HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-6-20, Page 1UCO
vhc.' '
u of
a or
self -
ad ,
0 TO Tlit=--
Coldsniuth Hall!
tiErPorsonalattention giveli to repairing of
watehes, dohs and jewelry:
. Opposite the Market, PARKHILL.
LDICKSON , Barrister Soli-
. citoi,ofRuPreate Court,NotayPuble
tIonveVancei aemmissioner, &a. Money to
Office in Fauson's Pim*, Exeter,
' •,
0 ilarl'IS WI', 0911111GUT , liill11/8y1110011, DIU.,
bstlITER, - ONT. .
OilleeSamwell'sSlork nail's old ()Mee.)
Solteitoriuthe Supreme Court of Ontario,
Conveyancer,Cominissioneri am., &c. Speoial
attentiongiven to the colleetion of elabas it
the United States: Patentoeured, money
to loan at lowest rates. Odice : Opera House
Mock, St; Merys, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Puling,
Conveyancers &c, ,&c.
651rMoney to Loan at Lowest Betels of
s)lexT.rism., ,
OFFICE: over 0,.ArElLts Bank
. . -
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
, .
Santwell's Brock, Main-st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth witliontpain,
' s by gtving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
' Filings and all other dental
work the best possaile. Goes
to Zunton on last Thursday in,
each Month:
' -'''''' l‘'.n-D-RfAL "
T w.13itint4INd. m. D., M. 0
ty . P. 8 ,GraduateVictorierniversity.Ofilce
tnalresidenee,DomixtioroLaboratdry.Exe ter
.. ,
TIR. nYNDMAN, , coroner for tbe,
.=. ,County Of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. ,
„ . Carling's ritore, Exeter.
DR X. -A. ROLLIN 8 M ,- 0 . 2. S
. 0. Office, main Sa.Exeter,Ont.11esitlen '
et) houserecently ocetipiedby I. . McPhillips,
-IPraEN.LiY 1 BILBEB ' Lidensed Ana-
, ,
ALA: tioneor for Etity,Stephen, and McGill -a.
VI' av:Tosv nship F$ : Se lesoon duetcd at moderate
sates. 0 face —At Post-ollioe,Crediton , ont .
JO1315Town8 'eiiiiii, -Ali-otiont,h
,oar, for
M 0
os of Stephen, Ray and Usboine
and the Tillage of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arraugedatthis office.
Tennent & Tennent
ra,duates el the 0 u tario Veterinary College
ornon : One door South of Town Hall.
MO'.1 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6+ f
Per cent, 825,000 Private Blinds., BeetLoalliMf ('ompanios represeubect
L. a. nioxso7?r,. ' 1]
Barriste ',Exeter, ,
Hay Toz.mship F0.4'11:614' Mut-
ual )9'zre .171,!:i ;-„ince Co.
• .
A pulitly FAR.P4mts‘ COMPANY.
Live Stoca' also inse:ed, when in the fields t
or on the roti in charge of owner, or servant,
alsomenufnotarer ol. the Improved Surprise ir
Washer aneeWriaedr Machines. Agent for 1
Tomb Straus; and the Watson Implements,
Uudertakieg in 'reply attended to.
Zurieh, On, /
Establishedin 1883.
, •
Thia Aomaany has been over Eighteen -
rr 'a sueoessfyl operation in Western On -
aria, „anttiontinims to insure agaiuetloss or a,
ainage by Fire ,Buildings,Mercliandise,Man- r-
fr, e corieirand all othe tdescriptionsof Wiser -
a. it property. Intendintr insurers have the ..,
, aoh of insuring on the Premium Note or
aeh System.
During the iaast ten years this Company 1]
as issued S7,006 Policies, covering property
theamountol$40,872,038 ; and pai.A inlets -
s a lone 0'00,7'52,6o '
AssetS, 8176,100.00J consisting of Cash
Bank, GoVerntnentDOnoilit,an 6 the unass-
lsecl Premium Notesonnam,dandin force. 3, '
7 . Wataszar M D. Preside a t. 0 . at . Taynon,
ocretary. 3„8. Prociuns,inspector. CHAS,
NELL Agentfor 13xete1annivicinity,
arber Shop,
A. Hastings,Prop
SeVing and }fair cutting in the latestst les
the art.
