The Exeter Times, 1889-6-6, Page 8Absol . teIv Puree Innis poweernevsrvaries Amarvel orpur- ity.str,-ength and tvholesomU1,ess, More econ- omical than the ordinal, v kinds. snd oaunot be so/din oomi,etitiouwith the multitudes of low test, short .veigbt, 41.11111 or phosphate, Powdors.Soldouly in sacs.—ROYAL BAIT- Nl# PoWDielt CO ..106 eve iistreet N, Y. 1N STT•RANCL • "tERNST' eeLLIOJ',AGENT FOlt `1 1•TF. WESTeettle ASSURANCE OOTv1 PANT, of Toronto; also for the PE/iENIS FIRE tNS,,UR tN E COMPANY of London, England', the itu17A c 9NAi)IAX, of Mon. treat and .the BhITf`ili E.IIPIRE LIVE AS S. 11A,1Ci;COMt'AN ;, ,if Loudon, England, established 1$47. e,seete over 55,000,000; claims and bonuses ;mid, over ,-,-510,000,000. LOO4.L 1r NWS,—il es hall behappy to re=. Jeive atall tinms,(roia any part of the County ,.items of local news, such as ac- e ielents,or ceiclents,or any stivy incident what ever , f relit arty of our subscribers or read- ers eon/era/1yfor the purpoas of public atio?h.. tS uUl1 ; 1y'i '1b' 'Zhao. THURSDAY, JUNE .6th, 1989 'LOCAL OAPPENMOS. 'Go ;!Toa - The Canadian Pacific Railway have ar- ranged ler r-ranged.ler three special colonist excursions. Jane 4th, retnrn until July 14th,June 11th. return July 21st, June 18th, return July 28th, 1889. For full information apply to W. J. Carling. ReopE ie.-1sooty and shoes at and be- low cost at C. Eaerett's. Harness making in all its branches still carried on as usual, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. Commence Now. We will take great pleasure in for- warding the TIRES to any address in Canada or the United States, from now' until Jan. 1890, for fifty cents. Sub- scribe at once. ` Afe Gives St. Leon Minera Water. Geo,. Sanders bas received a fresh sup- ly of this justly famed water, direct from tesprings. Now ie your chance to build pa sound, strong constitution. Elixir Vita for dispepsia and piles, pos- ative cure.—Geo. Sanders. Wanted. A good smart boy to do farm work. Apply to J. Stacey, Kirkton. Apprentices wanted to learn. the dress making. . Apply to Miss Sweet, over the Big Bankrupt store. 2w Butter and 1Bggs for Cash. The Board of Trade are now endeavoring to get the merchants to allow a few hours in each week for the dspiosal of butter and eggs for cash. They propose tbatWednes- days and Saturdays be appointed market - days and that the merchants refuse to take butter and eggs in trade up till 10 o'clock on these days ; and that if they want the Product, put buyers on the market and pay cash- The merohapts have not yet agreed to this scheme, and it is difficult to say as to whether they shall. It is scarcely prob- able, however. It Costs Nothing. Persons who have a birth to register need not hold back because it costs some- thing and expenses at that time are already heavy enough. What with the doctors, nurses, visiting friends, medicines and luxuries for the patient, telegrams to friends, and other oonearrent expenditures the ave*age man generaily finds his pocket- book nearly enough empty without incur- ring any charge for merely having thedear little tootsie-wootsie's name on the clerk's list of arrivals, unions and depar- tures. A young man tendered the clerk, of a neighboring place, $2 for putting down the particulars about the stranger up at his house; and was surprised to find that no charge was made. Clerks of municipalities have no right to make any charge for these registrations. A Cricket Club. A meeting of those interested in the 'national game, erieket, was held in the band room on Wednesday last. The at. ten :ince was good and much interest was vn aul Bated- A list of members and sub• scribers was exhibited, and., which showed a total of some forty or fifty names. Mr. N. Dyer Harden was caIlerl to the chair, and the meeting: opened with all due fortnalfty, when the election of officers took place, resulti ng as �f.111ow' s: -ion -Press Harding ; Pres. 1)r. Lutz ; vice -do. \V J. Curling ; secy-areas, Iced. Elliott; com —N 7). burden, F. W. Collins, A. J, Davis. ' It was decided that the member- ship fee be 61, Another meeting will be held this evening at 9 o'clock, at which all: necessary arrangements for active work will be perfected. All members are re. the l steel to attend, and parsons wishing to become members will please advise any of the cinders. ' A good and convenient, ground hag been rented and a splendid c°ease