The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-01-31, Page 9o protect
is the IMMO Of A NeW
r ..
ted to preserving
the unborn in sting the �
said to facts
al tive* to abortion.
The group, named '1'he Voice
of the tinhorn" formed toMon-
day night at the Maitland .f '
Lodge. Mrs. Richard Camp
who, with her h;ubapd' ,Campeau
fa; Bar»
ng the group, was cam `
explain that the group is a pro life
group, Mrs. Campeau said that .to,
call the
�.. an autigb�►irtic
would leavenega-
tive connotationand immediately
polarize the plic.Mrs. Camp-
eau stressed that abortion is not'
only a. matter of religious belief'
or conscience, it is in fact the
denial of a huMan being's rights.
She told the fledgling grou pthat
the reason such organizations
:Must form is toprotect the rights
of those who cannot do so them-
selves. The. life at conception pre-
raise has been.accepted by many
major world sci ntlstsq
Representatives of the God-
erieb . pro life. group presented
slides called "Abortion, 'How .It
Is" which supported the group's
The ` major thrust of the pro
lifers is to educate the public to
the facts about. abortion in
* Canada and thereby change the
atmosphere •of acceptance in
soc•�e y. 'There is a variety of as-
sociated services to which the
"Voice of the Unborn." can refer
women who are caught in the
dilemma of an unwanted preg-
One of the first projects the
tt�� of
int life
trrnalrrtalia ata
petitkfn '
Also for Life, tite .e-
Wm which'co-ordinates g
such: the. "yam tee Un-
born". It is hoped that the peti-
tion will have AS MARy144a bail.,
lion si,gurtures on it. The petition
as1 Ing for amendments. to
Canada'sabortion lam that it
cannot be used as:. met of
birth contra,`
The executive of . th+ ' new
organ tion is made up coin
pietely of Volunteers! Rev. K.
Hawthorn and Mrs, Campeau, co,
chairmen; R. Campeau, secre-
petition chairman; n; Mrs.
C. R. Morrison: treasurer; er,;. Rev.
Carson of Blyth. and Dr, P. J.
Leahy of ;watery program
committee heads; Mrs. .II.
DeBruyn, publicity, Mrs. R.
Chettleburg, Mrs, O. Kieffer and
Mrs, J. Walters, telephone com-
mittee Mr. G. Nabrotsky of Tees-
water, .membership, -
. . Jackson of the Ad-
vance -Times' staff spent the
weekend an Toronto where he at-
tended birthday .celebrations for
his father-in-law, Harry Ed-
munds, at the home of Mr. and.
Mrs. Edmunds. He also attended
a farewell party for his grand-
mo h
t r
e ,Mrs.. Elsie Jones, #
who s
leaving soon for permanent resi-
dence in Barbados.
—Harry Merkley is convales-
cing at hishome following
surgery at the Dr. Sholdice ,Hos-
pital, Thornhill. •
V •
Regular Meetings'
Thurs., 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
Sunday, 9.30.a.m.--Breaking of Bread
11.00 a.m.--Sunday School
Adult Bible :Class
Sunday' Evening Service -7.3Q p.m.
THE WINGHAM AND DISTRICT Hospital puxitiary held
its, aupuai meeting and installation of officers on. Monday
evenins,JThe new executive includes Mrs. ` ,aisy Connell -
candystriper convener; Mrs,Y.
. p William Forsyth, second vice
president; Mrs, Ross Procter; fir. st vine president; Mrs. K.
M. MacLennan, past president) Mrs. b. S. MacNaughton,
cancer clinic and Mrs. J. Goodall, membership, Front, Mrs,
Gnay, corresponcling.secretary.; .Miss Myrtle Deans,
recording secretary; Mrs. Robert Ritter, president and
Mrs. W. C. Murray, treasurer. • (Staff Photo)
Local missionary involved
in scripture translations
Miss- Laura 'Collar, a mission- period, Each lesson is . complete 'these materials and the demand
ary presently at home from her with ' flannelgraph figures, back* is steadily increasing.
work among. the Arabs in the Jer- grounds and lesson material for ' While here at home, Miss Col-
usalem area, spoke at the'Wing- teaching, ,all of which are taken. ;far is busily engaged in duplicat-
ham Baptist Church Sunday from the setting of that land. Ing these lessons and sending
evening. ; 'She shared with her Miss Collar recognized the '' : them back to Jerusalem for dis-
large audience much of the work need which existed when she was tribution.
