HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-6-20, Page 3SUSPENDED All1MATION,
mysterious nenontout or Catineety—Tne
Celebraten Case of the Iraliiro kahere,
Letter in thoNe York "Teibune' : Dr;
W. B. Carpenter seye in his "Physiology O
"It ia quite certain thet aupptEtio
of 1I the vital functtons may take niece
without then entire loss of vitality Nand
would leeve tbe organism in the condition
of a idead body, liable to be speedily dis
integrated by the operation of ohemicen and
phyincal agencies," It is also apparently a
Mot that euoh "apparent cessation of all the
vital function" may continue for an in
definite period when the r ght conditions
exiet. The best illostratioa of this is the
case of the fakir of Lehore who was buried
for f3i1C weeks, at the instance of Ranted
t high, as attested by Sir Claude Wade, the
ritish resident at the court of Loodhiaria,
in 1837. In thia thoroughly authenticated
ease—which, however, la but oue of a clan
of similar facts known to Anglo Indians and
travellers—the fakir was first put into
a linen bag, the bag was placed in a vvooden
box, astened with a padlock, the wooden
boy was deposited in a cell in the middle of
a large Wilk vault, every apezature of
Which but one was bricked up, while the
remaining door was built up with mud above
the look, and fastened with tile rajahn
ecial. As a final precaution a company of
soldiers was detailed to guard the vault clay
and night, four sentries constantly petrolline
itil four We clurieg the wholo period:
When at the expiration of six weeks the
vault and the bex were eucceseively opened
Sir Claude Wade, who with Runjeet Singh
had entered the building and taken their
pi .eei close to the boiler eo se t hee every-
thing, says this ie tvhat app ed before
them : "The servant then ueottn pour
ing warm water over the figure, but as my
object wen to see if any fraudulent
'Practices :meld be detected I proposed
to &ivied Singh to tear open the bag and
have a perfect view of the body before any
means of resusnitation were employed. I
accordingly did so, and may here remark that
the bag, when firsb seen byus, appeared
mildewed, as it had been buried some time.
The legs and arms of the body were Ehrivel-
ed and stiff, the face full, the head reclining
on the shoulder like that of a corpse. I
then called to the medical gentleman who
was attending me to come down and inspect
the body, vvhich he did, but could discover
no pulsation in the heart, the temples, or the
arm. There was, however, a heat at the
region of the brain, which no other ptrt Of
the body exhibited.
' The servant then recommended bathing
him with hot water, and gradually relaxing
his arms and legs from the rigid state in
which they were contracnied.. Runniet Singh
taking his right and I his left leg, to aid by
friction in restoring them to their proper
tion; during which tune the servant placed
0. hot wheaten cake, about an inch thick, on
the top of the head, a process which he twice
or thrice renewed. Be then palled out of
hizaostrile and eats the wax and cotton
with whioh they were stopped ; and after
great exertion opened hie mouth by inserting
the point of a knife between his teeth, and
while holding his jaws open with his left
hand drew the tongue forward with his right,
te in the course of which the tongue flew back
several times to its curved position npward,
in which it had originally been, so as to
close the gullet. He then rubbed his
eyelids with ghee, or clarified butter,
for sorne seconds, until he succeeded
in opening them, when the .eyes
appeared quite motionless and glazed.
After the cake had been applied for the third
time to the top of his head his body was
violently convulsed, the nostrils became
inflated, reepiration ensued, and the limbs
began to onetime a natural fullness,but the
pulsation wits still faintly perceptble. The
servant then -put some of the ghee on his
tongue and made him swallow it. A few
minutes afterward the eyeballs became di-
lated and recovered their natural color,
when the fakir'recognizing Ranjeet Singh
sitting close to him, articulated, in a low,
sepulchral tone, ecarcoly audible: Do
you believe me now?' Runjeet Singh re-
plied in the affirmative, and invested the
fakir with a pearl neonlaoe and superb pair
of gold bracelets, and pieces of muelin and
silk, and shawls forming what is oalle i a
khelat, such as is ueually conferred by the
princes of India on persons of clistinotion.