made. awe Gravities The 'Reeve and deputy Reeve are at present in Goderioli tatteeding the County e uucih Revs. Messrs. Crossley end ];hunter will possibly go tol'arkhill for a week or so, after completing their work here. The Parkhill people have extended a very pteasiug invitation. James (flavin of let oonesssion, 131d - (Minh, has purchased land in Ahna, Miele, and will move thither the ootnipg fall" Grand Trunk egoursion on Thursday, June 1lth, from Exeter to 'Manitoba, the North. lest and return, $28,00. Buy your ticket from Capt. Geo, Kemp, town agent, Exeter. On Saturday Messrs Ballantyue & Wood shipped two car -loads of cattle to Mont. real ; and on Monday H. Willett, of Dashwood, one ear load. Muslins, embroideries, prints, gingham', Chauabrays, gloves and hosiery, all 25 per cent off at the Big Bankrupt store. Messrs. Farmer Bros. have erected a neat veranda in front of their+liquor store. They have also had their signs repainted; and now their premises present a neat appearance" The blacksmith shop property and chattels of Mr. (leoige Polon, of Elim• vide, were offered for sale ou Monday. The chattels sold well, but the real estate was bought in, the highest aotaal bid being v$100, The water for many years had not risen to such a depth in the 'Salable,' as was the: case Friday and Saturday, the result of a three day's incessant clown -pour, Cellars were also filled. Fanners take all your butter and eggs to the lig bankrupt store. They pay more for produce than any other house in town. L. H. Dieksou has purchased a beauti- ful sorrel driving horse, paying for it a good sum. The animal ie. well propor- tioned, is young, is a good driver and bids fair to grow into double the price paid, for him. Mr. McTaggart, the elder, of the London road, Usborne, was last week seized with a. paralytic stroke, rind now lies in a pre. carious condition. One of the blood: vessels ot•his head burst and the blood' clotting causes great pain. A great many cattle from the neighbor- , .ing townships stray into Exeter and are impounded. Farmers should keep a. close watch ontheir cattle and not allow them to get too far from their neighborhood Th'e Clinton New Era, in mentioning the base ball match played here on the lath, between the Clinton and Exeter clubs omits the score, and says some good'play- ing was done by the Clintortions. The score 22 5 in favor of Exeter doesn't suggest very good playing on the part of 'Clinton. At the Seaforth races a three-year old colt belonging to Mr. Geo. Turnbull, of Tuckersmith, formerly of Usborne, won first money, taking three straight heats in the colt race. This colt was sired by "Vole" owned by W. G Bissett, of Exeter. Cheapest parasols in Canada at the Big Bankrupt store. On Monday next the annual meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association of South Huron will bo held in the town hall, Exeter, at one o'clock p. m. All members of the association are respectfully request- ed to attend. The wool season opened some time 'ago, but owing to the cold spell the farmers have delayed shearing. The weather is now becoming warmer and the wool will again be marked. The prices do not range very high and are likely to decline. From 16 to 18, br possibly 19 cents will be the ruling figures. The contract for carrying Her Majesty's mails from Exeter to St. Marys daily, has been awarded to Mr. D. Spicer, of Exeter, the amount of tender being $74.5. Three days in the week Mr. Spicer will have to go via Anderson, • the other three via Metropolitan. We undetstand that he will carry passengers only. A meeting of the Middlesex County Orange Lodge was•held in London, and it was decided where the brethren will cele- brate the 72th of July. In view of the courtesy extended by the brethren from Huron in turning out in suchlarge num- bers at the celebration there last season, the local lodges will return the compliment and come to Exeter this year. Mr. G. H. Holtzman; a reader -of the TIMES, of Elkton, Huroii Co, Mich, writes us under date May 24th :—"Some quick.' work has been done in title locality of late. In the short space of 34 minutes, 30 sec. from the time the first bent was raised till the last rafter was placed, several men here completed the raising of a frame barn 40x60, with five bents. I would like to know of any men in Ontario who can beat this record." Boots and shoes of every kind at your