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The Exeter Times, 1889-5-23, Page 5
DISTRICT DOINGS, A Board of Trade has been formed in St. Marys. 1 he .official figures show 2538 ma. jority against the Scott Act in Middle• E'vpRUST's Cough Syrup is the best in the country,—Do,noan ,Pursed, Forest P. 0. Miss Minnie Payne, of London, is the first rider of the ladies' bicycle m Ca a. Last year the G. T. R. paid no less than $2,000,000 for coal consumed by that company. Nelson Lefler, Middleton, rejoices in the pesseseion this year of 7 lambs Sroln 3 ewes. i,tanbury Bros., near Clinton, who men six hundred acres of land, have just turned out to grass 'one hundred head of cattle. Mr. Frank Cook, of Parkhill, met with a heavy loss this week in the death ot his imported Blood stallion "Speculum Jr," of inflammations Everter is CoughSyrup is the best in the country—I s;ieak from experience, ' i Forest —J. G. Pollock, Capt, Mil, Fo P- U. years before.. Too much politics and too many Isw An Ingersoll man claims that he can suits are given as the reason for the winter hie horse on less feed that any decrease in'he population of Mitchell other man in the country. Last fall, during the year. he purchased one bag of oats and 789 The death occurred in Parkhill the pounds of hay, fed his horse all winter other day of Mr:.7ohn Scoon, theof the well and spiingand still had come.. known druggist of that place, from a oats, some of the hay and some of the complication of diseases. He had been a resident of the place for a quarter of a' century. A. Scotch beadle took his sweet— heart to a graveyard, and - showing her a dark corner, said:-eMary, my folks lie there. Would you like to he there when you die ? It was a grim. way of proposing but Mary was a sen- sible Scotch lassie, and accepted hint The Ailsa Craig base ball club has been organized for the present year and thel following officers have been elected, --Captain, John McKay ; Secy -Treasurer, D. McKay ; Manager, D. J. White, W. McKay, C. Walker ; snorer, Wm. Hey, The clerk of Mitchell hag issued his Order for a new election for Mayor, the nominations to be held on 'Monday next at ten o'clock, and the polling to take place on the Monday following. The contest will no doubt be as before, between Messrs. Dougherty and Mc - Clay. na9►+Rorfieelo*+esw'ap,;cr The Electric Light By -late, Voted Upon at Stratford Monday, carried by rrinlority of 51 for the light, In Bryanston and other portions of Middlesex a sufficient number ot sig- natures have been obtained to prevent any licences being granted in the immediate vicinity. A. small boy,son of Mr. Charles Pierce, fell on the sharp edge or an express wagon in Mitchell, the other day, cutting a big gash over his rye. Midelesex gave a majority of 2538 for repeal of the Scott Act. It 'adopt- ed the act by a majority of 3375, They have invented a new kind of thievery up near Thanesville, where a farmer recently found a young orchard he had planted oarried away, all but the soil. Richard Snowden, of Patk hili, was charged before P. M. Noble Saturday with assaulting Dougald McIntosh. He was fined $10. A Tilsonburg lady thought that she had kept a piece of her wedding cake for 14 years but when she went to get it found that it was gone. The hus- band admitted that he had eaten it 10 \Vingham, Ont., May 19.—While some boys were bathing this morning iu the river, one of them, Arthur Long, a tinsmith, aged 19 years, took a cramp and was drowned before assistance could be called. He was got out five minutes after, hut it was too late, the boy was dead, Mise Minnie .Hutchins, daughter of Mr. W. 11. Hutchins, ofParkhill, met 'With a serious accident the other eyg. at the Methodist church there. In coming down the steps from the vesti- bule some one unconsciously stepped on her dress, and the young lady tipp- ed, fa ling to the bottom steps and breaking one of the bones near the ancle joint. Mr. M. Browh, driver on the mail train on the L. U. t& B. line, between London and Wingbam met with a patrful accident the other day. Some- thing had gone wrong with the coup, ling of the train, and he went to at it, and in doing so got the end of his thumb and one finger smashed. Mat has been on the road all his life, and this is tee first injury 1Yb Wits received. Ih Clinton, nccordieSg 'to the assess- ors returns; the Yii reiber ot families Of each denoni ince ion are.