From the time of the box being opened to
to the recovery of the voice not more than
half an hour could have elapsed, and in an
other half hour the fakir talked with myself
and those about him freely, though feebly,
like a sick person; and we then left him,
convinced that there had been no fraud or
collusion in the exhibition we had witness-
The Accumellatien of Interest.
]Froththe National Economist, Washingt D.O.J
Some conception of the accumulative power
of interest, and itsf effect upon the producing
industry of the nation, may be had from
the following calculation. Not only does
this example show the burden put upon the
people through interest, but aleo the enema
°us gains to the National banks through
their control of the ourrency, and makes
clear the moon of the growing poverty of
the industrious masses and the enormous
accumulation of wealth in the bands oi the
epeoulative few.
This estimate hi made from the Statistical
Abstract of the United States for 1887,
prepared by the Bureau Of Statistics, under
the direction of the Secretary of the Trea•
sury. •
This document reports the total nutnber
of National banks on Oolnber 5, 1887, to be
3,049, and that these betake had out on loan
at tint time $1,580,006,000,
For banks which discount paper, make
short loans, and take all the advantages
interest give, 10 per cent. is net an unrea-
sonable rate. The amount they, are offi
oially reported to 'lave out on loom, with
interest calculated at ten per cent., and
compotinded only every ten years, would
teyield in fifty years an aggregate of $50.•
"i560.000,000 ; which amount is far in excess
of the total valuation of the entire property
of the whole nation, suoh total valuation
being $44,645,000,000.
Ir one hundred years (which is as noth-
ing in the life of a nation), by compounding
only every ten years, the aggregate would
reach the incomprehensible amount of $1.,.
617,920,000,000, or nearly forty timee the
total of all present value—an amount be-
yond the poesibility of any race of people
being able to pay or create in a hundred
times that length of tiroe,
"Have you any offspring ?" enquired the
mover°, longhaired passenger, through his
nose, of a stranger by his side. " Oh, vim,"
yeas the polite reply, "a son," "Ah, indeed.
Doee he use tolammO V' "Never touches it in
any form." "I'm glad to hem that. To.
beam is monstrously elate]. DOOfi he indulge
In spirituous liquor ?" "Neva tasted a drop
in his life." 44 Excellent, Stay out at
nights ?" "No,, sir; never thinkof going
mit after supper," " very pleased to
know thie, sir. Your son is a remavkable
young Man." "Oh, he's not a young man
liteis a two months old baby.' --Ralstaff.
The lintare ef Canada,
wrcra Frank Ltslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Juno 5.
The apprehension that the inonerchlea
Europe felt, a little over a century ago, re-
garding the establishment of a great republic
on thie continent WAS jus Wed. Eoglard,
with its Cenedian poesessioes, naturally
feared for the loyalty of its eobjeote to the
north of, the United p beteg if this repubtic
Were firmly planted, It is a matter of hie -
tory that the Englieh Government tried, by
every iffort, to teoure a foothold on the
southern limits of the original thirteeo
States, and thus hem ba the new republic on
ell sides; but the gracious Providence which
planted the &Ilene:an Repeblio, as a peed
that skould in time spread republicani m
throughout the world, teetered the inane
tution of American liberty, and has pre-
served it until this day.
The recent agitation in Canada in favor of
commercial union, closer reciprocal relatiens,
and even annexation with the United States,
is sigelficant. It is predioted that the ten
unaph of the Liberals in Canada at the
pending election would be the triumph of
those who favor seperatioa from the blether
Country, and separation would inevitablo
led to seceasion, iind next to annexation.
So oritioal is the Oituation, it it said that
Sir John Macdonald shortly expects to visit
London and iconsult with her Majesty%
Ministers upon the aubj. ot ef Ceniodian re-
lations with the United Sate.
The building of the Canadian Paolfie rail-
road. at enormous: expense to the Imperial
and Dominion Governments, the strengthen.
ing of the fortresses at Halifax and other
points on the Atlantic coast, and the state-
ment that it is the intention of the Imperial
authorities to make iinprovemente in the de -
fens( 1 of the Pacific seaboard, all reveal the
tarturbation of the Home Government' as
a3 of the loyal followers of the Crown in
Canada. Meanwhile various questione agi-
tate and divide our Canadian neighbors.