Every attention paid to cutting
Ladies and Children's Hair.
A large and well assorted
stock of General Dry Goods,
milli/1E0y; Hats, Caps.
Boots, Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Wallpaper, Sta-
tionary, Paints, Oils, Glass,,
Putty Nails, Books Salti'
Boot -jacks, and everything
kept ia a first.class S,tore.
The whole Stock will be sold in Iota to
suit you. Come and get a lot, the price will
suit you; it will raake your wife and child-
ren glad, your sons end daughters happy,
and general contentment will, prevail in
the whole family. .
Highest prinee forB atter and Eggs.
Yours truly,
Jewelry. Store
School Books
Fancy Goods,
Musical Instruments.
A full line Of SpaUldings
Bats and balls on hand
We melee a specialty of Watch and
Jewelry repairing—All work guaranteed
Our Motto -----Neat, Pronipii and
J. C. Ptonemar.-,
ave their Hardware and.
Tiirware ,Store full of
the various staple
You can buy your Hardware, Tinware.
aints, Oils, Machine Oils, Castor Oil,
ire, Glass, and Baby Carriages cheaper
min us than anywhere else in tbis.section.
A cell ill convince you of this fact.
AILS at the lowest rates.
Sewing Machine Needles
c, at the closest bargains.
We sell cheap and take
pride in letting our cus-
omers know of it,
awrence's Spectacles, &c.
Crediton, June 17th, 1889.
he Largest
--Aseoitment of—
Away down in Price.
Bread, Buns, Cakes, and all kinds of Past
ry, still take the lead.
Headquarters for Confeetien.
ery at
MA -01.0Z41 BUTHA
PANY, Toronto ; also for the PrICEINIX
FIRE rwsuR,ANc comPA.1,tv,:os itonaon,
England., bile no YAL CANADIAN, of mon,
treat, a-, tlio BRITISII F,MPINE 1.111E AS
SttliANCE COM aANY, of hoiden, Flegland,
established 1847. aseets over ..cir6,000,000;
claims and bonuses paid. over $10,00P,000.
LOCAL WEIVS'.—Tires hal/ be.appy te
Jeive at all times', from ane"part ,of the.
County, items of local acies,,saaall 46 ae-
eideitts;or (Iny interesting tneiclent 2vhat.
ever , from any of onr surtseribers ar
ere g onerally for the aurpode of public
Eke i5x,etvir Vino.
THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1899
Go Now.
The Canadian Pacific Railway have ar-
ranged fur three special colonist excursioae.•
Juno atli, return until July 14thaTune llth
return July 21st, June 18th, return July
28th, 1889. For full information apply to
W. J. Carliug.
REOPENED.—Boots and shoes at and be-
low dost at C. Eacrett s. Harness making
in all its branches still carried on as usual,
opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. 4
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for
Thls Season',, Team.
'the following inembera of the Exeter
Baseball team -have been selected es the
regular team fee the season: --
I), Tait
Frank Anclereen
'Geo. Anderson
Rd, lilactrett
13 „Knight
E. Bissett
I. Oa.rling
jno. liliot
T. Oke '
root Race.
' Catcher
1st Base
2utl cc
3rd 41
short stop
left field
right ‘‘
The foot race for $25 a side bettreen W.
Follaud and Thos. Otte occurred on Satur-
day erg. last after several postponements
owing to ieclement weather. The contest-
ants met at 7;30 and after repairing ,to the
race course arrangements were soon made
for a start. They both got off well Otte
leading, which he retained for two third
the hundred yards, when Felland glided
past him defeating Oke by several yarcle.
Oke nevertheless ran well, and proportion-
ately a great deal fastel than Follancl, he
being belittle height of hie antagonist.
The race was witnessed by v, great many
spectator all of whom :were well pleased
lvith the manner in which the race was
conducted—not a word of grumbling or
dispute arising. A racins now talked of
between Follaud " and Eaerett. Folland
holds the championship of Exeter, which
was previously held, by Oke.
goods. ur Country's Da 6nrs.
