The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-01-31, Page 1831, 1974— from 974 from a bag MX* MoaRELL ear ;fix married and hawk he took the assort. �eiti aping bags we used "B- to accommodate his sends, had conn with several small chil- 1 was at first tempted to neighbors to borrow epirlg bags, but I had been doing some experimenting with plastic bags and d priddd to try there to make an aur mattress. The idea worked flneandmaking each sleeping hagaad air mattress took less than five minutes,. You will use a stall box of ZIPLQC (trade name) bags, usually found at the super- market, one sheet, one blanket, needle and heavy thread. To make one sleeping bag, lay the sheet over the blanket and fold both lengthwise (Fig. I), Baste the sheet and Bargains Now Service Always GREENBUSH Sports and Lawns, CENTRE. Hwy. Between Harrristoa& Clifford blanket together along the long selvage sides and tremae the' bottom, thus forming a bag ( Fig. 2). . Now blow $I1r in the small Ziploc bags until the bag is practically full, then leek bag. Caution: do net MI bag color pletely with airy about one- third air will be enough, Blow air into enough bags to evenly between the blanket and the sheet, thus, forming an. air mattresswhen theatres is filled,. Baste the sheet and blanket shut and you have an instant air ' mattress and sheet: lined sleeping bag. I diad caution the children not to julep on the bags, but with normal use they work fine. P.lo et. a.Ruk„t vuu4 .gkit FTG F IG 2. AtIA ,Grime. rford, 141111444i 4,4104-a Atirsc6 ,etdecal. • Jayson 'fruiters • Swikasper Trailers • Chrysler Marine • Sportspai Canoes "Check. Our Paces Before You Buy" MOORE'S. . )'miter Mart Ltd.. 377 Huron Street' Stratford - 273-1850 HELP- WANT -ED. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR -RECEPTIONIST Rothsay area. Must havegood manner and poise. Typing accuracy essential. Switchboard and clerical work will be taught. This is a. permanent full time position. You will have pride working for this company. Call now between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 638-308.1 Rothsay Concentrate Co. Ltd. LOWER INTEREST RATES Now Available On 1ST. AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere in Ontario On RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim Finanruec, Fur "►r%► t instruction & Land I)e%elopment For Iteurt- entati% es In Your ireri I'hone SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AIN CONSULTANTS LIMITED 519) 744-6535, Collect Had Office 56 Weber St E., Kitchener, Ont. We Buy Existing Mortgages. for Instant Cash— Yes, you may call me Grampa. The kid arrived three days too late to be any use as a tax deduc- tion. But we can't all be perfect. Aside frem that, he is. Perfect. According to the ladies. He's a dandy little fellow,, with rosy cheekshis moth's auburn hair, his father% eyes, and his grand- father's randfather's sweet little rosebud mouth. He's verypeaceful and sleeps a lot, so sn't seem to have anything of his maternal grandmother in him. There are certain occasions in our lives that are peaks, even though most of the time we seem to be down in the valleys. These are the times when something special happens. They don't have to be milestones, like graduations and weddings. In fact, these are often so formal- ized, they can be excruciatingly dull No, I mean those rare eve*. that are crystal clear, even with the passing of years. I don't remember a thing al)out my birth, for example, and that was summed to be something important. But I remember vividly the day in public school when. I was sick. sick, sick, was too proud or .ISO shy to ask to leave, and vomited on the classroom floor and all the way down the hall to the lavatory,. with my best girl