Closer relations afforded by the facilities for
travel and the cheap rates of transportation
have inspired in our neighbors on the north
a feeling of kinthip and friendship, and have
drawn them farther away from the Mother
Country. It is inevitable that this relation-
ship, in a social and business way, must con-
tinue to grow warmer as the benefita of our
republican form of Government are more and
more appreciated, and the spirit of unrest
which has taken poesession of a large part of
the Canadian people will increase until the
cry for separation will become so general that
It must be heard.
It wouldibe indeed singular if, one hundred
years after the thirteen coloniee had torn
themselves loose from the Mother Country,
their example should be followed by the re-
maining British colonies of the Ameriean
continent-. In the event of a revolution in
Canada against the Imperial Government,
the sympathy and aid of the United States
would be manifested for the rebels to such
an extent that the triumph of the secessionists
would be assured.
A Pitiful Tale,
The following is from a jolinstown
despatch to tho New York 7i, Orate
pretty, pale, little woman told part of her
sad Mary tonley' as she nerveuely clasped
and unclasped her hands and cried in a quiet,
heartbroken way. Years ago in the Virginia
Valley, somewhere near Winchester, this
sad little Soul met and loved a hardworking
engineernnamed Fenn. They were married
some years ago and came to Johnstown,
where they had a neat comfortable home.
Fenn made good wages ; their seven children
were always well olad, and the mother lived
with her life concentrated _upon them. Oa
the atternoon of the flood Fenn went to the
butcher's, and passed out of this short his-
tory in the waters. When the tide name
into the Fenn house, the norther gathered
the little once in the parlor and told them
not to be afraid, as God vi as there and
would guard them. Then they went to
tee second finer, and again the little
mother telked of hope and bade them
be of good cheer, for paps. would COMO
toon in a boat and take them away. At
last the family were forced to the top storey.
The rooms were low, and soon the heads of
the mother and children were beating
against the ceiling.
" Mamma," said the eldest child, a girl,
"wouldn't it be better to go outside and die
In the open air
" Yes, dear," said the mother, " we'll
make a raft and all go down together."
She fought her own and her ohileiren's
way to the window and opened it. She
caught a piece of plank, and on it put the
eldest child, with a hasty kiss and it
bless you." Then she let it float away into
the darkness and roar of the waves. Six
times wierethese frail barques freighted with
precious cargoes and argosies of pions trust.
The children were frightened, but obedience
was part of their creed, and they made little
protest. Now came the turn of the last
child, Bessie, the four-year-old. One can
fancy what it meant, the last and dearest.
There was scarce breathing apace in the
room below, and if haste was not used death
would come at once. To a bated plank Bea-
d° was fastened securely, and was blessed
as had been the others,
"1 loved them all; oh, I loved them all,"
said the mother, "but I had two kisses for
Bessie, for she was Tom's favorite, and was
such a good ohild. She put her arins about
my neck and said, 'You know you said God
Nei:Mid take care of me always, mamma. Will
He take cue of me now 7 I told her he
would and she neei not fear, and then she
was carried away. 'I'm not afraid mamma,"
she called out, and I heard her, although I
could not see hi r, mad that's all, except that
the roof was torn off and I floated off on
and some Italians saved me at Kernville,
sixteen miles from here."
"And the ohildren, Mrs. Fenn? I hope
they all escaped."
"We have found two of them dead, Bessie
and George, and there i nob a mark on
Bessie's faceand oh, I am so tired. They're
all gone, every one, eight of them, and I'm
going home to 'Virginia, after all these years,
to rest and try to think.'
Five Deadly Shots with One Bullet.
There is an old gentleman in Forthsyth
County, GI , who is very fond of hunting.
Whenever he walks abroad hie wife always
bears him company. Recently he went out
to drtve the cows. During his walk he die -
covered five equirrele up one tree, and also
disooveted that he had lost all of hie bullets
but one.
