c, at the closest bargains. Weed sell cheap and take a pride in letting our cus- tomers know of it: Lawrence's Sp ectacle's, &c. 701111 KERB. Crediton, June 17111, 1889. The Largest THE BEST TRE NICEST �T THE S VSTE �!' TEST ST Assortment of - Confectionery IN TOWN. JUST IN, 8c FRESII. Away down in Price. 1OLLIO.K'S Bread, Buns, Were; and all kinds of Past ry, still take the lea& Headquarters for Confection- ery at 41. FOLLI CItS MAIN -13T.. EXETER Hensall Races and Athletic Sports. FYRsx DAY. July 1st, Dominion Day, was celebrated mn Hensall a right loyal r with athletic games and horse racing, and the number of people who took part in the celebration was large, visitors being present from all parts -near and afar. In. the Inorning the athletic games took place and in each contest, competition was keen. Following hi the list of sucoeesful. competitors:- (STANDING LONGeume,-P.-.Sipple 9ft-7 in. ; P. ' McNaughton 9 -1. RUNNING lOP•sTEP-AND•JUrIP.-J Reid 388-2 Inched; P. McNaughton,. '37ft-7,1 . in. STANDING Iioy-srep-ANn•JUMP.-J Reid 29ft P. Sipple 26-10t. VAULTING WITH POLE. - E Rannie, 8ft-6in ; R Buchanan, 8ft--4. STANDING HIES JUMP: -J.' Reid, 4ft-6 ; R., Buchanan Oft 5nn: 'PUTTN LIGBT STONE, 16 lbs. -Van Norman, "39ft--4'; • P. Sipple •T .NONE 1 .-Y.a - 36ft--+O • PUTTING HRAVY 7i5 j4„', Norman, 39ft-3 ; P. Sipple, 34-5. Oltm-. BUNDRED-YARD BADE. -T. Oke'; R. Buchan- an. STAmmo THREE 3113ipa.--J. Reid, 30- i; ;1'. Sipple 29ft-3 in. Hahn mho RACE. -QPm: Charters; R. Buohanan. In the afternoon the Driving Park was opened, for horse racing, and ,aliarply on time the razing began. The track, which is the best and fastest in, Ontario, wag=` in geed condition, and horsemen in oonae- quence wore pleasant countenances. no first race called was the ONE LE COLT RACE. MI Two entries, A • E Tennant's (Exeter) "Capital" and R. H MoCartneys, (Bruce. field)"Fulton Tnck." In the first' beat "Capital" led well and held his position until the last quarter when Fulton Tuck passed him, coming in a length ahead with "Capital" off his feet. In the second heat. ,"Capital" . again led 100 yards, "Fulton Tuck:'• breaking badly. The driver of the latter horse got hint cooled down nicely' and on the stretch hugged -'Capital" olosely. In the next heat there was more reason for excitement. "Capital"` is a good starter and again led,;but getting oft his feat during first quarter "Fulton ' Took' passed him. "Fulton Tuok" then got "rattled," and"Capital" performing good work, passed him at the threequartor post, going under the wire three lengths ahead. Following is the time: - "Fulton "Capital" : 3 12 "Capital" .. ....... .3:20 THE ' 2:45 TnoT-b'our entries, "Gun. hilda," Wm Lee, St. Marys ; Mand B., Ed. Boesenberry, Hensall ; Ruby T:, P. Donnelley, London : Rosewood, Wm Thompson, London. In the first heat, .Gunhilda" led "Rosewood" second, Raby,. T:" third, "Maud B" a good fourth ; _ ; For the first half the two former hot sea and the two latter, paired, and for the ::first three quarters a close and pretty race was, witnessed, Gunhilda reaching the wire first with Rosewood one head length in the rear, "Roby T". third and "Maud B" 4th. RubyT during heat became yery lame and withdrew. .. The Ceoond heat was won by "Gunhilda," "Rosewood" second, and •'Maud 13" a fair third. In the next heat some good; trotting was done.Rosewood led 100 yards, Gunhilda breaking badly, allowing Maud B also to pass, and falling behind , seriously. She : Aught berself again doming down the stretch in thefirst half. and in a stylewhichexcited the admiration of the spectators, gradually closed in on Rosewood, and by the time the wire was 'reached Gunhilda had al- most tied Rosewood, thus winning a mean - able second. The fourth heat was keenly contested by the, two foremost horses. Rosewood led by many yards, but befor e the first quarter was reached Gunhilda bad passed her, which position she retained tilt finish winning by three lengths. Maud B was in bad condition being very weak, having foaled but one week previous.; Gun/nide is a small mare, a perfect pia - tare and as a trotter does her work well and with comparative coolness. Rosewood is a powerful mover and could she but handle herself like Gunhilda she wend. make a .rapid beast. Following is • the time of.: h.