HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-6-20, Page 5new
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Atheists p.oclaim aloud to the world,
Atheism, as the "Alpha and Omega," with
out either reason or revelation. With
this class of beings is neither cause' nor
effeet, providence or wisdom, but all things
originate by mere' chance, -neither cause
nor design. Their hypothesis is this: At
solus remote antiquity the wind blew
from all parts of the compass, started-' the
dust and loose gravel and without; guide or
Providence, pelted against each other.
The result we see before our byes in the
formation of man, :boast fish,' fowl and in
sect. We shall diligently search and
fathom both the hypothesis and exegisis of
the deluded and bewildered Atheist, We
shall produce cause with providential
effect, and try to learn wisdom from the
investigation -that is from cause to provi-
dential effect. One sensible instance of
a Divine providence is the constant di-
rection of thinks to the mane good ends
which have no design in . themselves:
Wheu we see thingsvoid of all sense and
reason as oonstantly directed' to good ends
as they could be if they :had sense and
reason, we may be sure that there is ,a
reason with them that 'famed them for
these ends anct directs them ,• it being 110
conceivable chow chance or blind necessity
than have no design, art or 'contrivance in
thorn, should constantly operate as _regu-
larly as reason itself. Now if we serve
this great universality of things, we ma
easily observe,, at least of the generality- o
them, that they are fronted for and direct
ed to some wise and excellent end,, an
through our.own short sightedness or wan
of knowledge we do not see the utility an
tendency of thorn all; yet this is n
argument, whatever that they are vain. au
superfluous. Fur' as we now, see tho us
of a world of things which' past generation
underefood not, and new things are dail
springing np to our astonishing gaze, ye
the infinite wisdom of the Divine Power i
still overflowing. What say you ` to thi
Mr. Atheist ? Let us therefore briefly sur
vey this beautiful scone of thiuga that i
before us. The sun and earth,.for in
stance, are the things that' are utterly
void of understanding, and therefore ca
have no design or contrivance in them
How then came they to place and continue
themselves at such a commodious dietiiuo
The Juue floods have worked disaster to
the farmers of Southern Indiana, who have
crops iu the bottom lauds.'
Three companies of regular troops left
for Mora, Vlinn., Friday, for the scene of
the Chippewa Indian trouble.
L. A. Bartlett, of Concordia, Kansas, the
leading implement ; dealer iu North-west
Kansas, has' failed. Liabilities, $140,000.
Mrs. Korshmann and her daughter. Mrs.'
Golbery, were burned to death Friday
night at a fire at 83 Norfolk street, New
A farmer named Descarries suddenly
. dropped dead in a train from Hemming -
ford while entering Montreal on Saturday
A bloody shooting affray occurred eight-
een miles from Austin, Tex., Thursday
evening, in which four white men and five
negroes were killed, and many others,
Buffalo, June 18-Deapatebes from Pen-
nsylvania to -night indicate the defeat of
the: prohibition, constitutional amendment
by about 35,000.
London Eng., was , terror stricken one
day recently by the report that one of the;
employees in the central meat market was
afflicted with leprosy.
The feet that the British capitalists who
-e. have invested in American breweries have'
- also invested largely in salt mines creates
a suspicion that they are devising some
deep, dark scheme for promoting thirst,
to be allayed by their beer.
rePetrolia, June 18• -Mr. T. A. Russell,
while engaged on the top of an oil derrick
this afternoon, fell and reoeivecl such in-
juries that he lived but a short time.
By the side of a petrified 'man : recently
found ie Montana was a large stone flask.
Experts believe that this indicates that the
man had been fishiug.
The next cession of the General Assemb-
ly of the Presbyterian Church will' be held
at Ottawa.
Senator Carvell's name is mentioned in
connection with the Lieutenant -Governor-
ship ,of Nova Scotia..
Philadelphia, June 18. -Returns from ,44
out of 67 comities of this State . show a
majority against the. Prohibition amend-
ment of 168,454. Full returns from.' the
whole State will probably raise the figures
to nearly 200,000.
Toronto, Junel,18.-The third farmers'
excursion of the season left for Manitoba
to -night. There were two trains with about
three hundred exoursioniste,. mostly On-
tario farmers, going up to obtain laud.
Eleven or twelve hundred have gone•to
Manitoba on June excursions this year,"
Halifax, June 15th. -While the fishing
schooner Hattie D. on the banks, one of
her men caught a large halibut. The fish
was of such large proportions that it took
several mento hanl it aboard. , Upon
opening the halibut a portion of a woman's
hand, with the thumb and first and
second fingers; Kers was found. On the second
finger was a' )1 •
stn o
g1 gold bund ring, on
which were engraved the letters ' G W.