'1% '
' v ..,
C°On Tuesday evenm.
ing the Exeter Co-
eltevileletaNkowtake pleasure in fore. P(HanuYrOn8°)Elliteittfaolritoyninleifilltin„ fboerr' com
af pthew3h3irccih
warding the TIMES to any address in meets this year in Loudon. The company
Canada or the United States, from. 7101V is under charge of Capt. Andrews, an effici.
until Jan. 1890, for fifty cents. tS.nbe ent officer, while the Lieute.are respective-
sera-es:Mace. - -"'''' Ty, let and 2nd in the persons of L. II,
Dickson and H. L. Billings, officers well
Life Given --- St. Leon Mineral up in the new drill, and highly efficient in
Water. - other respects. In the afternoon the
Geo. Sanders has received afresh an. Company . marched to.the depot, and a.
ply of this justly famed water, direct fro* more noble lot of red coats could not be
the sptinks. Now it your chalice to build seen in a month's travel, their step being
a sound, strong constitution. , even and regular, their carriage stately
Elixir„Vita, kr dispepsia and piles pos- and military;. in all, theit movements were
ative cure.—Geo Sanders. ' indicative of diligent and thorough. drill-
ing. The officers are to be complimented
on their sucCess in getting their Company
in such a state of proficiency. VVaen
rtehceeyptrieotuurn honor them with a royal
Erevrties •
Drew's Opera. House block property has
been sold to a Mr. EfenderSon of LosAngelos,
Cal., for a good sum. „
The cantata, "Flower Queen," which
vt,as to have been given on Tueaclay evg.,
has been postponed inclefinately.
Exeter and.: Mitchell base ball teamS
will play a friendly game to -day (Thurs.
day,),in MitcheiI3
Markets, have remained steady datieg
the week_aeditio eliange is reported ip,o4r
cohimn-sea- out Of the brethren at any ote pittee„
The Military carno,this_ year Eioerl, to 1 (:%,- ;3t.:008 Of years, 15 expected at Exeter 'th
don,'pext yed.Fte Stratfoi'd and the year ;paean TitnY are', Coming frota city
,following to Windsor, Po it as olnefally an. Londora-Mfadiesex:Iambton 'and 'Hurci
The members of the (Huron) Bat-
talion will receive this year while at camp
75c a day and rations --equal to $1,25.
The County Council grants. them 25c a
lvIr. Wm. Westeott, of the 2ad con. of
Usborne, having a foundation erected
under his barns as it stable. The im-
provement will add materially to the ap-
pearance of the premises.
We are now being favored with growing
weather, and besides the crops looking the
very best the inhabitants find the atmos-
phere healthful. Taking it all around we
have the most glorious climate in the
It is stated that the will of the late Mr.
Warden, who recently died in Montreal
but who was a resident of Exeter, was
burned together with other mail matter,
at the tine of the Junction wreck near
Mr. Hugh Spackman last week received
from a gentleman in an Eastern state a
thoroughbred Italion greyhound. The
dog is veraissmall but has all the points of
an English greyhound. It is a valuable
The village council met on Monday. erg.
The council of the Bowel of Trade inter-
viewed the honorable body with reference
to establishing a cash market for butter
and eggs at the town hall. The proceed-
ings will be found elsewhere.
Mr. Turnbull, of Usborne, writes us
stating that he did nob .purchase five
cattle for $24, and fails to inform us how
many he did purchase for the money.
We believe however that there were three
sold, the others having been claimed
shortly previous to the sale.
