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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-11-15, Page 4
- AIN • .Looking.backword In this busy world it seems difficult to allow our memories and emotions °to keep . pace with the' calendar. Remembrance Day always seems to be here and gone before we have actually started remenfibering. Look- , trig over one's shoulder, however, that sad d stately clay certainly carried is back to other years and con ures for us the faces and smiles of those who have been long gone. Young people, of courie, cannot be ex. peeled to experience the same ache of re- membrance that is a part of almost all wh© lived through the years of war and separa-- tion from loved ones. This year, -somehow, it was not particularly the loss of Mena which reached into us, for time does soften the sense 'of loss and waste. Rather it was memories of the seraing- ly unimportant sacrifices which stirred our recollections of the second war. Those who • have never been in a railway station when a troop train was about to teave cannot possib- ly imagine the agony of parting . . the wrenching sobs of wives and mothers . a young inair's face between two loving hands . . , the ConCentration of: eyes trying to • memorize every feature—perhaps for • eternity. The months and years of waiting at • honoe—trying to stay so busy that loneliness • ,would have less time to raise its head. The knot of fear that leaped into being when the • s be practica 4il Last week the oft -quoted Darcy Mckeaugh- suggested, partly in, jest, that • "t Ontario drivers Might be banned from the roads on Sundays if it would help to ease the fuel shortage in Eastern Canada. The suggestion Was prompted, no doubt, by the current ban on Sunday motoring in Holland, • Where gasoline has becOtneso hardsto get • that drastic measures are 'necessary. ,- A Sunday driving• ban• in this part of the • world Would not only be Unfair—it would be unenforcible. For example,, would it be possible for every sik person to Secure a - doctor's certificate before getting into the • family, car for a trip tO the hospital? How Would oneexplain to a police-Afficer that ' Sunday was the only. day When the family could get*tO see Grandma down at Huron: view? There are a hundred and one reasons why a ban cill'S.Unday driving would be im- iracticals •Issmss Certainly it May batrakeSsary to curtail' the sale Of gascilitie,ifssuPplies actually do fall 'short Of present demands Rationing, howevers Would be the only feasible way of •• distributing the fuel—and rationing would. have to bedone on a basis which'allowed for the fact that Wow drivers must liaveMore gasolinethan other -S. Avast nuMber of coni- • 411ercial operations depend on the constant - use ofmotor vehicles. Although if is easy to ,deciare thatbusiness would have to suffer telephone'rang or there was a knock at the door, because It might be the word that a fateful telegram had been sent from Ottawa. Ood knows, the men who 'fought and died had plenty to bear, but for Some it was not the fear of death or the pain of wounds that caused the greatest anguish, On Remem- brance Day we thought str a moment of the Young men who married in haste before they s.fere ss,,osiiowed by the faceless monster of war—trying to grasp ail the rest cf their (lives in a few short weeks. We remembered a few • who hod to face the news that their fragile wedlock had cracked and broken under the strain of separation. We remembered, too, the other pains of war for servicemen—not the rip of shrapnel of the blast of shellfire, but the constant cold and dampness. . the unending monotony of wartime food. .. the line-ups for everything from meals to dean socks. . . long, long waits for the letters from home . . . the sickening loss of friends who went missing nver Germany. Our young people are right, of course. War is stupid. There is no such thing as a victory under arms. But they know nothing of the myriad pains that make war hell far, far from the battlefields. Nor do they yet realize that it will take even more courage to prevent wars than it required in the past to fight them. along with private individuals, a serious dis- ruption of commercial operations would inevitablY lead to a 'serious loss of employ- ment—and we have