HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-12-13, Page 26t'ri►d,cr0 41:42#atki_ 04x -ember neo all Fie. 1 Fine Dianne nd Welchem Rings and 16raceiet15 if[t Certfi ea¢es CHINA 40% OFF liitnyafl Afl�er�ti Royal Canadian Rose PILLING'S JEWELLERS %iarriston 3383842 Make your own holiday cards By MACE MORRJ LL This column is. foF those readers wha would like to make their own hoUday cads but are unable, as the sayer, gees, to draw a sta aigialt ! e. The idea is simply to trace a c:sign on organdy material wa felt tip Lens, then frame your drawing vii construe - tion paper onst c- tiper of pi'e=ftoltded blank Materials reaped are felt tip 4 ns, oi<ga y material, construction paper, enve- lopes, white paper (tyipi ng pa per will do), household glace, scissors, thumb tacks, soft and and an assorir, , pent of pictures you with to trace. The first step is to fold your paper to fit the envelope. Far TRAILER PARTS & ACCESSORIES Sold o Serviced a Installed -Large stock of new, used and factory clearance propane furnaces, refrigerators, stoves, toilets -all the odds and ends for home-made units and conver- sions -special package prices. MOBILIFE CENTRE No. 8 Hwy. between 401 and Kitchener - 653-5788 0 1 HANOVER rte...... thin pro"ect, 11 su gest a four.. fold (r' i caTd. Etf yet. use Ceti st.uta e ua paper', fold one *ece, a iti Tuf bQ t ' large for your envelope, cut to fit, then unfold, uuaeaseure the lam', eut all sheets to fit, 'then fold as many as needed (Fig. 1). The second' step is to cut a square from the foam fond. This will give a framed or, matt effect to your card. To do this, pick a picture you wish to Pao t aD dug oL.1t' t- - J -_- Fi6. a F®Id ra , heti' dototy Fold eotton., cr. vRQ. The Aegian °Islands Continued from Page 4 A city of over a ..quarter of a million before over, was born, magnificent ruins. are daily un- earthed including treasures of Roman opulance. A vast -amphi theatre with a capacity of 25,000 adorns a hillside overlooking what used to be the harbour, now a fertile plain. Statues, arches, columns, aquaducts are all in evidence and each year more - of this vast ancient metropolis is revealed, • After Ephasus during. a sail north up the coast of Turkey, the ship heads through the Dar- danelles into the Sea of Marmara and on to the Bosporus and the city of Byzantium .. of Cqn- stantinopolis, or as it is now known, .Istanbul. The throbbing city of Istanbul offers the magnificent six minar- eted Blue Mosque and the Church of .Saint Sophia now a museum. Tho old bridges spanning the Gol- den Horn seem to creek under the heavy loan of traffic while the magnificent new bridge, opened in October of this year, links Europe and Asia across the Bosporus. Istanbul must certainly be' the crossroads city between East acid West. The final day was spent visiting the island of Patmos where high on a hill, St. John wrote the book of Revelations. The cave in which he worked and slept is visible while the small monastery on the hilltdp is quiet, cool and serene. A restful stop. Three hours sail from Patmos is Mykonos the new jet -set plea- sure ground. Abounding in magnificient villas on hillsides overlooking beaches and an azure sea, Mykonos must rank with the best for outdoor plea- sures.' Anotherhoverntglit sail back to Pireaus ends the cruise. Rates vary from $380.00 for an inside cabin with facilities to $550.00 for an outside deluxe two -bed suite. CROSSROADS DEADLINE ( TUESDAY NOON, WEEK BEFORE PUBLICATION OVVVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT leti 0 - an original al oil pointing BEAUTIFUL grandfather or ;It wall clock from 1 ONTARIO'S largest clock gallery Dave Ausrna Fine Clocks 822-2485 Hwy. 6 - 1/2 Mile North of Guelph AVAIIMMAIMMIi.'SYCezeYMIaV:VAIMAY trace, center > a ni your matt, tr n matt tolit the rep" late p ` ion. Next cant a square of organ. dy material a ut 'P i e . large' than the out fame your cord (Ftg. 2). P C* your chosen Q r ming or puetul'e on o soft woodsalta, then dace the organdy material' over the picture and thumb, tack both to the boar& to hold firmly as you work. The or. Bandy is transparent enousit to see almost any detail thio ugh, but Il do suggest