— Methodist, 284; Presbyterian, 146; Episcopalian, 1'07, Baptist. 12, Salva- tion Arrny,1.5i Brethren, 11; Catholic, 12, a. total ot 585 families. The Meth- todists 'only lack.I7 of being as many cis Oill`the rest put together. -. ioknoty, Ont, May 20.—On Satur- ''dr':ally evening Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh 'were on their way home, about five smiles from here. and hact just got over the railway crossing, on the 'Walkerton road, when the six o'clock freight train came thundering along, frightening the horse and overturning the buggy, throwing both out. Mr. McIntosh is injured in the back. and Mrs, McIntosh cut in the head. They are now with friends here, being in too precarious a condition to be taken home. A fraud named Heady has been victimizing Ridgetown -people by re- presenting himself agent for the Chicago '•horseman." He is now to Detroit. Another, D. Christie by name, secured subscriptions to Mc- Colla Bazaar, but suspicions .were aroused and the Chief and Constable Coffey engaged a rig and followed their man to Duart and Rodney, arresting hint at the latter village, where he was working his usual game. Before the Police Magistrate, on Tues- day ho plc ded guilty, and was sen- tenced to six months' in the Central Prison. A young farmer from Raleigh was 1 smitten with love at first sight on be holding the charms of a waiter girl at a Market Squareboarding house in Chatham the other day. He proposed and she in fun accepted; He repaired to a jeweller's, got a ring and present- ed it and $4-50 to the fair one, But, alas, "She's fooling thee 1" The Deaden was betrothed already, and had no intention of transferring her 'alleg- iance, says the "Planet." So when "Agricola" came back there was a spirited game of hide-and-seek, in which the girl managed to keep out of her would-be• husbands sight, though at the expense of neglect of work. Her mistress at length said to the lovelorn outh, " is>, only a giddy girl, anyway, but here, indicating another girl, --"is a'real gool girl, and she wants a husband, Critically surveying the new aspirant. for matrinional honors, our hero said, "Well I believe X really do like her appearance better than the other one,'' With such energy Chi ho press his suit; that the tnaidiN0.2 consented, was tarebasedd the , an and the ring 1 rumor saith that this time the wedd- ing boil will chimp merrily. E,VtdttLsm's Extract of Wild Black,' r never fella` to cure diarrhoea, horse left. The verdict of 27 constituencies in Canada recently, nearly all in Ontario, shows a majority of 46,000 of the peo- ple in favor of repeal of the Scott Act. If no one but 'drunkards' wished to repeal as some good people say is the case, what a terribly. God -forsaken lot of people there are in this country. There has been a peculiar case of faith cure in Parkhillthe past week. A young ntati named Mewhart, who had formed the morphine habit until given up by ddetors as uncurable, is beteg paraded by the Salvation Army as an example of "faith cure." His limbs and body are covered with sores from injections during the pest three years, and he had been told that to stop taking the medicine would pro- duce spasms and finally his death. A couple of weeks ago he was converted at a Salvation Army meeting, and placing himself under the care of Parkhill officers he abandond the drug and trusted entirely to a faith cure. Ele claims that he has not used mor- phine sinoe that time, and that his wounds are rapidly healing and that he has only, so far, had two fits of spasms as the result of his anstinence. —Gazette. ; sear nqurma •-,4vg.vwtommenwszammensmemwereammanseveememousorielarvolemovowLvaime.rno,wr . - ..