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Emery Ycouno 1 i �aM��lat f al ' and have
1 •! JM
that , if it cant got the land 'or
ao $05,000. Mr, ` , Miller.
dug if 'ems, didn't' bl
end a�, the land
!wbt�'tbe obi �stat%ad standsnew
die 00100 wants no -pert , . 0ihesri i t orget abeut', bring.
deal. the coup : felt, that y( Indus ,. . town.
there d.be a 41 .1 1 10 W 11 1; .' ,SRI,tectoiljaljhe
for` the 4001 0; . but the, and: boardis inagre mentwitha r
Around it,Could be used fes` some ing land for . ltd -but they
Veature.- (aren't aware of the cost oto 'this
Countillor Har thought.Asci u ition« •
it would make,* good. Councillor J -t
a l�syes, .
i'n • d
sal .
the town
was, �, ccs- that
,� toa t get P was � Wetland
it � no aeg the ,tom could
tiol not the lauds '' ° always,chamge the zoning bylaw
• 'rwo letters Were read to .casun» ani It for ,a r + entiat area if
CH'rega•rding� the station. One .�, auitable:l dustiy did not locate in
letter eu ested •the building be . town. CoOPOOlilerklif4040.L 409"
Wed asell arts and crafts centre, curd, °as long you
while the ether
the ownexs. own ,the land you control It. awl
.hiiurglist SoMett counidl � ar
,Jotter �, the c� of Grand
'`a ch e
for a " eve who
i not .attend,•codnty ' council
meetings, ,Reeve - J'oe' Kerr
likenedthe to having an
MP or '"P givingauthority to
aoeoa to replace _him fn,
parent. -
.CQnee� ail ga �?
poll. • co iittee . report and
,informed council that a new Oona
stable ha* beeq, hired. Mr. :Harris
,fid the day n�N-h�jy)
ihe,neW.man a C' decided
Biro nim 'and ' tliat,-. thought
Harriis, a was a good 'indicati of
ail .quality..The councillor ;siso
*id he would like to ,polo . r .-.. to
anyone ons the 'committee. who
. wee offended by their . exclusion
from interviews ,for, the new con'
' e1 irur .m
of ':the. property , requested an you can be selective about the
answer amt towhether the `town industry that located there.
Wantstbe-station. The letter from A motion to buy the land in.
the , .' ;informed council that question • was; unaninilously.
ihe� way company had Several paw y
tercial matures interested :On i a motion ' illor
property. The .tone of the .
confused�council' ause`lt mF.
• inferred thatthe station would 4
'Let have to,,.be ::moved from ,its
'' .est iitezi,In previous negotia-
Mons eouncil,was led. to ,believe
that it would have to be moved:;
' C• ouncillor'Bill Harris was con-
4'that council could he
'`n a the boat. for>a 'brie it
the land_ could be acquired. TheAep tiou-o w .'nether :or do
Coundii' :pass d'a Motion to turn ' . to put.a street lit at the corner
downthee deal �,th aland could not of Angus and Shuter Sts.
be -acquired ' tright .or tlarough off a heated debate d ; , . the
lease. The buil however,will
f�t.town council meeting of the
leave to go. s;,
v'�year on 14londay night. '
Mayor; DeWitt Miller advised The problem arose from' a res -
i ouncil that no° one has replaced dent's request some weeks ago
° Don ,,Kennedy on ` the planning that' the town install a r ular
board as. yet, put Bill Kartye had street light in .the
;. ,�.,. � gh area because
volunteered for the position, It the'�existing lighting is not doing
was .`decided to :.s e . Mr.. the' b. • Residents in the area
e to : e' �'
Kar'ty , th s menet ..hers of the entered into an. agreement with
planning board to see if he was the town that they. would install
acceptable t 'them. post, top lighting ,themselves to
Purchase Land.. :light the street and the town
Mayor Miller informed council: , would maintain' those lights.