that she has ..been doing in that ' asked to teach a Sunday School
land, also that which she is pies- class along with her duties at the,Which was conducted by Rev.
eptly doing. 1 /fissio;n hospital. One teacher
`Miss Collar saw the great need knew only the creation story and Bruce Fenny, Miss- Collar also
fold of her many other interesting
for Sunday School work and Sun- taught it every Sunday. The naa- and thrier e
day. School materials among the tionals had never. been taught to N g experiences and of
Christian Arab -people so she set use,flannelgraph lesson material: w the Lords answered pray -
out, with the .help auf a few others,., and since all lessons in the mit-
to . set up, produce and translate sion were in English, they were n: In closing, she emphasized the
into Arabic, the language of the completely unusable by the Arab Words stated in the book of He -
people, a series, Of six sets of les- people. brews, that "We need in ouir lives
sons in New Testament studies, Today many different groups tre firm foundation that only the
Each set contains a series of and denominations are using `ford Jesus can, give,"
lessons coverm� va io then
-:Zira " :,u .<'.a'�,''s:-l�?1Si tayGtgr ..°?!1'., ,% ?RAI L (Ji�P6.f1',iGV'tf "� l( f . i `fdt P ate, . as .�+v ,,,?.,Fa.-- the life of Christ the';lour, °' . �. -�o s . , ,. .
a •.
During the evening service,
neys of pain, etc. These lessons
Turn b err.y Courie.r
Due to inclement weather a
week ago Monday, the publishing
team of the Turnberry Courier
was unable to meet the deadline
for last week's Advance -Times.
The week's edition is as usual.
On Thursday, January 17, the
Grades 7 and 8 held their evening
tobogganing party at Fallis' Hill,
just outside of Wingham. Later
that night the students enjoyed a
delicious lunch prepared at the
school by Mrs. June Fischer,
Mrs. Verna Haugh and Mrs.
Betty Perks. A series of group
games in the gymtorium con-
cluded the -evening.
The oral communication school
finals were held last week as
well. The following participated
in the intermediate division:
Susan Chapman (Grade?), Cathy
are color -coded for •sy ref-
erence and the sets, when taken
in sequence, Over a two-year
EGAD,.COLLINS Cold quail again?
Even the affluent know what it means to be without Tight and heat in Britain.
Dire shortages of coal have spelled drastic cutbacks in electrical energy,
In Ontario we are much more fortunate. So far we have enough electricity to
keep our homes comfortable and our economy humming --but let's not assume
we can throw it all away. There is every indication that all our present resourc-
es will be needed to meet growing demands from domestic and commercial con-
Ontario Hydro is launching into o bold new program of
expanded power development. Nuclear and natural re-
sources will be utilized to gear for the future --but it all
takes time.
f AL
Wingham Public Utilities Commission
Couples Club
hears missionary
The Couples Club met in the
Upper Room at St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church last
Wednesday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Wall and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Donaldson in charge.
Mrs. Donaldson welcomed the
members and visitors and opened
the meeting, with a reading and
prayer. All joined. in a song serv-
ice with Mrs, Don Robertson as
During the business period it
was decided to initiate a fund for
new choir gowns for the Junior
Ensemble and to present cor-
sages to mothers of new babies
just prior to baptism in the
Rev. Robert Armstrong con-
ducted the installation of officers
for the coming year. _.
The new presidents, 'Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Wall, conducted the
remainder of the meeting. The
former read a poem, "A Brand
New Year" and "Standing at the
Portal" was sung. Scripture was
read by Mrs. Wall and her
husband read the meditation,
"How Do We Pray?"
Mrs. Wall introduced t: guest
speaker, Mrs. Grace Richardson,
who is home iron Zambia. Af-
rica. She showed most interesting
pictures of her work there, where
she teaches the Children of mis-
Mrs. Donaldson expressed ap-
preciation and presented a gift to
the speaker. The meeting closed
with. a hymn and the Mizpah
Benediction, Lunch was served
by the couples in charge and a
social time , was enjoyed.
Fischer. (Grade 8), Murray Met-
' calfe (Grade 8) and Susie Powell
(Grade 7). In the junior division
- the finalists were: Wendy Arm-
strong (Grade 5), Murray de Vos
(Grade 4), Nathan Peel (Grade
5), Donna Thompson. (Grade 4),
Kathy Underwood (Grad,e 6) • and
Juanita Wilkins (Grade 6)'. Susie
Powell was the winner in the
intermediate division with her
speech, "My Horse, Skeeter";
Murray Metcalfe placed second.