enough of that now.. .Certainly any rationing system would have to be worked out in finer detail than it • was during the war years when ail kinds of drivers had much more gasoline available than .they needed and others Who were totally dependent on their cars to earn A. • livelihood had fcr sneak by on .bootlegged • tractor gas in the hope they wouldn't be caught. • • • • Holland and Canada are two entirely different places. For one thing, Holland has a highly competent •public transportation system. Towns and cities are much closer • together—often close enough to make the bi- •5YCle an adequate means of trarispOrtations• rnperatures do not fall to the near zero evels we:,,experienCe- tiereSsta, doesn't plqtti-, Ihree:.foot drpfts • • • • 4. • Now that it appears likely the fighting in the Middle East may have ended, at least fo • the time being, it will be interesting to see • whether the Arab nations will continue to withhold oil from the Western countries. Pertlar the losi of income Will begin to off- • set the urge to retaliate. If the sheik has to start selling off his wives he may decide to market his oil again. - Yes; enlployers and. their hired .help will have to:pony up a considerably larget‘stice of their income shortly to refill the,e6ffers of the Unemployment 'insurance Commission. \ Befo're longifthe present trend continues, We will altbe. government employees—just :turtling over our pay cheques and' accepting a handout Of foodandclothing from Ottawa, • The VIC ts inn lion* upon m 11 I ions in the .red. Although theplan is ostensibly an insur- • • . anCe prograir; the premiums have never, or 'rarely, met the total claims. , Sooner or later Ottawa will have to recognize- the hard fad that the federal gov- ,• ernynent t an nolonger be Santa Claus at a , never-ending Christmas party. Unemploy- ment insurance coverage Will have to be 'limited to those in actual need—not to every indolent Creature who has a technical claim to income without effort. ; The unemployment figures of the great depression represented the heads of house- holds who were out of work—the\ families where there was no income at all. Today's list of unemployed includes thousands of wives whose husbands are earning ample in- comes for both; it also includes thousands more who are seasonally unemployed but - who made fat wages a few months back and wih do so a few months hence. We have no objection whatever to the payment of adequate incomes to those who actually cannot, for one reason or another, find work and who are in need. But, along with a growing numbpr of fellow Canadians we're totally fed up with slaving our butts off for all the people who want to do their own thing while we feed, clothe and house them and their families. Short-changing the students , Toronto secondary school students have been protestina in no uncertain terms their unhappiness with the ,Ontario. Ministry of . education and its tight money policy. In our opinion they Should be equally provoked at their teachers. • High schoOl tbachers in that city have been "working to the rule" forweeks. They refuse after-school help to students who need assistance other than in the prescribed teaching hours. The reason for their curtail. merit of service's lies' in what they claim is overly large classes and other 'difficulties created by the strict spehding limits set by the ministry. ' They may well be right in their demand thaf sufficient money should be provided to maintain a high level of educational stan- dards. We agree that education is a poor place to economize. ISowtver, the teachers are taking out their beefs not on the ministry, but on the students they insist are being short-changed by government. If the teachers are sincere in their desire to pro- vide a higher standard of schooling they have a strange way ofdemonstrating their beliefs. Perhaps, after all, they are more inter- ested in better working conditions for them- selves than they are in the welfare of the stu- dents they are employed to serve. • THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Published at Winaham, bteario, by Wenger Bros. Limited *, Barry Wenger, President • Robert O. Wenger, Secretary -Treasurer Meinber Audit Bureau of Circulations Member — Canadian Community Newspapers Alec. Ontario