G," The ring is in Capt. lseubauer.'s
Prescott, Ont,, June 16. --While a ballast
train was doming west about three miles
east of here this afternoon, on the Grand
Trask Railway, a. brakeman named John.
Lake was in the act of tightening his brake
when the chain broke.. and ho was instantly
precipitated beneath the train. Two bal-
last cars, the van and the engine, passed
over the unfortunate man, severing both
legs and one arm from the body, and also
taking'away one side of the face. When
found the remains were beyond recognition.
Death was instantaneous. Lake, who was
26 years of age, leaves a wife and child, and
belongs to Brockville.
Ottawa. Ont., June 15.-S. H. Webb, of
New.Westminister, B, C., is in town. He
says he has information to the effect that
England and the United States have come'
to an' understanding, in accordance with
which no seizures of British, vessels will be
made in the Behring Sea this season. As
soon as the existing contract with the
'Alaska Fur Company expires an effort will
be made to hold an international confer-
ence for the purpose of taking steps. to
jointly protect the seal fur fisheries there,
as well as in the South Pacific Islands.
Mr. Webb says the United States has un-
doubtedly superior rights. The indisorim.
inato slaughter of seals is having a bad
effect. For Seven seals shot only one is
Ottawa, June 16. -Mayor Erratt has re-
. eeived a number of replies to his circular,
suggesting a oonference at Toronto, on the
tax exemption question. The replies are
of the following charaetcr.-Hamilton-
Not resolved to take any aotion. St,
Catharines -Appointed delegates. St.
Marys -Appointed delegates. Brantford
-Circuit'. approved, appofuted delegates.
Loudon -Council Approve of circular. and
have appointed delegates. Whitby --
Entirely in accord with 'views sot forth.
Chatham -The Council concur and will
endeavor to bo represented at the Conven-
tion. Oshawa-Tliiulc the, question ripo
and the Board may seaoud the efforts be-
ing made, bet further information wauted.
Manotick, Ont,, Juno 18. -Lett night
about 12 o'clock, 'while the inmates
ware, asleep, the residenoe of Mr,R. Wilson,
of Cloveoster, took fire. There was only
one door. Mr. Wilson awoke to' find that
the fire covered the ouly means of escape.
Hie family consisted of his wife and five
children. After a desperate fight Mr,
'Moon succeeded in saving three children,
belt his wife? and two youngest ohildren
wore burned to death. No doubt the moth-
er lost her life in trying to'save her children.
On the nrrival of the neighbors Mr. Wilson
was found some distance from the house,
almost nalcod and badly burned
Children Cry for pitcher's Castorii:
from each other?: Whereas in suoh a
vast and immense space they might have
found millions of other places and distances
to fir in. The earth might have found
room enough to place' itself either muoh
nearer to, or more remote from the sun
than it is ; but if it had done so, it must
have either been always parched or always
frozen and benighted, and hence either was
converted intu a useless, barren and : un-
inhabitable desert, whereas where it now is
it stands i?n the most coavenient distance
from the sun to be warmed and cherished
by his enlivening fires, and neither to be
roasted by being toenear them, but to
receive e f o
r m them Bach a temperate heat
as is sufficient to excite its seminal virtues,
and to draw up its juices •into thorn, and
thereby to ripon its natural fruitg, and
in a word to comfort and refresh its in-
habitants, and to tender it to them a
pleasaut, healthful and fruitful nabitation.
Singe, therefore, of ; millions of places
where it might have fixed in that im-
meneite of space that surrounds it, it
hath fixed upon, and still continues in the
bestwithout any design or wisdom of its
own. .It is plain that there is an over-
ruling wisdom without ib, that fixed its
place and course and determines its
revolution. . Apia, `hoiv came the sun,
for whether it be the earth that move
about the sun or the sun about the earth is
all one to our inquiry ; How came the sun
I say, which hath no reason by itself to -
guide him to one direction more than
another, and is determined to suoh a use-
ful motion ? What makes the vast and
mighty body move round the earth in
24 hours, in finishing whioh spacious
circle of motion it must fly much swifter
than a bpllet from a cannon's; mouth, and
yet through so many ages each twenty
four hours it hath constantly performed it
without being s0 much as one minute
feeler, or slower. Whereby it makes those
just and regular returns of day and night
to both the hemispheres so that neither
the one nor the other is either too much
heated by his presence, or too long be-
nighted by bis•absende-J. C. McItr, osu,
Throw all the unwholesome baking Pow-
ders overboard and use only the Imperial
Cream Tartar Baking Power
A Port Arthur special says there was a
oollision on the Lake on Saturday night,
the barge sheineid being sunk.