' fat they could acquire.12. acres The: problem► had been►-
ever to the Wi ha in Pblic
es Conn ion for�j!.�y{`�N recom
11 C o,A 1 1 y. �,
Superintendent , Ken Saxton
htlired -uing to.
tended the co recommendation, give his .
said the PUC elt that either the
New Year's town sho, tall street lights in
-r the area or stick, to their side of
Four young people spent New the agreement and "ignore the
Year's. Eve in :the. Winghantl and , complaints. However, the super-
strict . Ho, spital following an intendent pointed.out that in the
accident about 9 'pant that 'eve- longrun it would m
be ore econo-
ning on the sei►eith concession of mical to Install a street light and.
Morris Township, five miles then the residents pay their
north of Blyth., own maintenance costs. He
Rodney White, 20, of Belgrave, suggested the purchase of an elu-
was the driver of a car which , niinum pole light that .could be
apparently went, out of control installed as:an experiment in the
and rolled into the ditch. White area, then if- the results were
and three passengers, his brother 'good the lighting on the street
Robert, 19, and Joanne and could be switched. over. In fact, •
Tammy Vienneau, 'daughters of Mr.' Saxton was in favor of'in-
Joseph Vienneau, of Wingham stalling three or four lights on the
and aged 17 and 14 respectively, street experimentally and if the
were brought to the.hospital by.expe. invent worked it would
ambulance. simply be a matter of billing the
The Vienneau sisters were residents for the hydro . used by
detained In "hospital,' Joanne post topblights after that point.
treated for
shock and contuhions Then came a debate in ,�vhi�ch
and Tammy receiving back and everyone involved seemed to get
• head injuries. They :ares bath embroiled. Councillor Jack
listed in ;.eati factory condition. Bateson: -.said' he wasn't'
The driver' was treated for a 74. ° ,sure w a
wrist laceration and hid. brother
was treated for shod. 'They 'ere`
both released after .,treatmeent.
The accident was investigated
by Constables R. Wittig and G.
Foulon of the Wingham detach-
ment of "the Ontario Provincial
Police. -
hardlydid*, int be said bs Was
any notice `0
views and t It would he
mop* to r+oceed himself.
It was -
�� ��gglial:
been. breaking * low
using. them . present buy win
site 'Ho ever the 1
Oaf c works; email
Reeve . r, Bald thee' dump is
good' and he :has. no
. !►Ploy,
Somehow � ��,
the Waste Manageolent ,Brandi
of Ministry sof ° the oviron.
mot has received Ao mp b
mil ►i111is. � the town
only wants to. dump there for t
mogths.and added, that Valu
land could result from the. 1. ..
Itsevole y
after car
dead' and h.1 ee„ � �en t�-y► a it o,►ld
i( an ►t tG tl a , jed a.
}.�, l'�o-.
the, T*.
David +C, !Campbell died the day
after ,he c r�het as driv�in ',cot-
lided lth, a tractor on
sn .'
stab and c+ poral fa, pry
Mr, Abell from car with
croowl rs. The :.youth and 'his
were sped ,tolingln
a /►�
t .. T
meat. Mr.
• had bead injuries which were so
e ' Victoria
Ii severe ospithhl in
wasLo on wto het he
Bradleyf the
mer in the car, :wars admitted
. to hospital suffelrii firoin shock
'and contusions, Bradley is in."
satisfactory condition'. A'tota l of ,
$8,000 dara►ages was, .donne tea the
vehicles ,involved,. The `' th
driver, Howard Bender of na 2,
LUstowei, was•not: Inji red
• David,; Charles Campbell was;
born in the winghant'and W*
Hospital, a sen of Mtg. Charles '_
Campbell •and. the late Mr. Camp=
bell. 'lie attended Stoner School,
Ea• dthe WaFw.' noeh
E- : aCeilntr.SalecoScho
Sehiial in liI. At the time .
of his death, he was ,*over: and
truck driver for Black Brothers
of Bluevele.
.Left to mourn hisper,
sides his 'mother, are throe sis
ters, Mrs. Gores. (Jane)
Machan of .8luevale,e : rs�" e
(Ruth) Meehan\ of *noels 'end',
Joan at home; and twobrothers', •
Danny and'Bradley both ;at'home.