"He at down, drew out his pencil and (ley
book, and carefully surveying the distanoe
up to the first squirrel, nix
grains of powder will move a Imiliet three
inches, how many grains will it take to
carry it up to the squirrel, a distance of
about thirty feat? made his calculations,
put in the required amount of powder, just
enough to kill the squirrel and for the Wild
not to peers through, lie bulged awe') and
down came bushytail. He took his knife
out, Mt out the ball, loaded up again, and
fired until he killed the five squirrels with
one bullet, and loaded with ib the sixth time,
What nittintened te TIMM Vito Tried tt.
wae eating dinner at a term holies be In,
(liana when arm of the children came inand
antiounotid that 04 highway tramp had aalled
at the kitetunt door Bold inked for A bite Ix,
eet, The termer WM a, very fat, very photo
end, very bald-headed man, and ho won Post
niaetee at the corners and justice , of the
peace in and for the connty. He had a son
eahed Jatnee, another called Moses, end a
hired man who was addressed asiToweer. Ho
sent out word for the tramp t9 sit clown and
reit, and as a laugh went round the table he
"After dinner I shall be pleased to show
you hownwe encourage tcanops in this section,
This is evidently a new man to this pare of
the State or he would never have called
After dinner we went out. The tramp was
sitting ander a cherry tree, looking as coin
fortable as you please, and evidently uneus.
pinions that anything except dinner was in
store for him He looked to me like a bad
man to fool with, but the farmer didn't Beeln
to read him that way.
"Now, then," he aid, as he rubbed hie
fat hands together, "you will stand up."
"What fur 7' asked the tramp.
"To be kicked 1 I am 2ohig to boot you
from thie epot down to that slivered tele-
phone pole.'
," But 1
"Can't help that. As a fourth class post.
master of the United States of America I
munand you to atiee "
"11 I am kicked somebody else will get
hurt 1" cautioned the tramp as he got up.
"As one of the Justices of Peace in and
for this county I command you to disperse,'
eaid the farmer, as he turned the tramp to-
ward the gate and administered a kick,
Next inetant he received a left-hander on
the nose which knocked him into a confused
heap on the grass, and the tramp got out of
his old coat and prepared for business.
" Towser, pulverize him 1" shouted the
farmer as he struggled to his knees. "In
the name of the United States I command
you to knock him down."
Tovvser advanced, his big fiats doubled up
but the tramp danced to the right and the
left, and then sent in one on the hired man's
commissary department, which doubled him
up and laid him among the hollyhocks.
James Moses, make him prisoner 1"
yelled the old man, as he plucked a handful
of grass and held it to his bleeding nose.
The tramp chuckled. There W8 fun
The two boys were strapping yenng fel-
lows, strongenough to knock down an ex,
and they were willing to go in. As t ley
stripped off the tramp backed up between
two currant bushes, where they could not
BAIA him, and as they advanced upon him
he grinned all over. He played with them
for a minute or two, and then drew a long
breath, made three or four feints:, and piled
them on the grass together. Neither moved
to get-up for fall two minutes. Meanwhile
the tramp rested, and looked over to me
and queried :—
"You aint one of the crowd ?"
"Arid &mit want inc to disperse ?"
"Not particularly."
"All right. I don't think th United
States and his gang want anything more of
me just now, and as I have an engagement
down the road, I'll move on. When they
get washed up and the bandages on, tell'em
I used to ecrap with the bons in Chicago in
days gone by, and that I held myself in and
let'ern off very mild. Good bye, stranger.
To, ta, old fatty !"
And he had been gone ten minutes before
the postmaster came over to me and whis-
pered :--
"Did you ever 1"— [N. Y. Sun.
Fore'gners in London.
According to the London correspondent
of the New York Sun the metropolis has
never before been so filled with foreign visi-
tors as it: ia ab present, the hotels being
more crowded oven than they were during
the Jubilee celebration. There is plenty of
eocommodation to be had, of course, but it
is of the sort that cannot be found without
a search. The correspondent says : --
"The wieest thing any Anaerioan who is
bringing Mies with him to London can do
is to leave them at Southampton or at Liver
pool or Chester, or at some nearer -northern
point, and come alone co London first, to
secure apartments to which he can later
bring his family. If he doea not do this and
comes on without having secured lodgings,
the chances are that they will all be pub in-
to an extremely miserable day or two of
chasing after shelter, and then will get the
vrorat that is to be had instead of the best."
