HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-10-25, Page 2Page2.--TitioIngham Advarigo-UMQ,,,cilizaiSaayp UctOix:r a, 2973 Fordwich Service keeps Carl busy • With the help of wife Joarilp.sons ' though faced with four major Doug and Greg, brothers Jim and competitors, has shown. tremen- ...,, .Ray and even his in laws, Carl 'dos growth since Carl first put Stewart, BP Agent :for Fordwich on a BP cap in 1966..His customer and area runs a4hriVing business. list has tripled in seven years, as well as devoting .considerable and the territory has increased time to local minor sports, cubs by several miles in all directions. and scouts and community pro- In addition to his two brothers, greSS, ' . . Carl's.wife Joan is an active park The ' Stewart business is ' *a of the bdsiness, answering tele - bustling 24-hour a day, seven-day phone and personal calls inchid- a week, 52-week a year home ing the first one for this story at - heating and farm fuels operation, 9:00 in the evening, while Carl serving more than 450 customers was away delivering gas to a new in FordWich, Gerrie and Wrox- customer. • eter, areas,- • ' A sister-in-law takes business Carl and his brother Ray drive calls at an alternate telephone LW -gallon and 1,500 -gallon tank nurnber on those rare occasions - trucks thousands of miles yearly when Joan isn't home. from the BP Bulk Plant in tristo- The' Stewart boys (that is, the wel to ' their, many custorhers sons of Carl and Joan) aren't , throughout the entire area. An- , quite in the business vet except etfier'brether, ani, is the home fo, tarik scraping, painting and heating and burner serviceman; maintenance. Doug is 14 and and he logS Many miles in AerVic- Greg is 12. ing Stewart customersaOtiell as those of Grant. 'Baton, The BP - To.complete the family opera - Agent in Listowel , from whom tion, Joan's parents moved in to Carl and, Ray draw their fuelsman the phone- when Carl and ' Carl also has a new pickup Joan recently took their first) Owl{ which IS &Wen eVen more opke-ireel vaeation since the busi- . Miles on.tank de 'very and other - -nfass Aar d- - 1-ir 1 - De.st0p4 Also * dxdirif drivin& 'IPftnSig Ws are' I - flifii. Ake :,1 i . '‘ : c,',, ot11.?6, _ ulkborn le.tMd I've last winter' 'Par' found time to it here and:with 'file brothers, I • . drive' several hantarn hockey guess the Stewart name is. fairly , players:t0 garneS and practices in well-known throughout the area. Mildmay and Brussels during a We' don't , do anything too , lack of eatetiallee in the local .Special—we get customers and . • arena; A fernier hockey plaYer, we look after them," said Carl. heWas the coachof the team, and Witte Joan echoed Carl's corn- . _ organized inany. 50 -mile round. inents, saying "It's a good corn- tripslor his players. ' triunity and a good life." The Stewart BP Agency, at. The Stewart's have a new : - . . • 1,850gallon capacity tank truck . '7k • ' on order which will arrive before $ ou re Never Too . . winter and is expected to help . • 1.... .. , ' the business considerably. Old To. Rear Better•' r Carl devotes as much time as , • . • • • Montreal, P.Q.-4 free offer possible to, the realization of a of special interest to those who •, new Howick Township Commu- hear but do not understand pity Centre and is currently a words has been announced by member of the Centre Building Beltone. Anon -operating model Committee. of the smallest Beltone aid ever ' He is a past member of, the made will be given absolutely Listowel AF and AM Masonic free to anyone answering this Lodge and a member of its Ber- • ,i. advertisement. nard Chapter. , .0, • Try it to see how it is worn • Carl is also the current chair - in the prii'acy of your own man of the Fordwich Cubs and • home ivithout cost or obligation Scouts Group Committee and, not Of any kind. It's yours to keep, surprisingly, his wife Joan is a free. It weighs less than a third leader. of an ounce, and it's all at ear With automatic Degree Day level, in one unit. No. wires lead. Delivery System and 24-hour from body to head. • emergency service, the Stewart's • : These models are free, so we make sure no customer goes suggestiru write for yours now. without home heating or farm Again, we repeat, there is no fuels. If any customer has a cost, and certainly no obliga- problem they get fast action by tion. Thousands have already calling Gorrie 335-3114. been .mailed, so write today to If you have a home heating or Dept.' 9225.: ©Beltone Elec- farm fuel problem or require - trollies of Canada, Ltd., 3687 ment why don't you call—there Metropolitan Blvd. E., Mon- are several Stewart's who will be treal 455, P. Q. • happy to help you.