The late officers of the Salvation army Rev. W. Down, of Halliburton, a form -0
have been -removed from Exeter, It is er Exeterite, who is visiting friends here
said that their positions will be taken by a..t present,*preached anexcellent. interest -
local soldiers, the returns from collections, ing and impressive sermon in the Main-st
dre., being inadequate to support strangers. church on Sunday evening last. Those
We have somelocal talent whom are quite of the congregation who were absent
de to take charge of the Exeter corps. miased a rare treat, as the discourse was
During the past few days the I/mashes one of the best listened to in Exeter for
ecuted two colored paters—one for the some thne.--Rev. Mr. Crossley preached
ensall races the other of the 12th July it sermon in the James•st. Methodist
iebration in Exeter—which for beauty church on Sunday evening last, on "The
d. good workmanship critics saythey are Mysteries of the Maim ial and Spiritual
fficult to beat. We make a specialty of world." 'The Rev. gentlemen handled
at colored work, and those Want his text in a lucidly
stetrhlye ways 01
and alp!:
such cannot' do better than give us it explaining
11, he openly expressed bis ignoritece of the
The fifth annual meeting of the Cana- Mysteries of the same.--TvIr. Sol
an society of Musicians will be held in Manning has arrived in Mami-
e Normal School building, Toronto, toba.—Rev. Mr. Wilson will take a two
ily 2nd, rd and 4th. Judging from the weeks' vacation shortly.—Mi'. John
()gramme just received, the meeting will Earmer spent a few days of this week
11 be of great interest and educationei visiting frienda in London.—Mra. Wm.
lue to all music teachers and others Oilmen, sr., left on Tuesday for the N. W.
°rested in Inimical progress. Pregramtnes Where she will spend a few weeks 'With
n be obtained by Addressing Mr. F. her son, John R Dinnen —Mr James
se, Exeter, Parkinson, meeoliant, was taken ill on
A good many Public Scheel tertehers Monday with inflamointion. We hOpe .to
lamenting the. fact that owing to the report his recoVery at an early date. --
y the month of July enters they will SeVeral loads of people frDni Clinton and
y have seven weeks' holidays this year Seeforth drove to Exetet on Tuesday evg“
toad of eight. The same thing will also to hear Revs, Crossley and 'tenter. One
in next year. They have little cause of the visitors in the meeting arose to give
lamentation. However, it linty be testimony to his love for Christ, and when
cerieelation to them to know that finished, Rey. Yir ama: thought
only the way July comes in, but the you wore it Sinner," The gentleiban ro
y every month in every year, combs in, wIti,,Gekiethat, in Clinton they adored. the same
ters evee look' for. 'But, then, we among the crowd from Settforth.--tris
t, is the uttnost newspaper men and thought he tnight find Seine "hard seeds
t a week's holidays and eometimes net Gott as do the people of Exeter, but
for them life IS ono long gleam of sun. in Exeter, Zurich said Oroditon during the
w the latter Oleo have nothing to do liOnor, jtidge Doyle held, Division courts
The 12t1.1. July.
, The bills announcing the celebration of
the 201st anniversary of the 13attlentsf the
Boyne, in Exeter have been issued, and
from which weshould jud,ge the day, es-
pecially as far as Exeter is concerned:Win
be royally celebrated. 'I'he-largest "turn
as well as lodges from other counties.
The procession will be well worth apein,g,
and as for the speechea, to be delivered by
the most popular personages of the *Order,
it is useless to say they will be anything
but superb. The fireworks display and
promenade concert in the evg. will also be
interesting to witness: Prizes for bands
and the best dressed lodge will be given.
.A grand display of fireworks will take
place at night and the special trains tvill be
held over to allow the visitors to witness
the display.
The Evangelists.
Owing to the exceedingly hot weather
the Rev. Messrs. Crossley and. Hunter
will complete their labors in Exeter this
week, when they, in company with some
friends, will preceed to one or the northern
summer resorts to spend the hot weather
in recuperation. During their stay here it
is estimated that 300 persons will have
been converted. On 'Sunday Rev. Mr.
Crossley preached a special sermon to the
men of Exeter. The congregation was
large, and he tendered his hearers some
good advice. The evangelists have been
heard to say that the male portion of
Exeter, with regard to morality, is ahead
of any town. they have as yet visited, The
young men as a rule are virtuous. This
opinion is quite current throughout
Ontario but nevertheless Messrs. Crossley
and Hunter have the thanks of the men of
Exeter for such expressions of good
opinion. Next Sunday services in the
Main at. Methodist and Presbyterian
churches will be dispensed with and union
services held in the James st. church.
