HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-01-24, Page 2024, 1974-- E WILD COUNTRY Whether trudging through remote wilderness or "at home" in Toronto, John and Janet Foster -your "guides" for this season's five outstanding CBC -TV's To The Wild Country nature -docu- mentary specials -never find themselves idle. Above, John, an accomplished, wildlife photographer and writer, chats with Janet, at work on the thesis she plans to submit next spring to York Upiversity in Toronto, on the history of wildlife conservation in Canada. DRINKING DRIVERS Drinking is indicated to be a factor in at least half of the fatal motor vehicle accidents. • Joyco Trailers Sunkamper Trailers • Chrysler Marine • Sportspal Canoes ' • "Check Our Prices Before You Buy" MOORE'S Trailer Mart Ltd. 377 Huron Street Stratford -.2730850 Skiing museum A museum of skiing, has open- ed at thelilemnice chateau in the Giant Mountains of northern Bohemia. Exhibits mirror the history of skiing in Bohemia from early times to the present day. Visitors can see skis that were made nearly a century ago, along with medals, documents, photo- graphs of top skiers, and the lat- est developments in ski equip- ment of both Czechoslovak and foreign make. -Canadian Travel Press. APPLIANCE COSTS The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers points, out that it takes less than half as many hours of work to "earn" a new appli- ance today as it did in 1955. - LISTOINE,L LIVESTOCK MARKET . PERTH COUNTY'S LARGEST DAIRY SALE Featuring hogs, dair;' cattle, cows and calves EVERY TUESDAY AT 1 P.M. For Farm, Town and Country, Home _Owners!. Can You Use $ 1,600 to $20,000 ? If you can afford monthly payments of $17.83 you may borrow $1,600 $33.43 you may borrow .. $3,000 $55.71 you may borrow $5,000 • $77.99 you may borrow ° • $7,000 etc. Theabove Loans based on 13 per cent per annum 5 Yr. Term - 20 Yr. Amortization Borrow for any worthwhile purpose: To consolidate your debts, fix the car, buy cattle, or a cottage! Fast - Courteous Service - Please Call Gerald H. Wolfe PALMERSTON 343-3632. Representing Arnold Highman Realty Ltd. Kitchener, 1-519-744-6251 Member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Don ST RESIDENTIAL N R E D U BUSINESS S R A T, COMMERCIAL R. � 1 E A A LOTS E Y T H•. I N G x• Bill Smiley Cat and mouse game; I'm the mouse This week I've been batching it, and I must say that I miss my wife. It's not that I can't cook and *ash dishes and make the bed and do all those other silly things that our poor wives have to do day after day, year after year. No, there's no problem there. It's the danged cats. ,They're driving me out of the remnants of what was once a fine mind. I'd rather live with a herd of goats than, with two cats, I've concluded. Take one elderly she -cat who has been spayed. She was quite Content with life. She is beautiful and very, very distant, except when she's hungry. There isn't a bone in her body that is friendly. She just wants you to keep your distance, feed her well, and let her bask on a sunny stair -tread. In return, she will guarantee not to make a mess in the house. I had just begun to tolerate her, if not like her, after about six years. Now, add a boisterous young tom cat. He's as agile as an orang-outan, has an appetite like a polar bear, has the manners of a pig, and is sickeningly friendly. He has completely disrupted what was a fairly quiet, peaceful household. He is driving the old cat out of her nut. He follows her around, licking and kissing her, until she spits, takes a swipe at him and makes him back off long enough for her to skedaddle to one of her hideouts. He looks hurt. All you have to do is settle down with a newspaper and a cup of tea, and he's quite likely to come flying through the air, sending the paper one way and the tea the other, as he seeks solace for his yearning heart. Given any encouragement whatever, he'll climb a8 over you, digging his claws into your shoulders because he doesn't know any better smoothing your face and neck in a wet, disgusting fashion, before thumping