HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-09-27, Page 18IN Ti CORNER AMISH IiISTOItiCAl. PAGEANT Pl,A1C$ AGAIN IN STRATFQRR The historical pageant of the Amish Mennoeites in Canada en. - titled "This Laud is Ours" is being repeated at Stratford's Avon Theatre tonight, Friday and Saturday.` Pageant was the maw feature or the weekloug 1072 sesqui, erstenn.ia`d celebration of the Amish Mennonites in Ontario. Although there were over 0,000 paid admissions at six sellout perforinanees last year, there were many who did not have 'a anee to see the moving histori- cal drama. Many who saw it asked to see it again. The o -hour pageant covers dramatic highlights of more than four centuries of history written by U'rie Bender,,, a native of Baden. Mr. lender is the author of three books, numerous short stories and poems. Loretta Yoder, associate direc- tor of Repertory theatre in Indianapolis, Indiana, will again 'direct the pageant, She .will be assisted by Margaret Foth of Alden, New York. Bender, Yoder rand brothall, have Amish Mennonite background. The 85 Member castwith few. exceptions • is made up of, people from the local Amish Mennonite Commu- nities. This Land of Ours has 'wide ap- peal p peal; because it is' drama' in epic form with brief scenes from each C ` of the past f ivementu ries It is a story never. before told in this -form. It has interested area.res - dents,:' students of'. •:Caniadiana, person generally interested in provincial settlements, ethnic and religious groups, The pa- geant author describes it as "his- tery taken off the library shelf . and given life on the stoge". Again, 41$ ill 1912, the cast of 05 farmers, teenagers, housewivee, boys and girls rehearsed in, a large sherl next to the East Zona Mennonite church. More than 200g0StUMeS will be . used. They were prepared bY a team of five seamstresses in a sewingrooro in Wellesley village. Other costumes are borroWed from the Stratford Shakespear- ean festival. included in the cast is the en- tire youth fellowship et the Valley View Mennonite chureht London. The pageant grows within the context of this youth group, who in the course of studying church history, employ a choric format to dramatize what they haire been learning. The pageant opens with an Old Order Amish, man appearing alone on the stage, looking at change and trying to understand what has been happenieg to his people. He probes the nature of faith and wonders whether this too must -change, From the Anabaptist begin nings in the Sixteenth centnry to 1972, the Valleyview youth group travels full circle. in the closing scene, when the Old Antishman blesses one of the YOung people who, although she haS left the old ways, still has her faith 'fixed ealJesus—`,The faith of our fathers".. Pesticide as sway scheduled fir Oat Quisstiganaires ca tits nee pesticides for weed sad beset metro& are being mailed to ap- proximately suet farmers is Ontario this month. The arm is being conducted by die Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and the isformation ob- tain' ad will be used in preparing reconunendetions for pesticide use in coming years. fiernmes se be mist lb, witiar el Km Wirier venue crops, the mood et this screw *Wet cassaisal vas& aid its ceNcealrelisa. eift oral alio Washed le rib themeilveme tbeir farms. The questionnaires will be mailed te ail produces to the recent mew lit V farmera. Poetnliolsad oniekilm will be included with the queeticenalres Informatics an individual form operations will rennin COW- WALICIRTOOMANOVIR PUBLIC STOCKY' ARDS SAM WIRY THURSDAY AT 7 PA. Qtualty Wester* Steams dairy, atives sad siosbeis, lacrers Oa Mot sole bean, ION need * Weelt I Conotri seolOtet 11WY. 4 11/11, NIX $15 31$441114 NUM USTOWEL.LIVESTOCK MARKET PERTH COUNTY'S LARGEST DAM' SALE Featuring hogs, dairy cant., cows and calves EVERY TUESDAY AT I P.M. 4 14 11 during th. rilltaur mowintl loft tho cutting* On the. lawn, you're *Hato have built pp .utheich" Which wig prevent roots. from absorbing inomure and *Mixer. You OW Mat Ide-thatelier like the one using here; or woo 1 lawn, rake. As you. can sen even the best kept ot lawns yields mighty pile 01 dolid Orass, argrave, distressed over .the fact' t an .apartment neighbOr threatened to bring suit against ,Iser and her husband,: • She's tens 'you that her eight - with their.Scottish terrier in 'Atilt of theirtapartment,bniiding- 04"...aCooratee: to CourtitiY, and 'that. the' r'trarli CoUrtney gat 'hitt* there, WO 'to. the incideOt. Fist now**. liatiVaveo ..,itoeS on *ter ,j.nst. received a' r ,PhO 0460. eigency'.1itikent at the ,esn- MIMI* Hospital' for