HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-10-11, Page 2L',N.I.r",e a - Tao Vizughartra Advanc'eg-artrAco, aatTs'sda,v, 11•".' Morris Township ceMeia Enet qD Urtober Ji with Reeve William Osten garsidin3. A later Eiein the Einsian eqmly @lealth Unit asking cotr,n?gb ap- uovaR of' a plan to Iliccia$e eating estaNis.bliments was tatic4. R9SS SMAth was appointed a5 hetown,Fhip's reFreSeaative en the lcItron Cow Safety Council. Fran McCutcheon, 13Tian liucther and Max Demaray made o depUtation requesting a grant of $700 for minor qlorts in Brussels. Ross with was named to Ripervi,se repaiirs on the Mustard Drain - 01.4 ragiOn of James Mar and 'Robert Grasby request will be made for a suMementar-y al- location of subsidy in the amount of $4800. The statement of pro. posed expenditure's 0 for public transportation improvements in the amount of $8000 was al)" proved as the basis for the $4800 subsidy. The tenders of George Radford 100 Gallons of Fuel Oil • if you qualify for dc)Oirs automatic dalivety,seniiCe, tbaes, what you!il get. Your fuel oi(vyilt be cfaiiVeced, automatically, by a driver • who is cledicatect to keepi your,tahk front,runnfng out - If it,-,,pver does., and if its our faultNou'll get 100,0alloos ofC040P NaLQU, WEE. Tnafs a promise. CCI-OP•PueRE 6.4cin • _ warmth', you can rely on, Call your local CG -GP for - compete iietaits; elgrave Eir,ncit 'INGHAM 357-2711 USS.,01.$ 887-6453 Home Heat Se r,v,ice construction L. for grader vbiwttg at $14.50 per 4otror arid $0...00 per day 514544; aria Ra Nichebr,,,zA for t.meit at sta.c)o. hour arrad $10.N per day atairld4W were accepted. Eon td's Vie -70 for snowplowir43 5eiNizes the winter of ma -74 ad tiwir acceptance is subjeet to the approval a the *strict awnlicipal engineer. Road accounts totallimg $12.72.9a and general. 411QCOLOS $4,1175.33 were approved for pay- gneint. Ministry shsdie education, costs School transportation costs in Ontario totalled $71 million last rear, 2.8 per cent of the prov- ince's two billion dollar education budget. The figure is contained in the third interim report of the com- mittee on the cost of education, released last week by Education Minister Thomas Wells. The report shows that last year just over 25 per cent of Ontario's 1,456,840 elementary students were transported to school. Over 29 per cent of the 574,520 second- ary school students rode to school on the familiar yellow school bus- es. While the yellow bus is the most popular mode of student trans- portation, some Ontario students reached their classes by snow- mobile, boat and swamp buggy. While total elementary school enrolment increased by 293,787 in the past 10 years the number of children riding buses to school jumped by 271,257 in the same period: And, the report states, the greatest increase has not come about beCause of the conssolida- Lion of .smaller schools in rural • areas, but in the number of child- ren who are transported under two .miles. The number of stud- ents in this category has increas- ed five times since 1962. The report contains a number of recommendations aimed at assisting school boards in developing their transportation policy. Covncil appoints Simon Hallahan 00 V om 4Tit I virmoo. e CicVo Township of ctayipip0) has appointed_ Simon ahan as the township representative to the HUron County Farm St4ety Council. The appointment was carried as ,a motion at the regtilar session of council in the Belgrave com- munity room on October 2. - Approval has been received for the township's acceptance of a tender regarding the public works garage by Bart Construc- tion, RR 1, Kincardine, at $57,210. Council accepted the tender at their September 12 meeting. A 'notion that the council support Huron County Council's