' the,
Vublialx OA' ea 0.4rX0fiesetoas,
Exeter Council.
Members all Metent. Minutes of
previona meeting read and %viewed, The
following accounts ' were receivel and.
passed :—J. It, Dien= `"*50, eepaieing
sprinkling vettgon ; Mark Clark, einteitY
APr5 ins,t, 35e ; Jas. Oreeell, charity, to
Mark Clark 910, and John Piper ,99 till
15th June, 10;$Wm. Down, label', S.6 75;
Donald ',Taylor, labor, 150;$ S. lle,ndford,
labor and inoving Mark Clark, 54.; Mr
Binh 0-1iley complained of an , impaired
crossing on Gidley street, crossing flati
horough read, and also of the poor side,
walk ou north,eide of Gidley street, He
asked that the crossing be fixed -and the
eitleivalk repaii,ed. Request granted.
Moved by James :Pickard, seconded by
Thos. McCallum, that Mr Ford's offer of
be per, load for gravel, be accepted.
Cenemilationer WeSinstruoted. to commence
gravelling streets, sidewalks, et*, at Once.
—Carried. Mr Sutton made application
for 95 per week extra for keep of Samuel
Ford, being a total of $30 per month for
his keep. Action deferred.
A deputation of the Board of Trade,
consisting of Messrs. ParkinSon, arigg,
Fanner and Archer—Mr Archer spokes-
matt—interviewed the council concerning
the establiehieg of a cash 'market for
butter and eggs. The follawing resolu-
tion of the 'Beard of Trade explains the
"That in the opinion of the council and
the merchants assembled, it is desirable
that a Cash Market should ba established
on certain days of the week, for the sale
of butter and eggs and other farm pro-
duce ; but that merchants should not be
debarreni frorn either paying in eash or
trade for preduce delivered at their res-
pective stores."
The deputation'in accordance with the
above, urged that the Council appoint the
forenoon of every Wednesday, and Satur-
day as the time for holding this market,
recommending that the sitaa.tion be in the
qicinity of the Town hall. -The, matter in
hand was fully and. plainly' explained by
the deputation the several members beteg
aecorded a chance ta addtess the Council.
Summing up the 'different lights in. which
the tnatter was put, we find that their
object is to establish a cash market fol
butter and eggs • and if that works satis-
factorily to inclu:de Other branches of pro,
duce. The merchantaZwould not be de-
barred front purchasing. The deputation
were of the opiniot) that something, in the
line should be done in order to attract
customers who go to aft town e and
villages. They requeste geoutiai to
establish the naatkat if only to give the
scheme it trial.' -
Councillors Pickard, Carling mid Mc -
Catlin Were' OppOSM to the rettaest on
varioup grounds. Mr. Pinkard would not
entertain their ideas, but simply eaid he
Could and would bity-at the Iiiittrarprices,
all butter and eggs that came in ble, way,
putetyg.h.etati$00orst,,:ive %Jade: his
Ur McCallum' was uppoLtda to tb,frte-cee
on the grounds that the town was not
sufficiently ripe -for such a departure, and
the merchants too dissentive. If they
were aIl a unit on the matter of support-
ing rightly and encouragiug such a market
regularly constituted, he would lend his
assistance toward .having one established ;
but under the eircuinstances would at
present oppose it.
Mr. Carling was in part in favor of es-
tablishing the market asked for, but would
not give his consent to having the town
hall used as a Triarket building. ,
The oilier members of the council were
heartily in favor of having a market es-
tablished at the town hall, and thought it
a step in the right direction. The farmers
could come to town early, dispose of their
produce for cash and go -to the stores and
possibly 'clo better with cash in hand.
This side of the question was strongly
argued, but after considerable deliberation
action was deferred. In the meantime
our merchants are paying the highest
prices in cash for produce and farmers
will find that Exeter is the place to do
business. Competition is keen and things
generally are booming.