a, wound on - bit himi and that he- it deter- It doesn't, pay ,to take replies, "but naturally can't be , I'M anything etit 2140.. You tell the yourig.wornan that 'Yon Will investigate die matter for, her, and 'you then huny to the hospital where fifid the. Henry` ourtney sitting On a chair in one of, the 'treatment morns preparing,to leave. You a.sk for. .and receive permission from the attending doctor tos examine the WoUnd, and you Watch carefully as the doctor draws up the sharp- ly c re a d immaculate light gray irauser leg, and carefully remove, the bandage, revealing the freshly cauterized marks on the right calf. You ask Courtney, "Did you come here to the hospital im- mediately after the incident in front of your apartment build- orYou bet I did! got right into my oar and drove here as fast as you inflicted that .3fronnd with -a to Simulate teeth, • the ',HargArivi dog df& not bite PUTTING. YOUR FOR. -THE. Few people give much thought to a fall maintenanc Other than collecting leaves, yet it's the time of ye bring results and give you the best looking laWn So let's take a look at some of the things. you could be doing before putting your lawn to bed for the winter, Though it seems natural to breeding spot for various la, the spring and summer, the weeds are actively growing and producing SeedS, some of which will have taken root. So, Your lawn will respond to a 'treatment of Vigoro Weed. and Peed in the 'fall. The blue. e proztam for their lawns on the strpet. . • more AttentiOn than, others text a good fertilizing prorgam uthseat. thisereauiropeerd,x:perritilizeovidinrsg, yon is nTho:aanirty:tiftriteictitigea.1000diawn 1110C' ITA:RTNOLL coverage is all Outer needed. Many will use' far too .much seed, and Others will use far- you on on another Year of too little. weed -killing. t If you'll rat/ember that 2% PrOkiniately /000.5quart feet REdeintntes4°ber to p pounds wilt Cover ap- of lawn area, then you've used just the proper amoUnt, If one be fooled by tar - could devise a Method Where- gain priced seeds t ere' by_ oine ,seed per square inch aren't any buy quality. wale be Welled to the soil, — DON'T or;IY a high nitro* then it would turn out to be golf:fertilizer — use` the sthimepfilrerestot tu,urifideerVsetrangrdeOWnichebsye 8;12-6 formula for hest that person. The reason xs . results. , __,stttilo;npAtrcitodsey:d„f est::10 r ars rse se neO Ody toe;y9a:i I:var.::: Ddri.:00.11rioEctl-Le,":1100:111284Tu:ntreCtuarblig:ed;faeolnneudi,!1nWreyee:Ittleev:eeftpn: once they have this, the better xlbataft:lis.4, dine:50%1)10,a% .OLV t4:fieVne **if to: gerniiiiate they. Will lit eil„ keep sit; 'cut to' vagehatke- frosreers arte:Ckew, edandofft.h,e, _Keheieghptw9efcd•r unindeetiltnlisto, ,Best "coverage is obtained • but don't be toe concerned when the teed 'requirement is aboUt the Weeds appearing. divided in half, One half be- after fall soWing. The fer- mg aPPlied north and south,,,,, PregraM and the other east and west. This cutting Will, centre' meM. - method of sowing is used by .D0 mew the, lawn. late tion, and,has preven tO be the - Smothering and to prevent best to get the best turf pos- fungi' *frOni becoming es- arsibelae: tolWatepftnthheoewsseedin, anthde tausbelistheendo. izer, irea then rake in the oPPosite lawns like Pipk "%ger° ,-- direction to o'er. ty„,.., no point in using a farm Seed needn't be covered fertilizer to feed your good deeply, and for this reason grasses. would rather you don't go to In the meantime, if rm the expense of buying top- . have. any problems cOnnected soil from unknown sources. with gardening why not write It may contain weed. seeds, to me at the darden Intermix - and you've already used the tion Centre, 165 University Vigor° Weed Peed, so why Avenue, Toronto 1, Ontario port top soil that may contain enclosing a stamped self - these dormant weeds and Start tiddrelled envelope. During the regular mowing season, many "Lawn4Viakersi" leave the cuttings on the lawn. This tends to build Up a thatch, n as Uch The weed tiger get rid of .