HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-11-08, Page 17Heavy duty 2.speed automatic washer with free "hand wash" agitator BUY THE PAIR AND SAVE WASHERAND DRYER Heavy ` du I with R AutoDryand free 400n-tumbling:'drying rack SERIOU,S ABOUT M1IC--+Liord Mersey is serious about ,his ,musc end' about,# a appearance in front of. the cameras. ' Hes spent several, 'hour poiishirg 'cymbals,: eh,.... rS eh p w ital h. -g rh ae lto r1• surfaces of his basedr um b efo'.e a taping' eGeorge 1arilitox', • t r . .t�aftp ota: t , RE with faun Hand Wash Agitator Usually an' extra -cost : ' i item, it's free during thissale only. Ends .hand washing'for'✓ever fa We til house L ;U MA' . • Extra capacity: up to 18 Ib: load: °hariable level Water saver. • Extra powerfu$ double wash action with spiral ramp agitator and rotating ribbed tub. • Two speeds. Regular wash and delicate cycles on timer. • 5 water temperature selections including 3 for today's permanent press fabrics. • • Double action rinsing: power spray plus deep agitation. bran-Utrinbling drying rack. Usually an extra -cost option, free for this Sale only, Dries sneakers, shoes, buckled belts, etc. quietlywithout tumbling. Removable,,' • Regular and :low temperatures. No heat "Air Fluff cycle on timer. • 'Huge 16" diameter opening makes loading and un- loading easier. • "Auto Dry" and regular timed cycles on timer. Auto Dry is ideal for permanent press and knit garments. • Cross vanes give more even drying. improved air flow gives 10% faster drying. Extra large, easy► -to -clean lint filter. ontinued,frronia e 1j) . eo try, W; : dkf hai`f ` driiglnaln•' and halfstandard 'songs such as 'Love Me, Love. Me, Love', 'City of New Orleans' and other tunes we have released as singles. The new single, `Meant ;To Be With Me', is on the album also." Heconsiders the sixth album to be the ' group's best and says "Months' and months of work went into it." -The group makes most of its own decisions as far as produc- tion •of an album goes. Larry says,,,"We make the final deci- sions on what goes into an album . and how it is done. We are prob- ably more ' fortunate than many groups in that respect, because not all of them are able to do • that." The freedom of decisions for the group stems from its inde- Extra Value bargains are available now at the following Authorized Westinghouse Dealers: Charlie's TV & Appliances Mount Forest J. J. Hammer Limited Neustadt (1) .A three -volume set of books is arranged in numerical order on a book shelf. The vol- umes are each 3 inches thick, with 1/8 -inch covers. If a book- worm begins at the first page of: Volume I and eats its way In a straight line to the last page of Volume 111, how far will the bookwormrtravel? (2) Bill started out a certain day with $13.50 in his pocket, and during that day he spent exactly 1/4 of the money he had remaining in his pocket at the end of the day. I;Iow much money did Bill have at the end df the day? (3) The tire of the fore -wheel of a carriage is 9 feet around, while that of the rear wheel is 12 feet. What distance will the carriage have traveled when the fore -wheels have made 5 more revolutions than the rear wheels? ANSWERS 'X .10j GAMS'g stanba g1 /x snurw 0/X :uop •ttnw baaoj 'pap/m.11a3u ielP alp Rub. X Stipa,' '»i 091 (c) X •oj antoS '09'e 1 st nba b /X said X atOpenba waoj 'moan aql jo pua alp sit vat putt ay mtauow aqp ttmbs X Rupial vet'ot s (z) 131414 Sntd ragsut a enld gau{•i,/t RRto 11101Alitil wa©M aql 'aaojaaagy pust n .awnioA uarm*aq atTMafft putt 'gaut'p/t ad 'raanoa otos 10 taittttatgt aq* Atuo Cq 11 awn "LOA jo *Sod psi ay) moil pals qtlidat aq rum Y atrintoA jot a>Ibd log all ' f►y ut Ch -t d i ) t ,�Ka-��bpi&H.-:.�bS A3'�'� �YILd$A"i1,0,:fdr° • pen elnc ` t'. e: ' },'' o �'T+ , � cur .J+l1e.