HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-11-08, Page 184 Page 4 —004'sisi'oilr:,,is—INovmber 6, 1913,-- A SHOT IN THE DARK: ---In the, Skukuza Tourist Camp .ot • South Afr4caps, Kruger National Park, a group of visitors are preparing for a•breal atter an exciting day of sightseeing. Song and laughter rise from around the campfire, and the steaks, and "boerewors" sizzle on the coals, The inviting Smells reach the noses ot several families Of. lions near the Nature can't 'go it alone' camp. Suddenly one of.the tourists hears a noise outside the main entrance. He quickly grabs camera and flashgun, climbs °Motile wall, alms over the palisade, and flashes shot into the pitch black. night. Weeks later, 'after he has There's strong evidence that state ,fertility,, was selected for nature needs helpif farmers are . the. test. Five plots were sown 40 stay in business, according to .with corn of the same variety and results of a study being made . each plot was tended in five Of* KegiptVille College of Agricul- ferent ways, turd Technology. • • One plot was grown without "Our experiment shows that fertilizer or weed control materl- corn crop ,drop off. dras,t1,..., ;, second'' plot was fertilized' " cally when no agricultural, only; a third had herbicide ap, chemicalspf any kind are,0s. .exclusively. fourth was reports J. S. Gardiner' agrene- treated by a combination of ferttu • tnust at the college. lizer and berbieido -4` fifth Pinted. It's it* awful. And , varnished urfaces and made a ., 1,, • • • • returnedhome and has had his film developed and printed, he finds that he has taken the shot of his Life vati Aibb liburiag owl yuut imirb$111/ Iron the by use 401 *IS ydebsaiit MU* plbabib. 11 owatoo, of •mom is your tirat issillut IS $ Sow ambito* from 7,, It sou Sitio 1 lionora to four 1,4 SSW, Olibtrait Moak IL Now **M taillo MUIR basikl *ad your key Water la Ow wood ORIINT at tiwr top of 0161 1,148.1114, TIkea, *lanai at Ow uPPor WI terser. shack *AO omit st Your large luty tutors u It *.*r% from Soft to fight, Sinew rjr. Icor rotors a forte siotraar to, you 0 m T E N R NIT0 E R e ern. no •ER INT 0 RITNE ate k i0 N T ER I'T ON E IR ms 't r e e o 0 u R I' N E 0 1ST I E. • 11. 0 a no $ dyky • • Stb WHIRS MUCK CAMPUS *TRAVEL TIMM •MOT011 NOMIS Glendale, Strilatrtiock, Terry, La Salle and Titan Large solection, IOW prices, immediate delivery Trades %welcome. experiesced servile* staff MOBILIFE CENTIE Hwy. beIvotan 401 and Kikkowir 653-57$0 LOWER INTEREST RATES New Available On 1ST. AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere in Ontario On RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTIES interim Financing For New Cousirmetion & Land Develepment For ltepresentstives in Your Area 11 ° Phone SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS, LIMITED (519) 744.6535 Coiled Head Office ..56 Weber St. E., Kitchener, Ont.. —We Buy EXisting Mortgages for Instant Cash— • Reprinted from .an. old copy,,o( The Brussels Post Paintlagt4e Car.. have turned to dust, which "John; wotbnye..to get the car would have Settled on the freshly- ', A sandy loam •field, in a good' both, fertilized and John, looking the ear over, had to rough -looking vated. :Where a. plot received- a, admit that it d. look „., If the surface of the car is very. . „ .. treatment of some kind, The body, once so lustrous and.. SeratChedup and rotigit,it is specifi treatment was repeated smooth, had a dull. grayish ,ap- necessary remove.- the; old, four titnea, during:, the growing • pearance and also had a number ,Tilia,:ean be done with a • sessort,, .•. of dents and scratches. Careless;good paint, remover applied with The results are dramatic. The hands had rubbed thipaintfreul brush. After the:,paint'bia, been plat in :Which nature receivedna. the top At the: doors. , The right' softened co bescraped off. Alt assistance (no fertilizer or weed; • rear, fender .sagged -10,..„a ,sickly lumps and patchesot'paint.mtuit'' .control :•material :any •kind):: ..Mannor.l'he top was StittleC404,, 'be'r00100.apti the surface rub,, -Xietded. 32 bushels'per acre of Tat*.'lja!, Mud was frescoed alt . lied down with, sandpapertill alt of tido orop,',,": over the gear,. and the clean and smooth.. Then the car 'Looking an inter- esting career that gives • you a chnnIc6:tO meet the genera public in a con strudive Me, will train you to sell advertising t*Jr‘etail stores and business men Mid-WnStfirii*Ontarin.,., • salary. commis .5000- oiergetiC, yot#4-:: Man or'wonrion.,MUst have ,car. • • Apply to David, Wenger at'' The,".COnfed,'• Confed- erate, Mount Forest, Ontario **11 based ona cortiprice Of 41.00.* ',the, Wood' shOwed in a '.shOuld_tie,:•washed:w4k-gasOline busbel, was $48 But of, - snumber on the, wheels. and allowed to dry. ° • . producing the CortiAi this • PrecIde,4 of rue appeared upon, :;,Next bot primer i&-ap- ',..,nianocr.•;wa$446:*, leaving the -‘ various parts body. , Wind .;:•,plied;:-preferat0With, eatnel'a* .'