watching the whole,, sordid thing. I was nine, and that was my first affair. It died in the bud. I remember a baseball game, in my teens, `I was at bat. Bases loaded, two men out, the coutzt three and two. The next pitch was Crossroads Classifieds Copy for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 6 p.m., Wednesday of week prior to pub- lication. For Sale DURING WINTER 1974 Godfrey E. SCHUETT LTD. of Mount Forest and Mildmay offers dis- counts in price of 5 per cent to 50 per cent and more off suggested retail prices on many items now in stock. Delivery in Southern Ontario. 24-31 DON'T FORGET Judy's Sports- wear on the Main Street • of Harriston, now with 25 per cent off all jackets and pant coats. Drop in and browse. 21 'NOW, AND ONLY NOW, there is 20 per cent off ladies' winter boots at. Cuyler Shoes, Main Si, Palmerston, 343-2163. 24-31 CAMPERS — Year end clear- ance of rental. Sunkamper hard- top ardtop. campers. Moore''s Trailer Mart Ltd., 377 Huron St., Strat Hurd - call 2734850. ' ` : rrb SEWING MACHINE SALE —Clearance of demonstrators, used and display , models, brand new "White" portables only $59.95, service to all 'mikes. Bayley Sewing Machines, 805 - 10th St., East End Hanover. 10-17-2431 FACTORY. TO YOU candles Rich Hill Candles, near Orange- ville skiing. 17-24-31-7 NORTHLANDER Mobile Home, two bedrooms, spotless condition, heating - $100 per year, excellent home for retirement or young couple. Phone 335-3442 or 335-3415 after 5 p.m. 31-7 SALE—Johnson's are clearing their complete inventory of qua- lity men's wear at savings from 10 to 50 per cent. SAVE NOW at JOHNSON'S MEN'S WEAR, Mount Forest. VERY GOOD prices now on Columbia and Ski -Whiz snowmo- biles, all snowmobile accesso- ries, Homelite and Husquarna chain saws, good reliable service you can depend on, also your complete lawn and garden cen- tre, LLOYD'S SMALL EN- - GINES, RR 1. ATWOOD, 356- 2639. We even have Sekine first quality bicycles. 31-7-14 Notice THE MODERN war to milk cows is with a pipeline. Hinman Distributor for all Hinnian parts and service to equipment. Con- tact Michael Gftscher, RR 5, Mildmay, phone 367-2525. 31-7-14-21 Wanted To Buy COLLECTIONS OR GROUPS OF STAMPS - pre 1940 from any country. MARKET values are high - time to convert that old collection into cash. Write a brief description of stamps to Box 295, Wingham Advance -Times and your collection will be appraised free. First day covers and plate blocks are . also needed for Canada and Newfoundland. 24-31-7 Miscellaneous GUNS BdUGHT, sold and re- paired. Reloading components at reduced prices. ABC Sporting Goods, B. Jenkins, Minnie Street, Wingham. rrpMar FOR ALL YOUH power needs, Moto Ski snowmobiles, complete line of mowers, tillers and garden tractors, quality Bolen's and Toro -equipment, see POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE, Har- riston. 17-24-31-7 G Von Eyi AND. Incor Forrrt Equlpm.nt t 14EI 5W =Take I ! 1111 ty ' ►'1414 you loow that hoe o supply apt low ' on Shiny. 1mob le 1, Cultivator*,Doubts) Discs, Cora Manton, Bale Throwers, Racks, Fenn, Spreaders, Post Hole Augers, Wagons. obviously low. L dkeppett my bet and started to jag m first Tqw , forcing in Oki w(run• ,fie- rite three)" bellowed the tear Aire. Game over. V" tinny. I'll never forget my first red job. Arrived at the dock; ,about midnight, thrilled beyond. I was going to be a Seiler. Found a bunk. Couldn't sleep, with the excitement of it all. My heart sembled a drumming partridge. Had a big breakfastaad.prx'ed to enter manhood. I was seven- teen. My boss took me in tow, gave me some brasso and a rag, led me into a men's itemat, pointed at the brass foot-plate and said, "Mean it." Another big:day was the one on which I passed my wings