Weekly Newspapers Assoc. Subscription $10.00 per year. Six months $5.25 To United, States $12.50 • Second Class kail Registration No. 0821 Return postage guaranteed, • A page of edition ODAY'S CH11.11 BY HELEN ALLEN • • Johnny will soon be 11. but steins coosiderably younger both physically and mentally. lie is an appealing youngster„ partly because of hiS small size., partly his friendly manner and partly his sensitiveness to what is happeraing around him. Johnny is extremely slim and small -boned and doctors say his bone development is delayed by about two years'. He 14 in a special class for below average children and.will continue to need special education, but he is doing well in school for a child with his limited abilities.• Generally in good health, Johnny has a funetional heart murmur. This is not felt to be a sign of heart disease, but he may need periodic check-ups. He wears glasses fur near-sightedness aikl will soon need orthodontic treatment. Because of milscle control he has trouble with pencils and crayons,. oing better in oral work. Johnny's foster home is on a farm where he enjoys the out- • doors and is interested in all the farm aetivities. Be is fairly active. Johnny needs warm, flexible parents who will appreciate hi§ outgoing, responsive personality and who will not expect academic achievement. • . To inquire about adopting Johnny, Please write to Today's Child, Box 888, Station E, Toronto M4P 2112. For general adoption information, please Contact your local children's Aid Society. •• • sass 1 opinion Thursday,November 15 Not ell the news coming from Northern #eland is bad news, — not by a long cholla,. While bed news still persists about bombe • and bullets, the good news 1* beginning to push the bad news sideways out of the .news space. ' Here's some good news for a IcTbaEligMe14. In the las' t week of Sep* tember '73'British Top Pop Per- sonality Disc Jockey JIMMY SAVILLE (the ode With the long .blond hair!) attended a pop music festival in the open air at thNileits"Cnioernt ThBelfikset Paetirp:Panadt quiet of an tllster Sabbath was shattered by thollSands of shriek- • ing teenage fans who bad come to laelnirEejofrei.tt'llikeSernh*sepsewanilveisonei'easinldOedeStolille°rIgIrf paper described the sCene. `As a• Solid wall Of SaUad blasted out . find:0-4TheheitheaTaenniedt Pedtdia:yo oniehEarSeegallne;sedle!gr:Ria000Sminppeduivedlilde: • dancedancl generally had ball. , • The min shone and an estimated 20,000 happy.yourigst4rS showed that there is still some fun to be had. in Ulster. '• wheelchairs and the Pop Star bed a specie' word of commendation for their "pushers". • And at the end there was not') inis but praise for the entire au dience from the police and the army."They were id spokesman"miey caused no trouble whatever." - ' About the only thing that didn't turn up on time were the army's chemical toilets VIhnnder boxes" as the army describes them-,.- hut nobody seemed to no - fleet ITEM 2, ,At one time Belfast (capital cityof Northern Ireland) boasted of having the largest • shipyard in the world Harland and VW's, It Was there, for ex- ample, that the ill-fated Titarde — the largest ship of its kind in the world — was launched in 1912, There too Britain's largest airsOraft Carrier the Eagle was completed during the .last war., Today 441* Yard" a$ it ill affec- tionately called boast* of another first Already it * 'Goliath" the largest crane on earth; And last menthe shipyard spokesMan an moved that a newer and larger •'Goliath' is under •conatruction, Aimed!, the first leg of the giant 350 foot Ugh. crane *ode out ab°ThveistriuskYforitnep!;rtof the iirm's expansion and will provide jobs for an additional 3500. men. •'Plans are afoot to double the yard's,production of shiPs insthe next few years. And by the way one of.the major shareholders in the Organisatioh the World famous Aristotle Onassis, who visited Belfast with Jackie re- cently. • ITEM, 3. Talldng °of expansion, business is generally booming.in - Northern 'Ireland despite the set backs of civil unrest. Industry here has the lowest absentee rate ,tiatite; iogfharjystrvelikes, stoppages, ittsit.t 'Commentary, & feature writer of ' the Belfast Telegraph Ube widest • eirculeting evening newspoper in • Northern Ireland) rang