Moved by T B Carling, seconded by
Mr McCallum that the clerk procure
necessary plank for culverts '• also scant.
ling for new side -walk avhich is to be
erected from Braund's furniture store to
the Trivitt Memorial church. The coma
• missioner was instructed to repair the
culverts requiring same. ,
Mark Clarke left his boarding house
procured for him by the council, and re,
quested Mr. Walters to keep him. In this
connection Mr Walters waitedupon the
Couacil to ascertain what was to be done ;
he could not keep him and receive no-
thing for bis board. Mr. Walters said
that as Mr Clarke desired to remain with
him he would agree to furnish him a cer-
tain amount of work and pass his wages`to
the credit of the council. No actibn tvall
taken other than for the constable to eni
quire into Ur. Clarlte's ease, and return
him to his proper boarding house,
The Conntissioner was instructed not to
do any private gravelling for persons who
might desire it.
The Commissioner repotted that he had
repaired. Mr. Brovvniug's sidewalk, and
at (35 cents was to be charged and col-
leeted from him, for half day's work.
The Oottneit adjourned to meet on
Thursday evg . 27th ;Tune.
There is sonic ream' in allovving thistles
to nearly complete their growth before
plowing them nutlet if the plowing is done
without euttieg off the top. The sappy
green herbage rots rapidly under the fur-
row in June, and being still in connection
with the roots helps to rot that also. If
the plant fa in flower it hi all the better,
as it shows that the root is to some extent
exhausted and cannot recover quickly.
13at if the 'plowing is done late in the
season, extra care west be taken to sup.
mese every vestige 6f green thistle all the
summer. Two or three months of entire
smothering from air and light will kill
thiaaes better than half.liear led cultivation
eXtendieg from early spring till late in fall.
It is not the &Mount of work but its
thoroughness that counts.
vi`ry Pitetsfsees ulaSitnie`
(0 II AIVIMIZA 1) itLIAMENT, rasa)
Paid up,Clatsital $a,000,CO
Pam* Fund .„ „, .,. I ,00-0,90
Dread °Mee, montreel,
FP )V01.41-4'.11 BT, A N 11* t
hranch.olleee tna Ageeei
ta the DentutienX,S•4-ana
Exeter Braneh,
OI, 77 every l(wf ul day, Cresol° a. 113 03 p,„41
8ATITADAYS,10 a, m.to 11),n1.,
3 Fel.' Cent. Per anetiel .11ialOW_ed fax money' 'on Tosir .Reeeints and Savings Iseult,
' Manager.
ll proi
Wcalled unoil to
uouo(.j the death a one of Exeter's most
respected sons. IV° refer to the death of
Mr. Aichibalel Williatn McDonell, who
departed this life at the residence of his
mother, on Saturday lest, at the age of 36
years, 6 mos. and 23 days, The deeeased
was widely and most favorably known,
and much, respected by all. I -le followed
the avocation ef cabinet maker, and, for a
great many years worked in EXeter, until
going to 1,ondon, where after worldng for
it few years he was given the position of
inanaging f
Cct°,r,eetyn11101Qi fptols'eitioBnenhne ere 1 l‘clt tilauunue-
its disbeedment. The Liquidators
who are in London, England, then appoint-
ed Mr_ McDonell to look after the stock
dee in London, Ontario, paying hint a large
salary and commissien. The deceased
was looking atter their interests when last
taken ill ; but being of a thoroughly active
and pushing temperament he did not give
up uutil to late—his constitution had
been over taxed and he was irreparably
broken down. He took ill in London,
but recovering somewhat was brought to
Exeter, and. he still kept getting better.
He took advantage of the flue weather
and ventered out doors, when he took A
relapse, inflammation of the bowels ieettirg
in. Deceased grew gradually worse until
on Saturday last his spirit took its flight.
Mr. MeDenell was an unmarried
That death chooses for its victims, the
brightest flowers, was truly exemplified
in this case : A more honorable, affection-
ate and consistent.living man has not been
known—he was kind to his nearer relatives,
while to all others he exhibited -8 disposi-
tion of great courtety: He was respected
by that) who knew him, as was attested
by the large attendance at the funeral on
Monday, the city of London being well -
represented, and six of his more intimate
friends of that city acting as pall -bearers.
