HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-6-20, Page 8RU4M W EIef1.T•.• ROY ALwvol, Absol are• Thispawderiievervaries Amarvelorpur- ity, strength andwholesomeness, More econ- orn•roalthantlio ordinary kirsch: and cannot be soldiuoompetitionwith the multitudes of low test, short, weight, alum or phosphate, 1,10 POWD 11 only W ]let eet N,YTAI€- DISTRICT DOINGS. Sero me another half dozen bottles of Everest's Cough Syrup, I cannot keep house without it,-Jno. Stephen- son, Sanilac Co., Mich. Jantes MoFee, of Appin, had to kill his fine Holstein • bull recently an account of his becoming very cross and unmanageable. The Reform Convention of North Middlesex will meet at Ailsa Craig on Thursday afternoon, (to -day.) A good attendance is requested. The St. Marys council in welcoming the members of the Guelph Confer- ence which met. 'in that town last week, presented them with an 'ele- gantly worded address. The following personsleftthe town- ship of ownship.of Tuokersmith, last week, for Manitoba ;- Geo. Dobson and daughter, went to Mosemin, Miss Riley to Glen- boro, Miss Chesney to Deloraine, John Parish to Salt Coats_ Ws invariably find Everert's Cough Syrup the best family medicine. - Geo. Donaldson, Forest P. 0. The grub which_ has been playing such havoc with the _ oats has also at- taeked the barley. Mr. Arthur Mc- Quillan, of Guelph, says they have a field of ten acres of barley which he expects will not be worth ten cents in three weeks. "` A by-lawis to be submitted to the ratepayers of St. Marys for the pur- pose of raising the sum of $2500 to build a bridgeacross the river, Thames a short distance south of the Victoria bridge. A reduction of $13,000 was made by the Court of Revision for St. Mary's, which held sittings on several days of Iast week. This reduction still leaves about $96;000 of assessed value in ex- cess of Last year. The Featherbone factory at St. Thomas was offered for sale. yesterday ' under mortgage, but the reserye bid of $8,000 was not reached, J. Holden, of Three Oaks, Mich., makiug the highest hid of $7,500. The Ontario Bureau of Statistics has issued a bulletin dealing ` with frauds on farmers. It catalogues all the sharp tricks by which the farmers of Ontario have been victimized, from the historic lightning -rod racket to, the latest oi od net of wilyinvention,ention , the "marriage ceremony," On Thursday of last week while playing atschool, Master John Dillion, of Staffs, fell and broke his collar bone and dislocated his shoulder. On the same day Master :Peter Carpenter had one of his ribs broken. The boys will not feel inclined to play "Pull-away' for sometime, but are both Going woll. The residence of Mr. Wm. Giilies, West Ward, St. Mary's was struck on Monday morning by lightning. It entered at one corner of the house, rioaki.ne quite an opening, and struck a mirror inside, breaking it into pieces. Itis thought the mirror saved the house from entire destruotion. No further damage was done. John Beattie, of Innerkip, received some painful injures on Monday night while leading a colt: The animal be came restless, anti while plunging around struck Mr. Beattie m the chest with its knees. Mr. Beattie was knocked down, and before he could recover himself the animal's hind feet were planted on his body. His reeov erJ is doubtful. While all outhouse at the rear of Mr %Varring,s cooper shop on Peel st,,. $t- Marys, was being removed between nine and ten o'clock on Tuesday, the remains of an infant were discovered in an advanced stage of decom- position. , An inquest was held bus nothing leading to .the identity of the guilty person was learned. Tails is to certify that my wife having been troubled over eight years with a sore throat and symptoms of .Bron- ctnttts, and having triedmanyremediee without obtaining a cure, I was in- duced to try Bveroat's Cough Syrup and after taking five or six bottles xi, rune was effected:•--Wrn. Hester, Ar - Items P. 0. One of' the antique philosophers re- marked. that it is herder for a dog with a lame leg te stay shut up in a cellar than it is for a girl with a new summer dress or the latest style of hat or pretty parasol to keep indoors in this weather. Even if the dog had three lane legs he would still make persistent efforts to get at the dow.. The event or the season was the marriage of Miss ltary, eldest daughter of lYir. James Park, of Ifibbert, to Mr. Jacob Wirtennta, of Niagara, N. Y., en Tuesda;v Juhe 4th. The friends, aoquaintttnces acid neighbors without exception Were invited fill ' join in the merry -miming. About' five o`clook p. in, i the gueste began ti arrive : and peeeiseiy itt six o'clock the Reit. Pater Scott pronounced them man and wife. The St Marys Couneit bats pagaed a Ism prohibiting icing f standing on the streets of that tawfi, At the Perth County Gaunt David Wright, acousod of robbing $200 from pei'sgn of Georg4f Gibbs, was ao- tted° the ,1nrlr renderkn, their dict without quoting the box. Jelin Nichol, of North Eastkiopa, is possessor of a dunkling hatched without feet, while Jas. Doherty, of e Sallie t,owf?ship, is the owner of a sling wicks four feet. An lugersal fatality advertises that has no washing or ironing and that therefore a servant girl who gets a job .h it will hays a sett snap. But think of the family's condition, One day recently two trafnps entered the house of Mr, Ja°. Sproat, of ekersmfith and stole a valuable etch belonging to Mr Sproat. His Honor Judge `Cams, ot Gladericli s been re-elected D. D. Ca, Jki., of e Oddf@]lows of Haran. While ulcering an old swamp re- cently Mr, Martin Flush, Pleasant Valley, discovered Suite a curiosity. v@nalfeet beneath the leaves and muck he unearthed what appeai'ecl to stone book, Close itispectkon owed it to be a family bible, bearinS the dale 1773 plainly letteifed. Tule. now solid limestone. Those who ye: examined the book state that it was originally a real book and is now petrified, Mr. D. Miller, of lot lot 4, non. 4, ruts township, dug tip the other day the teeth of the monster animal that arced the earth in that vicinity in prehistoric ages. There are three pairs ot these ancient grinders, and they indicate that the animal which originally wielded them must have been of mammoth:. proportions,. ex- edinganything to be found lving this geceration. Mr. Jenkins,- of the Brussels Budget evidentty not dead yet, for be has entered suit for libel against Kerr, of the Post, for an alleged defamatory open letter published of October 12th nly two weeks before his celebrated Post Office libel suit, It will be an expensive s$air, as Mr. Dancey, bar- rister, of Seaforth, who enters the case for Jenkins, has retained B. B Osler, Q. C.; whom at will be remem- bered had the opposite side at the Huron Fall Assizes. r. George Patton and family, for- merly of Brinsley,McGillivray, To4vn- hip,but now living in Seattle, N. W. ., is thegueat of friends here resent. Since his departure the ewe has reached him that his pro- perty, valued at $7,000, bas been wept away by the fire which devas- tated that city lately. Mr. P. is Chief Engineer over the N. W, R. R. an the steamboat line from Oregon, and Vancouver. s ba bee A very exciting game of took place at Lucian, Monday, contending parties being, the `Iris Nine," of that village. and the,, em- ployes of Mr. John Boyd'a tailoring establishment, of London, whose superior skill led to a most ign ominous sleet of the Lucanites, who, smarting over their defeat, retaliated by making the Londoners pay all their own contrary to the terms upon which the: contest was arganizedT and certainly discreditable to the ;,,uoa feel nine. The Boydites, however, jubilant in having taken the shine out of competitors in clic way they id. by, h"bi ' the Sa)vation Army the qui van' J the th gosling it with Wu ha tb V Se be ah ha amnia th roamed b. ex- ceeding in , is , 0 P rt- ca 73 e T. at P n p s- t Portland, 11 t the c h N_ P e g ex- penses, n e 1 d Hensel', Bnisro,-We note with, pleasure the return of'MrD Buchantte, oti;lles, who has been attending the agricultural college at. Guekrh and who has longe baele to spend his vacation at the "Homestead,"' Dave is.. looking well notwithstanding the course of hard study which he must have gene through to pass his exawivatiops so oredit- ably'-A large number from hero went to Exeter ou Monday last toatteudthe funeral ot the late Mr A W MoDonell, of that place, The, deceased gentleman was a brother of Messrs John and Chas 1V1oDol ell of this village. -Mr Alex Murdock, of Goderieb, pard a flying visit here on Monday last, - air If Y McLean; of the Huron Eaeoeitor, Seafotth, was hero on Tuesday last attend ing a meeting of the South Huron Agricul- tural Society, Mr James Pickard, of Exeter, was, also here on the same business., -The Revs 0 11 Bridgeman and Mr 'It Morrison attended the meeting of the synod of Huron, in Loudon this week.-- We eek,-We ,were pleased to see that Mrs Ii Hughes wee able to driye out last week and trust that she may continue to improve, -Largo numbers attended the meetings of the rioted Evangelists, Crossley and Hunter, in Exeter last week,- tfr T tiler ry shipped a number of fine horses from here last week --Mr A Johuston is in Toronto this week with his mare "Topsy" trying to capture some of the prizes at tbe reties there. We hope be may succeed: Brucefiel.d• - Birnrs-The members of the football club wish to express their thanks pubiioly to Miss Goodie Marks for her generous gift of four beautiful' flags, -A' number of young men from Exeter spent Sunday here. -)ulna. Grabain and claughter have return- ed from Michigan where they have been spending the last few weeks, -Bev. J B. Simpson is attending the Assembly in Toronto, Rev Mr. Stewart ocoupied .his pulpit last Sunday afternoon, there being no service in the morning or evening. 