A Brookville grand jury declared strong-.
ly for the prison 'reform movement, pro-
moted by the prisoner's Aid Associotion.
The plate collections at the opening ser-
vices of the new Methodist Church in Mon-
treal on Sunday amounted to $3,500.
The Haworth Paper Company, Bay st,,
Toronto. is in dif ieuIties, Liabilities about
1($10,000; assets not known.
Walker & Son are having a hist well for
oil and gas punk on their estate of Marsh-
field, in the township of Colchester, Eases
It is said that the Quebec Loenl Govern-
ment have decided to eubserlbo 10,! 00
towards the relief of the sufferers by the
St. Sauveur fire,
Niagara Fell, Out, Tune 14Abottt half
Past throe o1'olee'.c this afternoon a well-
dressed lady walked deliberately out on the
ratovVay ever the river gate of Prospect
Park, • immediately above the American.
Falls, andholdiug her arms over her head
leaped into the mellitus water, that .took
but a few seconds to sweep the body over
the Ab]ericart S Ails.
London Electric Soap will not injure the MARKET REPORTS.
bands and elothss and do more work for EXETER
the money; try it..
A Winnipegutelegram states that on ae
(meet of the increaeein business the C. P.R.
Telegraph company are ;prepariug to os-
tablish quadruplex facilities from Montreal.
through to the Pacific ooavt,
.Ask your grocer fur Loudon Electric
Washing made easy and homes made
happy by using London Electric Soap.
St. John, N. B, June 17 -The oldest man.
in Si John died yesterday. Cornelius
Driscoll wa3 born in Baltimore Co., Cork,
Ireland, in 1784,and was therefore, 105
years old He was a laborer, used no
tobaoeo and scarcely touched liquor. Up
to the age of 90 he worked steadily, and
until a few months ago worked about the
house, He claimed that his grandfather
died at 105, and two of his brothers.' lived
Four bars of London Electric Soap for
London Electric Soap is :only . made by
Richard Woodstock; (Trade Mark Regis-
Dunyille, Ont, June 17 -This morning
a serious stabbiug affray occurred about a
mike south of bore ' which Thomas 'Grille
stabbed Wm Barry a neighbor,. It appears
that Mr Grill's horses broke into Mr Barry's
field of grain, and this morning, while he
and a hired man were driving then; out ,
they were joined by Grills, who is a siokly
man. ,After a heated conversation both
Insist on your grocer giving you London
Electric Soap, itis the best l
Don't fail to try London Electric Soap.
once, and you will nae no other.
men drew their knivesand clinched.
Barry, who seems to have been the cooler,
closed his ;knife betore taking hold: of his
opponent, when he reoevied two - outs in
the back, which„ although serious, are not
considered fatal Grills has been arrested
Tlie wondrr of to clay is London Electric.
Montreal, June 14-A. distressing: case
of drowning((is reported from Three Rivers,
where Mrs Gelines and her two children
have been lost by the swamping of a boat
in the River du Loup.
All first class grocers sell London Elec-
tric Soap.
Wash -.woman's friend is London Electric
Just think Washing day made shorter by
tieing London Eleotric Soap.
ADVIOiu' TO MOTHHRs.-Areyou disturbed ae
eightfold broken of your rest by a sink child
suffering and crying with pain of Cuttins
Teeth? f so send at once and get a bottle
o2 "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup" for Chil-
dren Teething. Its value is incalculable.
It willrclieve the poor little sufferer im
mediately lieuendupon it, mothers; there
is no mistake about it. It cures .Dysoutery
and Diarrbosa, regulates the Stomach and
Bowe's,cures Wind Collo,; settees the Gums.
reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and
energyto the to
system. m. 'Mrs. Win. to 's
s w
children teethingis
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription
of one of the oldest and best female
physicians and nurses in the United
States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world, nice twenty-five
cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Bens.
WIN8AOw'S 5'")THING $4RVD "and no
othor iha.