up your orresporident to get the low- dIrEnM°:, 1411Writ are the Churches • doing in the Irish situation is a question that is often asked by outside observers. A complete answer would be too long and too involved to attempt here, But the mshoreortathwanwetherisytheyret OlegivYea'reedOrtysingt •• for — end far more than they • wed to. Lest month; for ationlple, • for the first time In kith history conference of the main ChUrches • In Ireland — Anglican, Meg* ;dist, Presbyterian and 'Roman Catholic —mit at Dundalk to die- cuseniattera of commoneoncern, J• otorreist chtUrnind Gogeniiwz Archbishop Chbisuirioeltp * Di, Otto Simms and the Roman • Catholic Etiolate Cardinal WI liam Conway. As the 'Cardinal indicated tbe remarkable thing Was net what they discussed but ;the fact that they: met at an, • Following the Dundalk Con- • feelenecewaar: oabseY0frvoInteornSunday ces,s100sufor • p • September at Centres throughout • Ireland. Taking part in the 'ob- servance were . ministers and ••:Mc hePrebbeerss and•1111. grannuYpa'di—fterbOntht proonteesotettheailindoRinocme na ecsawt haosi i nc. • Belfast outside Belfast City Hall when, Ininth'ed.s • ef worshippers from the city Centre. Churches • came tivether to Pray 'Lord make us instruments of Thy peace. . •• • ITEM L Another sign of the times'? A. Protestant minister, Rev.. RarDaveY, and a Roman • Catholic priest,. Father Tony Farquhar, have just returned froM, a. joint tour of the United States after giving Americans the low-down on the Irish situation. 11114r111111Wrary included vis ttl to 'NOY -York„ Pittsburg, • phia, Ohio, 'Indianapolis and Maine. They *de some 20 air • tripss15 TV broldeasts, and held 'some 35 meetings with Church, . Rotary; -University And Irish As• - Sociations. And they were joined by an Irish folk group "Scorpio' • coniprising Students from Queen's University Belfast. • Wonderful how the will to get together gets people together. Even from Ireland!. • ITEM1� The Pest Office here has 'pat announced that from now on Ulster Telephone users will be able to'diat direct to 13 countries - - throughout the 'world including Canada, the United States and Western Europe. This direct dialling and inter- nationalisation of the telephone system will mean cheaper rates. So why riot get your Irish cousins tocall (we say 'phone') instead of writing. Postal rates have just gone up. And besides letters take a long tune. • ITEM 11: On the voyage between Belfast and Ardrossan i Scotland, the Burns -Laird vessel 'The Lion' caught fire in the engine room on the night of Tuesday 9 October. • So the ship's captain ordered the 69 passengers into the lifeboats. s e gaeprpsyet or relatended allsaf oll Scottish coast. And a littleithe Paathteser- w The Lion with her full crew aboard berthed at Ardrossan. . . ,A clear. ease of prevention being better than cure! ' ITEM 12. And last of. all — if you're going to take a heart attack you're safer to take it in Belfast than anywhere else in the world. - This is due to the fact that •the medical staff at Royal Victoria Hospital — one of the largest and Most up-to-date teaching hos- pitals in the Brftish Isles — has pioneered a heart ambulance service. Within minutes of re- • ceiving a call for help specially &Nipped ambulances and spe- cially trained staff can be a pa- tient's bedside. And to substantiate the truth of their claim to be a truly effective heart service and staff have files on certain patients who were lit- erally dead and are alive again. But perhaps the greatest mpliment paid to this pioneer ice iS the fact that it has been copied by other countries throughout the world. poor) NE, WS INDEED. The day was hailed as a Per- sonal triumph.for Jimmy Saville, ' OBE and the organisers, Before • the festival,proper began Jimmy • joined With the youngsters in an _ eight mile Sponsoeed"walk • ille and some of the fana actually ran the- eight miles) over open' U• lster' countryside: And. throtgh . this effort the Ulster Youth hr,i,o4 tion for Pelee Campaign is ex- pected to benefit' to the timeof severalthousand pounds. (Dol- lars --Ifyou prefer. it» '. Among the, vast. crowd were ballineaPPedS: youngsters in • - sss 4.0141 11E14,KESA PAR co lcbIi8.4'17 kriiI6v3m ')c!ir ews NOVEMBER 1928 ' A. F. Horne has 'rented the horse -shoeing