°. o- 2:43 Gunhilda ........ 2:36 Rosewood 2.46 Gunhilda ...2:41 HALF•MILx RUNNING* -Three entries. ',Devonshire Lass," J. Leathern, Exeter ; "Donald Goff," Ed. Bosscnberry, Hensall ; "Deovnshire Lady," L, ILDickson, Exeter. "Devonshire Lass" led but "Goff" passing in first gnarter, and leading to a finish with' "Devonshire Lass" 2nd and Devon- shire Lady 3rd. In: the second beat, Goff led Devonshire Lady following with Devon- ahiro Lase a poor third. The riders of Devonshire Lady and Devonshire Lass were. frightened of • their respective horses and did not caro to urge them.` Time as follows. Goff 1.03 1.00 Tiu 2.35 CLASS. -"Molly 13." J, Staf- ford St: Marys, "Topsy,'.' M. McConkey, Tara. Molly B. had a good start and led, Topsy passing her at that quarter. Molly Brat the first ]tali post regained the load, which she held till three quarters post ween Topsy again passed her and won first beat by half length. The next heat found Topsy leading with Molly B. close at hand and gradually gaining till the three quartors' post, when she got off her feet, falling back several len the, Molly 13. was soon recover- ed and in a few seconds had reached her opponent, losing the heat one bead behind. In this heat both horses performed good work. In the third and last beat both horses were more or lose rattled, Molly B. especially breaking badly. Topsy again led and retained lead till finish winning by several lengths, Molly B. at intervals, after breaking and losing considerably, would at once patch her opponent with eaten fent would not pass her: Time Topsy: 2 37 " ..... .2240 BEOOND DAY. The second day's :does were uneaacess•• lnl. owing to the heavy whower of rain *Welt felt between twelve and one o'oleek. The track, in many places wns flooded and in bad condition. At two o'clock it seemed almost impussiblo to, pall the races and many horses were taken home while snores of visitors also left. The sun having Dome out, strongly and dried the trach consider- ably the rages were called at 4:30., many of the horsemen howeve -, refusing tc track their horses. The first race called was the three minute trot.There were only two starters:-"Be1laRowe,' ofwinghant, and "Sorrel Frank," Zurich. One heat only was trotted, Sorrel Frank being distanced. Time: 2:52, Next called was the running race. Three entries: "Devonshire Lady," L H Diokson, Exeter r "Ring" J King, tlliaton ; "Donald Goff," Ed Bossenberry, Hensall Devonshire Lady won' two successive heats, with "Goff" a close' a second. Timer 1:04 : 1:04. Thiel concluded the summer' meet. ing of the Association. The management of the Hensall Driv- ing Park: deserve'oredit for the manner iu which h bo th days moos v ace w are'oonduoted: their sole desire being to please the visitors. and to use the : horsemen properly. The first day's races here°sncoeseful .and those of.the 'second day would haves been more gratifying to all had not the, rain interfered. The Association cannot be ;blamed for any shortoomings, in the pro. oeedings, and we trust that their next next meeting may be a better financial success. On July 1st. everything was favorable to having the best meeting ever held In Ontario. The best horses in the count e to ry• re w presentnl.e part. The Exeter brasa bandenlivened the proceedings of both days wits choice sel- ections of naneia. The judges wore: Dr. Sutton, Clande- boye ; Wm. Robinson, Denfield Harry Either, Crediton ; J. Dnlmage, Wingbam. • Dashwood. NARB.ow EsoAPE-On the way home from ihe;picnio the misconduct 6f some persona caused a team to run away and thereby greatly endangered the lives of two of our Dashwood ladies, Mrs. J. Pope and Mrs. F. Noll. They saw the team coming .behind thembarely in time to tarn their horse to one side in order to let the ,runaways go past. The wagon caught the wheel of their buggy and wrenched it off but provi- dentially no rovi-dentiallyno one was hurt. The young man, who caused the runaway, should have been severely dealt with, as such eon- duct as his cannot, be too "much censured. He is supposed to belong to the Bauble' Line. We hope he may take warning and be careful of his conduct in future. Zurich. (Too late for last weeks issue.) ConxayAins.