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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-10-11, Page 16
'inghAm Advawelinles crhuils- y, October 1973 Pe °rid Notes from Fordwich Jain WIPIRL, Stanley eml latterr' motirr, Frotili)05Q and Wpy of Clinton. Wide, Mrs, (CiAratee CiaisweillD E. A. Sehaefer. were weekend visltors witb M. P7 . Ait5. CUR iLavai) Wirs., Jaek 5ass -,011 NAT and Rick FiereoCe Willson. 14-153i4 Wici MrS' Uwe r 114iiiiii3 Woods of - Listowel, vitlted wall Miss AEU Miner and MS Jean Attended the NVorowes ,Istitute mends in Montreal over the hot. CwrAerera (3 ElMr° ViiSfitell 811mday Rally lieli in Centralia last week, &IF weekend. with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller. M. and Mrs, Abrabarn U3,rie Wilson of Toronto speRt liar. and Mrs. R©Y Strangras ..,4 . . _ .. To e the weekend wttil its parent% visited Sundwith Mat wMr.fand Mrs. ttaaSnoot spent the belittay we$K4- - mr, wild Mrs, cevil Arse. Harry Fimmerman near Gorrie. end with Mr. and Mrs. OW is Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bride and Mr. and Mrs. Anson uttan and aovereamp in Windsor. fami.ly tn Mills w week- M. and Mrs. Carl Stewart at- alEr° 414M4s- ar15104e sPest end visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. tended the Masonic banquell and the weekend •with Mr. and Mrs. Fiareld,poig. dance Saturday night in Palm - Frank Benin in Till$W1bUrg. VICK'S- is Connie Hutchison of Owen erston. Moore remained for sevetral Sound spent the holiday weekend Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston days. . .• with her parents. and Mrs. Jack Rattan aterraded Mr. and l'ilirs-Boh Bride and mi.. and Mrs. Al ' Law and the Simone fair Fradvay and ,._ c, ,..... two canon* or inatnesford s pent family of Belfountain visited Saturday. the holiday weekend at the twine Saturday with 51;r. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. ennis dohnston of Mr. and, Mrs. Stanley Bride. Gerald D'Arcey. and family of Sarnia were Mr. and' Mm. Uoyd Siiramer- Sunday -visitors with M. and weekend visitors with Mr. and milker visited. over the we i,.kend Mrs. Don King were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jim ouglas. with NIr. and Mrs. Bill Dr' mulie Jim Fitch, %gingham, Mr. and Mrs. oss Doig is 4igain con - 14t Dorchester. Mrs. Bill Hanna and family of fined to Listowel Memorial Hos- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendt of To - !Onto visitor). Thanksgiving week - rt P-1), Kitchener and Gam King. pital. Mr. and Mrs. Terry La Mr. and Mrs. Ranedy King a d The Wingham Advanco-Timies, Thursd: y, October 111, 973 • Bruce spent the Weekend esib Mr. and Mrs. Jack King in Guelpla. Mr. and Airs. ]Io Gauthier bad; family spent the holiday weekend with relatives in Toronto. Little Paul King, infant on of and M. Randy King, *s cos. fined to Palmerston Ray Carlow of KitQbener was a Saturday visitor with Mr. and:, Mrs. Hell Mb. M. and Mrs. Les Watkins of olton'and John Harris 9i Peter - rough were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Harris. Frank Leppington scOnfined to 1c -w ospital, Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Graham of Toronto spent the weekend at their home here. Mr. a; d Mrs. 'Richard Turner and baby daughter of l'OrentO' Were weekend guests with 'the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs it* Blake Gibet. Mr, and Uri. Harry Parsec and Susie spent the wielissid Knowlton, Quebec, with tele- , -lear-4'vest Home service was beid Su4day mantel to Trioiti Angli- can (tura with Rev, Fred! Carson from the $iyth and Brus- sels parishes as speaker. The choir anthem was "Fairest fiord JOSUr. liat$f Leslie Campbell of Brampton and Mr. and Mrs, Bill AuStiri and family of Tillsonbord visited over the weekend with Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Weekend and Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. AUStill Stinson were Mrs. George Richards, Jim and Carol Anne, Bill Richards of London, Rev. and Mrs. John Stin- son of Meaford and Ur. and Mrs. Laverne Stinson and family of 6th. line, Moto. Have your dentist Cheek for tin' which have been developed 14,r the Canadian Cancer SOiety. ARE ,oQ thiCkill$"' 1%441* 44.rao,„--.4 cow*, timv *4-40004,40tAi„elli V3Cir.4. or.oithiriv" 14 064Cre.C44 Qicitt=064,4,7 V":"` .10-1404010, "ka pirirv$ 44 S10144004411 WOOS 4 CO1'.J.C440* "110040,144.• NIKO .14601 oft 041041- 1O1000046 *GOO ‘,A,ACtr '64'40 PRY ,17, RALVT, Lit)Pui..00 9i411.iPPNE" t$1.444 FOCCY MolliSr3 CP tOkr DUCK AND HPOr EGO' Pkv"44 $01aD VC -13$ wrn4 tiALv'DVvELOPt Ov0(040t Met Or '-aiElvi•••:,• • . . 0 • le 0$ Aft 4.1410 IV AN csomm.0040 AS.A. Ott SSAPES; %%WV, NARI) 1:1)40 WRINNW)... CLQSUIV •RESEMIBUNG RcleKg! ER 3' Lb, . s,edloyst • 11110T$ c* 'es* Seeied AIS1N$ 12 Maple Leaf S.Varieties Cooked. 111115A1112/ 6 Os, Fresh Chicken Winds Schneider s Process CHEESE Lb. .85 Wittich's 10c Off BAKE YOUR OWN BREAD 2 Pack Weston LEMON FILLED BUNS loctiffes Product of Honduras BANANAS South African Valencia ORANGES US NO 1 Fresh SPINACH . Sylvania LIGHT60BULB GARBAGE BAGS doto iTH BRUSH Adult Size PHONE 357=1020 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK o• 2 Pkgs. .Ud 2 /4 4 9 Now Available Counter Weight Products for WEIGHT iNkTCHERS • 4.4