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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-12-06, Page 16
t.4 Aduor.c:Q- tLiac:.7, wich P i7 (i '4'1'111 Galbraith of allft;b'(1.111 IIt U.d agr3. Ia Bruce Arm - the weetend '111 s J1 ael4 Foster axe and Marjorie u`b Herb Pra at- ohnk; last week in EGD t,rta, of their sora. 4 :.at4ri s of Dolton is cet with her par- .! it's (flare Harris, Ku :,ate taoan a bust - 'lib Cecil Lrm of 1�n2 1Neetend with ! ey. ,. eli aedy was able to last week from ..1)isLaiet Hospital ba�>tn confined for on ':/r� 17�� /visit ' a " it ' t. t at-3, ✓•.a i te.]l 11fSXU . w1 r. auol LIM. I1 Dlorrinor were Kitchener vasMxQ ono doy arra i s. ](Illi , o,4i ill sto+. arsl farurrily of Toronto s nt tr4Q, week- end end with I`tr. andr5s. Jhrn War- ren. Glenn P. Johnston last week sold his one team of show gorses to the Historic ILM Mu5ettm t Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S.A. Miss Margaret Lamb of New- market and John l- arris of Peter- borouah and Mr. and Mr's. Clare Harris were guests Friday riday even- ing c`3-. t sae Haskell -Carswell wed- diu in Knox Presbyterian Church, Harriston, and the reception which followed i? the Clifford Community Centre. Norman Hardy is confined to Victoria Hospital, I ndon, where • 51t, Cor, -11 off 1-4'c t:^i,7+7rzi vittc 4Sa cacSl o 11',Irfo. Piratic Batt, Dawn clni �rrt rtCd l ur dcy G ull 1`,7'n a L`J 11, rt . e rn1.,14'1,11 7. 3. Jar 'fir" rD' nnci i'amnay of ICS Cl CS C E' 1�; 'day gue3ts wilt ' Mr. and Mrs, Stam Wr. and Dirks, Elmer Miller, Lori' and (Inrt,If�t c�isitcJ.TS ¶rAclay��ind: Jean Cameron. Dar, and Mrs. Mulvey and Cindy ef l3efln ore, and Dir. and y Mrs. Gary S,otliliern, Tracy and Tim og Paimoroton visited SUR - day .with Mr. and Mrs. Bull gothern. . The sympathy of the com- munity goys to Mr. and M. Don Moat= in the death of the for, er's fo,t4or= last week Pall- ___ r. and Mrs ti fr of 1N u; iir o w Saturday vitiators Mr,, and "Arc Twit Hot- ( t-4 has Mr. and Mrs, Jack King of Guelph were weekend d guests a[ Mr. and Mrs, Randy Kim. Stt, Helens Sunday ,visitors with Mt and` Airs. Ann Miller were Ms=s, Alex N' flay p of ��Re Catharines. arid �Mrs. ►, P. Read of S , Catharines. Mrs. Gp don it Pherson ~ re- turned home on Thursday follow- i5g surgery at Winghani and Die, triol Hospital. Mrs. John Miller, hOs been a patient 'in %%wpm and Dis- trict Hospital for several weeks, ns'z ow visiting with Mar. and Mips, Fred M Quillin. • Mrs, Gordon Struthers enter- tained on Saturday afternoon and evening at .a trousseau' : tea. in honor of , her . daughter, Lois, bride e1eot,. . Thursday 'evening anothek shoot party will be held in. the St. Helens Hall. THE CHARTER CO mirree for the +� C�u�know Kinsmen -was made up of Garry ,Robinson, Alin g9 ham's r Mac .Ritchie charter chair` f president; Johnstone charter president from Lucknow, and Paul Rtntoui, charter co-chairman from Wingl am. (Staff Photo), The Wit( ha*n Mdvantee»' 'imes, Thursday, mem' i.� Q Fresh Heinz;;Tor oto wee" 1 2.OZ. I R % Vegeta le eve . rom Robin Hao For Poultry r Fish, .Beef Orange -Grapefruit :Pineapple -Grapefruit Grape, Grapefruit arietie Mpeie Leaf Pkg o Devon Sliced Breakfast Schneiders Gauntry afyle r, 2 pack • 6, rolls Weston's - 1 Oc OFF 12's Maxwell Nouse Nouse -- Regular Grind DI E ROLLS .39 COFFEE indidor's Soft nay r � � Chooso I A EEZE- NACK d Liquid ©Aar than our rreguidr opening beers thitiets.basteber this store will' be span Mss*', foie, 17, Doe. 24 Dine. 31 until 64. p rwb Atso►-Th rsd*y iv*w l 1, ,fit. 20 v t l tt00 pat, OPEN #RIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK