The Exeter Times, 1889-5-30, Page 5DISTRICT DAINCa-S. The St. Marys athletie association havefitted u grounds ata cost el 8700, Mr. Chas. Milner, 4th line, Blan Allard, has a hen that has been break. ing the record in the egg lute. Her latest production measured 8a x 711 in. The High. . Court, Canadian Order of Foresters, Meets at London on the nth 12th, 13th, and 14th, of June. Seaforth voted a loan of:8a,000last week for the purpose of lighting the town by electricity, 1t ,,carried by 51 majority out ofI65 votes oast. Evermsrr's Liver Regulator has provod the best medicine 1. ever tried for impure blood and liver complaint. -John Jones, Hillsboro P. 0. The farmers report that frost was not sufficiently to do much damagea to grain, but that garden produce sue- fered greatly, Wm. Gilmour, who is 83 years old and has had 31 sons and six daughters, is now in Pembrooke jail, having n 0 visible means of support. A Blanshard widower aged 70 and a Blanshard widow aged 72 were re cently married at St. Marys, Mayor Stanley and MrsStanley, by request, , supported the loving young couple. At a recent shooting match at Ailsa Craig, Capt. Robson, of London town• ship, made 8o out of a possible 105 points and wen the gold ring for the year. Mr. Robert Northgrave, county con. stable, St. Mary's, has received the appointment of Chief of police of the town of Ingersoll, His duties begin. on.June 1. Mr. T. F. Johnson, barrister, of Blyth, has entred into partnership in the law buisness with Mr- E. W. J. Owens, barrister, of London. Mr_ Richard Hearn, a farmer re- siding a few miles north of St. Mary's, had a large quantity of dried pork stolen from his cellar a few night ago. At the meeting of the St. Mary's District of the Methodist church Mr: Jno,, H. McKay, of Ailsa Craig, was appointed as lay representative of the Guelph Conference to be held in St. Marys, commencing June 6th. While engaged in painting a house at Stratford on Tuesday a young lady named Miss Edgar, of Romeo ward, fell from a lad der and broke one of her legs. The report presented at the Strat- Lord Methodist District, on Thursday, j shows the number of chu;rah members enrolledto be 1,986. The amount paid as salaries to ministers was $6, 952; funds raised., . for alI purposes $ 18,268. IREALLY believe'I would not be alive at this time had I not used Everest's Liver Regulator. -B. Scoular, Forest P. 0. St Joseph's Church. Stratford, was broken it -to and robbed the other night and two gold vases and the alms boxes stolen- The church was badly damaged by the thieves prying open doors and fastenings and breaking windows, Before the London P. M. Monday William. Mason and James Howard, claming to belong to St. Marys, who were arrested on Saturday night as vagrants by Detective .Ryder, were remanded for one week. The latter had a pint of alcohol in his possession when arrested. Rev. J. R. Rtce, of the stationery firm of Rice & Chappel, of London who was compelled to resign from the work of the Methodist ministry some years ago through a failing voice, will again resume his sacred calling after the meeting of the London Conference in June, Mr. Rice's many friends will, be glad to hear that he has Completely overcome the impediment. ' Whether the Scott Act during its three years' exisience has had any- thing to do with changing the views of. Granton hotel -keepers in temperance matters or not, it would be difficult to say still it,1'ooks as if it had, as we understand that Mr. Thos. Culbert has sold his hotel to a Mr. Larkin for for 3.000. and Mr. Wm. Middleton has rented the Ontario House at a respectable figure to a idr. b Cox. A can of Mr. James Lang, of Alvin-. aton, while playing on the street. there the otherday, was attacked by a neighbour's dog, receiving severd injuries before assistance arrived. The animal broke bis chain and escapee from the yard, and at once turned his attention to the boy. When the boy was rescued he was lying in the ditch with the dog making every effort to kill him, having succeeded in fearfully lacerating one of his legs and .thighs. I ENOW from actual trial that Ever- est's Cough Syrup is good•• -J. F. Lis- ter, M. P., Sarnia P. 0, '1'he Mitchell ratepayer is apt. to ' go off on his ear," so to speak, it' any