The Exeter Times, 1889-5-30, Page 1-0.0)=0,x=0114,- olds ith .p,.Hai! oma. otr......, '. w:A. mins,--. CLOCIhS,—' "; ,._;,JEWELRY,» SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES, UNEQUALLED VALUE, Aorsonal'attention given to repairing of watches, cloaks and jowelry: C'. REICHENBACB, Opposite the Market, P.A.RKHILL. LEGAL. $. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli- . (Ater ofSuireme Court Notar Public Supreme Y C t ve n e s'ouer, �o A ono to ya o r Oomntrs x y_ Loan. Office in Panson'e Block, Exeter: R H. COLLIN S, Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer, Etc., 13SETER, - ONT. OffroeSamwell'silock Hall's old office:). ARMOUR W. FORD, • Solioitoriu the Supreme Court of Ontario, Couveyanoer,Commissioneri&c„ &c. Special attention given to the collection of claims in the UnitedStatos. Patents procured, money to loan at lowest rates. 0,!ioe: Opera House Block, St, lvlarys, Ont. T1LLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. t'Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. OFFICE, MAIN - STREET, EXETER. R. V. ELLIOT. e. IILLIOT. 1JE'NTAL. -Li L. BILLINGS, DEDTTIST,. OFFICE: over O,.FAIlL'S173aaalc Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. TT K1NSMAN,DENTIST.;_,.D.S • Sanuvell's Blocic, Main-st,.Exeter, Extracts Teeth'witboutpain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes to Damon on last Thursdmyin each mouth. _._ MEDICAL -fpr W. BROWNING M. D.', M. 0 V • P. S,GraduateVietoriaUniversity.Office • Lndiresidence,Don_inionLaborator v. Exe ter DR. ELYNDMAN, coroner for the County of'Huron. Office, opposite Mr. . Carling's store, Exeter. R. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P,, O. Office, Main S.,.Exeter,Ont.Residen ce h user ecently occupied by P. McPhiltips, Esq. AUCTIONEERS. - BNEY EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneer for aay,Stephen, and McGilli- tray:Townships. Selesconductodatmoderate rates. OOi:ce—At Pos t-offioe,Crediton, Ont, TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Ueborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. li VETERINARY. aftrio\ :AND ITIVRQN & MIDDLES E , "FIEW TO THE LINE, LET THE 0HIk'S PALL WHERE THEY IItAY," VOL. XVI. NO, 38. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, KTON A. large and well assorted stock of General Dry Goods, Millinary, Hats, Caps, Boots, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Wallpaper, ; Sta borer , Paints, Oils Glass Y � , Putty, Nails, . Books, Salt, Boot -jacks, and everything. kept La a•first-class Store. ,. The whole Stook will he sold in lots to suit you. Come and get, a lotthe price will suit you; it will make your wife and child.. ren glad, your sons end daughters happy, andgeeeral contentment will prevail in ihe'whole family. Highest prioes for Butler and Eggs. Yours truly, DOUPE & CO. —STOly EM�4N'S— Jewelry HENSALL, ONT. IS.TRE BEST PLACE TO BUY Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, Stationery, School Books Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments. A full line of Spauldings Bats and balls on hand We make a specialty of Watch and Jewdlryrepairing—All work guaranteed Our Motto—Neat, Prompt and re- liable. a. 0, Stoneman, HENSALL, ONT Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS,' Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. OFF/OE : Cmc door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 64 - per cent, 525,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H, DICKSON,' Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . ' Hay Tozemshii Farmers' Mut- ual Fire Insurance Co. A PURELY FARMER'S'. COMPANY. Live Stock also insured,' when in the fields or on the road in charge of owner, or servant, alsomcnufacturer of the Improved Surprise Washer andWringer Machines. Agent for Tomb Stones and the Watson Implements, Uudertekiug promply attended to. G.Ii0LT7fAN, Zurich, Ont. T I:l'E WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INS CHANCEOO. 1 YOUNG & KERR. Crediton, March 21st, '89 17O N 0. 