The remains were first taken to the Trivitt
Memorial church, where the beautiful
service of the English church was read by
the rector Rev. S. P. Robinson; after
which the funeral headed by the Masonic
• brethren proceeded to theExeter cemetery
where the last sad rites over a departed,
friend and brother were performed by the
Masonic Order, Mr. A: 13. Greer, of
London and Mr. Hugh Spackman of
Exeter, officiating.
nithstg Catena'
Additional /oats on eighth page.
, Mr: Geo Samwell has arrived safely in
the Old Country. Be reports having had
a pleasant voyage.
A. aew puzzle has been introduced in the
east which is receiving moreattention from
those who ha.ve eeen it than did the farnons
thirteen puzzle in its day. Seven spots
ate made in a row thus "e eezoo o".
Three eoppers are planed 011 the eh And
three dimes on tile a's, leaving nothing, on
ttht: mTshgenputhzedelsisb;ev4nmle.01;ntr coaiunds.
and 5vertreitag.&te, penaego: eidAne
.vice vetsa, net-er moving a c a.
It can be worked. Try it'.
tiee, and are -progressing nicely. Ines -
The cricketers have "00111111eneed
clays, Wednesdays and Saturdayare the..
regular practice nights, If the members
turn out regularlyfor practice, there is no
reason why Exeter should not have it
club second to none in Ontario. We have
good material. Lite London cricket cldb.
is arranging for county matches to be
played in that city and it is possibce that
the Exeter club will join. Everything in
good working -order and new members
joining daily.
There are a great many people scatterecl
over ehis broad land who seem to have an
idea that newspapers are run solely for the
fun of the thing, and that an editor can
live on air like a chameleon, that material
does not cost much, and that they ought
to be thankful that the dear people take
their paper and remain deadhea.ds. They
neyer take a business view of the matter,
nor think once, that it osts as much to
finish and equip evert it small country
office as it does to stock it grocery, and
requires as much help, or niore than that
required by the average grocer. Who
ever heard of a merchant giving people
yard of print or a paper of pins just for
the fun of having some one Bay he is a
good fellow. Did you ever hear of it
grocer giving away tea, sugar, coffee or
anything else for the Faille 1055031? It
requires money to engage in any .kind of
business, and the newspapers are no excep-
tion. Invested capital might to be so
managed as to enable the investor to
make a living out of the profits and labors.
Under these circumstances to ask a news-
paper for a puff and tatty only in thanks,
should be balanced by taking Buser, tea,
coffee, dry goods, ete., and pay in thanka'.
Mr. Jos. Peart, of Exeter, infortns 118
that he has in his garden the best po.tch
of peas of any that he has ever seen at
this season of the year. Of one sowing
he especially makes note of two rows side
by side, one having developed into pod
the other being in blossom. He expects
to have green peas in a few days, and
feels quite confident that, had not the
frost interfered, he would hay° been
"messing" off the plant some days ago.
Mr. Peart takes great pride in his garden
and has one of the best kept and most
foremost of thosein town. Mr. Peart
also shOWed us samples of thie years grain,
fully ripened, reeeived front Mr. N. J,
Clarke, of Butte city, Colusa eo ,
taken from his ranch. l'here aro four
varieties, vizt—Peoper (bearded) ; 'White
Australian (long) ; Little Club, Mort) t
Salt Lake 'Club. The heade are well
filled with plump, bright grain, and give
evidence of the returns in the line of
wheat being ahead of.previont years, The
harvesting in California has commenced,
artcl glowing accountit aro reeeived,
'Next also ma upon oltr table e sainple
stalk of Canadian fall wheat bearing it
full head of promising grain. 'The stalk
meaanreS five feet, is healthy, and was
pulled without regard to seleotion. Ur,
Wart sowed, the grain Mime% by band,
and AVOIS that there cannot be fottud itt
this neighborhood a field that Will eqtral
it The field ettn be seen at ISL Itedgert's,
Iduron.sfe It will told abotit 40 bushels
to the are.