HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-10-25, Page 19LISTOWEL LIVESTOCK NAM PERTH COUNTY'S I.ARNST DAIRY SALE Faator$s g s, dairy cattle, cows arra calves *VERY TUESDAY AT I P.M. a at is wrote with eachvfth sentence? I. 23 lessons wereinjured when the train jumped the track. 2. Although sheispprove of hint -working, rking, she thinks a "life of Rase Is more preferable, This statement has been proven wrong, and is apt v eau.* trouble. 4. I had rather be sai'ethan ,'sorry. Ile had: no call to 'tom *v me like he did. What are the correct pronun- ciations of .these " words?. Fast, efficient propane service from our. modern . new facility south of olyth for ,ARM, BUSINESSI'HOME and 'INDUSTRY Crosesoodi uctobssr Say, -hob tosen 14tOVED wrong, 'and! is LiKkL ' ► cause ttot i ." 4. Say, ..,I WOULD rather be sale than sorry, f 3 .5, 'Syn "He no REASON to tale WflU me AS he Accent second syLiable, not the first, S, Pronounce iitve- Irl at* si-al, amain sem syl- labi., yt1 , 9, Pronounce l Any, scoot sseondsyilabit W, Pronounce ra-vat, t sseondsyllable, 11, Pro, muse. siiyr-iC,yu-i-tura, rant. second syllable, Couliabtain, dipoul.tt i appropriate, dlllrp urn- 9 51M WHEELS .T TRAVEL TRAILERS UCK (AMPEIS .MOTOR HOMES Glendale, Shamrock, Terry, La 'Salle and Titan Large selection, low prices, immediate delivery, Trrdwps weiconie, experienced service staff MOBIUFE ENTR No. g Hwy. between 401 and Kitchener X53-5'110 7. Domain. 8. Coaxial, 9, Cliche. 10. Cravat, 11. Cire itous. Whichsix :words inthe'following, group are misspelled? . 12. Pompeii, Madag ur. Caribean, tenant, : pen- pant, pettiineat, depend- ant, ' misstatement, tnitr spend, inissappropr ate, dispair,. disp age, dis-. aidence, traipse, traffickw ins tranquility, sus- sio'n. coersion, • condes- censkm.' ANSSO:ERS 1. It is not correct twbegin a written > 'sentence with a rAumr eral. , Either write :it, out; as, }Twenty-three persons," or recast' the sentence . thus: "Why , the train jumped off • the tack :23.persons. were injured." 2. Say, "Although she approves of HIS Work` ing,"" and omit "snore.'' •3. SORA TTENTIQN: • farmers with corn to store 1Ne;fiave a limited amount of space still available for your corn at our Seaforth Elevator. L ELGIH TOUNG NOW FOR R IOOKING Orr 1 You don't have to pamper a. Georg White snowblower. It rips through the heaviest drift. It clears' right down to the surface of yard or driveway. Fast. Even heavy, wet or wind -packed snow is hurled cleat. Fast. Don't fight the snow next winter. Blast it out of the way ....... with the tough snowblower. Talk to your George White dealer before the winter comes. THERE'S EXTRA ENGINEERING BUILT-IN SINCE s7 •GEORGE WHITE & SONS CO. LTD. P.O. BOX 129. LONDON. ONTARIO. CANADA PHONE 519.432.3426 TELEX. 024-7259 en RUE 8T•LOUIS. ST -JOSEPH. CTE STE•HYACINTHE. P.Q . CANADA TEL. : 514.773.6025 FROM -TRUCK TO OFFICE:. Murray' Scott,of Wingham, formerly of Listowel, talks Over the next run with one•of his drivers, Archie' Hull of'Brussels. Mr. Scott Is,dispatcherr<and terminal : manager of Harkema, Express Lines Ltd., "inWingham, and previously was a driver for ten years. Mr. Hull has been driving rigs since 1949 and worked for Walden Bros. Transport before it was,sold to Harkema. " (Staff Photo) , It's Mainly► because of Agricul- of the packer," Dr. Hetherington ture Canada's veterinary meat says: inspectors that Canadians enjoy In the program, the products meat free of residues such as` are inspected for traces 01ver- drugs or pesticides. y. - ious pesticides.an;heevy metals and imported meat aid "poultry ' -cadmium and 4inc Tie e, must: products have been monitored not ,.be present in the meat in for foreign substances, says C. K. quantities greater than. those Hetherington, director of Agri- levels established by the ;federal culture Canada's Meat Inspec- Department of Health -and Wel- tion Division. - fare. Checking of pesticides began To date, officials have found no . when it was learned they could residues in quantities above offi- accumulate in living tissue.. The cial tolerance levels, says Dr. program intensified when a high Hetherington. Included , in the concentration of mercury was tests are beef, pork and mutton found in fresh water fish in Japan carcasses. and Scandinavia. "In four cases of sheep livers Meat and poultry products are taken `from animals slaughtered tested for antibiotics, growth pro- in 'the spring, it was found that motets, hormones, tranquilizers, the . results approached the radioactive residue and other ob- maximum tolerance level. In- jectionable or hazardous mater- , vestigation revealed that the ani- ial, Dr. Heti,erington says. mals had been treated with cop- All the federally inspected per sulphate to correct a worm plants for slaughtering food -pro- condition," Dr. Hetherington ducing animals in Canada are explains. included in the testing 'program He adds that tests conducted in Samples of fat and liver tissue froi'n animals entering the plants are sent to the nearest Agricul- ture Canada laboratory for test- ing. The samples are identified with the name and address of the producer.. "In the case of imported meats and poultry products, we are pro- vided with the name and address LISTOWEL TEXTILES AND MILLENDS 1NAl 1 ACF AVF S 291 ),�1 t ISTOWE L the laboratories have .shown the, amount of pesticide atilt growth stimulant residues in anadfan produced meat and poultrypro-. ducts S negl1�ible.. . . s.,,:-T;Ahit-i99017.411tt.