re marks are made which can. by any twist of imagination be termed per.per- sonal. The other day, at the nomi- nation for Mayor, W. R. Davis said something which offended Jock White, 'and the latter hit Davis in the faoe, whereupon lex-Mayor MoClay seized a chair and was anort Co brain Jock, when stopped. Any man who can't stand chat -1111A has no right to be in a ring. -municipal or political. if3i'ussels, Ont., May 22. -'ibis morn- ing the oldest son of John McKinnon, afariner living near town, while lead- ing a yearling Dolt about half a mile from home, got entangled in the hal- ter reins, the colt dragging him about 40 rode, when he got clear, but not be. fore the colt had trampled the life out of the boy. ale wits found shortly afterwards by a farrier passing oti the road, His skull was smashed fu aev- ntral places, death being almost intltan- tan6,ous, He Was 1't years of age. The Mitchell Mayoralty resulted ie a tie. The eiork declared botigherty elected by one majority; and 'McCtay threatens,protest; 4'o the Editor of the Exeter 1'i'iiaes.. Dian $Ia,-Iu your last issue Anta Agitator reiterates some of his accusations u agaiiast Ray, Joseph Cook a s. nt a lecture e delivered bore on the evening of Good Friday, and justice to Mr, Cook demands that they be denied. If by these ,00mmtrni. cations A, A. perpetuates the meniory of Judas, itis our solemn duty to warn him of the result: -"Good were it for that man if he had never been born," The question at issue between us is not one of Constitutional Law ; but whether tbo reverend Mr. Gook has the right, as a citizen of free Canada, to give public ex- pression of his opinions of Jesuitism in response to pressing invitations from' :a committee of young people commuted with, our Sunday school ; and whether in doing so he resorted to the tactics of a ward poli- tician end co)nmitied sacrilege. Because a mania palled to the ministry doe; it make of him; a bondman ? Does tt take from him the privileges of citizenship ? Has he not a right to have and express opinions an all matters whether polittoal or otherwise, and to exercise the franchise as other free burn citizens of a free country ; but is our country free, and is it treason to think or speak against.tbe Jesuits ? A man may be called to be a schoolteach- er and yet enter the arena of polities and none wall dare to say hint nay, 'Irby then cannot Ministers exorcise equal privileges with men of other callings; but more the ministers are the guardians of the morals of the people, they are the -watchmen on thebattlenients and are expected to give warning of the approach of danger' and. they have ever been in the von of move- ments for religious freedom. Sir, the accusation that Mr. Cook "flaunted a cartoon in the church to cause merriment and laughter at the expense of honored age," is a serious one. It is sine ply absard and no one who knows Mr. Cook would for a moment believe it. Mr. Cook exhibited the cartoon in all seriousness to show the position the two political parties anenethe Jesuit question and where the sacrilege comes in we fail in see and haci, A. A. been present ho could have observed it unless his vision was estray. Had A. A, confined himself to the Jesuit question without making personal assnalt on Mr. Cook we should never have been, heard from: but now while our band is in with your permission Mr. Editor we would like to offer a few observations on the other matters touched on by A- A. : let„ Is the Government and those who voted with them entitled to oar confidence and can we trust them to do strict jnstioe, 2nd., What is the object of the agitation and tbe starting of a new party ? Space forbids our attempting an answer, but would briefly state that wo believe the foundation of the agitation was laid at confederation when the eatholics were given seperate schools, &c , unfair advan• tages for the propagation of their religion, and their gradual eneroatbments ever since accomplished by their casting a solid vote, have somewhat stirred the bosoms of the protestant electorate and as the last straw breaks the camel's back so the permitting of the Jes nit Act to puss into law has roused protest ants as in Canada they never were roused before, to demand for their religion