recommendation that the agri- cultural college at Centralia be retained was approved. The road accounts of $1,660.03 and the general accounts of 44,549.93 were also approved at the October meeting. . iIIGTESTS E'$ DRUGS-WINGHAM Friday, Oct. 12 - 1 to 3 p.m. NO OBLIGATION batteries, accessories, repairs to most makes HEARING AIDS • • E. R. THEDE Hearing Aid Service Ltd. 88 Queen St., Kitchener • I II A MORTGAGES First and Second Mortgages 110116111-SOLliAR1ANGEO Available for: FARMS. RESIDENTIAL' IMPROVEMENTS. FAR -MOR Financial Consuitonts Limited 47 Elora Street Harriston, Ont. t, • 338.307 CHILDREN'S REXPION TAPLETS gF, „ . 24's. - • RUbbill4 CQttipOonii ilF 21.61 1,4°1. 211.05 2111.96 HEM REX ANALGESIC HEMORRHOIDAL 'SUPPOSITORIES MILK OF MAGNESIA RAP CARE FORMULA TAKETs NT (Mit) ViiiiTE PETROLEUM ALLY LP- , 21.93 211.10 .,., 211.25 211.49 ,n, . 21190 LE WASS ,,ALL DAY ALL wit pRONCHIAL SYRUP "EFINETRuYgpg.i., \ LEANER WITH DECONGESTANT w~!•'"(- 9X01z0.0s zneda 0 NO' OLD vdp,CAti:Stztl.01.1ES 20 s 21110 TABLET$ • * 2t1*43 - 2153 * 2/2.81' • tam' 211 90 Iliessii4,441 2310 itt:situ 2/1.90 AQUADRIN wan E l.,.• Thitpat, r435,01 1, • 1 Ft. Qz3A • it 119 ALLDAY; ALL NIGHT NASAL MIST I,ist 1.39 211.40 NEW AWAKENING LEMON SHAMPOO FOR OILY.HAIR ‘gziouy '211.51 Itrin. 2/2.38 ALL‘sDAT' • GELATIN CAPSULES 'ADULT ' ". • MULTIPLE VITAMINS 100, 11:*" 21310 h aira .VP9 217.40 TAKES SECOND PRIZE -Jean Dinsmore of Fordwich leads her horse out of 'the ring after being awarded the second prize ribbon in the best light horse on the grOundS class at the HowiCk Fall Fair in Gorrie on Saturday. - ' • (Staff Photo) • encourage and sup Mason Bailey retiring presi- dent of the Huron County Federa- tion of Agriculture warned members of the organization Thursday night at its annual meeting held in Saltford Valley Hall, that farmers need more or- ganization if they are to get a fair break. He said farmers are going to have to compete with the United States on world markets. more .and more in the future and said at present Canadian farmers just aren't well enough organized for such competition. He told the 400 persons in attendance that they miklibiAS15101111MeAendflit1:° that they should get the best leaders they could get and then support them. Mr. Bailey, a Blyth -area 4 - mer and real estate broker, re- tired after two years as president • of the organization. Elected the new president by acclamation was Doug Fortune of Wingham. Alected first Vice-president by acclamation was Adrian Vos of ° }Myth and second vi0e-wesident is Vince Austiteof Dungannon. Elected directors at large were Orrie Gingerich of Dungannon, Jack Stafford of Q Wroxeter and Gordon Blanchard of Walton. This year's annual meeting was 'a stream -lined - affair because of the presence of Eugene Whalen, Federal Agri- culture Minister and because the combined Meeting of the In- dividual Service Membership re- gions of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture was held at the end of the county meeting. Gorden Hill, of Varna, iiresi- dent of the. Ontario Federation was present for the regional meeting as guest speaker. He said the tide is turning. Farmers, looked down upon for many years, he said, are going to be re- cognized like anyone else. Mr. • • '" PROTECTIVE CARE ANAESTHETIC. LOTION HEMORRHOIDAL 16 Oz, §in . OINTMENT' • 22,1‘ ,i4h./.tiV • 211.20 2/1.13 CHEWABLE VITAMI N C (Aseorific Acid) 100 mgm TAblets Lisi I.4 . It501 • 211°,4,71 .:212.74 ir4;4 2/4.45 DENTALFLOSS(W104 Lisili 2/'*0 trs'elli ilmonwiwo VA), 211;10 AEROSOL' HAIR SPRAY Hill said he was proud to be from,:• -young farmer "in other words, a Huron because it has more ,farmer on the right side of -50", members in the OFA than any He said Mr- Whelan ,had, done