himself down for a rest on your stomach or chest or any other part of you that suits his convenience. Two minutes later, he hears the old cat sneaking around, digs his claws into your knee and takes a flying leap, off to court her some more. There's absolutely no sex in- volved. He just wants to be loved by a second°mother, but she is a happy, childless widow, and wants to stay that way.. You can't even feed them to- gether. She is a dainty eater. He eats like a wolf who has just broken a long fast. Put down two bowls. He gulps his while she is sniffing hers,. then shoulders her aside and gets into her grub, while she bats him ineffectually, then retreats in disgust to sulk under a bed. , She is a bed sneaker -under, since he arrived. And if there's. anything more difficult than getting a determined old cat out from under a bed, I'd like to see it. The only way to do it is go under the bed after her, with a broom or mop. You wind up, puff- ing, stuck under the bed, while she has darted off and is under' one of the beds in one of the other Crossroads Classifieds Copy for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 6 p.m., Wednesday of week prior to pub- lication.. Livestock For Sale PIGS, wearers. Phone 323-2191. For Sa le DURING WINTER 1974 Godfrey E. SCHUETT LTD. of Mount ,Forest and Mildmay offers dis- ' counts in price of 5 per cent to 50 per cent and more off suggested retail ,,prices on many items now in stock. Delivery in Southern Ontario. 24-31 DON'T FORGET Judy's Sports- wear on the . Main Street , of Harriston, now with 25 per cent off all jackets and pant coats. Drop in and browse. 24-31 NOW, AND ONLY NOW, there is 20 per cent off ladies' winter boots at Cuyler Shoes, Main St., Palmerston, 343-2163. 24-31 SEWING MACHINE SALE -Clearance of demonstrators, used and display models, brand new' "White" portables only $59.95, service to all makes. Bayley Sewing Machines, 805 ,10th St., East End Hanover. , 10-17-24-31 For the most of the good life see Don Hoist REAL ESTATE LTD. Realtor CAMPERS -- Year end' clear- ance of rental Sunkamper hard- top campers. Moore's Trailer Mart Ltd., 377 Huron St., Strat- ford - call 273-1850. rrb JOHNSON'S MEN'S WEAR - Clearance Sale is now on. All merchandise in the store is marked down for this sale from 10 to 50 per cerit discounts. Made - to -measure SUIT SALE is also in effect until Saturday, Jan. 26, 1974. Johnson's Men's Wear, Main Street, Mdunt Forest. FACTORY TO YOU candles. Rich Hill Candles, near Orange- ville-skiing. range- ville`s iiing. 17-24-31-7 Help Wanted SKILLED and SEMI SKILLED -Cabinet Makers - Assemblers -Sub-Assemblers - Sanders GOOD WAGES and GOOD BENEFITS Apply in person to:- J (TON FURNITURE LTD. 17 Erb Street ELMIRA ONTARIO Wanted To Buy COLLECTIONS OR GROUPS OF STAMPS - pre 1940 from any country. MARKET values are high - time' to convert that qld collection into cash. Write a brief "description description of stamps to Box ' 295; Wingham Advance -Times and ,your collection will be appraised free. First day covers and plate blocks are also needed for Canada and Newfoundland. ' • 24-31-7 Coming Events VISIT HARRISTON Fora fun weekend, January 25, 26, 27. Friday - night dance; Mel and Lil entertain at the, Legion; smorgasbord. Saturday, curling bonspiel. Free dance Saturday night in the community centre. Sunday, variety concert in the town hall 2 - 4 p.m. with MC Jim Swan of CKNX. • . Miscellaneous GUNS BOUGHT, sold and re- paired. Reloading components at reduced prices. ABC Sporting Goods'; BB. Jenkins, Minnie Street, Wingham. rrpMar FOR ALL YOUR power needs, Moto Ski snowmobiles, complete line of mowers, tillers and garden tractors, quality Bolen's and Toro equipment, see POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE, Har- riston. 17-24-31-7 ATTENTION SKIERS MINTO GLEN open this season Saturday, Sunday and School Holidays 10:30 a.m.. to 5:00 p.m., flood -lit for night skiing Wednes- day, Friday and Saturday 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. New Lodge facilities, rental and runs. Downhill and Cross Country Skiing, Snowmo- biling and Tobogganing. Special Rates on sedson tickets for fami lies or clubs. MINTO GLEN SKI CLUB, Harriston, dial 338-2007 or 338-2722. rr Mar. DON'T BE disappointed, book now for spring and summer wed- ding receptions, club dfliners or dances, business meetings or pri- vate parties. Accommodation to 300 people. Bar if required. COMPLETE CATERING SERV- ICE. Ranton Place. Call Palmer- ston 343-3906 or 343-3116. 10-17-24-31 TRAVEL' GUELPH TRAVEL BUREAU LIMITED Toll -Free Number Just ask the operator for: ZENITH 7-7940 13-20-10-24 rooms. She's as slippery as an.eel and a heck of a lot more cunning. Meanwhile, during the half hour you chase the old cat, trying to grab any of her extremities so that you can throw -her out, where she should have been long ago, his arrogant young nibs is having the run of the kitchen. He's not a bed sneaker -under. He's a counter -walker. 'And a cupboard -door -opener, One leap and he's up on the kitchen coun- ters, strolling, sniffing, licking. Don't leave the butter out. He'll down a quarter -pound, . straight. Give him three minutes alone and he's somehow opened the cupboard door below the sink and isaily into the garbage. He'll eat anything baked potato skins, left -over soup, stale lettuce, fried eggs. The only time I have seen him a bit nonplussed was on New Year's Day. Maybe he had a hangover. I was half -drowsing in a chair, and watching him out of a corner of my eye, in case he took a flying leap and threw his arms around my neck to kiss me, which I abhor. He'd caught a mouse, it seemed, though we've never had mice in this house. He would slam his paw on it, pick it up in his teeth; 'chew it and swallow it. A tiny mouse. BETTER ENGLISH Thank goodness he's good. for something. Then . he'd throw ° up the mouse, and go through the' whole business again, I got a bit alarmed that he'd throw up more than the mouse one of these times, onto the rug. I investi- gated. He was trying to digest one of those wide elastic banes. Every time he hit it, it would jump, so he thought it was alive and chewed it and swallowed it, but couldn't keep it down, That's the kind of stupid cat he is. But he's getting smart very quickly. When I try to grab hi -n and throw him out into -the sn: w after a feeding, he goes by me like a cheetah going by a rhino- cerous.. Sure wishmy wife would ' get home; It takes two of us to hanele the two of them. mud of Turin, PY the to body ol Christ was wrapped after the Crucifix*, we, put on d play recentlyinTurin, Itsly, for the ties tiens let 40 years. The shroud locked in e. 00.4 ns to Turin Cotbredtil tor 4007sses and boo boon *elm to Pfonly on 'ivro d MOBILE HC. MES • DOUBLE -WIDE HOMES Glendale Marlette Pyramid Bendix ° HOMES ON DISPLAY LONG-TERM FINANCING (10% DOWN) OBILIFE CENTRE NO. 8 HWY. BETWEEN HWY. 401 AND KITCHENER 653-5788 Service Direttory By D. C. Williams What is wrong with each of these' sentences? 1. It sounded like she in- tended to go,. but I was not taken in by her state- ment 2. Just as I went to leave, I slipped and fell down on the ground. • 3. If it hadn't have been for John, they would of gone. 4. We left directly we were finished with the work. 5. This tie cost half a dol- lar, and I ani ' very dis- • .vpokted In It. What are the correct pronun- ciations of these words? 6. Maracaibo (Venezuelan 7. Respiratory. ,, 8 Sophist. 9. Sayonara •(Japanese for AI "farewell"). 10. Sycophant. 11.' Octavo. Which six words in thefollowing group are misspelled? 12. Parallel, parody,, pars; gas, neuralgia, eczema, asthma, diptheria, repet- oir"e, repartee, renege, re- n aissance, e- naissance, unweildy, withail, withhold, weird, numerology, numb- skull, neutron, exasper- ate, exagerrate, excerpt, excoriate. ANSWERS 1. Say, "It sounded AS IF she intended to go, but I was not MISLED (or, , DE- CEIVED) E- CEIVED) by her statement." 2. Say, "Just as I LEFT, I slipped and fell (omit 'down') to the ground." 3. Omit "have," and say, "If it hadn't been for John, they would HAVE gone." 4. Say, "We left AS SOON AS we HAD FINISHEDtheworlc." 5. Sey,."This tie cost a half - dollar (preferred), and I am very MUCH disappointed. WITH it." 6. Pronounce mar-a-kigh-boe, accent third syllable. 7. Either re-spy-re,-toe-ri, with accent on second syllable, or ress-pi-ra-toe-ri, with accent on first syllable is correct , - although the latter pro- nunciation is probably pre (erred. 8. Pronounce so0-1st, accent first syllable. 9. Pro - n o u n c e sah-yoe-nah-rah, principal accent on third syl- lable. 10. Pronounce sick - oh -fart, accent first syllable. 11. Pronounce ock-tay-vo. accent second syllable. 12. Parody, diphtheria, reper- toire, unwieldy, numskull, exaggerate. 4111.1111111, BARRY W. REID CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 418 Josephs" Stress WIsp1a 357-1522 4111111111 W. D. `BILL' MAY STATE FARM INSURANCE Auto- Life- Fire SIMS MOM tNSVIANC WINGHAM 351-3280 • CARSON AUCTION CENTRE All Types Facilities Available For Herd Dispersal call DAVID CARSON R.R. 3 Listowel . • 291-2049 SMALL ENGINE SERVICE &'REPAIR M. C. SMITH SPORTS DIVISION M. C. SMITH APPLIANCES Authorled factory service for: TORO JOHN DEERE ' BRIGGS & STRATTON AND KAWASAKI Licensed 'mechanic on premises for service and major repairs to most other.makes. RR 2, Listowel - 261-3810 Mon. Thru Fri. - 8 to 6 WHERE OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY BRUSSELS MOTORS LTD. "Huron County's Foremost. Car & Truck Dealer" BANK nNANIE RATES Avg. 11.78 % over 36 mos. for new and used cars 28 Successful Years In The Same Town OPEN Weekdays till 10 Saturdays till 6 CARS and TRUCKS 887-6173 LORENZ' Dead Stock Removal $20.00 for Horses lc a pound for Cows FAST SERVICE Phone Collect - 369-2410 DURHAM M. C. Smith Home Service Division Now offering. •complete service for TV, radio, re- frigeration, ranges and other appliances. Backed ,Iy factory -trained service- men, a huge parts inven- tory, sophisticated repair equipment and one of Mid- western Ontario's largest stocks of major appliances. RR 2, Listowel 291-3810 "Our location saves you money." 357-2320 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL, CLINTON We are now paying $5-$15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you. License No. 237-C-7 Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 24 -Hour Service 7 Days a Week CALL COLLECT 482-9811 • LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Calves - Calvaes, - Calves Good Quality Holstein or Beef , Calves, 1 to 3 weeks old. Rea- sonable Prices, We Deliver. OSINGA BROS. 519 R.R. 1 2914138 Listowel PLAN YOUR MOTO FUTURE WWI Increase the resale value of your car et* truck with COMPLETE PROTECTION 517 11th Ave., Hanover Ca II Les at '364-2832 "A MUST TO PREVENT . RUST" HUNTER MOVING STORAGE AG (NI" ALLI E class D P.C.V. licence local and long distance C.N. and C.P. express agent CALL THE EXPERTS • HANOVER Collect 364-1560 VAN miss l LESLIE MOTORS" FORD MERCURY Sales and Service Used Cars and Trucks Bus. 338-2310 After Hrs. 338-3133 HARRISTON INCOME TAX' PREPARED - Farmers - Businessmen - Individuals Reasonable Rates CALL NOW Monkton anytime 347-2241 Brussels Tues. and Fri. 181.6663 •Ronnenberg Insurance Agency 4 Y 'Avoid tlto Nosh • ain/on FACTORY rt,.4,� OUTLET In Their Original OLD MILL N Hw ,.Nu.y tv ck IN BLYTH WOOL end tiAli6 rllOMICTS RAINTON LTD. Blyth ' 523-9373 INSURANca A l l Types of Insurance 335-3525 357-2636 GORRIE WINGHAM. T I V I sic .N " ANTENNA SERVICE -Colour T.V. Towers" Our specialty. -Year-round service. --Free estimates. CALL. COLLECT 364-3313 Doug 'Harker' HANOVER L S OUR Phone 356-2802 A.H. BOWMAN MFG. LTD. METAL FABRICATING ATWOOD -ONTARIO Also Metered Concrete Mobile Service Crossroads welcomes - letters to the editor ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLIES LTD. • Due to the increase in meat prices we are able to give you top prices for fresh, dead, or disabled cows and horses. We will pick up your calves and pigs free. Radio equipped, trucks for the fastest service. CASH ON THE SPOT Local Calls Atwood 356-2257 Long Distance Zenith 70650 7 Days a Week 24 Hours a Day Lie. No. 427-C-73 Aftemmiimmommemmplimemisk so •