�lf4 , x��,� the -early ..days of our recording! w to pay for the recording Sessionsused ourselves' and:' lease' them to the companies such ‘a0 Columbia and RCA, whom we now record for. Therefore, wegof very independent in doing our own work, Since we signed with , RCA they still let us do our own •work." • INFLCJENCED BY THE BEATLES: , - Youngest brother, Lloyd, found his style' of drum music with the advent of Beatlemania. "Flaying the kind of music the Beatles came out with is like rolling off a log to .me now, but their first re- cordings sold because of the sim- plicity and digestibility of the .rhythm." Lloyd started out in a rock band called the Comets when he was eighteen. That was nine years ago and his drumming has gone through many chances --all of them good. "I'm not a solo drummer fan. I don't go for those big band, big , name drummers like Buddy Rich and Gene Krupa. I tried to pick ' up what I could from records that everyone listens to, not just drum fans. "1 do a drum solo in the act, but I have never gone out of my way to see a Buddy Rich or someone like that. I appreciate a good jazz drummer, which most of the big etrnww r a"tete Y�Re n �yc, no t xxx ;;of 'musxe �.-. y t OUR BROTHERS:" The ° Mercey*others have transformed their?iimitless talent' into , a multitude of channels, radio, recordings,' television, concerts, managers, of their own studio and mu h' ,mor. They A combination at iseataiest and mineral rat stalls may r.* r* the problem el bleat lel cam, but the man who thstosersd the ire isn't sure idly It waolrks, , final Utiit nsare. director tai Agri culture Canada's ttarsoireli Station at ,,ails, B.C., says a thin strip a the •i *.inure applied daily from the sib to the rear flank et the .animal appears to be ss+lrtud in preventing bloat. Bloat strikes cattle grazing on fresh legumes such as alfalfa and clover 'which cause a thick team in the animal's stomach that pre- vents 'the release of gas. Dr, Miltimore began his ex- periments with the oil mixture while at Agriculture Canada's Kamloops, B.C,,. Research Sta- tion in 1971.. "We,� 11 Jersey heiferssad steers as controls and treated 10 'ornparabfe atnimaiii with the oil before a morning few et freshly chopped alfalfa soilage. During the 44 -day test, none of the treated ated but 30 cases of bloat appored in appearedthe control group," says Dry Mod - more. "The most positive indication that the ntixure works ..Came from our work with ' identical twins in 1972. One member of each set of twins was given the treatment and during the 20 -day test only one treated animal bloated whiten' the control group there were 29 instances bloat.'' y� yTy/he evidencei,yy�seems �t�.o� bMe� con- vincing but Dr. M ltimorF ''.mains cautious.. "It is, bard to understand why the treatment should work. when added to the feed of cattle have not proved to be as success - f ul in bloat prevention, d -smaller quantities have been fed than the quantitiesa` filly..`The `I dence seems con- vincing, •bitt..f would like ,to understand theprineiple involved before considering ommenda- tions for a of the procedure." Bloat is a serious problem and. aintorim bloat prevention tech - 'quo h -i uo would be va l a b"le. Direct ulA► 'ect 'losses from cattle deaths due .taco • bloat run about $15 milliOn,everY year. in Canada. Time figures are : at . leastdoubled' for 'total economic loss la the country when lost dairy production and frOnlf0 alfalfa,due to.. considered. r'x The Agriculture a seareb ,braneh has program': aimed at tdevelo non -bloating alfa D:r. Miltimore plans to .lug working on his,. discovery . and hope discussing his findings have achieved more than musical bring autxdeasort theo, tntxtr :,. success.• They know how to live; withit and' with each other. Total hai*over is theirs because' they. don't settle for good., ''flerfor- mantes only. They are family first, musicians after that. •' • The family name is not merely a stage name used to . draw crowds. They are the Merceys, and brothers in every sense of the. word. BY DAVIDSON WE HAVE JUST PURCHASED AN ADDITIONAL HIGH•PRESSURE ROTARY DRILL TO PROVIDE EVEN FASTER SEVJce FOR OUR CUSTOMERS! Free Estimates Anywhere in'Ontario. Fast Service. Our Wells Exceed Provincial Government Standards. Modern Rotary and Percussion Drilling. Strict Adherence to Environmental Regulations. DAVIDSON WELL wieoiGHAnn DRILLING LTD. BO SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SINCE 1900 THROUGH FOUR GENERATIONS MR. BUSINESSMAN Get ready for Christmas shop- pers. Imagine—a service with art, copy and creative facilities at your disposal. . . as an advertiser in CROSSROADS. Get professionally prepared ads with the selling power you want. We provide this service to all of our advertisers at no extra charge. Check with our advertising rep- resentatives about this service now.