Exciting Scene at a Bull Baiting..
A terrible accident which happened in a
bull-bale:lig ring at Bordeaux on Sunday
would be of bad omen for the prospects of
those who want to organise a genuine "bull-
fight" in Paris during the Exhibition, only
the animal whioh nearly gored an "ecarteur"
to death was not a monarch of the lowing
herd, but a vicious little cow. The animal
has already caused several fatalities, and
now it began bloodthirsty operations by
butting an entarteur" in the thighs. The
man was knocked down and the cow then re-
turned to the onarge, and put one ot its
horns throueh his neck, nearly touching his
carotid artery. All the oc:cupants of the
arena bad to drag the infuriated beast away
from its victim, who wets taken off tlae
ground bleeding to death and with hie jaw-
bone broken in addition to other injuries.
He Wasn't Kissing.
He: "I know I'm not bwilliant, Miss
Montle ; but it's hahdly faiah to oral me the
iniseing-link, as Miss Identwell did, do you
think ?' Mies Mattie : "Of course not,
Mr. Empte ; for you are not miesing, and
haven't been all the evening, have you ?"
He, relieved: "No, I haven't, and I'll just
go ovah and tell her so, don't you know 1"
One Thing Forgotten,
Pfeiffer "Ars you sure you brought
everything we need V! Heofftr "Yea,
I've a &mu bottles of wine, the seine
Amount of beer, a pint of btandy, a whole
lot of things to eat, and gonna of all kinds,"
Pfeiffer : And the airing tackle ?"
Heeler "1 e by George, I forgot that.
Well, that doesn't matter."
Teaching His Son Gallantry.
Father : "My son, stop 1 You must not
dispute with your mother in that way."
Sim : "Bub she's in the Wrong 1" Father:
"That makes no difference ; and you may as
well learn, my boy, once for all, that, wawa
a lady says a tieing is so, ib it so ;'' and then
he added intrnestlyt "Even if it isn't ito 1"
In the Sydney Courts It has been decided
that no Sunday newspaper can elle for ad-
vertisements, the °entrant being illegal,
The phyeiologieel phenomenon of Bleep,
Is, notwithatentling our tarot rarity with tt,
conetent royetery, t it, indeed, one ef
the mod curious of ell physiological states.
What are the exact conditions which deter.
mine sleep or wakefulnese 'I and how eau
therm conditions be controlled? Tose are
questions whicat the wisest med.loal "savant"
is nob at present able to answer setisfactori
The nervous invalid et tan liee Awake
aimed a whole night, seeking vainly for the
blieeful unceneolouenees of sleep, end charg-
ing Ws failure upon some trifling cause of
gonad, as the opoasional barking of a dog,
the'clistant rumble of a train of oars'or the
rattle of a passing carriage. On the other
hand, one may sleep emu:idly, lthough in
the midst of the greatest eonfusiou. The
following remarks by a writer in a medical
journal will be intereating in this connection,
and the novel euggestion made may prove to
be of real practical utility "11 sleep, uninterrupted sleep, is a bless.
ing to those in &muted heinth, to the weak
and invalided it is an absolute necessity.
Yet it is precisely these, the vulnerable
weak, they who in foot are 12108t in need of
the sleep that medicines all pain,' who are
oftenest deprived of their night's rest. To
them the absolute ailence of the hour is but
a treacherous calm ; for the slightest noble
Shat mints the smooth surfaoe of the night
with its rippling wave rotunda is eminent to
break the spell, and hastily SUMI/1011 them
from the lend of dreams. Now, what is it
that disturbs sleep ? Noise ? Not altogether;
for the inhabitants of beseiged towns have
been known to sleep through the roar of
bombardment, and to waken suddenly when
the firing ceased. Millers will sometimes
start up from sleep, awakened by the mere
stopping of a mill -wheel: The rattle of a
train in motion will induce sleep, as all
travelers know. And last, not least, the
sleep of iefants, the sweetest and soundest
sleep of all, is promoted by sound.
"The popular view, then that noise dis-
turbs sleep, like moat popular views, only
touches the truth, hut does not grasp it.