In ..the junior division Kathy
Underwood placed first with a
speech entitled "The RCMP" and
Wendy Armstrong was the
runner-up. Judges for the event
were .Mrs. L. Lewis (Grade 1
teacher), Mrs. M. Marks (Grade
2 teacher) and Miss N. Kirkland
(Grade 3 teacher) . The winners
will proceed to the Legion public
speaking contest to be held this
On Wednesday afternoon the
Student Parliament • sponsored
one hour of skating for Grades 1
to 4 and one hour of skating for
Grades 5 to 8 in the Belmore
Arena. A good time was- had by
The report, cards will' go home
—Grade 8 class
St. Helens
Mr. and Mrs, Brian Bathurst of
Banff, Alta., were recent visitors
with ..Mr. and Mrs. Bryan
Gammie and boys. Mrs. Bathurst
and Mrs. Gammie are sisters.
On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. An-
drew Gaunt received word of the
death of Mrs. Gaunt's sister, Mrs.
Ida Barbour of London. They.
along with Mrs. Sadie Barbour
aattendedal;e funeral in London on
Twenty-three students from
Loretta. College, Toronto, along
with three sisters and two friends
spent the weekend as guests of
Miss Jean McGuire at the former
.Mc1Vfitlan,`Bros. farm, For many,
this was their first trip to the
rural area 'and on Saturday they
visited several farms to see
(tluntt•v living,
The next shoot party will be
held' in the hall on January 31st.
Lunch will be .served.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank McQuillin
attended a presentation in honor
o1'Mrs, Carl Johnston at Bluevale
united Church on Sunday after-
noon, Mrs. Johnston has retired
as chureh organist.
Mrs. Vivan Kerwin has now re-
turned home from Wingham and
District Hospital. . `
Mr. and Mrs. Doug McPherson,
Mr. and Mrs. Donadie and
Barry Mulvey are now home
after spending some time in St.
Petersburg, Florida,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shortill and
daughters and Mrs. Grant
Wright, all of ® Georgetown,
visited Friday ' Witb their aunt,
.Mrs: Alex Sangster. "
Mr. -and Mrs, Kenneth Dickson
are spending this week in Hono-
lulu and, Hawaii. Mr. Dickson
won the trip through Shur Gain
Vito prism
at Agra el
H --me spy >d
officers for l 'M was presented
*members of tbe ni
Trinity Ate, Church
n�when ,the annual e, 1 .
held y even* of It.
An Foster was a1tete(
rector's warden a:Hector
Browne eta"s warden.
Other office are: board .of
management for rector,. `Vern
Clarke, Emmerson Ferguson,
. J. W. Daunt, Mrs. Welling -
,ton ff a ve, t ;nth. John-
aston, Mrs. Bruce Sotbern.
ple'srd,:Jhn-Fosterx Dave
more;more;Ron hal1y, Mrs.
nag, Mrs,,. Bother)), Mrs.
Doug Bunker; delegates' to
Synod, J. W. Daunt iabd.Mrs. -
merson Ferguson; ouhstitutes,,
Mrs. Jadc DoUglaS and Mi 'Elva,
Foster; ' treasurer, Mrs. Doug
Bunker; pay mistress, Mrs. Vern
Clarke; pianist, Miss Elva
• Fester; auditors, J. W. Duda and
Dave Dinsmore; sidesmen, H
Douglas and r Gordon Stlrn,
Rev., Percy Dodd opqned the
meeting with prayer after which
reports. were.
presented and ac-
cepted, showing that the year had
1 •
'�!�iant'jy`� "a.,�# �J4srra. W
of Pereet were
Sony guests of Mrs. Watson's
nls , Mrs. Mian .et
College C
and P
1'o0sg Servfee
�► ACM'S
WING) *$ ONT, .. .
Having completed cours+os.%lar prepa rin
! will
'tie able to pxeparekeuir r•turns
•• Office°1:o•c�gted in,
Confidential -�-. Fast Service
• 4
R.R. 3 Teeswater Phone,OPEN -- THURS., .FM., SAT, 4N FEBRUARY
Evenings by Appointment
Canvass will be mode by the
Wingham Kinettes on
MON., FEB: 4
Please Welcome
Your Volunteer
Wingham Lions Club
* Series of Four Shows *
JANUARY 31, 1974
A full program of fine amateur talent has already
been booked for the first show.
Full audience response will mean a great deal
to these artists -and you can enjoy a
grand evening of entertainment.