prices at the Big Bankrupt store. The incessant rain of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and the low tempera- ture, acted moat beneficially on vegetation, and the injurious effects of the front of Tuesday night were to a certain extent counteracted. In truth but little damage is now preeeptible in the fields and orchards; excepting to grapes and straw: - berries. The fall wheat and spring grain have come out all right, and g• asd has had a luxuriant growth, and meadows and pastures never looked better. The 33rd battalion of Huron have been called out for drill this year, at Windsor, and the Exeter company are busy getting things in shape. The Huron battalion did not expect to be called out this year, as last year they were among those called, Owing to Col, Goodman being unable to attend lie has appointed L. H. Dickson, of Exeter, commanding officer of the battal- ion, so it is said. Many who drive do not seem to under stand that the law gives the right of way to the pedestrian. A man or woman who is crossing the street et a;reguier crossing is not obliged to look out for the person who is shriving the team, but the driver is to take care not to"jostle or incommode:. a person walking. That is the law and common courtesy as well. How frequent, ly do we see teams draw a at the cross• ing and pedestrians made to pass . around them. The Bi Bankrupt store has secured a' a great deal in dress goods. Over three hundred pieces at oprices that will astonish you. St Marys is to have electric light. Two' companies tendered -the Ball Toronto,' and the Reliance of Waterford. The latter's tender was 1000 candle power arc light 13 cents per night, 30 Bindle power incandescent light seven cones, The Ball's tender was • 1000 candle ower arc light The pee le of Ur born are unfortunate a cents per night, 30 candle pover rat an= s ith'their sheen. Last year the farmers descent five cents, It will thus :;be seen .e the 2nd and 8rd concessions, suffered that the Bali tender was the chewer by it :riot's loss, and this year, judging from over onedollar a night on 12 arc and 50 the early date•at whleh' t e dogs aro incandecent. di ht The lighting of eotemeechig their operations the frc mars' 'Exeter streets by electricity is a matter which should engage the attention of our Board of Trade at an early date. F'ifteendollars worth of furl forfifteen cents, (pigs in clover) atBrownings, luck will be leas fevnralsf'e A erose 'watch should be kept and the guilty ;dogs snot and theft owners made to pay all cls'oagcs. • Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Personal, Mr. R, F, il:amlen and mother, of 1)uug;antton, aro visiting friends in Exeter, 1;lrs, 1). Glicldon and family, of Holmes- ville,, are spending a few days among friends in Exeter.—Mrs. Billings, of co. buurg, mother of H. L, Billings, is visiting friends in town,—Mies Lena Clarke of Butte pity, Celifot•nia, formerly of Exeter,. is at present' visiting friends in Exeter and vicinity, -It is rumoured that Mr. Wine Ettedon, site has, for a slumber of. yettrs,been andthe obligiugefficient station master for the C1, "1`l R. at Woodstock, is to fill the vacant position of m ester at Hamilton. Mr. Hayden was :formerly of Exeter.—Mr, .Issaac Carling is home froth Toronto having completed his 3rd year examination for 13, A. The results of the examination have not yet been made knout.—Mr. Win, Harding 'spent `'24th with his daughter in London. -Mr. Solo- mon Manning left on Monday for the North-west"—firs, John Heyes is visiting friends in St. Marys. -'Mr 1' Coates' broth, er has returned to England again,—Revs.; Messrs. Down and`Cobbledick, of Rani - beam) and Guelph, respectively, are at present visiting their parents, here, rive Cattle for Sims, On Thursday last there were five beasts —two ealves and three yearling steers— aced under the latus goiernine the common' pound, ,in Exeter, to a Mr. Turnbull of Cishorre fertile small :sum of $2.1, , The animals were worth more money, eucl it is a shitme to see the property of farmers, who are unaware of the whereabouts of. their stock, sold at such a sacrifice. The Ontario laws in this .respect—as in many others—are unjust and clo not eo fer enough. The duty of the village pound keeper is to write and post up three notices' to the effect that he holds impounded vertaiu cattle, desoribing them ; and that within a week or ten