The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-01-17, Page 97 rianing oI bat Weet
Rev. K. art7 Passovers
notated at the installation
officers are: honorary
President, Mrs. Passmore; first
t, Mrs. Albert Bren-
Al; second vice-preside4, Mrs.
George Guest; third,
, Mrs.. AO' 'Swatridge;
seeretarY, .1Wrs. J. • A.
ufman; corresponding Odra;
Mrs, 'Swatridge;‘, treasurer,
Don "'Courtney; . Online%
Mrs. G.V. 'Tiffin; citizenship and'
.50081 action, Mrs. Elieabeth.
Su -
.ter; : . Christian and missionary
education, Mrs. l'assmbre, *tee
and publicity, Mrs. Russell Zur-
brigg; program, Mios Lavonne
Ballegh; membership, K.
M. MacLennan and Mrs, Stewart
, Beattie; • stewardship and
recruiting, Mrs. T. Jardin;
friendship and visiting, Mrs. Len
,Crawford and Mrs. Charles Doe,
gar; naMinal$ona, Mrs. George
FoflowIzi the ma"
fivers, Mrs. Wood
Underwood °with a
*WO') *
work for the past two year..
The meting began With. an In,
troduction to- the new two-year
study, "Mission Impossible
Uless" by Mrs.. Passmore. She
**mod A ram strip entitled last
sion Is . ," which, made the
ladies think *bout missionti, at
'home and abroad,
An In Mcinoriarn" service. for
menthera who .had passed away
during the year, iWaa conducted
by Mrs. K. M. MaeLennan'and
minute's silence was observed in
their himor.
Worship was. conducted by
MM. S. Orient Mrs. S, Beattleand
Mrs. J. Wray of Unita One and
Two:, Lunch was served by Unit
• Three.
Knox W
Presbyterian WMS ,met at the
church for the January meeting..
'The president, Mrs. George
Nickel, opened With a call to
worship. All joined in singing
"Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee",
followed with the reading of
Psalm 8 responsively, and a
meditation. •
It was decided to have the usual
pot -luck dinn' er and quilting for.
the February meeting. The roll
call was "How the church is
adapting to change".
Mrs. Alvin Mundell introduced
the study for the year with a film
strip, "Mission Is". Following
this a discussion on the film was
held. .-
The closing hymn was "Help
Us to Help Each Other, Lord",
with prayer after by the 'presi-
Whitechurch W.I. holds
resolutlons meeting
Wingham. The
opened by the president,
Merle Mom with the *ging
the 04e and, repeating the
As seen on
Stainton Hardware
Wingham, Ontario
and. Mrs. Tom Douglas of Wroxeter won a HoviricK Commu-
nity .Centre draw for a two -minute shopping spree at
Smith's Red and White Store here, they really,madelt pay.,
Besides the two -minute limit, the Douglas couplecould only
take five of any one item and had to carry all their wares in
a'bushel basket. While Mr. Douglas held the basket, his wife
'managed to pick up $138.94Worth of goodies. Shown with the
al •
happy couple above are, from left; Mrs. and•Mr: Douglas,
cashier Janet Berrnes and Ted Smith, son of owner Elwood,
Smith. Besides sponsoring the draw for the-kowick Corn
munity Centre, the Smith Red and White Store sponsored
similar draw for 'the Kurtzville arena' for ifs artificial ice
drive. The new kowick centre is expected to be ready for
action next winter.
(Staff Photo),
Nursery school volunteer is speaker at WI 4-H Club at
BLUEVALE — Mrs. Willie
VanderWoude of Wingham was
guest speaker at the Janigtry.
meeting. of the Women's In-
stitute, held in the coma
hall last Wednesday, afternoon.
She spoke op the care of retarded
children,those in nursery -class M
particular, with whom she does
volunteer work.
Mrs. Ken Chambers was host-
ess and citizenship conveners
-wereMrWilliarn De Vos and
Mrs. Ken 'Simmons. •
The meeting opened with the
Ode and Mary Stewart Collect,,
dent. after which Mrs, Met ,Craig,
president, welcomed all present.
She voiced her appreciation to,
the committee in charge of the
planning of .the Clwittraas con-
cert and to Et11 who had taken
part. Thank you notes were read
frOth'otritiiir Whoirlititit'ireeeived
cardg at Christrnas. A new mem-
We will be at the
ber, 1VIrs. Alex McCracken, was
welcomed to the Institute.