�. THIS :2. AFa'S NEVER DES 1 A IR. MARRET REORTS. Even when ell seems lost, niers is Yet nxEmEl? (4+orreote d at7� o 'el t 1 p,m. Wednesday been brought back to health and usefaluesa by Burdoolt Blood Bitters, the greatest remedy known for all blood diseases, hop ,1V1'any a despairin , dJsbear enc+ e'd \Vhc+a es to o AO victim of dyspeptic' liver cornplautt, kidney Sprint; Wheat „ 88 to 0 90 aomplaius scrofula or rheumatism, has tlarley 35 to 45 OF GREAT SERVIOE, "I have used ,1-Iagyard's Yellow Oil for tents and scalds on horses' shoulders, and. ihey got+better at once. I have also tlsed for sprains, burns, eats and ereup among hildren,and can recommend it highly as of great value." W Service, Mingo Mau. FAITHF0LLY RECOMMENDED. In the Spring of 1688, I had inflammation on the lungs which left my longs weak. I' had a very bad cough, and resolved to try Hagyard'e Pectoral Balsam, it did me more good than any other medicine I have ever taken, anct I can faithfully recommend Ont. it. Miss Mary Kay, Virginia, o u. A fire broke out in Mr. John Longewav's saw miliLogan, on Friday morning last, which resulted in a complete destruction of the mill and forty. thousand feet of lumber, The loss has been estimated at three thou- sand dollars, with 81,000 of insurance. :MIST ON EARTH. As morning sun, was strong And vivid ray, Drives from the earth the sullen mists So B. B. B.,in'strength and power grand,. Doth rout disease and stay death's heavy hand, CURED. CONSUMPTION SURELY C To 'rIIE EDITOR Please inform your readeia that I have a positive remody for the above named dig ease. By its timely use thousands of hope- less eases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy ,Imuaie to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send' me their Express and P. 0. address. Respectfully, D. T. A. SLOCUM Toronto, Out. 37 Yonge street. A 000 BOO K By mail to any lady sendliig as her Dost office address: Wells, RLchards n & Co., Montreal. E,STRAA' 'Clover S red Timothy , hoar ::, Corn iT.ggs Rutter ' ourperbbl, ... 1otatoes,per buebel Apples,per bag DrieclApptespr b (geese, perlb• Turkey per lb Ducks porpr Chickens per pr f0oge,dreseedperl0 Beef gIdesroUgII dressed .' Sheopakins each Calfslitns Wool erlb Raypnrton P htionp.nerbit 1)::: .., Woodper oord. em•arAF b alt Wheat 90 to, 0 98 SSpring' Wheat.,,,,, „ 00 96 y 2720 ,Over Seed..,....,. • ...... '( 000 Timothy ................ ,• , ,,„,t 6065 2 00 ..,,,,,, ` p Eggs. ,; Butter.:, .... •., , „ ,. 0610 IO Potatoes per bag 9090 Apples per bush p 18 Wool perlb Rayportou .... • 800 1100 Bran per ton,. , • . 14 00 14 oo Strayed from the premises of Mrs. Blit, Andrews on lot 13, con, 7 of the township of Osborne, ono yearling steer. rod. Any person offering such information as will lead to its discovery will be conferring a favor on the owner. NOTICE. 26 to 28 •, 5 00 to 6' 00 250co306 . 05QtOQSQ 4,0 to 0 6Q 000100X1 • 16 17 0 19 ▪ 5 to 6 85 ▪ 25 GO to 2 50 0 48o 004' ... 000to006 ▪ , 0 07 to 08 0.50 to 0 05 ▪ 055to030 ▪ 600 to 25 ▪ 350to406 .; 6,00to600 .,. 0 65 t o 90 060to070 niston20 GtoO 00. 08 0 8 „'OSOto67. 25 to3oo News Note The Earl of Malmesblil-y is clean, It is staled that Cilristrans ate being massacred by Turks on rhO Montenegrin frontier. Just think Washing clay made shorter by using Loudon leetric Soap. The House of Commons Friday -201 to 160—rejected Me. Labouchora's motion to abolish hereditary seating in the House. of Lords, The ;Venda of to day is London Electric Soap, One bog free at. J. P. Clark's. A. Dublin despatch suis evictions will bo resumed on the Olphettestete on Monday, the efforts co settle the difference having failed, London Electric Soap will not injure the bonds and cloches and do more work for the money; try it. Mr. Harrington has egnin refused to pay a fine of £500 to the Commission Court, ima ped that steps and the Secretary has iut t will be taken to force him to pay it. A great deal of damage has been done throughout Austria by storms. At Bus- l.-owite eight persons were killed by light- ning, and a number of houses were burned. Insist cm your grocer. giving y011 London Electric Soap, it is the best. Wash woman's friend isLoudon Electric Soap. Iuclianapolitt, May 16. -This evening. Robert Parish aucl Miss Fannie Gray se- lected two horses at a livery stable, tslring. pare that they were blacks, and galloped off to the residence of Rev. Dr. Bailey, 1n the ontsklrts cif the city. where they were married on horseback, the minister stand- ing in the street and performing the cere- mony. Then they took a gallop into the country in lieu of a bridal trip• There was no opposition to the union, anctthe novel marriage was a freak of the young bride, who is only 1.6•and a High School scholar. Shorts'' ” 20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl, .,, .,. 