1!oox Bann. --An interesting game of foot -ball was played here last Friday evg., between the hone team and the "Clippers" of Clinton.. The game was . closely con- tested, and seyeral times during the play Some from both sides were made to bite the grass. The'home team was considerably weakeped by Dellas"not being able to play through illness. After. playing an hour no goals were taken by either side much to the disappointment of those of 'whom it was said by a Clinton correspondent, "The Clippera are light, but theyget thereevery time." The return match is expected to be played in Clinton shortly. The Brim- field team was composed of the following players: -Goal. -M. Dixon. Banka -e. Scott and G : MoCariney • Half ' Banks - D Cameron, B Beattie and W McQueed. Forward rigot wing -A .Scott and A J. Snider. Forward left- wing -G Simpson and D McTavish. Centre forward: -B. McCartney. Zui iafi. Li;crun?-Mr H id Fayama a Japanese Kirkton. Baixrs.-Messrs •Julius and : Amos Doupe who having been visiting friends in the vicinity of Wiarton, Saulte Ste Marie. last . eek. ea returned home w and other plan e -Sergeant G. L. Money and others in this vicinity left on Tuesday last for the volun- teer camp to be held in London. -The Holy Eucharist was administered in St. Pauls Anglican church on Sunday last. -Mrs A W Dulmage is away visiting friends. -The annual anniversary services and tea -meet- ing in connection with the Methodist church Sabbath .school will be held on. Sunday, the 30th inst., and Monday lst pox. The proceedings on Monday will take place in the woods of Sir Thos Tufts on the Blanshard side. The affair is in the hands of an energetic committee and We bespeak a large attendance as in years past from the surrounding community: - The Sabbath school ` anniversary of the Kirkton Presbyterian church held- on Monday last in Mr Wisernan's woods, was a decided success: Thetotal receipts amounted to somewhere in the neighbor- hood of $100. who has been attending College ' at Naper- ville, villa, 111.delivered a'yery interesting lecture in the Evangelical Church on aSundav evg, last He took for his subject Japan, its peo- ple, their customs, religion menthe growth of its Evangelical Missions The audience was very large and attentive Mr Toyama speaks English fluently and made his lec- ture very. instructive :and interesting; At the close a collection was made to aid hill in continuing his studies This was heart- ily responded to BUXEFs-Mrs Priszoator of btephen was the guest of Mrs Latta this week -The re- cent rains' did a great deal of damage in of this vicinity . A, good many pot nes have rotted and ethers had to be sown. -The A 0 F have rented part of the new building being built by Chas Greb The upper part of the building will be made into a hall This is a step in the right direction, as everything will be complete and comfort- able. Proem -The teachers and scholars of our public school intend holding their an- nual picnic at Grand Bend on the 28th of this mon A oordial invitation is extend- month ed to all A grants time is anticipated Everybody hitch rip your horses and spend a day with the children Utz r iesozaaNDEns.-Arrangeni ents were made between this club and a club from Dashwood to play a return'inatoh on Saturday last, Play to begin about four ocloak: Our boys were in Dashwood at the appointed time, but their opponents. somehow or other failed "to connect." There seemed to be little Probability of a match, but at 6:30 or 7 p m, the , Dash-- wood ash-wood boya began to muster, and after both clubs agreeing to play five innings and ex- pressing their satisfaction to the umpire; the game was commenced, the Deutsoli- landers being privileged to use their own bats and ball: . The game was prettty evenly contestedfor the first three innings, the score standing 7 to 9 infavor of Dash- wood. • However, the tables soon turned at the end of the fourth inniugs, the score being 24 to 11, in favor of Zurich, and . at tbe end of the fifth innings was increased to 35 to 14: We conpratulate our boys on, their sncaess and hope that they may al- ways prove themselves to be winners: A notable feature of the proceedings was that after waiting for nearly three hours for the game to start the Deutechlanders prodeeded to the hotel dining room to partake of a sumptuous repast provided by the good lady of the house: Cut boys have grand appetites, and on tbis particular occasion, after such a long fast, acquitted themrelves wonderiuily. Here again they were allowed the privilege (?) of paying for their supper, A fact that does not re: fleet =oh crebit on the Das}awood team. (From another source) Briers. -In the report of t , e late. Art Examination held in Seafotth, ib was stat- ed that Mr Sam J