-,:iwudueer, with:a net gain ofsttoTr.. and, rain. and; dust had certainly ' 'hair brush, After has 6een al per acre." • " . made ehangettithe appearance - slowed to- set for day„. Or, so, go -", Striking ooritrast. VMS: the , of the good old "ship" and, sonip, over the Surfaee, and "fill alt plot treated With a combination of , Vuidd. have to he done. .,•„,..cracks and tioie4_with putty. 41/414 fertilizer and .herbicide :It ,,nAn lateroiesii°,411,1f;'a,•*ear7hY low The to beeeMe,:tbai‘ duced hauls 'per *ere 'Painter roeal,64 „that' that ought yHdry theft":n4SIIVOth: wi •yal#0 of 4169.50 lot. ovikaote,x, the,,e.gt ivbBd oto„ sandpaper. pus. •':-,e9ritPrOduction,Coystsf,nsind this L'FIAPt#Ifat Orgegagel*4:' tar,rgood paintin0„,, so. . Method, w4re.$83.87,'.1easiing the. - painted; Ond'Oecided h&ceuld do down " down, removethe dtd thc .., per acre, the highest net, gain' of et:. as; ,dat prOdUcer with 01)0 OW of $0,5•63:° job himself. So be went to a 0u/01Y as possible. Na a cti of, friend who understoodsuchan per, the five 'produelfon :methods and; talked the matter mitted to dry as before. This ,m featured in the experiment. • The labor of course turn should be rubbed down with The Only" plot the 'paint and ether a ',•verrfine sandpaper or steel . iellerated. a: net gain Per acre �f ilflat4iarbeing'41'em,1VaratilielY and the dust removed. Then. $57.2mhe pint both fertilized anti small expense, three or four dot? a coat .of color varnish may be cultivated drew , a net.gain of Uri usually covering al/ the applied and ribbed down 'after. • • 0035,, and the one treated .only lay necessary. perfectly dry. With herbicide produced $82.13.' .111e first Sterl,WaS.te get the car Now, if an extra fine and dull': "These results underscore thoroughly,clean. This'meant` ., able jobis desired, a coat of what' any good farmer already. s, mere than the usual removal of is known rubbing varnish', knows, concludes •Gardioor,. ,mud and dirt, The grease and oil - should be put on. This, whenr-: hes trystay 10,.,b00:fiessand pre, an,the parts to be Pointed had to • hard, should he ithhaldown with duce food .at a •reasonable cOst cOmeoff also2This Was -done with a piece of felt and some a brush, a small pail of gasoline, and water. Then, the • coat of=. nature can't go it alone.". • and .a cloth. •. •' finishing ' varnish due,' after , Get Rid of the Dirt which the car should be allowed: The radiator and hood And all • to stand for at least2a weelebefore, the cracks and .ereviets' that ac- being put into service. cummulate\ dirt Wer6', carefully if the car is not badly scarred attended to. 11 this dirt had been or scratched a coat of color varf alloWed to remain in the ear it nish rubbed down and followed by a coat of finishing. varnish will make a satisfactory job. The run- ning "ear can be, painted with or- dinary carriage paint, with little .• or no rubbing, The engine can 1* enameled' with a• special , heat- proof preparation which can be . obtained . from any. ' accessory house. Outfits containing all the. needed materials for refinishing a car can be purchased from a good accessory house or reliable paint stor0 • itedressing.the Top The inside Of the top, which as a rule becomes dull and stained by. the rain, can be refinished with a lining dye, which is applied with a brush and gives a nice even color •0, as when new. The outside of the4' top may be renewed with a good top dressing. The radiator, if of the enameled type, should of course have a new coat of enamel. applied. but not over the cooling fins. as this would interfere with the efficiency of the radiator. Any mechanical troubles that the car has may conveniently be attended to during the painting process. In fact; the body may be removed and the engine and other ports ova -hauled while the body is being pq,inted if room permits. Any dents or cracked places in the fenders or body should be repaired. Frequently a weak fender can be strengthened . by applying a plate to the under, side and riveting through in a neat way. If the fenders are badly damaged it would be more satis- factory to replace them. The. under side of the fenders should be painted, as the rust attacks that part first and soon weakens them. „„,•-`42",;:311,),:.•,••:•` • • •LISTO , LIVESTOCKMARKET PERTH COUNTY'S LARGEST DAIRY SALE • Featuring hogs, dairy tattle, cows and calveS •• EVERY TUESDAY AT1 P.M. ' WE HAVE A top STORE FULL OF MILL ENDS BOLTS OF MATERIAL, DRAPERY FABRICS, SEWING NC:',ITIONS, HOOKS, HEADINGS, TRIM, TAPE, LACE AND • ' ' FABRIC FOR ANY FASHION FISH NET,FROM $159 A YARD 9 Shallow Lake Lake Erie is by far th'e est lake of all the Great Lakes, • having a maximum depth of only 210 feet. mossiosossonissossoonossonsmosoomosonsomssainsfismiassomaisiiinsionismie TO oun AE40E1:1911. Order your 6 Historical prints today, regular •NOW 6 for S10.06. Size: 22"x31”. , City CROSSROADS P. 0. Box 300 Pfeaufalintv tiveeks Wingharn, Ont. for desuudev. 50410110miiiimmonotommoomosoloommitiommoofiliommitoommouriminionoloolfla