—Adv. 7 • 44•44•6140••••• MORTGAGES First and Second Mortgages 110110111T -SOLD -ARRANGED. Available for: • FARMS. RESIDENTIAL. IMPROVEMENTS. FAR -MOR Financial Consultants Limited 47 Elora Street Harrisfon, Ont. 338.3037 cite istVQr(liViell Cubs would like to thank a these who saved their papers for the papra drive. please start swans now E9r the spring drive. Thanks also to those %dyke loaned trucks to Me drivers. October a? will he Apple Day. Please give generously. Mr. and Mrs, Davkl Dinsmore attepeled the airmual Ontario Nursing lime Convention, held at the Consteillation Hotel To- ronto, from Sept. 1.547. Wenn Fia4S of S•5 t Ste. Marie visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. TOM Hutchison and on Sun- day Mr. and Mrs, To Mc - Clement and Mrs. Ida Gab of of Ustowel accompanied Mr.', Haas and Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison to Acton to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inglis. Everitt Asht n and girls of Prescott were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Ash ton. Doug Hargrave, Larry Clark- son, Jack Ratan and David -4.acobson spent last week on a hunting- trip through Northern Ontario. Persomil Notes Mr. Ar4 M. Stc:i3174t Schaefer of Li4nElQn wow weekend guests with Mrs, E.A Schaefer, Mr, and MTS. Glenn Findley and family oE Mil.ton spent the weekend at thelr hoz&le here Mr. and Mrs. Jolla Dunbar and any ef Pay Ridges. were we0- end visitors with Mrs. Florence Mr. and Mrs. Art Wells, Greg and Jeff of London were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton. M. and Mrs. Arnold, Vittie ef Welland spent a day last week with Mr. and ,IcIrs. hues Vittie and called On Mr. and Mrs. Carl • Stewart will M. and Mrs. 'Wil- liam ,Soitern. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Rybicki of Atwood were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Tuthill Friends here were sorry to hear of the death last week of Dick Aldrich of Camhridge-Gait and formerly of the Fordwich area. Burial was Wednesday in the Fordwich cemetery. t Mrs. A. B. Lindsay of Toronto Area women take ° part in UCW regional rally Seventy ladies, from area churches at Belgrave, Bluevale, Brussels, Calvin -Brick, Ford- wich, Gorrie, Kurtzville, St. Helens, Whitechurch, Wingham and Wroxeter, registered for the North Huron regional rally of Huron -Perth -Presbyterial United Church Women, held Wednesday at the Pordwich United Church. Theme of the rally was "Now Is the Time to Live by Faith". Mrs. Graham presided at the organ and the morning worship service was led by Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Nicholson of the Blue - vale United Church Women' Mrs. Scott Clarkson, president of the . host Fordwich UCW, welcomed all those in, attendance, Mrs. William Wilson of Ford- wich, regional president of .the North Huron region, thaired"the business portion of the meeting, with Mrs. Doig of Fordwich ap- pointed secretary for the day. • Mrs. W. McDonald of RR 1, Gadshill, gave the treasurer's re.- pbrt. She informed the group that the national UCW allocation ob- jective for 1973 is two million dol- lars'. She also reported that $790 has been Oven to the Carnp.ftmd by Huron -Perth Pr sbyteriat - v givinit tb It& laiSIon nd servicif Fund to carry on the important work of missions at a time when costs are rising. Supikly and Welfare secretary, Mrs. McNee of Dungannon, out- lined supplies needed at home and overseas. Mrs. Warren gave a literature report, outlining several new books. The West- minster report was given by Mrs. C. McClenaghan of Dungannon. Greetings were extended by Mrs. Stuart Sheir of St. Marys,,who is president of the Huron -Perth Presbyterial of the United Church Women: A highlight of the morning ses- sion was a skit presented by Mrs. J. Hummel and Mrs. Wilkins of St. Helens. Their skit dealt with prejudice and was a parody on the television program "All in the Family". The question was ask- ed, "Who are the Archie Bunkers in your congregation?" A brief Bible study, in which everyone participated, was led by Mrs. Warren. • A special mhsical treat was given by Mrs. Ed Martin and Mrs. Ron McMichael of Wroxeter rendering a violin duet ac- companied by Mrs. Sach at the organ. A quartet from Brussels, Mrs. George McCutcheon, Mrs. Dick