test. I had flunked one two days before because the intercom was almost. useless. The instructor would tell me to do a steep bank to port and' I'd do a slow roll or a loop. e took a dim view. It l washout and back to manning pool to wash dishes for the dura- tion. But I got a second chance, flew like Jonathan Livingstone Seagull and walked on air for weeks. Another time that is etched in my mind is my first visit to Lon- don. ondon. As the train neared the great city, I was trembling so violently I couldn't light a cigarette. It was probably the thought that I, a small-town, small-time boy, was actually about to enter the setting. of a thousand stories, the home of kings and queens, the fertile spawner of a vast empire. I didn't stop shaking until I'd downed two pints of bitter. ' You'd think a chap's first operational flight against the enemy would be a high -light. Mine wasn't. I was too busy or ignorant to be even scared. AIL those red and green things zip- pinglast the cockpit might as well have been Christmas tree lights, instead oI tracer bullets. But I don't suppose I'll ever forget the day I was shot down. 'One minute therewas the snarl of engines, the whack of cannon shells, the crump of flak and the dirty black spots in the sky, as Shells blest. Mates all around me. Next minute there was total , : silence: No engine. No mates: No. flak. Just the blue sky above, the dim earth below coming up swiftly but dreamily and me. thinking, "Well, there goes that date with Tita in Antwerp to- night." There are lots' of other peaks. The day I decided I was in love with a girl, once and for.all, and took the plunge, after deciding that I wouldn't marry until I was forty and had explored every means of escape. And the day my son was born: Hugging the knowledge that I ATTENTION SKIERS MINTO GLEN open this season Saturday, Sunday and School Holidays 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., floodlit for night skiing Wednes- day, Friday and Saturday 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. New Lodge facilities, rental and runs. Dgwnhif and Cross Country Skiing, Snowmo- biting and Tobogganing Special Rates on season tickets for fami- lies or clubs, MINTO GLEN SKI CLUB, Harriston, dial 338-2007 or 338-2722. ' rr Mar. DON T BE disappointed, book now for spring and summer wed- ding receptions, club dinners or dances. business meetings or pri- vate parties. Accommodation to 300 people. Bar if required. COMPLETE CATERING Sr:HV- 10E. Ranton Place. Call Palmer- ston 343-3906 or 343-3116. 10-17-24-31 Cyan strats..4 dc+Zioc was* father ander a Misr o though 1 was in bosp& &hun- dred Owl fiftyf away when lit *LI bir • And the day my daughter' boot. slpg into, the world XL as she Olip0e4 in and out of ridiculoue situa tip ever ate. the birth of my grand- am waa one of the. Reeks. I can tell'. Yon can't f , old peak man like me. Q. How can I renovate a stif- fened chamois' A. By soaking it in warm water to which ` a spoonful or so of alive aa has been added. Q. Is there anything 1 can do abort squeaking shoes? A. Try shading your noisy shoes overnight in a strong salt- water solution, shallow enough to cover just the soles of the shoes. And if you want to pre- serve the shape of your dices Nur- i ng • this treatment, better use same trees. Q. How can 1 perk up life- less -looking cloth artificial flow- ers? A. By dunking them into a starch solution. You might add c ake coloring or dye to the starch solution. You might add cake coloring =dye to the starch and, after dipping the flowers, hang them head -down to dry. Q. • How can I impraire the appearance of a shabby -.looking black umbra/a? A. Tty brushing aver it with a solution of anunornia and warm water. Help Waited SKILLED