other county in the province and What so Many Of his predecessors because the representativesthe , had not done:- prevented one Huron members send to OFA are farm group or another from respected and set i goed %being mad at him all the time. example. - • The regional meeting which Mr. Hill expressed the need for :. followed the regular oolintY, proper land -use planning so that i*annual Meeting SAW four the industry wouldn't Pentinstax &rectors f..innAinted to oFA:11-7 to locate in the golden horseshee were: Blagton Bailey, Northwest area on the best farmland. fn.,' Huron: Jack Stafford. Northeast dustry Must be spread out, he Huron; Morris Ban, CentOat, said. At the same &time, there. Huron; and Allan iWalpar, South, must be somf/protection given to Huron. ;e • the fanner So he knows hecanset uvn livestock OPer where and not have it closed down soon afterward by urban sprawL At present, he said, there was no such place in Ontario. Mr. Hill'alSo dalled for more realistic credit system -for far- mers with increased aid from the Farm Credit Corporation. He said the province needs a taxa- tion system that is more fair, one that judges the worth of farmland by its ability to produce not its real estate value. Farmers must .be able to get good farm employees, he said. -We can get good help if we can pay," he said "but we can only pay if we get good prices." Mr. Hifi also expressed concern about the energy situation includ- ing gas, oil and propane and wondered if farmers would be able to get enough propane this year to dry their corn because of a strike at one production facility. Fertilizer too, he said, may be in short supply, especially by next spring. The OFA is advising farmers to get as much fertilizer On this fall as possible, he said, because supply will be limited and prices higher in the spring. Earlier in the evening Mr. Hill had intorduced Mr. Whelan as guest speaker. He called him a • •VITAMIN or • SUPER WOO, COMPOUND TAilEfs • TOOTHPASTE 13 19211 40 10 0 r 6.80 - ADRIENNE DEODORANT 2/1 OS SPECAL fORMULA vaAMIN Sr, CAPSULES pExALL SOFT 'N' TENDER MOISTURE LOTION' u".". -it '53 IiOz Sue iv • -x 1 , ' ., ,, .., , .. 4 ..'.*, . ,,,, ,, ,..':, rytr , % . 1 , ,. , 4. . . _ 4. . . • il , .. f ff • . ; ..,.. .. , • • , , , ,, . ,, . 4. . • „.,--e-,,, 4 ,,)i , .„.„ ..„, ....t. , , . , .„.4 . . • 4. • :: , I. „. f.• /1 ,• f... olri 4'. o,... ..,--,.. Yt......„ .„ ,. - , . 0 0, '`. • . r• . /.;.i.-. ......,:,1:• 4:.. .„,..,., ,..$.,„•._;t,'t,'... . •1.'.'',4:,.1 ),..r,..t4,.•-„•.," , '.„,-. ,..'0i. , ,.,„, r . ...„... . . . A • " 't ••• 'l . .r. 4 ...., ,, ____. -;, -,-,,-: 5•••":::...,: ,,,,,,....•- 0- ,. 0 ,. f .,,-,..‘' 41, .,._' .). . , ' . _A, „ „ ,,,., ,.... 21.. ...I 1C . ".: 1" - .4." ''' ....-1... ...,,,,,•"ir--.... 4-7":' •,..,..._ '47-,,,..,..,-...."2--....,,,, ,,,,„,,,,t...„,.., .4,..„,,.. ...... ., r . . . . . , . . . It, , T' ; , . . 4: 42.1, S . :'.... ,74, . 0 0 0 : . j 77 A : 1., ' . . I % : . t• ' 'W ' "..'''. ' * 1 ' " ' " . . . . ' .4 ' , t....., W• "a' - • • • AI ... f ...., fl. .., • Iff• , • • 1 '''' f....14.. u•S'ff • a f • W., :C....VC . 4i•-•••••;:ae-' `,/,'"' ' -0. 4- ..71. ,.....e4, . ...z, ....i.., 40........% .."-', ......ie. „vi., 4.„....s.k 'RECEIVE SERVICE DIPLOMA -Mr. and Mrs. William F. Campbell of Harriston received an agricultural service dip- loma for their years of service to the Howick Agricultural Society at the fall fair held in Gorrie on Saturday. The presentation to the couple was made by the society prsi- dent, Oscar Kieffr. In thanking the society for its award, Mr. Campbell notdd that some of his most en ioyable years were spent as a leader of 4-H Club work in which he was in- volved for eight years. (Staff Photo) WI NGHAM 0. a (4, 4 •