7F07717 Cy Having taken into partnership, W. H KERR they have decided to extend the business by adding a full stock of : Staple Hardware! PAINTS, OILS, Etc. FULL LINES of TINWARE (BARB AND OTHER WIRES, Ct.0ZI ' 0 I L r Remember we buy for milt and will give our customers the benefits of the die. counts. A trial will convince that we sell cheaper than the same goods can be bought dee where 'for. Sole agent for this locality for Lawrence's celebrated Spectacles.. All grades ; all sights. It is the BestSneetaele in the Market to -day. A call solicited: " V Established in 1803. HEAD OFFICE - - .WATERLOO, ONT. This company has been over Eighteen years insuccessful operation in Western On tario,andsontinues to insure againstloss or damage byVire Baildin s Me g 1enandiso iv2au• sefaetories,andall othordeseriptiousof linsu r- ablero pert •. Intending p ], y g insurer's have the option btinsuriegon the Premium Note or Cash System . Dining the past ten years this Company has issued 57,001 Policies. covering property o theatriount0E040.872,038 aud';taicl inloss- es alone$700,752,00 AseotS, 016,100-00, consisting of Cash n aa.ti:k, C vornmontDoposit;and the unass- essedl're niumNote aonhandandinforce, r, W Winn. 11I•D.-Pro ideit N s Cl .112. L ASLOR secretary. 1`.B. Eoetsos,Tnspeetor, CHAS. NELL Agontfor Exeter and vicinity, CENTRAL arberF NrO ' A SUNS p BLOCK. Hastings, �, Prop Saving and Etat cuttingg in the ateetetylee the art. Evereattentionp.aid to cutting g Hair. Ladies d e1�1 s. EXETER T! i }e i THE FEST, TELE THE SWEETEST —Assortment of- 0 i '.. IN TOWN. rest JUST 1 7, & F.Ri3SH. A'Glray down in Price. FOLLIOI'? 'S Bread, Buns, Cakes, and all kinds of fast ry,'still ±alco the load. headquarters Con " q . fecix.on- erg at r LT C1 s AIN.f4"T., EIETER emeastattezeteaeuetetestese West Huron Teachers' Con - on, The semi-annventival meeting of the West Huron Teachers' Association met in the Public school, Exeter, on the 22nd of May at 10 o'olooh a. m., according to notice, Mr. J.E. Toon, P. S: It in tho chair. Devotional exorcises were conducted by Mr, T, Gregory. Tho minutes of last meeting wore read and approved. The following oommrttee were then ap- pointed., viz: Business.—W, H,,Tobnston, Miss McCallum, W H Baker, Alex Shep- pard and Mies' Blair. Resolution. --J. Delgatiy, T. Gregory, R. Parke, Miss Murray and Mise Lavelle. A discussion then followed with reference toitho;adyieability of holding anentertain- ment orevening eoseion, Moved by 13. E. Brown, see. by T. Gra - gory that no session of the Association be held this evening in view of the fact that Revs. Crossley and Hunter are at •present engaged in evangelical services in this village. --Carried, The secretary then explained the action of the. Executive Committee in appointing Inspector Tom as President vice Mr. A. Embury relhoved froxn the division. Moved by G. W Holman, see. by W. H. Johnston that the action ofthe oomrutttee be confirmed.—Carried, The Inepooter thanked the Association, for the honor shown him and addressed a few words of encouragement to teachers with reference to taking au active part iu, the business of the Association, and a gecl upon all the importance of energetic i co operation in making our Institute meeting a success. The roll call showed 51 teachers to be in. atter dance. Mr. R. E. Erown thea introduced a dis- cussion on "How to teach History." He said that History and Geography were al - roost inseparable subjects, and that History should be taught to induce thought and research on the part of the pupil. Mr. R. Parke urged the necessity of teaching Literature. said that great ea should be taken to prevent memorizin facts without a proper understanding o the subject matter of the text. The Association on motion of Mr. Gr gory, sec. by Mr. Johnston adjourned ti 1:30 p. tn. MAY .30th, 1889_ Moved by G. W. Holman, sec. by R. E. Brown, that Mr. Latta's paper become the property of the association in order that it may be printed,—Carried, gr. S. S. Nash,' a former teacher, was introduced as representingan Anatomical Chart ,Manufacturing Huse of Chico, but declined taking up the time of the Association. The programme was then varied by a, beautiful and well rendered recitation entitled "The Last Hymn."" by Maggie MoLean, a little pupil of Mise :14Turray's at Hensall, also a well rendered Harmon- ica solo by Mr. Hey accompanied by Miss Mr 'Biros. Gregory then very peiutodly. introd,: ;ed-a'disogssion oft 'The, Teacher's respell i it.with l reference # e to the shoo � ySchool House rounds'!,: a , and read from g e. h l,ke. t School ltilw to show that Teaohers . were both be law and contract tesponaible for the proper keeping of se`liool furniture and all other matters that pertain to school equipment. , The :disoussion on this subject was adjourned until the afternoon. .ftev. Mr. Martin ryas then inteoduo d and 'spolra of the necessity of a proper understanding between Teachers' and parents'with reference to the moral and intellectual welfare of ' the pupils.' Rev. Mr.Wilson who was also present, on "being ,introduced, expressed his pleasure at being present and spoke of the advancement in methods` of teaching as' compared with, those of a few years ago. After remarks by Messrs. T. Gregory, R. Parke and the President, the Aseocia- ^s tion adjourned to meetat 1:30 p. m. AFTERNOON SEESSION. 