(Corrected at5 o'clock p.m. Wednesday
Red Wee a • ,.. .•. 80 to 0 85
Spring Wheat. ... .. 80 to 085
Burley ... 85 to 45
Oats .,. 20 to 26'
Clover $ )a d . 5 50 to 6 00
Timothy •' ,.. 2 5.0 so 9 06
Peas ... 0.48 -to 0 48
Corn' . A 40 to 0.60
eggs „.., -011 to 6 11
Butte' 12 to 0 18
Flourperbbl.... .. 00 to 555
eetatoos,per bushel •.. 25 to 85..
Applos,perbag CO t0 0 50
DriedA.pplespr b ,.. • 0 4 to 0 04,
(S09ee per lb. .,. . 0 06. to 0:06
Turkeyperlb 0 07.to OS
Rucks perpr . 0 50 to 0 65
Chickensperpr , q 25 to 0 80
E2ogs,dressedpeirl0 ▪ .' 6 00 t o 6 25
Beef 400 to 500
liidesrougb, 3 50 to 4 00
'0 dressed • 6 00 to 0 00
Sheepskins each ,. 0 65 to 90
Cailskins ,. 0 50 to 0, 70
Woo]perlb ., ,•' 0 50to018
a brise on .. .. 0800005:0080 00
Onionsrrerbnsh .75
Woodner cord ,., ... 2 5- to 8 0o
Wheat, 84o to: 030 per bushel,
Oats, 26 to 28e per bushel, Peas, 48e to 48c
par bushel. Barley malting, 43eto48c per bus
Barley, feed. 38eo to4510 per tushel.
Toaowxo, Mine 19 . =Wit iT—fall, No . 2, a•
to $0 04; spring, No.2, $0,96 to $0.98; rod wi n -
ter No
2, 0.96f
$ o
$0.97• No 1 a itoba
hard 108
M u
B 5
ARLEY . 1.55 - 0 c
No 7
No. 2.52c to 530; No. 2,420 to 45o; No 3, extra
47c to. 480. Pets. No 2, 52o to 53e. OATS, No.
2, 23 a to 31e• rearm extra, $4,10 , to $4,20;
strong bakers. $4,50 to $4.80.
Market quiet and firm• Sales No.1. hard
le anitoba, $1 OS to $1.09, andNo. 2 do. at $0.00
No. 3 barley, outside, at 00ec oats, on track, at
The receipt of cattle Ito -day at the local
market was large and feelings much easier.
The demand for shippers has slackened ow-
ing to weaker . advioes from . from Great
Britain, and butchers aro pretty well supplied
Choice steers are nominal atAJ cents per lb -
Bulls sold ate; to 4e, and:miloli cows firm at
from $30 to $50 a head. Butchers cattle
moderato demand, prices ° lower; the best
at 3 to 4 ordinary at 21e to et and common at
2e. Sheep are scarce and steady, with
limited offering; the best sell at $5 50 to $6,
per head; inferior to medium at 81.00 to $4.50
and rants 3c to 3}c per. pound. Lambs in titer
demand and firm, choice bringing$3 00 to $5,
and inferior to medium $3 00 to 55 00 Calves
Mineral steady. Choice beasts, of 125: to 150
line, sell at 70 to 9c. dressed weight; rough
calves, $3 to $5, a head,. lIogs are steady
olto]ce lig h'tfat sold at 5i te. 5}0, store hogs at
5o. and slaws at 3c to3io.
910- THE DEAF.- -A' person . cured of
1. Deafness and noises.in the head of
23 years' standing by a. simple remedy, will
send a description of it FREE to any person
who applies -to NlcgozsoN, 177 112oDougal
street, New York.
ES O: 5
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21 41 see es -tell
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P.P. eli1 a tae° :see m re �+ P„•1i'
L/1Q CJS U. - c3 vmi
An oldphysioiau, retired from practice,
having had placed in his hands by an East
Indianmissionary the formula of a simple
vegetable remedy a for the nd ter
mueut euro of Consumption. Bonabiis, Ca-
Asthma and all throat and lung
affections, also, a positive and radical cure
for Nervous Debility andall Nervous Com-
plaints, atter having tested its wonderful
curative powers in thousands ofeases, has
felt it hie duty to make it known to his
suffering fellows. Aotuatedby teleinotive
condo desireto relieve ham au sufferin5, ).
walsend free of charge,to all who desirelt,
this reoipe,in German,French ox English,.
withfulldireotionsfcrpreparing and using,
Sent, . mail by addressing w ztlz stamp,
naming elite paper•w,A.Nosiss 149 Power's
Eiocir 'ecahester ;N ;Y
It said that every person has
a chance once in this life time to
make a fortune and if they allow
that time to pass may never have
the opportunity again.