The true cause of disturbance is interrup-
tion. Any sudden cessation of the conti-
nuity of silence or of sound awaken a the
sleeper; for sound, provided it be monoton.
ous, has precisely the same effect on the
brain as silence. Tnat simple piece of me.
chanisin, the alarum clock, is based on the
theory of interruption; it interrupts eilence.
Now, might not an equally simple contriv-
ance be made on the same mechanical
principlen but with the reverse object, viz,
that of insuring sleep by sound? Its utility,
to delicate persons especially, would be un-
doubted. Call it the morphionteter, the
somniferant, or give it a Frenoh title, and
ohrieten it the gardesomne, or aleep•pre-
serven—a name, by the way, that would
truly designate its object; for its real object
would not be so much to promote sleep as ta
insure the sleeper against disturbanc (.he
vulnerable side of light sleepers), by placing
a bulwark of sound between him and the
sudden phocks of i xtraneous noise. Let
your sleep preserver produce the drowsy,
monotonous buzz of the humming top, not
so loud as to be heard in en acljoioing room,
but loud enough to drown =tont noises
when placed close to the bedside, or hung
over the pillow.--iGneed Health.
Be Cheerful.
A well-known philanthropist in New York,
whose time was given to the help of the
criminal and pauper classes, had upon his
table a Turkish figure of a laughing donkey.
The beast was so convulsed with merriment
that no one could look at it without a smile.
"Why do you keep that absurd figure
there ?" a friend asked him. "It seems to
jeer at the gravest subject which we dis-
irSiniply to remind .mo that the gravest
subject has its cheerful, laughable side, lin
answered. I find it a wholesome warning
in the midst of ao much misery."
Many an American needs to be daily re-
minded in some way that life has its amus
ing, happy side. An hour's rest and A
cheerful book, and a talk with a friend would
serve the purpose better than a laughing
donkey. ' We are a nervoue, anxious people,
and many of us have inherited from Puritan
ancestors a belief teat amusements and
mirth one sinful.
A Southern woman, latelyvisiting her
friends in New England, exclaimed one day,
"This is the best year of my life 1 bly
husband and children are in good health,
and free from fininacial worry ; my sons are
honorable, Christian men we have many
good, pleatiant friends, lied has heaped
bleeeings on me. I am perfectly happy 1"
An ominous silence followed these words,
and melancholy ahakes of the head.
"It makes me tremble to hear you," one
of them said at last, "when I think
how soon
all this may be changed, and that you may
be even dead before night."
"And shall I not thank God while 1 am
yet in the land of the living ?'' replied her
This world, no matter how poor or ill or
solitary we may be, is not for any of us
altogether a vale of tears. It: has its sun-
shine and its pleasures its cheerful heights,
which may be climbedby all of es, if we have
but courage and faith. .
The man who will not yield to disaster
and disease, who makes the best of his po•
vett)", who finds something to laugh at in
misfcrtunes, will not only draw more frienda
to hie side than hie melanoholy brother, but
actually live longer.
Colonel Sellers had found the true philoso.
phy of life when he lighted a candle in his
empty stove "to make believe there was a
fire" andpraised the "rare flavor" of the
raw turnip and cold water which made his
scanty meal.
The man whose religion makes him
gloomy, austere and hopeless falsifies Christ's
teaching. Who should be happy if not the
Christian? Who should make light of the
troubles of this short life, if not he who be.
lives in an unending life of happiness at its
"In everything give thanks," cried the
apostle, after he had been scourged nigh
unto death ; and again, having fought with
beasts at Epherme, he calls from his prison
cell to the weak and unhappy in all ages.
"Rejoice in the Lord °away ; and again
say, _Rejoicer— [Youth's Companion.
A Strange Metamorphosis,
"A strange metamorphoeie has taken place
in the tree that Washington cat with his little
hatchet," remarked the snake editor. "How
it that ?" asked the horse editor. "It was a
eherry trete, you temember ?" " Yea."
"Well, now it is regarded as a oheetnut,"
Oraokea Good$ Ma Price
Customer : "You sell cracked eggs at
halnprice, do you not 7" Clerk
we alwaye make a 50 pet cent. reduction 'on
cracked goods. Anything els to -day ?"