and SEMI -SKILLED —Cabinet Makers Assemblers —Sub -Assemblers Sanders GOODWAGES GOOD IEWEEITS Apply in person to:- NOXTONFURNITURE L. 17 Ewe 'treerrt laiistRA k1TARIO CHATEIED ACCOUNTANT :u issiOd.e Woe Whittles 35T-1522 w. a. 11.1r MAT STATE FARM • INSURANCE Auto- Life- Fire WINGlIAM 351-3280 CARSON AUCTION CENTRE Alt Types Facilities Available For Herd Dispersal call DAVID CARSON -114.3 Listowel 291-2049 aimmenummimoine 1 t SMALL ENGINE SERVICE & REPAIR M. C. SMITH SPORTS DIVISION M. C. SMITH APPLIANCES Authorized factory service for: TORO JOHN DEERE BRIGGS & STRATTON AND - KAWASAKI .Licensed mechanic on premises for service and major repairs to inost other makes. RR 2, Listowel - 291-3810 Ion. Thru Fri.- 8 to 6 WHERE OUR LOCATION " SAVES YOU MONEY BRUSSELS MOTORS LTD. "Huron `County's Foremast . Car & Truck Dealer" 8A 'iAi RA' Avg. 11278 % over 36 mos. for new and used cars 28 Successful Years In The Same Town OPEN Weekdays till 10 Saturdays till 6 CARS and TRUCKS 887-6173 LORENZ Dead Stock -Removal $20.00 for Horsees Ic a pound for Cows FAST SERVICE Phone -Collect - 369-2410 DURHAM M. C. Smith Hem Sanies DIwsINI :4 ow offering complete service for TV. radio. re- frigeration. ranges and other appliances. Backed by factory -trained service- men. a hiige parts inven- tory. sophisticated repair equipment and one of Mid- v►rstern Ontario's largest stocks of major appliances. RR 2. Listowel 291-3810 "Our location saves you money.'. 1 We cell You Sell CROSSROADS Phone 827-8045 kJdory HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL; CLINTON We are now paying $5-$15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and hors s over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you. License No. 237-C-7 Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 24 -Hour Service 7 Days a Week CALL. COLLECT 482-9811' LIVESTOCK FOR. SALE Calves - Calves -Calves Good Quality Holstein or Beef Calves, i to 3 weeks old. Rea- sonable Prices, We Deliver. OS1NGA BROS. 1. factoryILIL- PLAN YOUR MOTORING FUTURE NOW! Increase the resale value of your caror truck with, COMPLETE PROTECTION HOUGHTON eancaso 517 11th Ave., Hanover Cap Les at 364-2832 "A MUST TO PREVENT RUST" HUNTER MOVING STORAGE AGENT* ALLIED 1VAN 1.fN�if -� Local and Long Distance Class D P.C.V. Licence For delivery or shipping needs CALL THE EXPERTS HANOVER Collett 364.1560 4 LESLIE MOTORS FORD MERCURY Sales and Service Used Cars and Trucks Bus. 338-2310 After Hrs. 338-3133 HARRISTN INCOME TAX PREPARED - Farmers - Businessmen - Individuals Reasonable Rates CALL NOW Monkton anytime 347-2241 Brussels lines. and Fri. 847-6663 RonnenbergInsurance A9 Yenc • Avid flit Rush Crossroads welcomes letters,, to the editor on FACTORY OUTLET In Their Original OLD MILL N th..RNw. 'OM; IN BLYTH Wail awl LUDO MOWS BAINTON LTD. Blyth 523-9373 Me/ NC tANCU All Types of Insurance 335.3525 35772636 GORRIE . WINGHAM TELEVISION AND STEREO `ANTENNA SERVICE —Colour T.V. Towers Our specialty. —Year-round service. - —Free estimates. CALL COLLECT 344-3313 Doug Harker HANOVER ..r ,r', Phone 356-2802\ . A.H. BOWMAN `` MFG. LTD. METAL FABRICATING. ATWOOD - ONTARIO Also Metered Concrete Mobile Service 1 ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLIES LTD. Due to the increase to meat prices we are able to give you top prices for fresh, dead, or disabled cows and horses. We will pick up your calves and pigs free Radio equipped trucks ,for the fastest service. ('.%SH ON THE SPOT Local Calls Atwood 356-2257 Long Distance Zenith 70650 7 Days a Week 24 Hours a Day Lic. No. 427-C-73 - office, travel and tent TRAILERS - truck campers - truck caps - trailer parts and accessories Open i wteys. closed Wed. PI miles west*. N*Eever .n N0.4 Hwy, Pit, 3411,414111