Correspondence was read from
/Huronview thanking the mem-
bers for a donation of money and
gifts at Christmas and from the
Children's Aid Society explaining
how the WI Bursary is to be spent •
'and outlining what they need in
the way of new clothing and knit-
The spring 4-H , project ,
"Taking a look at yourself!! and.;
leaders and assistants will: be
Mrs. Robert Peel, Mrs, Alex
Senior titizens4.
ri a t
p a c ivit
FORDWICH first meet-
ing of the Fordwich Senior
zens was held in the community.
hall on Wednesday, January,
There were 37 members present,',1'
J. Allman, provincial director:
of New Horizons, and. J. Ward,,
Wingham, district recreation:,
director, WerePresent to eir,plairin
programniing for senir citizens.
Projects and., activities were
discussed at 'length, with the'
renovating of the community hall
to be the major project at this
time., Most. of the work is to be
done by :the senior citizens.
The next meeting is,,tobe held'
at the Fordwich Nursing Home
on February 4 at 8 p.m.
Josephine Street Winghain
PHONE 3353571
St: Andrews
Cradle Roll
MacTavish, Mary Edith Garniss, aim tftsiga ima ah ma& .
ftosenlary Schmidt, Mrs. Ken I
Chambers, Mrs. Tien yolton and- •
Mrs. Charles Mathers.
Mrs. Jim Armstrong and Mrs.
Murray Jenkins will be leaders
for the senior homemaking
course, "More Ideas for Sewing
With,"Knits".. Anyone wishing to
take either the 4-1Iyroject or the
senior.course may contact one of
the Institute members.
Mrs. Wendall Stamper will be a
ference held on May land .2 at 'the
University of Waterloo.
The roll call was answered by
24 members naming one way in
which we may help retarded
children. A donation of Money.
was given to Mrs. VanderWoude
to help buy something needed for
&kith AVM, servetVbrthetOst-A1
ess, assisted by Mrs. cil
Sanderson, Mrs. Murray Jnkins
add Mrs. Charles Mathers.
-1--Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie
visited on the weekend with their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Robinson and family
of Newmarket.
delegate to the Officers' ton-
day the 4-H Club, Kathy Purdon,
Lori Purdon, Janet Adams,
Rhonda Gibson, Linda Moore and
Glerina Wilkens and their
leaders, )4111.s. Walter Elliott and
Mrs. Archie Purdon, attended
AFhieve,ment Day at Walkerton
High School.
• 'Whitechurch club presented an
exhibit and Rhonda Gibson was,
the commentator. All .club
members received their spoons.
Rhonda Gibson, Linda Moore,
Janet Adams and Lori Purdon re-
ceived certificates. Mrs. Walter
Elliott received a five year cer-
tificate for having been a 441
leaewjpgftiot-tjwiroir t.„„i
—Mr. and Mrs. Elwell Webster
have left for theirwinter home at
Lakeland, Florida.
—Miss Heather Smith read the
Second Lesson during the morn-
ing worship'service at St. Paul's
Anglican Church. Rev.- T. K.
Hawthorn was in charge of the
service• •
.reRvonco,,The afiortioon"
unit of the voiledaurthwomm
was held in the Sunday *boat
room on Thursfilly afternoon. The
theme of the worship Service was
"Crewing In the ;New Year",
and taken by Mite. Jack Wil-
son and Mrs. Care** Carswell.
SeriPture.was read by Mrs. Cams
Seven things '',411 help us grow
in the New Year: Faith, rriend-
ship, Grace and Knowledge,
Charity, Fellowship, Work, Love.
:am. Wilson. and Mrs. Carswell
read aitcrnatelY, each lighting a
candle after each reading. °
A solo was sung b3r Mamie
McElwain, "God Bath ,'Not
Promised'''. Mrs. earoitell of-
fered prayer.
The program included. a
Mission study on the Changing
patterns of missions, mis,-
sionarlea from 'Ontario 'serving as
teachers, nurses;doctors and
architects, etc in tmdeiveloped
countries. The paper was Pre-
pared by Mrs, William Wilson
and presented by Mrs, Creek',
Sothern and • Wks. Verna ,Gal-
Mrs,. Agla'presided, for the,4bus-
iness and Welcomed the
Roll Call was answered. with IT
ain resolved". Thank yOu noes
' were read from Mios Mary. Cat
tanach, Norman herding,
Kelly Sr., and -the Children's Aid
Society. •
.Plans were made for a visit t0
the Village kirsing..liome; The
Committee to Prepare programs
for 1974 is Mrs. S. Bride, Mrs.
William Wilson, Mrs. Charles '
Forrest, Mrs. Jack Wilson, Mrs.