days, if they are not redeemed or repleyed they will,be sold by public auction.. This is not suheient. Many farmers do not come into town in two or three weeks ; and at all events, at this season of the year, suspecting' their cattle to be on some side line, they do not look for such notices. In the stall they would be onthe alert. In this respect the .farmers are victims of great injustice. Sufficient notice is not given of the. Ma - pounding, aiid the same may be said of the sale of the. animals. Some other and wider means .of • advertising should' be adopted—say in the newspapers most widely circulated in the neighborhood. lir. Mowat will do well, to have a change made in the law respecting the advertising of stook impounded. A number of seeing pigs for sale. Ap• ply to Wm, Bel kwill, Loudon road, south Messrs Crossley and Hunter the Evan- gelists who have been conducting services in Exeter for the past couple of weeks have thus far seen gratifying results of their labors. Upwards of 175 persons have gone forward and signified their al- legiance to the Master in the determination to pursue a more sacred course. 3 The Methodist ministers have left for Con- fetence which convenes in London this week, but, with the aid ofchurch members generally, the evangelists will continue `their work in Exeter for another week. A meeting of those interested in base- ball was held the other evening. After transacting some minor business the officers for the year were elected as fol- lows: -Hon.• Pres., Isaac Carling ; Pres., B, S. O'Neil ; Vice -Pres., N. D. Hurdon ; Secy-Treas., Jos. Senior ; Com: 1). Tait, R. Eacrett and G. Ander- sen. It was decided that the club should be called the "Exeter B4tse Ball Club.": D. Tait and the Secy. were instructed to collect all sums unpaid and solicit further subscriptions. Arragements are being made with the following clubs as regards matches: Clinton, Mitchell, St. Marys, Ailsa Craitr, Parkhill and Blyth. Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings are the nights for practice. A • deputation was appointed to wait on the Council, in con- junction with a committee from the cricket club, in reference to recreation grounds. We have received from the publishers a copy of the Goderich Signal Star—a Board of Trade edition. The work comprises 28 pages and contains interestingand descrip- tive facts of the town's resources, and creditable' illustrations of its beauty, its public and private buildings and many of its moreprominent citizens, and is a credit' to the respective totems, the Signal and Star. Goderich is a picturesque town and we are pleased to learn that its in- habitants ase taking steps to make its advantages and grandness known to the outside world ; and we hope that their effortswill be rewarded. Like many other to ins, Goderich liar remained is lethargy too long—hoping for something unpre- cedented to turn up and revive it without any concern to the inhabitants --until they have realized the fact that in order to move out of the common r'ut•extra effort must be made on the part of the citizens generally, A meeting of the council of the Board of Trade was held on Monday ovg as per notice. Several merchants were present, and after exchanging expressions of views re .the butter and egg questiou, it was agreed thata cash market be established in Exeter for the sale of these articles of produce, the merchants reserving the privilege of acceptiug, for cash or trade, all batter and eggs that night be taken to their stores and offered. This question has been settled and now efforts will beput forth to establish a system of "cash for Butter and eggs." Several communi- cations were received from persons desiring locations for manufacturing con- cerns. The secretary of the .hoard of Trade' is in -correspondence with these persons, and as matters in this connection develop, we: will keep our readers posted. The secretary was also instructed to write to the Grand Trunk railway and Express authorities concerning the recent heavy increase in express and freight sates.. Another meeting will be held on Friday evening next. s .49' 9 Special Announcement. We have made arrangements with Dr. B. S. Kendall Co , publishers of "ATreat- ise on the Horse and his diseases" which willjenable all our subscribersto obtain a work free ; by sending their address (enclos- ing a two•cent stamp for mailing same) to 1)li. 13. J. KENUALL Co,, Evoszit wrz'FALLS, VT. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all clisesites of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies have been sold in the past tin years, a sale never before reached by any publication We feel con- 'od o Cy err f time. in the same p 'fident that our patrons will appreciate the work and 'be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book, It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short time. For pure Paris Green, ellibnre, and Insect spowder, go to Browning's. That RICHARD P.T.CKARD'S is the loest place in town to buy your Dry Goods, Boots 60 Shoes, etc 11=2TE'„C.:ta.:Jl=4.i'i WE QUOTE A. FEW OF OUR PRICES, Fancy Dress Goods for 10 cents' per yard Fine Con bination Prints 8 `f Good Grey Cotton All Wool Tweed Pure Linen Tablings Children's Shoes Boys' cc Ladies' Mess' 4$ 35 c 20 cc 25" 35 " 37 37— pr p1' Pr pr Tailoring and Milliner. always a specialty With and satisfaction guaranteed in each department. ut RICHARD PICK.A.RDe MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION.. The Ministerial Association of S. Arron met in the slain St. methodist church., Exeter. at its regular monthly meeting last Monday. Thele, was a good attendance or members. After the minutes of the last meeting were read the Rev. II. T. Crossley was introduced to •the Association and asked to sit as a corresponding member. Tho Revs. Martin and Motlennel wore appointed delegates to the Anti -Jesuit' conven- tion to beheld in Toronto next week. inose delegates were instrueted to obtain some pro- minent speaker to lecture in this neighborhood,. The Rov. Mr, Bridgeman then read a paper setting forth some of -the erominent features of the ohristianity of thepresent cdtty, 'special- ly'mentioning conformity to worldly amuse- ments and the zeal shown in revival efforts An interesting discussion followed in which the Position that ministers should .take with regard to amusements was well discussed. The. members not taking by any means, a puritani- eel position. A profitable time was also spent discussing the benefifbf special services. The dilferent•ohurches all admitted both by practice and theory, their benefit, but differed as to the method ot conducting them. It was unanim- ously felt that mere excitement should be en- tirely discarded. Revs. E.A. Fear and I, H. Simpson were appointed to read pagers at next meeting on "Conscience" and the Place Amusements" should take with ehristians respeotively• On account of Dominion clay falling on the first Monday of July it was agreed to meet on the second Monday. at the `.l'hames Road Presbyterian church, at 10 o'clock, a. m, Irish Methodism and Home Rule. Sin. —May I ask the attention of the very few Methodi.•.t ministers in this colony who sympathi o with the Irish Home Rule moven . t to the fo lowing extract from a paper published lately by one of their brethren in Ireland, the Bev Thomas Pear - sun, Lurgan :—"Irish Methodists do not regard Home Rule as a question of party politics, but as a change in the constitution. The Home Rule of the future must be judged by the Home Rule ot the present. Mr. Gladstone's testimony to Home Rule boycotting is 'The Breed of boycotting, like every other creed, requires a sanction, and the sanction of boycotting, that stands in the rear of boycotting, and by which alone boycotting can be made thoroughly effective, is the murder which is not de- nounced,' This testimony is one. The essence of boycotting is intolerance, result- ing in lawlessness and crime. Its mid- night crimes and murders are many, and not all the vigilance of the Government can in eve ry case shield its victims. It is said that the natural privilege of self-govern- ment belongs to all true manhood. But Ireland has self-goyernment at present. She takes her full share m the government of the United Kingdom. What Home Rulers propose to do is to give up self- government And this proposal is made in the name of liberty, true manhood, and patriotism. Tt is said that there are Metho- dists, men of reading, intelligence, and piety, who are in favour of National Govern- ment. Men of reading, intelligence, - and piety infavour of a government based on Sabbath desecration, intolerance and crime ! This is impossible. No true Liberal, no true Christian, no true Methodiet could be in favour of such a Government. If there