His father, predeceased hila .on
'October 20, 1060, writhe Was also
preleased by , one . ister,
Mr. Kerr suggested that mu*,
• cil� contact the nl Yt try and
get a 'permit for dumping' bu
there was no moon* council
cease the operation.
t h
ght was necessary but, moved
that a light be installed as an
experiment -. and that the resi-
dents't- 'be`��~charged for . the
ma.lntenence, of,their lights
during the experimnt.
Councillor Tim Willis took issue
with the town°having to pay for
the post -top lights while the street
light ht was on trial, He said that in
e,ect the town would be o-
,, pr
viding two lightiag systems for
the area and that it opened a
precedent of other residents to
• demand the ane treatment,.
• Councillor Margaret Bennett ..
suggested letters be sent to..
everyone on the street, nformiag,
of council's 'experiment,
or Bill . Harris was is
aivl .,410stsiliii.'teat 't ti or
eo 'along the street experi-
mentally.. Mr. Bateson fatigued
that one Light was all that was -
needed for the experiment and
that installations along the 'street:
would be a waste of -money.
However Councillor Jack Hayes'
calculated that if the lights were.
—Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt
spent New Year's in Ajax with
theh. son4n4aw and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dirstein and
Waif ---
By The Peklestriasi
k The Whighamtubs and Scouts
' * participated in a bottle blitz
around %Ingham, Bluevale, Bel -
grave and Whitechurch and they
got a good'haul thanks to the resi-
dents of these areas. 8
Wingharn' firelnan had to con-
tend With two hot cars this week.
One caught fire on Josephine St.
saturday night and another
caught fire at the high school on
Tueiday. Both fires were qtdcldy
extinguished by. Dave Crotherg
and his firemen.
• , !Ingham and District Hospital
. gave us the name of the area's
„neviest celebrity, Brandi Lee
Ole WAS the first child
hespitei bin 074,
installed now they *would ha
paid/for themselves in six years.
Cotuteillor Harris declared''that it
'welds') be cheaper to put them
in at once rather than *cern
Cbuncillor Bateson's motion.
was put to a. vote. Four cou' n
lors,were in favor and four off"
posed. Mayor DeWitt Miller was:.
forccedto' break` the deadlock ad.
opted for the motion. Mr. Willis
declared that the' door had been,
opened for •a precedent by this
decision. '
The battle was not yet over,
however. Councillor Willis; Antro
ed a motion requiring 'the
0 of the: residents who most
01001Y.. benefit from the new
mod to lyr for'thee
ydro for'ttheir post -top lits,
There wajs.some discussion'to the
effect that if . the experiment
succeeds the installation of Simi-
lar light would be carried out on
the street but it was never added
to the motion. Councillor Willis'
motion was also passed.
Three injured in hvo
ishaps with snowmobiles
Two septirate snowmobile acei-
dents gent three Dungannon resi-
dents, two adults and a child of
four, to Wingham and District
Hospital for treatment of hijuries
Michael Pentland, 4i -was a pas-
senger on his' father's snowmo-
bile. The 'machine apparently hit
a bump and Michael was catapul-
ted into its path. The lad sUffered
a lacerated forehead.
On the same day &gm Parka
and his wife. Marina were
snownlobiling about three miles
from 'their home in Ashfield
'Township near Dungannon when
he fell off his machine into a dry
river bed. He fell about four feet
and injured his shoulder. Mr.
Parks was treated atthe hospital
and later released. Mrs. Parks,
who was ridingwith her husband,
received an abrasion to her right
knee. She was also treated and
BRANDI LEE SANDERSON was the first baby born in
Wingham and District Hospital in 1974. She arrived at 2:22
a.m New Year's Day_ and weighed 5 lbs. . 9 ozs. =at birth.
Brandi Lee is the first child born ”to Mr.. and Mrs, Brian
Sanderson of Wroxeter. (Staff Photo)
The je‘ Da Capp
ed at 'the EL 4.1;„ Walter . ,funeral
' , ., *bete' ..-...
sevive vow heldwas ", 2 ;p.m. Morse,
dey, oa+d by Mr.