-'Base ball seems to be the {ir'der' ofethe day. The "Corn,§talks" of the public school, played a match with the "boys from the Fourteenth," on Tuesday last, which resulted in favor of the "Corn- stalks," the score being 27 to 17. The ' teams were pretty evenly matched, but the winning team seemed to have had more ptactiee aux of course understood their' bueiness more thorou bl Bniars,-Tlie young ladies of the village held their picnic at the Grand Bend on Thursday of last week. As far as we can learn they enjoyedthemselves wonderfully, but according to the way in which they were expressing themselves on their return we suould judge the next timethey go to the Bend it will not be to a -ladies' pionia. Mr. Greb has the new addition to his hotel almost finished+ It is quite au improve- ment to the front street. -A. couple ' of gentlemen, from Exeter, were in town this week endeavoring to organize a Court of the I. 0. O F. -Mr. F. Kibler basreturned from his trip to Hamilton: -A number of the Fansville citizens passed ^ through the village on Thursday last to the picnic grounds itt Taylor's Grove. Clandeboye. • Bnixys.--Mr. :as. Walker, station agent at Ulaudeboye, was recently fined five dollars and costs by squire Noble, for using. abusive language to vMiss Amanda Hodgins a school teacher of this place. -A minister on leaving a circuit not far from here for a station, found it advisable to dispose of bis horse, baggy, °atter, &o., and sold his gig and buggy to a member of his church for the snm of ` fifty dollar' cash When he came to take the rige away, the individual informed the minister that he was short, of money and could give him, only twenty- eight dollars, but would give him a note at seven months for the balance. AS the minister needed the money be ;offered to take twenty-eight dollars instead of the note for thirty. The individual who a short time ago could not possibly get the thirty dollars, immediately produced the. twenty eight, and so paid his debt of fifty Miens, with .forty-eight. But the mane was notsatisfied for seeing a buggyspread td in the stable, he carefully placeiunder the seat of his buggy, but on seeing it the minister informed him' that it wad already sold to another person and refused to let him have it. This ie the same individuals who a abort time ago tried to palm off a blemished colt on a widowed lady in ex- change for an orae purchased by him from her husband prior to his death. As Buell transactions cannot be properly des- cribed in prose, they might be more gra- phically set forth` by the well known poetical, genius of this wealthy individual. -A short time ago . the wife of Mr. W: Windsor, of this place, went on a supposed visit to Sarnia, but a eouple of days ago he got r stating that h a letter from her the was not coming back again, but had gone with a more handsome person. There are some wild remora afloat about the affair. but the refrain -from saying any mote for the pros. tent ORIGIN OF SWEARING. The brother of the fairy Pad Baton was only thirty theme bi,gb. His beard was thirtytwo feat long and extended horizont.. ally in front cf him ne he walked, He in - 'Vented ewearing to exprmn hie fe&inge when poor biscuit wore eat on bis table. Tics wife could always make bibouitto please him by using Imperial dream Tartar Bak. Sag Powder, v,cRvn9r_ssv Lumen. Loo hs. -Dan lvjeOosn and Alfred 0 neilt left Sunday morning on a two,weeke' vacs' to Greenville, Michigan. Miss Hall, owing to illness, has