a fair field and equal rights for all. How this 18 to be peacefully secured is the momentious question. This is the prob- lem the citizens committee of Toronto is now endeavouring to solve. One object in advocating and supporting the New Party is tiie hope that it will disrupt the 'old parties by drawing from them the best elements thus setting good and evil in opposition not two evils opposed as new. The Catholics are a solid party and if in self defence the protestants ale forced to unite they will not be to blame. Rev. W. T. Herridge would not do his duty if he did not act according to his conscience no matter how many may oppose him : but be has no right to accuse all who oppose him of being actuated by fanaticism, and hatred of the Uatholic re- ligion as he recently did. We do not fear for Protestantism. God is in it and it will ultimately triumph : but be it remembered that God was in it at the time of Luther and he has been in it ever since but man as the chosen' instrument for the spread of truth lias had to bear bis part, and many a noble life has been quenched, mean blood has been, seed, many tears Rowed in order that we may' now worship under our own vine none daring law. fully tomolest us or make us afraid ; bat the sti-uggle is not ended yet, error is still rampant in the world. The devil will not give up without shaking the world in mighty convulerons and stern will be the test that men will have to endure. Let us first be true to uur God, then we shall be loyal to the beat interests of onr country and our kindred, fair and tolerant to those who differ from us and are living shall not be in vain. May, 21st. 1;limville Law, THE. LOST ATLANTIS. Foe many centuries there has been a tradition of a long lost island called At- lantis. The Greek geographers located it in the Atlanitc Ocean, west of the northwest part of Africa and the Pillars. of Hercules. The sea -kings of Atlantis are said to have in- vaded Europe end Africa•_ and have been defeated by the Asaiferatils. All the legands agroo that it gas a vast island, of inexhaustible resources, and in- habited by a race of superior people. For ages this island has existed only in legend- ary lore. But now when the light of modern research is turned full upon the• investigation; behold the last Atlantis at onr very doors. So the bigoted medical fraternity goes groping about In the dark. If they world iuvestigate, tbeywsereffatebnld the lost At- lantis at their very door. They experiment 'apd close with their injurious druggs, and Cf it perPon or laws to hold thein ac- countable, they continue their bigoted un- justified practice. staring into vacancy, imaging that they see in themselves :an. Esculapius. Wrapped in ancient bigotay, they de- nounee any neweetirs. advanced by a layman or an ofiposition school as a freed, Why? ` Because.hutnanity will not be benefited 1 Not at all, but because their epeoialiarn did not make the discovery. Yet they concede that there ie no remedy" known to their materia medico. that will cure au advanced kidney malady and tho disease arising therefrom --although many' of them know fiessi.,4toWning proof that. Wartier's SafeuC] re Will but tiuscrupulouely treat symptoms and, can 'theta a diocese, when in reality they know they aro but symptoms, A,fow of the more honest physicians admit that ;iVarnor's Safe Cure is 0/41111 610 teeledy, and -a great blessing, . to iilitnkrnd, b�ttsae, 'n so peaty, asked why Y they do not prescribe it, that hey r'Satinet, according to their emir& The late onlinent physician ant Writer, Dr,,7. G. Holland, published inSetibner's Monthly "and thowod his opieler sof euoh WAtuoan,s Sttfo Cure removes difeetivo vision or sight, Why 3 Scaausor it tete rid of the poisonotts kidney acid circulating itt the blood, tcnpairiti vision is ,oausod.4 advanced kidney disease; another name /or lerigbt's disease. \vliioli "has ne' symptoms of its o en," Warner's Safe Core )removes the cedes, whets nhrinal vision roturne.. bigotry, and nu. doubt was satisfioit that Atlantis might possibly be disoovered"ia a- 1 proprietary medioino, when he wrote edi terially, "xis follows : ' "Nevortleelese, it isa fact that mage of the bolt proprietary modest nes of the day wer°. more suooessfnl than