That time has come, You can
depend upon it that every person
purchasing their goods at PARK.
INSON'S,.saves nnoney by,doingso
thereby will make their fortunes.
His prices are. away down.
You are not asked high prices to
make up losses for debts contract-
ed by bad customers, Don't you
sec there is thousands in it.
Parkinson's stock is new and
consists of Dry Goode, Groceries
Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds,
_ p:nyrati
Srnckin Tobacco
On each PLUG and PACKAGE
o ,
t i RE
FU� ..
(a OV (3.
,Boots and Shoes, in fact everything thin '
y g
Cashmeres at 25 cents and up. Yan getthe theaest all-woeIpR;e1';
usually keptin a first class general
store. See his black and colored —ONLY FIRST -CLASS --
'ablesuit in Goods
Easter made to order a
Make no mistake- Consult your
own interests and examine„ his
stock before making your --purchase --led- -i cap• Rouses give,
elsewhere and you will soon save SeS CaI1....
enough for a fortune. You can do ,
better at the Chea Cash Cheap L Store Uridertakzn
�' 11�' all its
than any other place iu Exeter,
Highest market price allowed ` Branches.
for farm produce at . Parkinson's.
First Door North of the Town S. GIDLEY,
Hall. (Successor to C. & S. Gidley)
At Prices Lower that so-cal-
cam s
OF= --
CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. That property known as the "Metropolitan
To TOE EDITOR; House” at the Market square Exeter. The
Pleaseinfor.n your readers that v boat standintown Oentrally loentod Lar o Spades and 3 have air e Shovels , �_ exace Wires
positive remedy for. the above• named dis t r anch%tatod by hot air Good sample ANNEALED,
rooms; infacteveryconvenienee QoodStab BARBED AND OTIiER I4IAIiES,
ease. By its timely nee thousands of hope- ling in connection Will be sold' reasonable
less oases have been permanently oared. Possiession. given next fall. A rare chance. For —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public the- -
1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my parhoultirs apply to
remedy kgnn. to any of your readers who J P Ross, on the premises ---1 • Prices
s CashV� � � �
Respectfully, D1z..r. A. SLOOUBI 1 Shlanalb10Torauto, Ont.37Yougestreet,r1y10
By proper, healthful exercise, and the
judicious use of Soott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil IIypophosphitos, which contains
healing and streugthgivingvirtues of these
two valuable speeifics in their fullest form.
Mr; D. ,D. McDonald,' Petitcodiac, N. B. ,
says: "I have been prescribing Scott's 1
Emulsion with good results. Itis; espeo- irn
laity useful in persona of consumptive
tendenois." Sold by all druggist, 50 ots. rk
and 61,00., �J
--Elul TER--
i'or Finely .iPleished : Photos of all sizes,
from small album size to 11x'14
from life, try
Ho has iso an elegem display of Photo-
graph Pre mos bizea : Sx10,
4 cin:l t4x17;
It wi 1 be .c the aols'an ago of th,
having pictures :o frame t� sxemino his
stock of :Picture \exon di sg.
Get prices be orates ng where,
i•allery .Onnesit;' Post Officti
Overcoatiirigs at any price ; Suit-
ing's at any price ; Pantings
at any price.
est Ordered Clouting produced in: Exeter
Gentlemen 1 leaveyour orders early; foo
with the best staff of Tailors ; the best
stoolt of Fide Triolminge,• and . the best
Cutting in ToWn, you aro sere roff� sitt,_isfac•
A. h1 r s aV id',taiedfdra,
-• 1'i Te have also on hand a full line of
Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices.
Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition.
SewingMachines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden- Seeds. Esve-troughing a
Specialty. A call solicited.
Every Department in, the Old Established is
now most complete, and full :of the Zates-
The French, English and American Millinery
be excelled. The stock of Dress Goods is larger a
cheaper than, ever silo mu. All they best makes
of rich 131
colored and shot silks, Cheap. Parasols and Sun...
Cheap. cl shades
or every design both long and shot Fine;...
y , n i ,, l stems,. fancy
zephers, plana zephers. Sateells and Prints in endless var-
iety. A special lot of Swiss Einbroideries for Dresses,
(lovely C. goods.) Every lady should' eo our Dress Trim-
winch contain all the latest nevelt �Te,s.
;Cope all
and inspect oiir stock
28, --The attention
of Dress -makers is� specially
called to the Dress Goods department.