Stevenson, Mrs. Verne Hupfer and Mrs. Harold Sterner, sang "Mansion on the Hilltop". An "In Memoriam" service led by Mrs. George Underwood of the Wing - ham UCW, and a dismissal pray- er led by the Kurtzville UCW, closed the morning session and dinner was served to the gather- ing by the Fordwich UCW. A hymn sing, led by Miss Minnie McElwain of Fordwich. began the afternoon session and the Calvin -Brick group led in prayer. Offering was received and dedicated by the White- church group. A violin duet by members of the Wroxeter UCW, accompanied by Mrs. George Sach on the organ, provided a medley of tunes. The guest speaker, Miss Clare McGowan, was introduced by MIL Coultes of Belgrave. Miss ringSuPEN Javan. McGowan lived four years in China, teaching • missionary children, before serving for 25 years with the Children's Aid So- ciety, She centered her talk on mission and asked, "What' is the life mission of a Christian?" $he illustrated her talk with stories of Dr. Robert McClure, St. Paul and Mary, and Martha. ' .) Mrs. Stephens graciously thanked Miss McGowan for her inspiring message and also brought courtesy remarks from the meeting. spent last week with her'sister, Miss Ruth Jokiston, Mrs, John Foes underwent rilajor surgery last week in Lilo': Owel, Mr. and Mrs. Tone liaarinoot leftlast week bY are from Mal' ton for their home in Rolland after spending the past month with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ilaasnoot. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Frew and Sharon of Cambridge visited ane day last week with M. and Mrs. Earl LIVLoOre. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nickel spent Friday in Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D'Arcey spe. tit Saturday in Kitchener. Mrs, Earl Moomswut several days last week at the Wale of Mr.. and Mrs. Ted Denny in 'Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Al Macklarn of Kitchener visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Don Qedeke and family of Town Line visited Sun day with Mr. and, Mrs. Edgar Gedeke. • Mr. and Mrs., Ernie Jonas of Breslau visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs„ ;,rack Schtimacher, 'Mr. and Mrs. Glenford Rose of Seaforth visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Crosby Sothern. Mrs, Elsie Strong and Mrs. Verna Galbraith accompanied Mr. and Mrs„ Cecil Galbraith of Guelph to St. Catharines 'to visit relatives on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Johnston, accOMpanied by Mr,' and Mrs. Clayton Anderson and Bev Liftle of Shelburne attended the loainb-, ton Rouse Breeders dinner at Newbury "legion Hall on Satur- day night. David Dinsmore, adminis- trator of the Fordwich Village Nursing Home, was elected to the office of historian at the annual Ontario Nursing Horne Conven; tion, held at the Constellation Hotel, Toronto, from Sept. 15-17. • K411111) ahead of the colds • this winter with SUPER PLENAMINS Take advantage of our Bonus Offer iVE UP TO SO% Lee Vance Ltd. YOUR WINGHAM PHARMA( WiNGriAM ) BECORAVE CHEFS The Belgrave Chefs opened their seventh meeting with the pledge and motto. The president, Brenda Nethery, conducted the business portion of the meeting and Jean Leighton showed the members how she had designed. the cover for their. books. The topic for this meeting was "The Orient", • While Mrs. Richard Moore led the discussion and took up the hand out sheets, Barbara Moore made Chinese pork with vege. • tables and :lean Leishman cooked the rice;The girls managed to eat this meal with chopsticks, most of them enjoying it, • • For competent help with yourMortgage Requirements permanent Or interim FARM- ONIMERPAL, RESIDENTIAL • Biglder and Home Owner • To purchase or rerievater to consolidate and • 4 rOdocemonthIV Palfments • CALL THE PROFE$SIONA14 ONTARIO. DISCOUNT 160 Wallace .1.5iStOVrel . Open Moh. thru Fri ,t 11 aini. to 3.30 p.m. • After hoursor evenings call BM Ropp 356,2319 • Pete Henderson, Kitchener,419.5705 ri your ovvn boop torrolebne e con/ 4' (1 alutos ote 0a7:7Ifiemnovv r •way. decorative opaneiiing Perma Clad Caramel , per panel: 4' x 8' Perma, Clad Walnut 88 per 4' x 8' panel Perma Clad Premier Coffee Pine 38 per 41 X r panel Spruce Construction 20% Standard 1" x 2" x 8' 03S. Per length: 1" x 3" x 8' D4S. Per length: 49c 2" x 2" x 8' D4S. Per length: 69c• 2" x 4" X 8' D43. Per length: 129 ••7444.447,., STORE HOURS: Monday - Friday 13:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 pane • 1 to