7Initituto met a 1:30 p. m., President in the chair.• Minutes of the 'morning seseion'were read and approved. Mr. S. S. Nash exhibited some anatomical charts which were much admired; "' Mr'. G. Baird then resumed The ad- jonrned, discussion on "The Teacher's responsibility with reference to the School re 1 Blouse end grounds," confining; his x;emarks g chiefly to the importance- of ventilation, and Urged upon the of attending o this maters The the nefollow e- ing also took part in the discussion, viz:' 11 Messrs, J. E. Tom, G. W., Holman and T. AFTERNOON SESSION, The Association re -assembled et 1:45 p m. President J. E. Tom in the chair. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Mr• W. Mogay then resumed the die mission on "Blow to teach History." Tho discussion on this subject was fur- ther carried on by Messrs J. L. Tom, W. H. Johnston, J. T. Wren and T Gregory. Moved by T Gregory sec. by W H. Johnston that the paper prepared by Mr. R. Parke on "How to teach History" be- come the property of this Association in order that it may be printed.—Carried. The next subject on the programme, "Composition for Juniors" was next intro dnced by W 11 Johnston who fully ex- plained xplained his method. The following teach- ers discussed the subject further: R.. E. Brown, J Delgaty, D. McTavish, Rose, Gregory, Parke and Inspector Tom, all agreeing that the work should be as pram time as possible. • Mr. J. T. Wren was the next speaker introducing the question "Friday after noon Reviews and Esereises." Tire quea tion was further discussed by Messrs. R. E Brown, J. Delgaty, R. B Henderson, D McTavish J. E. Tom, W. H. Johnston and James Westman. • The general opinion as expressed by nearly all who spoke being that reviews` were of the utmost importance; in fact in• dispensib!e to sucoessful school work. Friday afternoon entertainments were also highly commended as au excellent method of relieving the monotony- of the usual routine -of school work. Inspector Tcm, for a few moments, addressed the Associ- ation on the importance of sending in correct yearly and half•yearly returns, as attendance to small particulars would avoid a great deal of trouble and delay. At this stage Rev. Mr. Crossley accom- panied by Rev J. Wilson entered. Mr. Crossley on being introdaned expressed the pleasure it gave him in meeting with so many of the teaching fraternity, of which he was at one time a member, and conolnd- ed by .inviting the teachers to attend the evening service in the. James Street Meth- odist church. At the request of the Presi- dent, Mr. Crossley favored the Association with tsvo beautiful selections, of music, which were highly ,appreciated by the teachers. W. H. Baker next introduced"School Games and Amusements," entering a strong plea for garnes and amusements in connection with eohool work, but said tbet each teacher was the best judge of what games,woro suitable. Discussion on this subject by Inepeotor Tom, R. E. Browu, 11.' 11 Ross, W. H. Johnston and R. Parke. All adding testi- mony to the importancepthe thi ofse nein Y8 aiding dieeipline and as a moans of health. Rev. Mr, Crossley also made a few re- marks commendatory of healthful exercise as; an invigorator of both mind and body. On motion the Association adjourned to meat again in. the morning at 9 a. in. The Iurtituto met according to adjourn ment at 9 o'clock a, in the president in. the chair, Devotional exeroleos were con- ducted. by Mr. R. E. Brown. Minutes of the previous eessionwere r,ead and approv. Mr. II. I. Strang 13, Ae was appointed the ReSoCommittee. on 1ution C eD roll call she The roll wqd 67 members in at. tendance. Inspeeror Tom then introduced a die- cession on "Perspective and Dictation Drawing," dealing more particularly with the Bret principles involved in teaching this important art, and