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The World of Womenbraith.
Mrs. L Powell elected
pre& of St. Pauli ACIN
Mrs. E. Powell was elected
, president of the Anglican Church
Women of St. Paul's when they
held their regular meeting in the
Parish rooms, . Other officers are:
first vice-president, Mrs. William
Austin; second vice-president,
Mrs. Mvin Higgins; treasurer,
Mrs.. H. King; card secretary,
Mrs. M. Campbell; secretary,
Mrs. W. Brydges; banquet com-
Austin, Mrs. H. King; Mrs. J.
King, Mrs. M. Smith and Mrs. E.
The meeting opened with the
hynm,„ "The Heavenly Child in
Stature Grows" followed by
prayers led bY Mirs. E. Powell in
the absence of Mrs. W. Connell.
Mrs. A. MacKay read, scripture
from Proverbs, chapter 3.
Mrs. E. Johnston spoke oq the
topic "It's time to stop the selfish
game". She said, "A casual look
at the headlines makes us wonder
where the world is going. Nations -
put selfish interest ahead of
everything else."
Mrs. ;Johnston cited as ex-
amples, Britain atid the Far
East, where probleMs are so
great, "In England today," she
said, "only four per cent attend
church. Even some of the clergy
have become disenchanted. Mis-
sionaries in England are sub-
jected to pressures and apathy
toward the church is growing, in
England and in Canada too."
In closing, Mrs. Johnston said,
"We should Arolve to -put away
all apathy and indifference and
be loyal to the church." •
Roll call was answered with a
NeirYear thought. Reports were
received from Mrs. H. King, Mrs.
J. King and Mrs. E. Hohnes.
Thank -you letters were read, one
expressing appreciation to Sun-
day School- teachers and pupils
who sponsor White Gifts. Canon
Long told how many of tbe child-
ren in his districts -have never
seen a store decorated for Christ-
mas or a toy on display, only nec-
essary articles of clothing and
food. But because of all the White
Gifts received, no child, regard-
less of race or creed, is left out.
The Least Coin was collected
and Mrs. Powell closed the meet-
• ing with' prayer. The singing of
was a fitting beginning. to the
New Year.
As seen on
See the new,
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Wingharn, Ontario
MRS. R. P:RITTER presented Mrs. Brian Sanderson,with a gift for Wingham's first baby
of the New Year on behalf of the Auxiliary of the Wingham and District Hospital. The
baby, Brandi Lee, is nof ,only the first baby born at the hospital thit year, she is also the
first child born to the Wroxeter couple (Staff Photo)
,Paul s'at'irch
and Choir Loader
arriage vows taken
Christmas setting
In a Christmas setting of red
and white, marriage vows were
exchanged between Cheryl Eliza-
beth Haskins. of Gorrie and John
Thomas Wilson of Fordwich in a
pretty high noon .ceremony in
Gorrie United Church on Satur-
day, December 22. Rev. G. W.
Sach performed the ceremony
amid a setting of red poinsettias,
lighted red candles and other
Christmas decorations.
Mips. Sach presided at the
organ, providing traditional and
coilte nporrry weddn Musico
Miss Lavonne Ballagh'tit' Wing
`ham sang "The Wedding Song"
just prior to the bride's -entrance;
and "Morning Has Broken" fol-
lowing the exchange •of vows.
Parents of the bride are Mr.
and Mrs Ivan Haskins of Gerrie.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Wilson, Fordwich. The
bride was given .in marriage by
her father and mother.
The bridal gown wag floor-
length white knit crepe with
feather trim. She wore ' ruby
necklace and earrings and white-
velvet ribbon in her hair. She car-
ried a single red rose.
Mrs: Ross King of Stratford'
was her sister's matron of honor.
She wore a floor -length gown vi
acetate nylon knit crepe in red
with white polka dots. The dress
was designed with sweetheart
Sunday, January 13
Epiphany 1
11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer
Thurs., Jan. 10—Euchre party in the parish hall,
sponsored by the Board'of Management, 8.30 p.m.
Regular Meetings
Thurs., 8.00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
Sunday, 9.30 a.m.—areaking of Bread
11.00 a.m.—Sunday School
Adult Bible Class
Sunday Evening Service -7.30 p.m.
neckline and gently puffed short Teeswater, Ordssels, Gorrie,
sleeves. Sho . wore a pearl, drolf Stratford, Walton, Toronto, At -
necklace and carried a nosegay wood and. Listowel..
albite carnations surrounding a- For travelling, the bride wore a
single red rose. green pant suit ands sweater fea-
bridesmaid, Miss Nancy Ander, now residing in Fordwich.
son of Anburn., The bride is a graduate of
, Nieces of the bride, Lori Irmo Stratford Teachers' College and
and Brenda King both of Strdk , is on the staff of Hillcrest Central
ford, were dressed alike in floor School Teeiwater
length .white erimplene dresse)G. Prior to her marriage, showers
trinuned with 'red and „iiihitt, were held in' her honor at Mc -
Christopher King, the bric619"Margaret Sach, and at the home
nephew; of Stratford, was ring's of >Mrs. Ronald McClement of
bearer.' ° • Fordwich.
Donald Wilson of Fordwich was •.
his brother's best man and Ross'
King of Stratford ushered guests. Couple received
groom and his attendants
wore navy blazers and grey • at United Church
slacks. GORRIE - Rev. George W.
A dinner reception followed in Sach received into the Gorrie
the ' church basement where United Church at the Sunday
tables were decorated in the morning service Mr. and Mrs.
Christmas theme. The bride's Gerald Brewer of Ehnira, b,,
mother wore a green knit street- transfer
length dress with black acces-
sories and 'a corsage of yellow
mums. The- groom'S mother
chose a street -length pink knit
dress vvith black accessories and
a corsage of white mums. They
received guests. from 'Lucerne,
Quebec; Hamilton, Wingham,
The Sacrament of the 'Lord's
Supper was celebrated.
The choir sang the anthem,
"Let Us Break Bread Tege her".
Rev. Sach chose as his theme, for
his sermon, `Vision for the pres-
ent and future", Wherethere is.
no vision the people perish. Prov-
erbs 298.
UCW installs officers
at January meeting
FORDWICII — The United
Church Women held their New '
Year's worship service and in-
stallation of 1974 officers ,ln the
Sunday School lut Thursday.
The theme. of the worship ser-
vice was "Leading into the New
Year" and was taken by Mrs.
Warren Zurbrigg and Mrs. Jack
Orown.Mrs. Zwbrigg gave many
thoughts for the New Year, using
the symbol of the door and Jesus
Christ as the door. Mrs. Brown
read appropriate scripture be-
tween the,meditations and closed
with prayer.
Mrs. Scott Clarkson presided
for the business. The roll call was
answered by a spiritual aim for
the New Year. Reports were
heard 'from the various con-
veners showing a very active
year in all departments.
The Rev. Charles Forrest
presided for the installation of of-
ficers, first giving a brief New
Year's message of encourage- c?
ment to 'the UCW members in
their work.
Officers for 1974 are: Pres.,
Mrs. Scott Clarkson; first vice
pres., Mrs. Elmer Harding;
second vice pres., Mrs Jack
Brown; .third vice pres., Mrs.
'Lorne Siefert.
Treasurer, Miss Minnie Mc-
Elwain; recording sec., Mrs.
Wallace Bilton; afterixion leader,
Mrs. Bruce Agla ; evening leader,
Mrs. Carl D'Arcey; ,representa-
-tive to Stewards, Mrs. William
Wilson; social functions, Mrs.
Glenn Johnston and Mrs. Wray
Cooper; literature and com-
munications, Mrs. Crosby Solli-
ern ; citizenship and social action,
Mrs. Clare Harris;
Stewardthip, Mrs. Mel Taylor;
Christian education, Mrs. Jack
Wilson; supply and welfare, Mrs.
Jack Reed and Mrs. Alex Reid;
press and publicity, Mrs. C.
N.Lrs. Harold Doig; corresponding
seg., Mrs. H. Dols,. flowers, Mrs.
Euchre Wiflners
► a�r���: �° ,t; : t�
evening Currie's School pro-
gressive euchre club met in the
Belgrave _arena assembly room,
under the supervision of the
leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Herson°
Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Taylor. There were 8 fables
in play:
-Those receiving prizes were:
high lady, Mrs. Norman Coultes;
low lady, Mrs, Bob Gordon;
novelty prize lady, Mrs. George
•Walker; high gent, Leonard
James; low gent, George
Walker; novelty prize, Bob Gal -
Lunch was served by those in
charge. The next gathering of the
club will be Friday, Jan. 18th,
with sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Dawson and Mr. and Mrs. Keith
hnstmas candlelight ceremony
In a setting of Christinas trees
and lighted white candles in
candelabra entwined with red
poinsettias, holly.ond evergreen,
Patricia Lynne Hart of Wroxeter
became the bride of Robert Gord-
on Bradshaw of Listowel in a
ceremony performed by Rev..G.