Bruce Agla and Mrs. _Crosby
SO gran.. _
Mrs. Af,laclosed the Meeting
with° ,prayer.' Lunch, hostesses
were Mrs. Glenn Johnston, Mrs.
Parker Emig and Mrs„
. ,
...a radiant
.Brde r
May land 2 at 'Waterloo.
A discussion fellewed on iiat,
ting up a play, gutting, demos
sadcardparty. was Zloty de-
Cided * have * donee in IOUs-
time Mod to harka
around P
ibrab. •
The rot call was anewered
- IA members , intereotiag
and homonyms
they hope Olive up to every
Commtudt3r.oing1ngWas learning
new, songs, • Vinadian 130r1r,
"We'd Like to l'eacIrthe World to
Sing"and"Let There Be Peace.
litre. Tom Metcalfe: gave the
motto, “When ^ides comes ino—
your heed; put it to work and not
to bed"; Many ideas tame to
people atter they retire at night
before sleep come*, It'll .,,m1411e"
impulses one must, worn'nezt
day. Tench children to he kind to
alliiving creatures. She gave the
poem, "The Clock of Time"; She
gave an illustrative story ',of the
woman who told her there Was
nothing too small' fdrwhich to
:pray, Aie youleaving a trail of
, kindness, or 'discontent behind?
wi.paurdon favored with an
lively Piano solo.
misti,,Aftoson then, gave article*
from the Sootiisli WIon: APWW ,
Otherarticies Were court cases
and_tiPa„en ;choosing service sta-
ulna when:en trIP-
'The Meeting Was then, open*r' • ;,
discussion on the artieles read,
lively diicussion follft
ing many worthwhile - ideas for ,
those planning on a toar.
As a current event Mios Wilson
showed a picture of Wingham's
stationfrom the Free PrersONW
Ink Currie hada contest'!Kinds
ofCloth",which was won by ,
Bill Rintoutind Mrs. Tom Met-
calfe and for their efforts re-
ceived a gift.'
A very impressive candlelight
Service was held when the Cradle
Roll departmentcif St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church held its first'
graduation tea on Friday at. 10
a.m. A good number of parents,
friends and members of the con-
gregation were on hand to see the
young people receive their dip-
Those promoted from the
Cradle Roll to the Nursery, de-
partment of the Sunday School
were Scott Hickey, Jeremy Cam-
eron, Christa Curzon, Murray
Lapp, John MacDonald, Kevin
Smith, Rosemarie Noble,
Dwayne Hickey, Cheryl Under-
wood, Lynne Campbell and Mark
Heard. \ ,
The forests were welcomed by
Mrs, Fred McGee, superintend-
ent Of the Cradle Roll. Others tak-
ing part in the promotion were
Mrs. W. T. Lapp, superintendent'
of the Nursery and Beginners'
department of the Sunday School,
and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall,
incoming presidents of the
Couples' Club, sponsors of the
Cradle Roll.
Each child held his own candle
lit from the larger candles on the
centre table. Scripture from Mat-
thew, "Let your light so shine
before men that they may see
your good works and glorify ybur
Father which is in heaven", and
froin John's Gospel, "Then spake
Jesus again unto them, '1 am the
Light Of the world; he that follov0-
eth me shall not walk in darkness
but shall have the Light of Life' ",
were read,
Rev. R. Armstrong and Mrs.
Armstrong gave the opening and
closing prayers. Miss Merle Wil-
son presided at the piano for the
singing of "When Mothers of
All joined in saying Grace and
lunch was served by Mrs. J. Carr,'
Mrs. Catherine Wilson and Mrs.
Clare Niergarth. 'Moe looking
after the younger children in the
nursery were Mrs. Helen Currie,
Mrs, Dorothy Townsend, Mrs.
Len Phillips, Mn. Ed Beard and
° Mrs; Morley
so clear to a tricie's heart...
Good taste neednt be expensive. Our beautiful Bouquet
Invitation Line proves this with the most exquisite papers,
type faces and workmanship you could wish for! It
features Thermo-Engraving—rich raised lettering—elegant
of the finest craftsmanship — yet costing so little! Come
see our unusual selection.
One to two weeis delivery!
The AdvanceiaTirnes
AN INTE ResTe GROUP Of 4-HHomemaker Club members and leaders viewed the ex
hibit put together by the Whitethurch So -Sews for an Achievement Day held in Walkerton
on Satoday. The theme of the exhibits on view was accessories for the bedroom. Four-
teen Homemaker aubs from Bruce County participated. • (Staff Photo)