Khtg of the "Sisevale Hid
Mirth, . !Mire .decd lam a
member dta .00
Pa 164
GlenMurray ,Idea
all: of eve; '. Car* .
Elston . and; Vlifford
Hetherington of Bluev
►e rern : sir 'e Glenn
r.... lJim
:lletbo .ringion' and 407
Huron County °at t
'stoa - of that bodyr.
Mr..ton eedsev'e
Pattison . °of' Ea W.owanoshi
. Township as county warden....
A fun story ;wilt, t%
'Tire, 'second.
Hacke)" Dar
and Water100 Will'
Won the Wit
rellowing ':g
Walsh= !row. en will
exhibition g,m,e
er cen rise in ay
• The Wingham Public Utilities
Commission approved a basic
eight per cent pay increase for all
PUC employees during the Com-
midsion's January meeting last
Thursday night.
The pa3 rise, which is meant to
keep salaries in step With the in-
crease in the cost ohliving, will
keeiWingham workers' wage:s in
line with, if not slightly ahead of
the average wage of PUC work-
ers in the surrounding region.
However some !pc employees
will get another rise later in the
year. This primarily affects two
workers who will. be attending
school programs related to their
The most substantial increase
of all PUC employees was re-
ceived by Superintendent Ken
Saxtoil an increase of 82,000.
That increase will bring Mr. Sax -
ton's salary into the same range
as a line foreman for Ontario
THE WINGHAM Alkasonic Lodge installed .19.‘ officers on
Friday evening. They are: Rt. Woe. Bro. Alex Robertson,
Treasurers, Bro. teri Yo,ung, Junior Warden; Bro.. Jack
Goodall, Worshipful Mister; Bro. Steve. Trapp, Inner
Guard; Bro., Ab "Bacon, Tyler; Second row: Wor. Bro.
Elmer Welkert immediate Pe.st Master) Mr. Bio. Spence°
Scott Chapiain; Wor. Bro. Keith McLaughlin, Secretaryi
Back raw: Bro. Marvin Welch, Junior• Steward; Aro.
Harvey, Fisher, Senior tteward; Bro. Lee Grove, Junior
Deacon. Absent: aro. Robert Wittig, Senior Deacon; Bro.
Catripbell, Sertior Warden and Bro. Crawford
Ontitstas, Organist. (Staff Photo)
Commission Chairnien . Roy
Bennett and members DeWitt
Miller and Rod Wraith agreed
that Mr. Saxton was worth every
penny of the increase because of
the nature of his job and the ex-.
cellence with which he carries it
The Commission also decided
to increase the spread between a.
line foreman's pay and a straight
lineman's pay tO 20 cents from 10 -
cents per hour. This rise wffi.
bring a' line foremen's hourly °
Supt. Saxton rePorted that over
the past year the Wingham PUC
did about $1.2,000 worth of hydro
and water work for the Lucknow
PUC and almost 86,000 worth of
hydro and water work for the
Conunission members that the
figures for work done in Myth
over the past year were not yet
The suPerintendent read a
letter to the ' Commission
members from Scott Reid of
CICNX. the letter thanked the
PUC for their prompt action in
dealing with -transformer Cif-
.ficulties experienced by the sta-
tion on Christmas Day.
Mr. Saxton also read a letier
from CICNX artist Don Vair
which informed the Conunission
that Mr. Vair's painting `Hillside
View', which is currently hanging
in the PUC office, is a gift from
himself to the Commission.
Police launching
arking crackdown
Wingham town police are tight-
ening up on overnight parking on
town streets and the crackdown
has netted up to 16 parking
tickets a night in the last week,
Chief Jim Miller said that the
overnight parking, which is
illegal, has been hampering snow
removal crews in town. The
existing bylaw bans parking on
town streets after 1:30 a.m.