W. Sach in Wroxeter United
Church on Saturday,- Deceniber
15, at 5:30. Christmas holly and
poinsettias decorated the guest
Mrs. Ed Martin pfovided organ
music and Mrs'. Ronald Larson
sang "Morning Has Broken" and
the "Hawaiian Wedding Song".
Parents of the bride are Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Hart ot Wroxeter.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Bradshaw of Lis-
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride chose a floor -
length gown of white French silk
cord, sheath style with a skim.:
20% io 40%
Josephine Street Wingham
—Photo by
er Studio s\
mer skirt, mandarin neckline and
long sleeves:A matching hooded
cape was accented with maribou
fur trim and she carried a sheath
.of long-stemmed red roses held
by a svoide white ribbon.
' • Miss Susan, Hart of Wroxeter
was her sister's maid of honor.
She,wore a floor -length princess -
styled dress of red crimp With a
:white French lace yoke trimmed
with gathered lace. The dress
also featured a mandarin collar
'with standing lace trim, and plain
long sleeves. She wore a match-
ing red beret trimmed with fine
white lade and she carried a
white fur muff trimmed with
holly and white and silver ribbon.
In similar ensembles' were the •
bridesmaids, Miss Debra Towns-
end, Miss Vicld Bradshaw and
Miss Diane Hart, sister of the
bride, all of Wroxeter. Flower
girl, Jacqueline Murray of Clin-
ton, cousin of the bride, wore a
dress similar to thatpof the bride,
and carried a white basket of red
roses with white and silver rib-
Murray Bradshaw of Listowel
was his brother's best man and .
'guests Were Ushered by Steven
Ward and Brian Stratychuk of
Llstowel and Douglas Hart of
OshaWa. Patrick Hayton of
tourtenay, B. C., was ring
The bride's wedding cake,
decorated in white "and silver,
also floral arrantenlents of red
poinsettias, holly and white
candles adorned the head table
Or the reception whirl followed
In the Brussels Legion Hall.
Guest tables were decorated with
tied candles and holly.
Austinttinson; manse, krs. G.
Winkel; pia Miss Mhude Mc-
Elwain; noMinations, Mrs. C.
Hanis, Mrs. R. Kelly .and Mrs.
Doug Ibrding; programs, Mrs.
John Topham, Mks. W. Zurbrigg,
lira. Ken Graham; auditors,
Mrs. Clare Harris and Mrs. Ken
When you boil Water for instani coffee,.
add an extra cup and make Jell -a
coy 1,felit
The bride's mother wore a
floor -length gown of powder blue
and white mosaic -patterned Eng-
lish knit, featuring an empire
. waistline and trimmed with
rhinestones. To complete her en-
semble she' wore a full-length
cape of the same material trim-
nied with maribou fur. She had
silver and white accessories and
a corsage of pink carnations.
The groom's mother chose a
floor -length gown of sapphire
blue velvet in an A-line style with
a waist -length cape of the same
material. Her accessories were
white and silver and she wore a
white orchid corsage.
'For travelling to Southern On-
tario, the bride wore a black
doubleknit dress featuring a
flared skirt and a set-in waist-
band embroidered with red
flowers. Her accessories were
black aqd red, she wore a silver
grey shede coat and a corsage of
red carnations. On their return,
they will reside at 659 Barber
Street N., Listowel.
Out-of-town guetts attended the
wedding from Courtenay, B. C.;
London, England; Ottawa,
Oshawa, Windsor, Comma, Tor-
onto, Listowel, Hensall, God-
Pordwich and Bluevale. Honored
guests „were Harvey Bryans of
Clinton, great grandfather of the
groom; and the grandparents of
the bride and groom, Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Stretton and Mr.
and Mrs, Russell Bradshaw of
Brussels, ht. 'and Mrs. Archie
Robinson of ainton and Mrs. Wil-
liam Hart of WrOXeter•
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