6 00. 7 00 LOND N • 0 h U 9 us el. V oat 0 o to 30 or � h 1 n . Opts. 26' to28c per bushel, Peas,4So to 480 pper bushel. Barioy malting' 45oto4Se per bus. Barley, feed. 38¢o to 4510 per bushel. TORONTO 'PortonTo, May15..—WHEAR—sarins, No .1, . i,. to $00.0, spring, No.2, $0.98to S1.00-redwin- tor, 'No 2, $0.98 to $1.00; No 1, Manitoba hard, $1 16 ro 81.17 BARray. No. 1 56e to 07e IT .2.520 to 63o; No. 3, 42c to 45e; No 3, extra 47e to 48e. Psaa, No 2, 55e to 5Go. OA'rs. No. 2, 20 o to 3Se. Ftoua extra, $4,30 to $4,40;. n . 40o$5.40. • strong $ .3 t , Market quiet and easier, Sales No•1. bard a1 anitoba. 91 29 to 61.34, and No. 2 do. at 81.31 No. 3 barley, outside, at 351e Date, on track, at 330. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Court House in the Town of ( c,derich on Tues- day the 4th: -of ,Tune next. -PETi1IR ADAMSON. County Clerk. 'May 20th: 1559, 2t Hay, Township Farmers' Mut- ual Fire Insurance Co, A PURELY FARMERS' COMPANY. Live Stock also insured. whoa in the fields or on the read in charge of oiraer, or servant, also.mcnufacturer of the Improved Surprise Washer and Wringer Machines. Agent for Tomb Stones and the Watson Itnpiemonts, Uudertaltiugprom ply attended to. , G. HOLTZn Zurich, Ont . TORONTO LIVE STOCK. The receipt of cattle to -day at the local market was largo and prions generally were steady, British market unchanged from last week's, The steamer space this week was all • ,ken up. Offerings in excess of demand. Melee steers aro nominal atea cents per Ib• firm at flour 930 to 850 anhead.�LtButcherscotea tie in moderate demand, prices firm: the best at 31. to 4 ordinary nt 94e to : and common. at 2t. Sheep aro scarce and steady, wt limited offering; the best sell at 964 to $7,50 That time has come, You can per head; inferior to medimn at $5.06 to $5.50 and ruts 3e to arc per pound. Lambs in Lair depend upon it that every person �AQHyndmau _ -.—T�1jEI's•.---� Gra oerieu and Confectionery OF THE, REST QUALITY. Also best Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars PETTY'S HAMS BACON and LARD Thorley'e Improved Horse and Cattle: Food Dashwood. Roller Flour. G. A. HYNDMAN. JOHN BRAWN UNDERTAKER CABINET -MAZER Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Also Cor'rINs or EVERY DEscRIPTI02i. A Complete Stock of' Robes & Trimmings ha ,I Boots Shoes. Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHEDCON- DUCTED l — —TO BI;— AT Low RATES. SLAUGHTERED Z1yrt1e! CUT and PLUG Smoking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See IN BRONZE, On each PLUG and PACKAGE' $3;000.00 W0RTII OF DRY -GOODS —AND— My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. r GIVE ME A CALL A FORTUNE FO R ALL It is said that every person has a chance once in this life time to make a fortune and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again. demand and firm. ,hoiee bringing: of "6 p $3 1 to , and inferior to medium $400 to w6 00 calves purchasing their goods at.PARK- and steady, Choicebeasts, of 125 to 150 INSON'S saves money by doing so ohoioolight fat scldat 3 to 5rc, store hogs at His prices are away down. 41c to 50. and stags at 3c to 3?= -0. You are not asked high prices to ADviora Ton1oTru r-s,--Areyoir dtettirbed as Make up losses for debts contract- nlrhtand broken of your rest by a Sick child ed by bad customers. Don't you Buffering and crying with pain of Cutting sec there isthousands in Teeth? If so send at env) and got a bottleit. of"Mrs.Winslow's Soothing syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable, Parkinson's 6tock is new and It willrelleve the poor little sufferer im consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, mediately Uenendupon 11, mothers; titers Crockery', Glassware, Tweeds, is no mistake about it• It cures TJ soutery and Diarrli0ia, regulates the Stomach and Boots and Shoes, in fact everything Bortels,cures Wind Colic, softens tun (:sums. rod010051nIlammut100, and gives tone and usually kept in a first class general energy to the whole system • 