many of the physi•- ciaus, and most of teem, it should be re- meinborecl,-were Gree discovered or used in actual medical praoti'se. When, hotyover,. any, shrewd person, 'mowing ;their virtue, and foreseeing their popularity, sec nor and advertises them, then, In the opinion of the bigoted, all virtue went oat of them , Nowa Note Tho little village of 13ridgowater was almost destr dyed by fire Saturday. Insist on your grocer giving you London Electric Soap, it is the best. Frost has injured early vogetebles ;and small fruits in parts of Esse& County. Loudon Electric Soap is only made by Riohard Woodstoobt (Trade Mark Regis- tered,} All first glass grocers seliLondon Elec- tric Soap. At a meeting of Gen. Boulanger's sup - porters at London on Saturday, it was decided to, contest all the elections in France. Don't fail to try London Electric Soap once, and you will nae no other. Washing made easy and homes made happy by using London Electric Soap. NEVER DESPAIR. Even when all seems lost, there is yet hope. Many a despairing, disheartened victim of dyspeptic' livor complaint, kidney complains, scrofula or rheumatism, has been brought back to health and usefulness by Burdock Blood Bitters, the greatest remedy known for all blood diseases. Letters are continually being received at. Nebraska, Indiana, Colorado and other Western States asking for information about the Canadian land laws. The let- ters express the discontent of the writers. with their crops on aocount of drought. 25otsFou• r bars of London Electric Soap for Ask your grocer fur London Electric Soap. OF GREAT SERVICE. "I have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil for ants and scalds on horses' shoulders, and hey got better at once. I have also used for sprains, burns, cuts and croup among ibildren, and can recommend it highly as of great value." W Service, Minga Man. Mr. R. Barber, Ontario Inspector of Factories, is in Western Ontario. lie ex- plains that in his last report he was requir- ed only to give the statistics of factories which employed over 20 people. There is now an amendmeut to the Act which re - qui res him to report on all factories em- ploying over five. The womb r of to day is London Electric Soap, One box free atJ•P, Clark's. Just think Washing day made shorter by using London Electric Soap. FAITHFULLY RECOMMENDED. In the Spring of 1888, I had inflammation on the lungs which left my longs weak. I had a very bad cough, and resolved to try Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It did me more good then any other inediciue I have ever 1 aken, and I can faithfully recommend it. Miss Mary Kay, Virginia, Ont. Wash woman's friend is London Electric Soap. London Electric Soap will not injure the bands and clothes and do more work for the money; try it. CONSUMPTION CAN Bie CURED By proper, healthful exercise, and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil.11ypophosphites, weigh contains healing and strengthgiriug virtues of these two valuable specifics in their fullest form. Mr. D. D. McDonald, Petitcodiac, 'N. B. , says: "1 have been prescribing Scott's Emulsion with good results. Itis espec- ially useful in persona of consumptive tenitenois." Sold by all druggist, 50 cts. and til ,00. -A COOK BOOK FREE By mail to any lady sending us her oust office address: Wells, Richardsan & Co., Montreal. �j STRAY Strayed from the premises of Mrs. Eliza Andrews on lot1.3, con, 7 of the township of Usborne, one yearling steer. red. Any person offering such information as will lead to its discovery.will be conferring a favor ou the owner, NOTICE. The Shareholders of the Exeter Salt rVorks Co., will please take notice that the annual meetiog of the above company will take place at the Town Hall, Friday evening, May 31, 1889. T. B. CARLING., Secretary . Exeter, April 2911], 1889. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the, Court House in the Town of Goderich on Tues- day the 4th of June next. PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. 