The dile( also reported that
routine patrols had discovered
two broken water mains, one on
Josephine St. hi front of Goodall
arid Campbell's lair office and
Two accidents
Seven appoidees
named by mull
$350 damage
one in &oaf of Gordon Walker's,
'home on Frances St. The PUC
was contaited and repairs were
On Dec. 31 an unidentified mat
struck a parking meter on
Josephine St. He left the scene
. but reported it later. Chief Miller
said c.harges of leaving the scene
of an accided are pending.
gated two family distill. ,
which charges are being 1 d,
made two liquor investigations,
four criminal investigations and
laid two charges, and made three
traffic investigations and laid two
The Wingham -OPP detach-
ment reported two property
damage accidents over the past
On Wednesday, Jan. 2, Marion
McBurney, RR 6, Wingham, and
Thomas Cameron, Belgrave,
were involved in a collision in
East Wawanosh Township.
Damages were estimated at $150.
On Jan. Albert Meman struck
and killed a deer ork Huron
County Road 20, west of the Mait-
land River Bridge, East Wawa -
nosh. About $200 damage was
dene to the vehicle.
The OPP also made one in-
vestigation and laid'one charge
under the Liquor Control Act, laid
two charges under the Hithway
Traffic Act and laid Si charge*
under the Criminal Code.
. Seven indiiiduals have been
approved for appointment to
various • boards and committ,ees
by the Wingham council. -
-G. W. Cruickshank has been
appoihted for a three-year term
to the Committee of Adjustment
aiswell as to a three-year term to
the Cemetery Board.
Alan Williams and Wallace
Agar • have been appointed to
three-year terms on the 'River-
side Park Board. Donald Ken-
nedy, Alan HarriS011 and Gwen
Swan have been appointed to
serve four-year terms on the
Recreation afid Community
Centres Board. Janet Reid will
serve a three-year term on the
Winghani, Day, . Care Centre
.Ambilsoco, rusks
hvo area lei
to Vilogiosi hisp.
and a 21 -year-old Wingham man
were rushed to Wingh1111 and
District HosPitil by sunbulance
New Year's Day.
Andrew Halliday of Teeswater
suffered spinal injuries when the
car he Via driving went out 'Of
control on Concession 6 in Calms
Township'. Mr. Halliday is now in
satisfactory condition.
A paisenger in the car Orin
King of Wmgliam was admitted
to the hospital with head injuries
and injuries to the left side of his
rib cage. He is also listed in satis-
factory condition.
Mrs. Marjorie Moffatt of Oak-
ville and her two small Children
Julia, 3, and Kendra, 2, were
treated in Wingham and District
Hospital after the Moffatt car
skidded on an icy section -of Hwy.
86 two miles west of Listowel Emd
rolled over in a ditch Jan. 1. Mrs.
Moffatt, the driver, was treated
for an injured left shoulder. and
released. Julia and Keddre were
released after being treated for
There were several admissions
at the hospital for treatment of
injuries due to falls.
On Dec. 31 Cyril John Moran,
RR 3, Teeswater injured his left -
wrist and lacerated a finger when
he fell on some ice. Mr. Moran
was treated and released.
was treated for a dislocated
shoulder suffered in a fall on ice
at his home on Dec. 31. Mr.
Showers was admitted and is list-
ed in satisfactory condition.
On Jan. 1, Mrs. Sharon Vien-
gan near the Bluevale bridge and
fractured her right wrist. ^Mrs.
Vienneau was admitted to hos-
pital and her condition is sada,
A 27 -year-old Holyrood area
man, Roger DePauw, was ad-
mitted to hospital with first de-
gree burns to his five, neck and
chest Jae. 4. He was injured in a
flash fiA. that started after he
opened a furnace door. Mr. De-
Pauw is in satisfactory condition.
Brian Adams, 22, of RR 2, Blue -
vale was treated and released
after he was strUck by a tree limb
while snowinabiling on his farm
Jan. 3. He suffe.red abrasions to
his nose and chin.
On Jan. 5 Louis Grubb, 4, of RR
3, Teeswater fractured his leg
while tobogganing with his older
sister. The toboggan apparently'
struck a tree. Louis is in satisfac-
tory condition in hospital. •