81r1. Winslow's soothing Syrup" for children teething is store. See his black and colored lbs., sell nt 7o to 9c dressed weight; rocSh calves,$3 to 95 a bend, hags aro stoadlyt thereby will malls their fortunes. pleasant to the taste and is the prescription physicians and nurses in the United You can get the cheapest all -wool of one of the oldest and boss female Cashmeres at 25 cents and up. druggists FOB. CAREE T D S ULMAGE' KIRKTON: • DO YOU WANT fBTJY TO 1� IRST-Ci� SS FU��ly t .: TUE States, is fee sale iby; all rnhgis s throughout the world, Pine twenty-five suit in Exeter made to order at cents n bottle. Be sure and ask for "Dins. Parkinson's. other ins WINSLOW'S »r(auIae s'ntT 'tnd no Make no mistake- Consult your other own interests and examine his Cfl1iS1hfl1 TFOle CUIiEDpractico, stock before making your purchase tnold. physician; retired from AT LOWER RA'Z'ES THAN SHAM GOODS having had placed in his hands by all lhat elsewhere and you will soon save 1 Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegocableremedy for the speedy andpernta_ enough for a fortune. You can do tarrh Asthma and all throat and lung t colo of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca better at the Cheap Cash Store nun 1 IONSERVTIVE M1]ETING A meeting of the members of the Conserva- tive Association for South Riding of Huron as divided for Local Legislative purposes cont - posed of South half Goderich Township. Vill- ago of Bayfield, Stanley. Hay, Stephen, Us- borne,Village of Exeter, Tuchorsmith and and Seaforthwillbeheld inTown Hall, Exe- ter on Monday, June the 10th -at one o'clock, D,111, As this mooting will be ono of at which im- portant business will be discussed all Mem- bers are respectfully requested to attend, G. E. JACKSON. President. R. A. GuxN, M. D., Dean and Professor' of Surgery, of the United States Medical Collogc, said: "I am willing to acknowledge and commend thus frankly the value'of Warner's Safe Cure." The late Dr. Dio Lewis, writing to the proprietor of Warner's Safe Cute, said over his own signature: "1f I found myself the victim of a serious kid- ney trouble, I would use Warner's Safe Cure." CONSUMPTION CAN B1,5 CURED By proper, heslthfnl exercise, and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 0i1 Hypophosphites, wnioli contains healing and st'engthgiriug virtues of these two valuable specifics in their fullest form. Mr. D. D. McDonald, Petitcodiac, N. B, says: "I have been prescribing Scott's Emulsion with good results. Itis esne0• ially useful in person„ of consumptive tendencis." Sold by all druggist, 50 ets. and $1,00, b'r y the statements Of dysentery, &c.SY ,, u IPI1r,1 R• !n ESiblcrrt mi the 15thY �Vllham scores who have tried It, 25c pee bot 1'itnclet', aged 31 years, t'o' sale by elf dt'U8 g.sts. NOTICE. The Shereboldlers of the Exeter Salt Norks Co., will plea.e+e take notice that the annual eneetr.r; of the above company trill tame place et the Town Hall, Friday evening, May 51, 1689. T. B. CARLING, Secretary. Exeter; April 29th, 1889. coma0 + REVISION. The Court f.,r the revision of the assessment r011 of the VILLAGE OF EXETER fortheyoar 1880 will bo held at the Town. Hall, Exeter on alondal May 27th Cts o'clock Thin. All persons having business at said (..ourtwill govern themselves accordingly. A1. F1Aonlar'r. Clerk. Exeter, May 8th, 1880, (`IouR r OF REVISION. �A Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll of the TOWNSHIP 01' OSBORNE. for the year 1030, will be Held et the'I'ownship Hall, Eiimville, on the25th of May 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m. Persons having business at said court will take duo notice hereof and govern themselvosacoordinglY•G.\1,F1or,1iAN, affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debilityandall Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofoases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering. fellows. Actuatedby tufa motive and a desire to relieve num an aufferink, I -vela send freoof eharge,to all who desirelr, this recipo,in German,Frenah or English, with full direc tion s fa r preparing and using. Sent ' mail by addross:nw ith stamp, naming this nap or,W. d . Nova$ 149 .Power'sg I3loCC ecclrestse 11 'I' 910 THE DEAF. - -A person cured of _L Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it ram to any person whosapplies to NIoaIOLsol7, 177 McDougal street,: New York. BORN. FRANCIS —At Winchelsea, on May 10th, the wifeof Henty Francis jr, of a /laugh- tor,Ketse. n, on the thees li N lsot 'Keene, of t o dsughter. , Ssrrrii.