you choose sample designs. Use fine -Dine felt tip pens to. outline your design, then fill in with color. For all white areas, leave calor free. When finished with your drawing remove the organdy, add a spot of glue to the cor- ners, then place the organdy V/t:4. FIG. 5 FINISHED CARD square under the otit out frame of your Card. Slide a square of white per behind the organdy to give ,t clarity and glue ni place with a dot of OW( Fig, 33 Add your holiday , message and your card is Lr react' for mai, Isuggest you use old cards, magazine pictures, and ; even newspaper advertisements as a Source of material folr o .' cards. To make original de. signs, try out several draw. illgS sad= .iriirrange them in a new designs Once you have a completed aeeeptable. Pic' tures targe as many prints as. you desire; This is fun and the organdy mrnaterial.giyes, an entirely $great texture to your person. al greeting: cards, BRITISH HAM,TRAVEL, Rail travel in *gain `is fast, Comfortable ;and'r, reasonably priced, Return tickets are usually - issued at double `the single rate • and are normally valid for three calendar months,, except those is. ., sued for use in the London area, which are valid on the day of issue only. fist class fares are , so per cent above 2nd class. ling the i-fs **Mr* son literally thousands ' Cana- dians treated themselves t0 the Lenden Super Show Torn Rork- tionte motions, teealydr d ux questionnaires "rapist/4, st the sad of Ili r holiday, vweire osot-, rwh1iiiingly enthusiastic, The first fort tree seed ee., tracti , plant In Coned* well started at Anus,tar io HOMEMADE MEAT$ Highest quality, expertly handled Pork. sausage arid mer sausage a homemade special0 Pork sides and beef quarters BETTER ENGLISH By D. C. Williams What is wrong with 'each of these sentences? : 1. From my viewpoint, this is *the best plan of the two► you have put to us. 2. He claimed that we should not take any stock in such promises. 3: Had I have known you were coming, ,'I would have waited on' qp ler _ i.. . 4. He spoke in an offhande4. way of taking the books off of the shelves. 5. He most certainly has cause of c$mplaint,• con- sidering the poor service he got. 6. When will I be liable to see'him most? What are the correct pronun- ciations of these words? 7. Cayenne. 8. Bravo (the exclamation). 9. Ally. 10. Alloy. 11. Cadaver. 12. Boudoir. Which six words in the -follow- ing group are misspelled? 13. Tortuous, voluptuous, Octp�us, plenteous, con- tenH'ou; nickelodeon, nic- otine, Nipponese, nihil- 1ism4 nincompoop, hansom , handkerchief, handsome, harangue, har- rassment, embarrassment, debonnair, grammar, sol- itaire, savoir-faire, des- pair, disengage, mucilage, alegiance, conderge, aller- gic, hereditery, heliotrope, . Himalayan, humoresque, holocaust. ANSWERS 1. While "viewpoint" is not incorrect, "From my POINT OF VIEW" ispre- ferred. Also, say, "This is ''►e BETTER plan of the two SUGGESTED (or, OFFERED) to us." 2. say, "He DECLARED (STAT. ED or MAINTAINED). that we should not DE- PEND ON such pro- mises." 3. Omit the first "have, and say, "Had 1 known you were coming, I SHOULD have waited LONCER FOR you." 4. Say, "He spoke in an OFFHAND way," and omit the second "of." 5. • Omit "most," and say, "He certainly has cause FOR complaint, consider- ing the poor service he RECEIVED." 6. Say, "When SHALL I be MOST LIKELY 'to see him?" 7. Pronounce kay-ennv and not "kigh-enn." 8. Pro- nounce braw-vo, accent first syllable. 9. Pronounce al-igh, accent on SECOND syllable, not the first. 10. Accent SECOND syllable, not the first. 11. Pronounce ka-daav-er, accent on sec- onsyllable. 12. Pro - knee boo-dwahr, accent s liable. 13. OCtopusNihilism, harass- ment, debonair, alleg- iance, hereditary. • 1111111111111llllllllllliilllllllllllilllllllllllllhlllllllllllllllllllllllllpllllllllllll111111111111111111111111111UU111111111111111e 7.1 Order your 6 Historical Prints today, regular value - 330,00 NOW 6 for $10.00. Size: 22"x31". Cp-. R�g O q /� P. 0. SOX 390 Please allow imq WfrtC�h�f1 , Vitt. 2DS ` weeks for,deIivery. rzi taiIiiii mlmlitiilliltittllill11111 asi1411U11 imaii1111tItIt111t111tmmilliltlliMittillinititll111111111tUi1f11i111111 f