2t M. ay 20th. 1889. (-10 (MT OF REVISION. The Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll for th' TOty1TSarP OF STEPHEN for the year 1889, will be held at the Town Ball,Oreditonon Saturday, Juno 1st at ten o'clock a, m, Alt persons having business at said Court will govern themselves nacordingly' 0, PnOUTY Stephen, May 8th, 1880, Cleric, FOR SALE. That property known as the "Metropolitan House" at tho Market. square Pxoter• The best stand in tqwn Centrally located Large airy rooms, heated by hot air Good sample rooms; in faot every convenience Good Stab- ling in- connection Will bo sold reasonable Possession given next fall. A rare Armee. For particulars apply to, l P Ross, on the arsines ONSE,RVTIVE A1111 (x A'Metairie ef theemombors of the Coiiaorva- • tiVe Assocbtfion for South Riding of,I•Ittron as die idodfor, Local . Legislative purposes 00m posed of South half Gorleriolt Township, Villi ago of 13ttttbc1d,SMelee, Hay, Stephen, th- ieved, Vi liege of hlxoter; litielcorsmith and andeeforth tvillbe hold Wien Ifall. Oxos oda ung the ,, boron, ti Io y, J 10th ttE ono oolodlc, ,,,;' A title iti0Oti1ig.tiif l be hereof'•n,t Waith' ill-, portant businessillbe discussed all Mem- bers are 'respectfully requested to attend, r rics:goo President, MARKET REPORTS. (Oorreetedet5o'olockrp,m, Weduosdty 85 to 0 8 8ste085 35.tp 45 26 to 20 5 50 to 0'00 2 50 to 13 Q6 • U50to050 04Qto000 Olt, to 0 11 1353010. O0 t o f 65 ▪ 26 to 33 .., 0oto050 0 4to004 005to000 ,. 0.07 to 08 •, 0 ,50 to 0 -05 025to0.3O .. 60010028 • 4 00 to 6 90 350to,400 6 00 tq 6 00 0 6s to 90 050to070 0180o020' ... 0800 to 08 00 Spring Wdieat„ uiVrdoY Cats plover S )o d Timothy '� Peas porns . tvgg LBotputtdaosArs uppsp)sbleybrslapbgr' he b Ueeee perib, 'rurkov perib Ducks per pr Chickens perpr ipogs,dressedperi 0' BS dressed, 9.heoeefpskips each Caltskins Woo) perils flay 1 )erton Hnionsrerbush Woodper cord 2 5 to 3 00. ST: MANNY9. Pelt wheat„ . ..... 95 to 0 85 $Pring Wheat.,.,.,...... • ....... „,,, 00 0 95 Bareey 35 Oats ,. 22 Clover Seed.........................,.,.,• 4 CO Timothy 1 50 • Eggs- 10 Butter 14 PPotatoes ) 30 per bag Apples per bush 25 Wool perib.. 0 Ray perton,. ..... .............. s oo Bran per ton 14 00 Shorts " „,, 20 00 Oatmealperbbl 600 45 600 200 100 16 80 18 14 00 20 00 7 00 Dashwood. OBIT -Mr, Gideon Yager died on Sun- day morning last. The funeral left his late residence on Wednesday at 10 a, in. Aged 29 years and 3 months. HYMENEAL.—Mr, Micheal Fenn is off on a trip to Stratford. Particulars will be given next week, BRItiFs,—Dashwood was very quiet ou the 24th. A number of our citizens spent the day est Zurich and others went to Grand Bend. -The Dashwood boys played base -ball at Zurich but were defeated. • Only about one half of the Dashwood players were present, hence their defeat. Take courage boys, "Prac- tice makes perfect" you know. DIED. Elliott—In Centralia on the 27th Inst, James Elliott, aged 87yearP, 4 months. Wilson—In Centralia on the 22nd inst, Petrels Wilson, relict of the late Charles Wilson, aged 69 years, 8 mouths. Yager -In Dashwood, uu the 26111 inst., Gideon Yager, aged 25 years, 3months. Androws-Iu l;limvillo, on the 42nd inst., Mary Jane Androws, daughter of Philip Andrews, aged 32 years, 1 month' ADVICE TO 1510TEE118.—Are you disturbed as night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cuttine Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of" hirs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willrelieve the poor llttle sufferer iris mediately Oieoend upon 11, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates 'the Stomach anti Bowels, cures Wind Colicsoftens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system ♦ Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five Dents a bottle. Be sure and" ask for"MBs. Is sT,ow's a^omarw6 s,,nvn "and no other Ind.. CONSU11IPTION CURED. Anold physician, retired from practice, having had placedin his hands oy an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedyfor the speedy andperma- nent mire !of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Dobilityandall Nervous Com- plaints, atter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofeases, has felt it his duty to roe keit known to his suffering fellows. Actuatedby this motive and a desire to relieve num an suffering, I w:.lsendfree of charge, to all who desirett, this reoipe,in German,French or English, with fulldiroctionsfar preparing and using. Sent mail by address:ng w nth stamp, naming this naper,W,A,Norios 149 Power's Biooi Rochester N V 1ro THE DEAF. --A person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it vane to any person who applies to NIorroesox, 177 McDougal *street, Now York. DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS OF'•ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT+WARM THE MOST., .