Latta, principal of our school received certificates in only four subjects. But later reports show that he is entitled to a.dip oma, having made a c Guo-• u ra u- Qeesfut past in all subjects. Wo o g G late him on his success, at be is an donerge- tie worker, -The statute labor hag begun, and considerable improvements are being made in the village: old sidowelke ate being repaired and new onee built -Mr and Mos Kibler are visiting: friends in Hamilton-- Rev J Strempfev is attending Conforenoe held near Nenstadt GREAT BARGAIN RIS SALE. immiumisigniantsminfassesessATEmmmummatmexcammimila il,Ri! PICKARD'S Goods will be offered during this sale at the fol. lowing reductions Black Gross Grain ,S"ilk, regular price $i,00, now for 65c, " 'r " " „ 4, $i.5o, 44 " iI.20, Ladies Dress goods, " 25c. " t, z5c. 44 Striped " " 20C. , 44 44 I24C. Combination Prints (Fast colors) regular price I2 o,; now for Sc. Mens' Ordered Suits, regular price $20.00, now for $17,00. u 4 4t- „ ,4 ` $IS.00, c4 4, $15.00. Fine Shoes ar " $2,00, '4 $I.00. Ladle's" " " 44 $I.25,° as c, 50c. Childrens' Fine Shoes " 44 95C, " " 35c. We have just received a ' e large shipment of the latest g l' line which we are offering at remarkably low figures, goods in the MILLINERY RICHARD PICKARD, --'Exeter Lumber 'o cels nallJo 9.d ditt The I.O. F. at Church. In response to the proclamation- of the executive of the Independent Order of Foresters, requesting that tbe members return "thanks to our Heavenly Father for the manifold favors shown to us and for so eminently prospering the works of our hands as Foresters ; and appointing Sunday. June 16, 1889 as a special day of prayer and praise to God the Supreme Ruler of the universe ; Court Exeter, No. 123 attended divine service in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday morning last. The brethren to the number of about 50, assembled at their hall, and after duly opening Court, were formed into line and marshalled to the church by bro Andrews, the procession presenting a fine appearance, the regalia being superb while the re gularity in march lent much to the gran- A,deur of the parade. A sermon taken from Deuteronomy XXXIII chapter ; • 16 verse, was preached bythe rector, Rev S. F: Robinson in his usually impressive style. The congregation was large and apprecia- tive: The following vote of thanks from. the Court was tendered the rev: puttee= for his kind and able discourse: 'Resolved --"That the. Independent Order of For- esters of Exeter return a very cordial vote of thanks to the Bev S F Robinson, of the Trivitt Memorial church for the very able, instructive and appropriate discourse 'de- livered anniversary service. ' eedtousou this 1vr 'J i That the members of the choir are entitled to much praise for the very efficient as- sistance rendered` by diem at our services: That we extend our thanks to the pastor and officers of the church for their courtesy in granting us the use of their Church on this occasion." Crediton. W'Anman.-Two girls as apprentices to dress- making. Apply to MRs. Dxcxsv, Crediton. Panama, -Mr. Samuel Brown who has been preparing for the ministry at Napier - villa, Ill., is: home for a short visit. Be leaves inthe course of a few weeks to take an appointment in the Western States.- Miss Kate Gould of Exeter, agent a few days in town as the guest of her friend, Miss Emily Thomas.- -Messrs. J. W. Grant and Ben. Either, deft on Tuesday, for military oanp, at London, They accom- pany the 33rd Battalion Band of Seafortb. A number of the young men left also and go with No. 6 Company of I7xeter•-Mr. C. Kibler has been going the rounds of the Village looking after the fire protection ''by laws. In the most of cases the ashes 4vere not disposed of with any degree of satin- faction, and he says the laws will be mantle t so we would ad- vise after July., oaf r is the people te observe them ao the letter, 13xauses.--On Sunday morning last we of hearing Mr. r. enjoyed a special privilege, ft Henry M. Toyama, a- native of Japan, de- liver an address on his native country: Ede dwelt npoit the resources, government, religion, &c., of the country and on the whole delivered it very able and interesting address. The young man is being edu- octad in Napierviile for the missionary work in Japan and takes these means of. raising farads, and we are glad to hear that he had been very suooessfui,--"The Browns" had a regular family pini iie at t ibuyerPshipped a car lo ad of A Moutiea all classes of horses from Exeter this week. The Board of Trade has taken up the matter of establishing a horse and cattle market in Exeter, as announced.in last week's Tnvrxs ; and it will no doubt, cause. the scheme tube given a. trial at an early date. The merchants of Exeter intendforming themselves into a protective association. The object of the association is to protect one another