illustrating by praoiioel drawings on the board. This. proved very interesting and inetructive', and many intricate points were brought out and clerly explained; Mr S. 3, Latta, wile had prepared a paper on this subject, then showed by ohai'is and blackboard illustrations, -- Ins t method of teachingers Doti 'n o drawl iv r Tatta'o. methopof pintroducin : the subject to beginners was highly commend. ed for its originality and practical utility. JOF;TN WHITE I SONS Publisher sandPropriotors that it was needless to ' try to lay down rigorous rules to guide all tcache s, for while all should observe general principles, yet each teacher should be guided by those only that were best suited to his or her individual requirements, Sweeping by the children was characterized as barber ious and should ,be done away with, es• peciallywas title the ease wheu done in the mo,ning and that if done by ohildreu at all, � it should be done after: four o clock at night, Mr. Strang regretted the 'fact that every year as he attended theae: associa- tion meetiuge he noticed the ,number of hie old-time associates growing less and lase' and thought it was one of the most ettiking'proofe that greater peetesteuenoe was needed, but this he considered was not at all, strange when we remembered that the same earnestness and zeal dis- played in ether walks of life would bring four times the reward. Mr. Strang con eluded Lits interesting address by urging all to do, their duty, for after all the best reward was in the approval of the con- science. Mr. W.,H Johnston was on motion of Mr. Gregory seconded by Mr. Baird, ap pointed delegate to the next P. S. Aseo- oiation. The Association then adjourned to meet at the call of the Executive. 0. W . BALsrAii , Sec -Treasurer. R. A. GUNN, M. D., Dean and Professor, of Surgery, of she United States Medical College, edidor of Medical Tribune, author of "Gunn't New and Improved Hand -book of Hygiene and Domestic Medicine," speak- ing with reference to Warner's Safe Cure, said, over his own signature : "I prescribed. it in full doses in both acute acrd chronic Bright's disease, with the most satisfactory results. . . I am willing to acknow- ledge and commend thus frankly, the value ofWarner's Safe Cure." If you are grad- ually losing your strength, haye extreme pallor of face, puffiness under the eyes, persistent swelling of the joints, abdomen and legs, unaccountable sharp pain -in the heart, shor(uess of breath, begin taking Warner's Safe Cure without delay. Children ;est. fc}r Pitcherls Cel"•`neh Revs. CROSSLEY £ HUNTER; Evangelists Who are engaged in the work of Christian Revival in Exeter at present. Grego i y. In answer to a question from Ivir•. J. T. Wren the Inspector explained that under the Promotion Examination scheme to be soon, introduced, Teachers will examine the papers of the pupils of their own schools. The Resolution Committee then pre- sented the following report, which, on motion of G W Holman, seconded by G. Baird was adopted, viz:-- 1 iz:-1 ` That in the opinion' of this Com- mittee it would be unwise to adopt the suggestion to hold the meeting of the West Riding Association in Clinton once a year, but we favor the idea of a joint meeting of the two County Asscciations in Clinton once a ,ear,'and would suggest' that the Executive of this association communicate with that of East Huron ooneernieg the matter: 2 That the next meeting ' of this Asso- ciation be held at Goderioh during the fair week in that town, and that no paid out- side help be engaged for the occasion. } 3 That IDe Secretory be instructed to apply to the Educational Departmenttment for the grant of $25.00 in lien of the eervfe JS {. t Director who was Of he. Vto have attended this meeting, 4 That the Secretary be instructed to apply to the G. T. R. authorities, for the usual reduced rates to' members attending a8eo Cii talons. b That the thAnl.... Of. t}l. 5 `i h890C1' at10n be tendered (1) to Rev. Itir. Crossley and the other ;ministers who addressed the Association. (2) To Mr. Grigg for the teat end oonvonreutnote books supplied to members of the association, (3) To the members el the Public School Board' for the tee of the school building on the omen pres- ent occasion. e The reasurcr wag orrloi• .0 e 1 v ed toa' T. ft Dearing .42.00 for use of organ, and ltr. Robinson, earetakerof school, $41.00,• me, R, R -Boss' then introduced a die- cuseion on "Geography to 3rd and 4111 olassos" by reading a well prepared paper on dila subject, dealing with it in the moat praetioal'matinee . After comments .and eomniimentai•y remarks by others 'paper whe ordered to he printed. Mr. 13 I Strang, B. .4. who wee ex• emoted to tette up "Writtori•1i Xat ttdatiots" tboidghtit snot,prudent, oonsidet'itftt the Iatenoss of :'tire hour, to enter into the disottssfon' bt the atUjeitt, ;hitt ' gave an 'excellont'iiddress on the Teachers' workin general, dud recorded some interesting ovents,tso iris own experience. Ho,',stid Woodham. BRIEFS.