* ° -at 'ill edevesnt tturhe r°aQutsd ' grasses you ,are gxowing will • fethe'exiasters from absorbing . respond well to tthe feeding. oc tha,me,guor atitueergrcahliaslev gre fertilizer. It would be wise, it thicket in the ,area where' yolva. .etYatcheetrriodnoyfothurislabwnun4mouopw. want goOd groWth," ° g , It can be done easu you'll rent a de -thatcher OM Rebuilding your local rental ag no' o The fall is'the best time to nurseryman. The de-7;h001ter establish, renovate or rebUild IS a motorized machine 'that a lawn. The tooler nights and has about three hundred teeth, moiSture lhe sir are illst !AC CUtS down 'through the thatch, right combination .for turning loosening it 'so that it Can be 4.. ;31'4! e- offilluttittO grass seed for a new lasvn or You'll be surprised how for re -seeding, bny the best much thatch will be:removed 'and make sure it Is just what • from a 50 'x 50 foot lawn. you want for your future Once it is% deputtched, then .... "lawn -beautiful" . When you it's" ready to receive, the 4esh sow the new' freih seed, you'll grass see and- fertilizer. ac9vililaese'itY°f"rour°Pill•sillreththrwelileeltarittim. tklesowbef; cwoillSabvnuYeYrhsleeindeqUiLi°aInityvill' tiLatakstisemrs°te; Remember too that freshly suggest yod buy the best seed Sown seed needs.water to ger- ..avallable, make Sire the seeds minate during the first twenty- as listed on the package are eight daYs, sO don't let a day just what you want There are go by without watering. new species coming on the This is.also the Aisne to put Market each year, but the old down some Pink 'Vigor° standbY seed to produce good ter lawn food for root stunu- lawns are'lhose you've known " Wien through the winter. to be the best' from a good Ther -es no point in feeding. looking stand of grass to one take' traffic. You can't the lawns with a high nitro- gcemisiaittiylizadornit thwane Yttall turIckwytorigiuweithFyirkinerig7,HBICT2: stand of grass to be,produced, ands -the new Baron. only to have it bent over by All are good right across heavy snows and become a• Canada. Some will require W,hat* haS led y6it to this co Courtney told, you. he drove di - reedy to the hospital frOm the scene of.the uineident". -- -which eliminates the possibility of his having Change 4 clothes.. The wOUnd was in, the ealf his leg, , and yet . you saw ;to teeth marks Or punctures in his trouler leg. • Dear Sir: Have you noticed lately the only way you can judge if a film is good is by checking who the star To me—Charles Bronton,„ An- thony Quinn, Michael Caine and Richard Attenberough seem to be among the few Who will only lend their names to a worthwhile pro- duction. No doubt other readers could add to this list, but it seems a very useful way of selecting one's entertainment in these days which offer so much rubbish. Yours truly Judy Christie Brussels ihiblished every Viierhiestlay OK the\ big, fiction eress=tountry 'Section in " The Listowel Banner, The Wingharn Advaneefrinies and The Mount Forest Confederate. Wenger Bros. Liinited, publishers, Box 300, Barry Wenger„ Pres. ' Robert 0. Wenger, See.-Treas. Dick Eskerod,r.ditOr. Ditiplay and Claseified ad deadline -- 'Tuesday, week prior to publication date. Newsprwers Association, Toreote 9624000 Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc:, 12/ George St., 0.1 („, xvith FOR 13 YEARS" OIJARANTEED WELLS AT THE LOWEST -COST. Free itstaireitas ftywitire in .Ontapie, fast Soviet ,sPattirktatra, 4therenceRetarY and.to ‘r.ovil'erassioOkilirnontOriall:011.‘00000$,:, ,DAVIDSON, WiLl, 0014040 LTD.' .104140,_ Him Available On 1ST. AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhfre in Ontario and FARM PROFIRTIOS Interim Financing For New Consteuction St Land Development • For Representatives In Your Area Obone PE A Y. iN VESTMENTS ' AND ow) 744.653s colle'a HU ice r St. Itthetterr" xis gag itistant Board, govt. discuss pegged price for wheat Oh Wednesday, September 5th, the Ontario Wheat Board's ex- ecutive was called to Ottawa at the request of the Hon. Eugene F. Whelan, minister of agriculture, to get first-hand information on the government's proposed .pric- ing system, designed to control consumer prices of products. The basic proposal was that the government is prepared to give a five year guarantee of Minimum pricee at tr-pruiyalerit to $3.25 plus 'a goVernment subsidy of $1.25 if the world market rides higher than ;4.50 basis the lake - head., At the present time the takehead expert price is $5.66%. if Werld • prices drop below $4.50, the goverrunent subsidy drops by an equal amount until world prices.reach $3.25, and at. this point there would be no sub- sidy, but domestie prices would be maintained at this level even though world prices fell further. On Friday, September 7th, as a result of discustions with pro- ducer groilps, the federal govern ment changed ite proposal, in- creasing the 0.25 subsidy to $1.75 and the world price basis from The Ontario Wheat Board felt that the $1,25 subitidy was too low in relation to present world prices and that the prodUcer ift, giving up too much under the present eropooal. The .big qtiestien is whether world prices will etay at current levels rod if they do not, then' the proposal