• ]DEL KATE CHILD rashionglo lyl! 0 0 THE BEST 'YET ! THE CHEA.PEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Ovorcoatings at 'any price Sint ings at any price; Pantinf s • at any price. ot Ordered Clotltin -�p rodneed in Exeter St Geotletneit 1 leave your orders early, for evitl_i the nest staff of Tailors ; the best stdok of VinoTrimmings, anti 'the best tutting iii Toon,: yeti are cure bf sa'tistad• tion, nt ,A.llyridman --•--NEPPS-- - Groci and. Confectionery Z"jT OF TUE 'BEST QUALIT'y, Also best Pies Tobaccos- and Cigars Pipes, g ETTV'S H:A,1S BACON end LARD Thorley's.improv ea Horse and Cattle Food Dashwood Roller Flour. G. A..EIYNDMAN. JOHNBRAWN UNDERTAKER, CABINET-MAKER Walnut & Rosewood. Caskets En ALSO COFFINS OF Evens DEa nI TIO s v_ o r zr, A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED 6" CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stook of Furniture is un- excelled. l&'GIVE ME A CALL A FORTUNE FORALL It is said that every person has a chance once in this life time to make a fortune and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again.. That time has come, You can depend upon it that every person purchasing their goods at PARK- INSON'S saves money by doing so thereby will make their fortunes. His prices are away down. You are not asked high prices to make up losses for debts contract- ed by bad customers. Don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Ftock is new and consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually kept in a first class general store. See his black and colored Cashmeres at 25 cents and up. You can get the cheapest all -wool suit in Exeter made to order at Parkinson's, Make no mistake. Consult your own interests and examine his stock before making your purchase elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do better at the Cheap Cash Store than ony other place in Exeter, Highest market price allowed for farm produce at Parkinson's. , First Door North of the Town Hall. J. PARKINSON. T151s Y.EA.R'S IVEIrrstle ()ITT and PLUG naoking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER, See': IN BRONZE, Ori each PLUG and PACKAGE: $3,6OOOO OR3°IZ OF--- DRY-GOODS —AND ---- Boots & Shoes --TO BE— SLAUGHTERED FOR CAS AT DULMAGES 1 IRKTON. DO YOU WANTTOBUY FIRST -0L &SS FU NITURE AT LOWER RATES; THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -7AEN GALL AT— GI D L E Y' S' -ONLY FIRST -CLASS - Reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so -cal -- led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GIDLEY„ (Successor to C. & S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW' S BLOCS 4 }. cli,,LiARE [1E111\611,1 G ST CH Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, --Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the -- Very Finest Pricey for Cash --We have also on hand a full line of- • SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, Griass, Etc., at Famine Prices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition. Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds. Eave-troughing a Specialty. A call solicited. BISSETT BROS. T L Every Department in, the Old Established is aow most complete, and fill of -the later- novelties. ° The French, l��laglish and Arnerican Millinery cant be excelled. The stock of Dress Goods is larger a; cheaper than ever shown. All the best makes of rich BL colored and shot silks, Cheap. Parasols and Sun shade' of every design (bath long and short stems, Fine fancy zephers, plain zephers. Sateens and Prints in endless var- iety. A speclial lot of Swiss Embroideries for I)relssess. '' (lovely (-toods.) Every lady should see onr Dress Trim- mings which contain all the latest no�velti .s, o za { � Come all and inspect our stock, ; N. B: --The a,tterltion of Dress -makers is spec all called to the Dress Goods department, y J MES F'1CIK A R D Exeter