lieez;1� forced to give up teaching, Her place is filled by Miss Ida Stanley, temporally. The Rev Mr Sellery, ; pastor of the Methodist flock of this place, has received a•eall from the evealtby parish of Brussels. He leaves us universally iegretted, Oal, Jackson led the Ilderton brass, band at the picnic on July 1st. 14 Ir. Albert Shippley is building a new brick heuee on the site nearly opposite the G. T. R. station. A small oolonyof Ldoanites left on the 4 a. ne. train, Monday last to visit the Orangeville races. Jonathan went along. The Rev. Mr. Sellery preached hie fare- well sermon in the Methodist church hist Sundayevening to a large congregation. Mr. 0. W. Hendry will fill his plane. . new local paper oalled the "Busy Bee," under the management of Mr. Wm. Bryant, is to be started in 'Lucian. Wo wish Mr,,. Bryant success. Messrs. Fox & Hawkshawhave puroha8'' ed the Hover Flouring', Mills which„ they purpose remoddliug and putting in the roller prowler/. The Rev. Mr. Fairley, brother.in-law of the Enterprise Editor, -preached in the Episcopalian church Sunday evening last. A. Strawberry. Festival is to be held thii Thursday evening at the Episcopal rectory under the auspices of the 'ladies Aid Society-" The Ilderton band will be present. Mr. W: E. Stanley viola' dthe Dominion shipping holiday, by shi g a $ 2.0 twine order, , and 0900.' wire order to one of our adjacent" towns. The cornerstone of the Lucan high. school is to be laid next weak by Messrs. W. E. Stanley and Dr Hoseack assisted by the Rev Mr Downey. Several thoueand. are expected to be present. Election of offioers for current year, Lucan Lodge, No 70, I..0. 0. F :-Bro. 1, Wm. MaoDairmaid, N. G; bro A B Empey, V. G; "bre Dr Hossack, Trea ; bro W E Stanley, Per. Sec ; bre, R' Collins,. Ree. Seo ; bro G A Staney,.P. G. Oar town is perfectly quietas there are no exciting scenes resulting from the re- peal of the Scott Act, such as the would- be Temperance enthusiastios preached pre= ceding the election. The :-nen of this vicinity are possessed of a more reasonable amount of common sense. ' Oar town council' was waited. on. by the representative of the Waterous Fire Engine Company last Thursday. They viewed a large painted chromo of a fire engine in full blast extinguishing a city full of fire, and were so over awed with the Beene that they have.almoat decided to buy the whole ont- We arep leased to notice that two amide young ladies, of the village, have .disting- uished themselves at the closing examina- tion of theBrantford Young Ladies' College, bliss Ethel Hoesaok receiving the highest honors and the firstprize for general prow ny fi i c e o prize second wns awarded Miss Lena Matheson, she having attained the second highest marks in all the subjects also carrying off the first prize in the advanced class of music. Miss Hosea&. goes to Toronto next week to matriculate. Our volunteers returned home on Satur- day last and were met at the station by the Lucan brass band who escorted them. through the principal streets to tthe tuus,. Behold the Conquering .Heroes Cotte:. They presented a bold and courageous front and were showered with, a sapere- bundanoe of bouquets, which they received in a spirit of nonchalance, only reciprocat- ing with their hansomeat smiles, having just before their departure for home' been complimented by Sir Fred -Middleton, as being the hest make' up be had ever scrutinized in his military experience. St. Marys. • 13nm rs, -St. Marys laerosse team played their return match with Ingersoll ou the first, S'r Marys won by score of 5 to 1. BASE BALL.-Kirkton base bale team were defeated on the let, by the town's junior team, score 26 to 6.-Miteheil played here on. Dominion Day defeating the home team by a score of 15 to 19. During the second inning Goorge Touch, catcher for. SI. Marys'. had his right hand split open between the first and fourth fingers ; thus rendering him unable to play, leaving she home team in a bad fix. -St.' Marys played at Strat- ford ou Thursday last, where they defeated the Classic team by a score of 19 to,15.