Customer: ''Yes, you may give me a dol-
lar'a worth of °racked wheat and here%
your fifty ante,"
Chicago hat now had Omit a solid fort.
night Of ram, The weather &meta elear off
as 'readily se the man with your umbrella.
N.-WiiiionttiOntilennWooinationeeteeettate tent\
Onset, o otionin taienneitentt-neneen4nnitannt ' .,..ionneti.Weeteetenf sant.
for infants and Children.
"Caatates is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it SS superior teeny prescription
known to me." 11. A. ARCEfalt, M. D.,
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. in.
CastOrla eures Collo. Constipation,
Sour stomach, Diarrhcea, Bruetation,
Kllls Worms, given sleep, and promotes
g n,
WiwOut • urloue medicatkm.
Tar Cniaduit Con -rimy, it Murray Street, N. Y.
Viten 1 say Cunv 1 do not mean merely to
stop them i or a ILI°, and then have them rie
turn again 1 MEAN A. RADICAL, CUBB,.
Zhavendo the disease of ,
Alifelongstney. 1 wAnnaarr my remedy tn
Cuss the worst eases. Because others hare
falledianoreason for not n ow receiving a, euro.
fiend at once for a treatit eandayass Borrnu
of nte INF./LURIA ItlaidaDlt. Give Express
and Pest OdIce. It oosts you nothing for a.,
trial, audit will cure you. Address
Dr. H. G. HOOT. 87 Tonga.: St., Toronto, Ont.
or any injurious materials.
Waif': of the CELENATMS07A1,yrAsTr 41=9.
Live Stock Association
Home Office -Room D, Arcade, Toronto.
In the life department this Association pro-
vides indemnity for elan oss and acoiden t, and
substantial assistance to the relatives of de -
leased members at terms available to all.
In the live :took departm en t two thirds In.
for loss of LiveStock of its members.
Applinations for Agencies invited. Send for
roe toilets, claims paid, &e.
Managing Direotor
1 . Is nahlisned every Thursdaymorn nit, at
Hain -street, nasal y opposite Fitton's Jewelery
Stole, Esetor, ',fut., by Joliu White tk 8 one,Pro-
, nrietvra.
11A2Es oF ADVlinTISING :
S.'irst insertion , per line ---------------------10 canto.
la eh subsequeotiuserti 0 ,per line......3 centS.
To Insure insertiou, li.lvertisuments eh° uld
,s; sent in no t later than Wednesday morning
Otto largest and best couippect in the County
I' Huron, AU work entrusteb to us tvill recoil'
sr prompt attoution.
I 0 e cis ion s !tog arding News-
Any person wl: o ta Ices a p aperreiula rl y from
as post.ofece,,sbether directed in his name or
Soother's , or ay b athet nehas subscribed ornot
ts responsible for paymelit. . ,
9 If a person orders his paper discontinued
De yaltat p t 3 all itirears or the publisher ssay
month:Luc to send it until the payment is made,
and then ..;ollcc t the whole amount, -whether
eho paper is thhen from the office or not.
9 In suits for subscription ii, the suit may be
netatuted in the piece -where the paper is pub -
i shed, although the subscriber may reside
hundreds of miles away.
4 The courts bare decided that refusing to
'elce newspapers or pco iodicals from the post -
/Mee, or rum oi,ing and leaving them uncalled
or is prima fa0j t evidence of intentional fraud
Exeter ±3-utcher Shop.
Butcher & General Dealer
-10 ,11,L KIND 00'-
Ousbomcrssupplied TUESDAYS, THURS-
DAYS LSD SATURDAYS at their :esidence
Evert' s Couzb Syrup
Try it arid be convincer; of its woudernal
curative pi opoi ties, Pries 25 etre
• )
br',/ '
Try rtieresf.s LIVER1 HEOUL4)011,
Ti 1t u-a,g
Fol. Diseases oi the Li i er,Eid,c3 s
Purifying ot the Bh.cd . Price :N.
bottles, 05. 'For rale by nil druc;-
gists. lk..futrielnyed ohly by
150. E v EVE F. rt 1., m s
_ O.
Only Genuine System of Memory Training*.