and :general black- smithing business of W. Holmes and is now open for business. Rev, M. Gosse, organizer for the -Orange Association, was in Wingham on Tuesday; along with V. E. Mahood, County Master of West Bruce. Mr. Gosse will com- mence an organization campaign in North Huron, commencing at Newbridge in Howick. The results of the October typ- ing contest conducted by the Underwood Typewriter Co., Tor- onto; are now announced. Those of the Wingham Business College who were successful are Miss Grace Tolton, Miss Mary Mac- Gregor, Miss Mary Clayton and Miss. Clara Lawless. The first three have been successful in securing excellent positions • in Toronto. A pleasing part of the program of the WMS of St. Andrew's church, was the presentation of four life membership certificates to Mrs. A. Homuth, Mrs. J. J. McLean, Miss B. Wilson and Miss R. Lewis. Mr. Harrison and family who have been residing on the farm of W. Howatt at Westfield, have moved to a farm in West Waw- anosh. Thomas Weir of Glenannan has the Delco light system installed in his home. Jack Beaton of the Bank of Montreal office, London, spent the holiday at his home in Luck - now. Jack has been transferred to Edmonton. NOVEMBER 1939, Last week two 18 -inch field guns arrived, at the en. station from Halifax. These guns will be used by the local battery for training purposes. The Advance -Times has been making preparations to move to its new location, formerly the Peacock Candy store, which was purchased from the Mills Estate. Today the start will be made to move the heavy machinery. The big press, which weighs six tons, will be dismantled and moved niece by piece. Councillor ttaymond Redmond of East Wawanosh has announc- ed that he will contest the reeve - ship of that townshiP. This means there will be a contest for this of- fice as Reeve Peter W. Scott will sett; his eighth term. Miss M. Neill, who has been assistant deaconess in the City • IVIission• for the past few months, gave farewell messages last Sim- i. day 'and returned to St. Q4- arines to assunie' her duties as matron of the Deaconess Rest Home there. Miss L. Hoover of t Stouffville, is the newly appoint- ed assistant for the City Mission. • J, 11. Wylie is having a new theme built in Wroxeter. Robert Gibson has the Contract. ilylro is being installed in the • Wroxeter Public School rooms. • Earl Hamilton has purchased the Barnard farm on the Bluevale road and takes possession on the first of March. NOVEMBER 1948 , A record unique in Common- wealth history ended at 3:55 111ciriday afternoon at Ottawa when Rt. Hon. William Lyon 'MacKenzie King tendered his long -expected resignation as Prime Minister of Canada, end- ing 21 years, five months and five days of service to the Crown in the highest political office in the Dominion. He had served 7,829 days, the longest of any Com- frmonwealth prime minister. Mr. and Mrs. A. Edgar, who have been residents of the second line of Morris for the past 30 .years, are moving this week to their newly -erected home on .,Scott Street. A prince who may so.rne day rule over the Commonwealth, was born on Sunday night to Princess Elizabeth and her hus- band, the Duke of Edinburgh.' The new Wingham Fire Hall is now fully completed and is a credit to the town. It will be open for inspection on Monday even- ing. Mrs. R. E. Armitage, R. A. • Coat% Mrs. T. R. Henderson and Dr. J. A. Fox were elected of- ficers of Huron Chapter No. 89, Order of the Eastern Star. Other officers include Mrs. T. A. Currie and Mrs. W, C. Adatris. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkin, )3elmore, announce the engage - merit of their daughter, Audrey Janet, to Mr. Harvey Edgar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edgar of Morris raTnodw ni • ms r sp. . George white have sold their farm en the Ifith edtteeSSiOn of West Wawanosh to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gaunt of St. Ilelens, They will move to their new borne in Teeswater shortly. NOVEMBER 1959 Patients at the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital will seen benefit (tries teed, U on, bid rose by 12 per 0.14 in the, three years 1969-72, and selling C• abroad is nothing short of spec- • ' • $ tacular. Goods valued at more • from the opening of a new • physiotherapy