- Mise Wilson is slowly recovering to con- aciousneas.-Alf. MoTavish is holidaying under the parental roof at Kincardine.-- The following persons spent Sunday and Monday in town W 11. Gilpin, .Toronto, John Boylamm al traveller, 1 oronto,; Roger Hadley, London Wm. Mama, Lean Y, John Madill, A, Orwell, Owen Sound; A. Barbey and wife Woodstook,-St.Marys volunteer companies carried the boners with them on Saturday: Public schools and Collegiate Institute clotted on Friday lost. Entrance ra ce examina ion t commenced to -day, (Thursday.) Third and second classes examination on the ninetb. A garden party under the auspices of the young people of Knox Church, was hold on the grounds of Mrs. Harrison, Water-st on Tuesday evg. A good time was spent by all. -Thomas Harriston B A has re- turned after home m # er a ninemo t n hs, sojourn throeEurope h theandd g dark cantiuent -- Rev, T. M,am pb l C p e I, has commenced a series of short Sunday evening disoonrses eubjeot, "From Egypt to Oenaan,,'-John Harris dlod ou Friday ,morning,' The funeral tonk plane from his late residence Tueeda3 , at 2 o'olook p, m., and was largely attended. --Raymond Alexander, the four year old son of David Currie, died on lueeday, front a disease in the throat. Mrs. Clench atmd her two daughters re.. turned on the list inst., from Lepsie Ger- many where they have spent the lest five years. Miss Nora Olenoh is ono' of the first violinists of the world. Tiley were teoeived with enthusiasm. Daring the severe thunder storm on last Thursday a valuable steer belonging to W H. Graham, was struck by lightning, The Molsons Bank (01IAIITDltlaI> BY PA RI/ AIM ENT,1850) Paid up Capital ... 82,000,00 Heat Fund ... 3,000000 Head Office, Montreal, F. WOLFE11STAN THOMAS, Eno, gEgen Ai. Loewe: a 20 branch offices is the Demi:gen. .Agonoin. in the Dopiinion,l7, S.A.and Europe. Exeter BraX1oka,, Open every lawful day, from 10 a: m. to 3 p. zn SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, 3 Per Cent. per annum el lowed for money on Deposit B°eoipts'andSavings Bank. R. H. ARCHER Manager. maws amomponionimopownwinuawtammomiromm Crediton. Bntere.-Miss Sarah Murnor, of Zurich, is visiting friends Lora. -Mr and kirs Aug, Hill were in Zurich on Sunday yisititg their sister who is at death's a r door. --The ahe many friends of Mts. G. A. Qaizer will be sorry to learn that she is at present in : a very low condition and that she will not likely recover.-Ilr Wm. Chambers is con- fined to bed with an atteak of fever. --Rey, Samuel F. Brown left to take an appoint. meat in the Dakota Conference, His many friends wish him well. -Mrs Sam'l Wood is visiting friends in Deleware, Ont. -Dr T A Amos has returned from a trip to Toronto. We su pose he attended th P n e great Reform *Die while, there. -Quito a number left here on Thursday last for Lon- don to hear the Gilmour Band. They think it was not as good as last year. The macadamising of the Crediton road is pro - greasing m greasing nicely and we hope to see it posh - ed through with the least possible delay as in the present state the road is very bad to travel on; -Roadwork has commenced and in a great many cases ended. The work in the village has not been finished yet and, in some places a great deal yet remains to be done: --Tho boys who ; were away to London at camp have returned, but bearing a somewhat darker complexion. They all bad a good time of it. -Dominion Day was quietly celebrated here, most of the people having gone elsewhere to celebrate it. A gteatmany went to Centralia and to the lake and a few to Hensall. A game of base -ball was Played in the morning be- tween two chosen teams which resulted in a score of 10 to 9. -On Sunday last the annual"Children's Day" festival was held in the German ehuroh. The edifice . was handsomely decorated with flowers and evergreens and in the afternoon and evg. speeches were delivered by a number