Four Books Learned in one reading.
Mind wandering cured. c
Every child tuna adult greatly beneiltted.
Groat inducements to Clorrespondence Masse&
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr.:V.-in. A. Ham.
mond, tho world-far:aid Specialist idind Disease%
(Vat. J. M. guckleY,
Dame Greenleaf Tlha:puLnivik,otr,0tuf rihroor.cthr'srtsyethfamel.
_N• , Richaro Proctor, the Scientist,
'lions, W. W. Amtor, Sudgc Glbson..Judah P.
nenjatn,and °then; sent poet free by -
Prof. A. LOISETtE, 247 Fifth Ave., N,
no.AM wach in he wold
kereet tinkpoz Zr;g.1.
1nti.1nudcnntr,,Utts.i jellok lwa ottlywas
mal eases of equal
One Person in onnb
ottlity ono mum one Rte.
. tOgather with cur large and vat -
Liable Inc or Household'
cal pr ozh,w
nol. Twhtnonontop:fran
rree, and after you have kept
Coarn in your homo for 2 roontbs and shown them to those
who may have cola, they boom= your own propotty,.. These
who write at 01163 cut be sure bf reeetving the Watch
end Sample.. Wo_nny all express, freight, btu Address
Stinson alc Co.. Box 91,2, Port1uoid3 Maine.
" Tbe MSu
ost ccessful Remedy ever dirscooared, as it is certain In its effects and does
not blister. Iletul proof below.
finesonst 00
Emtwoon, Inn, Nov.20,1882.
Da. 0.3.PrI8NDALL CO.
Dear sirs: I have always purchased your Ken.
Spavin Cure by the half dozen bottles,
would Eke prices In larger quantity. I think Ibis
one et the best liniments on earth. / have nacti it
85017 stables for three years.
Yours truly, CLAD. .A. SNYDER.
BROOKLYN, N. Y., November S, ISM
Do. 13.3. Ituara1,1, Co.
Dear Sire :I desire to give ,von testimonial of my
good opinion of your Ifendall's Spavin Cure, I have
tised It for Lameness, Stiff Joints and
$ pari no, and I have found it A sure ours, I cora.
ally recommend it to allhorsemeg.
Wigs truly, 4. E. GrEnuirr.
Manager Troy Laundry Stables,
flaNT, WINTON COUNTY, Onto, Deo. 19, 1883.
Da. 11. 7. KaNDALL CO.
Gents: 0 [edit my duty to say what I bare dotes
with your Kendall% Sparlui Caro. I have oared
twenty.fire horses that had SpirH
itus, ten a
ging Ione, nine afflicted watt ig ertd arid
sorou 0 Big Jaw. Since flume ad ono of your
books and ronoweit the dIrectionsi, I have hover
teat a ease 08057 kind.
yourIl truly, 4MM:tin.? Ttnilfita,
Rot% DOefer,
Pritlo mer bottle, or six bottoie for O. AII Drink
glAte bawl -it or Ottn get is SOr ydu, Or It *ill be t
to any address* on reesipt Mide bY
tOrt." DI. a J. Wrietterm no.. snotbarsn
sOtitt nIt ALL D1ti/061614.
ou.011.DED Pi IA. No. 1 cu Res
toot Manhood, Sonoma Nommen,. Sperm.
totorrhoeft, 'trait:0Oct° and all dfebasero re.
putting from th o Erroll; of Yonth, Xmligere-
tins, Excennes, Over work or Eipeenro.
Price 01.00 poor box, pestalt0 8 cants extra;
six beach for 55.00, postags15 cents extra.
Why pay eci called specialints from 4110 to
$50, when you Can be Cared for 06r
WOMEN NNo. cu c9remArwENEts
0on,1 0003,13,, Plorentla toendne 50.
Prise SIM nerbox,postase 8 oda td elk tit ;
ais boon tor gl 5,66: 'vintage 16 coots axtra.
J31x boxoo 00005 tho world canal.
Illrrict, Oxide, Tansy Or rounytoyal rillc
'Pries .,t°,00 tor hag° box, tostar/o 6 Onto
000009 5800, paetago 18 Ocoh °Mr°,