department. The necessary equipment was pur- chased during the past year and a • physiotherapist will be engaged on a part -lime basis. • The fire,brigade made a quick run last week to the Blue Moon dance hall, northwest of the town. • Fortunately it was only a chimney fire which did not cause any damage. • Last Thursday Dr. and Mrs. Brian Brett arrived in Wingham where Dr. Brett will be associat- ed with Dr. W. A. Crawford. He replaces Dr. lVfalurchy who left a short time ago to take up prac- tice in North Bay. -- Mrs. Marlene MacKenzie of Lucknow has been engaged by • the public school board to teach at the Wingham school, begin- ning January 4. She will replace Mrs. John Alexander whose resignation becomes effective at the end of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Farish Moffat and Mr. and Mrs. Don Donaldson were \elected officers of Huron Chapter 89, Order of the Eastern Star. Other officers include Mrs. Roy Bennett, Mrs. Gwen Adams and Mrs. Robert G. Gibson. . Militiamen from Walkerton, Listowel and Wingham batteries converged on the armories over the weekend for exercise "Nuc- lear Warheads". This week eight student teach- ers are visiting the local public school for their first week of teaching. They are all students of the Stratford Teachers' College. and include Marlene Johnston, Fordwich, and Betty Traviss of Bluevale. THE SO -SEWS WHITECHURCH -- The 4-11 SeSew Club held their meeting at Mrs. Walter Elliott's at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 30, with itik girls present. The president, Kathy Maiden opened the meeting witthe 441 pledge. The roll call ,fras an- swered with the characteristics of a good bedroom accessory. Thedlscusslcn was on plans for Achievement bay, blind hern. ming and Ronan heiri The meeting closed with the 441 creed. The next meeting will be held at Mrs, Archie Putdon'a when roll call will be aniwtod by brhigling the record book up to date and home assigionent work on the littiroom accessories. than 2,000 million &liarshave been sold overseas according to Belfast's Deputy Lord Mayor and he should know. Speaking to the Chartered In— stitute of Secretaries at Queen's University Belfast Councillor WalterShannon said: "Thesse are facts of which we can be Ns* proud. This is what We should be telling the world loud and clear." And now we've told you! ITEM 4. Let us alsoiell you that despite the much publicised troubles/ in Northern Ireland, youth clubs and enterprizes are progressing in many trouble areas of the Province. A new club — the St. John Bosco Youth Centre, which cost 50,000 dollars and is reported to be the finest purpose-built centre of its kind in Ireland — has just -been opened by Sportsman of the Year, hish International soccer star Pat Jennings, at Newry, Co. Down. ITEM 5. And talking of Youth Enterprizes sportsmen and sportswomen of the world will remember that one of Britain's all -too -few Gold Medals at the , last Olympics in Munich was won • by Northern Ireland's Golden Girl, Msry Peters, in the Penta- thlon.• ‘s. Now Mary has started a fund to provide an all weather runner track for Northern Ireland's youthful athletes. The cost of the track will be 100,000 dollars, and Mary wants our youthful aspir- ants to have better facilities for training than ever she enjoyed. Who knows at the next Olym- pics Northern Ireland may have more Golds coming up! ITEM 8. Still on the sporting life note well this date — Wednesday 10 October 1973. On that day a Northern Irish Soccer Teani beat a visiting Canadian Xi by 6 goals to 4. • This' was the first international fixture at Windsor Park Belfast since 1971. And while local soccer fans were pleased with their team's prowess they're also proud of the fact that their Cana- dian friends discounted the 'ru- mours about violence that have kept English, Scottish, Welsh terns Csaawnalcuanseame, saw, and were beaten. But they've wen.for themselves a place in Ulster's af- • feetionS. ITEM 7. Would you believe it but the tistnwel Banner' was test. tured recently in an-itrish news- paper? Having heard from out- side sources about this Irish Ovo 10,200 Main* died of res- piratory diseases iti Canada In 1071 a 447 from tuberctikisis re- ports! .1, Huron Perth Th and theResPehririaptialsseetisitospIfirtcatimo