*0141-11- meat samples detect res; dues of antibiotics," Dr. Hether- ington says. "This is a very diffi- cult piece of work as there are so - many variables involved. Per- - haps the most'mportant is that tile samples , must be collected and examined rapidly, not An -easy task in a country of this size. " ' The federal neat inspection program, however, is always changing to keep up with domes- tic and foreign demands for resi- due -free meats. As results of tests in the Agri- culture Canada laboratories become available they will be published for the benefit of Cana- dians and those who buy Cana- dian agriculture products, ne says. Check law before altering stream A property owner with a stream flowing across his prop- erty decides he'd like to make some changes during construc- tion of a new home. He hires a contractor who widens the stream slightly, thereby chang- ing its course and uses the river scrapings to landscape around his house. 1 Unwittingly, he and the con- tractor may have violated one federal law, three provincial laws and the regulations administered by the local conservation author- ity. Breaking the federal law could bring a fine of up to $5.000. First, by altering the 'river course, there May have been a contravention of The Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act. If the river is navigable and a possible means of transportation, then re- moving material from the bottom is tampering with Crown Land. a contravention of The Public Lands Act. Without a licence to remove material, The Beach Protection Act may have been violated. If the waters are "navi- gable", then the Navigable Wat- ers Act which requires that the minister of transport approve the work beforehand may also have been violated. Then there Fare the Alteration to Waterway and Fill Regulations in the flood plan of 'the local conservation authority to consider. Finally, if the gravel removed was the spawning area of fish, The Game and Fish Act may have been violated. Apart from the-' question of the Act's legality, there is a real danger of destroying spawning grounds by making rivers shal- lower and warmer. It's also easy to find cases where potential flood problems were caused en- dangering thousands of dollars of nearby real estate, farm lands or wildlife habitat. Often altering streams slows down currents which provides good conditions for increased growth of algae and weeds making entire stretches of river and stream less pleasant and valuable. Both contractors and the prop- erty owners who hire them to carry out stream and lake altera- tions or pond construction should be aware of the environmental laws governing this type of work. The ministry of natural re- sources administers these pro- vincial statutes: The Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act, The Beach Protection Act, The Game and Fish Act and The Pilblic Lands Act. Copies of those statutes can be obtained from The Ontario Government Book Store, 880 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. M7A 1N9. Questions about the regulations can be directed to your local ministry of natural resources office. Ask a friend or relative who own a Speed Queen washer or dryer what they think of Speed Queen dependability. Then, look into it for yourself. You'll find these and many more quality features for years of laundering convenience and reliability: AUTOMATIC WASHER • Smooth, Non -Perforated Stainless Steel Tub • Washable Knits/Durable Press Cycle • 24 -Hour Soak Timer • Dependable Agitator Washing Action ELECTRIC DRYER • Smooth Stainless Steel Drum • Durable Press/Knits Cycle • End -Of -Cycle Signal Tone • Foot -Operated Door Opener a McGraw -Edison Company Dlvisron Our high annual volume sales and regular truckload buying power result in appliance savings to YOU—the customer! SPEED QUEEN WARRANTY LIFETIME WARRANTY ON STAINLESS STEEL TUBS AND DRUMS 2 -YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS. TRANSMISSION REPLACEMENT FOR FIRST FiVE YEARS. TRANSMISSION PARTS FREE SECOND FIVE YEARS. LAUNDRY PRECAUTiONS Clothes should not be subjected to an agitation wash cycle beyond ten minutes, advises Consumers' Association of Canada. Agitation beyond this point does not remove additional dirt and causes unnecessary wear on the fabric. Constant over -drying is also damaging to fabrics as it tends to weaken fibres. IN THE HANOVER PLAZA PHONE 364-1011 Sales and Service