are men calling themselves Methodists in favour of this kind of government in Irb- laud:or elsewhere they .should seriously consider their position and cease . to dis- grace a Church, the character of which has li;therto been without a stain." This extract is taken from the Belfast Witness of the 19th ult, Yours, eto,, WILLIAM CLELAND. Toronto, May 8rd, 1889. Robertson's Popular Library with all the latest novels out, by Mrs. South. worth at Brownings. Smoke Eh.e Deans, best 5e cigar in the market. For sale at . Browning's Drug store. BORN. Essxar,—In Stephen on the ,BOthinst, the wife of Mr. Harry Essery,of a daughter. MARRIE D. Semenu Ac—Ronnesoir=In Westminister, on the 23rd ult., at the residence of the bride's parents, by RovJ 5 Cook, of Honsall, Mr J C Stoneman Hensall, to Miss Maggie A. •Robinson, of West- ini.nieter, Weee-11ii;rs—ln Clinton, on the 22nd ult., by the Rev AStewart, lltl A. Mr T G Watt, of Oxford, to Miss R I Mills, daughter' of Mr Thos Mille. of Stanley,' Mossor-Caeneuex-At the residence of the bride's mother, 8rd on Rlanshard, May. 23rd, by Rev .T Kenner, Wm Thomas Mossop, c sq., of Windsor, to iiliss Emma A 0 Cameron, Dueeen—Veru;, -- In Exeter, on the 511 inst, the residence of the bride's father, by at the llsv Jnsper Wilson, M. A., Mr. John B. Draper, Chatham, to Miss Sadie, eldest daughter of lsIr•. John Vail. ITAri,oltnY---LAaineoolt—At the .Crivitt 11fomorfal church, on the 23t•c1 ulte by the Rev F 5 Robinson, Il;eetor, Mr Dennis Halloran, to Joenie, oldest daughter of Mr Harry Lambrook, all of Exeter.. The Undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps —constantly in stock -- ASI Kinds. of BUILDING MATERIAL DRESSED: OR UNDRESSED. A. large stock of .Hemlock always on hand at mill prices. Flooring, Siding, clressed--inch inch -and -a uarter inch -and -a half and two inch, Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldg ings and all Finishing 11laterial, Latli, &c- SKINGLES A SPEOIALTY.—Competition challenged: The,best and: the largest stock, and at lowest prices. ''Shingles A 1. All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for • use. No shrinkage assured. .A. call will bear out the above. a Willis,ain-s•t.. 'THE OLD EST.ABLISH.ED- 10. 4r, roc INTO A COCK11_HAT That5s t�i': Said! . M r i. And that's what we have done. That's what we propose' to continue doing. When we offer good goods, fine goods, and plenty of them ; ,and if the Bush does'nt come we • know there's n "Niggerinthe Fence, and HIS NAME IS PRICE Then we go for the Nigger ; that's our -way and it wins. Now we can strike you at all points, and We'll Strike 113. ht. We have knocked prices down. Now we want to knock the idea into your head, that you will never get a better chance to buy good goods so, cheap as we are now offering. We are doing; big things in business, and we sum it up by saying :—PRICES are PARALYZED, and the PUBLIC PLEA. SED with. CARLI G- BROS. TROTT --THE 'POPtiLAB.— a, � Boot -.. .,. o,It141 Has opened business in the op- posite premises of 11. SPzoLI , p. �osite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones. ec/al t ed orkap (� e W � ,Y Repairingpromptly and sat- isfactorily isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROI'T. TENDERS: .i G1 EALED { L>JD TENDERS marlced for IIfountecl Police Provisions and Liglat :. f;upplita and aridres ed to the Honorable e President, of rho Pri O•i �y-_ouu. 1, Ottawa,tiWill b o received up to noon Tuesday, lads rune, 188:1. • Printed form a of tender containing full in- PcNmatioar as to the articles and approximate qunn,atlas gnn•roecl may land on application at ally' o1 the 11ounted Police Posts in the North-west, or at the office of the under- signed, ,,;,,w No tender will lie reecivec7 unless made on stem printed forms, The lowest es any tender not necessarily accepted, labs tender niustbo accompanied by an accepted Oanadian bankcheque for an amount equal to ten per cont: -of the fatal' Value of the articles tendered for, which will be forfeited it the party decline to enter into a contract when galled upon to do so, or if he fail to complete the service contracted for If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. No a Hien trvlll emndoto'no a avers h w p, p v p f inscrt,nt4 this advortisoirrout Without author. ity having first been nbtainod. F'REI)W1IITE, Comptroller, N. 1V. aat. Felice Ottawa, ilI ay 10tIs,1880