HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-01-03, Page 5110W Y eat
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Look what's rolled in!
It's the New Year,
- here wide-awake
• and i ready
to take over!
To our
STUDENTS.AT-Turnberry Central School held their Christ-
mas concert on Wednesday evening. This group of students
portrayed cranberries in the operetta, "Have a Heart It's
Christmas". (Staff Photo)
-e /4
A. 2
. :�111 ear
Is Begfuftig
q A♦
Father Time
greets'. a New Year
waiting to present
you with health,
happiness. May
our friendship endure!
J F6't i :S.:.i RDWiREa .,
aYs new at
It was standing:room only in
the auditorium last week for the
residents' Christmas program.
Administrator Chester Archibald'
was MC for the occasion with
vocal solos by Helen Fischer and
• Morgan Dalton; readings by
Jenny Rutledge, Agnes Douglas,
Alice Buchanan, Mrs. Davies,
Bert Wood and Margaret" Kehr;;`
piano 'solo by Pearl Gilley;' in-
strumentals by Mary Taylor
„Norman Speir, Jerry Collins and
a twenty live member rhythm
- band. Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs.
Sparling shared the reading of
two Christmas pageants with
Cora Robinson and August Maas
taking the part of Mary and
Jo ep -for the ,manger, scene.'
a h��Y,,a,, .
, 'Ja,,�� ,F go da and s,.l ugM -.w
ACe,. 'nembers'ogf: tie- Yioe st.
assisted with the music. Fell
ing a visit from Santa Claus, who
had an orange for everyone, well
tals, recitations and dances. The -guests with Mr. and Mrs.' Wilbert
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Mr. and Mrs. Bill MacPherson
and family of- St. Helens spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Elliott and family.. s
Mr. andMrs. Walter Elliott and
family, Bill Forster, Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Forster, Wray and
Wayne, joined the ether Forster
relatives in celebrating Christ-
mas, oh Wednesday at ;the Ang
lican Church Hall at Lucknow
where 31 relatives .gathered.
over 200 residents had supper in Holiday visitors with . Vicki
the main dining room area with Scott are Brenda Voisin of
.the tables decorated specially for Formosa and Sandra Collision of
the occasion by the kitchen staff. Teeswater.
kitchen staff. Christmas -Day guests with Mr..
Two church -groups were taken and Mrs.. Wallace Conn and Miss
on a tour of the building during Alma Conn of Guelph University
the weekend. Tfie Clinton Pente- were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
costal Church and the Mitchell . Conley and Jason of Wingham,
'Free Christian Reform, with, the Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hunter and
Clinton Christian Reform holding Trevor of London.
a Sunday evening song service. Christmas guests with Mr. and
Marie Flynn assisted Norman Mrs. Russel Chapman were Mr.
Speir and Terry Collins with the and Mrs. Ross Smith, .Cathy, and
old tyme music for Monday's ac- Bradley_ of Toronto. Bradley re-
tivities. Debbie, .Dawn • and Jim maimed for the week's holiday.
Flynn erater.tamed with dance Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chapman
numbers and Christmas carols. and Lisa flew to England last
The Brucefield United Church week to spend Christmas with her
Sunday 'School presented their_ „ folks. .
Christglasljgenge,4 jjr.i. ramdy, a` On Christ_mas Daly ', Mr. ; and
Night ncy:.7 rabl an introduced t Mr1:!*3 cko'Catiltare, ?Ii4bblCx;V
the numbers which included a Blaine and Kevin of Oakville, Mr:
play "The legend of the Christ- , and Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mr. and..
mas Rose"; vocals, instrumen- Mrs. Alex Craig and Lana were
senior boys assisted with wheel Sdiwichtenberg and family , of .
chairs and the senior girls sang Port Elgin. - - - -
carols through the building. Miss Celebrating Christ ' as with
Marion Grey, who had been orig- Mr. and Mrs. John L. rrie'were
inally from the Brucefield area, Mr. and' Mrs. Jim Toth, Robbie
thanked the young people on be- and Billie of Kitchener and Miss
half '4f the residents. Rachel Currie of Cambridge.
Belmore Personals
Linda Renwick won third prize
for ter poem in the Howick
Legion's Remembrance Day
poem and essay contest.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Helfen-
stein and family recently at-
tended the wedding, of her niece,
■ " Catherine . Fulcher, in North
Tonawanda, N.Y. The family
Ithen stayed .for the weekend in.
Niagara Falls with Mrs. Helfen-
Iste' 's mother, Mrs. Jean Miur.
John Green of Alberta visited
,last Saturday with Harvey
ii Darling.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Diefenbaker
111 attended the Doon Pentecostal
ISunday School program.
Mrs. Vera Will of Leamington
spent the Christmas holidays
Iwithrthe Walter Renwick family.
Mild weather won't hinder
activities at `the Belmore Arena
111 this year, thanks to the new arti
ficial ice. It Looks like it will be
one of our busiest years ever.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Metcalfe
spent Christmas Eve with kr.
and Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe to
celebrate Christmas, as well as
Leonard's and Myrtle's wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Schwatt-
zentruber of Baden spent Christ-
mas with the. Diefertbaker fami-
Christmas guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Nickel and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nickel
and Don and Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Minoque of Gorrie. .
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hohnstein
and Joyce, Mr, and Mrs. >n
Poole, Melody and Tina of t-
chenetr, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cooper
and Jenny of Walkerton, Mr. and
Mrs. Ike Schiestel, and Miss,
Anne Hohnstein of Kitchener
spent Christmas Day with Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Merkley and
Brent in Wingham.
Celebrating Christmas in
Morriston with Mr. and Mrs:
Orville Awrey were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Harkness, Barbara,
Gwen and Grant, and Bob and
George Harkness of 1itchener.
Christmas Day guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Renwick and
family were Mrs. Eldon Ren-
wick, Mrs. Vera Will, Mr. and
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Mrs.' Cecil Horton, Kelly and
Patty) Atwood and Mrs.
Marjorie Tucker of Waterloo.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Johann,
Gilbert and Steven celebrated
Christmas on Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Klein and
family of Gowanstown,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jeffray„
Doug, Ross and Donna, Miss
Margaret Jeffray of Toronto and
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Harper and
family spent Christmas bay with
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeffray and •
Spending .Chr(stmas in London
with Mr. and Mrs. Art Carter and
family were Miss Isabel Darling
of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. John
Tyler of St. Marys, Tom Darling,
Mrs. Harvey Ballagh, Terry,
'Beverly and Glenda and Mr. and
Mrs. Alan Darling and family.
We would like to wish everyone
a Happy New Year and to thank
all who gave us news in the past
year. We would appreciate it if
anyone With news in the coming
year would callus at 392-6484.
Lois and Eileen Darling.
As seen on
See the new
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washers& dryers
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` To, express our appreciation.'
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Haapy.New Year!
Three -ringed
wishes for
the year
ha ppi ness,Q health
and wealth.'
Cut into the Ne•fi
Year with light-
hearted fun. Our
appreciation to all.