is more mean- ingful, although the board had several reservations. The board feels that a fixed price should be subject to amend- ment in relation to increases in the cost of production and has suggested that the pegged price level •be anfilially adjusted to account for this. The board pro- posed also that the government subsidy should not be reduced when the world price falls below $4.50. In effect, this would mean that the mirdminn price would be held at the $4.50 level. The two price payment system came under considerable discus- sion and the board feels that it should be paid to the marketing board to be put in its pool for dis- tribution to all producers on an eilual per bushel basig. One of the conditions of the government proposal is that the board guarantee the domestic market its supply of wheat, and in order to do this, the board would likely carry stoeks over from one year's crop to another, which has not been normal in the past. It has suggested that the federal government pay all carrying charges on all the stocks of wheat carried over by the board at year end in return for guaranteeing the domestic market Ire requirements. Since the federal government was unable to guarantee the On inent higher than SUS this year under its legislation, ...the board rime insists that the federal gov- ernment guarantee Ontario up to the amount guaranteed to,' western producers. Currently the Ontario board issues initial pay. Merits to producers of $1.61 with- out a federal guarantee and the western producers' initial pay- ment is guaranteed by the federal government at a level of approxi- mately $2.00 (actually $2,25 at Part of the Ontario board's pro- "posal was that the gOiernMent ShOUld remove the disadvantage Ontario millfeeds have in relation to vestern millfeeds in feed freight assistance. The Ontario Wheat Prodircere' Marketing toard has asked the governinent for an immediate ; decision so that wheat may again be traded In Ontario tante it has -been Under suspension for a week sod procesArs are anxious to 'proceed with purchases-, COLO PAC& Before buying a freezer, remember that purehase and maintenance expenses can ex- ceed savings on storage of bar- gain food, advises Consumer& Assoeiation of Canada, ,.CAC national headquarters ia ideated at 100 Gloucester Street, Ottawa, New records set at Aug. station tested boar sale New Ontario and Canadian records were set at the Auguat StatiOn-Teated Boar Sale held at the Waterloo Test Station on Aug. 23, Thirty boars, picked front 72 which went on test in May, sold at a record average price of $405.33. The top price of $030 was a record for Ontario sales. This r;gure was reached when a York- shire boar from the:, herd of Ar- nold Cook, Belgrave, waS sold to cotnmercial pork producer, littermate to this boar sold at $775 to Shur Gain Research Farm, Maple. Both these boars had low baekfat thickness of .50 inches and '.55 Inches respectively with low feed ,conveiksion figures of '2.34 pounds feed,per pound gain. Sixboars sold at $000 or higher, All had top perforrAttnee figures, backfat and low age at 200 pouncis, with high average daily gain on test and good feed con. version, AS well,,tis „being sound, rugged individuals with good feet and legs. Yorkshire boars were in par- ticularly strong dernand with 13' Averaging $511.54k eight Ramp - shires averaged S333.13; five Dttroes averaged $316; and four Landrace averaged OM. Two boars, a Yorkshire and a Land. race, were purehased tor export by Deltalb Swine Iteseareh, Illinois, Ontario tortunercial pork producers purchased the rest, with the exeeption. of dee bot.r. be Challenge - PX:442 Challenges your favorite 'hybrid on yield and overall , perfOrmance. Plant them together. treat them the Same. We,believe you will see ?X 442. coMe oilt on top. That's the reason cOrn growers acroSs °mark) plant more PX 442 Now is the time to acCept the challenge. Time to think... Anvestigate . . *compare. Plant PX 442 with your best. After all, if your oldfaiiorite loses, you win, That's the PX 442 challenge. Fair For strength under stress PX 442 is a proVen stress fighter. lt,has the breeding to produce high yieldS•good years and bad. J. W: Curtis, Ontario, rePorted„ "We - can't lose growing a winning h9brid PX 442.,VVe've grown PX, 442 for 3 years and cati depend on high yield& even in dry weather." Get your Seed Buyers Guide See your -National -NI( Seed Corn Dealer today for your 1974 copy, NATIONAL Co Superstar deale ouay NATIONAI.411( seeps r t - -11 - JACOB ROH RE Pt %It 1, LUCKNOW•5211.2245 ROSS,KING, OA. 1, GoRRieg 335.,•,6120 i?t013ERTMOLEt 11.0.1„, DUNGANNON; 5294340