from being bitten by local professional and other deat-beats, with whom Exeter, like all other towns, Is discovers h < pestered. Any 'merchant who among his customers,one who is trying to illude just debts will be placed on list, which will be open at all -times for inspec- tion by members of said association. On an average the people of Exeter pay to the outside flour mills, $200 per week or $11,000 per year for flour. This is a shame as far as Exeter is concerned and. should not be. We have a good' mill in town, and why not encourage it ? The Board of Trade have this matter under. consideration and when action is to be n ours ement we 'u ec toward offers taken trust the ratepayers Swill lendg a willing hand to accomplish the desired end: We. might as well have the above sum of money paid within our corporation forffour'made by our own mill. We would suggest that somethiug be done at once: There are millers, and good ones, whom we know of who would pat in a roller process, second to none in nanada, and run an extensive mill, if only tendered encouragement in able onus. the granting of a reason b A meeting of the council of the Board. of Tracie was held on Tuesday evg. Mem- bers all present. Considerable business was done, and among other things a com- mittee composed of 11 Spackman and B W Grigg, was appointed to draft a peti- tion to the village council, praying for the establislxment of a butter and egg market, and. to secure the signatures of the villagers to it. The,High school question was thoroughly discussed and a committee appointed to indulge in ersistent discus- uestion with a view to its Yard The Undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps -constantly in stook - All, Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. Hemlock always on. hand at mill rices. ` ' Flooring, Siding, A. large stock of y P dressed -inch, inch -acid -a -quarter,: inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, &c. • SHINGLES A SPECIALTY. --Competition challenged. The best and the largest' stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No 'shrinkage assured. A call will bear out the above. Jas. ain-st ESTABLISHED. Willis,3 THE OLD TIm late Dr. Dio Lewis, whose name re a household Word all over the globs, warmly endersod the use of Warner's Safe Core in eases of kidney disorder, ale said over hie the own signature : "If I found myself a victim' Grand Bend nn Tuesday last. -Friday has of a sari012 kidney trouble, I would use. been fixed for picnic day for the school, Warner's Safe Ouro• we hope the will have a large turnout.- Wan, Romnitms, M. t ., Physician to tbe e , y { n' Infirmaryand Lunatic : hrrcicmakoid Maachostor,r g., The reser is seceding and the will soon be able to at in the pita again.'(Hospital, Professor of Medicine in 'Owen's The long rains have destroyed alarge quantity of brick' and the manufacturers have sustained quite a logs Great reductions in try' Goods at Ritlhr aril Picketers (see advert,senient.) College, says; "Tho attention of the patient is awakened some months, or it nosy bo veers, after advanced kidney disease exists." Is yeti think h ,unwise to take further chances deo Warner's Side Cure before the malady bocotnel any further advaused. soon of theg Try 1iir TEAS no other. And you will1 Se OUR T's ARE THE .BEST. goods that ri have lie We sell the best g s so lour yo cause for using an inferior article. Try our 500., 40c,, 30e. and 25e. Japans. We have no 50c. T for :25e. TTT T TT T felnitenenelaailaMMETI TTTTT Carling Bro:. LEADS I TTTTT TT TTTT 1111111116111111110111111 CABLING CROS. establishment at as early a date aapoasibls, Owing to unavoidable circumstances no f• be brought to definate action was taken ; nor can matters ,the desired head fen at least c H x T Ro some months: Word hasnot as yet been re- coivelt from G T R authorities re increase in freight from 35 to 45 cents, minimum rate, recently brought into effect, The see 1 h ties —THE POPULAR— Boot! rotary has again written to the ant ori. of the Company. Shoo Make SelliteeralliatealleaMESSIEnleanaleallanallattalesarrar •yla Jolla]] G rooeries and Confectionery OF THE 13E81' QUALITY. Also best Pips, Tobaccos ani Cigars PETTY'S HAala DAWN and LARD Thorley's' Improved 'Horse and Cattle rode Dashwood Roller Flour, G. A. FHNT MAN. n the ' Has opened business x premises ,of R. SPICED, .op- posite SENIOR'S, Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones. Sewed Work a8vecialty JOHN BRAWN t UNDERTAKER - A1 ERr CABINET Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Repairing promptly and sat- xsfactotily done. My stoop of rlirniture is un.. A CALL sol,iclJ`I.O excelled. Atoo oi' Ibiysar DlteoaIFTroa, A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimkniogs Always on hand. FUNERALS P'URNISBED'' " CON' DUCTED AT. LOW RATES. W. Et. TriOTT.ItsieGIVE SCE A CALL I ,