- -Ia Usborue on the llth hist,, the the wife of 5, Smith of a son, iVARRIE U. tto,tnrtotisid,--•BnewNrees.—On the 8lli itiet. by the Rev. 5, F. liobineon at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, i±,xoter, Mr. W T. Boadlronle of I irkton, to Nellie', daughter of the late Mr. James Brown - DIED. Witso.r,•--In St, Marys outhe end inst., George Wildon, pllotograpbet, aged 57 ynn65 and a moritho. AtAIR.••--In St, Marys, on the 5t1) root. Itose Aird,, beloved wife ot john Adair, in ber 58th year, 1?RANors,—ln tfeborne on the letli inat Anti Ulitabeth infant daughter of Henry and"Tiiniily Freud's, aged S da;yg,, Clerk of Usborno Osborn e.`May, 10th ,1SSO �OULtTOF REVISION. The Court for Revision of the Assessment +'olio£ the TOWNSI-I CP OF HAY will be held at the Town Llai. Zurich on Sat- urday. May at-urday.May 25th,l8Sn at ten e'einck, a. m• All persons having business at said court will gov- ern themselves accordingly, S, FOSTER Clerk, IIay May 8 tit 1399. CIO (MI.' OF REVISION. ion of the.An sssruent' The Court for thnRevis Roll for th,• TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN forthe year 1080, will be held o the Town' It •all Drethton on Saturday, June 1st nt ten o'clock a, m.All persons lvlvintt business at said Court will govern themselves accordingly 0, Pnotilry Clerk, Stoplien, May Stb,1839, oEsyRoYe AND REMOVES WORM S r -ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR 1 dADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND QPNNOT'HARM THE MOST., 5. DE'LICATi=: CHILD raloaait 0R SALE. That property known n.s' tlto 'Metropolitan. House" at the Market square lixbter• The best stand in town Oenttally located I,ar"e airy rooms, heated by trot air Good ,satnplle rooms; in facteverY ecnvon,oae0 Good Stab- ling iii connoettan Will be sold rensonuble Possedsi0n giveenext fall. A taro eltaneo. For parttetilars amen' to 7 P I00ss, on tlrc'eremise.t rJlppT BEST YET l' THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIG GEST YET Overcoating's at any Price' , Suit" ins at any price ; Pantings at any price. est Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gontietnen 1, leate your orders only, for with the best staff of Tailors the lest stook of Fine Triminih'gs, and the best Cutting in Town, you are sure of satfsttre tion.II* 11111tirei+ than any other place in Exeter, Highest market price allowed i for farm produce at Parkinson's. l First Door North of the Town Hall. J,-rPARKK.IN SON. ---ARE USUALLY SOLD- --zALN CALL a'r— GI ap= l ' —ONLY FIRST-CLA:SS— eliable Goods At Prices Lower that so -cal- led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking in all its • Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C. & S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK SPRIAIG STV ` ,:a 11 --OF-- Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the— — Very Finest Prices for Cash --Wo have also on hand a full line of- 1SHELF and BUILDING HA D AR Fui Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Price 4 Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competiti Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and. Garden Seeds. ,- Eave-troughin Specialty, A call solicited. 0 0 LJ BISSETT BROS „ JAMES PICKAR Every Department 7,12 the Old .Esta bl,ishe now most complete, and full of the la movelt es. The French, English and American Millinery _ c be excelled. Tho stock of Dress Goods is larger cheaper than ever sho%vu. All the best makes of rich colored alld shot silks, Cheap. Parasols and Sun . a of every design bath long and short stems,; Fina zephers, plain zo hers. Sateens and Prints in endles let5•. A special lot of Swiss Embroideries > for 1)r (lovely goods.) Every lady should see our Dress mings (which contain all the latest novelties. Co b and inspect our stock. N of Dress -makers is s . B, --The attention l ogled to th© DressGooOs dapartmerlt. JAMES f� rat h1CK AHD Exet