of visiting ministers as well as by some local S. S. workers.',' The singing was especial- ly adapted for the occasion and was as usual excellent - A barn of Matthew Finkbiner, of the 8th concession, was struck by light- ning on, Tuesday. No serious damage other tbau breaking rafters, occurred. --On Wednesday, morning upon going to the hotel stables, here, the groom of "Loohey MoDorteld," owned by James Miller & Son, of Mooresville, was surprised to find the horse lying dead. Tuesdayeveniug' .the;. animal was in good health and the cause of death his a mystery.' The horse was valagd" at 62,500, 'which with the loss of "Saudy Scott" which occurred in Crediton last y. makes ` thetotal loss of a X5,500. Sympathy 'goes out for the Messrs Miller & Son. a •� Gtelieneevety. On Wednesday last Mr. Henry Wicket, jr., was married to Miss Esther Emeline Wilson, youngest daughter of Mr. Jas T. Wilson, at the residence of the bride's hither. The bride was assisted by her sister, Miss Jennie Wilson, and the groom by Mr. Fred Wicket, Rev. P. W. Jones performed the ceremony. A large number of friends attendedaud a Iarge number of beautiful presents v� presented r sent od to the bride, which showed the esteem in which - she was held. BR/EFL-,The garden partyIest week at John G.iieves Esq.,: was a decided simmer The football match between Grand Bend. and Moray teams was won by the former. Proceeds of the garden party amounted to Mee, The ports that selected Mr. George She et's mileh cow fora target lest weak, will please take notice that mileh cows are not let out to be shot at. The bullet wont right through her. Mr Sherrett had to have two patches put on it -Mr. John Benner received the jou of building an 80 feat shed for Grace church. Mr. Thomas Stinson of Bayfield visited his friends here on July 1st. -The members of the L. 0. L. No 219 are to meet at their lodge room at 9:30 next Sabbath morning and march to .Corbett, and attend the Presbyterian •••IT Hensall. 13ntuirs.---Last week death removed; from our midst the infant children' of Messrs Wm Westeott and W G Charters. The;funerals took place on Saturday and Sunday last to Exeter and Hillsgreen cemetries. We extend to the bereaved families our heartfelt sympathy. --On Sunday last the Sons of England of Exeter and Elousali attended Divine service in St,''' Paul's church here: " The service wag taken by Rev.5 F Robinson, of Exeter, and the sermon, which was a very powerful and impressive one, was preached by the rector Rev 0. lir Bridgman. The church was filled to overflowing.' (Tho sermon could not be published this week owingto lack of space, but will appear next wek)-Miss Nellie Morrison, of Bayfield spent Dominion Day ether' horde here.--4YR Hodgins; late of this p]aee, now of Kincardine, took in the races here on Tuesday last. -The new plate glass window recently nt • mn 126 rs Mc- Arthur P ss fa Arthur & Co's bank here adds very much to its appearance. -The storm Of Monday WAS not nearly 80 severe aa a little to the north and west." � 7 + .I L ANCI);NT•'CJAPITAL. QUnneo. I have been troubled with in- digestion for the past two years and have tried many medicines without avail. I tried Burdock Blood Bitters and eau say chore i s nothingOLOSE equal to it. Thomas O'Brien. B I3, BI cures dyspepsia, bilious- ness and constipation. A CALL. AFTER r It e uffotil t g for three Week') from Cholera Iefantnm so that/ was not ex- peoted to live, atid, at the time, would oven have boon glad had d ath called ma, so groat was my suffering, a friend reeotn mended De. Fowler's 1+3xtraet of Wild Strawberry, which Gated lams magic on my system. But for this medicine 1 would not be alive now. -John W, Bradshaw, 393 St. Paul St., 1lfont'11'. Q. FREELY USED. Mr. Wm. Mann of Ottawa,Ont., writes : I have Reed Dr Fowler's Esiaot of Wild Strawberry in my family with the very bent results. I recommend it to my frreude terandy,think it is the best medicine in n'o tor all summer complaints, dierrhost, dysen- eta.