- The St. Marys Methodist Dis- trict meeting convened in the village of Woodham on May 14th and 14th. Rev. T M Campbell, chairman of the district, pre- sided. On ballot, the Rev. D A Moir was elected secretary, and the Rev J W Pring, asst -secretary. The Rev John Kenner was elected to the Stationing Committee ; Rev S Sellery, 13 D. and Samuel Thomas, Esq., to the S S cone ; and Thomas S Brown, Esq., to the Missiouary corn. The district has hada f,rosperous year. Increase in Educational Fund e31.28. After allowing for 241 removals, there is au increase of 53 members on the District.—An excellent dinner was served at Woodham on the 241 the occaaion'being the re -opening of the Methodist church in this village. The rev T M Campbell of St. Marys, gave an elo- quent lecture on "God Save The Queen," and Rev. f3 Sellery, an enthusiastic address on "Character." Revs, Kenner and Pen - hell assisted with their presence. Mr Wm Beatty ably filled the chair. Subscriptions receipts from tea; etc., over 3400. The 1 nil Minn., St, I i' S must •' i era are a e mak- ing a strong fight against Sunday ball games, President Thompson enys if the auti-Sunday game' people secures en in- junction he will sell his players and go out of the business, as week day attendance will not support the club. GOOD FOR ALL. Dear Sirs: -=I can recommend Liagya:des Yellow Oil as a SUM cure for rheumatism, front which disease I suffered for some time, but was cured with two bottles. Tt is the best thing I can get for rhau or horse J. Munlar..n, Strathavort, Ont. POLICEMEN STIFFER fro t` m rheums ,lam d 's a tsfa bilio , y p 1 , usuoss, kidney complaint and many other' ills, in exactly the dame manner 5e ordinary mor- to'1s, and Burdock Blood Bitters cures tbom atiickly and permanently just as it a'wayscoos in ovary case, Iron* whatever' °ause drising. CONSUMPTION SURELY CUR1;D, To TEE antton. Please inform your readers that I have n plIitivo remedy for the above named dis once. By its timely use thotraands of hope. lose eases have been permanently cured. I shall he glad to send two bottles of my remedy vete: to any of your, feeders who lift'oe Cotstimptien if then will send tic theirExproso and 1'. 0. address. Bespeotftilly, Do, T. A. SLOCUM Toronto, Oet, 37 Yonge street, The MolsonS Bari " (Gil AP'TE1l13I?,13T PALILIAMk N`.t`,1055) Paid up OizpltWl 5%,000,0 uestFund ... 1,000,50 Head Oflleo, Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, I.sq 20 branch offices in the Dominion. Agencies in the Dominion, fT, S. A. and Buxom). Exeter Bxanch, Open every lawful day, from 10 a, ln• to 8 p.m SATURDAYS, 10 a, m. to 1'p. m, 3 PerOent. per annum aliowedfor looney en Depositlteeeipts and Savings Bank, E. He A.RChER, Manager Swam :Luean Topics, Sptoey ,iterne Gathered by Our Wide& - wake Ocrrespondest. Miss ' m1 'o ltn Aliso, Craig was at the Maple's on the 24th inst. Did yon see the procession op Sunday I moan the "Trio." Mr, Rod Armitage of Woods aroao to see Woodstock, called The d us on the 24th. e Brick layers have about completed the brink work on Mr. Smith's new store. Illy. Edward Gibson of Detroit,is at present keine with'his parents., Mr. Daniel Slddal of Oregon, was the guest of'Ifr. 13. Stanley, lastweek. Mr. Clement MoIlhar a ' of visited Leman on the 241b inst. Stratford, Mr. George ;Porte of Caandebo e is ously 111, y sect Mr. Mitchell and family of tr h ov visited Mr, John Fox Banker, S at ray nker, on Sunday last: Mr. J. R.. Rollins returned : home from: Simcoe ou Monday evening fast and re ports haying had a glorious time. The weather for the past week has been el fitted to the necessitfoe of young ducks, and growing goslings. The winter wardrobe has again been raided and overcoats are now receiving a winter airing. ATr. Maines and rear, Robinson of Park. hill made their usual weekly visit on Mon- day las The St:alvation Army were out in force on un S day, Peter Neu beat the dram in Blood and Thunder style. Mrs Isaac McLean and Mr. Frank Quigley, of London, spent Sunday with their parents here. Willie Taylor's mineral spring is sai4 tp' ' be overflowing and the output is: -inaoh purer than last season's flow. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of Toronto, have bean the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Port, for the Iasi few days. Charley's base ball club arrayed in their gorgeous new uniforms of white and pink will meet the 'Olives' of London on Satur- day next, in Liman. A number of our eports celebrated the 24th of May in Parkhill, they had a good time—but oh my ! Mr. Also, O'Neil of this place was pre- sented with a May flower on her Majesty's birthday. He don't wear it in his button hole as a nosegay either. Mr. David Maguire is now engaged buy- ing lambs for the Boston market, having already secured a very large shipment. Success to you David. Bob, MoLeod, genial deputy of the "Cen- tral HoteI," had a valuable colt injured by coming in contact with one of these horrible barb wire fences, last Thursday and Bobt., has lost several nights sleep in consequeude• Did you see one of "Our Fans." They are now on exhibition at the Mammoth, and better still they are to be given away to every mother, son and little girl that calla around after one. Mr. Henry Casey and Mr. Daniel Shan- non of Cleveland, Ohio, spent a few ((aye among the boys of this place last week, and did not forget to call on aunt Tave, The party given at the "Maples" on the evening of the 23rd fust was the greatest success of the season sad was heartily en- j"oyedBon Ton,by "the largo number who were favored with invitations. The affair was Aldornxan Jonathan Hodgins has the, contract for the grading of Beech-st. and has a large gang of men at work on it. We believe it is contrary to law for an office holder or a representative of the people at our municipal board to draw from the public coffers, and. would suggest an investigation. The entertainment given at the Palape Roller Rink on the evening of the 24th, was the grandest fizzel ever witnessed by the one or two who sought to recess for the pleasure promised by the 2x4 posters which were so widely circulated about town; and was characteistic of all the undertak- logs of the proprietor, liven the Edenton band failed to put in an appearande, and now a large placard—with 'the words:— "To Let" bangs diagonally over the door of the building. PREVENTION of disease is both rational and scientific. If one knows the causes, the diseases must disappear. Prof. Win. H, Thomson of the University of the city of New York, says: "More adults are carried off;in this country by chronic kid- ney disease than by any other one malady except consumption." The majority per cent. of all diseases are caused by unex• peoted kidneypoisoned bio -.d. The late Dr. Dio Lewis in speaking of Warner's Safe Cure, said over his own signature : "If I found myself the victim of a serious kidney trouble, I would use Warner's Safe Cure. Paris, May 24. --Mike Hudson, a farm laborer, was killed on the track a 'short distance f• lointt� wn yesterday. . y When de. oeasD ceased was IASL seen n 0 was under the i - u fiuenoo of liquor, and it is supposed he lay down an the track in a drunken stupor. No inquest was deemed necessary. MIST ON EARTH. As morning sun, was strong And vivid ray, Drives from the earth the atillen mists away,; ' So 13. 13.;B„in strength and cower 1 grand, Doth rout disease and steer death's' h band, y Davy Heietia, Mont., May 25.--Doring the last m ont hoon iiderab le numbers of emigrants llavebeanpassuttt in wagonsthrough Montana en route to the British possessions.' They aro Mormane from Utah and Idaho,' and their dostinatitn is the country through which the Galt railwaypasses, p s, ` The Al-- botta rei,iway and Coal Co, has sold to the Ivlortuan hierarchy several thousand Aeros .. of land____in n the Nortli-tireat Territory. EXPENSIVE ECONOMY is prleticed whet' people buy cheap bnkine polvder. The best is the choa )est and porial Cream Tartar Baking k"owde ` Dn. best. Sold by all grocers. x 1e the Fiftreu carload of horses, nuthbexing about 800, have been ehipped from Wash. ton Torrltoxies for Winnigeg by the Ado. ,loos. Burka. 0 l y o itcher s Castoffs